"cheesy pickup lines are always the primary goal of any EVE game design choices" - CCP Falcon

Comparing Singularity_Previous (Build: 1214237) to Singularity_Next (Build: 1215564)

Est. patch size: 28mb

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New Items (2 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:47040>Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 Blueprint</url>
<url=showinfo:47041>New Eden Genome Amalgam</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
47040 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 Blueprint No Description Cyber Scanning Implant Blueprints
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 47040
radius: 1.0
raceID: 16
Mass: 0.0
Capacity: 0.0
Volume: 0.01
typeNameID: 531148
iconID: 10158
published: True
basePrice: 0.0
portionSize: 1
groupID: 1948
47041 - New Eden Genome Amalgam This peculiar object was extracted from a device intended to build a neural lace in the brain of any given subject from the various races of New Eden. While it is now inert, the structure of the object suggests that it is a nanite amalgam containing the necessary material and encoding to establish and adapt a unique neural lace according to the genetic makeup of the subject. It does appear to lack a source of energy and a control framework. This must have been provided by the device it was extracted from.

This object and its novel use of nanotechnology raises many questions.
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 531158
typeID: 47041
radius: 1.0
Mass: 1.0
Capacity: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
typeNameID: 531157
iconID: 10176
published: True
basePrice: 0.0
portionSize: 1
groupID: 314
Removed Items (1 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item usually means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
47031 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 Blueprint No Description Cyber Scanning Implant Blueprints

Changed Blueprints (2 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
47031 - Unnamed Blueprint BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 1:00:00
Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:1x
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Jove)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Minmatar)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Amarr)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Gallente)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Caldari)
1x Recovered Radioactive Materials
1x Biomechanical Interface Data
5x Synthetic Synapses
5x Gel-Matrix Biopaste

1x Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (47028)
No blueprint entry found. BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 1:00:00
Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:1x
1x 47020
1x 47021
1x 47022
1x 47023
1x 47024
1x 47026
1x 47027
5x 2346
5x 2348

1x 47028
No blueprint entry found.
47040 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 Blueprint No blueprint entry found. BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 1:00:00
Copy:3600 ME:3600 TE:3600 Limit:1x
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Jove)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Minmatar)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Amarr)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Gallente)
1x Project Discovery DNA Reference (Caldari)
1x Recovered Radioactive Materials
1x Biomechanical Interface Data
5x Synthetic Synapses
5x Gel-Matrix Biopaste

1x Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (47028)
BP Price: 0 ISK
Build Time: 1:00:00
Copy:3600 ME:3600 TE:3600 Limit:1x
1x 47020
1x 47021
1x 47022
1x 47023
1x 47024
1x 47026
1x 47027
5x 2346
5x 2348

1x 47028
Changed Reprocessing BETA (1 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning) No reprocessing data found. 1x Badly Mangled Components
1x New Eden Genome Amalgam
1x 3583
1x 47041

Changed Traits (0 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
Changes to Attributes (2 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
2735 - npcStructureStasisWebificationBonus attributeCategory: None => 5
attributeID: None => 2735
attributeName: None => npcStructureStasisWebificationBonus
categoryID: None => 42
defaultValue: None => 1.0
description: None =>
displayName: None =>
highIsGood: None => True
published: None => False
stackable: None => True
unitID: None => 104
2736 - npcStructureEnergyWarfareBonus attributeCategory: None => 5
attributeID: None => 2736
attributeName: None => npcStructureEnergyWarfareBonus
categoryID: None => 42
defaultValue: None => 1.0
description: None =>
displayName: None =>
highIsGood: None => True
published: None => False
stackable: None => True
unitID: None => 104
Attribute Changes per Type (25 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
45006 - ♦ Sotiyo (♦ Engineering Complex) npcStructureStasisWebificationBonus: None => 1.0
npcStructureEnergyWarfareBonus: None => 1.0
46320 - Elder War Monument (Large Collidable Object) descriptionID: None => 531156
46363 - Guristas Forward Operating Base (♦ Forward Operating Base) npcStructureStasisWebificationBonus: None => 1.2
npcStructureEnergyWarfareBonus: None => 1.5
46364 - Blood Raider Forward Operating Base (♦ Forward Operating Base) npcStructureStasisWebificationBonus: None => 1.2
npcStructureEnergyWarfareBonus: None => 1.5
46658 - Women's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531175
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46659 - Men's Caldari State Officer Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531174
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46660 - Women's Gallente Federation Command Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531173
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46661 - Women's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531172
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46662 - Men's Amarr Empire Command Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531171
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46663 - Women's Amarr Empire Command Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531170
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46664 - Men's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531169
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46665 - Men's Gallente Federation Command Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531168
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46666 - Men's Imperial War Reserves Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531167
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46667 - Men's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531166
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46668 - Women's Imperial War Reserves Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531165
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46669 - Women's Caldari State Officer Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531164
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46671 - Women's State Military Stockpile Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531163
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46672 - Men's State Military Stockpile Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531162
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46673 - Women's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531161
marketGroupID: None => 1405
46674 - Men's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket (Outer) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 531160
marketGroupID: None => 1399
46770 - Pashanai Bombing Monument (Large Collidable Object) descriptionID: None => 531153
47025 - Recovered Navigation Telemetry (Miscellaneous) volume: 1.0 => 0.1
iconID: 2038 => 2853
47027 - Biomechanical Interface Data (Miscellaneous) mass: 0.0 => 1.0
volume: 0.0 => 0.1
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning) requiredSkill1: None => 3411.0 (Cybernetics)
requiredSkill1Level: None => 5.0
implantness: None => 9.0
techLevel: None => 1.0
accessDifficultyBonusModifier: None => 10.0
virusCoherenceBonus: None => -40.0
virusStrengthBonus: None => 20.0
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.mass: 0.0 => None
capacity: 0.0 => None
volume: 0.01 => None
radius: 1.0 => None
raceID: 16 => None
published: True => None
basePrice: 0.0 => None
groupID: 1948 => None
iconID: 10158 => None
portionSize: 1 => None
typeID: 47031 => None
typeNameID: 531115 => None

Changes to Effects (1 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
7004 - npcStructureEwarBonus disallowAutoRepeat: None => False
displayName: None =>
effectCategory: None => 0
effectID: None => 7004
effectName: None => npcStructureEwarBonus
electronicChance: None => False
guid: None =>
isAssistance: None => False
isOffensive: None => False
isWarpSafe: None => False
modifierInfo: None


# Stasis Webification Range Modifier
- domain: shipID
func: LocationGroupModifier
groupID: 1441
modifiedAttributeID: 54
modifyingAttributeID: 2735
operator: 4
# Energy Neutralizer Range Modifier
- domain: shipID
func: LocationGroupModifier
groupID: 1329
modifiedAttributeID: 54
modifyingAttributeID: 2736
operator: 4
- domain: shipID
func: LocationGroupModifier
groupID: 1329
modifiedAttributeID: 2044
modifyingAttributeID: 2736
operator: 4
postExpression: None => 59
preExpression: None => 59
propulsionChance: None => False
published: None => False
rangeChance: None => False
resistanceID: None => 0
Effect Changes per Type (4 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
45006 - ♦ Sotiyo (♦ Engineering Complex) Added Effects:
npcStructureEwarBonus: None => False
Removed Effects:
chargeRateStructureModulesMultiply: False => None
46363 - Guristas Forward Operating Base (♦ Forward Operating Base) Added Effects:
npcStructureEwarBonus: None => False
46364 - Blood Raider Forward Operating Base (♦ Forward Operating Base) Added Effects:
npcStructureEwarBonus: None => False
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning) Added Effects:
accessDifficultyBonusModifierRequiringHacking: None => False
hackingSkillVirusBonus: None => False
hackingVirusStrengthBonus: None => False

Changed Clone State Access BETA (4 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 1 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (1 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
1 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning)
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 1 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (1 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
1 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning)
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 1 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (1 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
1 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning)
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 1 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (1 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
1 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
47028 - Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 (Cyber Scanning)

String Changes (52 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Notes
527189 <font color="#ff3399cc">+3% Max Velocity. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Overclocker’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Overclocker' lace hugely increases the efficiency of navigational processing relating to spatio-temporal drag factors and effectively increases subwarp velocity as the piloted ship takes greater advantage of local space-time topology.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+3% Max Velocity. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Overclocker’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Overclocker' lace increases the efficiency of navigational processing relating to spatio-temporal drag factors and effectively increases subwarp velocity as the piloted ship takes greater advantage of local space-time topology.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+3% Max Velocity. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Overclocker’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Overclocker' lace
hugely increases the efficiency of navigational processing relating to spatio-temporal drag factors and effectively increases subwarp velocity as the piloted ship takes greater advantage of local space-time topology.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Overclocker' SB3 Dose I" (typeID 46004)
527190 <font color="#ff3399cc">+5% Max Velocity. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Overclocker’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Overclocker' lace hugely increases the efficiency of navigational processing relating to spatio-temporal drag factors and effectively increases subwarp velocity as the piloted ship takes greater advantage of local space-time topology.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+5% Max Velocity. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Overclocker’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Overclocker' lace increases the efficiency of navigational processing relating to spatio-temporal drag factors and effectively increases subwarp velocity as the piloted ship takes greater advantage of local space-time topology.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+5% Max Velocity. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Overclocker’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Overclocker' lace
hugely increases the efficiency of navigational processing relating to spatio-temporal drag factors and effectively increases subwarp velocity as the piloted ship takes greater advantage of local space-time topology.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II" (typeID 46005)
527193 <font color="#ff3399cc">+5% Armor Repair, +5% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in finetuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nanorepairers throughout a ship's armor belt, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+5% Armor Repair, +5% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in fine-tuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nano-repairers throughout a ship's armor layers, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+5% Armor Repair, +5% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in fine
-tuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nano-repairers throughout a ship's armor beltlayers, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Hardshell' TB5 Dose II" (typeID 46002)
527194 <font color="#ff3399cc">+3% Armor Repair, +3% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in finetuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nanorepairers throughout a ship's armor belt, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+3% Armor Repair, +3% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in fine-tuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nano-repairers throughout a ship's armor layers, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+3% Armor Repair, +3% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in fine
-tuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nano-repairers throughout a ship's armor beltlayers, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Hardshell' TB3 Dose I" (typeID 46001)
527195 <font color="#ff3399cc">+7% Armor Repair, +7% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in finetuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nanorepairers throughout a ship's armor belt, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+7% Armor Repair, +7% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in fine-tuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nano-repairers throughout a ship's armor layers, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+7% Armor Repair, +7% Shield Booster. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Hardshell’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Hardshell' lace attaches to synaptic pathways involved in fine
-tuning field control at various energy levels, this allows an increase in shield booster efficiency and, through the low-energy fields that direct nano-repairers throughout a ship's armor beltlayers, an increase in repair rates.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Hardshell' TB7 Dose III" (typeID 46003)
528665 In YC118, the Sisters of EVE launched the Project Discovery citizen science platform to the capsuleer community through the GalNet.

Beginning on YC118.03.09, Project Discovery's Phase One Project was aimed at achieving a comprehensive categorization and analysis of tissue samples acquired from the Drifters since their emergence in early YC117.

Led by Professor Lundberg, Chief Scientist for the SOE advanced research division, Project Discovery Phase One was particularly successful in mapping out a comprehensive protein atlas from the Drifter tissue samples collected and analyzed during the term of the project.

Project Discovery Phase One came to an end on YC119.07.11, after 16 months of highly successful work. Project Discovery Phase Two is a new Exoplanets Hunting Program and is being operated under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor.
In YC118, the Sisters of EVE launched the Project Discovery citizen science platform to the capsuleer community through the GalNet.

Beginning on YC118.03.09, Project Discovery's Phase One work was aimed at achieving a comprehensive categorization and analysis of tissue samples acquired from the Drifters since their emergence in early YC117.

Led by Professor Emma Lundberg, Chief Scientist for the SOE advanced research division, Project Discovery Phase One was particularly successful in mapping out a comprehensive protein atlas from the Drifter tissue samples collected and analyzed during the term of the project.

Project Discovery Phase One came to an end on YC119.07.11, after 16 months of highly successful work. Project Discovery Phase Two is a new Exoplanets Hunting Program and is being operated under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor.

Please query the Phase One Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's tissue analysis work.


<font color="#ff3399cc">Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.</font>
In YC118, the Sisters of EVE launched the Project Discovery citizen science platform to the capsuleer community through the GalNet.

Beginning on YC118.03.09, Project Discovery's Phase One
Projectwork was aimed at achieving a comprehensive categorization and analysis of tissue samples acquired from the Drifters since their emergence in early YC117.

Led by Professor
Emma Lundberg, Chief Scientist for the SOE advanced research division, Project Discovery Phase One was particularly successful in mapping out a comprehensive protein atlas from the Drifter tissue samples collected and analyzed during the term of the project.

Project Discovery Phase One came to an end on YC119.07.11, after 16 months of highly successful work. Project Discovery Phase Two is a new Exoplanets Hunting Program and is being operated under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor.

Please query the Phase One Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's tissue analysis work.


<font color="#ff3399cc">Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.</font>
Item description for "Project Discovery Phase One Monument" (typeID 46263)
529223 Elder Fleet Attack Monument Elder War Monument Elder Fleet AttackWar Monument Item name for typeID 46320 (Large Collidable Object)
530152 <font color="#ff3399cc">+7% turret damage, +7% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that calibrations solutions can be tailored more finely and results in better damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+7% turret damage, +7% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that payload calibration solutions can be tailored more finely and results in improved damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+7% turret damage, +7% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that
payload calibrations solutions can be tailored more finely and results in betterimproved damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB7 Dose III" (typeID 46000)
530153 <font color="#ff3399cc">+5% turret damage, +5% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that calibrations solutions can be tailored more finely and results in better damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+5% turret damage, +5% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that payload calibration solutions can be tailored more finely and results in improved damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+5% turret damage, +5% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that
payload calibrations solutions can be tailored more finely and results in betterimproved damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB5 Dose II" (typeID 45999)
530154 <font color="#ff3399cc">+3% turret damage, +3% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that calibrations solutions can be tailored more finely and results in better damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc">+3% turret damage, +3% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that payload calibration solutions can be tailored more finely and results in improved damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+3% turret damage, +3% missile damage. Duration 30 minutes.</b></font>

A novel and powerful addition to the range of neural boosters available to capsuleers, the Agency's ‘Pyrolancea’ compounds introduce a temporary but highly adaptive neural lace into the user’s synaptic structures. This 'Pyrolancea' lace enhances neural centers involved in calibration of munitions payloads and weapons energy profiles on the fly during high-intensity combat. The increase in the processing available to the capsuleer means that
payload calibrations solutions can be tailored more finely and results in betterimproved damage yields against any given target.

Compounds with the Agency identifier are being seeded into target locations identified by the mysterious network ahead of sponsored operations. Entities occupying the target sites often collect the Agency's support drops themselves even if they realize what they must portend. The Agency’s novel method of supporting capsuleer operations is thought to be as much an experiment as it is an incentive for freelance pilots to take up the public contracts.
Item description for "Agency 'Pyrolancea' DB3 Dose I" (typeID 45998)
530315 JacketAGF01_Gallente_RW.type Women's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket JacketAGF01_Gallente_RW.typeWomen's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket Item name for typeID 46658 (Outer)
530316 JacketCMM01_Caldari.type Men's Caldari State Officer Jacket JacketCMM01_Caldari.typeMen's Caldari State Officer Jacket Item name for typeID 46659 (Outer)
530317 JacketAGF01_Gallente.type Women's Gallente Federation Command Jacket JacketAGF01_Gallente.typeWomen's Gallente Federation Command Jacket Item name for typeID 46660 (Outer)
530318 JacketCMF01_Minmatar_RW.type Women's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket JacketCMF01_Minmatar_RW.typeWomen's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket Item name for typeID 46661 (Outer)
530319 JacketAGM01_Amarr.type Men's Amarr Empire Command Jacket JacketAGM01_Amarr.typeMen's Amarr Empire Command Jacket Item name for typeID 46662 (Outer)
530320 JacketAGF01_Amarr.type Women's Amarr Empire Command Jacket JacketAGF01_Amarr.typeWomen's Amarr Empire Command Jacket Item name for typeID 46663 (Outer)
530321 JacketCMM01_Minmatar.type Men's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket JacketCMM01_Minmatar.typeMen's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket Item name for typeID 46664 (Outer)
530322 JacketAGM01_Gallente.type Men's Gallente Federation Command Jacket JacketAGM01_Gallente.typeMen's Gallente Federation Command Jacket Item name for typeID 46665 (Outer)
530323 JacketAGM01_Amarr_RW.type Men's Imperial War Reserves Jacket JacketAGM01_Amarr_RW.typeMen's Imperial War Reserves Jacket Item name for typeID 46666 (Outer)
530324 JacketAGM01_Gallente_RW.type Men's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket JacketAGM01_Gallente_RW.typeMen's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket Item name for typeID 46667 (Outer)
530325 JacketAGF01_Amarr_RW.type Women's Imperial War Reserves Jacket JacketAGF01_Amarr_RW.typeWomen's Imperial War Reserves Jacket Item name for typeID 46668 (Outer)
530326 JacketCMF01_Caldari.type Women's Caldari State Officer Jacket JacketCMF01_Caldari.typeWomen's Caldari State Officer Jacket Item name for typeID 46669 (Outer)
530327 JacketCMF01_Caldari_RW.type Women's State Military Stockpile Jacket JacketCMF01_Caldari_RW.typeWomen's State Military Stockpile Jacket Item name for typeID 46671 (Outer)
530328 JacketCMM01_Caldari_RW.type Men's State Military Stockpile Jacket JacketCMM01_Caldari_RW.typeMen's State Military Stockpile Jacket Item name for typeID 46672 (Outer)
530329 JacketCMF01_Minmatar.type Women's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket JacketCMF01_Minmatar.typeWomen's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket Item name for typeID 46673 (Outer)
530341 JacketCMM01_Minmatar_RW.type Men's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket JacketCMM01_Minmatar_RW.typeMen's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket Item name for typeID 46674 (Outer)
530715 Bloody Hands of Matar Attack Monument Pashanai Bombing Monument Bloody Hands of Matar AttackPashanai Bombing Monument Item name for typeID 46770 (Large Collidable Object)
531094 This data stream is incomplete but appears to be part of a navigation telemetry dataset. Perhaps something can be made of it with a bit of ingenuity.

This recovered data stream is incomplete but appears to be part of a navigation telemetry dataset. Perhaps something can be made of it with a bit of ingenuity.

This recovered data stream is incomplete but appears to be part of a navigation telemetry dataset. Perhaps something can be made of it with a bit of ingenuity.

Item description for "Recovered Navigation Telemetry" (typeID 47025)
531100 This biomechanical interface is designed set up a neural lace in the user's brain using mutated genetic sequences and nanites.

The properties of the resultant neural lace appear to improve network intrusion strength at the expense of network longevity.

+20 Virus Strength bonus for Data Analyzers.
-40 Virus Coherence bonus for Data Analyzers.
This biomechanical interface is evidently designed to set up a neural lace in the user's brain using mutated genetic sequences and nanites.

The properties of the resultant neural lace appear to improve intrusion virus strength at the expense of virus longevity making for an aggressive approach to hacking data networks.

+20 Virus Strength bonus for Data Analyzers.
-40 Virus Coherence bonus for Data Analyzers.
This biomechanical interface is evidently designed to set up a neural lace in the user's brain using mutated genetic sequences and nanites.

The properties of the resultant neural lace appear to improve
network intrusion virus strength at the expense of network longevityvirus longevity making for an aggressive approach to hacking data networks.

+20 Virus Strength bonus for Data Analyzers.
-40 Virus Coherence bonus for Data Analyzers.
Item description for "Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40" (typeID 47028)
531128 Daily alpha injection available Daily alpha injection available
531129 Daily alpha injection available Daily alpha injection available
531148 Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 Blueprint Neural Lace 'Blackglass' Net Intrusion 920-40 Blueprint Item name for typeID 47040 (Cyber Scanning Implant Blueprints)
531153 This monument honors the thousands of martyrs who lost their lives in the brutal terrorist attack against this station in YC112, including the esteemed High Deacon Mervan Moritok.
These dedicated servants of the Empire were slain by a cowardly bombing orchestrated by the so-called "Bloody Hands of Matar" terrorist organization.
Let this monument and the fully repaired Ministry of War station stand as testaments to the resilience of the Amarr Empire and as a commitment to bring the Empress' justice to all those who would seek to harm the Empire and its subjects.
This monument honors the thousands of martyrs who lost their lives in the brutal terrorist attack against this station in YC112, including the esteemed High Deacon Mervan Moritok.
These dedicated servants of the Empire were slain by a cowardly bombing orchestrated by the so-called "Bloody Hands of Matar" terrorist organization.
Let this monument and the fully repaired Ministry of War station stand as testaments to the resilience of the Amarr Empire and as a commitment to bring the Empress' justice to all those who would seek to harm the Empire and its subjects.
Item description for "Pashanai Bombing Monument" (typeID 46770)
531156 This monument honors the numerous heroes of the Empire who sacrificed their lives to repel the Minmatar Elder invasion of YC110.
It was placed by the order of Her Majesty Catiz Tash-Murkon, Empress of Amarr as imperial construction crews completed repairs of the nearby stations damaged in the attack.
This monument honors the numerous heroes of the Empire who sacrificed their lives to repel the Minmatar Elder invasion of YC110.
It was placed by the order of Her Majesty Catiz Tash-Murkon, Empress of Amarr as imperial construction crews completed repairs of the nearby stations damaged in the attack.
Item description for "Elder War Monument" (typeID 46320)
531157 New Eden Genome Amalgam New Eden Genome Amalgam Item name for typeID 47041 (Miscellaneous)
531158 This peculiar object was extracted from a device intended to build a neural lace in the brain of any given subject from the various races of New Eden. While it is now inert, the structure of the object suggests that it is a nanite amalgam containing the necessary material and encoding to establish and adapt a unique neural lace according to the genetic makeup of the subject. It does appear to lack a source of energy and a control framework. This must have been provided by the device it was extracted from.

This object and its novel use of nanotechnology raises many questions.
This peculiar object was extracted from a device intended to build a neural lace in the brain of any given subject from the various races of New Eden. While it is now inert, the structure of the object suggests that it is a nanite amalgam containing the necessary material and encoding to establish and adapt a unique neural lace according to the genetic makeup of the subject. It does appear to lack a source of energy and a control framework. This must have been provided by the device it was extracted from.

This object and its novel use of nanotechnology raises many questions.
Item description for "New Eden Genome Amalgam" (typeID 47041)
531160 Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Minmatar Republic's military, Republic Fleet Ordnance issues a variant in its own colors while varying the fabrics used. This tough yet impressive uniform jacket is often worn by logistics commanders and other ranking officers at Republic Fleet Ordnance mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Minmatar Republic's military, Republic Fleet Ordnance issues a variant in its own colors while varying the fabrics used. This tough yet impressive uniform jacket is often worn by logistics commanders and other ranking officers at Republic Fleet Ordnance mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Men's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket" (typeID 46674)
531161 The Minmatar Republic's military hierarchy has many officers acutely conscious of status within their circles and tribes, and it is not uncommon to encounter command level officers wearing very nicely tailored uniform jackets. Minmatar fashions fluctuate but an appreciation for earthy tones, patterned fabrics, and elegant cut and trim is unlikely to ever go out of style. The Minmatar Republic's military hierarchy has many officers acutely conscious of status within their circles and tribes, and it is not uncommon to encounter command level officers wearing very nicely tailored uniform jackets. Minmatar fashions fluctuate but an appreciation for earthy tones, patterned fabrics, and elegant cut and trim is unlikely to ever go out of style. Item description for "Women's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket" (typeID 46673)
531162 Though it follows the pattern of jackets sometimes adopted as uniform wear by officers in the Caldari State armed forces, the State Military Stockpile makes available a version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. This robust yet stylish uniform jacket is often worn by executive commanders of State Military Stockpile mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets sometimes adopted as uniform wear by officers in the Caldari State armed forces, the State Military Stockpile makes available a version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. This robust yet stylish uniform jacket is often worn by executive commanders of State Military Stockpile mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Men's State Military Stockpile Jacket" (typeID 46672)
531163 Though it follows the pattern of jackets sometimes adopted as uniform wear by officers in the Caldari State armed forces, the State Military Stockpile makes available a version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. This robust yet stylish uniform jacket is often worn by executive commanders of State Military Stockpile mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets sometimes adopted as uniform wear by officers in the Caldari State armed forces, the State Military Stockpile makes available a version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. This robust yet stylish uniform jacket is often worn by executive commanders of State Military Stockpile mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Women's State Military Stockpile Jacket" (typeID 46671)
531164 The Caldari State armed forces permit their officers to wear strikingly tailored jackets when on duty in command of ships or at other high level postings. As Caldari officers must interact with corporate executives from time to time, it is useful to wear clothing tailored to no less exacting standard than the suits and coats worn by megacorp officials. The Caldari State armed forces permit their officers to wear strikingly tailored jackets when on duty in command of ships or at other high level postings. As Caldari officers must interact with corporate executives from time to time, it is useful to wear clothing tailored to no less exacting standard than the suits and coats worn by megacorp officials. Item description for "Women's Caldari State Officer Jacket" (typeID 46669)
531165 Though it follows the pattern of jackets often worn by officers in the Amarr Empire military, the Imperial War Reserves issues its version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. The hard-wearing yet elegant jacket is usually seen being sported by commanding officers of Imperial War Reserves mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets often worn by officers in the Amarr Empire military, the Imperial War Reserves issues its version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. The hard-wearing yet elegant jacket is usually seen being sported by commanding officers of Imperial War Reserves mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Women's Imperial War Reserves Jacket" (typeID 46668)
531166 Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Gallente Federation armed forces, Federal Strategic Materiel makes available a variant in its own colors and choice of fabrics. This hard-wearing yet visually striking uniform jacket is often worn by command level officers at Strategic Materiel Jacket mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Gallente Federation armed forces, Federal Strategic Materiel makes available a variant in its own colors and choice of fabrics. This hard-wearing yet visually striking uniform jacket is often worn by command level officers at Strategic Materiel Jacket mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Men's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket" (typeID 46667)
531167 Though it follows the pattern of jackets often worn by officers in the Amarr Empire military, the Imperial War Reserves issues its version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. The hard-wearing yet elegant jacket is usually seen being sported by commanding officers of Imperial War Reserves mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets often worn by officers in the Amarr Empire military, the Imperial War Reserves issues its version in its own colors and varies the types of fabric used. The hard-wearing yet elegant jacket is usually seen being sported by commanding officers of Imperial War Reserves mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Men's Imperial War Reserves Jacket" (typeID 46666)
531168 Officers in the military forces of the Gallente Federation have a reputation for a certain flamboyance and this is sometimes reflected in their duty clothing. This authorized command jacket uses high quality, robust and comfortable materials, and is given a certain flair with the bold coloring used in its trim and detailing. Officers in the military forces of the Gallente Federation have a reputation for a certain flamboyance and this is sometimes reflected in their duty clothing. This authorized command jacket uses high quality, robust and comfortable materials, and is given a certain flair with the bold coloring used in its trim and detailing. Item description for "Men's Gallente Federation Command Jacket" (typeID 46665)
531169 The Minmatar Republic's military hierarchy has many officers acutely conscious of status within their circles and tribes, and it is not uncommon to encounter command level officers wearing very nicely tailored uniform jackets. Minmatar fashions fluctuate but an appreciation for earthy tones, patterned fabrics, and elegant cut and trim is unlikely to ever go out of style. The Minmatar Republic's military hierarchy has many officers acutely conscious of status within their circles and tribes, and it is not uncommon to encounter command level officers wearing very nicely tailored uniform jackets. Minmatar fashions fluctuate but an appreciation for earthy tones, patterned fabrics, and elegant cut and trim is unlikely to ever go out of style. Item description for "Men's Minmatar Republic Officer Jacket" (typeID 46664)
531170 Officers in the Amarr Empire military forces will often appear resplendent in even a command jacket worn on deck in a ship of the line. No doubt this is due to the elegant styling of the garments, combined with the use of quality fabrics, gold trim and gilded uniform elements. Officers in the Amarr Empire military forces will often appear resplendent in even a command jacket worn on deck in a ship of the line. No doubt this is due to the elegant styling of the garments, combined with the use of quality fabrics, gold trim and gilded uniform elements. Item description for "Women's Amarr Empire Command Jacket" (typeID 46663)
531171 Officers in the Amarr Empire military forces will often appear resplendent in even a command jacket worn on deck in a ship of the line. No doubt this is due to the elegant styling of the garments, combined with the use of quality fabrics, gold trim and gilded uniform elements. Officers in the Amarr Empire military forces will often appear resplendent in even a command jacket worn on deck in a ship of the line. No doubt this is due to the elegant styling of the garments, combined with the use of quality fabrics, gold trim and gilded uniform elements. Item description for "Men's Amarr Empire Command Jacket" (typeID 46662)
531172 Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Minmatar Republic's military, Republic Fleet Ordnance issues a variant in its own colors while varying the fabrics used. This tough yet impressive uniform jacket is often worn by logistics commanders and other ranking officers at Republic Fleet Ordnance mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Minmatar Republic's military, Republic Fleet Ordnance issues a variant in its own colors while varying the fabrics used. This tough yet impressive uniform jacket is often worn by logistics commanders and other ranking officers at Republic Fleet Ordnance mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Women's Republic Fleet Ordnance Jacket" (typeID 46661)
531173 Officers in the military forces of the Gallente Federation have a reputation for a certain flamboyance and this is sometimes reflected in their duty clothing. This authorized command jacket uses high quality, robust and comfortable materials, and is given a certain flair with the bold coloring used in its trim and detailing. Officers in the military forces of the Gallente Federation have a reputation for a certain flamboyance and this is sometimes reflected in their duty clothing. This authorized command jacket uses high quality, robust and comfortable materials, and is given a certain flair with the bold coloring used in its trim and detailing. Item description for "Women's Gallente Federation Command Jacket" (typeID 46660)
531174 The Caldari State armed forces permit their officers to wear strikingly tailored jackets when on duty in command of ships or at other high level postings. As Caldari officers must interact with corporate executives from time to time, it is useful to wear clothing tailored to no less exacting standard than the suits and coats worn by megacorp officials. The Caldari State armed forces permit their officers to wear strikingly tailored jackets when on duty in command of ships or at other high level postings. As Caldari officers must interact with corporate executives from time to time, it is useful to wear clothing tailored to no less exacting standard than the suits and coats worn by megacorp officials. Item description for "Men's Caldari State Officer Jacket" (typeID 46659)
531175 Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Gallente Federation armed forces, Federal Strategic Materiel makes available a variant in its own colors and choice of fabrics. This hard-wearing yet visually striking uniform jacket is often worn by command level officers at Strategic Materiel Jacket mining expeditions and supply bases. Though it follows the pattern of jackets commonly worn by officers in the Gallente Federation armed forces, Federal Strategic Materiel makes available a variant in its own colors and choice of fabrics. This hard-wearing yet visually striking uniform jacket is often worn by command level officers at Strategic Materiel Jacket mining expeditions and supply bases. Item description for "Women's Federal Strategic Materiel Jacket" (typeID 46658)

New Files (2 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
Changed Files (20 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
495 -> 495
203 -> 203
546 -> 547
6830 -> 6830
399 -> 399
443 -> 443
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
17242 -> 17243
2 -> 2
12010 -> 12019
2141 -> 2141
11 -> 11
11104 -> 11105
750 -> 750
0 -> 0
4508 -> 4508
10 -> 10
401 -> 401
12997 -> 13001

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