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Icon | TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
52841 - TestSpawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52841graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552056 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52842 - Structure | No Description | Large Collidable Structure | Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes.typeID: 52842graphicID: 24494 Capacity: 1000.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552074 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1000.0 wreckTypeID: 52784 radius: 371.0 published: False Mass: 1000.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 Shield Capacity: 40000.0 entityEquipmentMin: 0.0 Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0 Signature Radius: 8000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0 entityEquipmentMax: 3.0 entityLootCountMin: 0.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 |
52907 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD | No Description | Dreadnought | Click to toggle showing the 130 attributes.typeID: 52907graphicID: 24503 Capacity: 2400.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 135 isisGroupID: 32 typeNameID: 552372 basePrice: 1539006890.0 Volume: 18500000.0 soundID: 20061 radius: 1700.0 Meta Level: 0.0 factionID: 500026 published: False Mass: 1275000000.0 Tech Level: 1.0 groupID: 485 portionSize: 1 Item Damage: 0.0 Structure Hitpoints: 130000.0 Powergrid Output: 935000.0 Low Slots: 8.0 Medium Slots: 4.0 High Slots: 3.0 Power Load: 0.0 powerToSpeed: 1.0 warpFactor: 0.0 Maximum Velocity: 80.0 Signature Radius: 10000.0 CPU Output: 840.0 CPU Load: 0.0 Scan Resolution: 78.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 4200000.0 Sensor Warfare Resistance: 1.0 Weapon Disruption Resistance: 1.0 Target Painter Resistance: 1.0 Rig Size: 4.0 Remote Logistics Impedance: 1.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.044 armorUniformity: 0.75 Maximum Targeting Range: 102000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 shipBonusDreadnoughtPC1: 5.0 Remote Electronic Assistance Impedance: 1.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 1.5 shipBonusDreadnoughtPC3: -3.0 Launcher Hardpoints: 0.0 Turret Hardpoints: 1.0 Calibration: 400.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Rig Slots: 3.0 fwLpKill: 4000.0 mainColor: 16777215.0 maxPassengers: 999.0 Rig Slots: 3.0 uniformity: 1.0 maxDirectionalVelocity: 1000.0 minTargetVelDmgMultiplier: 0.5 warpCapacitorNeed: 1.38e-08 heatCapacityHi: 100.0 heatDissipationRate: 0.01 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 heatDissipationRateHi: 0.01 heatDissipationRateLow: 0.01 heatCapacityMed: 100.0 heatCapacityLow: 100.0 Primary Skill required: 20533.0 Secondary Skill required: 52997.0 Tertiary Skill required: 3456.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 Entosis Assistance Impedance: 1e-05 fighterAbilityAntiCapitalMissileResistance: 1.0 heatGenerationMultiplier: 0.35 Maximum Operational Distance: 5000.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 43.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 Jump Harmonics: -5.0 Color Scheme: 11313.0 Heat Attenuation: 0.72 heatAttenuationMed: 0.7 heatAttenuationMed: 0.81 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Drone Bandwidth: 0.0 Capital Sized Vessel: 1.0 shipBonusRole1: 100.0 shipBonusRole2: -50.0 Ship Warp Speed: 1.0 Shield Capacity: 58800.0 Armor Hitpoints: 170000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.8 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: 1.0 Drone Capacity: 0.0 Agility Bonus: 1.0 Onboard Jump Drive: 1.0 Jump Drive Fuel Need: 16274.0 Maximum Jump Range: 3.5 Jump Drive Consumption Amount: 3000.0 jumpDriveDuration: 300000.0 advancedCapitalAgility: 1.0 shipBonusDreadnoughtPC2: -4.0 fighterAbilityKamikazeResistance: 1.0 Jump Drive Capacitor Need: 0.95 hasShipMaintenanceBay: 1.0 Ship Maintenance Bay Capacity: 1000000.0 hasFleetHangars: 1.0 Fleet Hangar Capacity: 10000.0 Stasis Webifier Resistance: 1.0 Banned in High Sec Space: 1.0 Gate Scramble Status: 0.0 Fuel Bay Capacity: 8000.0 Targeting Speed: 8300.0 Shield recharge time: 15000000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 56000.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 entosisDurationMultiplier: 5.0 Capacitor Warfare Resistance: 1.0 |
52915 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPON | No Description | Precursor Weapon | Click to toggle showing the 43 attributes.typeID: 52915graphicID: 24504 Capacity: 5.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 135 typeNameID: 552374 iconID: 21921 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1600.0 radius: 1.0 Meta Level: 0.0 published: False Mass: 40000.0 Tech Level: 1.0 groupID: 1986 portionSize: 1 Charge size: 4.0 Reload Time: 0.01 Can be fitted to: 52907.0 Activation Cost: 384.0 Structure Hitpoints: 40.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 requiredSkill2Level: 5.0 heatDissipationRateModifier: 0.01 Powergrid Usage: 825000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.0545 Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05 Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5 slots occupied: 1.0 CPU usage: 480.0 Rate of fire: 12160.0 Optimal Range: 52000.0 Secondary Skill required: 3300.0 Charges Per Cycle: 1.0 Overload damage bonus: 15.0 Heat Damage: 13.3 Required Thermodynamics Level: 1.0 targetModule: 0.0 Damage Modifier: 2.55 Primary Skill required: 52998.0 Used with (Charge Group): 1987.0 Color Scheme: 11313.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 |
52916 - Baryon Exotic Plasma XL | No Description | Exotic Plasma Charge | Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes.typeID: 52916Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 135 typeNameID: 552375 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1.0 groupID: 1987 portionSize: 5000 Charge size: 4.0 Item Damage: 0.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1.0 entityFlyRangeMultiplier: 0.5 metaGroupID: 0.0 Base Shield Damage: 0.0 EM damage: 0.0 Explosive damage: 644.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Thermal damage: 980.0 Used with (Launcher Group): 1986.0 Range bonus: 1.1 Tracking Speed Multiplier: 1.0 mainColor: 11646664.0 Capacitor Need Bonus: 0.0 Base Armor Damage: 0.0 |
52917 - High-Grade Mimesis Alpha | This ocular filter is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Cyberimplant | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 552377typeID: 52917 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552376 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 2053 basePrice: 800000.0 marketGroupID: 618 (Implant Slot 01) metaGroupID: 2 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 300 portionSize: 1 |
52918 - High-Grade Mimesis Beta | This memory augmentation is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Cyberimplant | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 552379typeID: 52918 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552378 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 2061 basePrice: 800000.0 marketGroupID: 619 (Implant Slot 02) metaGroupID: 2 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 300 portionSize: 1 |
52919 - High-Grade Mimesis Delta | This cybernetic subprocessor is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Cyberimplant | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 552381typeID: 52919 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552380 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 2062 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 621 (Implant Slot 04) metaGroupID: 2 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 300 portionSize: 1 |
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon | This social adaptation chip is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Cyberimplant | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 552383typeID: 52920 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552382 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 2060 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 622 (Implant Slot 05) metaGroupID: 2 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 300 portionSize: 1 |
52921 - High-Grade Mimesis Gamma | This neural boost is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Cyberimplant | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 552385typeID: 52921 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552384 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 2054 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 620 (Implant Slot 03) metaGroupID: 2 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 300 portionSize: 1 |
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega | This implant is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Cyberimplant | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 552387typeID: 52922 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552386 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 2224 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1506 (Implant Slot 06) metaGroupID: 2 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 300 portionSize: 1 |
52923 - Imperial Navy Sentinel | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52923graphicID: 3365 Capacity: 165.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552400 basePrice: 2401508.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 28100.0 wreckTypeID: 26480 radius: 39.0 published: False Mass: 1223200.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52924 - Imperial Navy Deacon | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52924graphicID: 21220 Capacity: 250.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552401 basePrice: 2000000.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 28700.0 wreckTypeID: 26480 radius: 20.5 published: False Mass: 1630000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52925 - Imperial Navy Crusader | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52925graphicID: 1921 Capacity: 90.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552402 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 28100.0 wreckTypeID: 26480 radius: 27.0 published: False Mass: 1050000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52926 - Imperial Navy Guardian | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52926graphicID: 1916 Capacity: 465.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552403 basePrice: 12567518.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 115000.0 wreckTypeID: 26478 radius: 80.0 published: False Mass: 11980000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52927 - Imperial Navy Zealot | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52927graphicID: 1751 Capacity: 440.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552404 basePrice: 17956216.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 118000.0 wreckTypeID: 26478 radius: 134.43 published: False Mass: 12580000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52928 - Imperial Navy Pilgrim | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52928graphicID: 1914 Capacity: 315.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552405 basePrice: 15013042.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 120000.0 wreckTypeID: 26478 radius: 131.0 published: False Mass: 11370000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52929 - Imperial Navy Harbinger | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52929graphicID: 20227 Capacity: 375.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552406 basePrice: 38500000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 234000.0 wreckTypeID: 26469 radius: 199.0 published: False Mass: 15500000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52930 - Imperial Navy Armageddon | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52930graphicID: 3814 Capacity: 875.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552408 basePrice: 66250000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 486000.0 wreckTypeID: 26470 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 105200000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52931 - Imperial Navy Apocalypse | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52931graphicID: 2239 Capacity: 790.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552407 basePrice: 108750000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 495000.0 wreckTypeID: 26470 radius: 400.0 published: False Mass: 97100000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52932 - State Navy Kitsune | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52932graphicID: 3364 Capacity: 160.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552409 basePrice: 2426356.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 19400.0 wreckTypeID: 26502 radius: 41.0 published: False Mass: 1228700.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52933 - State Navy Kirin | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 20000.0typeID: 52933 graphicID: 21218 Capacity: 270.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552410 basePrice: 2000000.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26502 radius: 27.0 variationParentTypeID: 582 published: False Mass: 1480000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52934 - State Navy Raptor | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 18000.0typeID: 52934 graphicID: 1878 Capacity: 92.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552411 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26502 radius: 33.0 factionID: 500001 published: False Mass: 1050000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52935 - State Navy Basilisk | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52935graphicID: 11865 Capacity: 485.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552412 basePrice: 13340104.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 107000.0 wreckTypeID: 26500 radius: 174.0 published: False Mass: 13130000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52936 - State Navy Cerberus | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52936graphicID: 1825 Capacity: 650.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552413 basePrice: 17950950.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 92000.0 wreckTypeID: 26500 radius: 202.0 published: False Mass: 12720000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52937 - State Navy Rook | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52937graphicID: 1847 Capacity: 305.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552414 basePrice: 15001492.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 96000.0 wreckTypeID: 26500 radius: 131.0 published: False Mass: 12730000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52938 - State Navy Drake | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52938graphicID: 20283 Capacity: 450.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552415 basePrice: 38000000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 252000.0 wreckTypeID: 26491 radius: 263.0 published: False Mass: 13500000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52939 - State Navy Scorpion | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52939graphicID: 3815 Capacity: 815.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552416 basePrice: 71250000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 468000.0 wreckTypeID: 26492 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 103600000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52940 - State Navy Raven | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.Volume: 486000.0typeID: 52940 graphicID: 2123 Capacity: 800.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552418 basePrice: 108750000.0 metaGroupID: 4 wreckTypeID: 26492 radius: 250.0 variationParentTypeID: 609 factionID: 500001 published: False Mass: 97300000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52941 - Federal Navy Keres | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52941graphicID: 1913 Capacity: 175.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552419 basePrice: 2428948.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 23000.0 wreckTypeID: 26524 radius: 31.0 published: False Mass: 1204500.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52947 - Federal Navy Thalia | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52947graphicID: 21217 Capacity: 280.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552420 basePrice: 2000000.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 10000.0 wreckTypeID: 26524 radius: 35.0 published: False Mass: 1450000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52948 - Federal Navy Taranis | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52948graphicID: 1912 Capacity: 92.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552421 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 22500.0 wreckTypeID: 26524 radius: 24.0 published: False Mass: 1060000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52949 - Federal Navy Oneiros | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52949graphicID: 2141 Capacity: 600.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552422 basePrice: 12691246.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 113000.0 wreckTypeID: 26522 radius: 224.0 published: False Mass: 13160000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52950 - Federal Navy Deimos | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 112000.0typeID: 52950 graphicID: 11859 Capacity: 415.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552423 basePrice: 17062588.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26522 radius: 149.0 variationParentTypeID: 627 published: False Mass: 11460000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52951 - Federal Navy Lachesis | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52951graphicID: 2140 Capacity: 320.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552424 basePrice: 15072684.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 116000.0 wreckTypeID: 26522 radius: 79.0 published: False Mass: 12070000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52952 - Federal Navy Brutix | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52952graphicID: 20229 Capacity: 475.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552425 basePrice: 27000000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 270000.0 wreckTypeID: 26513 radius: 196.0 published: False Mass: 11800000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52953 - Federal Navy Dominix | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 454500.0typeID: 52953 graphicID: 2138 Capacity: 845.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552426 basePrice: 62500000.0 metaGroupID: 4 wreckTypeID: 26514 radius: 250.0 factionID: 500004 published: False Mass: 97100000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52954 - Federal Navy Megathron | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52954graphicID: 2139 Capacity: 840.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552427 basePrice: 108750000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 486000.0 wreckTypeID: 26514 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 98400000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52955 - Republic Fleet Hyena | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52955graphicID: 1973 Capacity: 150.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552428 basePrice: 2084040.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 17400.0 wreckTypeID: 26546 radius: 29.0 published: False Mass: 1191300.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52956 - Republic Fleet Scalpel | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 17100.0typeID: 52956 graphicID: 21219 Capacity: 260.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552429 basePrice: 2000000.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26546 radius: 31.0 variationParentTypeID: 599 published: False Mass: 1420000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52957 - Republic Fleet Claw | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 17400.0typeID: 52957 graphicID: 1928 Capacity: 94.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552430 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26546 radius: 30.0 factionID: 500002 published: False Mass: 1100000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52958 - Republic Fleet Scimitar | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52958graphicID: 1778 Capacity: 440.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552431 basePrice: 12450072.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 89000.0 wreckTypeID: 26544 radius: 134.0 published: False Mass: 12090000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52959 - Republic Fleet Muninn | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 96000.0typeID: 52959 graphicID: 1925 Capacity: 515.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552432 basePrice: 17062768.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26544 radius: 88.0 factionID: 500002 published: False Mass: 11000000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52960 - Republic Fleet Huginn | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Volume: 85000.0typeID: 52960 graphicID: 1945 Capacity: 315.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552433 basePrice: 14988558.0 metaGroupID: 2 wreckTypeID: 26544 radius: 133.0 variationParentTypeID: 630 published: False Mass: 11550000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52961 - Republic Fleet Hurricane | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52961graphicID: 20230 Capacity: 425.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552434 basePrice: 36500000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 216000.0 wreckTypeID: 26535 radius: 246.0 published: False Mass: 12800000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52962 - Republic Fleet Typhoon | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52962graphicID: 2160 Capacity: 750.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552435 basePrice: 75000000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 414000.0 wreckTypeID: 26536 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 102600000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52963 - Republic Fleet Tempest | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52963graphicID: 2642 Capacity: 815.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552436 basePrice: 108750000.0 metaGroupID: 4 Volume: 486000.0 wreckTypeID: 26536 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 103300000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52964 - Imperial Navy Revelation | No Description | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52964graphicID: 2743 Capacity: 2175.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552437 basePrice: 1539006890.0 Volume: 18500000.0 wreckTypeID: 26475 radius: 1700.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 4034 portionSize: 1 |
52965 - State Navy Phoenix | No Description | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52965graphicID: 2786 Capacity: 2750.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 552438 basePrice: 1541551100.0 Volume: 16250000.0 wreckTypeID: 26497 radius: 1700.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 4035 portionSize: 1 |
52966 - Federal Navy Moros | No Description | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52966graphicID: 2744 Capacity: 2550.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 552439 basePrice: 1549802570.0 Volume: 17550000.0 wreckTypeID: 26519 radius: 1613.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 4036 portionSize: 1 |
52967 - Republic Fleet Naglfar | No Description | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.typeID: 52967graphicID: 2755 Capacity: 2900.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 2 typeNameID: 552440 basePrice: 1523044240.0 Volume: 15500000.0 wreckTypeID: 26541 radius: 1700.0 factionID: 500002 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 |
52972 - High-Grade Mimesis Alpha Blueprint | No Description | Implant Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52972Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552458 iconID: 2053 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 724 portionSize: 1 |
52974 - High-Grade Mimesis Beta Blueprint | No Description | Implant Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52974Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552459 iconID: 2053 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 724 portionSize: 1 |
52975 - High-Grade Mimesis Delta Blueprint | No Description | Implant Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52975Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552460 iconID: 2062 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 724 portionSize: 1 |
52976 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon Blueprint | No Description | Implant Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52976Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552461 iconID: 2060 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 724 portionSize: 1 |
52977 - High-Grade Mimesis Gamma Blueprint | No Description | Implant Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52977Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552462 iconID: 2054 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 724 portionSize: 1 |
52978 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega Blueprint | No Description | Implant Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 52978Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552463 iconID: 2224 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 2 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 2 groupID: 724 portionSize: 1 |
52981 - Triglavian Gate Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52981graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552470 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52982 - Triglavian Pocket Spawner | No Description | #System | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 52982Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552473 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 0 portionSize: 1 |
52983 - Triglavian Dread Wave Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52983graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552475 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52984 - Triglavian Structure Wave Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52984graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552477 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52985 - Triglavian Dread Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52985graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552479 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52986 - Empire Gate Spawner | No Description | #System | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 52986Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552481 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 0 portionSize: 1 |
52987 - Empire Pocket Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52987graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552482 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52988 - Empire Dread Wave Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52988graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552483 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52989 - Empire Structure Wave Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52989graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552484 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52990 - Empire Dread Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52990graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552485 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52991 - Empire Friendly Dread Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52991graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552487 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52992 - Trig Friendly Dread Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 52992graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552488 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
52997 - Precursor Dreadnought | Skill at operating precursor dreadnoughts. | Spaceship Command | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 552502typeID: 52997 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552499 iconID: 33 basePrice: 150000000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 257 portionSize: 1 requiredSkill2Level: 3.0 requiredSkill3Level: 1.0 Level: 0.0 Training time multiplier : 12.0 Primary attribute: 167.0 Secondary attribute: 168.0 Primary Skill required: 20533.0 Secondary Skill required: 47869.0 Tertiary Skill required: 22043.0 canNotBeTrainedOnTrial: 1.0 requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 |
52998 - Capital Precursor Weapon | Operation of capital precursor weapons. 5% Bonus to capital precursor weapon damage per level. | Gunnery | Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes.descriptionID: 552501typeID: 52998 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 135 typeNameID: 552500 iconID: 33 basePrice: 15000000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 255 portionSize: 1 requiredSkill2Level: 5.0 canNotBeTrainedOnTrial: 1.0 Training time multiplier : 7.0 Primary attribute: 167.0 Secondary attribute: 168.0 Primary Skill required: 3300.0 Secondary Skill required: 47872.0 Damage Multiplier Bonus: 5.0 requiredSkill1Level: 5.0 |
53025 - Triglavian Dreadnought Wreck | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 552621typeID: 53025 graphicID: 3098 Capacity: 27500.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552620 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 Access Difficulty: 10.0 Signature Radius: 5000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 |
53029 - PLACEHOLDER DREAD BLUEPRINT | No Description | Dreadnought Blueprint | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53029graphicID: 24503 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552642 basePrice: 2000000000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 537 portionSize: 1 |
53030 - PLACEHOLDER XL WEAPON BLUEPRINT | No Description | Precursor Weapon Blueprint | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53030Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552643 iconID: 2841 basePrice: 43006260.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1990 portionSize: 1 |
53031 - PLACEHOLDER XL AMMO BLUEPRINT | No Description | Advanced Exotic Plasma Charge Blueprint | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53031graphicID: 1145 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552659 iconID: 1145 basePrice: 30000000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1994 portionSize: 1 |
53032 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT BLUEPRINT | No Description | Capital Construction Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53032Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552660 iconID: 2872 basePrice: 1393368000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 915 portionSize: 1 |
53033 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR BLUEPRINT | No Description | Capital Construction Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53033Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552661 iconID: 2872 basePrice: 1393368000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 915 portionSize: 1 |
53034 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE BLUEPRINT | No Description | Capital Construction Blueprints | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53034Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552662 iconID: 2872 basePrice: 1393368000.0 Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 915 portionSize: 1 |
53035 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT | No Description | Capital Construction Components | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53035Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552663 iconID: 2872 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 10000.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 873 portionSize: 1 |
53036 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR | No Description | Capital Construction Components | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53036Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552664 iconID: 2872 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 10000.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 873 portionSize: 1 |
53037 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE | No Description | Capital Construction Components | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53037Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552665 iconID: 2872 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 10000.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 873 portionSize: 1 |
53038 - 53038_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Black.png | No Description | Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53038Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552666 iconID: 24167 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53039 - 53039_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Blue.png | No Description | Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53039Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552667 iconID: 24168 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53040 - 53040_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_GoldDesign.png | No Description | Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53040Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552668 iconID: 24169 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53041 - 53041_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Red.png | No Description | Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53041Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552669 iconID: 24170 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53042 - 53042_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_WhiteDesign.png | No Description | Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53042Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552670 iconID: 24171 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53043 - 53043_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_YellowDesign.png | No Description | Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53043Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552671 iconID: 24172 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53045 - PLACEHOLDER TFU 06 | No Description | Large Collidable Structure | typeID: 53045 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552737 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 |
53046 - PLACEHOLDER CFU 1 | No Description | Large Collidable Structure | typeID: 53046 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552738 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 |
53047 - PLACEHOLDER CONCORD STELLAR OBSERVATORY | No Description | Large Collidable Structure | typeID: 53047 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552739 published: False Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 basePrice: 0.0 Mass: 0.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 |
53068 - Triglavian Destroyer Wreck | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 552823typeID: 53068 graphicID: 3117 Capacity: 27500.0 typeNameID: 552822 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 Access Difficulty: 30.0 Signature Radius: 5000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 700.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001 |
53069 - Triglavian Elite Frigate Wreck | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 552825typeID: 53069 graphicID: 3117 Capacity: 27500.0 typeNameID: 552824 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 Access Difficulty: -10.0 Signature Radius: 5000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 700.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001 |
53070 - Triglavian Elite Cruiser Wreck | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 552827typeID: 53070 graphicID: 3116 Capacity: 27500.0 typeNameID: 552826 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 Access Difficulty: -10.0 Signature Radius: 5000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 700.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001 |
53071 - Triglavian Elite Destroyer Wreck | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 552829typeID: 53071 graphicID: 3117 Capacity: 27500.0 typeNameID: 552828 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 Access Difficulty: -10.0 Signature Radius: 5000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 700.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001 |
53072 - Triglavian Battlecruiser Wreck | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 552831typeID: 53072 graphicID: 3116 Capacity: 27500.0 typeNameID: 552830 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 Access Difficulty: 30.0 Signature Radius: 5000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 700.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001 |
53080 - Survey Array | Generic structures such as this one have been modified to fit their special purpose. In this case, the antennae and dishes are set up to gather astronavigational data and survey the surrounding asteroids for materials. Momentum wheels and photovoltaic cells are common on these devices but can be swapped out for other options. | Large Collidable Structure | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552883typeID: 53080 graphicID: 2412 Capacity: 10000.0 typeNameID: 552882 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 100000000.0 soundID: 20195 radius: 4300.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 |
53081 - Survey Ship | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53081graphicID: 21397 Capacity: 27500.0 typeNameID: 552884 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 100.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53082 - Astronavigational Tracking Program | No Description | Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53082Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552885 iconID: 2885 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1840 (Covert Research Tools) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 526 portionSize: 1 |
53083 - Survey Data | No Description | Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53083Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552886 iconID: 2338 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1840 (Covert Research Tools) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 526 portionSize: 1 |
53084 - Drone Hive | No Description | Deadspace Overseer's Sentry | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53084graphicID: 2566 Capacity: 1000.0 typeNameID: 552892 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1000.0 soundID: 31 radius: 4500.0 published: False Mass: 1000.0 groupID: 495 portionSize: 1 |
53085 - Supply Cache | No Description | Scatter Container | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 53085graphicID: 20298 Capacity: 2700.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552893 iconID: 16 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 soundID: 20182 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 1207 portionSize: 1 |
53086 - Drone Lookout | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53086graphicID: 2586 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552894 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 400.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53087 - Wrecked Prospector Ship | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53087graphicID: 3116 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 552895 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 40.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53088 - Wrecked Battleship | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53088graphicID: 21367 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552896 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 200.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53089 - Wrecked Dreadnought | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 53089graphicID: 3112 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 552897 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53090 - Wrecked Battleship | No Description | Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 53090graphicID: 21398 Capacity: 27500.0 raceID: 16 typeNameID: 552898 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 100.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53091 - Defensive Ship Module | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers.
These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. |
Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552904typeID: 53091 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552903 iconID: 21725 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53092 - Daily Gift 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II | <font color="#ff3399cc">+5% Max Velocity. Duration 60 minutes.</font>
This modified version of the standard Agency 'Overclocker' line of boosters will be consumed instantly when redeemed, and boasts an extended effect duration. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552911typeID: 53092 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552910 iconID: 21840 basePrice: 32768.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 |
53093 - Frigate-Class Starship | This crate contains a frigate-class starship from your faction's combat line.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 security agent missions as well as inexpensive pvp combat against other capsuleers. |
Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552916typeID: 53093 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552915 iconID: 1443 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 2500.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53094 - Destroyer Skillbook | This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552918typeID: 53094 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552917 iconID: 33 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53095 - Destroyer-Class Starship | This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively. These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation. |
Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552920typeID: 53095 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552919 iconID: 1443 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5000.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53096 - Cruiser Starship Blueprint | This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line.
Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities. This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market. |
Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552922typeID: 53096 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552921 iconID: 3010 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53097 - Frigate SKIN | This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552941typeID: 53097 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552940 iconID: 22093 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53098 - Destroyer SKIN | This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 552943typeID: 53098 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 552942 iconID: 22093 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53129 - Apocalypse Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53129Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553020 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1964 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Apocalypse Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2404 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8252 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [642] skin_licenseTypeID: 53129 Applies to: Apocalypse isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53130 - Arbitrator Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53130Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553021 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1990 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Arbitrator Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2404 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8253 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [628] skin_licenseTypeID: 53130 Applies to: Arbitrator isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53131 - Prophecy Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53131Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553022 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1956 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Prophecy Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2404 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8254 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16233] skin_licenseTypeID: 53131 Applies to: Prophecy isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53132 - Coercer Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53132Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553023 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1994 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Coercer Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2404 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8255 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16236] skin_licenseTypeID: 53132 Applies to: Coercer isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53133 - Caracal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53133Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553024 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Caracal Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2405 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8256 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [621] skin_licenseTypeID: 53133 Applies to: Caracal isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53134 - Scorpion Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53134Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553025 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Scorpion Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2405 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8257 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [640] skin_licenseTypeID: 53134 Applies to: Scorpion isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53135 - Drake Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53135Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553026 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1957 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Drake Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2405 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8258 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24698] skin_licenseTypeID: 53135 Applies to: Drake isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53136 - Cormorant Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53136Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553027 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Cormorant Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2405 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8259 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16238] skin_licenseTypeID: 53136 Applies to: Cormorant isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53137 - Thorax Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53137Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553028 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1992 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Thorax Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2406 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8260 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [627] skin_licenseTypeID: 53137 Applies to: Thorax isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53138 - Megathron Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53138Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553029 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1966 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Megathron Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2406 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8261 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [641] skin_licenseTypeID: 53138 Applies to: Megathron isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53139 - Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53139Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553030 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2030 (Pirate Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2406 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8262 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [17720] skin_licenseTypeID: 53139 Applies to: Cynabal isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53140 - Algos Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53140Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553031 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1996 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Algos Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2406 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8263 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [32872] skin_licenseTypeID: 53140 Applies to: Algos isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53141 - Stabber Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53141Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553032 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1993 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Stabber Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2407 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8264 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [622] skin_licenseTypeID: 53141 Applies to: Stabber isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53142 - Typhoon Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53142Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553033 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1967 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Typhoon Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2407 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8265 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [644] skin_licenseTypeID: 53142 Applies to: Typhoon isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53143 - Hurricane Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53143Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553034 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1959 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Hurricane Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2407 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8266 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24702] skin_licenseTypeID: 53143 Applies to: Hurricane isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53144 - Talwar Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53144Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553035 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1997 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Talwar Abyssal Firestorm skin_skinMaterialID: 2407 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8267 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [32878] skin_licenseTypeID: 53144 Applies to: Talwar isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53149 - Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553069typeID: 53149 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553068 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Bantam Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553067 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8268 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [582] skin_licenseTypeID: 53149 Applies to: Bantam isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53150 - Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553072typeID: 53150 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553071 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Condor Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553070 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8269 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [583] skin_licenseTypeID: 53150 Applies to: Condor isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53151 - Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553075typeID: 53151 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553074 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Griffin Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553073 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8270 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [584] skin_licenseTypeID: 53151 Applies to: Griffin isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53152 - Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553078typeID: 53152 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553077 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Heron Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553076 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8271 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [605] skin_licenseTypeID: 53152 Applies to: Heron isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53153 - Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553081typeID: 53153 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553080 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553079 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8272 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [602] skin_licenseTypeID: 53153 Applies to: Kestrel isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53154 - Merlin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553084typeID: 53154 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553083 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Merlin Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553082 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8273 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [603] skin_licenseTypeID: 53154 Applies to: Merlin isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53155 - Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553087typeID: 53155 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553086 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2048 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Harpy Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553085 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8274 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11381] skin_licenseTypeID: 53155 Applies to: Harpy isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53156 - Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553090typeID: 53156 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553089 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2048 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Hawk Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553088 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8275 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11379] skin_licenseTypeID: 53156 Applies to: Hawk isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53157 - Buzzard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553093typeID: 53157 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553092 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2052 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Buzzard Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553091 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8276 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11192] skin_licenseTypeID: 53157 Applies to: Buzzard isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53158 - Manticore Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553096typeID: 53158 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553095 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2052 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Manticore Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553094 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8277 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [12032] skin_licenseTypeID: 53158 Applies to: Manticore isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53159 - Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553099typeID: 53159 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553098 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2056 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553097 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8278 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11194] skin_licenseTypeID: 53159 Applies to: Kitsune isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53160 - Crow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553102typeID: 53160 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553101 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2060 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Crow Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553100 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8279 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11176] skin_licenseTypeID: 53160 Applies to: Crow isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53161 - Raptor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553105typeID: 53161 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553104 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2060 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Raptor Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553103 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8280 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11178] skin_licenseTypeID: 53161 Applies to: Raptor isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53162 - Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553108typeID: 53162 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553107 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2138 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Kirin Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553106 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8281 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [37458] skin_licenseTypeID: 53162 Applies to: Kirin isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53163 - Caldari Navy Hookbill Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553111typeID: 53163 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553110 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2000 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Caldari Navy Hookbill Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553109 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8282 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [17619] skin_licenseTypeID: 53163 Applies to: Caldari Navy Hookbill isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53164 - Griffin Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553114typeID: 53164 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553113 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2000 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Griffin Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553112 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8283 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [37455] skin_licenseTypeID: 53164 Applies to: Griffin Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53165 - Corax Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553117typeID: 53165 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553116 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Corax Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553115 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8284 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [32876] skin_licenseTypeID: 53165 Applies to: Corax isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53166 - Cormorant Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553120typeID: 53166 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553119 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Cormorant Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553118 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8285 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16238] skin_licenseTypeID: 53166 Applies to: Cormorant isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53167 - Stork Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553123typeID: 53167 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553122 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2143 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Stork Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553121 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8286 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [37482] skin_licenseTypeID: 53167 Applies to: Stork isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53168 - Flycatcher Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553126typeID: 53168 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553125 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2039 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Flycatcher Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553124 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8287 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [22464] skin_licenseTypeID: 53168 Applies to: Flycatcher isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53169 - Jackdaw Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553129typeID: 53169 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553128 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2391 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Jackdaw Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553127 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8288 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [34828] skin_licenseTypeID: 53169 Applies to: Jackdaw isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53170 - Blackbird Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553132typeID: 53170 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553131 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Blackbird Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553130 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8289 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [632] skin_licenseTypeID: 53170 Applies to: Blackbird isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53171 - Caracal Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553135typeID: 53171 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553134 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Caracal Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553133 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8290 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [621] skin_licenseTypeID: 53171 Applies to: Caracal isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53172 - Moa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553138typeID: 53172 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553137 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Moa Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553136 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8291 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [623] skin_licenseTypeID: 53172 Applies to: Moa isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53173 - Osprey Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553141typeID: 53173 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553140 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Osprey Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553139 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8292 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [620] skin_licenseTypeID: 53173 Applies to: Osprey isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53174 - Cerberus Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553144typeID: 53174 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553143 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2070 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Cerberus Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553142 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8293 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11993] skin_licenseTypeID: 53174 Applies to: Cerberus isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53175 - Eagle Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553147typeID: 53175 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553146 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2070 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Eagle Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553145 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8294 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [12011] skin_licenseTypeID: 53175 Applies to: Eagle isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53176 - Onyx Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553150typeID: 53176 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553149 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2074 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Onyx Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553148 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8295 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11995] skin_licenseTypeID: 53176 Applies to: Onyx isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53177 - Basilisk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553153typeID: 53177 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553152 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2078 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Basilisk Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553151 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8296 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11985] skin_licenseTypeID: 53177 Applies to: Basilisk isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53178 - Falcon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553156typeID: 53178 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553155 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2082 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Falcon Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553154 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8297 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11957] skin_licenseTypeID: 53178 Applies to: Falcon isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53179 - Rook Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553159typeID: 53179 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553158 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2082 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Rook Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553157 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8298 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11959] skin_licenseTypeID: 53179 Applies to: Rook isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53180 - Tengu Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553162typeID: 53180 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553161 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2370 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Tengu Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553160 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8299 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [29984] skin_licenseTypeID: 53180 Applies to: Tengu isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53181 - Caracal Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553165typeID: 53181 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553164 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2063 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Caracal Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553163 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8300 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [17634] skin_licenseTypeID: 53181 Applies to: Caracal Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53182 - Osprey Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553168typeID: 53182 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553167 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2063 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Osprey Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553166 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8301 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [29340] skin_licenseTypeID: 53182 Applies to: Osprey Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53183 - Drake Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553171typeID: 53183 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553170 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1957 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Drake Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553169 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8302 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24698] skin_licenseTypeID: 53183 Applies to: Drake isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53184 - Ferox Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553174typeID: 53184 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553173 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1957 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Ferox Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553172 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8303 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16227] skin_licenseTypeID: 53184 Applies to: Ferox isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53185 - Naga Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553177typeID: 53185 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553176 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1957 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Naga Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553175 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8304 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [4306] skin_licenseTypeID: 53185 Applies to: Naga isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53186 - Nighthawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553180typeID: 53186 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553179 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2105 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Nighthawk Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553178 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8305 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [22470] skin_licenseTypeID: 53186 Applies to: Nighthawk isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53187 - Vulture Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553183typeID: 53187 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553182 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2105 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Vulture Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553181 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8306 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [22446] skin_licenseTypeID: 53187 Applies to: Vulture isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53188 - Drake Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553186typeID: 53188 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553185 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2103 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Drake Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553184 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8307 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [33153] skin_licenseTypeID: 53188 Applies to: Drake Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53189 - Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553189typeID: 53189 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553188 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Raven Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553187 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8308 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [638] skin_licenseTypeID: 53189 Applies to: Raven isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53190 - Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553192typeID: 53190 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553191 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Rokh Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553190 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8309 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24688] skin_licenseTypeID: 53190 Applies to: Rokh isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53191 - Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553195typeID: 53191 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553194 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553193 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8310 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [640] skin_licenseTypeID: 53191 Applies to: Scorpion isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53192 - Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553198typeID: 53192 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553197 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2111 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Widow Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553196 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8311 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [22436] skin_licenseTypeID: 53192 Applies to: Widow isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53193 - Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553201typeID: 53193 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553200 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2025 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Golem Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553199 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8312 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [28710] skin_licenseTypeID: 53193 Applies to: Golem isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53194 - Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553204typeID: 53194 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553203 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553202 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8313 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [17636] skin_licenseTypeID: 53194 Applies to: Raven Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53195 - Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553207typeID: 53195 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553206 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553205 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8314 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [32309] skin_licenseTypeID: 53195 Applies to: Scorpion Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53196 - Phoenix Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553210typeID: 53196 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553209 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1981 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Phoenix Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553208 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8315 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [19726] skin_licenseTypeID: 53196 Applies to: Phoenix isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53197 - Chimera Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553213typeID: 53197 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553212 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1975 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Chimera Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553211 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8316 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [23915] skin_licenseTypeID: 53197 Applies to: Chimera isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53198 - Wyvern Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553216typeID: 53198 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553215 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1975 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Wyvern Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553214 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8317 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [23917] skin_licenseTypeID: 53198 Applies to: Wyvern isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53199 - Leviathan Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553219typeID: 53199 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553218 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2092 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Leviathan Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553217 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8318 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [3764] skin_licenseTypeID: 53199 Applies to: Leviathan isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53200 - Badger Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553222typeID: 53200 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553221 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2008 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Badger Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553220 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8319 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [648] skin_licenseTypeID: 53200 Applies to: Badger isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53201 - Tayra Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553225typeID: 53201 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553224 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2008 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Tayra Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553223 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8320 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [649] skin_licenseTypeID: 53201 Applies to: Tayra isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53202 - Crane Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553228typeID: 53202 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553227 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2089 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Crane Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553226 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8321 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [12729] skin_licenseTypeID: 53202 Applies to: Crane isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53203 - Bustard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553231typeID: 53203 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553230 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2089 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Bustard Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553229 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8322 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [12731] skin_licenseTypeID: 53203 Applies to: Bustard isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53204 - Charon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553234typeID: 53204 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553233 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1985 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Charon Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553232 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8323 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [20185] skin_licenseTypeID: 53204 Applies to: Charon isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53205 - Rhea Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553237typeID: 53205 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553236 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2096 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Rhea Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553235 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8324 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [28844] skin_licenseTypeID: 53205 Applies to: Rhea isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53206 - Minokawa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 553240typeID: 53206 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553239 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2279 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Minokawa Zento Isideko Combine skin_skinMaterialID: 2408 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553238 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8325 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [37605] skin_licenseTypeID: 53206 Applies to: Minokawa isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53207 - Punisher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53207Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553243 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2002 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Punisher Harmonious Ascension skin_skinMaterialID: 2409 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8326 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [597] skin_licenseTypeID: 53207 Applies to: Punisher isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53208 - Merlin Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53208Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553245 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Merlin Harmonious Ascension skin_skinMaterialID: 2410 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8327 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [603] skin_licenseTypeID: 53208 Applies to: Merlin isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53209 - Incursus Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53209Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553247 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2004 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Incursus Harmonious Ascension skin_skinMaterialID: 2411 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8328 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [594] skin_licenseTypeID: 53209 Applies to: Incursus isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53210 - Rifter Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | No Description | Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes.typeID: 53210Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553249 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2005 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Rifter Harmonious Ascension skin_skinMaterialID: 2412 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8329 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [587] skin_licenseTypeID: 53210 Applies to: Rifter isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
Please note that a "removed" item usually means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.
TypeID & Name | Description | Group |
Blueprint Name | Old BP Data | New BP Data | Raw Diff |
41097 - Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon II Blueprint | BP Price: 32,694,870 ISK Build Time: 10:00:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:5x Materials: 1x Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon I 3x R.A.M.- Weapon Tech 364x Robotics 2374x Morphite 3009x Thermonuclear Trigger Unit Skills: Nanite Engineering I Hydromagnetic Physics I Capital Ship Construction I Industry V Outcome: 1x Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon II (37304) |
BP Price: 32,694,870 ISK Build Time: 10:00:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:5x Materials: 1x Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon I 3x R.A.M.- Weapon Tech 364x Robotics 2374x Morphite 3009x Thermonuclear Trigger Unit Skills: Nuclear Physics I Mechanical Engineering I Capital Ship Construction I Industry V Outcome: 1x Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon II (37304) |
BP Price: 32,694,870 ISK Build Time: 10:00:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:5x Materials: 1x 37289 3x 11486 364x 9848 2374x 11399 3009x 11691 Skills: 114 114 22242 I 3380 V Outcome: 1x 37304 |
52818 - Basic 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator (52798) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 42x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator (52798) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 42x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52798 |
52819 - Standard 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator (52799) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator (52799) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52799 |
52820 - Extended 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator (52800) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Equality' Cerebral Accelerator (52800) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52800 |
52821 - Basic 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator (52801) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 42x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator (52801) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 42x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52801 |
52822 - Standard 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator (52802) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator (52802) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52802 |
52823 - Extended 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator (52803) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Bonding' Cerebral Accelerator (52803) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52803 |
52824 - Basic 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator (52804) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 42x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator (52804) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 42x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52804 |
52825 - Standard 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator (52805) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator (52805) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52805 |
52826 - Extended 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator (52806) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Guri Hivaa' Cerebral Accelerator (52806) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52806 |
52827 - Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator (52807) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 42x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator (52807) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 42x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52807 |
52828 - Standard 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator (52808) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator (52808) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52808 |
52829 - Extended 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator (52809) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Radiance' Cerebral Accelerator (52809) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52809 |
52830 - Basic 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator (52810) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 42x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Basic 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator (52810) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 42x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52810 |
52831 - Standard 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator (52811) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Standard 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator (52811) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52811 |
52832 - Extended 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator Blueprint | BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator (52812) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x Synthetic Synapses 1x Transcranial Microcontrollers 1x Electronic Link 1x Data Processor 1x Positron Cord 1x Current Amplifier 88x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls Skills: Industry I Outcome: 1x Extended 'Synapse' Overmind Accelerator (52812) |
BP Price: 1,000,000 ISK Build Time: 0:05:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:10x Materials: 1x 2346 1x 12836 1x 21587 1x 21596 1x 23158 1x 23163 88x 48927 Skills: 3380 I Outcome: 1x 52812 |
52972 - High-Grade Mimesis Alpha Blueprint | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 30x Lattice Locked Dekaisogen 35x Morphite 88x Trinary State Processor 236x Synthetic Synapses 259x Cryoprotectant Solution Skills: Industry IV Outcome: 1x High-Grade Mimesis Alpha (52917) |
BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 30x 52314 35x 11399 88x 52313 236x 2346 259x 2367 Skills: 3380 IV Outcome: 1x 52917 |
52974 - High-Grade Mimesis Beta Blueprint | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 32x Lattice Locked Dekaisogen 37x Morphite 92x Trinary State Processor 248x Synthetic Synapses 272x Cryoprotectant Solution Skills: Industry IV Outcome: 1x High-Grade Mimesis Beta (52918) |
BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 32x 52314 37x 11399 92x 52313 248x 2346 272x 2367 Skills: 3380 IV Outcome: 1x 52918 |
52975 - High-Grade Mimesis Delta Blueprint | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 35x Lattice Locked Dekaisogen 40x Morphite 101x Trinary State Processor 272x Synthetic Synapses 298x Cryoprotectant Solution Skills: Industry IV Outcome: 1x High-Grade Mimesis Delta (52919) |
BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 35x 52314 40x 11399 101x 52313 272x 2346 298x 2367 Skills: 3380 IV Outcome: 1x 52919 |
52976 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon Blueprint | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 37x Lattice Locked Dekaisogen 42x Morphite 105x Trinary State Processor 284x Synthetic Synapses 311x Cryoprotectant Solution Skills: Industry IV Outcome: 1x High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (52920) |
BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 37x 52314 42x 11399 105x 52313 284x 2346 311x 2367 Skills: 3380 IV Outcome: 1x 52920 |
52977 - High-Grade Mimesis Gamma Blueprint | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 33x Lattice Locked Dekaisogen 38x Morphite 96x Trinary State Processor 260x Synthetic Synapses 285x Cryoprotectant Solution Skills: Industry IV Outcome: 1x High-Grade Mimesis Gamma (52921) |
BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 33x 52314 38x 11399 96x 52313 260x 2346 285x 2367 Skills: 3380 IV Outcome: 1x 52921 |
52978 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega Blueprint | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 91x Lattice Locked Dekaisogen 104x Morphite 263x Trinary State Processor 709x Synthetic Synapses 776x Cryoprotectant Solution Skills: Industry IV Outcome: 1x High-Grade Mimesis Omega (52922) |
BP Price: 0 ISK Build Time: 2:30:00 Copy:? ME:? TE:? Limit:30x Materials: 91x 52314 104x 11399 263x 52313 709x 2346 776x 2367 Skills: 3380 IV Outcome: 1x 52922 |
53029 - PLACEHOLDER DREAD BLUEPRINT | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 2,000,000,000 ISK Build Time: 23 days, 3:33:20 Copy:1600000 ME:28000 TE:28000 Limit:1x Materials: 3x PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE 6x Capital Sensor Cluster 6x PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR 7x Capital Capacitor Battery 8x Capital Corporate Hangar Bay 9x Capital Jump Drive 9x PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT 11x Capital Shield Emitter 13x Capital Computer System 13x Capital Construction Parts 16x Capital Ship Maintenance Bay 28x Capital Armor Plates 28x Capital Siege Array Skills: Capital Ship Construction III Outcome: 1x PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD (52907) |
BP Price: 2,000,000,000 ISK Build Time: 23 days, 3:33:20 Copy:1600000 ME:28000 TE:28000 Limit:1x Materials: 3x 53037 6x 21013 6x 53036 7x 21019 8x 24560 9x 21025 9x 53035 11x 21023 13x 21035 13x 21037 16x 24558 28x 21017 28x 21039 Skills: 22242 III Outcome: 1x 52907 |
53032 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT BLUEPRINT | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 1,393,368,000 ISK Build Time: 4:26:40 Copy:12800 ME:6300 TE:6300 Limit:10x Materials: 90x Zero-Point Condensate 180x Crystalline Isogen-10 386x Megacyte 876x Zydrine 2358x Nocxium 7760x Isogen 45010x Mexallon 113826x Pyerite 546912x Tritanium Skills: Capital Ship Construction I Outcome: 1x PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT (53035) |
BP Price: 1,393,368,000 ISK Build Time: 4:26:40 Copy:12800 ME:6300 TE:6300 Limit:10x Materials: 90x 48112 180x 47975 386x 40 876x 39 2358x 38 7760x 37 45010x 36 113826x 35 546912x 34 Skills: 22242 I Outcome: 1x 53035 |
53033 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR BLUEPRINT | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 1,393,368,000 ISK Build Time: 4:26:40 Copy:12800 ME:6300 TE:6300 Limit:10x Materials: 45x Crystalline Isogen-10 45x Zero-Point Condensate 334x Megacyte 728x Zydrine 2191x Nocxium 7491x Isogen 45621x Mexallon 110413x Pyerite 510149x Tritanium Skills: Capital Ship Construction I Outcome: 1x PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR (53036) |
BP Price: 1,393,368,000 ISK Build Time: 4:26:40 Copy:12800 ME:6300 TE:6300 Limit:10x Materials: 45x 47975 45x 48112 334x 40 728x 39 2191x 38 7491x 37 45621x 36 110413x 35 510149x 34 Skills: 22242 I Outcome: 1x 53036 |
53034 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE BLUEPRINT | No blueprint entry found. | BP Price: 1,393,368,000 ISK Build Time: 4:26:40 Copy:12800 ME:6300 TE:6300 Limit:10x Materials: 90x Crystalline Isogen-10 270x Zero-Point Condensate 302x Megacyte 604x Zydrine 2110x Nocxium 6938x Isogen 41994x Mexallon 110416x Pyerite 457050x Tritanium Skills: Capital Ship Construction I Outcome: 1x PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE (53037) |
BP Price: 1,393,368,000 ISK Build Time: 4:26:40 Copy:12800 ME:6300 TE:6300 Limit:10x Materials: 90x 47975 270x 48112 302x 40 604x 39 2110x 38 6938x 37 41994x 36 110416x 35 457050x 34 Skills: 22242 I Outcome: 1x 53037 |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Old Reprocessing Data | New Reprocessing Data | Raw Diff |
52907 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD (Dreadnought) | No reprocessing data found. | 11716296x Tritanium 2930004x Pyerite 733304x Mexallon 186361x Isogen 45699x Nocxium 21186x Zydrine 6575x Megacyte 730x Crystalline Isogen-10 850x Zero-Point Condensate |
11716296x 34 2930004x 35 733304x 36 186361x 37 45699x 38 21186x 39 6575x 40 730x 47975 850x 48112 |
52915 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPON (Precursor Weapon) | No reprocessing data found. | 2452300x Tritanium 808817x Pyerite 296600x Mexallon 48300x Isogen 13807x Nocxium 4946x Zydrine 2100x Megacyte |
2452300x 34 808817x 35 296600x 36 48300x 37 13807x 38 4946x 39 2100x 40 |
52916 - Baryon Exotic Plasma XL (Exotic Plasma Charge) | No reprocessing data found. | 458x Tritanium 580x Pyerite 5x Crystalline Isogen-10 125x Zero-Point Condensate |
458x 34 580x 35 5x 47975 125x 48112 |
TypeID, Group, & Name | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff |
52907 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD (Dreadnought) |
PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD bonuses (per skill level):
Role Bonus:
PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD bonuses (per skill level): 5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:52915>XL Disintegrator</a> damage 4% bonus to all armor resistances 3% bonus to <a href=showinfo:52915>XL Disintegrator</a> rate of fire Role Bonus: x Can fit a <a href=showinfo:20280>Siege module</a> 5x penalty to <a href=showinfo:34593>Entosis Link</a> cycle time 100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> range 50% reduced <a href=showinfo:3423>Energy Neutralizer</a> capacitor need 50% reduced <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> capacitor need 50% reduced <a href=showinfo:3421>Smart Bomb</a> capacitor need |
Attribute Name | Diff |
2828 - shipBonusPDread1 | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2828 attributeName: None => shipBonusPDread1 categoryID: None => 9 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => skill bonus for trig dread displayName: None => displayNameID: None => 318140 ("Special Ability Bonus") highIsGood: None => True published: None => True stackable: None => True unitID: None => 105 |
2829 - shipBonusDreadnoughtPC2 | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2829 attributeName: None => shipBonusDreadnoughtPC2 categoryID: None => 37 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => Multiplied by Triglavian Dreadnought skill level displayName: None => highIsGood: None => True published: None => False stackable: None => True |
2830 - shipBonusDreadnoughtPC1 | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2830 attributeName: None => shipBonusDreadnoughtPC1 categoryID: None => 37 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => Multiplied by Triglavian Dreadnought skill level displayName: None => highIsGood: None => True published: None => False stackable: None => True |
2831 - shipBonusDreadnoughtPC3 | attributeCategory: None => 5 attributeID: None => 2831 attributeName: None => shipBonusDreadnoughtPC3 categoryID: None => 37 defaultValue: None => 0.0 description: None => displayName: None => highIsGood: None => True published: None => False stackable: None => True |
2832 - hiHoboLeaks | attributeCategory: None => 4 attributeID: None => 2832 attributeName: None => hiHoboLeaks categoryID: None => 7 defaultValue: None => 1.0 description: None => can you see descriptions of attributes as well? I'm not even sure. In any case lets hide this for now too. displayName: None => displayNameID: None => 318141 ("Max Moved") highIsGood: None => True published: None => True stackable: None => True |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Diff |
18 - Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
19 - Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
20 - Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21 - Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
22 - Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
962 - Immolator Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
964 - Echo Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
1194 - Amarr Sentry Gun (Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
1196 - Cap Recharger I Blueprint (Capacitor Recharger Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
1223 - Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1224 - Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1225 - Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1226 - Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1227 - Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1228 - Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1229 - Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1230 - Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1231 - Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1232 - Dark Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
1446 - Capacitor Power Relay I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
1540 - Power Diagnostic System I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
2047 - Damage Control I Blueprint (Damage Control Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
2835 - Utu Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
2837 - Adrestia Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
2850 - Suspicious Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
2947 - Compact Shade Torpedo (Compact XL Torpedo) | Primary Skill required: 32339.0 => None |
3039 - Noctis Blueprint (Industrial Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
3261 - Logistics Control Array (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
3355 - Social (Social) | requiredSkill1Level: 0.0 => None |
3370 - Chief Science Officer (Corporation Management) | requiredSkill3Level: None => 1.0 |
3491 - Sansha Communications Array (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
3515 - Revenant Blueprint (Supercarrier Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3517 - Malice Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3519 - Vangel Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3535 - CONCORD Capital Armor Repairer Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3537 - CONCORD Capital Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3543 - CONCORD Capital Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3545 - CONCORD Capital Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3580 - CONCORD Capital Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
3582 - Purloined Sansha Data Analyzer Blueprint (Data Miner Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
3739 - Caldari Sentry Gun III (Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3740 - Caldari Sentry Gun I (Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3741 - Caldari Sentry Gun II (Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3742 - Gallente Sentry Gun (Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3743 - Minmatar Sentry Gun (Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3795 - Blood Raider Central Bastion (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3805 - Sansha's Nation Central Bastion (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
3809 - Serpentis Administration Facility (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
4006 - Scorpion Ishukone Watch Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
4051 - Nitrogen Fuel Block (Fuel Block) | isDynamicType: None => False |
4364 - Miasmos Quafe Ultra Edition Blueprint (Industrial Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
4389 - Miasmos Quafe Ultramarine Edition Blueprint (Industrial Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
10247 - Mining Drone I Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
10648 - Sentinel Sentry Gun I (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10665 - Sentinel Sentry Gun II (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10666 - Sentinel Sentry Gun III (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10667 - Sentinel Sentry Gun IV (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10668 - Sentinel Sentry Gun V (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10766 - Guardian Sentry Gun I (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10767 - Guardian Sentry Gun II (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10768 - Guardian Sentry Gun III (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10769 - Guardian Sentry Gun IV (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
10770 - Guardian Sentry Gun V (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
11012 - Guardian-Vexor Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
11074 - Talisman Alpha Blueprint (Implant Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
11374 - Blade Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
11376 - Erinye Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
11384 - Gatherer Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
11390 - Kishar Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
11396 - Mercoxit (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
11491 - Datacore - Takmahl Tech 1 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11492 - Datacore - Takmahl Tech 2 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11493 - Datacore - Takmahl Tech 3 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11498 - Datacore - Sleeper Tech 3 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11499 - Datacore - Sleeper Tech 4 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11504 - Datacore - Yan Jung Tech 3 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11506 - Datacore - Yan Jung Tech 5 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
11580 - BH Sentry Gun (Mobile Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 2597.0 => None |
11937 - Apocalypse Imperial Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
11939 - Armageddon Imperial Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
12037 - Dagger Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
12867 - Datacore - Talocan Tech 1 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
13068 - Guristas Sentry Gun (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
13113 - Sansha Sentry Gun (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
13114 - Angel Sentry Gun (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
13115 - Serpentis Sentry Gun (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
13116 - Blood Raider Sentry Gun (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
13203 - Megathron Federate Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15676 - Caldari Navy Co-Processor Blueprint (Co-Processor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15678 - Federation Navy Co-Processor Blueprint (Co-Processor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15682 - Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint (Ballistic Control System Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15684 - Republic Fleet Ballistic Control System Blueprint (Ballistic Control System Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15686 - Imperial Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15688 - Imperial Navy EM Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15690 - Imperial Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15692 - Imperial Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15694 - Imperial Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15696 - Republic Fleet Thermal Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15698 - Republic Fleet EM Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15700 - Republic Fleet Explosive Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15702 - Republic Fleet Kinetic Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15704 - Republic Fleet Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15706 - Imperial Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15708 - Imperial Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15710 - Imperial Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15712 - Imperial Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15714 - Republic Fleet Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15716 - Republic Fleet Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15718 - Republic Fleet Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15720 - Republic Fleet Armor EM Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15722 - Imperial Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15724 - Imperial Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15726 - Imperial Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15728 - Imperial Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15730 - Imperial Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15732 - Federation Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15734 - Federation Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15736 - Federation Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15738 - Federation Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15740 - Federation Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15748 - Republic Fleet 5MN Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15750 - Republic Fleet 1MN Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15752 - Republic Fleet 50MN Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15754 - Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15756 - Republic Fleet 500MN Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15758 - Republic Fleet 100MN Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15760 - Federation Navy 5MN Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15762 - Federation Navy 1MN Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15765 - Federation Navy 50MN Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15767 - Federation Navy 10MN Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15769 - Federation Navy 500MN Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15771 - Federation Navy 100MN Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15773 - Ammatar Navy Small Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15777 - Ammatar Navy Medium Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15779 - Ammatar Navy Heavy Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15781 - Imperial Navy Small Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15783 - Imperial Navy Micro Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15785 - Imperial Navy Medium Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15787 - Imperial Navy Heavy Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15789 - Ammatar Navy Cap Recharger Blueprint (Capacitor Recharger Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15791 - Caldari Navy Cloaking Device Blueprint (Cloaking Device Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15793 - Federation Navy Tracking Computer Blueprint (Tracking Computer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15795 - Ammatar Navy Small Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15797 - Ammatar Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15799 - Ammatar Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15801 - Imperial Navy Small Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15803 - Imperial Navy Medium Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15805 - Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15807 - Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15809 - Ammatar Navy Heat Sink Blueprint (Heat Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15811 - Imperial Navy Heat Sink Blueprint (Heat Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15819 - Caldari Navy 350mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15822 - Caldari Navy 200mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15839 - Federation Navy 350mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15842 - Federation Navy 200mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15876 - Ammatar Navy Small Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15878 - Ammatar Navy Medium Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15880 - Ammatar Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15882 - Imperial Navy Small Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15884 - Imperial Navy Medium Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15886 - Imperial Navy Heavy Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15888 - Caldari Navy Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15890 - Caldari Navy Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15892 - Republic Fleet Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15894 - Republic Fleet Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15896 - Federation Navy Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15906 - Caldari Navy Shield Boost Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Boost Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15908 - Republic Fleet Shield Boost Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Boost Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15910 - Caldari Navy EM Ward Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15912 - Caldari Navy Kinetic Deflection Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15914 - Caldari Navy Thermal Dissipation Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15916 - Caldari Navy Explosive Deflection Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15918 - Republic Fleet EM Ward Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15920 - Republic Fleet Kinetic Deflection Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15922 - Republic Fleet Thermal Dissipation Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15924 - Republic Fleet Explosive Deflection Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15926 - Caldari Navy Small Graviton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15928 - Caldari Navy Micro Graviton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15930 - Caldari Navy Medium Graviton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15932 - Caldari Navy Large Graviton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15936 - Republic Fleet Small Proton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15938 - Republic Fleet Medium Proton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15940 - Republic Fleet Large Proton Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15942 - Ammatar Navy Small EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15946 - Ammatar Navy Medium EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15948 - Ammatar Navy Large EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15950 - Federation Navy Small Plasma Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15954 - Federation Navy Medium Plasma Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15956 - Federation Navy Large Plasma Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15958 - Imperial Navy Small EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15960 - Imperial Navy Micro EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15962 - Imperial Navy Medium EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15964 - Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15966 - Republic Fleet Tracking Enhancer Blueprint (Tracking Enhancer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
15968 - Federation Navy Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint (Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
16063 - Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
16066 - Caldari Navy Rocket Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
16137 - CONCORD Heavy Missile Launcher (Missile Launcher Heavy) | requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
16262 - Clear Icicle (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16263 - Glacial Mass (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16264 - Blue Ice (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16265 - White Glaze (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16266 - Glare Crust (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16267 - Dark Glitter (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16268 - Gelidus (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16269 - Krystallos (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
16739 - Tower Sentry Amarr III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16740 - Tower Sentry Angel III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16741 - Tower Sentry Bloodraider III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16742 - Tower Sentry Caldari III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16743 - Tower Sentry Gallente III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16744 - Tower Sentry Guristas III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16745 - Tower Sentry Minmatar III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16746 - Tower Sentry Sansha III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
16747 - Tower Sentry Serpentis III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17144 - Tower Sentry Bloodraider II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17145 - Tower Sentry Bloodraider I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17146 - Tower Sentry Angel II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17147 - Tower Sentry Angel I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17148 - Tower Sentry Caldari II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17149 - Tower Sentry Caldari I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17150 - Tower Sentry Gallente II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17151 - Tower Sentry Gallente I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17152 - Tower Sentry Guristas I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17153 - Tower Sentry Guristas II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17154 - Tower Sentry Minmatar II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17155 - Tower Sentry Minmatar I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17156 - Tower Sentry Sansha II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17157 - Tower Sentry Sansha I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17158 - Tower Sentry Serpentis II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17159 - Tower Sentry Serpentis I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17160 - Tower Sentry Amarr I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17161 - Tower Sentry Amarr II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17163 - Serpentis Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17164 - Tower Missile Battery Serpentis I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17425 - Crimson Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17426 - Prime Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17428 - Triclinic Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17429 - Monoclinic Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17432 - Sharp Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17433 - Crystalline Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17436 - Onyx Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17437 - Obsidian Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17440 - Vitric Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17441 - Glazed Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17444 - Vivid Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17445 - Radiant Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17448 - Pure Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17449 - Pristine Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17452 - Luminous Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17453 - Fiery Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17455 - Azure Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17456 - Rich Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17459 - Solid Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17460 - Viscous Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17463 - Condensed Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17464 - Massive Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17466 - Bright Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17467 - Gleaming Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17470 - Concentrated Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17471 - Dense Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17486 - Republic Fleet Cruise Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17489 - Republic Fleet Rocket Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17501 - Caldari Navy Stasis Webifier Blueprint (Stasis Web Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17503 - Ammatar Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17505 - Ammatar Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17507 - Ammatar Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17509 - Ammatar Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17511 - Ammatar Navy Capacitor Power Relay Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17513 - Ammatar Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17515 - Ammatar Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17517 - Ammatar Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17519 - Ammatar Navy EM Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17521 - Federation Navy Sensor Booster Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17523 - Ammatar Navy Reactor Control Unit Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17525 - Ammatar Navy Power Diagnostic System Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17527 - Imperial Navy Cap Recharger Blueprint (Capacitor Recharger Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17529 - Imperial Navy Capacitor Power Relay Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17537 - Ammatar Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17539 - Ammatar Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17541 - Ammatar Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17543 - Ammatar Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17545 - Ammatar Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17550 - Federation Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17552 - Federation Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17554 - Federation Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17556 - Federation Navy EM Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17558 - Federation Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17561 - Federation Navy Stasis Webifier Blueprint (Stasis Web Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17568 - Serpentis Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17569 - Serpentis Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17570 - Serpentis Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17571 - Serpentis Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17572 - Angel Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17573 - Angel Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17574 - Angel Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17575 - Angel Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17576 - Minmatar Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17577 - Minmatar Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17578 - Minmatar Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17579 - Minmatar Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17580 - Sansha Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17581 - Sansha Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17582 - Sansha Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17583 - Sansha Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17584 - Gallente Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17585 - Gallente Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17586 - Gallente Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17587 - Gallente Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17588 - Amarr Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17589 - Amarr Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17590 - Amarr Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17591 - Amarr Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17592 - Blood Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17593 - Blood Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17594 - Blood Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17595 - Blood Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17596 - Guristas Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17597 - Guristas Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17598 - Guristas Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17599 - Guristas Cruise Missile Batteries (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17600 - Caldari Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17601 - Caldari Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17602 - Caldari Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17603 - Caldari Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17605 - Angel Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17606 - Minmatar Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17607 - Sansha Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17608 - Gallente Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17609 - Amarr Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17610 - Blood Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17611 - Guristas Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17612 - Caldari Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17620 - Caldari Navy Hookbill Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17635 - Caracal Navy Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17637 - Raven Navy Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17638 - Sentinel Bloodraider (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17704 - Imperial Navy Slicer Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17710 - Omen Navy Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17714 - Stabber Fleet Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17716 - Gila Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17719 - Phantasm Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17721 - Cynabal Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17723 - Vigilant Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17727 - Apocalypse Navy Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17729 - Megathron Navy Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17733 - Tempest Fleet Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17737 - Nightmare Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17739 - Machariel Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17741 - Vindicator Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17813 - Republic Fleet Firetail Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17833 - Federation Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17835 - Federation Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17837 - Federation Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17839 - Federation Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17842 - Federation Navy Comet Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17844 - Vexor Navy Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17865 - Iridescent Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17866 - Prismatic Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17867 - Silvery Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17868 - Golden Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17869 - Magma Mercoxit (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17870 - Vitreous Mercoxit (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17875 - Sentinel Angel (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17876 - Sentinel Sansha (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17877 - Sentinel Serpentis (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17878 - Sentinel Chimera Strain Mother (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17879 - Sentinel Jormungand Strain Mother (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17880 - Sentinel Gallente (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
17919 - Rattlesnake Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17921 - Bhaalgorn Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17923 - Ashimmu Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17925 - Succubus Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17927 - Cruor Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17929 - Daredevil Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17931 - Worm Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17933 - Dramiel Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
17975 - Thick Blue Ice (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17976 - Pristine White Glaze (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17977 - Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17978 - Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
17993 - Crimson Sentinel (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18000 - Hive mother (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18001 - Hive mother 2 (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18023 - Drone Wall Sentry Gun (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18026 - Tower Sentry Drone III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18027 - Tower Sentry Drone II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18028 - Tower Sentry Drone I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18031 - Drone Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18032 - Drone Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18033 - Drone Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18034 - Serpentis Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18035 - Drone Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18630 - Serpentis Fleet Stronghold (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
18631 - Angel Retention Facility (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19594 - 'Dart' Servitor (Modifications) | requiredSkill2Level: None => 1.0 |
19658 - Melted Snowball CVII (Festival Charges Expired) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
19664 - Ammatar Point Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19665 - Ammatar Light Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19666 - Ammatar Heavy Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19667 - Ammatar Cruise Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19668 - Tower Sentry Ammatar I (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19669 - Tower Sentry Ammatar II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19670 - Tower Sentry Ammatar III (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19703 - Swarm Defense Battery (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19707 - Outgrowth Strain Mother (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19811 - Peripheral Weapon Navigation Diameter Blueprint (Target Painter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
19813 - Parallel Weapon Navigation Transmitter Blueprint (Target Painter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
19815 - Phased Weapon Navigation Array Generation Extron Blueprint (Target Painter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
19955 - 'True Power' Assembly Security HQ (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19961 - Station Ultima (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
19995 - Arch Angel Carbonized Lead M Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
20003 - Arch Angel Titanium Sabot M Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
20113 - Datacore - Jove Tech 1 (Datacores) | radius: 0.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
20219 - Conjunctive Radar ECCM Scanning Array I Blueprint (ECCM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20225 - Conjunctive Ladar ECCM Scanning Array I Blueprint (ECCM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20231 - Conjunctive Gravimetric ECCM Scanning Array I Blueprint (ECCM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20237 - Conjunctive Magnetometric ECCM Scanning Array I Blueprint (ECCM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20239 - Secure Gravimetric Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20241 - Shielded Gravimetric Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20243 - Warded Gravimetric Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20245 - Secure Ladar Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20247 - Shielded Ladar Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20249 - Warded Ladar Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20251 - Secure Magnetometric Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20253 - Shielded Magnetometric Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20255 - Warded Magnetometric Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20261 - Secure Radar Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20263 - Shielded Radar Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20265 - Warded Radar Backup Cluster I Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
20556 - Small 'Siesta' Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20558 - Medium 'Gattotte' Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20560 - Heavy 'Brave' Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20562 - Prototype 'Poncho' Cloaking Device I Blueprint (Cloaking Device Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20564 - 'Smokescreen' Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Blueprint (Cloaking Device Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 3 |
20566 - Improved 'Guise' Cloaking Device II Blueprint (Cloaking Device Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 3 |
20568 - 'Dyad' Co-Processor I Blueprint (Co-Processor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20570 - 'Deuce' Co-Processor I Blueprint (Co-Processor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20574 - 'Marshall' Magnetometric ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20576 - 'Gambler' Ladar ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20578 - 'Plunderer' Gravimetric ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20580 - 'Heist' Radar ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20582 - 'Ghost' Burst Jammer Blueprint (Burst Jammer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20588 - 150mm 'Musket' Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20590 - 250mm 'Flintlock' Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20592 - 425mm 'Popper' Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20594 - 'Balefire' Rocket Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20596 - 'Gallows' Light Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20598 - 'Pickaxe' Rapid Light Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20600 - 'Undertaker' Heavy Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20602 - 'Noose' Cruise Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20604 - 'Barrage' Torpedo Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20606 - 'Whiskey' Explosive Deflection Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20608 - 'High Noon' Thermal Dissipation Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20610 - 'Cactus' Modified Kinetic Deflection Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20612 - 'Prospector' EM Ward Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Resistance Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20614 - 'Glycerine' Shield Boost Amplifier Blueprint (Shield Boost Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20618 - Small 'Settler' Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20620 - Medium 'Lone Ranger' Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20622 - Large 'Outlaw' Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20624 - X-Large 'Locomotive' Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20626 - Small 'Wolf' Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20628 - Small 'Trapper' Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20630 - Medium 'Canyon' Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20632 - Large 'Sheriff' Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20634 - 'Nugget' Kinetic Deflection Field Blueprint (Shield Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20636 - 'Desert Heat' Thermal Dissipation Field Blueprint (Shield Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20638 - 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Field Blueprint (Shield Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20640 - 'Poacher' EM Ward Field Blueprint (Shield Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
20642 - 'Snake Eyes' Explosive Deflection Field Blueprint (Shield Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21098 - Goru's Shuttle Blueprint (Shuttle Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21335 - Guristas Antimatter Charge S Blueprint (Hybrid Charge Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
21471 - 1MN Analog Booster Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21473 - 10MN Analog Booster Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21475 - 100MN Analog Booster Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21477 - 5MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21479 - 50MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21481 - 500MN Digital Booster Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21483 - Ballistic 'Purge' Targeting System I Blueprint (Ballistic Control System Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21485 - 'Full Duplex' Ballistic Control System Blueprint (Ballistic Control System Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21487 - 'Kindred' Gyrostabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21489 - Monophonic Stabilization Actuator I Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21492 - Synthetic Hull Conversion Overdrive Injector Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21494 - Limited Expanded 'Archiver' Cargo Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21497 - Synthetic Hull Conversion Reinforced Bulkheads Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21499 - Synthetic Hull Conversion Inertia Stabilizers Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21501 - Synthetic Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21505 - Small 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit Blueprint (Hull Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21507 - Medium 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit Blueprint (Hull Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21509 - Large 'Integrative' Hull Repair Unit Blueprint (Hull Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21511 - 'Interruptive' Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21513 - 'Delineative' Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21522 - Gravimetric Firewall Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21524 - Ladar Firewall Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21526 - Magnetometric Firewall Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21528 - 'Firewall' Signal Amplifier Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21530 - RADAR Firewall Blueprint (Signal Amplifier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21535 - Small Degenerative Concussion Bomb I Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21537 - Medium Degenerative Concussion Bomb I Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21539 - Large Degenerative Concussion Bomb I Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21541 - 'Inception' Target Painter Blueprint (Target Painter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21543 - N-1 Neon Type Rocket Bay Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21546 - 200mm Light 'Jolt' Autocannon I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21548 - 250mm Light 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21550 - 280mm 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21552 - 425mm Medium 'Jolt' Autocannon I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21554 - 650mm Medium 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21556 - 720mm 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21558 - 800mm Heavy 'Jolt' Repeating Cannon I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21560 - 1200mm Heavy 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21562 - 1400mm 'Jolt' Artillery I Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
21629 - Guristas Shuttle Blueprint (Shuttle Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
21678 - Talocan Debris Fragment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21679 - Talocan Debris Part (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21680 - Talocan Debris Segment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21681 - Talocan Debris Heap (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21683 - Basic Guristas Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21684 - Standard Guristas Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21685 - Fortified Guristas Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21686 - Secure Guristas Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21688 - Sleeper Debris Fragment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21689 - Sleeper Debris Part (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21690 - Sleeper Debris Segment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21691 - Sleeper Debris Heap (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21693 - Basic Angel Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21694 - Standard Angel Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21695 - Fortified Angel Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21696 - Secure Angel Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21698 - Angel Network Node (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21699 - Angel Network Hub (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21700 - Angel Network Nucleus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21701 - Angel Network Nexus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21703 - Guristas Network Node (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21704 - Guristas Network Hub (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21705 - Guristas Network Nucleus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21706 - Guristas Network Nexus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21708 - Sleeper Data Log (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21709 - Sleeper Data Registry (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21710 - Sleeper Data Transcript (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21711 - Sleeper Data Records (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21713 - Talocan Data Log (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21714 - Talocan Data Registry (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21715 - Talocan Data Transcript (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21716 - Talocan Data Records (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
21744 - Siege Artillery Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
21745 - Siege Autocannon Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
21746 - Siege Beam Laser Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
21747 - Siege Pulse Laser Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
21748 - Siege Railgun Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
21749 - Siege Blaster Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
21855 - Civilian Expanded Cargohold (Expanded Cargohold) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
21856 - Civilian Expanded Cargohold Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
21857 - 1MN Civilian Afterburner (Propulsion Module) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None |
21858 - 1MN Civilian Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
22225 - Sleeper Data Storage (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
22226 - Sleeper Debris Piece (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
22293 - Talocan Data Storage (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
22294 - Talocan Debris Piece (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
22343 - Nefantar Debris I (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
22718 - Minas Iksan's Revelation_old (Large Collidable Structure) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
22797 - Independent Shielding (Modifications) | requiredSkill2Level: None => 1.0 |
22848 - Gallente Sentry Gun - Training (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
22876 - 'Aura' Warp Core Stabilizer I Blueprint (Anti Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22878 - 'Natura' Warp Core Stabilizer I Blueprint (Anti Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22880 - 'Pilfer' Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22882 - 'Moonshine' Energized Thermal Membrane I Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22884 - 'Mafia' Energized Kinetic Membrane I Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22888 - 'Harmony' Small Armor Repairer I Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22890 - 'Meditation' Medium Armor Repairer I Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22892 - 'Protest' Large Armor Repairer I Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22894 - 'Gonzo' Damage Control I Blueprint (Damage Control Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22896 - 'Shady' Sensor Booster Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22898 - 'Forger' ECCM - Magnetometric I Blueprint (ECCM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22900 - 'Corporate' Light Electron Blaster I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22902 - 'Dealer' Light Ion Blaster I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22904 - 'Racket' Light Neutron Blaster I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22906 - 'Slither' Heavy Electron Blaster I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22908 - 'Hooligan' Heavy Ion Blaster I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22910 - 'Hustler' Heavy Neutron Blaster I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22912 - 'Swindler' Electron Blaster Cannon I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22914 - 'Felon' Ion Blaster Cannon I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22916 - 'Underhand' Neutron Blaster Cannon I Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22918 - 'Capitalist' Magnetic Field Stabilizer I Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22920 - 'Monopoly' Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22926 - 'Bootleg' Remote Sensor Booster Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22928 - 'Economist' Tracking Computer I Blueprint (Tracking Computer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22930 - 'Marketeer' Tracking Computer Blueprint (Tracking Computer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22932 - 'Distributor' Guidance Disruptor Blueprint (Weapon Disruptor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22934 - 'Investor' Tracking Disruptor I Blueprint (Weapon Disruptor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22936 - 'Tycoon' Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint (Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22938 - 'Enterprise' Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint (Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22940 - 'Boss' Remote Sensor Booster I Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22942 - 'Entrepreneur' Remote Sensor Booster I Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22944 - 'Broker' Remote Sensor Dampener I Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22946 - 'Executive' Remote Sensor Dampener Blueprint (Sensor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22948 - 'Beatnik' Small Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22950 - 'Love' Medium Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22952 - 'Pacifier' Large Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
22954 - 'Cartel' Power Diagnostic System I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23072 - Imperial Navy Multifrequency S Blueprint (Frequency Crystal Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
23188 - Yan Jung Data Log (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23189 - Yan Jung Data Registry (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23190 - Yan Jung Data Transcript (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23191 - Yan Jung Data Records (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23192 - Takmahl Data Log (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23193 - Takmahl Data Registry (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23194 - Takmahl Data Transcript (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23195 - Takmahl Data Records (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23196 - Yan Jung Debris Fragment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23197 - Yan Jung Debris Part (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23198 - Yan Jung Debris Segment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23199 - Yan Jung Debris Heap (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23200 - Takmahl Debris Fragment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23201 - Takmahl Debris Part (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23202 - Takmahl Debris Segment (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23203 - Takmahl Debris Heap (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23204 - Basic Blood Raider Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23205 - Standard Blood Raider Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23206 - Secure Blood Raider Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23207 - Fortified Blood Raider Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23208 - Basic Serpentis Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23209 - Standard Serpentis Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23210 - Secure Serpentis Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23211 - Fortified Serpentis Vault (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23212 - Blood Raider Network Node (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23213 - Blood Raider Network Hub (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23214 - Blood Raider Network Nucleus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23215 - Blood Raider Network Nexus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23216 - Serpentis Network Node (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23217 - Serpentis Network Hub (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23218 - Serpentis Network Nucleus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23219 - Serpentis Network Nexus (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
23415 - 'Brotherhood' Small Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23417 - 'Peace' Large Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23419 - 'Radical' Damage Control Blueprint (Damage Control Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23784 - 'Abatis' 100mm Steel Plates I Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23786 - 'Bailey' 1600mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23788 - 'Chainmail' 200mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23790 - 'Bastion' 400mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23792 - 'Citadella' 100mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23794 - 'Barbican' 800mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23796 - 'Gorget' Small Armor Repairer I Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23798 - 'Greaves' Medium Armor Repairer I Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23800 - 'Hauberk' Large Armor Repairer I Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23802 - 'Crucible' Small Cap Battery Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23804 - 'Censer' Medium Cap Battery Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23806 - 'Thurifer' Large Cap Battery Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23808 - 'Saddle' Small Capacitor Booster I Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23810 - 'Harness' Medium Capacitor Booster I Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23812 - 'Plough' Heavy Capacitor Booster I Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23814 - 'Palisade' Cap Recharger I Blueprint (Capacitor Recharger Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23816 - Small 'Caltrop' Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23818 - Medium 'Ditch' Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23820 - Heavy 'Moat' Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23822 - Small 'Upir' Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23825 - Medium 'Strigoi' Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23830 - Heavy 'Vrykolakas' Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23835 - 'Mace' Dual Light Beam Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23837 - 'Longbow' Small Focused Pulse Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23839 - 'Gauntlet' Small Focused Beam Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23841 - 'Crossbow' Focused Medium Beam Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23843 - 'Joust' Heavy Pulse Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23845 - 'Arquebus' Heavy Beam Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23847 - 'Halberd' Mega Pulse Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23849 - 'Catapult' Mega Beam Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23851 - 'Ballista' Tachyon Beam Laser I Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23853 - 'Squire' Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23855 - 'Knight' Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23857 - 'Chivalry' Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23865 - 'Pike' Small EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23867 - 'Lance' Medium EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23869 - 'Warhammer' Large EMP Smartbomb I Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23895 - 'Page' Capacitor Flux Coil I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23897 - 'Motte' Capacitor Power Relay I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23899 - 'Portcullis' Reactor Control Unit I Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23901 - 'Mangonel' Heat Sink I Blueprint (Heat Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
23903 - 'Trebuchet' Heat Sink Blueprint (Heat Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
24464 - Trial of Skill (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
24608 - SnowballNewEffect (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
24767 - Guristas Basic Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
24772 - Deficient Tower Sentry Sansha II (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25385 - H-2874 Defense Sentinel (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25472 - Drone Creation Compound (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25524 - Angel Central Command (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25528 - Guristas Fleet Stronghold (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25541 - 'Crop' Gas Cloud Harvester Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
25543 - 'Plow' Gas Cloud Harvester Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
25559 - Blood Raider Fleet Stronghold (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25626 - Guristas Annihilation Missile Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25706 - Tower Sentry Guristas III_buffed (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25805 - Outgrowth Strain Mother_00COSMOS (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25809 - Kois City (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25827 - Minmatar Station Sentry (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25840 - Station Sentry 9F (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
25841 - Slave Pens (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
25866 - Rakogh Citadel (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26135 - Production Cache (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26136 - Training Cube (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26137 - Research Lab (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26145 - Shipping Crate (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26146 - Com Relay (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26148 - Product Sample Case (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26149 - Test Crate (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26150 - Victim's Stash (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26151 - Component Bin (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26152 - Outbound Freight (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26153 - Demo Kit (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26154 - Gadget Casket (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26155 - Info Matrix (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26161 - Think Tank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26162 - Restricted Punch Bowl (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26163 - Science Lab (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26164 - Prototype Crate (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26165 - Backup Array (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26166 - Novelty Box (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26275 - Hive mother 2_Complex (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26276 - Floating Debris (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26277 - Ancient Ruins (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26607 - Civilian Miner Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
26657 - Angel Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26658 - Angel Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26659 - Angel Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26660 - Angel Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26662 - Blood Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26663 - Blood Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26664 - Blood Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26665 - Blood Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26666 - Guristas Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26667 - Guristas Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26668 - Guristas Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26669 - Guristas Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26670 - Sansha Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26671 - Sansha Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26672 - Sansha Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26673 - Sansha Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26674 - Serpentis Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26675 - Serpentis Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26676 - Serpentis Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26677 - Serpentis Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26709 - Secret Angel Facility (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26713 - Flawed Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26747 - Guristas Annihilation Missile Battery_Uber (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26843 - Tempest Tournament Issue TEST Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
26851 - Fools Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26852 - Flawed Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
26856 - Serpentis Crash Storage Platform (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26857 - Serpentis Exile Storage Platform (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26858 - Serpentis Mindflood Storage Platform (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
26868 - Flawed Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
27028 - Chondrite (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
27280 - Angel Basic Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
27281 - Blood Basic Defense Battery (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
27282 - Tower Basic Sentry Angel (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
27283 - Tower Basic Sentry Bloodraider (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
27284 - Tower Basic Sentry Guristas (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
27285 - Tower Basic Sentry Serpentis (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
27677 - Angel Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27680 - Angel Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27681 - Angel Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27682 - Blood Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27684 - Blood Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27685 - Blood Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27688 - Dark Blood Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27689 - Dark Blood Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27690 - Dark Blood Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27694 - Domination Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27695 - Domination Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27696 - Domination Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27697 - Guristas Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27698 - Guristas Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27699 - Guristas Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27703 - Dread Guristas Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27704 - Dread Guristas Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27705 - Dread Guristas Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27706 - Serpentis Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27707 - Serpentis Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27708 - Serpentis Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27712 - Shadow Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27713 - Shadow Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27714 - Shadow Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27781 - Sansha Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27783 - Sansha Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27785 - Sansha Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27787 - True Sansha Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27789 - True Sansha Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27791 - True Sansha Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27802 - Mission Hacking Can (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
27804 - Mission Hacking Can 1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
27807 - Sansha Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27808 - Sansha Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27809 - Sansha Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27810 - Sansha Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27811 - Sansha Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27812 - Sansha Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27813 - True Sansha Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27814 - True Sansha Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27815 - True Sansha Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27816 - True Sansha Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27817 - True Sansha Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27818 - True Sansha Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27819 - Blood Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27820 - Blood Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27821 - Blood Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27822 - Blood Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27823 - Blood Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27824 - Blood Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27825 - Dark Blood Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27826 - Dark Blood Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27827 - Dark Blood Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27828 - Dark Blood Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27829 - Dark Blood Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27830 - Dark Blood Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27831 - Angel Large Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27832 - Angel Large Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27833 - Angel Medium Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27834 - Angel Small Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27835 - Angel Medium Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27836 - Angel Small Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27837 - Domination Small Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27838 - Domination Medium Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27839 - Domination Large Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27840 - Domination Large Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27841 - Domination Medium Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27842 - Domination Small Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27843 - Serpentis Large Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27844 - Serpentis Medium Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27845 - Serpentis Small Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27846 - Serpentis Small Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27847 - Serpentis Medium Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27848 - Serpentis Large Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27849 - Shadow Large Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27850 - Shadow Large Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27851 - Shadow Medium Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27852 - Shadow Medium Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27853 - Shadow Small Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27854 - Shadow Small Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27859 - Guristas Ion Field Projection Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27860 - Guristas White Noise Generation Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27861 - Guristas Spatial Destabilization Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27862 - Guristas Phase Inversion Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27863 - Dread Guristas Phase Inversion Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27864 - Dread Guristas Ion Field Projection Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27865 - Dread Guristas Spatial Destabilization Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27866 - Dread Guristas White Noise Generation Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27867 - Serpentis Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27868 - Serpentis Warp Disruption Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27869 - Shadow Warp Disruption Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27870 - Shadow Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27871 - Angel Stasis Webification Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Stasis Webification Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27872 - Domination Stasis Webification Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Stasis Webification Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27873 - Serpentis Sensor Dampening Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Sensor Dampening Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27874 - Shadow Sensor Dampening Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Sensor Dampening Array Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27875 - Blood Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27876 - Dark Blood Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27877 - Sansha Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27878 - True Sansha Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27944 - Guristas XL Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27945 - Guristas Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27946 - Guristas Cruise Missile Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27947 - Dread Guristas Cruise Missile Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27948 - Dread Guristas Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27949 - Dread Guristas XL Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
27956 - Drone Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28224 - Mission Hacking Can 2 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28259 - colins test Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28263 - 'Integrated' Acolyte Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28265 - 'Augmented' Acolyte Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28267 - 'Integrated' Berserker Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28269 - 'Augmented' Berserker Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28271 - 'Integrated' Hammerhead Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28273 - 'Augmented' Hammerhead Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28275 - 'Integrated' Hobgoblin Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28277 - 'Augmented' Hobgoblin Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28279 - 'Integrated' Hornet Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28281 - 'Augmented' Hornet Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28283 - 'Integrated' Infiltrator Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28285 - 'Augmented' Infiltrator Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28287 - 'Integrated' Ogre Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28289 - 'Augmented' Ogre Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28291 - 'Integrated' Praetor Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28293 - 'Augmented' Praetor Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28295 - 'Integrated' Valkyrie Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28297 - 'Augmented' Valkyrie Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28299 - 'Integrated' Vespa Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28301 - 'Augmented' Vespa Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28303 - 'Integrated' Warrior Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28305 - 'Augmented' Warrior Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28307 - 'Integrated' Wasp Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28309 - 'Augmented' Wasp Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28325 - Republic Fleet Carbonized Lead L Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28327 - Republic Fleet Carbonized Lead M Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28329 - Republic Fleet Carbonized Lead S Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28331 - Republic Fleet Carbonized Lead XL Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28333 - Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium L Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28335 - Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium M Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28337 - Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium S Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28339 - Republic Fleet Depleted Uranium XL Blueprint (Projectile Ammo Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28367 - Compressed Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28376 - Republic Fleet Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28378 - Caldari Navy Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28380 - Domination Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28382 - Dread Guristas Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28384 - True Sansha Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28385 - Compressed Crimson Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28387 - Compressed Prime Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28388 - Compressed Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28389 - Compressed Monoclinic Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28390 - Compressed Triclinic Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28391 - Compressed Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28392 - Compressed Crystalline Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28393 - Compressed Sharp Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28394 - Compressed Dark Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28395 - Compressed Obsidian Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28396 - Compressed Onyx Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28397 - Compressed Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28398 - Compressed Iridescent Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28399 - Compressed Prismatic Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28400 - Compressed Glazed Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28401 - Compressed Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28402 - Compressed Vitric Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28403 - Compressed Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28404 - Compressed Radiant Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28405 - Compressed Vivid Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28406 - Compressed Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28407 - Compressed Pristine Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28408 - Compressed Pure Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28409 - Compressed Fiery Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28410 - Compressed Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28411 - Compressed Luminous Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28412 - Compressed Magma Mercoxit (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28413 - Compressed Mercoxit (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28414 - Compressed Vitreous Mercoxit (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28415 - Compressed Golden Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28416 - Compressed Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28417 - Compressed Silvery Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28418 - Compressed Bright Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28419 - Compressed Gleaming Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28420 - Compressed Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28421 - Compressed Azure Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28422 - Compressed Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28423 - Compressed Rich Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28424 - Compressed Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28425 - Compressed Solid Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28426 - Compressed Viscous Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28427 - Compressed Condensed Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28428 - Compressed Massive Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28429 - Compressed Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28430 - Compressed Concentrated Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28431 - Compressed Dense Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28432 - Compressed Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28433 - Compressed Blue Ice (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28434 - Compressed Clear Icicle (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28435 - Compressed Dark Glitter (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28436 - Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28437 - Compressed Gelidus (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28438 - Compressed Glacial Mass (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28439 - Compressed Glare Crust (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28440 - Compressed Krystallos (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28441 - Compressed Pristine White Glaze (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28442 - Compressed Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28443 - Compressed Thick Blue Ice (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28444 - Compressed White Glaze (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28508 - Swarm Defense Battery Deluxe (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28510 - Kuari Strain Mother (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28512 - Khanid Navy Rocket Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28515 - Khanid Navy Stasis Webifier Blueprint (Stasis Web Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28517 - Khanid Navy Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28519 - Khanid Navy Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28521 - Khanid Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28523 - Khanid Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28525 - Khanid Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28527 - Khanid Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28529 - Khanid Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint (Armor Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28531 - Khanid Navy Cap Recharger Blueprint (Capacitor Recharger Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28533 - Khanid Navy Capacitor Power Relay Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28535 - Khanid Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28537 - Khanid Navy Energized Kinetic Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28539 - Khanid Navy Energized Explosive Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28541 - Khanid Navy Energized EM Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28543 - Khanid Navy Energized Thermal Membrane Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28546 - Khanid Navy Large EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28548 - Khanid Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28551 - Khanid Navy Medium EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28553 - Khanid Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28555 - Khanid Navy EM Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28558 - Khanid Navy Small EMP Smartbomb Blueprint (Smart Bomb Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28560 - Khanid Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28562 - Khanid Navy Co-Processor Blueprint (Co-Processor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28564 - Khanid Navy Ballistic Control System Blueprint (Ballistic Control System Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28566 - Khanid Navy Heavy Assault Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28571 - Damaged Sentinel Angel (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28572 - Damaged Sentinel Bloodraider (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28573 - Damaged Sentinel Sansha (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28574 - Damaged Sentinel Serpentis (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28575 - Damaged Sentinel Chimera Strain Mother (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
28617 - Banidine (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28618 - Augumene (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28619 - Mercium (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28620 - Lyavite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28621 - Pithix (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28622 - Green Arisite (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28623 - Oeryl (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28624 - Geodite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28625 - Polygypsum (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28626 - Zuthrine (Mercoxit) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28627 - Azure Ice (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28628 - Crystalline Icicle (Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28730 - Legion Magnetometric ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28732 - Legion Multispectral ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28734 - Legion Ladar ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28736 - Legion Gravimetric ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28738 - Legion Radar ECM Blueprint (ECM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28741 - Thukker Micro Auxiliary Power Core Blueprint (Auxiliary Power Core Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28743 - Thukker Small Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28745 - Thukker Shield Extender I Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28747 - Thukker Medium Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28749 - ORE Deep Core Mining Laser Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28751 - ORE Miner Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28753 - ORE Ice Harvester Blueprint (Strip Miner Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28755 - ORE Strip Miner Blueprint (Strip Miner Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28757 - Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher Blueprint (Scan Probe Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28759 - Sisters Core Probe Launcher Blueprint (Scan Probe Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28771 - Syndicate Mobile Large Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28773 - Syndicate Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28775 - Syndicate Mobile Small Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28777 - Syndicate Reactor Control Unit Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28779 - Syndicate 100mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28781 - Syndicate 1600mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28783 - Syndicate 200mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28785 - Syndicate 400mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28787 - Syndicate 800mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28789 - Syndicate Gas Cloud Harvester Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
28871 - Angel Narcotics Storage Facility (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28872 - Angel Chemical Laboratory (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28873 - Guristas Narcotics Storage Facility (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28874 - Guristas Chemical Laboratory (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28875 - Serpentis Narcotics Storage Facility (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28876 - Serpentis Chemical Laboratory (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28877 - Sansha Narcotics Storage Facility (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28878 - Blood Raider Chemical Laboratory (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
28998 - Angel Fleet Outpost (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
29020 - Serpentis Fleet Outpost (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
29021 - Guristas Fleet Outpost (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
29022 - Blood Raider Fleet Outpost (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
29023 - Sansha Fleet Outpost (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
29113 - Ancient Compressed Blue Ice (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29115 - Ancient Compressed Clear Icicle (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29117 - Ancient Compressed Dark Glitter (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29119 - Ancient Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29121 - Ancient Compressed Gelidus (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29123 - Ancient Compressed Glacial Mass (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29125 - Ancient Compressed Glare Crust (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29127 - Ancient Compressed Krystallos (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29129 - Ancient Compressed Pristine White Glaze (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29131 - Ancient Compressed Smooth Glacial Mass (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29133 - Ancient Compressed Thick Blue Ice (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29135 - Ancient Compressed White Glaze (Ancient Compressed Ice) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29190 - Wreck W/ 23 Survivors (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29289 - Zainou Biotech Convoy Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29338 - Augoror Navy Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
29339 - Scythe Fleet Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
29341 - Osprey Navy Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
29345 - Exequror Navy Issue Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
29549 - Reconnaissance Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29716 - Angel Ship Rubble (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29717 - Blood Ship Rubble (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29718 - Guristas Ship Rubble (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29719 - Sansha Ship Rubble (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29720 - Serpentis Ship Rubble (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29721 - Angel Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29722 - Blood Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29723 - Guristas Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29724 - Sansha Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29725 - Serpentis Ship Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29726 - Angel Ship Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29727 - Blood Ship Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29728 - Guristas Ship Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29729 - Sansha Ship Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29730 - Serpentis Ship Derelict (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29731 - Angel Ship Remains (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29732 - Blood Ship Remains (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29733 - Guristas Ship Remains (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29734 - Sansha Ship Remains (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29735 - Serpentis Ship Remains (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29736 - Serpentis Ship Debris (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29737 - Sansha Ship Debris (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29738 - Guristas Ship Debris (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29739 - Blood Ship Debris (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29740 - Angel Ship Debris (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29741 - Angel Ship Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29742 - Blood Ship Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29743 - Guristas Ship Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29744 - Sansha Ship Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29745 - Serpentis Ship Waste (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29894 - Angel Ship Ruins (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29895 - Blood Ship Ruins (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29896 - Guristas Ship Ruins (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29897 - Sansha Ship Ruins (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29898 - Serpentis Ship Ruins (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29899 - Angel Ship Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29900 - Blood Ship Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29901 - Guristas Ship Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29902 - Sansha Ship Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
29903 - Serpentis Ship Hulk (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30221 - Snowball CXIV (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
30222 - Melted Snowball CX (Festival Charges Expired) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
30460 - Vigilant Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
30461 - Wakeful Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
30462 - Restless Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
30516 - Malfunctioning Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30517 - Ejected Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30518 - Deformed Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30519 - Obsolete Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30520 - Broken Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30521 - Spavined Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30522 - Forgotten Sleeper Artifact (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30523 - Lost Sleeper Artifact (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30524 - Abandoned Sleeper Artifact (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30525 - Sleeper Artifact (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30526 - Decrepit Sleeper Artifact (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30527 - Forlorn Sleeper Artifact (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30528 - Abandoned Talocan Battleship (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30529 - Deserted Talocan Cruiser (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30530 - Derelict Talocan Frigate (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30969 - CPF Habitation Module (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30976 - Federation Navy Shipyard (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30981 - Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V.1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30982 - Encrypted Communications Array (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
30996 - Shuttle Wreck (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
31865 - Imperial Navy Acolyte Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31867 - Imperial Navy Infiltrator Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31869 - Imperial Navy Curator Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31871 - Imperial Navy Praetor Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31873 - Caldari Navy Hornet Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31875 - Caldari Navy Vespa Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31877 - Caldari Navy Wasp Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31879 - Caldari Navy Warden Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31881 - Federation Navy Hobgoblin Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31883 - Federation Navy Hammerhead Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31885 - Federation Navy Ogre Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31887 - Federation Navy Garde Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31889 - Republic Fleet Warrior Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31891 - Republic Fleet Valkyrie Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31893 - Republic Fleet Berserker Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31895 - Republic Fleet Bouncer Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31897 - Imperial Navy 100mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31899 - Federation Navy 100mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31901 - Imperial Navy 1600mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31903 - Federation Navy 1600mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31905 - Imperial Navy 200mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31907 - Federation Navy 200mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31909 - Imperial Navy 400mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31911 - Federation Navy 400mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31917 - Imperial Navy 800mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31919 - Federation Navy 800mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31923 - Caldari Navy Small Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31925 - Republic Fleet Small Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31927 - Caldari Navy Medium Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31929 - Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31931 - Caldari Navy Large Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31933 - Republic Fleet Large Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31943 - Federation Navy Omnidirectional Tracking Link Blueprint (Drone Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31945 - Republic Fleet Target Painter Blueprint (Target Painter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31947 - Imperial Navy Large Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31949 - Imperial Navy Medium Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31951 - Imperial Navy Small Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
31953 - Caldari Navy Power Diagnostic System Blueprint (Power Manager Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32100 - Forgotten Debris (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
32208 - Freki Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32210 - Mimir Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32240 - Data Bank (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
32279 - Chapel of the Obsidian (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
32281 - Secure Communications Tower (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
32282 - Ammatar Relics (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
32306 - Armageddon Navy Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32308 - Dominix Navy Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32310 - Scorpion Navy Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32312 - Typhoon Fleet Issue Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32361 - Compact Rift Torpedo I (Compact XL Torpedo) | Primary Skill required: 32339.0 => None |
32377 - Venal Regional Comms Tower (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
32415 - Domination Target Painter Blueprint (Target Painter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32789 - Cambion Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32791 - Etana Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32810 - Ammatar Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint (Armor Coating Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32812 - Miasmos Amastris Edition Blueprint (Industrial Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32841 - InterBus Catalyst Blueprint (Destroyer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32843 - Intaki Syndicate Catalyst Blueprint (Destroyer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32845 - Inner Zone Shipping Catalyst Blueprint (Destroyer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32847 - Quafe Catalyst Blueprint (Destroyer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32849 - Aliastra Catalyst Blueprint (Destroyer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32854 - Discovery Survey Probe I Blueprint (Survey Probe Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
32855 - Gaze Survey Probe I Blueprint (Survey Probe Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
32984 - Sukuuvestaa Heron Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32986 - Inner Zone Shipping Imicus Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32988 - Sarum Magnate Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32990 - Vherokior Probe Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
32993 - Sodium Firework CXIV (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
32994 - Barium Firework CXIV (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
32995 - Copper Firework CXIV (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
33147 - Angel Remains (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33152 - Brutix Navy Issue Blueprint (Battlecruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33154 - Drake Navy Issue Blueprint (Battlecruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33156 - Harbinger Navy Issue Blueprint (Battlecruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33158 - Hurricane Fleet Issue Blueprint (Battlecruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33186 - Angel Debris (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33187 - Angel Mainframe (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33188 - Angel Info Shard (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33191 - Tash-Murkon Magnate Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33233 - Angel Ruins (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33234 - Angel Rubble (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33235 - Angel Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33236 - Angel Com Tower (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33237 - Blood Debris (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33238 - Blood Rubble (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33239 - Blood Remains (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33240 - Blood Ruins (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33241 - Blood Info Shard (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33242 - Blood Com Tower (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33243 - Blood Mainframe (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33244 - Blood Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33245 - Guristas Debris (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33246 - Guristas Rubble (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33247 - Guristas Remains (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33248 - Guristas Ruins (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33249 - Guristas Info Shard (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33251 - Guristas Com Tower (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33252 - Guristas Mainframe (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33253 - Guristas Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33254 - Serpentis Debris (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33255 - Serpentis Rubble (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33256 - Serpentis Remains (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33257 - Serpentis Ruins (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33258 - Serpentis Info Shard (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33259 - Serpentis Com Tower (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33260 - Serpentis Mainframe (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33261 - Serpentis Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33262 - Sansha Debris (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33263 - Sansha Rubble (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33264 - Sansha Remains (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33265 - Sansha Ruins (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33266 - Sansha Info Shard (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33267 - Sansha Com Tower (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33268 - Sansha Mainframe (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33269 - Sansha Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
33396 - Moracha Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33398 - Chremoas Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33447 - Caldari Navy Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33460 - Republic Fleet Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33469 - Astero Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33471 - Stratios Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33473 - Nestor Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33521 - 'Wetu' Mobile Depot Blueprint (Mobile Depot Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33523 - 'Yurt' Mobile Depot Blueprint (Mobile Depot Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33530 - Secure Depot (Spawn Container) | Primary Skill required: 21718.0 => None |
33531 - Secure Lab (Spawn Container) | Primary Skill required: 21718.0 => None |
33532 - Secure Databank (Spawn Container) | Primary Skill required: 21718.0 => None |
33533 - Secure Mainframe (Spawn Container) | Primary Skill required: 21718.0 => None |
33534 - Secure Vault (Spawn Container) | Primary Skill required: 21718.0 => None |
33554 - Stratios Emergency Responder Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33569 - Snowball (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
33571 - Sodium Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
33572 - Barium Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
33573 - Copper Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
33582 - Small Mobile 'Hybrid' Siphon Unit Blueprint (Mobile Siphon Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33584 - Small Mobile 'Rote' Siphon Unit Blueprint (Mobile Siphon Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33674 - Whiptail Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
33676 - Chameleon Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
33678 - Police Pursuit Comet Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33682 - Gecko Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33684 - Mackinaw ORE Development Edition Blueprint (Mining Barge Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
33701 - 'Packrat' Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint (Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33703 - 'Magpie' Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint (Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33817 - Garmur Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33819 - Orthrus Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33821 - Barghest Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33868 - Thukker Component Assembly Array Blueprint (Starbase Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
33889 - Guristas Research and Trade Hub (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: 13278.0 => None |
33984 - Experimental Hyperspatial Accelerator Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
33986 - Prototype Hyperspatial Accelerator Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
34125 - Experimental Jump Drive Economizer Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
34127 - Prototype Jump Drive Economizer Blueprint (Hull Mods Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
34153 - Rattlesnake Victory Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
34220 - Paladin Blood Raider Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34222 - Paladin Kador Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34224 - Paladin Tash-Murkon Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34232 - Golem Guristas Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34234 - Golem Kaalakiota Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34236 - Golem Nugoeihuvi Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34242 - Kronos Police Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34244 - Kronos Quafe Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34246 - Kronos Inner Zone Shipping Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34254 - Vargur Justice Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34256 - Vargur Krusual Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34258 - Vargur Nefantar Edition Blueprint (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34299 - Mangled Storage Depot (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34300 - Dented Storage Depot (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34301 - Remote Pressure Control Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34305 - Remote Defense Grid Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34315 - Hyperfluct Generator (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34375 - Coordinate Plotting Device (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34378 - Intact Storage Depot (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34384 - Immobile Tractor Beam (Large Collidable Object) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34385 - Pristine Storage Depot (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34403 - Solray Observational Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34406 - Remote Reroute Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34438 - Sentry Repair Station (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34447 - Cerebrum Maintenance Chamber (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34453 - Vessel Rejuvenation Battery (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34454 - Archive Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
34455 - Impaired Archive Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
34462 - 马克瑞级YC117年特别版蓝图 (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
34464 - 响尾蛇级YC117年特别版蓝图 (Battleship Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
34476 - 毒蜥级YC117年特别版蓝图 (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
34478 - 银鹰级YC117年特别版蓝图 (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34480 - 伊什塔级YC117年特别版蓝图 (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
34503 - Sentinel Beta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34504 - Sentinel Delta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34505 - Sentinel Alpha Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34506 - Sentinel Gamma Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34507 - Barbican Beta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34508 - Barbican Delta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34509 - Barbican Alpha Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34510 - Barbican Gamma Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34511 - Vidette Beta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34512 - Vidette Delta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34513 - Vidette Alpha Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34514 - Vidette Gamma Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34515 - Conflux Beta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34516 - Conflux Delta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34517 - Conflux Alpha Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34518 - Conflux Gamma Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34519 - Redoubt Beta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34520 - Redoubt Delta Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34521 - Redoubt Alpha Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34522 - Redoubt Gamma Access Unit (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34523 - Sentinel Alignment Unit 0 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34524 - Sentinel Alignment Unit 1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34525 - Barbican Alignment Unit 0 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34526 - Barbican Alignment Unit 1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34527 - Vidette Alignment Unit 0 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34528 - Vidette Alignment Unit 1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34529 - Conflux Alignment Unit 0 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34530 - Conflux Alignment Unit 1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34531 - Redoubt Alignment Unit 0 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34532 - Redoubt Alignment Unit 1 (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34572 - Sleeper Databank (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
34591 - Victorieux Luxury Yacht Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
34873 - Proximity-activated Autoturret (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
34909 - Algos InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34910 - Algos InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34911 - Algos InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34912 - Algos InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34969 - Atron InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34970 - Atron InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34971 - Atron InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
34972 - Atron InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35045 - Celestis InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35046 - Celestis InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35047 - Celestis InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35048 - Celestis InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35129 - Erebus InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35130 - Erebus InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35131 - Erebus InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35132 - Erebus InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35237 - Iteron Mark V InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35238 - Iteron Mark V InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35239 - Iteron Mark V InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35240 - Iteron Mark V InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35345 - Myrmidon InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35346 - Myrmidon InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35347 - Myrmidon InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35348 - Myrmidon InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35365 - Nyx InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35366 - Nyx InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35367 - Nyx InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35368 - Nyx InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35541 - Talos InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35542 - Talos InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35543 - Talos InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35544 - Talos InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35629 - Vexor InterBus SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35630 - Vexor InterBus SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35631 - Vexor InterBus SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35632 - Vexor InterBus SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
35780 - Imp Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
35782 - Fiend Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
36997 - Structure Security Force Array Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
36999 - Structure Sovereignty Unit Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37000 - Structure Security Status Claim Unit Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37001 - Structure Agent Distribution Unit Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37002 - Structure Factional Reserve Unit Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37003 - Structure Armored Targeted Link Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37004 - Structure Information Targeted Link Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37005 - Structure Siege Targeted Link Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37006 - Structure Skirmish Targeted Link Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37007 - Structure Mining Targeted Link Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37008 - Standup Guided Bomb Launcher I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37020 - Standup Ballistic Control System I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37021 - Standup Repulsor Field Projector I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37022 - Standup Market Hub I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37023 - Standup Cloning Center I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37024 - Structure Corporation Insurance Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37025 - Structure Loyalty Point Store Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37026 - Structure Customs Office Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37027 - Structure Interbus Transport Service Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37028 - Standup Co-Processor Array I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37029 - Standup Point Defense Battery I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37030 - Standup Arcing Vorton Projector I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37031 - Structure Planetoid Drilling Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37032 - Standup Reprocessing Facility I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37033 - Structure Compression Plant Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37034 - Standup Moon Drill I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37037 - Structure Drone Link Augmentor Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37038 - Standup Fighter Damage Amplifier I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37039 - Structure Drone Navigation Computer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37040 - Standup Fighter Tracking Enhancer I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37041 - Standup Variable Spectrum ECM I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37042 - Structure ECCM Projector Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37043 - Standup XL Energy Neutralizer I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37044 - Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37045 - Standup Missile Guidance Enhancer I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37046 - Structure Missile Guidance Computer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37047 - Standup Anticapital Missile Launcher I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37048 - Standup Multirole Missile Launcher I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37049 - Structure Local Communications Array Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37050 - Structure Stellar Mapping Array Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37051 - Structure Capsuleer Tracking Array Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37052 - Structure Scanner Array Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37053 - Structure Listening Post Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37054 - Structure Cloak Pinpoint Array Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37058 - Structure Cynosural Jammer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37060 - Standup Reactor Control Unit I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37061 - Structure Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37062 - Structure Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37063 - Structure Remote Hull Repairer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37064 - Structure Remote Missile Guidance Computer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37065 - Structure Remote Sensor Booster Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37066 - Standup Remote Sensor Dampener I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37067 - Structure Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37068 - Structure Remote Tracking Computer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37071 - Structure Datacore Field Research Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37072 - Structure Time Efficiency Laboratory Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37073 - Structure Material Efficiency Laboratory Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37075 - Structure Scan Resolution Booster Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37079 - Structure Wormhole Stabilizer Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37080 - Standup Stasis Webifier I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37081 - Standup Target Painter I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37083 - Standup Weapon Disruptor I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37085 - Standup CSP Tractor Beam I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37087 - Standup Focused Warp Disruptor I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37138 - Structure Ad Post Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37139 - Structure Billboard Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37309 - Standup L-Set Ammunition Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37310 - Standup XL-Set Equipment and Consumable Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37326 - Medium Consumable Manufacturing II Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37329 - Standup L-Set Ammunition Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37330 - Standup L-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37331 - Standup L-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37332 - Standup L-Set Advanced Large Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37333 - Standup L-Set Advanced Large Ship Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37334 - Standup L-Set Equipment Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37335 - Standup L-Set Equipment Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37338 - Standup L-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37339 - Standup L-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37340 - Large Tech I Subsystem Manufacturing I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37341 - Large Tech I Subsystem Manufacturing II Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37342 - Standup XL-Set Equipment and Consumable Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37343 - Standup XL-Set Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37344 - Standup XL-Set Ship Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37345 - Standup XL-Set Laboratory Optimization II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37346 - Standup XL-Set Laboratory Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37347 - Medium Tech I Small Ship Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37348 - Medium Tech I Small Ship Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37349 - Medium Tech I Medium Ship Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37350 - Medium Tech I Medium Ship Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37351 - Medium Tech I Large Ship Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37352 - Medium Drone Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37353 - Medium Drone Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37354 - Medium Consumable Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37355 - Medium Consumable Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37356 - Medium Module Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37357 - Medium Module Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37358 - Large Module, Consumable, Drone Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37359 - Large Module, Consumable, Drone Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37360 - Large Tech I Ship Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37361 - Large Tech I Ship Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37364 - Large Tech II Component Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37365 - Large Tech II Component Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37366 - Large Tech I Capital Component Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37367 - Large Tech I Capital Component Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37368 - Large Structure Component Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37369 - Large Structure Component Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37370 - Large Tech I Subsystem Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37371 - Large Tech I Subsystem Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37372 - X-Large Equipment Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37373 - X-Large Equipment Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37374 - X-Large Ship Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37375 - X-Large Ship Research II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: 2 => 53 |
37376 - Standup XL-Set Structure and Component Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37377 - Standup XL-Set Structure and Component Manufacturing Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
37378 - Standup M-Set Missile Precision I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37380 - Standup M-Set Missile Projection I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37382 - Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Projection I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37384 - Standup M-Set Energy Neutralizer Economy I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37386 - Standup M-Set Fighter Survival I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37388 - Standup M-Set Fighter Navigation I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37390 - Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Projection I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37392 - Standup M-Set Electronic Warfare Economy I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37394 - Standup M-Set Structure Target Multiplexing I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37396 - Standup M-Set Enhanced Targeting System I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37410 - Standup L-Set Missile Flight Processor I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37413 - Standup L-Set Energy Neutralizer Feedback Control I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37415 - Standup L-Set Fighter Mission Control I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37417 - Standup L-Set EW Expert System I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37419 - Standup L-Set Bomb Aimer I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37421 - Standup L-Set Point Defense Battery Control I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37423 - Standup L-Set Target Acquisition Array I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37431 - Standup XL-Set Missile Fire Control Computer I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37433 - Standup XL-Set Integrated Fighter and PD Network I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37435 - Standup XL-Set EW and Emissions Co-ordinator I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37437 - Standup XL-Set Extinction Level Weapons Suite I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37443 - OLD M-Set HS Materials Reclamation I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37445 - OLD L-Set Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37447 - OLD XL-Set Reprocessing Monitor I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37449 - Medium Tech I Large Ship Research I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37541 - Standup Signal Amplifier I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37833 - Standup Gravimetric ECM Script Blueprint (Script Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37834 - Standup Ladar ECM Script Blueprint (Script Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37835 - Standup Magnetometric ECM Script Blueprint (Script Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37836 - Standup Radar ECM Script Blueprint (Script Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37852 - Standup Super-heavy Torpedo Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37853 - Standup XL Cruise Missile Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37854 - Standup AXL-SR Missile Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37855 - Standup Cruise Missile Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37856 - Standup Heavy Missile Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37857 - Standup Light Missile Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37858 - Standup Heavy Guided Bomb Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37859 - Standup Light Guided Bomb Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37860 - Standup Void Guided Bomb Blueprint (Missile Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
37964 - Structure Resistance Switcher Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
38392 - Myrmidon InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38393 - Talos InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38394 - Nyx InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38395 - Erebus InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38396 - Celestis InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38397 - Vexor InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38398 - Algos InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38399 - Atron InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38400 - Iteron Mark V InterBus Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) | skin_isStructureSkin: None => False skin_visibleSerenity: False => True |
38661 - Ice Mining Laser II Blueprint (Mining Laser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
40311 - Noir. Modified Entosis Link Blueprint (Entosis Link Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40312 - Spectre Fleet's Modified Entosis Link Blueprint (Entosis Link Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40313 - Affirmative. Modified Entosis Link Blueprint (Entosis Link Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40314 - Pandemic SPHERE Modified Entosis Link Blueprint (Entosis Link Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40315 - Maulus Navy Issue Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40316 - Griffin Navy Issue Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40317 - Vigil Fleet Issue Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40318 - Crucifier Navy Issue Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40521 - Upwell Palatine Keepstar Blueprint (Structure Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40673 - Capital Gremlin Compact Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40674 - Capital Infectious Scoped Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40676 - True Sansha Capital Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40677 - Dark Blood Capital Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40685 - Capital Ghoul Compact Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40686 - Capital Knave Scoped Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40688 - True Sansha Capital Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40689 - Dark Blood Capital Energy Nosferatu Blueprint (Energy Nosferatu Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
40741 - Heavy Fleeting Compact Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40742 - Heavy J5 Enduring Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40743 - Heavy Faint Scoped Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40753 - Heavy Initiated Compact Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40755 - Heavy J5b Enduring Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
40757 - Heavy Faint Epsilon Scoped Warp Scrambler Blueprint (Warp Scrambler Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41069 - Modulated Compact Quad Mega Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41070 - Modal Enduring Quad Mega Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41071 - Anode Scoped Quad Mega Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41072 - Afocal Precise Quad Mega Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41086 - Regulated Compact Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41087 - Modal Enduring Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41088 - Anode Scoped Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41089 - Limited Precise Triple Neutron Blaster Cannon Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41093 - Compact Carbine Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41094 - Ample Gallium Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41095 - Scout Scoped Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41096 - Prototype Precise Quad 800mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41105 - Modulated Compact Dual Giga Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41106 - Modal Enduring Dual Giga Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41107 - Anode Scoped Dual Giga Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41108 - Afocal Precise Dual Giga Pulse Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41120 - Modulated Compact Dual Giga Beam Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41121 - Modal Enduring Dual Giga Beam Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41122 - Anode Scoped Dual Giga Beam Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41123 - Afocal Precise Dual Giga Beam Laser Blueprint (Energy Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41132 - Regulated Compact Ion Siege Blaster Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41133 - Modal Enduring Ion Siege Blaster Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41134 - Anode Scoped Ion Siege Blaster Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41135 - Limited Precise Ion Siege Blaster Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41143 - Carbide Compact Dual 1000mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41144 - Compressed Enduring Dual 1000mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41146 - Scout Scoped Dual 1000mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41148 - Prototype Precise Dual 1000mm Railgun Blueprint (Hybrid Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41161 - Carbine Compact Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41162 - Gallium Ample Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41163 - Scout Scoped Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41165 - Prototype Precise Hexa 2500mm Repeating Cannon Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41168 - Carbide Compact Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41169 - Gallium Ample Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41170 - Scout Scoped Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41171 - Prototype Precise Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery Blueprint (Projectile Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41177 - Arbalest Compact XL Cruise Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41178 - TE-2100 Ample XL Cruise Missile Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41183 - Arbalest Compact XL Torpedo Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41184 - TE-2100 Ample XL Torpedo Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41222 - Heavy Stasis Grappler II Blueprint (Stasis Web Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41226 - Arbalest Compact Rapid Torpedo Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41227 - TE-2100 Ample Rapid Torpedo Launcher Blueprint (Missile Launcher Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41243 - 10000MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41244 - 10000MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41257 - 50000MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41258 - 50000MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41313 - 50000MN Cold-Gas Enduring Microwarpdrive Blueprint (Propulsion Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41413 - Hermes Compact Fighter Support Unit Blueprint (Drone Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41430 - OLD M-Set LNS Materials Reclamation II Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
41431 - OLD M-Set I1 Materials Reclamation I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
41432 - OLD M-Set I1 Materials Reclamation II Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
41433 - OLD M-Set I2 Materials Reclamation I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
41434 - OLD M-Set I2 Materials Reclamation II Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
41435 - OLD L-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
41436 - OLD L-Set Ice Grading Processor II Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
41437 - OLD M-Set LNS Materials Reclamation I Blueprint (Unpublished Structure Module and Rig Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
41535 - Ligature Integrated Analyzer Blueprint (Data Miner Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
41536 - Zeugma Integrated Analyzer Blueprint (Data Miner Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
41600 - Capital F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41601 - Capital Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41602 - Capital Shield Extender II Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41603 - CONCORD Capital Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41604 - True Sansha Capital Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41605 - Dread Guristas Capital Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41606 - Domination Capital Shield Extender Blueprint (Shield Extender Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41608 - 25000mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41609 - 25000mm Crystalline Carbonide Restrained Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41610 - 25000mm Steel Plates II Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41611 - CONCORD 25000mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41612 - Dark Blood 25000mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41613 - Shadow Serpentis 25000mm Steel Plates Blueprint (Armor Reinforcer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41614 - Capital I-a Enduring Armor Repairer Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41615 - Capital ACM Compact Armor Repairer Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41616 - Capital Armor Repairer II Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41618 - Dark Blood Capital Armor Repairer Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41619 - Shadow Serpentis Capital Armor Repairer Blueprint (Armor Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41621 - Capital I-ax Enduring Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41622 - Capital Coaxial Compact Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41623 - Capital Remote Armor Repairer II Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41624 - Capital Solace Scoped Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41625 - Dark Blood Capital Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41626 - Shadow Serpentis Capital Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41628 - Capital I-b Enduring Hull Repairer Blueprint (Hull Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41629 - Capital IEF Compact Hull Repairer Blueprint (Hull Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41630 - Capital Hull Repairer II Blueprint (Hull Repair Unit Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41631 - Capital Remote Hull Repairer II Blueprint (Remote Hull Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41632 - Capital C-5L Compact Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41633 - Capital Clarity Ward Enduring Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41634 - Capital Shield Booster II Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41635 - True Sansha Capital Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41636 - Dread Guristas Capital Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41637 - Domination Capital Shield Booster Blueprint (Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41640 - Capital Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41641 - Capital Cap Battery II Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41642 - Domination Capital Cap Battery Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41643 - Dark Blood Capital Cap Battery Blueprint (Capacitor Battery Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41645 - Capital F-RX Compact Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41646 - Capital Capacitor Booster II Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41647 - Dark Blood Capital Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41648 - True Sansha Capital Capacitor Booster Blueprint (Capacitor Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41658 - Capital Flex Armor Hardener II Blueprint (Armor Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41659 - Dark Blood Capital Flex Armor Hardener Blueprint (Armor Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41660 - Shadow Serpentis Capital Flex Armor Hardener Blueprint (Armor Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41661 - Dread Guristas Capital Flex Shield Hardener Blueprint (Shield Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41663 - Capital Flex Shield Hardener II Blueprint (Shield Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
41664 - Domination Capital Flex Shield Hardener Blueprint (Shield Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41665 - True Sansha Capital Flex Shield Hardener Blueprint (Shield Resistance Shift Hardener Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41666 - Capital Asymmetric Enduring Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41667 - Capital Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41668 - Capital S95a Scoped Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41669 - Domination Capital Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41670 - Dread Guristas Capital Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41671 - True Sansha Capital Remote Shield Booster Blueprint (Remote Shield Booster Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
41697 - Capital Radiative Scoped Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
41698 - Capital Inductive Compact Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint (Remote Capacitor Transmitter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
42134 - Vanguard Blueprint (Carrier Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42135 - Venerable Blueprint (Force Auxiliary Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42136 - Vehement Blueprint (Dreadnought Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42137 - Vendetta Blueprint (Supercarrier Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42138 - Vanquisher Blueprint (Titan Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42524 - Rabisu Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42525 - Caedes Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
42891 - Industrial Core II Blueprint (Siege Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
43607 - Armor Command Burst II Blueprint (Command Burst Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
43608 - Information Command Burst II Blueprint (Command Burst Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
43609 - Mining Foreman Burst II Blueprint (Command Burst Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
43610 - Shield Command Burst II Blueprint (Command Burst Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
43611 - Skirmish Command Burst II Blueprint (Command Burst Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
43911 - Ice Harvesting Drone I Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
43913 - 'Augmented' Ice Harvesting Drone Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
43914 - 'Augmented' Mining Drone Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
43915 - 'Excavator' Mining Drone Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
43916 - 'Excavator' Ice Harvesting Drone Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
43925 - Standup Capital Shipyard I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
43926 - Standup Invention Lab I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
43927 - Standup Manufacturing Plant I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
43928 - Standup Research Lab I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
43929 - Standup Supercapital Shipyard I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
43934 - Harvester Mining Drone Blueprint (Mining Drone Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
44002 - Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44004 - Standup M-Set Equipment Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44006 - Standup M-Set Ammunition Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44008 - Standup M-Set Ammunition Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44010 - Standup M-Set Drone and Fighter Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44012 - Standup M-Set Drone and Fighter Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44014 - Standup M-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44016 - Standup M-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44018 - Standup M-Set Basic Medium Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44020 - Standup M-Set Basic Medium Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44022 - Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44024 - Standup M-Set Basic Large Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44026 - Standup M-Set Advanced Small Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44028 - Standup M-Set Advanced Small Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44030 - Standup M-Set Advanced Medium Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44032 - Standup M-Set Advanced Medium Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44034 - Standup M-Set Advanced Large Ship Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44036 - Standup M-Set Advanced Large Ship Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44038 - Standup M-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44040 - Standup M-Set Advanced Component Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44042 - Standup M-Set Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44044 - Standup M-Set Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44046 - Standup M-Set Structure Manufacturing Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44048 - Standup M-Set Structure Manufacturing Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44050 - Standup M-Set Invention Cost Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44052 - Standup M-Set Invention Accelerator I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44054 - Standup M-Set ME Research Cost Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44056 - Standup M-Set ME Research Accelerator I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44058 - Standup M-Set TE Research Cost Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44060 - Standup M-Set TE Research Accelerator I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44062 - Standup M-Set Blueprint Copy Cost Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44064 - Standup M-Set Blueprint Copy Accelerator I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44074 - Standup L-Set Advanced Medium Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44076 - Standup L-Set Advanced Small Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44078 - Standup L-Set Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44080 - Standup L-Set Basic Medium Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44082 - Standup L-Set Basic Small Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44084 - Standup L-Set Blueprint Copy Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44086 - Standup L-Set Capital Ship Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44088 - Standup L-Set Drone and Fighter Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44090 - Standup L-Set Invention Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44092 - Standup L-Set ME Research Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44094 - Standup L-Set Structure Manufacturing Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44096 - Standup L-Set TE Research Optimization I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
44110 - Yoiul Festival Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44115 - Torelle's Custom Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
44116 - Kaatara's Custom Magnetic Field Stabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
44117 - Vadari's Custom Gyrostabilizer Blueprint (Gunnery Upgrade Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
44118 - Tahron's Custom Heat Sink Blueprint (Heat Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 3 |
44260 - Crown Imperial Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44261 - Angels Arisen Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44262 - Blood Dagger Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44263 - Wheel of Prosperity Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44264 - Pulsar Flare Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44265 - Wings of Victory Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44266 - Spacetime Singularity Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44267 - Crimson Scythes Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44268 - Four Freedoms Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44269 - Naughty People Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44270 - Flames of the Rebellion Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44271 - Nation Uplifts Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44272 - Fangs of the Serpent Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
44279 - Blasted Neon Sign (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45043 - Dagon Blueprint (Force Auxiliary Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45044 - Chemosh Blueprint (Dreadnought Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45045 - Molok Blueprint (Titan Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45486 - Pacifier Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
45487 - Enforcer Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
45490 - Zeolites (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45491 - Sylvite (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45492 - Bitumens (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45493 - Coesite (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45494 - Cobaltite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45495 - Euxenite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45496 - Titanite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45497 - Scheelite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45498 - Otavite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45499 - Sperrylite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45500 - Vanadinite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45501 - Chromite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45502 - Carnotite (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45503 - Zircon (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45504 - Pollucite (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45506 - Cinnabar (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45510 - Xenotime (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45511 - Monazite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45512 - Loparite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45513 - Ytterbite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
45532 - Victor Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45533 - Virtuoso Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45535 - Monitor Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
45540 - Standup Composite Reactor I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
45541 - Standup Hybrid Reactor I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
45542 - Standup Biochemical Reactor I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
45545 - Standup M-Set Thukker Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
45547 - Standup L-Set Thukker Basic Capital Component Manufacturing Efficiency Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
45549 - Standup XL-Set Thukker Structure and Component Manufacturing Efficiency Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
45551 - Standup Hyasyoda Research Lab Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
45642 - Standup M-Set Thukker Advanced Component Manufacturing Material Efficiency Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
45643 - Standup L-Set Thukker Advanced Component Manufacturing Efficiency Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
45644 - Loggerhead Blueprint (Force Auxiliary Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45646 - Caiman Blueprint (Dreadnought Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45648 - Komodo Blueprint (Titan Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
45681 - Legion Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45682 - Legion Defensive - Augmented Plating Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45683 - Legion Defensive - Nanobot Injector Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45684 - Tengu Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45685 - Tengu Defensive - Supplemental Screening Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45686 - Tengu Defensive - Amplification Node Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45687 - Proteus Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45688 - Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45689 - Proteus Defensive - Nanobot Injector Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45690 - Loki Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45691 - Loki Defensive - Augmented Durability Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45692 - Loki Defensive - Adaptive Defense Node Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45693 - Legion Offensive - Liquid Crystal Magnifiers Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45694 - Legion Offensive - Assault Optimization Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45695 - Legion Offensive - Support Processor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45696 - Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45697 - Tengu Offensive - Magnetic Infusion Basin Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45698 - Tengu Offensive - Support Processor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45699 - Proteus Offensive - Hybrid Encoding Platform Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45700 - Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45701 - Proteus Offensive - Support Processor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45702 - Loki Offensive - Projectile Scoping Array Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45703 - Loki Offensive - Launcher Efficiency Configuration Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45704 - Loki Offensive - Support Processor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45705 - Legion Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45706 - Legion Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45707 - Legion Propulsion - Wake Limiter Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45708 - Tengu Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45709 - Tengu Propulsion - Chassis Optimization Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45710 - Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45711 - Proteus Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45712 - Proteus Propulsion - Hyperspatial Optimization Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45713 - Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45714 - Loki Propulsion - Interdiction Nullifier Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45715 - Loki Propulsion - Intercalated Nanofibers Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45716 - Loki Propulsion - Wake Limiter Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45717 - Legion Core - Dissolution Sequencer Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45718 - Legion Core - Augmented Antimatter Reactor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45719 - Legion Core - Energy Parasitic Complex Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45720 - Tengu Core - Electronic Efficiency Gate Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45721 - Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45722 - Tengu Core - Obfuscation Manifold Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45723 - Proteus Core - Electronic Efficiency Gate Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45724 - Proteus Core - Augmented Fusion Reactor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45725 - Proteus Core - Friction Extension Processor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45726 - Loki Core - Dissolution Sequencer Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45727 - Loki Core - Augmented Nuclear Reactor Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
45728 - Loki Core - Immobility Drivers Blueprint (Subsystem Blueprints) | metaGroupID: None => 14 |
46263 - Project Discovery Phase One Monument (Large Collidable Object) | published: True => False isDynamicType: None => False |
46280 - Brimful Zeolites (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46281 - Glistening Zeolites (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46282 - Brimful Sylvite (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46283 - Glistening Sylvite (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46284 - Brimful Bitumens (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46285 - Glistening Bitumens (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46286 - Brimful Coesite (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46287 - Glistening Coesite (Ubiquitous Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46288 - Copious Cobaltite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46289 - Twinkling Cobaltite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46290 - Copious Euxenite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46291 - Twinkling Euxenite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46292 - Copious Titanite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46293 - Twinkling Titanite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46294 - Copious Scheelite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46295 - Twinkling Scheelite (Common Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46296 - Lavish Otavite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46297 - Shimmering Otavite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46298 - Lavish Sperrylite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46299 - Shimmering Sperrylite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46300 - Lavish Vanadinite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46301 - Shimmering Vanadinite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46302 - Lavish Chromite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46303 - Shimmering Chromite (Uncommon Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46304 - Replete Carnotite (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46305 - Glowing Carnotite (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46306 - Replete Zircon (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46307 - Glowing Zircon (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46308 - Replete Pollucite (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46309 - Glowing Pollucite (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46310 - Replete Cinnabar (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46311 - Glowing Cinnabar (Rare Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46312 - Bountiful Xenotime (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46313 - Shining Xenotime (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46314 - Bountiful Monazite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46315 - Shining Monazite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46316 - Bountiful Loparite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46317 - Shining Loparite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46318 - Bountiful Ytterbite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46319 - Shining Ytterbite (Exceptional Moon Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46500 - Standup L-Set Moon Drilling Proficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46501 - Standup L-Set Moon Drilling Proficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46502 - Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Stability II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46503 - Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Stability I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46504 - Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46505 - Standup M-Set Moon Drilling Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46506 - Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46507 - Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Time Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46508 - Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46509 - Standup M-Set Composite Reactor Material Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46510 - Standup M-Set Hybrid Reactor Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46511 - Standup M-Set Hybrid Reactor Time Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46512 - Standup M-Set Hybrid Reactor Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46513 - Standup M-Set Hybrid Reactor Material Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46514 - Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Time Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46515 - Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Time Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46516 - Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Material Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46517 - Standup M-Set Biochemical Reactor Material Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46518 - Standup L-Set Reactor Efficiency I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46519 - Standup L-Set Reactor Efficiency II Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
46576 - Dark Blood Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
46578 - Dread Guristas Standup Variable Spectrum ECM Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
46643 - Standup M-Set Asteroid Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46645 - Standup M-Set Ice Grading Processor I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46647 - Standup M-Set Moon Ore Grading Processor I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46649 - Standup L-Set Reprocessing Monitor I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46651 - Standup XL-Set Reprocessing Monitor I Blueprint (Structure Rig Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
46675 - Jet Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46676 - Cubic Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46677 - Pellucid Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46678 - Flawless Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46679 - Brilliant Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46680 - Lustrous Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46681 - Scintillating Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46682 - Immaculate Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46683 - Resplendant Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46684 - Platinoid Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46685 - Sparkling Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46686 - Opulent Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46687 - Glossy Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46688 - Dazzling Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46689 - Stable Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46691 - Compressed Flawless Arkonor (Arkonor) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46692 - Compressed Cubic Bistot (Bistot) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46693 - Compressed Pellucid Crokite (Crokite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46694 - Compressed Jet Ochre (Dark Ochre) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46695 - Compressed Brilliant Gneiss (Gneiss) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46696 - Compressed Lustrous Hedbergite (Hedbergite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46697 - Compressed Scintillating Hemorphite (Hemorphite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46698 - Compressed Immaculate Jaspet (Jaspet) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46699 - Compressed Resplendant Kernite (Kernite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46700 - Compressed Platinoid Omber (Omber) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46701 - Compressed Sparkling Plagioclase (Plagioclase) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46702 - Compressed Opulent Pyroxeres (Pyroxeres) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46703 - Compressed Glossy Scordite (Scordite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46704 - Compressed Dazzling Spodumain (Spodumain) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
46705 - Compressed Stable Veldspar (Veldspar) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
47107 - Standup Target Illumination Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47109 - Standup Weapon Disruption Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47110 - Standup ECM Jammer Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47111 - Standup Sensor Dampening Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47112 - Standup Stasis Webification Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47113 - Standup Warp Disruption Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47114 - Standup Energy Neutralization Burst Projector Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47115 - Standup Gravitational Transportation Field Oscillator Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47208 - Standup Templar I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47209 - Standup Dragonfly I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47210 - Standup Firbolg I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47211 - Standup Einherji I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47212 - Standup Templar II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47213 - Standup Equite I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47214 - Standup Equite II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47215 - Standup Dragonfly II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47216 - Standup Locust I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47217 - Standup Locust II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47218 - Standup Firbolg II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47219 - Standup Satyr I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47220 - Standup Satyr II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47221 - Standup Einherji II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47222 - Standup Gram I Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47223 - Standup Gram II Blueprint (Light Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47224 - Standup Cenobite I Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47225 - Standup Cenobite II Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47226 - Standup Scarab I Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47227 - Standup Scarab II Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47228 - Standup Siren I Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47229 - Standup Siren II Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47230 - Standup Dromi I Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47231 - Standup Dromi II Blueprint (Support Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47232 - Standup Shadow Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 52 |
47233 - Standup Cyclops I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47234 - Standup Malleus I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47235 - Standup Tyrfing I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47236 - Standup Mantis I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47237 - Standup Cyclops II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47238 - Standup Malleus II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47239 - Standup Mantis II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47240 - Standup Tyrfing II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47241 - Standup Ametat I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47242 - Standup Ametat II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47243 - Standup Termite I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47244 - Standup Termite II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47245 - Standup Antaeus I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47246 - Standup Antaeus II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47247 - Standup Gungnir I Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47248 - Standup Gungnir II Blueprint (Heavy Fighter Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47259 - Assault Damage Control I Blueprint (Damage Control Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
47264 - Eros Blossom Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
47300 - Capsuleer Dawn Firework (Large) (Structure Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
47301 - Crimson Helix Firework (Large) (Structure Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
47302 - Yoiul Blizzard Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
47322 - Standup Multirole Missile Launcher II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47324 - Standup Anticapital Missile Launcher II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47326 - Standup Guided Bomb Launcher II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47328 - Standup Point Defense Battery II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47331 - Standup XL Energy Neutralizer II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47333 - Standup Heavy Energy Neutralizer II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47335 - Standup Focused Warp Disruptor II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47337 - Standup Focused Warp Scrambling Script Blueprint (Script Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47339 - Standup Variable Spectrum ECM II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47341 - Standup Missile Guidance Enhancer II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47343 - Standup Ballistic Control System II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47345 - Standup Co-Processor Array II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47346 - Standup Reactor Control Unit II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47349 - Standup Signal Amplifier II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47350 - Standup Stasis Webifier II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47354 - Standup Cap Battery I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47355 - Standup Cap Battery II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47357 - Standup Capacitor Power Relay I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47359 - Standup Capacitor Power Relay II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47361 - Standup Layered Armor Plating I Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 54 |
47363 - Standup Layered Armor Plating II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47365 - Standup Weapon Disruptor II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47367 - Standup Target Painter II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47369 - Standup Remote Sensor Dampener II Blueprint (Structure Module Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 53 |
47457 - Secured Guristas Cache (Scatter Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
47488 - Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
47489 - Seeker Eluder (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 => 1.0 |
47490 - Seeker Flare (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 |
47491 - Seeker Trauma (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 |
47492 - Seeker Pacekeeper (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 => 1.0 |
47542 - Seeker Aurora (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 |
47543 - Seeker Nova (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 |
48133 - Human Containment Facility (Spawn Container) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
48469 - Light Compact Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
48470 - Light Scoped Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
48471 - Heavy Compact Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
48472 - Heavy Scoped Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
48473 - Supratidal Compact Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
48474 - Supratidal Scoped Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
48594 - Sentry Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Primary Skill required: 3373.0 => None |
48637 - Tiamat Blueprint (Cruiser Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
48638 - Hydra Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 2 |
48916 - Cthonic Attar (Deadspace Asteroids) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
48917 - Heavy Cthonic Attar (Deadspace Asteroids) | Volume: 6.0 => 100.0 descriptionID: None => 552008 |
48949 - Nov Mod BPC (ECCM Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 19 |
49710 - Kikimora (Destroyer) | wreckTypeID: 48373 => 53068 |
49711 - Drekavac (Combat Battlecruiser) | wreckTypeID: 48372 => 53072 |
49713 - Zarmazd (Logistics) | wreckTypeID: 48372 => 53070 |
49776 - Heavy Mutadaptive Scoped Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
49777 - Heavy Mutadaptive Compact Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 1 |
49779 - Perun Heavy Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint (Mutadaptive Remote Armor Repairer Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
49789 - Hiemal Tricarboxyl Condensate (Temporal Resources) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
49991 - Stargazer Lantern Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
49992 - Cherubic Heartburst Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
50015 - Amethystic Crystallite (Fluorite) | requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 |
50138 - Easter Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
52203 - Journey of Katia Sae Memorial (Large Collidable Object) | published: True => False |
52219 - Halloween Horrors Firework (Festival Charges) | requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 => None |
52237 - Zorya's Light Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 5 |
52239 - Zorya's Heavy Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 5 |
52241 - Zorya's Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 5 |
52243 - Zorya's Entropic Radiation Sink Blueprint (Entropic Radiation Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 5 |
52245 - Veles Entropic Radiation Sink Blueprint (Entropic Radiation Sink Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
52250 - Nergal (Assault Frigate) | wreckTypeID: 48373 => 53069 |
52252 - Ikitursa (Heavy Assault Cruiser) | wreckTypeID: 48372 => 53070 |
52254 - Draugur (Command Destroyer) | wreckTypeID: 48373 => 53071 |
52263 - 1,000,000 Skill Points (Commodities) | iconID: 22076 => 24166 |
52270 - 750,000 Skill Points (Commodities) | iconID: 22076 => 24165 |
52306 - Talassonite (Talassonite) | requiredSkill1Level: 3386.0 => None |
52315 - Rakovene (Rakovene) | requiredSkill1Level: 3386.0 => None |
52316 - Bezdnacine (Bezdnacine) | requiredSkill1Level: 3386.0 => None |
52348 - Veles Light Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
52349 - Veles Heavy Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
52350 - Veles Supratidal Entropic Disintegrator Blueprint (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | metaGroupID: None => 4 |
52510 - Triglavian World Ark Spawner A (Cloud) | descriptionID: None => 552471 |
52520 - 10,000 Skill Points (Commodities) | iconID: 22076 => 24164 |
52590 - C-J6MT A History of War Monument (Large Collidable Object) | published: True => False |
52700 - Overcharge Node (Large Collidable Structure) | Click to toggle showing the 43 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: None => 10000.0Maximum Velocity: None => 0.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 10.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.0 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 30000.0 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 0.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 15.0 gfxTurretID: None => 372.0 entityLootCountMin: None => 0.0 Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0 Shield Capacity: None => 40000.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 80000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Damage Multiplier Bonus: None => 100.0 Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: None => -50.0 entityFlyRange: None => 0.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 3.0 Shield recharge time: None => 625000.0 Bounty: None => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 1000.0 Orbit Velocity: None => 0.0 Signature Radius: None => 260.0 entityFactionLoss: None => 0.0 Scan Resolution: None => 3000.0 Scan Resolution Bonus: None => -50.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: None => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: None => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: None => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: None => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: None => 1000000.0 entityBracketColour: None => 1.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 |
52701 - TrigDread (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | Click to toggle showing the 76 attributes.Mass: 0.0 => 100000.0Structure Hitpoints: None => 211250.0 Maximum Velocity: None => 100.0 Capacity: 0.0 => 2175.0 Rate of fire: None => 8147.449447 Optimal Range: None => 311850.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 3300000.0 Damage Modifier: None => 52.22547103 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.0151875 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 355960.0 Energy transfer amount: None => 420.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 EM damage: None => 40.0 Explosive damage: None => 0.0 Kinetic damage: None => 0.0 Thermal damage: None => 24.0 Accuracy falloff : None => 52500.0 Turret Tracking: None => 0.007159789 Volume: 0.0 => 18500000.0 radius: 1000.0 => 1700.0 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 7.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 54.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 gfxTurretID: None => 41118.0 gfxBoosterID: None => 397.0 Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.5 Shield Capacity: None => 140125.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 211250.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.359375 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.302224002 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.283335002 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.4671875 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.8 Shield recharge time: None => 11250000.0 Bounty: None => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 131500.0 Signature Radius: None => 11800.0 entityFactionLoss: None => 0.1 entitySecurityMaxGain: None => 5.0 Scan Resolution: None => 112.0 Signature Resolution: None => 40000.0 Theoretical Maximum Targeting Range: None => 500000.0 Capital Sized Vessel: None => 1.0 nosOverride: None => 1.0 fighterAbilityAntiCapitalMissileResistance: None => 1.0 fighterAbilityKamikazeResistance: None => 1.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuDischarge: None => 0.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuDuration: None => 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuFalloff: None => 12000.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuRange: None => 24000.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: None => 22500.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: None => 2500.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: None => 26880.0 BehaviorSiegeRemoteRepairImpedanceModifier: None => -99.9999 BehaviorSiegeRemoteAssistanceImpedanceModifier: None => -80.0 BehaviorSiegeSensorDampenerResistanceModifier: None => -70.0 BehaviorSiegeWeaponDisruptionResistanceModifier: None => -70.0 BehaviorSiegeECMResistanceModifier: None => 1e-05 BehaviorSiegeMaxVelocityModifier: None => -100.0 BehaviorSiegeWarpScrambleStatusModifier: None => 100.0 BehaviorSiegeDisallowTetheringModifier: None => 1.0 BehaviorSiegeMassModifier: None => 10.0 BehaviorSiegeLocalLogisticsAmountModifier: None => 100.0 BehaviorSiegeLocalLogisticsDurationModifier: None => -50.0 BehaviorSiegeTurretDamageModifier: None => 840.0 basePrice: 0.0 => 1539006890.0 groupID: 4028 => 4034 wreckTypeID: None => 26475 |
52797 - Amarr Cruiser (Irregular Cruiser) | Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: None => 1500.0Maximum Velocity Bonus: None => 0.0 Maximum Velocity: None => 350.0 Rate of fire: None => 2500.0 Optimal Range: None => 20000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 1000000.0 Damage Modifier: None => 5.0 Targeting Speed: None => 5000.0 EM damage: None => 8.0 Explosive damage: None => 0.0 Kinetic damage: None => 0.0 Thermal damage: None => 10.0 Accuracy falloff : None => 8000.0 Turret Tracking: None => 0.0396 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 1.0 maxAttackTargets: None => 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 20.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 propulsionGraphicID: None => 397.0 gfxTurretID: None => 459.0 gfxBoosterID: None => 397.0 entityAttackRange: None => 35000.0 entityLootCountMin: None => 1.0 Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0 Shield Capacity: None => 1200.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 1800.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.8 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.7 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.625 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.4 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.8 entityFlyRange: None => 20000.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 4.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 6.0 entityReactionFactor: None => 0.7 entityAttackDelayMin: None => 1500.0 entityAttackDelayMax: None => 7500.0 Shield recharge time: None => 1000000.0 Bounty: None => 120000.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 450.0 Shield Uniformity: None => 0.75 entityDefenderChance: None => 0.09 entityWarpScrambleChance: None => 0.0 Orbit Velocity: None => 175.0 armorUniformity: None => 0.75 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 125.0 entityFactionLoss: None => 0.0 Scan Resolution: None => 275.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: None => 15000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: None => 0.35 entityChaseMaxDuration: None => 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: None => 1.0 Signature Resolution: None => 125.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: None => 25000.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: None => 400.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: None => 0.6 Missile Velocity Bonus: None => 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: None => 1.5 entityChaseMaxDistance: None => 0.0 entityBracketColour: None => 1.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 Threat Target Switch: None => 1.0 Use Signature Radius: None => 1.0 Chance to not change targets: None => 0.0 use effect monitoring: None => 1.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: None => 0.7 entityOverviewShipGroupId: None => 26.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: None => 50.0 |
52815 - TestDreadFriendly (Invading Precursor Entities) | Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: None => 211250.0Maximum Velocity: None => 100.0 Rate of fire: None => 8147.449447 Optimal Range: None => 311850.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 3300000.0 Damage Modifier: None => 52.22547103 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.0151875 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 355960.0 Energy transfer amount: None => 420.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 EM damage: None => 40.0 Explosive damage: None => 0.0 Kinetic damage: None => 0.0 Thermal damage: None => 24.0 Accuracy falloff : None => 52500.0 Turret Tracking: None => 0.007159789 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 7.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 54.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 gfxTurretID: None => 41118.0 gfxBoosterID: None => 397.0 Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.5 Shield Capacity: None => 140125.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 211250.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.359375 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.302224002 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.283335002 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.4671875 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.8 Shield recharge time: None => 11250000.0 Bounty: None => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 131500.0 Signature Radius: None => 11800.0 entityFactionLoss: None => 0.1 entitySecurityMaxGain: None => 5.0 Scan Resolution: None => 112.0 Signature Resolution: None => 40000.0 Theoretical Maximum Targeting Range: None => 500000.0 Capital Sized Vessel: None => 1.0 nosOverride: None => 1.0 fighterAbilityAntiCapitalMissileResistance: None => 1.0 fighterAbilityKamikazeResistance: None => 1.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuDischarge: None => 0.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuDuration: None => 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuFalloff: None => 12000.0 behaviorEnergyNosferatuRange: None => 24000.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: None => 22500.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: None => 2500.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: None => 26880.0 BehaviorSiegeRemoteRepairImpedanceModifier: None => -99.9999 BehaviorSiegeRemoteAssistanceImpedanceModifier: None => -80.0 BehaviorSiegeSensorDampenerResistanceModifier: None => -70.0 BehaviorSiegeWeaponDisruptionResistanceModifier: None => -70.0 BehaviorSiegeECMResistanceModifier: None => 1e-05 BehaviorSiegeMaxVelocityModifier: None => -100.0 BehaviorSiegeWarpScrambleStatusModifier: None => 100.0 BehaviorSiegeDisallowTetheringModifier: None => 1.0 BehaviorSiegeMassModifier: None => 10.0 BehaviorSiegeLocalLogisticsAmountModifier: None => 100.0 BehaviorSiegeLocalLogisticsDurationModifier: None => -50.0 BehaviorSiegeTurretDamageModifier: None => 840.0 |
52833 - Swarm Overmind #0102 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | graphicID: 1718 => 24499 |
52835 - Swarm Overmind #1801 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | graphicID: 1718 => 24500 |
52836 - Swarm Overmind #2025 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | graphicID: 1718 => 24501 |
53053 - Halloween Horrors Fireworks and Launcher Crate (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553036 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
53055 - Halloween Horrors Astero SKIN (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553037 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
53056 - Halloween Horrors Fireworks Crate (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553038 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
53057 - Halloween Horrors Gila SKIN (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553039 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
53058 - Halloween Horrors Machariel SKIN (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553040 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
53059 - Halloween Horrors Avatar SKIN and Fireworks Crate (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553041 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
53060 - Halloween Horrors Headhunter Cruiser SKINs (Special Edition Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 553042 iconID: 22080 => 24175 |
Mutator | Combines With | Produces | Mutations |
Effect Name | Diff |
6995 - targetDisintegratorAttack | guid: effects.TriglavianBeam,effects.SiegeMode => effects.TriglavianBeam,effects.AttackMode |
7166 - ShipModuleRemoteArmorMutadaptiveRepairer | guid: effects.TriglavianBeam,effects.SiegeMode => effects.TriglavianBeam,effects.AttackMode |
7235 - aoeDamageMultiplier | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 2 effectID: None => 7235 effectName: None => aoeDamageMultiplier electronicChance: None => False guid: None => isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: targetID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 292 modifyingAttributeID: 64 operator: 6 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => True rangeChance: None => False |
7238 - shipBonusDreadnoughtPC1DamageMultMax | descriptionID: None => 318139 disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7238 effectName: None => shipBonusDreadnoughtPC1DamageMultMax electronicChance: None => False guid: None => isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: LocationRequiredSkillModifier modifiedAttributeID: 64 modifyingAttributeID: 2830 operator: 6 skillTypeID: 52998 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False resistanceID: None => 0 |
7239 - shipBonusDreadnoughtPC2ArmorResists | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7239 effectName: None => shipBonusDreadnoughtPC2ArmorResists electronicChance: None => False guid: None => isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 267 modifyingAttributeID: 2829 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 270 modifyingAttributeID: 2829 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 269 modifyingAttributeID: 2829 operator: 6 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 268 modifyingAttributeID: 2829 operator: 6 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7240 - shipBonusDreadnoughtPC3WeaponSpeed | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7240 effectName: None => shipBonusDreadnoughtPC3WeaponSpeed electronicChance: None => False guid: None => isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: LocationRequiredSkillModifier modifiedAttributeID: 51 modifyingAttributeID: 2831 operator: 6 skillTypeID: 52998 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7241 - skillMultiplierShipBonusDreadnoughtPrecursor | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7241 effectName: None => skillMultiplierShipBonusDreadnoughtPrecursor electronicChance: None => False guid: None => isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 2830 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 2829 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 - domain: shipID func: ItemModifier modifiedAttributeID: 2831 modifyingAttributeID: 280 operator: 0 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
7242 - capitalPrecursorTurretDmgBonusRequiredSkill | disallowAutoRepeat: None => False displayName: None => effectCategory: None => 0 effectID: None => 7242 effectName: None => capitalPrecursorTurretDmgBonusRequiredSkill electronicChance: None => False guid: None => isAssistance: None => False isOffensive: None => False isWarpSafe: None => False modifierInfo: None => - domain: shipID func: LocationRequiredSkillModifier modifiedAttributeID: 64 modifyingAttributeID: 292 operator: 6 skillTypeID: 52998 propulsionChance: None => False published: None => False rangeChance: None => False |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Effects Changes |
52700 - Overcharge Node (Large Collidable Structure) | Added Effects: aoeDamageMultiplier |
52701 - TrigDread (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorEnergyNosferatu npcBehaviorArmorRepairer npcBehaviorSiege |
52797 - Amarr Cruiser (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack armorRepairForEntities |
52815 - TestDreadFriendly (Invading Precursor Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorEnergyNosferatu npcBehaviorArmorRepairer npcBehaviorSiege |
52842 - Structure (Large Collidable Structure) | Added Effects: npcBehaviorWebifier |
52907 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD (Dreadnought) | Added Effects: shipBonusRemoteRepCapNeedRoleBonus2 shipBonusSmartbombCapNeedRoleBonus2 shipBonusRemoteRepMaxRangeRoleBonus1 shipBonusNeutCapNeedRoleBonus2 shipBonusDreadnoughtPC1DamageMultMax shipBonusDreadnoughtPC2ArmorResists shipBonusDreadnoughtPC3WeaponSpeed |
52915 - PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPON (Precursor Weapon) | Added Effects: hiPower online turretFitted overloadSelfDamageBonus targetDisintegratorAttack |
52916 - Baryon Exotic Plasma XL (Exotic Plasma Charge) | Added Effects: ammoInfluenceRange ammoInfluenceCapNeed ammoInfluenceEntityFlyRange |
52997 - Precursor Dreadnought (Spaceship Command) | Added Effects: skillEffect skillMultiplierShipBonusDreadnoughtPrecursor |
52998 - Capital Precursor Weapon (Gunnery) | Added Effects: skillEffect skillBoostDamageMultiplierBonus capitalPrecursorTurretDmgBonusRequiredSkill |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
16262 - Clear Icicle (Ice) |
16263 - Glacial Mass (Ice) |
16264 - Blue Ice (Ice) |
16265 - White Glaze (Ice) |
16266 - Glare Crust (Ice) |
16267 - Dark Glitter (Ice) |
16268 - Gelidus (Ice) |
16269 - Krystallos (Ice) |
17975 - Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
17976 - Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
17977 - Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
17978 - Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28433 - Compressed Blue Ice (Ice) |
28434 - Compressed Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28435 - Compressed Dark Glitter (Ice) |
28436 - Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28437 - Compressed Gelidus (Ice) |
28438 - Compressed Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28439 - Compressed Glare Crust (Ice) |
28440 - Compressed Krystallos (Ice) |
28441 - Compressed Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
28442 - Compressed Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28443 - Compressed Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
28444 - Compressed White Glaze (Ice) |
28627 - Azure Ice (Ice) |
28628 - Crystalline Icicle (Ice) |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
16262 - Clear Icicle (Ice) |
16263 - Glacial Mass (Ice) |
16264 - Blue Ice (Ice) |
16265 - White Glaze (Ice) |
16266 - Glare Crust (Ice) |
16267 - Dark Glitter (Ice) |
16268 - Gelidus (Ice) |
16269 - Krystallos (Ice) |
17975 - Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
17976 - Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
17977 - Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
17978 - Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28433 - Compressed Blue Ice (Ice) |
28434 - Compressed Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28435 - Compressed Dark Glitter (Ice) |
28436 - Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28437 - Compressed Gelidus (Ice) |
28438 - Compressed Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28439 - Compressed Glare Crust (Ice) |
28440 - Compressed Krystallos (Ice) |
28441 - Compressed Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
28442 - Compressed Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28443 - Compressed Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
28444 - Compressed White Glaze (Ice) |
28627 - Azure Ice (Ice) |
28628 - Crystalline Icicle (Ice) |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
16262 - Clear Icicle (Ice) |
16263 - Glacial Mass (Ice) |
16264 - Blue Ice (Ice) |
16265 - White Glaze (Ice) |
16266 - Glare Crust (Ice) |
16267 - Dark Glitter (Ice) |
16268 - Gelidus (Ice) |
16269 - Krystallos (Ice) |
17975 - Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
17976 - Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
17977 - Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
17978 - Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28433 - Compressed Blue Ice (Ice) |
28434 - Compressed Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28435 - Compressed Dark Glitter (Ice) |
28436 - Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28437 - Compressed Gelidus (Ice) |
28438 - Compressed Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28439 - Compressed Glare Crust (Ice) |
28440 - Compressed Krystallos (Ice) |
28441 - Compressed Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
28442 - Compressed Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28443 - Compressed Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
28444 - Compressed White Glaze (Ice) |
28627 - Azure Ice (Ice) |
28628 - Crystalline Icicle (Ice) |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
16262 - Clear Icicle (Ice) |
16263 - Glacial Mass (Ice) |
16264 - Blue Ice (Ice) |
16265 - White Glaze (Ice) |
16266 - Glare Crust (Ice) |
16267 - Dark Glitter (Ice) |
16268 - Gelidus (Ice) |
16269 - Krystallos (Ice) |
17975 - Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
17976 - Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
17977 - Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
17978 - Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28433 - Compressed Blue Ice (Ice) |
28434 - Compressed Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28435 - Compressed Dark Glitter (Ice) |
28436 - Compressed Enriched Clear Icicle (Ice) |
28437 - Compressed Gelidus (Ice) |
28438 - Compressed Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28439 - Compressed Glare Crust (Ice) |
28440 - Compressed Krystallos (Ice) |
28441 - Compressed Pristine White Glaze (Ice) |
28442 - Compressed Smooth Glacial Mass (Ice) |
28443 - Compressed Thick Blue Ice (Ice) |
28444 - Compressed White Glaze (Ice) |
28627 - Azure Ice (Ice) |
28628 - Crystalline Icicle (Ice) |
Key | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff | Usage |
540281 | Investigation Task Completed | Train Skill | ||
540970 | Asteroid B UNUSED | Heavy Cthonic Attar | Item name for typeID 48917 (Deadspace Asteroids) | |
544790 | Upgrade complete, Captain. | We should continue with our investigation. | Part of conversation "Fitting 7: Select next" | |
548802 | Halloween 2019 Firework | Halloween Horrors Firework | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 52219 (Festival Charges) |
549223 | Congratulations, Captain. Our mission here is complete and I will notify you when your skill training is complete. Let us continue with the investigation. | I will notify you when your skill training is complete. Let us continue with the investigation. | Part of conversation "Combat Aura 2.5" | |
551387 | Polorized weapons fitted | Polarized weapons fitted | Pol |
UI/Fitting/FittingWindow/Warnings/PolarizedWeaponsFittedShort |
551512 | TestDread | TrigDread | T |
Item name for typeID 52701 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) |
551856 | Excessive gaming can interfere with normal daily life | Excessive gaming can interfere with normal daily life | Notifications/NotificationNames/AddictionWarning | |
551947 | Rogue Drone Infested Abaddon | Swarm Overmind #0102 | Item name for typeID 52833 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | |
551948 | Rogue Drone Infested Dominix | Swarm Overmind #0415 | Item name for typeID 52834 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | |
551949 | Rogue Drone Infested Raven | Swarm Overmind #1801 | Item name for typeID 52835 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | |
551950 | Rogue Drone Infested Typhoon | Swarm Overmind #2025 | Item name for typeID 52836 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | |
551972 | Open the 'Tutorial' in 'The Agency' and claim your reward. | Close the 'Character Sheet' to continue. | ||
552008 | The unstable chemical flux of minerals designated as Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls can be obtained by reprocessing the rare ore Cthonic Attar. This is obtained from unique Cthonic Attar asteroids altered by the strange gravitational and electromagnetic effects of certain deadspace pockets lying in the intermediate zones between 'shallow', stable deadspace and the truly twisted depths of Abyssal Deadspace itself.
Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls may be unstable but they have many uses, including use as a catalyzing material in synaptic acceleration implants and boosters. A darker use is the refinement of the strange material into "Deathglow", a deeply mind-altering illegal booster that has recently found its way into the underground markets of New Eden. |
The unstable chemical flux of minerals designated as Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls can be obtained by reprocessing the rare ore Cthonic Attar. This is obtained from unique Cthonic Attar asteroids altered by the strange gravitational and electromagnetic effects of certain deadspace pockets lying in the intermediate zones between 'shallow', stable deadspace and the truly twisted depths of Abyssal Deadspace itself. Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls may be unstable but they have many uses, including use as a catalyzing material in synaptic acceleration implants and boosters. A darker use is the refinement of the strange material into "Deathglow", a deeply mind-altering illegal booster that has recently found its way into the underground markets of New Eden. |
Item description for "Heavy Cthonic Attar" (typeID 48917) | |
552056 | TestSpawner | TestSpawner | Item name for typeID 52841 (Cloud) | |
552074 | Structure | Structure | Item name for typeID 52842 (Large Collidable Structure) | |
552149 | Look for scrap | Look for scrap | ||
552150 | Look for scrap | Look for scrap | ||
552151 | That is the last of the seekers. There might be something valuable in their wrecks, we should take a look. | That is the last of the seekers. There might be something valuable in their wrecks, we should take a look. | Part of conversation "Combat path task 1.2f" | |
552152 | Right click on one of the enemy wrecks in the overview and select 'Open Cargo' to move into range and examine its contents.
Shortcut: (Double left click) |
Right click on one of the enemy wrecks in the overview and select <b>'Open Cargo'</b> to move into range and examine its contents. Shortcut: (Double left click) |
552156 | Loot All | Loot All | ||
552157 | Click to loot all items to your cargo hold | Click to loot all items to your cargo hold | ||
552190 | Body | Body | UI/Login/CharacterCreation/AssetMenu/ModifierNames/Augmentations/Body | |
552372 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD | PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD | Item name for typeID 52907 (Dreadnought) | |
552374 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPON | PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPON | Item name for typeID 52915 (Precursor Weapon) | |
552375 | Baryon Exotic Plasma XL | Baryon Exotic Plasma XL | Item name for typeID 52916 (Exotic Plasma Charge) | |
552376 | High-Grade Mimesis Alpha | High-Grade Mimesis Alpha | Item name for typeID 52917 (Cyberimplant) | |
552377 | This ocular filter is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | This ocular filter is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Item description for "High-Grade Mimesis Alpha" (typeID 52917) | |
552378 | High-Grade Mimesis Beta | High-Grade Mimesis Beta | Item name for typeID 52918 (Cyberimplant) | |
552379 | This memory augmentation is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | This memory augmentation is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Item description for "High-Grade Mimesis Beta" (typeID 52918) | |
552380 | High-Grade Mimesis Delta | High-Grade Mimesis Delta | Item name for typeID 52919 (Cyberimplant) | |
552381 | This cybernetic subprocessor is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | This cybernetic subprocessor is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Item description for "High-Grade Mimesis Delta" (typeID 52919) | |
552382 | High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon | High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon | Item name for typeID 52920 (Cyberimplant) | |
552383 | This social adaptation chip is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | This social adaptation chip is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Item description for "High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon" (typeID 52920) | |
552384 | High-Grade Mimesis Gamma | High-Grade Mimesis Gamma | Item name for typeID 52921 (Cyberimplant) | |
552385 | This neural boost is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | This neural boost is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Item description for "High-Grade Mimesis Gamma" (typeID 52921) | |
552386 | High-Grade Mimesis Omega | High-Grade Mimesis Omega | Item name for typeID 52922 (Cyberimplant) | |
552387 | This implant is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | This implant is listed in the DED inventory as a modification by CONCORD weapons technologists of standard capsuleer implant templates with control routines that mimic methods of enhancing the firepower of reverse-engineered Triglavian weaponry, at the cost of a slower build up to maximum particle stream output. | Item description for "High-Grade Mimesis Omega" (typeID 52922) | |
552396 | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Retaliating Amarr Entities | Group description for group ID 4034 | |
552397 | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Retaliating Caldari Entities | Group description for group ID 4035 | |
552398 | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Retaliating Gallente Entities | Group description for group ID 4036 | |
552399 | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Retaliating Minmatar Entities | Group description for group ID 4037 | |
552400 | Imperial Navy Sentinel | Imperial Navy Sentinel | Item name for typeID 52923 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552401 | Imperial Navy Deacon | Imperial Navy Deacon | Item name for typeID 52924 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552402 | Imperial Navy Crusader | Imperial Navy Crusader | Item name for typeID 52925 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552403 | Imperial Navy Guardian | Imperial Navy Guardian | Item name for typeID 52926 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552404 | Imperial Navy Zealot | Imperial Navy Zealot | Item name for typeID 52927 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552405 | Imperial Navy Pilgrim | Imperial Navy Pilgrim | Item name for typeID 52928 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552406 | Imperial Navy Harbinger | Imperial Navy Harbinger | Item name for typeID 52929 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552407 | Imperial Navy Apocalypse | Imperial Navy Apocalypse | Item name for typeID 52931 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552408 | Imperial Navy Armageddon | Imperial Navy Armageddon | Item name for typeID 52930 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552409 | State Navy Kitsune | State Navy Kitsune | Item name for typeID 52932 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552410 | State Navy Kirin | State Navy Kirin | Item name for typeID 52933 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552411 | State Navy Raptor | State Navy Raptor | Item name for typeID 52934 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552412 | State Navy Basilisk | State Navy Basilisk | Item name for typeID 52935 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552413 | State Navy Cerberus | State Navy Cerberus | Item name for typeID 52936 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552414 | State Navy Rook | State Navy Rook | Item name for typeID 52937 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552415 | State Navy Drake | State Navy Drake | Item name for typeID 52938 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552416 | State Navy Scorpion | State Navy Scorpion | Item name for typeID 52939 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552418 | State Navy Raven | State Navy Raven | Item name for typeID 52940 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552419 | Federal Navy Keres | Federal Navy Keres | Item name for typeID 52941 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552420 | Federal Navy Thalia | Federal Navy Thalia | Item name for typeID 52947 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552421 | Federal Navy Taranis | Federal Navy Taranis | Item name for typeID 52948 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552422 | Federal Navy Oneiros | Federal Navy Oneiros | Item name for typeID 52949 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552423 | Federal Navy Deimos | Federal Navy Deimos | Item name for typeID 52950 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552424 | Federal Navy Lachesis | Federal Navy Lachesis | Item name for typeID 52951 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552425 | Federal Navy Brutix | Federal Navy Brutix | Item name for typeID 52952 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552426 | Federal Navy Dominix | Federal Navy Dominix | Item name for typeID 52953 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552427 | Federal Navy Megathron | Federal Navy Megathron | Item name for typeID 52954 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552428 | Republic Fleet Hyena | Republic Fleet Hyena | Item name for typeID 52955 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552429 | Republic Fleet Scalpel | Republic Fleet Scalpel | Item name for typeID 52956 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552430 | Republic Fleet Claw | Republic Fleet Claw | Item name for typeID 52957 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552431 | Republic Fleet Scimitar | Republic Fleet Scimitar | Item name for typeID 52958 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552432 | Republic Fleet Muninn | Republic Fleet Muninn | Item name for typeID 52959 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552433 | Republic Fleet Huginn | Republic Fleet Huginn | Item name for typeID 52960 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552434 | Republic Fleet Hurricane | Republic Fleet Hurricane | Item name for typeID 52961 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552435 | Republic Fleet Typhoon | Republic Fleet Typhoon | Item name for typeID 52962 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552436 | Republic Fleet Tempest | Republic Fleet Tempest | Item name for typeID 52963 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552437 | Imperial Navy Revelation | Imperial Navy Revelation | Item name for typeID 52964 (Retaliating Amarr Entities) | |
552438 | State Navy Phoenix | State Navy Phoenix | Item name for typeID 52965 (Retaliating Caldari Entities) | |
552439 | Federal Navy Moros | Federal Navy Moros | Item name for typeID 52966 (Retaliating Gallente Entities) | |
552440 | Republic Fleet Naglfar | Republic Fleet Naglfar | Item name for typeID 52967 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) | |
552458 | High-Grade Mimesis Alpha Blueprint | High-Grade Mimesis Alpha Blueprint | Item name for typeID 52972 (Implant Blueprints) | |
552459 | High-Grade Mimesis Beta Blueprint | High-Grade Mimesis Beta Blueprint | Item name for typeID 52974 (Implant Blueprints) | |
552460 | High-Grade Mimesis Delta Blueprint | High-Grade Mimesis Delta Blueprint | Item name for typeID 52975 (Implant Blueprints) | |
552461 | High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon Blueprint | High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon Blueprint | Item name for typeID 52976 (Implant Blueprints) | |
552462 | High-Grade Mimesis Gamma Blueprint | High-Grade Mimesis Gamma Blueprint | Item name for typeID 52977 (Implant Blueprints) | |
552463 | High-Grade Mimesis Omega Blueprint | High-Grade Mimesis Omega Blueprint | Item name for typeID 52978 (Implant Blueprints) | |
552470 | Triglavian Gate Spawner | Triglavian Gate Spawner | Item name for typeID 52981 (Cloud) | |
552473 | Triglavian Pocket Spawner | Triglavian Pocket Spawner | Item name for typeID 52982 (#System) | |
552475 | Triglavian Dread Wave Spawner | Triglavian Dread Wave Spawner | Item name for typeID 52983 (Cloud) | |
552477 | Triglavian Structure Wave Spawner | Triglavian Structure Wave Spawner | Item name for typeID 52984 (Cloud) | |
552479 | Triglavian Dread Spawner | Triglavian Dread Spawner | Item name for typeID 52985 (Cloud) | |
552481 | Empire Gate Spawner | Empire Gate Spawner | Item name for typeID 52986 (#System) | |
552482 | Empire Pocket Spawner | Empire Pocket Spawner | Item name for typeID 52987 (Cloud) | |
552483 | Empire Dread Wave Spawner | Empire Dread Wave Spawner | Item name for typeID 52988 (Cloud) | |
552484 | Empire Structure Wave Spawner | Empire Structure Wave Spawner | Item name for typeID 52989 (Cloud) | |
552485 | Empire Dread Spawner | Empire Dread Spawner | Item name for typeID 52990 (Cloud) | |
552487 | Empire Friendly Dread Spawner | Empire Friendly Dread Spawner | Item name for typeID 52991 (Cloud) | |
552488 | Trig Friendly Dread Spawner | Trig Friendly Dread Spawner | Item name for typeID 52992 (Cloud) | |
552499 | Precursor Dreadnought | Precursor Dreadnought | Item name for typeID 52997 (Spaceship Command) | |
552500 | Capital Precursor Weapon | Capital Precursor Weapon | Item name for typeID 52998 (Gunnery) | |
552501 | Operation of capital precursor weapons. 5% Bonus to capital precursor weapon damage per level. | Operation of capital precursor weapons. 5% Bonus to capital precursor weapon damage per level. | Item description for "Capital Precursor Weapon" (typeID 52998) | |
552502 | Skill at operating precursor dreadnoughts. | Skill at operating precursor dreadnoughts. | Item description for "Precursor Dreadnought" (typeID 52997) | |
552559 | Can fit a Siege module | Can fit a <a href=showinfo:20280>Siege module</a> | ||
552560 | penalty to Entosis Link cycle time | penalty to <a href=showinfo:34593>Entosis Link</a> cycle time | ||
552561 | bonus to all armor resistances | bonus to all armor resistances | ||
552562 | bonus to XL Disintegrator damage | bonus to <a href=showinfo:52915>XL Disintegrator</a> damage | ||
552563 | bonus to XL Disintegrator rate of fire | bonus to <a href=showinfo:52915>XL Disintegrator</a> rate of fire | ||
552564 | reduced Energy Neutralizer capacitor need | reduced <a href=showinfo:3423>Energy Neutralizer</a> capacitor need | ||
552565 | reduced Remote Armor Repairer capacitor need | reduced <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> capacitor need | ||
552566 | reduced Smart Bomb capacitor need | reduced <a href=showinfo:3421>Smart Bomb</a> capacitor need | ||
552567 | bonus to Remote Armor Repairer range | bonus to <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> range | ||
552568 | bonus to Remote Armor Repairer range | bonus to <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> range | ||
552569 | reduced Energy Neutralizer capacitor need | reduced <a href=showinfo:3423>Energy Neutralizer</a> capacitor need | ||
552570 | reduced Remote Armor Repairer capacitor need | reduced <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> capacitor need | ||
552571 | reduced Smart Bomb capacitor need | reduced <a href=showinfo:3421>Smart Bomb</a> capacitor need | ||
552572 | CONCORD has transferred an ISK reward into your account for completing your last assignment. You can use your wallet to track your ISK. | CONCORD has transferred an ISK reward into your account for completing your last assignment. You can use your wallet to track your ISK. | Part of conversation "ISK Tutorialization 1.0" | |
552577 | Your Wallet | Your Wallet | ||
552578 | View your ISK balance and transaction history | View your ISK balance and transaction history | ||
552579 | Click on the 'Wallet' button to see your account balance. | Click on the <b>'Wallet'</b> button to see your account balance. | ||
552580 | Open Wallet | Open Wallet | ||
552581 | What is ISK and where can I see my balance | What is ISK and where can I see my balance | ||
552582 | Empire Destroyed, Activate Abyssal Style Gate | Empire Destroyed, Activate Abyssal Style Gate | ||
552587 | Close Wallet | Close Wallet | ||
552588 | Close the wallet to continue | Close the wallet to continue | ||
552589 | You can use the wallet to check your ISK balance and transaction history.
Incoming Data transfer. Set aside the wallet for now, Captain. CONCORD have need of your talents again. |
You can use the wallet to check your ISK balance and transaction history. Incoming Data transfer. Set aside the wallet for now, Captain. CONCORD have need of your talents again. |
Part of conversation "ISK Tutorialization 1.1" | |
552590 | Close the 'Wallet' to continue. | Close the <b>'Wallet'</b> to continue. | ||
552602 | Loot Scrap | Loot Scrap | ||
552603 | Loot the wreck | Loot the wreck | ||
552604 | Those Metal Scraps can be sold for ISK, Captain. We should loot them now to sell later. | Those <b>Metal Scraps</b> can be sold for ISK, Captain. We should loot them now to sell later. | Part of conversation "Combat path task 1.2g" | |
552605 | Click the 'Loot All' button to transfer the items to your ship's cargo hold. | Click the <b>'Loot All'</b> button to transfer the items to your ship's cargo hold. | ||
552606 | Get into space | Get into space | ||
552607 | Undock if you are in a station | Undock if you are in a station | ||
552620 | Triglavian Dreadnought Wreck | Triglavian Dreadnought Wreck | Item name for typeID 53025 (Wreck) | |
552621 | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Item description for "Triglavian Dreadnought Wreck" (typeID 53025) | |
552625 | Excessive gaming can interfere with normal daily life | Excessive gaming can interfere with normal daily life | UI/Regional/KR/AddictionWarning | |
552626 | TOTAL PLAYTIME: {playtime} | TOTAL PLAYTIME: {playtime} | UI/Regional/KR/SessionPlaytime | |
552627 | The content of this game has been rated for adults of 18 and older.
This game should not be played by anyone under the age restrictions. |
The content of this game has been rated for adults of 18 and older. This game should not be played by anyone under the age restrictions. |
UI/Regional/KR/SplashText | |
552642 | PLACEHOLDER DREAD BLUEPRINT | PLACEHOLDER DREAD BLUEPRINT | Item name for typeID 53029 (Dreadnought Blueprint) | |
552643 | PLACEHOLDER XL WEAPON BLUEPRINT | PLACEHOLDER XL WEAPON BLUEPRINT | Item name for typeID 53030 (Precursor Weapon Blueprint) | |
552659 | PLACEHOLDER XL AMMO BLUEPRINT | PLACEHOLDER XL AMMO BLUEPRINT | Item name for typeID 53031 (Advanced Exotic Plasma Charge Blueprint) | |
552660 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT BLUEPRINT | PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT BLUEPRINT | Item name for typeID 53032 (Capital Construction Blueprints) | |
552662 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE BLUEPRINT | PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE BLUEPRINT | Item name for typeID 53034 (Capital Construction Blueprints) | |
552663 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT | PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT | Item name for typeID 53035 (Capital Construction Components) | |
552664 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR | PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR | Item name for typeID 53036 (Capital Construction Components) | |
552665 | PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE | PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE | Item name for typeID 53037 (Capital Construction Components) | |
552666 | 53038_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Black.png | 53038_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Black.png | Item name for typeID 53038 (Augmentations) | |
552667 | 53039_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Blue.png | 53039_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Blue.png | Item name for typeID 53039 (Augmentations) | |
552668 | 53040_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_GoldDesign.png | 53040_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_GoldDesign.png | Item name for typeID 53040 (Augmentations) | |
552669 | 53041_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Red.png | 53041_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Red.png | Item name for typeID 53041 (Augmentations) | |
552670 | 53042_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_WhiteDesign.png | 53042_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_WhiteDesign.png | Item name for typeID 53042 (Augmentations) | |
552671 | 53043_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_YellowDesign.png | 53043_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_YellowDesign.png | Item name for typeID 53043 (Augmentations) | |
552737 | PLACEHOLDER TFU 06 | PLACEHOLDER TFU 06 | Item name for typeID 53045 (Large Collidable Structure) | |
552738 | PLACEHOLDER CFU 1 | PLACEHOLDER CFU 1 | Item name for typeID 53046 (Large Collidable Structure) | |
552740 | Investigation Task Complete | Investigation Task Complete | ||
552741 | Continue the investigation | Continue the investigation | ||
552742 | Our mission here is complete Captain. | Our mission here is complete Captain. | Part of conversation "Combat path task 2.4b" | |
552743 | Open the 'Tutorial' in 'The Agency' and claim your reward. | Open the <b>'Tutorial'</b> in <b>'The Agency'</b> and claim your reward. | ||
552753 | Close fitting window | Close fitting window | ||
552754 | Instructions to close the fitting window | Instructions to close the fitting window | ||
552755 | Upgrade complete, Captain. | Upgrade complete, Captain. | Part of conversation "Fitting 6a" | |
552756 | Close the 'Fitting Window' to continue. | Close the <b>'Fitting Window'</b> to continue. | ||
552776 | Halloween Crate Alpha 1 | Halloween Horrors Fireworks and Launcher Crate | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53053 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552777 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552777 | |||
552778 | EVE/UI/Crate/Names:552778 | |||
552783 | Halloween Crate Alpha 2 | Halloween Horrors Astero SKIN | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53055 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552784 | Halloween Crate Alpha 3 | Halloween Horrors Fireworks Crate | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53056 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552785 | Halloween Crate Alpha 4 | Halloween Horrors Gila SKIN | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53057 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552786 | Halloween Crate Omega 1 | Halloween Horrors Machariel SKIN | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53058 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552787 | Halloween Crate Omega 2 | Halloween Horrors Avatar SKIN and Fireworks Crate | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53059 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552788 | Halloween Crate Omega 3 | Halloween Horrors Headhunter Cruiser SKINs | Halloween |
Item name for typeID 53060 (Special Edition Commodities) |
552791 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552791 | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | ||
552792 | EVE/UI/Crate/Names:552792 | Halloween Horrors Fireworks and Launcher Crate | ||
552793 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552793 | |||
552794 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Astero. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Astero. | ||
552795 | Halloween Crate Alpha D3 | Halloween Horrors Astero SKIN | Halloween |
552796 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552796 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Astero. | ||
552797 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Gila. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Gila. | ||
552798 | Halloween Crate Alpha D5 | Halloween Horrors Gila SKIN | Halloween |
552799 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552799 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Gila. | ||
552800 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Machariel. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Machariel. | ||
552801 | Halloween Crate Omega D2 | Halloween Horrors Machariel SKIN | Halloween |
552802 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552802 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Machariel. | ||
552803 | This crate contains Headhunter SKINs for 4 Cruisers. | This crate contains Headhunter SKINs for 4 Cruisers. | ||
552804 | Halloween Crate Omega D5 | Halloween Horrors Headhunter Cruiser SKIN | Halloween |
552806 | This crate contains Headhunter SKINs for 4 Cruisers. | This crate contains Headhunter SKINs for 4 Cruisers. | ||
552810 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552810 | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks. | ||
552811 | EVE/UI/Crate/Names:552811 | Halloween Horrors Fireworks Crate | ||
552812 | EVE/UI/Crate/Descriptions:552812 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Avatar and Halloween Fireworks. | ||
552813 | EVE/UI/Crate/Names:552813 | Halloween Horrors Avatar SKIN and Fireworks Crate | ||
552814 | Halloween 2019 Campaign | Daily Halloween Horrors | Daily Halloween |
552822 | Triglavian Destroyer Wreck | Triglavian Destroyer Wreck | Item name for typeID 53068 (Wreck) | |
552823 | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Item description for "Triglavian Destroyer Wreck" (typeID 53068) | |
552824 | Triglavian Elite Frigate Wreck | Triglavian Elite Frigate Wreck | Item name for typeID 53069 (Wreck) | |
552825 | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Item description for "Triglavian Elite Frigate Wreck" (typeID 53069) | |
552826 | Triglavian Elite Cruiser Wreck | Triglavian Elite Cruiser Wreck | Item name for typeID 53070 (Wreck) | |
552827 | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Item description for "Triglavian Elite Cruiser Wreck" (typeID 53070) | |
552828 | Triglavian Elite Destroyer Wreck | Triglavian Elite Destroyer Wreck | Item name for typeID 53071 (Wreck) | |
552829 | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Item description for "Triglavian Elite Destroyer Wreck" (typeID 53071) | |
552830 | Triglavian Battlecruiser Wreck | Triglavian Battlecruiser Wreck | Item name for typeID 53072 (Wreck) | |
552831 | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. | Item description for "Triglavian Battlecruiser Wreck" (typeID 53072) | |
552881 | Survey Array | Survey Array | ||
552882 | Survey Array | Survey Array | Item name for typeID 53080 (Large Collidable Structure) | |
552883 | Generic structures such as this one have been modified to fit their special purpose. In this case, the antennae and dishes are set up to gather astronavigational data and survey the surrounding asteroids for materials. Momentum wheels and photovoltaic cells are common on these devices but can be swapped out for other options. | Generic structures such as this one have been modified to fit their special purpose. In this case, the antennae and dishes are set up to gather astronavigational data and survey the surrounding asteroids for materials. Momentum wheels and photovoltaic cells are common on these devices but can be swapped out for other options. | Item description for "Survey Array" (typeID 53080) | |
552884 | Survey Ship | Survey Ship | Item name for typeID 53081 (Large Collidable Object) | |
552885 | Astronavigational Tracking Program | Astronavigational Tracking Program | Item name for typeID 53082 (Commodities) | |
552886 | Survey Data | Survey Data | Item name for typeID 53083 (Commodities) | |
552892 | Drone Hive | Drone Hive | Item name for typeID 53084 (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | |
552893 | Supply Cache | Supply Cache | Item name for typeID 53085 (Scatter Container) | |
552894 | Drone Lookout | Drone Lookout | Item name for typeID 53086 (Large Collidable Object) | |
552895 | Wrecked Prospector Ship | Wrecked Prospector Ship | Item name for typeID 53087 (Large Collidable Object) | |
552896 | Wrecked Battleship | Wrecked Battleship | Item name for typeID 53088 (Large Collidable Object) | |
552897 | Wrecked Dreadnought | Wrecked Dreadnought | Item name for typeID 53089 (Large Collidable Object) | |
552898 | Wrecked Battleship | Wrecked Battleship | Item name for typeID 53090 (Large Collidable Object) | |
552901 | New Capsuleer Defensive Module Gift Crate | New Capsuleer Defensive Module Gift Crate | ||
552902 | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. | ||
552903 | Defensive Ship Module | Defensive Ship Module | Item name for typeID 53091 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552904 | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers.
These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. |
This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. |
Item description for "Defensive Ship Module" (typeID 53091) | |
552910 | Daily Gift 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II | Daily Gift 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II | Item name for typeID 53092 (Booster) | |
552911 | <font color="#ff3399cc">+5% Max Velocity. Duration 60 minutes.</font>
This modified version of the standard Agency 'Overclocker' line of boosters will be consumed instantly when redeemed, and boasts an extended effect duration. |
<font color="#ff3399cc"><b>+5% Max Velocity. Duration 60 minutes.</b></font> This modified version of the standard Agency 'Overclocker' line of boosters will be consumed instantly when redeemed, and boasts an extended effect duration. |
Item description for "Daily Gift 'Overclocker' SB5 Dose II" (typeID 53092) | |
552915 | Frigate-Class Starship | Frigate-Class Starship | Item name for typeID 53093 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552916 | This crate contains a frigate-class starship from your faction's combat line.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 security agent missions as well as inexpensive pvp combat against other capsuleers. |
This crate contains a frigate-class starship from your faction's combat line. These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 security agent missions as well as inexpensive pvp combat against other capsuleers. |
Item description for "Frigate-Class Starship" (typeID 53093) | |
552917 | Destroyer Skillbook | Destroyer Skillbook | Item name for typeID 53094 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552918 | This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships. | This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships. | Item description for "Destroyer Skillbook" (typeID 53094) | |
552919 | Destroyer-Class Starship | Destroyer-Class Starship | Item name for typeID 53095 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552920 | This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively. These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation. |
This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line. Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively. These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation. |
Item description for "Destroyer-Class Starship" (typeID 53095) | |
552921 | Cruiser Starship Blueprint | Cruiser Starship Blueprint | Item name for typeID 53096 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552922 | This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line.
Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities. This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market. |
This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line. Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities. This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market. |
Item description for "Cruiser Starship Blueprint" (typeID 53096) | |
552923 | Daily Starter Gifts | Daily Starter Gifts | ||
552924 | Collect rewards on each of the first 15 unique days you log in | Collect rewards on each of the first 15 unique days you log in | ||
552925 | ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden | ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden | ||
552926 | This crate contains a defensive ship module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers | This crate contains a defensive ship module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers | ||
552927 | This booster will speed up your character's skill training for 24 hours after it is redeemed | This booster will speed up your character's skill training for 24 hours after it is redeemed | ||
552928 | ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden | ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden | ||
552929 | This crate contains a frigate-class starship from your faction's combat line | This crate contains a frigate-class starship from your faction's combat line | ||
552930 | This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your frigate | This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your frigate | ||
552931 | Celebrate good times, come on! | Celebrate good times, come on! | ||
552932 | This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships | This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships | ||
552933 | ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden | ISK is the primary currency used by capsuleers and major organizations in New Eden | ||
552934 | This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line | This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line | ||
552935 | This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your destroyer | This SKIN allows you to customize the look of your destroyer | ||
552936 | This booster will increase your ship's maximum velocity for an hour after it is redeemed | This booster will increase your ship's maximum velocity for an hour after it is redeemed | ||
552937 | Permaband is one of the most popular musical acts in New Eden's capsuleer community, touring far and wide across the cluster | Permaband is one of the most popular musical acts in New Eden's capsuleer community, touring far and wide across the cluster | ||
552938 | Abyssal Filaments are used to access the unstable area of space occupied by the mysterious Triglavian Collective | Abyssal Filaments are used to access the unstable area of space occupied by the mysterious Triglavian Collective | ||
552939 | This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line | This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line | ||
552940 | Frigate SKIN | Frigate SKIN | Item name for typeID 53097 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552941 | This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. | This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. | Item description for "Frigate SKIN" (typeID 53097) | |
552942 | Destroyer SKIN | Destroyer SKIN | Item name for typeID 53098 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
552943 | This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer. | This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer. | Item description for "Destroyer SKIN" (typeID 53098) | |
552944 | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. | ||
552945 | New Capsuleer Defensive Module Reward Crate | New Capsuleer Defensive Module Reward Crate | ||
552946 | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. | This crate contains a defensive module appropriate for use on your faction's frigates and destroyers. These modules consume capacitor charge and recover some of your ship's hitpoints when activated. In Capsuleer shorthand, defensive modules are often called "tank" modules and the term "tanking" is used to describe the ways in which a ship keeps itself alive in hostile environments. | ||
552947 | Failed to delete subfolder, as it contains locations, which you are not allowed to delete. | Failed to delete subfolder, as it contains locations, which you are not allowed to delete. | ||
552953 | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | ||
552954 | This crate contains fireworks for the Halloween campaign | This crate contains fireworks for the Halloween campaign | ||
552955 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Avatar and Halloween Fireworks. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Avatar and Halloween Fireworks. | ||
553014 | Abyssal Firestorm | Abyssal Firestorm | ||
553015 | Abyssal Firestorm | Abyssal Firestorm | ||
553016 | Abyssal Firestorm | Abyssal Firestorm | ||
553017 | Abyssal Firestorm | Abyssal Firestorm | ||
553020 | Apocalypse Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Apocalypse Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53129 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553021 | Arbitrator Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Arbitrator Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53130 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553022 | Prophecy Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Prophecy Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53131 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553023 | Coercer Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Coercer Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53132 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553024 | Caracal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Caracal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53133 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553025 | Scorpion Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Scorpion Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53134 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553026 | Drake Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Drake Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53135 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553027 | Cormorant Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Cormorant Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53136 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553028 | Thorax Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Thorax Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53137 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553029 | Megathron Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Megathron Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53138 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553030 | Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53139 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553031 | Algos Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Algos Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53140 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553032 | Stabber Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Stabber Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53141 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553033 | Typhoon Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Typhoon Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53142 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553034 | Hurricane Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Hurricane Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53143 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553035 | Talwar Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Talwar Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53144 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553036 | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Fireworks and Launcher Crate" (typeID 53053) | |
553037 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Astero. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Astero. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Astero SKIN" (typeID 53055) | |
553038 | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks. | This crate contains Halloween Fireworks. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Fireworks Crate" (typeID 53056) | |
553039 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Gila. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Gila. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Gila SKIN" (typeID 53057) | |
553040 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Machariel. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Machariel. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Machariel SKIN" (typeID 53058) | |
553041 | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Avatar and Halloween Fireworks. | This crate contains Deathglow Hunters SKIN License for the Avatar and Halloween Fireworks. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Avatar SKIN and Fireworks Crate" (typeID 53059) | |
553042 | This crate contains Headhunter SKINs for 4 Cruisers. | This crate contains Headhunter SKINs for 4 Cruisers. | Item description for "Halloween Horrors Headhunter Cruiser SKINs" (typeID 53060) | |
553062 | Zento Isideko Combine | Zento Isideko Combine | ||
553063 | Trick or Treat | Trick or Treat | ||
553064 | 100% Loot drop - Loot fairy says Yes! | 100% Loot drop - Loot fairy says Yes! | ||
553065 | Claim your reward at the Character Select Screen | Claim your reward at the Character Select Screen | ||
553066 | Redeem the reward to your desired Character. | Redeem the reward to your desired Character. | ||
553067 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553068 | Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53149 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553069 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53149) | |
553070 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553071 | Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53150 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553072 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53150) | |
553073 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553074 | Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53151 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553075 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53151) | |
553076 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553077 | Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53152 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553078 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53152) | |
553079 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553080 | Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53153 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553081 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53153) | |
553082 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553083 | Merlin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Merlin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53154 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553084 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Merlin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53154) | |
553085 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553086 | Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53155 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553087 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53155) | |
553088 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553089 | Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53156 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553090 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53156) | |
553091 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553092 | Buzzard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Buzzard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53157 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553093 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Buzzard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53157) | |
553094 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553095 | Manticore Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Manticore Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53158 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553096 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Manticore Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53158) | |
553097 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553098 | Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53159 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553099 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53159) | |
553100 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553101 | Crow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Crow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53160 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553102 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Crow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53160) | |
553103 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553104 | Raptor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Raptor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53161 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553105 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Raptor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53161) | |
553106 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553107 | Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53162 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553108 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53162) | |
553109 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553110 | Caldari Navy Hookbill Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Caldari Navy Hookbill Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53163 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553111 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Caldari Navy Hookbill Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53163) | |
553112 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553113 | Griffin Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Griffin Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53164 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553114 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Griffin Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53164) | |
553115 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553116 | Corax Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Corax Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53165 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553117 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Corax Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53165) | |
553118 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553119 | Cormorant Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Cormorant Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53166 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553120 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Cormorant Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53166) | |
553121 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553122 | Stork Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Stork Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53167 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553123 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Stork Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53167) | |
553124 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553125 | Flycatcher Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Flycatcher Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53168 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553126 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Flycatcher Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53168) | |
553127 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553128 | Jackdaw Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Jackdaw Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53169 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553129 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Jackdaw Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53169) | |
553130 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553131 | Blackbird Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Blackbird Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53170 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553132 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Blackbird Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53170) | |
553133 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553134 | Caracal Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Caracal Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53171 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553135 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Caracal Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53171) | |
553136 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553137 | Moa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Moa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53172 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553138 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Moa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53172) | |
553139 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553140 | Osprey Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Osprey Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53173 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553141 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Osprey Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53173) | |
553142 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553143 | Cerberus Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Cerberus Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53174 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553144 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Cerberus Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53174) | |
553145 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553146 | Eagle Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Eagle Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53175 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553147 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Eagle Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53175) | |
553148 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553149 | Onyx Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Onyx Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53176 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553150 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Onyx Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53176) | |
553151 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553152 | Basilisk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Basilisk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53177 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553153 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Basilisk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53177) | |
553154 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553155 | Falcon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Falcon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53178 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553156 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Falcon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53178) | |
553157 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553158 | Rook Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Rook Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53179 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553159 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Rook Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53179) | |
553160 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553161 | Tengu Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Tengu Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53180 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553162 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Tengu Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53180) | |
553163 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553164 | Caracal Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Caracal Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53181 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553165 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Caracal Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53181) | |
553166 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553167 | Osprey Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Osprey Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53182 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553168 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Osprey Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53182) | |
553169 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553170 | Drake Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Drake Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53183 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553171 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Drake Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53183) | |
553172 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553173 | Ferox Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Ferox Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53184 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553174 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Ferox Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53184) | |
553175 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553176 | Naga Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Naga Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53185 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553177 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Naga Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53185) | |
553178 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553179 | Nighthawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Nighthawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53186 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553180 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Nighthawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53186) | |
553181 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553182 | Vulture Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Vulture Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53187 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553183 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Vulture Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53187) | |
553184 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553185 | Drake Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Drake Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53188 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553186 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Drake Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53188) | |
553187 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553188 | Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53189 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553189 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53189) | |
553190 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553191 | Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53190 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553192 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53190) | |
553193 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553194 | Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53191 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553195 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53191) | |
553196 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553197 | Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53192 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553198 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53192) | |
553199 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553200 | Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53193 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553201 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53193) | |
553202 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553203 | Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53194 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553204 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53194) | |
553205 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553206 | Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53195 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553207 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53195) | |
553208 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553209 | Phoenix Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Phoenix Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53196 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553210 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Phoenix Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53196) | |
553211 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553212 | Chimera Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Chimera Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53197 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553213 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Chimera Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53197) | |
553214 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553215 | Wyvern Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Wyvern Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53198 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553216 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Wyvern Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53198) | |
553217 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553218 | Leviathan Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Leviathan Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53199 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553219 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Leviathan Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53199) | |
553220 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553221 | Badger Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Badger Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53200 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553222 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Badger Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53200) | |
553223 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553224 | Tayra Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Tayra Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53201 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553225 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Tayra Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53201) | |
553226 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553227 | Crane Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Crane Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53202 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553228 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Crane Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53202) | |
553229 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553230 | Bustard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Bustard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53203 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553231 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Bustard Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53203) | |
553232 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553233 | Charon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Charon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53204 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553234 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Charon Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53204) | |
553235 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553236 | Rhea Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Rhea Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53205 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553237 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Rhea Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53205) | |
553238 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
553239 | Minokawa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Minokawa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53206 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553240 | Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people.
Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (Sontogi Oskkaltiovone – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Now owned by the Sukuuvestaa megacorp, the Zento Isideko Combine represents the final fate of an old industrial concern from the early corporate era of Caldari society. Founded in the wave of corporate developments and consolidations of earlier business forms in the decades that followed first contact with the Gallente, Zento Isideko Combine was typical in its aspiration to become an interplanetary conglomerate in an era of enormous cultural and technological upheaval for the Caldari people. Led by their visionary founder Foss Kriistavaa, the Zento Isideko Combine rapidly became a leader in the construction of advanced transportation links across Caldari Prime and eventually realized the founding ambition of becoming an space-industrial powerhouse. Zento Isideko maintained its place in the upper tier of Caldari corporations for nearly 200 years, until the <i>Third Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i>* of 22714 AD brought it within the sphere of a corporate grouping that would eventually become the Sukuuvestaa Corporation. After various corporate permutations over the centuries, the business is generally known as SuVee ZenIko on the stock markets. Even so, the old Zento Isideko Combine brand and livery is still used to distinguish the support fleets of the transportation construction, maintenance and security operations that the division carries out across the extensive holdings of Sukuuvestaa. (<i>Sontogi Oskkaltiovone</i> – loosely translated: rules-based corporate war of takeovers) |
Item description for "Minokawa Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53206) | |
553241 | 100% module and cargo drops from any player-owned ship | 100% module and cargo drops from any player-owned ship | ||
553242 | Harmonious Ascension | Harmonious Ascension | ||
553243 | Punisher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Punisher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53207 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553244 | Harmonious Ascension | Harmonious Ascension | ||
553245 | Merlin Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Merlin Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53208 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553246 | Harmonious Ascension | Harmonious Ascension | ||
553247 | Incursus Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Incursus Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53209 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553248 | Harmonious Ascension | Harmonious Ascension | ||
553249 | Rifter Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Rifter Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53210 (Permanent SKIN) |
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