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New Items (31 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:53257>Imperial Navy Elite Frigate Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53258>Imperial Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53259>Imperial Navy Battlecruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53260>Imperial Navy Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53261>Imperial Navy Dreadnought Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53262>State Navy Elite Frigate Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53263>State Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53264>State Navy Battlecruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53265>State Navy Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53266>State Navy Dreadnought Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53267>Federal Navy Elite Frigate Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53268>Federal Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53269>Federal Navy Battlecruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53270>Federal Navy Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53271>Federal Navy Dreadnought Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53272>Republic Fleet Elite Frigate Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53273>Republic Fleet Elite Cruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53274>Republic Fleet Battlecruiser Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53275>Republic Fleet Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53276>Republic Fleet Dreadnought Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53287>Starter Gift Cerebral Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:53305>Overcharge Node</url>
<url=showinfo:53306>Overcharge Node Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:53307>Coercer Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53308>Cormorant Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53309>Catalyst Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53310>Thrasher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53314>Ikitursa Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53315>Nergal Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53316>Draugur Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent)</url>
<url=showinfo:53320>CONCORD Stellar Observatory Wreck</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
53257 - Imperial Navy Elite Frigate Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53257
graphicID: 3117
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553312
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 700.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53258 - Imperial Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53258
graphicID: 3116
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553313
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53259 - Imperial Navy Battlecruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53259
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553314
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 20.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53260 - Imperial Navy Battleship Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53260
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553316
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53261 - Imperial Navy Dreadnought Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53261
graphicID: 3098
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553317
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53262 - State Navy Elite Frigate Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53262
graphicID: 3117
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553318
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 700.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53263 - State Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53263
graphicID: 3116
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553319
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53264 - State Navy Battlecruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53264
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553320
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 20.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53265 - State Navy Battleship Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53265
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553321
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53266 - State Navy Dreadnought Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53266
graphicID: 3102
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553322
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53267 - Federal Navy Elite Frigate Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53267
graphicID: 3117
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553323
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 700.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53268 - Federal Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53268
graphicID: 3116
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553324
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53269 - Federal Navy Battlecruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53269
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553325
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 20.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53270 - Federal Navy Battleship Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53270
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553326
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53271 - Federal Navy Dreadnought Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53271
graphicID: 3106
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553327
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53272 - Republic Fleet Elite Frigate Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53272
graphicID: 3117
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553328
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 700.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53273 - Republic Fleet Elite Cruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53273
graphicID: 3116
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553329
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: -10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53274 - Republic Fleet Battlecruiser Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53274
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553330
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 20.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53275 - Republic Fleet Battleship Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53275
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553331
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53276 - Republic Fleet Dreadnought Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 53276
graphicID: 3112
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 553332
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Access Difficulty: 10.0
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
53287 - Starter Gift Cerebral Accelerator Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a limited time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Designed for new capsuleers, this cerebral accelerator will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 45 days.
The compounds used in this cerebral accelerator are unstable, and will expire on YC122/02/01.
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. descriptionID: 553412
typeID: 53287
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 553411
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Expiry Date: 18293.0
Booster Duration: 172800000.0
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Charisma Modifier: 3.0
Intelligence Modifier: 3.0
Memory Modifier: 3.0
Perception Modifier: 3.0
Willpower Modifier: 3.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 1080.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 10.0
53305 - Overcharge Node No Description Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 53305
graphicID: 24511
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 553574
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
wreckTypeID: 53306
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
53306 - Overcharge Node Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 53306
graphicID: 24512
Capacity: 27500.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 553575
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
53307 - Coercer Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes. descriptionID: 553579
typeID: 53307
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 553578
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1994 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Coercer Harmonious Ascension
skin_skinMaterialID: 2409
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 553577
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8331
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16236]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53307
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Coercer
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53308 - Cormorant Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes. descriptionID: 553582
typeID: 53308
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 553581
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Cormorant Harmonious Ascension
skin_skinMaterialID: 2410
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 553580
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8332
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16238]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53308
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Cormorant
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53309 - Catalyst Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes. descriptionID: 553585
typeID: 53309
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 553584
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1996 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Catalyst Harmonious Ascension
skin_skinMaterialID: 2411
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 553583
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8333
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16240]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53309
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Catalyst
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53310 - Thrasher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes. descriptionID: 553588
typeID: 53310
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 553587
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1997 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Thrasher Harmonious Ascension
skin_skinMaterialID: 2412
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 553586
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8334
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16242]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53310
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Thrasher
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53314 - Ikitursa Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) No Description Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes. typeID: 53314
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 553596
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2485 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Ikitursa Trig Beat 07
skin_skinMaterialID: 2414
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8335
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [52252]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53314
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Ikitursa
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53315 - Nergal Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) No Description Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes. typeID: 53315
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 553597
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2486 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Nergal Trig Beat 07
skin_skinMaterialID: 2415
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8336
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [52250]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53315
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Nergal
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53316 - Draugur Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) No Description Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 22 attributes. typeID: 53316
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 553598
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2521 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Draugur Trig Beat 07
skin_skinMaterialID: 2416
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8337
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [52254]
skin_licenseTypeID: 53316
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Draugur
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
53320 - CONCORD Stellar Observatory Wreck No Description Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 53320
graphicID: 24515
Capacity: 27500.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 553602
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (1 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item usually means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group
53139 - Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) No Description Permanent SKIN

Changed Blueprints (0 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
Changed Reprocessing (0 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff

Changed Traits (1 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
52907 - Zirnitra
PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to XL Disintegrator damage
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances
  • 3% bonus to XL Disintegrator rate of fire

Role Bonus:
  • x Can fit a Siege module
  • 5x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time
  • 100% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer range
  • 50% reduced Energy Neutralizer capacitor need
  • 50% reduced Remote Armor Repairer capacitor need
  • 50% reduced Smart Bomb capacitor need
Zirnitra bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to XL Disintegrator damage
  • 4% bonus to all armor resistances
  • 3% bonus to XL Disintegrator rate of fire

Role Bonus:
  • x Can fit a Siege module
  • 5x penalty to Entosis Link cycle time
  • 100% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer range
  • 50% reduced Energy Neutralizer capacitor need
  • 50% reduced Remote Armor Repairer capacitor need
  • 50% reduced Smart Bomb capacitor need
PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREADZirnitra bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:52915>XL Disintegrator</a> damage
4% bonus to all armor resistances
3% bonus to <a href=showinfo:52915>XL Disintegrator</a> rate of fire

Role Bonus:
x Can fit a <a href=showinfo:20280>Siege module</a>
5x penalty to <a href=showinfo:34593>Entosis Link</a> cycle time
100% bonus to <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> range
50% reduced <a href=showinfo:3423>Energy Neutralizer</a> capacitor need
50% reduced <a href=showinfo:16069>Remote Armor Repairer</a> capacitor need
50% reduced <a href=showinfo:3421>Smart Bomb</a> capacitor need
Changes to Attributes (1 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
2832 - mjdShipJumpCap attributeName: hiHoboLeaks => mjdShipJumpCap
categoryID: 7 => 17
description: can you see descriptions of attributes as well? I'm not even sure. In any case lets hide this for now too. => The maximum number of ships that can be jumped per activation
iconID: None => 1391
Attribute Changes per Type (71 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
2203 - Acolyte I (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 1.0
2454 - Hobgoblin I (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 1.0
2464 - Hornet I (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 1.0
2486 - Warrior I (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 1.0
4308 - Talos (Attack Battlecruiser) Structure Hitpoints: 2160.0 => 2170.0
11178 - Raptor (Interceptor) shipBonusCF: 5.0 => 10.0
11184 - Crusader (Interceptor) CPU Output: 120.0 => 145.0
shipBonusAF: 5.0 => 10.0
11196 - Claw (Interceptor) eliteBonusInterceptor2: 5.0 => 10.0
11200 - Taranis (Interceptor) CPU Output: 150.0 => 160.0
shipBonusGF: 10.0 => 15.0
11365 - Vengeance (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 322.0 => 295.0
11371 - Wolf (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 415.0 => 375.0
11379 - Hawk (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 322.0 => 290.0
11381 - Harpy (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 312.0 => 281.0
11393 - Retribution (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 300.0 => 275.0
11400 - Jaguar (Assault Frigate) Powergrid Output: 43.0 => 39.0
Maximum Velocity: 405.0 => 368.0
CPU Output: 185.0 => 180.0
12042 - Ishkur (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 339.0 => 308.0
12044 - Enyo (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 340.0 => 306.0
24241 - Light Drone Operation (Drones) requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 => 1.0
28262 - 'Integrated' Acolyte (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
28274 - 'Integrated' Hobgoblin (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
28278 - 'Integrated' Hornet (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
28302 - 'Integrated' Warrior (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
31864 - Imperial Navy Acolyte (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
31872 - Caldari Navy Hornet (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
31880 - Federation Navy Hobgoblin (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
31888 - Republic Fleet Warrior (Combat Drone) requiredSkill3Level: 3.0 => 2.0
37479 - Micro Jump Field Generator (Micro Jump Field Generators) Maximum Ship Jump cap: None => 25.0
40347 - Dromi I (Support Fighter) Maximum Velocity Bonus (Per Fighter): -15.0 => -10.0
40571 - Dromi II (Support Fighter) Maximum Velocity Bonus (Per Fighter): -20.0 => -15.0
40633 - Bosonic Field Generator (Super Weapon) Signature Radius: 2000.0 => 10000.0
47133 - Standup Dromi I (Support Fighter) Maximum Velocity Bonus (Per Fighter): -15.0 => -10.0
47137 - Standup Dromi II (Support Fighter) Maximum Velocity Bonus (Per Fighter): -20.0 => -15.0
52250 - Nergal (Assault Frigate) Maximum Velocity: 313.0 => 283.0
52700 - Weapon Overcharge Subpylon (Large Collidable Structure) descriptionID: None => 553556
graphicID: 24401 => 24516
wreckTypeID: 52356 => None
52701 - Liminal Zirnitra (Invading Precursor Entities) raceID: 4 => 135
descriptionID: None => 553548
graphicID: 2743 => 24503
groupID: 4034 => 4028
wreckTypeID: 26475 => 53025
52813 - Expired Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Expiry Date: 18202.4583333 => 18201.0
52814 - Expired Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Expiry Date: 18202.4583333 => 18201.0
52842 - Triglavian Stellar Observatory (Large Collidable Structure) descriptionID: None => 553549
52907 - Zirnitra (Dreadnought) descriptionID: None => 553492
wreckTypeID: None => 53025
52915 - Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I (Precursor Weapon) descriptionID: None => 553491
52916 - Baryon Exotic Plasma XL (Exotic Plasma Charge) descriptionID: None => 553493
52917 - High-Grade Mimesis Alpha (Cyberimplant) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 618 (Implant Slot 01) => None
52918 - High-Grade Mimesis Beta (Cyberimplant) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 619 (Implant Slot 02) => None
52919 - High-Grade Mimesis Delta (Cyberimplant) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 621 (Implant Slot 04) => None
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 622 (Implant Slot 05) => None
52921 - High-Grade Mimesis Gamma (Cyberimplant) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 620 (Implant Slot 03) => None
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1506 (Implant Slot 06) => None
53025 - Triglavian Dreadnought Wreck (Wreck) graphicID: 3098 => 24514
53031 - Baryon Exotic Plasma XL Blueprint (Exotic Plasma Charge Blueprint) groupID: 1994 => 1993
53035 - Capital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting (Capital Construction Components) descriptionID: None => 553494
53036 - Capital Radiation Conversion Unit (Capital Construction Components) descriptionID: None => 553495
53037 - Capital Absorption Thruster Array (Capital Construction Components) descriptionID: None => 553496
53045 - Triglavian Observatory Defense Subpylon (Large Collidable Structure) descriptionID: None => 553557
53046 - CONCORD Observatory Overcharge Unit (Large Collidable Structure) descriptionID: None => 553555
53047 - CONCORD Stellar Observatory (Large Collidable Structure) Mass: 0.0 => 1000.0
Capacity: 0.0 => 1000.0
Volume: 0.0 => 1000.0
radius: 1.0 => 371.0
descriptionID: None => 553550
graphicID: None => 24513
isDynamicType: None => False
wreckTypeID: None => 53320
53129 - Apocalypse Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1964 (Amarr) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53130 - Arbitrator Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1990 (Amarr) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53131 - Prophecy Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1956 (Amarr) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53132 - Coercer Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1994 (Amarr) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53133 - Caracal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53134 - Scorpion Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53135 - Drake Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1957 (Caldari) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53136 - Cormorant Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53137 - Thorax Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1992 (Gallente) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53138 - Megathron Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1966 (Gallente) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53140 - Algos Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1996 (Gallente) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53141 - Stabber Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1993 (Minmatar) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53142 - Typhoon Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1967 (Minmatar) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53143 - Hurricane Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1959 (Minmatar) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53144 - Talwar Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1997 (Minmatar) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
53244 - Brutix Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) (Permanent SKIN) marketGroupID: 1958 (Gallente) => None
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: True => False
skin_visibleTranquility: True => False
Changed Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Changes to Effects (0 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
Effect Changes per Type (1 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
53287 - Starter Gift Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:

Changed Clone State Access BETA (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items Changed)
Changed Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Changed Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group

String Changes (287 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
318141 Max Moved Maximum Ship Jump cap Max Movedimum Ship Jump cap
510189 This module spools up and then teleports the ship and any ships or drones nearby 100km in the direction the ship is facing. All ships teleported will retain their movement direction and velocity in the new location.

Note: The micro jump field only affects capsuleer-piloted ships and will not move certain ship types, including: Capital Ships, Freighters and the Orca.
This module spools up and then teleports up to 25 nearby ships along with all drones, fighters, probes and bombs 100km in the direction the ship is facing. All ships teleported will retain their movement direction and velocity in the new location.

Note: The micro jump field only affects capsuleer-piloted ships and will not move certain ship types, including: Capital Ships, Freighters and the Orca.
This module spools up and then teleports the ship and any ships or drones nearbyup to 25 nearby ships along with all drones, fighters, probes and bombs 100km in the direction the ship is facing. All ships teleported will retain their movement direction and velocity in the new location.

Note: The micro jump field only affects capsuleer-piloted ships and will not move certain ship types, including: Capital Ships, Freighters and the Orca.
Item description for "Micro Jump Field Generator" (typeID 37479)
542097 The Overview The Overview Window The Overview Window
542098 Find the Seeker in your overview, right-click it and select Approach. Find the Seeker in your 'Overview' window, right-click it and select Approach. Find the Seeker in your o<b>'Overview'</b> window, right-click it and select <b>Approach</b>.
543483 Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as the successor and improvement over starbase jump bridges, the Ansiblex Jump Gate is the flagship of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line.

The Ansiblex enables point-to-point FTL travel even for ships that lack their own jump drives, and a matched pair of gates provides a transport connection between two star systems within its operational range, using stabilized spatiotemporal tunneling. The Ansiblex makes a large number of improvements over the older jump bridge portal devices, and incorporates some elements of Triglavian Collective space-time conduit technology in its workings.

Each Ansiblex Jump Gate structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Conduit Generator I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains an Infrastructure Hub with the Advanced Logistics Network upgrade active.

May not be deployed within 200km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of one Jump Gate may be deployed per system.
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as the successor and improvement over starbase jump bridges, the Ansiblex Jump Gate is the flagship of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line.

The Ansiblex enables point-to-point FTL travel even for ships that lack their own jump drives, and a matched pair of gates provides a transport connection between two star systems within its operational range, using stabilized spatiotemporal tunneling. The Ansiblex makes a large number of improvements over the older jump bridge portal devices, and incorporates some elements of Triglavian Collective space-time conduit technology in its workings.

Each Ansiblex Jump Gate structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Conduit Generator I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains an Infrastructure Hub with the Advanced Logistics Network upgrade active.

May not be deployed within 500km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of one Jump Gate may be deployed per system.
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as the successor and improvement over starbase jump bridges, the Ansiblex Jump Gate is the flagship of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line.

The Ansiblex enables point-to-point FTL travel even for ships that lack their own jump drives, and a matched pair of gates provides a transport connection between two star systems within its operational range, using stabilized spatiotemporal tunneling. The Ansiblex makes a large number of improvements over the older jump bridge portal devices, and incorporates some elements of Triglavian Collective space-time conduit technology in its workings.

Each Ansiblex Jump Gate structure is automatically equipped with one <a href=showinfo:35913>Standup Conduit Generator I</a> service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains an Infrastructure Hub with the <a href=showinfo:32422>Advanced Logistics Network</a> upgrade active.

May not be deployed within
2500km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of one Jump Gate may be deployed per system.
Item description for "Ansiblex Jump Gate" (typeID 35841)
543484 Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as a successor and improvement over starbase cynosural system jammers, the Tenebrex Cyno Jammer is a vital part of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line.

As with established, large-scale cynosural jamming technology, the Tenebrex creates a system-wide inhibitor field which prevents cynosural generators, except covert cynosural generators, from functioning. With cynosural jamming an important element of strategic warfare, the Tenebrex incorporates certain improvements on the basic cyno jamming technology that it uses.

Each Tenebrex Cyno Jammer structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Cynosural System Jammer I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains an Infrastructure Hub with the Cynosural Suppression upgrade active.

May not be deployed within 150km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of three Cyno Jammer structures may be deployed per system, and only one such structure may have its service module activated at any given time.
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as a successor and improvement over starbase cynosural system jammers, the Tenebrex Cyno Jammer is a vital part of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line.

As with established, large-scale cynosural jamming technology, the Tenebrex creates a system-wide inhibitor field which prevents cynosural generators, except covert cynosural generators, from functioning. With cynosural jamming an important element of strategic warfare, the Tenebrex incorporates certain improvements on the basic cyno jamming technology that it uses.

Each Tenebrex Cyno Jammer structure is automatically equipped with one Standup Cynosural System Jammer I service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains an Infrastructure Hub with the Cynosural Suppression upgrade active.

May not be deployed within 500km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of three Cyno Jammer structures may be deployed per system, and only one such structure may have its service module activated at any given time.
Designed by the Upwell Consortium to function as a successor and improvement over starbase cynosural system jammers, the Tenebrex Cyno Jammer is a vital part of their new Fast Logistical EXpansion (FLEX) structures product line.

As with established, large-scale cynosural jamming technology, the Tenebrex creates a system-wide inhibitor field which prevents cynosural generators, except covert cynosural generators, from functioning. With cynosural jamming an important element of strategic warfare, the Tenebrex incorporates certain improvements on the basic cyno jamming technology that it uses.

Each Tenebrex Cyno Jammer structure is automatically equipped with one <a href=showinfo:35914>Standup Cynosural System Jammer I</a> service module. This service module may only be onlined in a system that contains an Infrastructure Hub with the <a href=showinfo:2001>Cynosural Suppression</a> upgrade active.

May not be deployed within
1500km of another Upwell Structure, or 1000km of Stargates, Stations, or Starbases. A maximum of three Cyno Jammer structures may be deployed per system, and only one such structure may have its service module activated at any given time.
Item description for "Tenebrex Cyno Jammer" (typeID 37534)
543654 Locate your home station in space, or in your Overview then right-click it and select 'Dock' (D + Left Click). Locate your home station in space, or in your 'Overview' then right-click it and select 'Dock' (D + Left Click). Locate your home station in space, or in your <b>'Overview'</b> then right-click it and select <b>'Dock'</b> (D + Left Click).
544790 We should continue with our investigation. We should continue with our investigation, Captain. We should continue with our investigation, Captain. Part of conversation "Fitting 7: Select next"
549449 Find a Seeker in your overview, right-click it and select 'Approach'.
Shortcut: (Q + Left Click)
Find a Seeker in your 'Overview', right-click it and select 'Approach'.
Shortcut: (Q + Left Click)
Find a Seeker in your o<b>'Overview'</b>, right-click it and select <b>'Approach'</b>.
Shortcut: (Q + Left Click)
550908 Bookmark Folder Location Folder BookmarkLocation Folder UI/AclBookmarks/BookmarkFolderLinkHint
550910 You do not have access to this folder. You do not have access to connect to this folder. You do not have access to connect to this folder. UI/AclBookmarks/NoAccessToBookmarkFolder
550912 Add Folder To Your Lists Connect to Folder Add Folder To Your ListsConnect to Folder UI/AclBookmarks/AddFolderToLists
550917 Know as Known as Known as UI/AclBookmarks/FolderIsKnownAs
550918 Add as Connect as AddConnect as UI/AclBookmarks/AddFolderAs
550919 Active Bookmark Folder Online Location Folder Active BookmarkOnline Location Folder UI/AclBookmarks/ActiveFolderCb
550920 Inactive Bookmark Folder Offline Location Folder Inactive BookmarkOffline Location Folder UI/AclBookmarks/InactiveFolderCb
550922 You already know about this folder You already know about this folder
550925 Forget Folder Disconnect from Folder ForgetDisconnect from Folder UI/AclBookmarks/ForgetBookmarkFolder
550926 Mark Folder As Inactive Offline Folder Mark Folder As InactiveOffline Folder UI/AclBookmarks/MarkFolderAsInactive
550927 Mark Folder As Active Online Folder MarkOnline Folder As Active UI/AclBookmarks/MarkFolderActive
550984 You can find the station in the overview or you can open 'The Agency', find your career agent and press the 'Dock' button. You can find the station in the 'Overview' or you can open 'The Agency', find your career agent and press the 'Dock' button. You can find the <b>station</b> in the o<b>'Overview'</b> or you can open <b>'The Agency'</b>, find your career agent and press the <b>'Dock'</b> button.
551007 Only {[numeric]maxBookmarks} locations are allowed to be saved in this folder and you have already reached that limit. In order to create more locations you need delete some existing ones or use a different folder. Only {[numeric]maxBookmarks} locations are allowed per folder and you have already reached that limit. To add another, you must either delete an existing location or use a different folder. Only {[numeric]maxBookmarks} locations are allowed to be saved in thisper folder and you have already reached that limit. In order to create more locations you needTo add another, you must either delete somean existing locationes or use a different folder.
551011 You are missing the required access roles for this folder. The folder could have been modified within the last few minutes. You are missing the required access roles for this folder. The folder may have been modified within the last few minutes. You are missing the required access roles for this folder. The folder couldmay have been modified within the last few minutes.
551012 You have already the maximum amount of active bookmark folders. You can only have {[numeric]maxPersonalFolders} personal folders and {[numeric]maxSharedFolders} shared folders active at the same time. You already have the maximum amount of online location folders. You can only have {[numeric]maxPersonalFolders} personal folders and {[numeric]maxSharedFolders} shared folders online at one time. You have already have the maximum amount of active bookmarkonline location folders. You can only have {[numeric]maxPersonalFolders} personal folders and {[numeric]maxSharedFolders} shared folders active at the samonline at one time.
551013 You have already created the maximum amount ( {[numeric]maxCreatedFolders}) of bookmark folders. You can only create a new folder after you delete a different folder, which was created by you. You have already created the maximum amount of location folders (limit: {[numeric]maxCreatedFolders} folders). To create another, you must delete an existing folder created by you. You have already created the maximum amount (of location folders (limit: {[numeric]maxCreatedFolders}) of bookmark folders). You can only create a new folder aftTo create another, you must delete a different folder, which wasn existing folder created by you.
551014 You know already too many bookmark folders (limit: {[numeric]maxKnownFolders} folders). You can only add another one after you either delete or forget a bookmark folder. You have already connected to the maximum amount of location folders (limit: {[numeric]maxKnownFolders} folders). To connect to another, you must either delete a folder or disconnect from a shared folder. You know have already too many bookmarkconnected to the maximum amount of location folders (limit: {[numeric]maxKnownFolders} folders). You can only add another one after youTo connect to another, you must either delete oa folder forget a bookmark disconnect from a shared folder.
551015 You have already reached the maximum amount of {[numeric]maxPersonalFolders} active personal bookmark folders. Do you want to create the folder as inactive folder? You have already reached the maximum amount of {[numeric]maxPersonalFolders} online personal location folders. Do you want to create the folder as an offline folder? You have already reached the maximum amount of {[numeric]maxPersonalFolders} activonline personal bookmarklocation folders. Do you want to create the folder as inactivan offline folder?
551016 Confirm Create As Inactive Folder Confirm Create As Offline Folder Confirm Create As InactivOffline Folder
551017 You have already reached the maximum amount of {[numeric]maxSharedFolders} active shared bookmark folders. Do you want to create the folder as inactive folder? You have already reached the maximum amount of {[numeric]maxSharedFolders} online shared location folders. Do you want to create the folder as an offline folder? You have already reached the maximum amount of {[numeric]maxSharedFolders} activonline shared bookmarklocation folders. Do you want to create the folder as inactivan offline folder?
551018 Confirm Create As Inactive Folder Confirm Create As Offline Folder Confirm Create As InactivOffline Folder
551019 You tried to configure a bookmark folder with an admin access group, which includes "Everyone". This is not supported. Please use a different admin access group. The Access List selected for Admin access for this folder includes "Everyone" which is not allowed. Please select a different Access List for the Admin access to continue. You tried to configure a bookmark folder with an admin access group, whichThe Access List selected for Admin access for this folder includes "Everyone". This which is not supportallowed. Please uselect a different aAccess List for the Admin access groupto continue.
551020 You are trying to configure a location folder with an admin access group, which does not include you. This means you will have no access to configure the folder afterwards.
Are you sure you want to do this?
The Access List selected for Admin access for this folder does not include you. As a result, you will have no access to configure the folder in future.

Are you sure you want to do this?
You are trying to configure a location folder with an admin access group, whichThe Access List selected for Admin access for this folder does not include you. This meansAs a result, you will have no access to configure the folder afterwards.in future.

Are you sure you want to do this?
551070 Failed to delete bookmark, as it was probably already deleted or you are missing the necessary roles. Failed to delete location. It was likely already deleted or you may be missing the necessary roles. Failed to delete bookmark, as it was probablocation. It was likely already deleted or you armay be missing the necessary roles.
551075 Are you sure you want to forget this folder? Are you sure you want to disconnect from this folder? Are you sure you want to forgetdisconnect from this folder?
551076 Forget Folder? Disconnect from Folder? ForgetDisconnect from Folder?
551080 Add Folder Connect Add FolderConnect UI/AclBookmarks/AddFolder
551081 Are you sure you want to delete this subfolder and all of its content? Are you sure you want to delete this subfolder and all of its contents? Are you sure you want to delete this subfolder and all of its contents?
551086 Only {[numeric]bookmarksCopied} {[numeric]bookmarksCopied -> "location", "locations"} {[numeric]bookmarksCopied -> "was", "were"} moved. You are either missing appropriate roles or the destination folder is full, as you can only have {[numeric]maxLimit} saved locations in this folder. Only {[numeric]bookmarksCopied} {[numeric]bookmarksCopied -> "location", "locations"} {[numeric]bookmarksCopied -> "was", "were"} moved. You are either missing the necessary roles or the destination folder is full as you can only have {[numeric]maxLimit} saved locations in this folder. Only {[numeric]bookmarksCopied} {[numeric]bookmarksCopied -> "location", "locations"} {[numeric]bookmarksCopied -> "was", "were"} moved. You are either missing appropriatethe necessary roles or the destination folder is full, as you can only have {[numeric]maxLimit} saved locations in this folder.
551090 Personal folders are only available for you.
- {maxPersonalBookmarks} bookmarks per folder
- {maxPersonalFolders} active folders

Shared folders can be opened up to other pilots by using access lists and can be dragged to chat to create a link.
- {maxSharedBookmarks} bookmarks per folder
- {maxSharedFolders} active folders

You can assign access lists to following access levels (each level includes the roles of the previous levels):

View Access
- View the folder and its content
- Warp and align to its bookmarks
Use Access
- Add bookmarks
- Update and delete own bookmarks
- Create subfolders
- Update and delete own subfolders
- Copy bookmarks
Manage Access
- Edit and delete bookmarks
- Edit and delete subfolders
Admin Access (required)
- Delete the folder
- Rename the folder
- Update access lists
Personal folders are available only to you.
- {maxPersonalBookmarks} locations per folder
- {maxPersonalFolders} online folders

Shared folders can be made available to other pilots by using access lists and can be dragged to create a link.
- {maxSharedBookmarks} locations per folder
- {maxSharedFolders} online folders

You can assign access lists to the following access levels (each level includes the roles of the previous levels):

View Access
- View the folder and its contents
- Warp and align to saved locations
Use Access
- Add locations
- Edit and delete own locations
- Create subfolders
- Edit and delete own subfolders
- Copy locations
Manage Access
- Edit and delete all locations
- Edit and delete all subfolders
Admin Access (required)
- Delete the folder
- Rename the folder
- Edit access lists
<b>Personal folders</b> are only available foronly to you.
- {maxPersonalBookmarks}
bookmarklocations per folder
- {maxPersonalFolders}
activonline folders

<b>Shared folders</b> can be
opened upmade available to other pilots by using access lists and can be dragged to chat to create a link.
- {maxSharedBookmarks}
bookmarklocations per folder
- {maxSharedFolders}
activonline folders

You can assign access lists to
the following access levels (each level includes the roles of the previous levels):

<b>View Access</b>
- View the folder and its content
- Warp and align to
its bookmarksaved locations
<b>Use Access</b>
- Add
- Update
- Edit
and delete own bookmarklocations
- Create subfolders
UpdateEdit and delete own subfolders
- Copy
<b>Manage Access</b>
- Edit and delete
bookmarkall locations
- Edit and delete
all subfolders
<b>Admin Access</b> (required)
- Delete the folder
- Rename the folder
UpdateEdit access lists
551099 Expire: Expire Expire: UI/AclBookmarks/AutoExpire
551103 Active Online ActivOnline UI/AclBookmarks/Active
551104 Not Active Offline Not ActivOffline UI/AclBookmarks/NotActive
551107 You need to select an access list for admin access before being able to save the folder. You need to select an access list for admin access before saving the folder. You need to select an access list for admin access before being able to savesaving the folder.
551311 This bookmark is no longer available. Maybe it has been deleted or you lost access to it. This location is no longer available. It may have been deleted or you might have lost access to it. This bookmarklocation is no longer available. Maybe itIt may hasve been deleted or you might have lost access to it.
551396 No valid bookmark folder could be found for adding a new bookmark. A folder is only valid, if it is active, you have at least "use" access, and it has not reached its capacity.

Do you want to create a new folder now?
No valid location folder could be found. A folder is only valid if it is online, you have at least "use" access, and it has not reached its capacity.

Do you want to create a new folder?
No valid bookmarklocation folder could be found for adding a new bookmark. A folder is only valid, if it is activonline, you have at least "use" access, and it has not reached its capacity.

Do you want to create a new folder
551412 The subfolder you are trying to modify is no longer accessible. Most likely somebody has already deleted it or you have lost the access to it. The subfolder you are trying to modify is no longer available. It may have been deleted or you might have lost access to it. The subfolder you are trying to modify is no longer accessible. Most likely somebody has alreadyvailable. It may have been deleted it or you might have lost the access to it.
551437 Deleting this access list is currently not possible, as it is used as admin list for a bookmark folder. Please remove first the access list from the bookmark folder. Deleting this access list is currently not possible as it is used as admin list for a location folder. To delete this access list, remove the access list from the location folder. Deleting this access list is currently not possible, as it is used as admin list for a bookmarklocation folder. PleaseTo delete this access list, remove first the access list from the bookmarklocation folder.
551438 The access list could not be found, as it might have been deleted. The access list could not be found. It may have been deleted. The access list could not be found, as it might. It may have been deleted.
551487 You already have the location "{locationName}" stored in folder "{folderName}" under "{caption}". Do you want to proceed with this one? You already have the location "{locationName}" saved to the folder "{folderName}" under "{caption}". Do you want to proceed with saving this location? You already have the location "{locationName}" stored inaved to the folder "{folderName}" under "{caption}". Do you want to proceed with this saving this locatione?
551489 This name is already used by a different folder, which is known to you. Are you sure you want to use this name again? This name is already used by a different folder which is known to you. Are you sure you want to use this name again? This name is already used by a different folder, which is known to you. Are you sure you want to use this name again?
551494 November Stellar Battleground NovemberStellar Battleground
551511 Overcharge Node Weapon Overcharge Subpylon Weapon Overcharge NodeSubpylon Item name for typeID 52700 (Large Collidable Structure)
551512 TrigDread Liminal Zirnitra TrigDreadLiminal Zirnitra Item name for typeID 52701 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551513 This bookmark is still too new and is not yet available for you. This shared location is still too new and is not yet available to you. This bookmarkshared location is still too new and is not yet available forto you.
551515 Inactive Folders Offline Folders InactivOffline Folders UI/AclBookmarks/InactiveFolders
551874 Standard 'Canicule' Cerebral Accelerator Expired Cerebral Accelerator Standard 'Canicule'Expired Cerebral Accelerator Item name for typeID 52813 (Booster)
551876 Extended 'Canicule' Cerebral Accelerator Expired Cerebral Accelerator Extended 'Canicule'pired Cerebral Accelerator Item name for typeID 52814 (Booster)
551912 Bookmark administrators Location administrators BookmarkLocation administrators UI/AclBookmarks/BookmarkAdmins
551913 This group was auto-generated during the transition to new bookmark system. It's members will NOT be updated by the system. This group was auto-generated during the transition from corporation locations to shared locations. Its members will NOT be updated by the system. This group was auto-generated during the transition to new bookmark systemfrom corporation locations to shared locations. It's members will NOT be updated by the system. UI/AclBookmarks/AutoGeneratedACL
551994 Locate a station in your Overview then right-click on it and select 'Dock'. Locate a station in your 'Overview' then right-click on it and select 'Dock'. Locate a station in your <b>'Overview'</b> then right-click on it and select <b>'Dock'</b>.
552074 Structure Triglavian Stellar Observatory StructureTriglavian Stellar Observatory Item name for typeID 52842 (Large Collidable Structure)
552076 You cannot modify this bookmark as it might no longer exist or you are missing the necessary roles. You cannot modify this location. It may have been deleted or you might be missing the necessary roles. You cannot modify this bookmark as it might no longer existlocation. It may have been deleted or you armight be missing the necessary roles.
552152 Right click on one of the enemy wrecks in the overview and select 'Open Cargo' to move into range and examine its contents.
Shortcut: (Double left click)
Right click on one of the enemy wrecks in the 'Overview' and select 'Open Cargo' to move into range and examine its contents.
Shortcut: (Double left click)
Right click on one of the enemy wrecks in the o<b>'Overview'</b> and select <b>'Open Cargo'</b> to move into range and examine its contents.
Shortcut: (Double left click)
552372 PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREAD Zirnitra PLACEHOLDER TRIG DREADZirnitra Item name for typeID 52907 (Dreadnought)
552374 PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPON Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I PLACEHOLDER TRIG XL WEAPONUltratidal Entropic Disintegrator I Item name for typeID 52915 (Precursor Weapon)
552642 PLACEHOLDER DREAD BLUEPRINT Zirnitra Blueprint PLACEHOLDER DREAD BLUEPRINTZirnitra Blueprint Item name for typeID 53029 (Dreadnought Blueprint)
552643 PLACEHOLDER XL WEAPON BLUEPRINT Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I Blueprint PLACEHOLDER XL WEAPON BLUEPRINTUltratidal Entropic Disintegrator I Blueprint Item name for typeID 53030 (Precursor Weapon Blueprint)
552659 PLACEHOLDER XL AMMO BLUEPRINT Baryon Exotic Plasma XL Blueprint PLACEHOLDER XL AMMO BLUEPRINTBaryon Exotic Plasma XL Blueprint Item name for typeID 53031 (Exotic Plasma Charge Blueprint)
552660 PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT BLUEPRINT Capital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting Blueprint PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT BLUEPRINTCapital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting Blueprint Item name for typeID 53032 (Capital Construction Blueprints)
552661 PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR BLUEPRINT Capital Radiation Conversion Unit Blueprint PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR BLUEPRINTCapital Radiation Conversion Unit Blueprint Item name for typeID 53033 (Capital Construction Blueprints)
552662 PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE BLUEPRINT Capital Absorption Thruster Array Blueprint PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE BLUEPRINTCapital Absorption Thruster Array Blueprint Item name for typeID 53034 (Capital Construction Blueprints)
552663 PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINT Capital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting PLACEHOLDER TRIG HARDPOINTCapital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting Item name for typeID 53035 (Capital Construction Components)
552664 PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATOR Capital Radiation Conversion Unit PLACEHOLDER TRIG POWER GENERATORCapital Radiation Conversion Unit Item name for typeID 53036 (Capital Construction Components)
552665 PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINE Capital Absorption Thruster Array PLACEHOLDER TRIG ENGINECapital Absorption Thruster Array Item name for typeID 53037 (Capital Construction Components)
552737 PLACEHOLDER TFU 06 Triglavian Observatory Defense Subpylon PLACEHOLDER TFU 06Triglavian Observatory Defense Subpylon Item name for typeID 53045 (Large Collidable Structure)
552738 PLACEHOLDER CFU 1 CONCORD Observatory Overcharge Unit PLACEHOLDER CFU 1CONCORD Observatory Overcharge Unit Item name for typeID 53046 (Large Collidable Structure)
552739 PLACEHOLDER CONCORD STELLAR OBSERVATORY CONCORD Stellar Observatory PLACEHOLDER CONCORD STELLAR OBSERVATORYCONCORD Stellar Observatory Item name for typeID 53047 (Large Collidable Structure)
552742 Our mission here is complete Captain. Our mission here is complete, Captain. Our mission here is complete, Captain. Part of conversation "Combat path task 2.4b"
552915 Frigate-Class Starship Frigate Class Starship Frigate- Class Starship Item name for typeID 53093 (Special Edition Commodities)
552916 This crate contains a frigate-class starship from your faction's combat line.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 security agent missions as well as inexpensive pvp combat against other capsuleers.
This crate contains a frigate class starship from your faction's combat line.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 security agent missions as well as inexpensive pvp combat against other capsuleers.
This crate contains a frigate- class starship from your faction's combat line.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 security agent missions as well as inexpensive pvp combat against other capsuleers.
Item description for "Frigate Class Starship" (typeID 53093)
552919 Destroyer-Class Starship Destroyer Class Starship Destroyer- Class Starship Item name for typeID 53095 (Special Edition Commodities)
552920 This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
This crate contains a destroyer class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
This crate contains a destroyer- class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
Item description for "Destroyer Class Starship" (typeID 53095)
552927 This booster will speed up your character's skill training for 24 hours after it is redeemed This booster will speed up your character's skill training for 48 hours This booster will speed up your character's skill training for 248 hours after it is redeemed
552931 Celebrate good times, come on! This crate contains a set of fireworks and a Festival Launcher that can launch those fireworks from most starships. Celebrate in style! Celebrate good times, come onThis crate contains a set of fireworks and a Festival Launcher that can launch those fireworks from most starships. Celebrate in style!
552947 Failed to delete subfolder, as it contains locations, which you are not allowed to delete. Failed to delete the subfolder as it contains locations which you are not allowed to delete. Failed to delete the subfolder, as it contains locations, which you are not allowed to delete.
553018 EVE/MarketGroups/Names:553018 EVE/MarketGroups/Names:553018
553019 Precursor Dreadnoughts Precursor Dreadnoughts
553030 Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) Cynabal Abyssal Firestorm SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53139 (Permanent SKIN)
553050 Precursor Dreadnoughts Precursor Dreadnoughts
553051 Triglavian Dreadnoughts Triglavian Dreadnoughts
553052 Extra Large Extra Large
553053 Capital ship entropic disintegrators, for use on dreadnoughts and titans. Capital ship entropic disintegrators, for use on dreadnoughts and titans.
553054 Extra Large Extra Large
553055 For use with dreadnought-sized entropic disintegrators. For use with dreadnought-sized entropic disintegrators.
553059 Triglavian Triglavian
553251 Capital Disintegrator Turret Capital Disintegrator Turret
553252 This certificate represents a level of competence in handling capital disintegrator turrets. The holder has learned that disintegrators are medium range weapons that deal more damage the longer they are active on the same target. They use exotic plasma charge ammunition and deal thermal and explosive damage. This is a good skillset for capsuleers specializing in capital Precursor vessels based on Dreadnought and Titan hulls. This certificate represents a level of competence in handling capital disintegrator turrets. The holder has learned that disintegrators are medium range weapons that deal more damage the longer they are active on the same target. They use exotic plasma charge ammunition and deal thermal and explosive damage. This is a good skillset for capsuleers specializing in capital Precursor vessels based on Dreadnought and Titan hulls.
553310 Creator Creator UI/AclBookmarks/Creator
553311 Your Access Your Access UI/AclBookmarks/YourAccess
553312 Imperial Navy Elite Frigate Wreck Imperial Navy Elite Frigate Wreck Item name for typeID 53257 (Wreck)
553313 Imperial Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck Imperial Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53258 (Wreck)
553314 Imperial Navy Battlecruiser Wreck Imperial Navy Battlecruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53259 (Wreck)
553315 Subfolders Subfolders UI/AclBookmarks/Subfolders
553316 Imperial Navy Battleship Wreck Imperial Navy Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 53260 (Wreck)
553317 Imperial Navy Dreadnought Wreck Imperial Navy Dreadnought Wreck Item name for typeID 53261 (Wreck)
553318 State Navy Elite Frigate Wreck State Navy Elite Frigate Wreck Item name for typeID 53262 (Wreck)
553319 State Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck State Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53263 (Wreck)
553320 State Navy Battlecruiser Wreck State Navy Battlecruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53264 (Wreck)
553321 State Navy Battleship Wreck State Navy Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 53265 (Wreck)
553322 State Navy Dreadnought Wreck State Navy Dreadnought Wreck Item name for typeID 53266 (Wreck)
553323 Federal Navy Elite Frigate Wreck Federal Navy Elite Frigate Wreck Item name for typeID 53267 (Wreck)
553324 Federal Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck Federal Navy Elite Cruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53268 (Wreck)
553325 Federal Navy Battlecruiser Wreck Federal Navy Battlecruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53269 (Wreck)
553326 Federal Navy Battleship Wreck Federal Navy Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 53270 (Wreck)
553327 Federal Navy Dreadnought Wreck Federal Navy Dreadnought Wreck Item name for typeID 53271 (Wreck)
553328 Republic Fleet Elite Frigate Wreck Republic Fleet Elite Frigate Wreck Item name for typeID 53272 (Wreck)
553329 Republic Fleet Elite Cruiser Wreck Republic Fleet Elite Cruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53273 (Wreck)
553330 Republic Fleet Battlecruiser Wreck Republic Fleet Battlecruiser Wreck Item name for typeID 53274 (Wreck)
553331 Republic Fleet Battleship Wreck Republic Fleet Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 53275 (Wreck)
553332 Republic Fleet Dreadnought Wreck Republic Fleet Dreadnought Wreck Item name for typeID 53276 (Wreck)
553333 Access Configuration Access Configuration UI/AclBookmarks/AccessConfiguration
553334 You connected to the folder in an offline state as you already have too many online folder connections. You connected to the folder in an offline state as you already have too many online folder connections. UI/AclBookmarks/FolderAddedAsInactiveFolder
553337 Liminal Zirnitra Wreck Liminal Zirnitra Wreck
553339 Daily Gifts Daily Gifts UI/LoginRewards/RewardHeaderDefault
553341 Next Gift Next Gift UI/LoginRewards/NextGift
553343 Today's Gift Today's Gift UI/LoginRewards/TodaysGift
553344 >> Claim << >> Claim &lt;&lt; UI/LoginRewards/ClaimButtonText
553345 Claimed items are sent to your {linkStart}Redeeming Queue{linkEnd} Claimed items are sent to your {linkStart}Redeeming Queue{linkEnd} UI/LoginRewards/ClaimExplanationText
553346 {[numeric]bonusValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}/{[numeric]totalValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} Skill Points {[numeric]bonusValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}/{[numeric]totalValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} Skill Points UI/LoginRewards/BonusSkillPointProgress
553347 Collect your limited time gifts Collect your limited time gifts UI/LoginRewards/CollectText
553348 Tier {[numeric]tierLevel, decimalPlaces=0} Tier {[numeric]tierLevel, decimalPlaces=0} UI/LoginRewards/TierLevel
553349 Close the window
Next gifts will become available in {[timeinterval]time.writtenForm, from=hour, to=second}
Close the window
Next gifts will become available in {[timeinterval]time.writtenForm, from=hour, to=second}
553350 You have new items to redeem You have new items to redeem UI/LoginRewards/NewItems
553351 Has been claimed Has been claimed UI/LoginRewards/HasBeenClaimed
553352 Gain bonus Skill Points every day that you log in. Once the bar is full the Skill Points will be delivered to your Redeeming Queue Gain bonus Skill Points every day that you log in. Once the bar is full the Skill Points will be delivered to your Redeeming Queue UI/LoginRewards/SPHelpIcon
553353 Gain bonus ISK every day that you log in. Once the bar is full the ISK will be delivered to your Redeeming Queue Gain bonus ISK every day that you log in. Once the bar is full the ISK will be delivered to your Redeeming Queue UI/LoginRewards/ISKHelpIcon
553354 {[numeric]bonusValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}/{[numeric]totalValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} ISK {[numeric]bonusValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}/{[numeric]totalValue, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} ISK UI/LoginRewards/BonusISKProgress
553355 Claim a new gift every day that you log in. This gift will be delivered to your Redeeming Queue Claim a new gift every day that you log in. This gift will be delivered to your Redeeming Queue UI/LoginRewards/ItemHelpIcon
553356 Default View Default View UI/LoginRewards/DefaultViewText
553357 Close Close UI/LoginRewards/CloseText
553358 Return to the default view Return to the default view UI/LoginRewards/DefaultViewHintText
553360 Alpha Alpha UI/LoginRewards/CloneAlpha
553361 Omega Omega UI/LoginRewards/CloneOmega
553362 Bonus Skill Points Bonus Skill Points UI/LoginRewards/BonusSkillPoints
553363 Bonus ISK Bonus ISK UI/LoginRewards/BonusISK
553364 Show Daily Gifts on log in Show Daily Gifts on log in UI/LoginRewards/ShowOnLogIn
553365 Day {[numeric]day} Day {[numeric]day} UI/LoginRewards/DayText
553366 {startTags}{[numeric]numRewardsCollected}/{[numeric]numRewardsTotal}{endTags} Gifts Claimed {startTags}{[numeric]numRewardsCollected}/{[numeric]numRewardsTotal}{endTags} Gifts Claimed UI/LoginRewards/CampaignProgress
553374 Stellar Battleground Stellar Battleground
553375 Stellar Battleground Stellar Battleground
553380 It is possible to configure an expiry timer when saving a location. Locations will be automatically removed after the selected timer expires.

By default, locations will remain until manually deleted. Selected expiry timers will be saved as the new default option for the current folder or subfolder in your client settings.
It is possible to configure an expiry timer when saving a location. Locations will be automatically removed after the selected timer expires.

By default, locations will remain until manually deleted. Selected expiry timers will be saved as the new default option for the current folder or subfolder in your client settings.
553381 Tier 2 Gift Tier 2 Gift UI/LoginRewards/Tier2
553382 Tier 3 Gift Tier 3 Gift UI/LoginRewards/Tier3
553383 Tier 4 Gift Tier 4 Gift UI/LoginRewards/Tier4
553384 Tier 5 Gift Tier 5 Gift UI/LoginRewards/Tier5
553385 This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships. This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships.
553386 Destroyer Skillbook Destroyer Skillbook
553390 This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships.
Skillbooks can normally be purchased directly through the skills section of your character sheet, or from the regional market at a slight discount.
This crate contains the skillbook required to fly your faction's destroyer-class starships.
Skillbooks can normally be purchased directly through the skills section of your character sheet, or from the regional market at a slight discount.
553393 This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
553394 Destroyer-Class Starship Destroyer-Class Starship
553395 This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
553396 Destroyer-Class Starship Destroyer-Class Starship
553397 This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
This crate contains a destroyer-class starship from your faction's attack line.
Destroyers are larger and more powerful than frigates, with excellent damage output. However their larger size makes them easier for enemy ships to hit effectively.
These ships are excellent choices for completing level 1 or 2 security agent missions, as well as group pvp combat as part of a capsuleer corporation.
553398 This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line.
Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities.
This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market.
This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line.
Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities.
This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market.
553399 Cruiser Starship Blueprint Cruiser Starship Blueprint
553400 This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line.
Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities.
This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market.
This crate contains a blueprint copy that will allow you to construct a cruiser-class starship from your faction's combat line.
Cruisers are larger and more powerful than either frigates or destroyers, and they are excellent choices for many kinds of combat activities.
This blueprint enables construction of one cruiser when used in the Industry system along with a variety of minerals. Minerals can be obtained by reprocessing ores mined from asteroids, or they can be purchased from other capsuleers using the market.
553401 This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate.
553402 Frigate SKIN Frigate SKIN
553403 This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate.
553404 Frigate SKIN Frigate SKIN
553405 This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate.
553406 Frigate SKIN Frigate SKIN
553407 This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate. This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your frigate.
553408 This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer. This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer.
553409 Destroyer SKIN Destroyer SKIN
553410 This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer. This crate contains a cosmetic SKIN that can be used to customize the look of your destroyer.
553411 Starter Gift Cerebral Accelerator Starter Gift Cerebral Accelerator Item name for typeID 53287 (Booster)
553412 Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a limited time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Designed for new capsuleers, this cerebral accelerator will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 45 days.
The compounds used in this cerebral accelerator are unstable, and will expire on YC122/02/01.
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a limited time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Designed for new capsuleers, this cerebral accelerator will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 45 days.
The compounds used in this cerebral accelerator are unstable, and will expire on YC122/02/01.
Item description for "Starter Gift Cerebral Accelerator" (typeID 53287)
553415 Stellar Battleground Stellar Battleground
553417 Congratulations! Congratulations! UI/LoginRewards/Congratulations
553418 You have completed the campaign! You have completed the campaign! UI/LoginRewards/CampaignCompleted
553419 Campaign Completed! Campaign Completed! UI/LoginRewards/CampaignCompletedHeader
553420 OR OR UI/Progression/ChoiceObjectiveSeparator
553421 Well Done! Well Done! UI/Progression/TaskCompletionText
553423 Jump through gate to next encounter Jump through gate to next encounter UI/Progression/GoToNextRoomDescription
553424 Disconnected Disconnected UI/AclBookmarks/NotSubscribed
553425 Connected - Online Connected - Online UI/AclBookmarks/SubscribedActive
553426 Connected - Offline Connected - Offline UI/AclBookmarks/SubscribedInactive
553427 Shared folders to which you have admin access. Contents are cached for 2 minutes. In addition, the group is automatically collapsed when reopening the window. Shared folders to which you have admin access. Contents are cached for 2 minutes. In addition, the group is automatically collapsed when reopening the window. UI/AclBookmarks/AdminFolderHint
553428 Black Friday Bonus Week Black Friday Bonus Week
553429 RESEARCH AREA SECURE RESEARCH AREA SECURE UI/Progression/Objectives/VictoryTriglavianObjectiveTitle
553431 DESTROY THE ENEMY OBSERVATORY DESTROY THE ENEMY OBSERVATORY UI/Progression/Objectives/DestroyEmpireStructureObjectiveTitle
553432 DESTROY THE ENEMY DREADNOUGHT DESTROY THE ENEMY DREADNOUGHT UI/Progression/Objectives/KillEmpireDreadObjectiveTitle
553433 DEFEAT EMPIRE FORCES DEFEAT EMPIRE FORCES UI/Progression/Objectives/DestroyEmpireObjectiveTitle
553434 RESEARCH AREA SECURE RESEARCH AREA SECURE UI/Progression/Objectives/VictoryEmpireObjectiveTitle
553435 DESTROY THE ENEMY OBSERVATORY DESTROY THE ENEMY OBSERVATORY UI/Progression/Objectives/DestroyTriglavianStructureObjectiveTitle
553437 DESTROY THE ENEMY DREADNOUGHT DESTROY THE ENEMY DREADNOUGHT UI/Progression/Objectives/KillTriglavianDreadObjectiveTitle
553438 DEFEAT TRIGLAVIAN FORCES DEFEAT TRIGLAVIAN FORCES UI/Progression/Objectives/DestroyTriglavianObjectiveTitle
553439 EMPIRE OR TRIGLAVIAN? EMPIRE OR TRIGLAVIAN? UI/Progression/Objectives/PickASideObjectiveTitle
553440 Choose a side to fight for in this battle. Choose a side to fight for in this battle. UI/Progression/Objectives/PickASideDescription
553441 You have sided with the Empire. You have sided with the Empire. UI/Progression/Tasks/EmpireSideTaskCompletionText
553442 Empire forces neutralized Empire forces neutralized UI/Progression/Tasks/KillEmpireWaveTaskCompletionText
553443 Empire Dreadnought neutralized Empire Dreadnought neutralized UI/Progression/Tasks/KillEmpireDreadTaskCompletionText
553444 You have destroyed the Triglavian research facility. You have destroyed the Triglavian research facility. UI/Progression/Tasks/DestroyEmpireStructureTaskCompletionText
553445 You have sided with the Triglavians. You have sided with the Triglavians. UI/Progression/Tasks/TriglavianSideTaskCompletionText
553446 Triglavian forces neutralized Triglavian forces neutralized UI/Progression/Tasks/KillTriglavianWaveTaskCompletionText
553447 Triglavian Dreadnought neutralized Triglavian Dreadnought neutralized UI/Progression/Tasks/KillTriglavianDreadTaskCompletionText
553448 You have destroyed the Triglavian research facility. You have destroyed the Triglavian research facility. UI/Progression/Tasks/DestroyTriglavianStructureTask
553449 Destroy Empire forces to show allegiance to the Triglavians Destroy Empire forces to show allegiance to the Triglavians UI/Progression/Widgets/ReactivePickASideWidgetTriglavianText
553450 Target and destroy Empire ships Target and destroy Empire ships UI/Progression/Widgets/ReactiveEmpireWidgetText
553451 Destroy the Empire Dreadnought Destroy the Empire Dreadnought UI/Progression/Objectives/DestroyEmpireDreadDescription
553452 Enemy Dreadnought integrity Enemy Dreadnought integrity UI/Progression/Widgets/HealthBarEmpireDreadWidgetText
553453 Enemy Dreadnought en route Enemy Dreadnought en route UI/Progression/Widgets/HealthBarEmpireDreadnoughtWaitText
553454 No valid folder could be found. Request cancelled. No valid folder could be found. Request cancelled. UI/AclBookmarks/NoValidFolder
553455 Siege Mode in Siege Mode in UI/Progression/Widgets/TimeUntilSiegeStartEmpireDreadWidgetText
553456 Siege Mode ends in Siege Mode ends in UI/Progression/Widgets/TimeUntilSiegeEndEmpireDreadWidgetText
553457 Enter highlighted areas to receive boosts Enter highlighted areas to receive boosts UI/Progression/Widgets/DungeonCounterEmpireBuffsWidget
553458 Dreadnought Siege Mode active Dreadnought Siege Mode active UI/Progression/Widgets/DungeonCounterEmpireGreaterThanWidgetText
553460 Destroy Triglavian forces to show allegiance to the Empire Destroy Triglavian forces to show allegiance to the Empire UI/Progression/Widgets/ReactivePickASideWidgetEmpireText
553461 Target and destroy Triglavian ships Target and destroy Triglavian ships UI/Progression/Widgets/ReactiveTriglavianWidgetText
553462 Enemy Dreadnought en route Enemy Dreadnought en route UI/Progression/Widgets/HealthBarTriglavianDreadWidgetWaitText
553463 Destroy the Triglavian Dreadnought Destroy the Triglavian Dreadnought UI/Progression/Objectives/DestroyTriglavianDreadDescription
553464 Siege Mode in Siege Mode in UI/Progression/Widgets/TimeUntilSiegeStartTriglavianDreadWidgetText
553465 Siege Mode ends in Siege Mode ends in UI/Progression/Widgets/TimeUntilSiegeEndTriglavianDreadWidgetText
553466 Enter highlighted areas to receive boosts Enter highlighted areas to receive boosts UI/Progression/Widgets/DungeonCounterTriglavianBuffsWidget
553467 Dreadnought Siege Mode active Dreadnought Siege Mode active UI/Progression/Widgets/DungeonCounterTriglavianGreaterThanWidgetText
553468 Enemy Dreadnought integrity Enemy Dreadnought integrity UI/Progression/Widgets/HealthBarTriglavianDreadWidgetText
553469 Jump to battle area completed. Jump to battle area completed. UI/Progression/JumpCompletionLabel
553471 Serenity 2nd Close Beta Daily Login Campaign 2019.11 Serenity 2nd Close Beta Daily Login Campaign 2019.11
553477 {[numeric]qty, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}x {typeName} {[numeric]qty, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}x {typeName} UI/LoginRewards/NumType
553482 You have successfully redeemed your items. You have successfully redeemed your items. UI/Redeem/RedeemModalConfirmation
553491 This extra-large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian capital ship, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this ultraheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are so powerful that even the special systems built into battleships are insufficient and only capital ships can deal with the forces involved.

Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range.

The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target.

Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
This extra-large Entropic Disintegrator is only seen in use on Triglavian capital ship, these massive ships being capable of managing the considerable radiation and enormous gravitational tidal forces the weapon generates. At the energy levels of this ultraheavy weapon system, the tidal forces are so powerful that even the special systems built into battleships are insufficient and only capital ships can deal with the forces involved.

Entropic Disintegrators draw on the tremendous power of the Triglavian singularity-based energy systems to convert exotic matter into a particle stream directed with locally generated entropic force. While powerful, the range of the weapon is limited by the attenuation of entropic forces, which dissipate critically beyond the optimal range. As a result this weapon has no falloff range.

The particle stream generates thermal and explosive reactions on impact, and the entropic forces resolve into a localized gravitational conduit that steadily increases the acceleration on the exotic particles. In effect, the weapon's damage potential increases to a maximum level as long as the particle stream is kept on the same target.

Requires exotic plasma charge ammo types: Baryon, Meson, and Tetryon.
Item description for "Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator I" (typeID 52915)
553492 A huge, capital-scale vessel that appears to be the Triglavian equivalent of the dreadnought classification of warships. The Zirnitra's basic design has been successfully adapted for use with capsule technology, based on lessons learned from retrofitting the numerous Triglavian ship designs recovered from Abyssal Deadspace.

The Zirnitra is able to wield the truly titanic Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator alongside an array of support modules typically favored in Triglavian designs. These include energy neutralizers, pulse weapons and a long-range remote repair capability.

Zirnitra Subclade of Veles Clade reclaimed adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel in response to profound now-time pressure of prayer from Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow. Zirnitra Subclade offers revised adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving for advancing-time dispersal to strategic troika by affirmation and imperative of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Zirnitra
A huge, capital-scale vessel that appears to be the Triglavian equivalent of the dreadnought classification of warships. The Zirnitra's basic design has been successfully adapted for use with capsule technology, based on lessons learned from retrofitting the numerous Triglavian ship designs recovered from Abyssal Deadspace.

The Zirnitra is able to wield the truly titanic Ultratidal Entropic Disintegrator alongside an array of support modules typically favored in Triglavian designs. These include energy neutralizers, pulse weapons and a long-range remote repair capability.

<i>Zirnitra Subclade of Veles Clade reclaimed adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel in response to profound now-time pressure of prayer from Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow. Zirnitra Subclade offers revised adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving for advancing-time dispersal to strategic troika by affirmation and imperative of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Zirnitra
Item description for "Zirnitra" (typeID 52907)
553493 An Entropic Disintegrator uses charges of exotic plasma to provide the particle feedstock for the weapon's beam, with different forms of exotic matter modulating the beam's characteristics.

Baryon Exotic Plasma charges yield a beam with a relatively good balance of thermal and explosive damage at medium range.
An Entropic Disintegrator uses charges of exotic plasma to provide the particle feedstock for the weapon's beam, with different forms of exotic matter modulating the beam's characteristics.

Baryon Exotic Plasma charges yield a beam with a relatively good balance of thermal and explosive damage at medium range.
Item description for "Baryon Exotic Plasma XL" (typeID 52916)
553494 Mounting parts vital to the installation and support of Ultratidal Entropic Disruptors on capital ships using Triglavian weapons technology. Mounting parts vital to the installation and support of Ultratidal Entropic Disruptors on capital ships using Triglavian weapons technology. Item description for "Capital Ultratidal Entropic Mounting" (typeID 53035)
553495 Modular construction units that generate and distribution power on capital ships using Triglavian singularity technology. Modular construction units that generate and distribution power on capital ships using Triglavian singularity technology. Item description for "Capital Radiation Conversion Unit" (typeID 53036)
553496 Complex and powerful propulsion packs that use radiation absorption as the motive power for capital ships using Triglavian singularity technology. Complex and powerful propulsion packs that use radiation absorption as the motive power for capital ships using Triglavian singularity technology. Item description for "Capital Absorption Thruster Array" (typeID 53037)
553498 Capital Singularity Radiation Convertor Capital Singularity Radiation Convertor
553499 A power generation system component used in Triglavian ship designs and others adapted from such designs. Potentially useful as a component in various other technologies. A power generation system component used in Triglavian ship designs and others adapted from such designs. Potentially useful as a component in various other technologies.
553500 Capital Zero-Point Field Manipulator Capital Zero-Point Field Manipulator
553501 A power control and distribution system component used in Triglavian ship designs and others adapted from such designs. Potentially useful as a component in various other technologies.

Triglavian power systems produce vast quantities of energy, harvesting and converting the energy from singularity radiation, and use zero-point field manipulation to control, distribute and even store this energy.
A power control and distribution system component used in Triglavian ship designs and others adapted from such designs. Potentially useful as a component in various other technologies.

Triglavian power systems produce vast quantities of energy, harvesting and converting the energy from singularity radiation, and use zero-point field manipulation to control, distribute and even store this energy.
553502 Capital Trinary State Processor Capital Trinary State Processor
553503 An information processing component used in Triglavian ship designs and others adapted from such designs. Potentially useful as a component in various other technologies.

Triglavian technologies are designed to be run by trinary-based code and this device is a key component of information processing in such systems. Determining how to interface with and interpret the input and output of such devices was a key breakthrough in the use of Triglavian technology.
An information processing component used in Triglavian ship designs and others adapted from such designs. Potentially useful as a component in various other technologies.

Triglavian technologies are designed to be run by trinary-based code and this device is a key component of information processing in such systems. Determining how to interface with and interpret the input and output of such devices was a key breakthrough in the use of Triglavian technology.
553505 Dreadnought Systems Diagram Dreadnought Systems Diagram
553506 A database containing specifics and schematics of this dreadnought's hardware and software systems. This might provide key information to parties whom have an interest in building their own dreadnought. A database containing specifics and schematics of this dreadnought's hardware and software systems. This might provide key information to parties whom have an interest in building their own dreadnought.
553507 Triglavian Stellar Accelerator Triglavian Stellar Accelerator
553508 Triglavian Biocombinative Schematic Cache Triglavian Biocombinative Schematic Cache
553509 This structure is a larger variant of the caches commonly found throughout Abyssal Deadspace. Despite outwardly identical to those caches, CONCORD has been unable to perform analyses of the object and as such cannot speculate on what it might contain. This structure is a larger variant of the caches commonly found throughout Abyssal Deadspace. Despite outwardly identical to those caches, CONCORD has been unable to perform analyses of the object and as such cannot speculate on what it might contain.
553512 The Overview Window The Overview Window
553513 Find the 'Station' in the 'Overview' window, right-click it and select 'Dock'. Find the <b>'Station'</b> in the <b>'Overview'</b> window, right-click it and select <b>'Dock'</b>.
553514 The Overview Window The Overview Window
553515 Find an enemy 'Wreck' in the 'Overview' window, right-click it and select 'Open Cargo'. Find an enemy <b>'Wreck'</b> in the <b>'Overview'</b> window, right-click it and select <b>'Open Cargo'</b>.
553516 Your attempt to add to or modify this shared location folder has failed as there were already too many updates to this folder in the last few seconds.

Please try again later.
Your attempt to add to or modify this shared location folder has failed as there were already too many updates to this folder in the last few seconds.

Please try again later.
553517 Too many updates to shared folder Too many updates to shared folder
553540 {[character]charID.name} already has a license for {[item]itemTypeID.name}.

Consider using another character to redeem this item.
{[character]charID.name} already has a license for {[item]itemTypeID.name}.

Consider using another character to redeem this item.
553541 You already have this SKIN You already have this SKIN
553548 Zirnitra Subclade of Veles Clade reclaimed adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel in response to profound now-time pressure of prayer from Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow. Zirnitra Subclade offers revised adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving for advancing-time dispersal to strategic troika by affirmation and imperative of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Zirnitra <i>Zirnitra Subclade of Veles Clade reclaimed adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel in response to profound now-time pressure of prayer from Detached Executive Troika for Sublimation of Poshlost Flow. Zirnitra Subclade offers revised adaptation schema for 2,187 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving for advancing-time dispersal to strategic troika by affirmation and imperative of the Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Zirnitra Item description for "Liminal Zirnitra" (typeID 52701)
553549 This structure is similar in design to the Triglavian Stellar Accelerators that have been deployed around stars by task forces of Triglavian ships alongside invasion groups. However, this structure appears to be concentrating on gathering as much data as possible about the star it is orbiting and is carrying out very deep scans of the stellar body.

There are also signs that this Triglavian Stellar Observatory is using fine control of local space-time conduit technology to "reach into" the heart of the star and extract samples, or perhaps is even testing an advanced resource harvesting technology. The prospect of the Triglavian Collective refining their technology and operations in New Eden to the point of harvesting stars is an alarming one.

CONCORD considers elimination of the threat posed by stellar manipulation and resource harvesting by the Triglavian Collective to be a high-priority for its defense fleets.
This structure is similar in design to the Triglavian Stellar Accelerators that have been deployed around stars by task forces of Triglavian ships alongside invasion groups. However, this structure appears to be concentrating on gathering as much data as possible about the star it is orbiting and is carrying out very deep scans of the stellar body.

There are also signs that this Triglavian Stellar Observatory is using fine control of local space-time conduit technology to "reach into" the heart of the star and extract samples, or perhaps is even testing an advanced resource harvesting technology. The prospect of the Triglavian Collective refining their technology and operations in New Eden to the point of harvesting stars is an alarming one.

CONCORD considers elimination of the threat posed by stellar manipulation and resource harvesting by the Triglavian Collective to be a high-priority for its defense fleets.
Item description for "Triglavian Stellar Observatory" (typeID 52842)
553550 CONCORD's Inner Circle and the DED High Command have become increasingly alarmed by the focus of the Triglavian invaders on the stars of New Eden. The appearance of special Triglavian task forces erecting Stellar Accelerator structures prompted a crash program to develop a Stellar Observatory of CONCORD's own, with a suitable defense system and dedicated local defense fleets in co-operation with CONCORD member empires.

The CONCORD Stellar Observatory is carrying our vital work aimed at analyzing in depth the various effects of Triglavian stellar manipulation and comparing them with the base conditions of stellar bodies across New Eden. While it is an especially dangerous and costly task, because of the importance of working in Triglavian invasion zones, CONCORD is dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
CONCORD's Inner Circle and the DED High Command have become increasingly alarmed by the focus of the Triglavian invaders on the stars of New Eden. The appearance of special Triglavian task forces erecting Stellar Accelerator structures prompted a crash program to develop a Stellar Observatory of CONCORD's own, with a suitable defense system and dedicated local defense fleets in co-operation with CONCORD member empires.

The CONCORD Stellar Observatory is carrying our vital work aimed at analyzing in depth the various effects of Triglavian stellar manipulation and comparing them with the base conditions of stellar bodies across New Eden. While it is an especially dangerous and costly task, because of the importance of working in Triglavian invasion zones, CONCORD is dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Item description for "CONCORD Stellar Observatory" (typeID 53047)
553555 This ancillary fortification unit is part of the defense network of a CONCORD Stellar Observatory. The basic principles of Triglavian Overcharge subpylons have been retro-engineered from disabled exampled and employed by CONCORD in a format using their own command and control routines. This ancillary fortification unit is part of the defense network of a CONCORD Stellar Observatory. The basic principles of Triglavian Overcharge subpylons have been retro-engineered from disabled exampled and employed by CONCORD in a format using their own command and control routines. Item description for "CONCORD Observatory Overcharge Unit" (typeID 53046)
553556 This Triglavian subpylon emits a field that enhances the power of weapons within its area of effect. The device appears to work by feeding energy into the volatiles contained in various ammunition types but how it achieves the necessary synchronization with multiple weapon systems is as yet unknown. This Triglavian subpylon emits a field that enhances the power of weapons within its area of effect. The device appears to work by feeding energy into the volatiles contained in various ammunition types but how it achieves the necessary synchronization with multiple weapon systems is as yet unknown. Item description for "Weapon Overcharge Subpylon" (typeID 52700)
553557 This is a Triglavian subpylon deployed as part of the defense network of a Stellar Observatory. The principle of enhancing fortifications with semi-autonomous subpylons has been noted as a favored technique of the Triglavians, apparently representing a more portable variation of the defensive pylons commonly encountered in Abyssal Deadspace. Important Triglavian structures and mobile installations, such as the Xordazh-class World Arks and stellar orbitals, are often accompanied by networks of defensive subpylons. This is a Triglavian subpylon deployed as part of the defense network of a Stellar Observatory. The principle of enhancing fortifications with semi-autonomous subpylons has been noted as a favored technique of the Triglavians, apparently representing a more portable variation of the defensive pylons commonly encountered in Abyssal Deadspace. Important Triglavian structures and mobile installations, such as the Xordazh-class World Arks and stellar orbitals, are often accompanied by networks of defensive subpylons. Item description for "Triglavian Observatory Defense Subpylon" (typeID 53045)
553574 Overcharge Node Overcharge Node Item name for typeID 53305 (Large Collidable Structure)
553575 Overcharge Node Wreck Overcharge Node Wreck Item name for typeID 53306 (Wreck)
553577 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
553578 Coercer Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Coercer Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53307 (Permanent SKIN)
553579 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Item description for "Coercer Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53307)
553580 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
553581 Cormorant Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Cormorant Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53308 (Permanent SKIN)
553582 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Item description for "Cormorant Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53308)
553583 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
553584 Catalyst Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Catalyst Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53309 (Permanent SKIN)
553585 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Item description for "Catalyst Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53309)
553586 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
553587 Thrasher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Thrasher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53310 (Permanent SKIN)
553588 "After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
"After four years of harmonious and profitable business across the four empires of New Eden, the Upwell Consortium is pleased to announce the formation of a new capsule construction, pilot adaptation and advanced training operation. It is the hope of the Upwell Consortium that Harmonious Ascension Industries will become a leading force in the provision of support and services to capsuleers.

To celebrate this event, the Upwell Consortium has authorized the issuing of a commemorative nanocoating for pilots in the first wave of new capsuleers outfitted by Harmonious Ascension."

– Upwell Consortium Press Release, YC121.11.14
Item description for "Thrasher Harmonious Ascension SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53310)
553593 Trig Beat 07 Trig Beat 07
553594 Trig Beat 07 Trig Beat 07
553595 Trig Beat 07 Trig Beat 07
553596 Ikitursa Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) Ikitursa Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53314 (Permanent SKIN)
553597 Nergal Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) Nergal Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53315 (Permanent SKIN)
553598 Draugur Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) Draugur Trig Beat 07 SKIN (Permanent) Item name for typeID 53316 (Permanent SKIN)
553602 CONCORD Stellar Observatory Wreck CONCORD Stellar Observatory Wreck Item name for typeID 53320 (Wreck)
553603 This folder contains at least {currentBookmarks} locations, which exceeds the limit of {maxBookmarks} locations. Not all locations may be displayed. Please reduce the amount of locations, for example by moving them to a different folder. This folder contains at least {currentBookmarks} locations, which exceeds the limit of {maxBookmarks} locations. Not all locations may be displayed. Please reduce the amount of locations, for example by moving them to a different folder. UI/AclBookmarks/TooManyBookmarksInFolderHint
553604 This subfolder contains {currentBookmarks} locations, which is more than allowed for the parent folder. Only {maxBookmarks} locations are displayed. Please reduce the amount of locations in this subfolder. This subfolder contains {currentBookmarks} locations, which is more than allowed for the parent folder. Only {maxBookmarks} locations are displayed. Please reduce the amount of locations in this subfolder. UI/AclBookmarks/TooManyBookmarksInSubfolderHint
553605 {maxBookmarks} out of {currentBookmarks} {maxBookmarks} out of {currentBookmarks} UI/AclBookmarks/TruncatedBookmarksInSubfolder

New Files (179 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)

Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.

Changed Files (305 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
22899 -> 22900
2893 -> 2893
4120 -> 4120
19896 -> 19788
4448 -> 4448
4490 -> 4490
13 -> 13
9941 -> 10007
4107 -> 4107
42300 -> 42609
4464 -> 4464
14775 -> 17166
1514 -> 1525
66769 -> 66770
182 -> 182
1990 -> 1990
85 -> 85
568 -> 568
77 -> 77
264 -> 264
70 -> 70
1093 -> 1093
15322 -> 15322
15246 -> 15246
1764 -> 1764
207 -> 207
82 -> 82
64 -> 64
3945 -> 3945
65 -> 65
65 -> 65
65 -> 65
66 -> 66
65 -> 65
70 -> 70
65 -> 65
706 -> 706
252 -> 252
65 -> 65
67 -> 67
77 -> 77
64 -> 64
92 -> 92
95 -> 95
77 -> 77
555 -> 555
89 -> 89
65 -> 65
196 -> 196
82 -> 82
81 -> 81
69 -> 69
86 -> 86
80 -> 80
64 -> 64
65 -> 65
65 -> 65
71 -> 71
725 -> 725
1165 -> 1165
671 -> 671
784 -> 784
133 -> 133
3981 -> 3981
81 -> 81
64 -> 64
62 -> 62
66 -> 69
79 -> 79
693 -> 693
232 -> 232
2652 -> 2652
109 -> 109
753 -> 753
93 -> 93
329 -> 329
89 -> 89
1780 -> 1780
21524 -> 21524
21421 -> 21422
1839 -> 1839
221 -> 221
98 -> 98
75 -> 75
5333 -> 5333
75 -> 75
75 -> 75
75 -> 75
76 -> 76
75 -> 75
82 -> 82
75 -> 75
937 -> 937
331 -> 331
75 -> 75
77 -> 77
90 -> 90
75 -> 75
111 -> 111
115 -> 115
90 -> 90
585 -> 585
108 -> 108
76 -> 76
227 -> 227
99 -> 99
97 -> 97
80 -> 80
103 -> 103
95 -> 95
75 -> 75
75 -> 75
75 -> 75
83 -> 83
937 -> 937
1165 -> 1165
903 -> 903
1040 -> 1040
169 -> 169
5369 -> 5369
96 -> 96
75 -> 75
80 -> 80
77 -> 80
94 -> 94
697 -> 697
12 -> 12
211 -> 211
7222 -> 7224
425 -> 425
337 -> 337
0 -> 0
20426 -> 20450
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
43 -> 43
349 -> 87
349 -> 87
25 -> 25
25 -> 25
26 -> 26
25 -> 25
24 -> 24
25 -> 25
24 -> 24
25 -> 25
9 -> 9
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
17639 -> 17869
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
13 -> 16
550 -> 550
53 -> 53
15 -> 15
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
12 -> 12
19 -> 19
21 -> 21
20 -> 20
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
12 -> 12
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
5 -> 5
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
48 -> 39
25 -> 16
47 -> 29
23 -> 15
36 -> 27
17 -> 7
13 -> 5
16 -> 7
28 -> 15
9 -> 9
28 -> 11
6308 -> 6308
5991 -> 5991
460 -> 460
6952 -> 6952
448 -> 448
7613 -> 7613
6520 -> 6525
439 -> 439
8815 -> 8815
5428 -> 5428
21519 -> 22117
20371 -> 20405
21779 -> 22337
30861 -> 33757
2384 -> 2393
71048 -> 71931
27688 -> 28008
17 -> 17
3688 -> 3721
12921 -> 12950
4040 -> 4041
0 -> 0
4157 -> 4157
26 -> 26
86 -> 86
285 -> 285
24 -> 24
421 -> 421
45 -> 45
13791 -> 13795
10 -> 10
4 -> 4
757 -> 758
97 -> 97
286 -> 286
14 -> 14
21 -> 23
1433 -> 1413
81 -> 81
2351 -> 2334
263 -> 263
1 -> 1
12 -> 12
22 -> 22
87 -> 87
349 -> 349
313 -> 174
349 -> 349
87 -> 87
43 -> 43
87 -> 87
24 -> 43
43 -> 43
43 -> 43
43 -> 43
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
174 -> 174
1398 -> 5592
1398 -> 5592
174 -> 174
349 -> 174
1 -> 1
87 -> 87
349 -> 349
ui/texture/classes/logincampaign/todaysrewardbracket.png ->
1 -> 1

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.