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Comparing Singularity_Previous (Build: 1719716) to Singularity_Next (Build: 1724994)

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Est. patch size: 572mb

New Items (293 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:54027>Scout State Navy Kitsune</url>
<url=showinfo:54028>Scout State Navy Kirin</url>
<url=showinfo:54029>Scout State Navy Raptor</url>
<url=showinfo:54030>Scout State Navy Basilisk</url>
<url=showinfo:54031>Scout State Navy Cerberus</url>
<url=showinfo:54032>Scout State Navy Rook</url>
<url=showinfo:54033>Scout State Navy Drake</url>
<url=showinfo:54034>Scout State Navy Scorpion</url>
<url=showinfo:54035>Scout State Navy Raven</url>
<url=showinfo:54036>Elite State Navy Kitsune</url>
<url=showinfo:54037>Elite State Navy Kirin</url>
<url=showinfo:54038>Elite State Navy Raptor</url>
<url=showinfo:54039>Elite State Navy Basilisk</url>
<url=showinfo:54040>Elite State Navy Cerberus</url>
<url=showinfo:54041>Elite State Navy Rook</url>
<url=showinfo:54042>Elite State Navy Drake</url>
<url=showinfo:54043>Elite State Navy Scorpion</url>
<url=showinfo:54044>Elite State Navy Raven</url>
<url=showinfo:54045>Executive State Navy Kitsune</url>
<url=showinfo:54046>Executive State Navy Kirin</url>
<url=showinfo:54047>Executive State Navy Raptor</url>
<url=showinfo:54048>Executive State Navy Basilisk</url>
<url=showinfo:54049>Executive State Navy Cerberus</url>
<url=showinfo:54050>Executive State Navy Rook</url>
<url=showinfo:54051>Executive State Navy Drake</url>
<url=showinfo:54052>Executive State Navy Scorpion</url>
<url=showinfo:54053>Executive State Navy Raven</url>
<url=showinfo:54054>Scout Federal Navy Keres</url>
<url=showinfo:54055>Scout Federal Navy Thalia</url>
<url=showinfo:54056>Scout Federal Navy Taranis</url>
<url=showinfo:54057>Scout Federal Navy Oneiros</url>
<url=showinfo:54058>Scout Federal Navy Deimos</url>
<url=showinfo:54059>Scout Federal Navy Lachesis</url>
<url=showinfo:54060>Scout Federal Navy Brutix</url>
<url=showinfo:54061>Scout Federal Navy Dominix</url>
<url=showinfo:54062>Scout Federal Navy Megathron</url>
<url=showinfo:54063>Elite Federal Navy Keres</url>
<url=showinfo:54064>Elite Federal Navy Thalia</url>
<url=showinfo:54065>Elite Federal Navy Taranis</url>
<url=showinfo:54066>Elite Federal Navy Oneiros</url>
<url=showinfo:54067>Elite Federal Navy Deimos</url>
<url=showinfo:54068>Elite Federal Navy Lachesis</url>
<url=showinfo:54069>Elite Federal Navy Brutix</url>
<url=showinfo:54070>Elite Federal Navy Dominix</url>
<url=showinfo:54071>Elite Federal Navy Megathron</url>
<url=showinfo:54072>Presiding Federal Navy Keres</url>
<url=showinfo:54073>Presiding Federal Navy Thalia</url>
<url=showinfo:54074>Presiding Federal Navy Taranis</url>
<url=showinfo:54075>Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros</url>
<url=showinfo:54076>Presiding Federal Navy Deimos</url>
<url=showinfo:54077>Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis</url>
<url=showinfo:54078>Presiding Federal Navy Brutix</url>
<url=showinfo:54079>Presiding Federal Navy Dominix</url>
<url=showinfo:54080>Presiding Federal Navy Megathron</url>
<url=showinfo:54081>Scout Republic Fleet Hyena</url>
<url=showinfo:54082>Scout Republic Fleet Scalpel</url>
<url=showinfo:54083>Scout Republic Fleet Claw</url>
<url=showinfo:54084>Scout Republic Fleet Scimitar</url>
<url=showinfo:54085>Scout Republic Fleet Muninn</url>
<url=showinfo:54086>Scout Republic Fleet Huginn</url>
<url=showinfo:54087>Scout Republic Fleet Hurricane</url>
<url=showinfo:54088>Scout Republic Fleet Typhoon</url>
<url=showinfo:54089>Scout Republic Fleet Tempest</url>
<url=showinfo:54090>Elite Republic Fleet Hyena</url>
<url=showinfo:54091>Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel</url>
<url=showinfo:54092>Elite Republic Fleet Claw</url>
<url=showinfo:54093>Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar</url>
<url=showinfo:54094>Elite Republic Fleet Muninn</url>
<url=showinfo:54095>Elite Republic Fleet Huginn</url>
<url=showinfo:54096>Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane</url>
<url=showinfo:54097>Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon</url>
<url=showinfo:54098>Elite Republic Fleet Tempest</url>
<url=showinfo:54099>Chief Republic Fleet Hyena</url>
<url=showinfo:54100>Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel</url>
<url=showinfo:54101>Chief Republic Fleet Claw</url>
<url=showinfo:54102>Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar</url>
<url=showinfo:54103>Chief Republic Fleet Muninn</url>
<url=showinfo:54104>Chief Republic Fleet Huginn</url>
<url=showinfo:54105>Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane</url>
<url=showinfo:54106>Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon</url>
<url=showinfo:54107>Chief Republic Fleet Tempest</url>
<url=showinfo:54108>Hospodar Liminal Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54109>Hospodar Liminal Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54110>Hospodar Liminal Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54111>Hospodar Liminal Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54112>Hospodar Liminal Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54113>Hospodar Liminal Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54114>Hospodar Starving Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54115>Hospodar Harrowing Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54116>Hospodar Anchoring Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54117>Hospodar Renewing Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54118>Hospodar Blinding Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54119>Hospodar Ghosting Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54120>Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54121>Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54122>Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54123>Hospodar Renewing Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54124>Hospodar Renewing Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54125>Hospodar Blinding Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54126>Hospodar Blinding Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54127>Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54128>Hospodar Tangling Damavik</url>
<url=showinfo:54129>Hospodar Tangling Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54130>Hospodar Starving Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54131>Raznaborg Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54132>Raznaborg Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54133>Raznaborg Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54134>Raznaborg Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54135>Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54136>Raznaborg Starving Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54137>Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54138>Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54139>Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54140>Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54141>Raznaborg Starving Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54142>Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak</url>
<url=showinfo:54143>Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54144>Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54145>Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54146>Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54147>Raznaborg Starving Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54148>Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54149>Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac</url>
<url=showinfo:54150>Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54151>Raznaborg Blinding Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54152>Raznaborg Renewing Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54153>Raznaborg Starving Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54154>Raznaborg Tangling Leshak</url>
<url=showinfo:54155>Zorya's Rodiva</url>
<url=showinfo:54197>Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor</url>
<url=showinfo:54198>Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor</url>
<url=showinfo:54199>Nemiznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54200>Pohviznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54201>Moroznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54202>Jariloznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54203>Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54204>Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54205>Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54206>Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54207>Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54208>Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54209>Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54210>Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54211>Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54212>Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54213>Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54214>Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora</url>
<url=showinfo:54234>Triglavian Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54251>Empire Easy Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54252>Empire Base Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54253>Empire Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54254>Empire Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54258>Triglavian Dungeon Easy/Base Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54259>Triglavian Dungeon Base/Easy/Elite Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54265>Triglavian Emerging Conduit Boss Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54266>Invisible Behavior Location A</url>
<url=showinfo:54267>Invisible Behavior Location B</url>
<url=showinfo:54268>Invisible Behavior Location C</url>
<url=showinfo:54269>Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Small Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54274>World Ark (Xordazh-class)</url>
<url=showinfo:54283>Dazh Porevitium Transmuter</url>
<url=showinfo:54296>Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 1</url>
<url=showinfo:54297>Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 2</url>
<url=showinfo:54298>Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54313>Test Spawner (Xordazh-class)</url>
<url=showinfo:54314>Dazh Porevitium Transmuter</url>
<url=showinfo:54315>Dazh Porevitium Transmuter</url>
<url=showinfo:54316>Dazh Porevitium Transmuter</url>
<url=showinfo:54317>Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Boss Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54318>Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Med Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54319>Empire Basic Cyno Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54321>Empire Basic Cyno Boss Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54324>Empire Basic Cyno Large Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54325>World Ark (Xordazh-class)</url>
<url=showinfo:54326>World Ark (Xordazh-class)</url>
<url=showinfo:54330>Imperial Stellar Observatory</url>
<url=showinfo:54331>Republic Stellar Observatory</url>
<url=showinfo:54332>The State Stellar Observatory</url>
<url=showinfo:54333>Federal Stellar Observatory</url>
<url=showinfo:54335>EDENCOM Fortification Orca</url>
<url=showinfo:54336>EDENCOM Fortification Orca</url>
<url=showinfo:54337>EDENCOM Fortification Orca</url>
<url=showinfo:54338>EDENCOM Fortification Orca</url>
<url=showinfo:54342>Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 1</url>
<url=showinfo:54343>Observatory Empire Guard Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54344>Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 2</url>
<url=showinfo:54345>Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54346>Observatory Empire Deployment Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54388>Empire Intermediate Cyno Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54389>Empire Intermediate Cyno Large Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54390>Empire Intermediate Cyno Boss Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54565>Triglavian Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54566>Triglavian Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54567>Triglavian Battleship Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54568>Dazh Koliada</url>
<url=showinfo:54569>Dazh Potremba</url>
<url=showinfo:54570>Dazh Stribozha</url>
<url=showinfo:54571>EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu</url>
<url=showinfo:54572>EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu</url>
<url=showinfo:54573>EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu</url>
<url=showinfo:54574>EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu</url>
<url=showinfo:54575>PLACEHOLDER Snark</url>
<url=showinfo:54576>Extractive Super-Nexus</url>
<url=showinfo:54577>Entropic Disintegrator Werpost</url>
<url=showinfo:54578>PLACEDHOLDER Triglavian Defense Platform XL</url>
<url=showinfo:54579>EDENCOM GunStar</url>
<url=showinfo:54580>EDENCOM Heavy GunStar</url>
<url=showinfo:54583>Triglavian Baseline Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54584>Triglavian Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54585>Triglavian Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54658>Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER</url>
<url=showinfo:54682>Triglavian Spawner - Autominer Deployment</url>
<url=showinfo:54695>Empire Spawner - Cyno-Jammer Deployment</url>
<url=showinfo:54696>Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (Low Density)</url>
<url=showinfo:54697>Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (High Density)</url>
<url=showinfo:54698>Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (L)</url>
<url=showinfo:54699>Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (XL)</url>
<url=showinfo:54726>Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Small Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54727>Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Middle Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54728>Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Final Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54729>Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Side Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54730>Triglavian Autominer Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54734>Invasion Empire Major Cyno Small Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54735>Invasion Empire Major Cyno Middle Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54736>Invasion Empire Major Cyno Final Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54737>Invasion Empire Major Cyno Side Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:54822>Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 3</url>
<url=showinfo:54835>Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 2</url>
<url=showinfo:54836>Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 1</url>
<url=showinfo:54837>Triglavian Victory Environment</url>
<url=showinfo:54838>EDENCOM Cynosural Jammer</url>
<url=showinfo:54900>Vexor Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54901>Dominix Federal Police SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54902>Dominix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54903>Thanatos Federal Police SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54904>Nestor Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54905>Kikimora Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54906>Drekavac Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54907>Leshak Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54908>Basilisk Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54909>Guardian Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54910>Bifrost Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54911>Noctis Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54912>Vindicator Eden's Hunters SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54913>Nestor Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54914>Kikimora Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54915>Drekavac Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54916>Leshak Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54917>Basilisk Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54918>Guardian Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54919>Bifrost Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54920>Noctis Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54921>Vindicator Kybernaut Clade SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:54922>Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54923>EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:54924>Triglavian Harvester Spawner Guards</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
54027 - Scout State Navy Kitsune No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. typeID: 54027
graphicID: 3364
Capacity: 160.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561215
basePrice: 2426356.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 19400.0
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 41.0
published: False
Mass: 1228700.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 605.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 187.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -30.0
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 2.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 2.4
Armor Hitpoints: 150.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 12000.0
Maximum Velocity: 1992.1875
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 51.25
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.4625
behaviorECMRange: 22000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
behaviorECMDuration: 12000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 12000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 2.4
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 2.4
gfxTurretID: 499.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27387.0
Orbit Velocity: 318.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54028 - Scout State Navy Kirin No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 20000.0
typeID: 54028
graphicID: 21218
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561216
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 27.0
variationParentTypeID: 582
published: False
Mass: 1480000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 22000.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 750.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 200.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 150.0
Maximum Velocity: 2376.5625
Signature Radius: 42.5
Damage Modifier: 0.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Scan Resolution: 920.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 3000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 10.0
Shield Bonus: 120.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.24
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 499.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27381.0
Orbit Velocity: 380.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54029 - Scout State Navy Raptor No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 18000.0
typeID: 54029
graphicID: 1878
Capacity: 92.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561217
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 33.0
factionID: 500001
published: False
Mass: 1050000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 725.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 262.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 112.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 1954.6875
Signature Radius: 40.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 5219.0
Damage Modifier: 2.25
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 26.4
Thermal damage: 18.86
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 312.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54030 - Scout State Navy Basilisk No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54030
graphicID: 11865
Capacity: 485.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561218
basePrice: 13340104.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 107000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 174.0
published: False
Mass: 13130000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 45000.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 2625.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1002.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 527.5
Maximum Velocity: 1903.125
Signature Radius: 87.5
Damage Modifier: 0.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Scan Resolution: 385.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 40.0
Shield Bonus: 450.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.3375
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27435.0
Orbit Velocity: 304.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54031 - Scout State Navy Cerberus No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 68 attributes. typeID: 54031
graphicID: 1825
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561219
basePrice: 17950950.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 92000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 202.0
published: False
Mass: 12720000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 3800.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 835.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 490.0
Maximum Velocity: 1875.0
Signature Radius: 156.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.5
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27453.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54032 - Scout State Navy Rook No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. typeID: 54032
graphicID: 1847
Capacity: 305.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561220
basePrice: 15001492.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 96000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 131.0
published: False
Mass: 12730000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 3300.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 525.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.35
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 4.35
Armor Hitpoints: 425.0
Maximum Velocity: 1771.875
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.365
behaviorECMRange: 40000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
behaviorECMDuration: 20000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 28000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 20.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.35
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 4.35
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27453.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54033 - Scout State Navy Drake No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 68 attributes. typeID: 54033
graphicID: 20283
Capacity: 450.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561221
basePrice: 38000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 252000.0
wreckTypeID: 53264
radius: 263.0
published: False
Mass: 13500000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 3922.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3375.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2250.0
Maximum Velocity: 1025.3925
Signature Radius: 337.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.8725
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27435.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54034 - Scout State Navy Scorpion No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. typeID: 54034
graphicID: 3815
Capacity: 815.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561222
basePrice: 71250000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 468000.0
wreckTypeID: 53265
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 103600000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.9
Shield Capacity: 7187.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.65
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 4.65
Armor Hitpoints: 4250.0
Maximum Velocity: 615.2325
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 500.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 3.06
behaviorECMRange: 45000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
behaviorECMDuration: 22000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 30000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 30.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.65
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 4.65
gfxTurretID: 503.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 7500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27359.0
Orbit Velocity: 98.4375
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54035 - Scout State Navy Raven No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. Volume: 486000.0
typeID: 54035
graphicID: 2123
Capacity: 800.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561223
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53265
radius: 250.0
variationParentTypeID: 609
factionID: 500001
published: False
Mass: 97300000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 6562.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4000.0
Maximum Velocity: 703.125
Signature Radius: 462.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 13320.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27377.0
Orbit Velocity: 112.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54036 - Elite State Navy Kitsune No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. typeID: 54036
graphicID: 3364
Capacity: 160.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561224
basePrice: 2426356.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 19400.0
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 41.0
published: False
Mass: 1228700.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 1815.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 562.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -30.0
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0
Armor Hitpoints: 450.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 12000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 61.5
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.4375
behaviorECMRange: 22000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
behaviorECMDuration: 12000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 12000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 4.0
gfxTurretID: 499.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27387.0
Orbit Velocity: 531.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54037 - Elite State Navy Kirin No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 20000.0
typeID: 54037
graphicID: 21218
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561225
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 27.0
variationParentTypeID: 582
published: False
Mass: 1480000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 22000.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 2250.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 600.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 450.0
Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375
Signature Radius: 51.0
Damage Modifier: 0.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Scan Resolution: 920.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 3000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 10.0
Shield Bonus: 200.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.4
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 499.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27381.0
Orbit Velocity: 633.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54038 - Elite State Navy Raptor No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 18000.0
typeID: 54038
graphicID: 1878
Capacity: 92.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561226
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 33.0
factionID: 500001
published: False
Mass: 1050000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2175.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 787.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 337.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125
Signature Radius: 48.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 5219.0
Damage Modifier: 3.75
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 26.4
Thermal damage: 18.86
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 521.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54039 - Elite State Navy Basilisk No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54039
graphicID: 11865
Capacity: 485.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561227
basePrice: 13340104.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 107000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 174.0
published: False
Mass: 13130000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 45000.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 7875.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3006.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1582.5
Maximum Velocity: 3171.875
Signature Radius: 105.0
Damage Modifier: 0.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Scan Resolution: 385.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 40.0
Shield Bonus: 750.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.5625
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27435.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54040 - Elite State Navy Cerberus No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 68 attributes. typeID: 54040
graphicID: 1825
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561228
basePrice: 17950950.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 92000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 202.0
published: False
Mass: 12720000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 11400.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2505.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1470.0
Maximum Velocity: 3125.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.5
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27453.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54041 - Elite State Navy Rook No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. typeID: 54041
graphicID: 1847
Capacity: 305.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561229
basePrice: 15001492.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 96000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 131.0
published: False
Mass: 12730000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 9900.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1575.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 7.25
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 7.25
Armor Hitpoints: 1275.0
Maximum Velocity: 2953.125
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 225.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.275
behaviorECMRange: 40000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
behaviorECMDuration: 20000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 28000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 20.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 7.25
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 7.25
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27453.0
Orbit Velocity: 472.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54042 - Elite State Navy Drake No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 68 attributes. typeID: 54042
graphicID: 20283
Capacity: 450.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561230
basePrice: 38000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 252000.0
wreckTypeID: 53264
radius: 263.0
published: False
Mass: 13500000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 11766.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10125.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6750.0
Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875
Signature Radius: 405.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00027751
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.7875
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27435.0
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54043 - Elite State Navy Scorpion No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. typeID: 54043
graphicID: 3815
Capacity: 815.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561231
basePrice: 71250000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 468000.0
wreckTypeID: 53265
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 103600000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.9
Shield Capacity: 21562.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 7.75
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 7.75
Armor Hitpoints: 12750.0
Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 600.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.1
behaviorECMRange: 45000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
behaviorECMDuration: 22000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 30000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 30.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 7.75
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 7.75
gfxTurretID: 503.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 7500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27359.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54044 - Elite State Navy Raven No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. Volume: 486000.0
typeID: 54044
graphicID: 2123
Capacity: 800.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561232
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53265
radius: 250.0
variationParentTypeID: 609
factionID: 500001
published: False
Mass: 97300000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 19687.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 12000.0
Maximum Velocity: 1171.875
Signature Radius: 555.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 13320.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27377.0
Orbit Velocity: 187.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54045 - Executive State Navy Kitsune No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. typeID: 54045
graphicID: 3364
Capacity: 160.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561233
basePrice: 2426356.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 19400.0
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 41.0
published: False
Mass: 1228700.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 3025.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 937.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -30.0
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 5.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 5.6
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 12000.0
Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 82.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 3.4125
behaviorECMRange: 22000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
behaviorECMDuration: 12000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 12000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 5.6
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 5.6
gfxTurretID: 499.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27387.0
Orbit Velocity: 743.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54046 - Executive State Navy Kirin No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 20000.0
typeID: 54046
graphicID: 21218
Capacity: 270.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561234
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 27.0
variationParentTypeID: 582
published: False
Mass: 1480000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 22000.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 3750.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125
Signature Radius: 68.0
Damage Modifier: 0.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Scan Resolution: 920.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 3000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 10.0
Shield Bonus: 280.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.56
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 499.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27381.0
Orbit Velocity: 887.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54047 - Executive State Navy Raptor No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 18000.0
typeID: 54047
graphicID: 1878
Capacity: 92.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561235
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53262
radius: 33.0
factionID: 500001
published: False
Mass: 1050000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 3625.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1312.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 562.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375
Signature Radius: 64.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 5219.0
Damage Modifier: 5.25
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 26.4
Thermal damage: 18.86
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 729.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54048 - Executive State Navy Basilisk No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54048
graphicID: 11865
Capacity: 485.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561236
basePrice: 13340104.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 107000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 174.0
published: False
Mass: 13130000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 45000.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 13125.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5010.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2637.5
Maximum Velocity: 4440.625
Signature Radius: 140.0
Damage Modifier: 0.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Scan Resolution: 385.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 40.0
Shield Bonus: 1050.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.7875
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27435.0
Orbit Velocity: 710.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54049 - Executive State Navy Cerberus No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 68 attributes. typeID: 54049
graphicID: 1825
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561237
basePrice: 17950950.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 92000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 202.0
published: False
Mass: 12720000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 19000.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 4175.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2450.0
Maximum Velocity: 4375.0
Signature Radius: 250.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 3.5
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27453.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54050 - Executive State Navy Rook No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. typeID: 54050
graphicID: 1847
Capacity: 305.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561238
basePrice: 15001492.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 96000.0
wreckTypeID: 53263
radius: 131.0
published: False
Mass: 12730000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 16500.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2625.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 10.15
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 10.15
Armor Hitpoints: 2125.0
Maximum Velocity: 4134.375
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 300.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 3.185
behaviorECMRange: 40000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
behaviorECMDuration: 20000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 28000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 20.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 10.15
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 10.15
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27453.0
Orbit Velocity: 661.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54051 - Executive State Navy Drake No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 68 attributes. typeID: 54051
graphicID: 20283
Capacity: 450.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561239
basePrice: 38000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 252000.0
wreckTypeID: 53264
radius: 263.0
published: False
Mass: 13500000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 19610.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 16875.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 11250.0
Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825
Signature Radius: 540.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00030469
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 6.7025
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 501.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27435.0
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54052 - Executive State Navy Scorpion No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. typeID: 54052
graphicID: 3815
Capacity: 815.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561240
basePrice: 71250000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 468000.0
wreckTypeID: 53265
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 103600000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.9
Shield Capacity: 35937.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 25000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 10.85
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 10.85
Armor Hitpoints: 21250.0
Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Signature Radius: 800.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00031688
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.14
behaviorECMRange: 45000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
behaviorECMDuration: 22000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorECMFalloff: 30000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 30.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 10.85
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 10.85
gfxTurretID: 503.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 7500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27359.0
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54053 - Executive State Navy Raven No Description Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. Volume: 486000.0
typeID: 54053
graphicID: 2123
Capacity: 800.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 561241
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53265
radius: 250.0
variationParentTypeID: 609
factionID: 500001
published: False
Mass: 97300000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Damage Modifier: 0.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 32812.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 25000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5625
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.275
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 20000.0
Maximum Velocity: 1640.625
Signature Radius: 740.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00031688
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
gfxTurretID: 13320.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27377.0
Orbit Velocity: 262.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54054 - Scout Federal Navy Keres No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 76 attributes. typeID: 54054
graphicID: 1913
Capacity: 175.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561243
basePrice: 2428948.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 23000.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 31.0
published: False
Mass: 1204500.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 150.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 187.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 605.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 1992.1875
Signature Radius: 51.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -12.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 5000.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 2.7
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 5.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 12000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 17000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Scan Resolution Bonus: -12.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 21.6
Thermal damage: 15.43
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 318.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54055 - Scout Federal Navy Thalia No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54055
graphicID: 21217
Capacity: 280.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561244
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 10000.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 1450000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 150.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 200.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 750.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 2376.5625
Signature Radius: 42.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 920.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 22000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 2.325
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 120.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 6.0
Thermal damage: 4.29
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 380.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54056 - Scout Federal Navy Taranis No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. typeID: 54056
graphicID: 1912
Capacity: 92.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561245
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 22500.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 24.0
published: False
Mass: 1060000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 112.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 262.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 725.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 1954.6875
Signature Radius: 40.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 3.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 2500.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 26.4
Thermal damage: 18.86
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 312.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 18000.0
54057 - Scout Federal Navy Oneiros No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54057
graphicID: 2141
Capacity: 600.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561246
basePrice: 12691246.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 113000.0
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 224.0
published: False
Mass: 13160000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 527.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1002.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2625.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1903.125
Signature Radius: 87.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 385.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 45000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 40.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 2.325
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 450.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 12.0
Thermal damage: 8.57
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 304.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54058 - Scout Federal Navy Deimos No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. Volume: 112000.0
typeID: 54058
graphicID: 11859
Capacity: 415.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561247
basePrice: 17062588.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 149.0
variationParentTypeID: 627
published: False
Mass: 11460000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 490.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 835.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3800.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1875.0
Signature Radius: 156.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 2.775
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 54.0
Thermal damage: 38.57
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54059 - Scout Federal Navy Lachesis No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. typeID: 54059
graphicID: 2140
Capacity: 320.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561248
basePrice: 15072684.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 116000.0
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 79.0
published: False
Mass: 12070000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 425.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 525.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3300.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1771.875
Signature Radius: 187.5
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 2.625
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 6500.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 35000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 3500.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 42.0
Thermal damage: 30.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 44000.0
54060 - Scout Federal Navy Brutix No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. typeID: 54060
graphicID: 20229
Capacity: 475.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561249
basePrice: 27000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 270000.0
wreckTypeID: 53269
radius: 196.0
published: False
Mass: 11800000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2250.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3375.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3922.0
Accuracy falloff : 14899.58
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1025.3925
Signature Radius: 337.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 3.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 84.0
Thermal damage: 60.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54061 - Scout Federal Navy Dominix No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 454500.0
typeID: 54061
graphicID: 2138
Capacity: 845.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561250
basePrice: 62500000.0
metaGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53270
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500004
published: False
Mass: 97100000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 4250.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7187.5
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 615.2325
Signature Radius: 500.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 7700.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 55000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 27000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 55.0
gfxTurretID: 574.0
Damage Modifier: 2.625
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 326.25
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 216.0
Thermal damage: 154.29
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 98.4375
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54062 - Scout Federal Navy Megathron No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. typeID: 54062
graphicID: 2139
Capacity: 840.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561251
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 486000.0
wreckTypeID: 53270
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 98400000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 4000.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6562.5
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 703.125
Signature Radius: 462.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
gfxTurretID: 574.0
Damage Modifier: 3.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 264.0
Thermal damage: 188.57
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 112.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54063 - Elite Federal Navy Keres No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 76 attributes. typeID: 54063
graphicID: 1913
Capacity: 175.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561252
basePrice: 2428948.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 23000.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 31.0
published: False
Mass: 1204500.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 450.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 562.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1815.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125
Signature Radius: 61.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -20.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 5000.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 4.5
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 5.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 12000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 17000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Scan Resolution Bonus: -20.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 21.6
Thermal damage: 15.43
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 531.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54064 - Elite Federal Navy Thalia No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54064
graphicID: 21217
Capacity: 280.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561253
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 10000.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 1450000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 450.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 600.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2250.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375
Signature Radius: 51.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 920.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 22000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 3.875
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 200.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 6.0
Thermal damage: 4.29
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 633.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54065 - Elite Federal Navy Taranis No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. typeID: 54065
graphicID: 1912
Capacity: 92.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561254
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 22500.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 24.0
published: False
Mass: 1060000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 337.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 787.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2175.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125
Signature Radius: 48.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 5.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 2500.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 26.4
Thermal damage: 18.86
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 521.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 18000.0
54066 - Elite Federal Navy Oneiros No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54066
graphicID: 2141
Capacity: 600.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561255
basePrice: 12691246.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 113000.0
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 224.0
published: False
Mass: 13160000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 1582.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3006.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7875.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 3171.875
Signature Radius: 105.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 385.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 45000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 40.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 3.875
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 750.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 12.0
Thermal damage: 8.57
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54067 - Elite Federal Navy Deimos No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. Volume: 112000.0
typeID: 54067
graphicID: 11859
Capacity: 415.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561256
basePrice: 17062588.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 149.0
variationParentTypeID: 627
published: False
Mass: 11460000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 1470.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2505.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 11400.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 3125.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 4.625
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 54.0
Thermal damage: 38.57
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54068 - Elite Federal Navy Lachesis No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. typeID: 54068
graphicID: 2140
Capacity: 320.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561257
basePrice: 15072684.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 116000.0
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 79.0
published: False
Mass: 12070000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 1275.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1575.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 9900.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 2953.125
Signature Radius: 225.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 4.375
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 6500.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 35000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 3500.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 42.0
Thermal damage: 30.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 472.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 44000.0
54069 - Elite Federal Navy Brutix No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. typeID: 54069
graphicID: 20229
Capacity: 475.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561258
basePrice: 27000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 270000.0
wreckTypeID: 53269
radius: 196.0
published: False
Mass: 11800000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 6750.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10125.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 11766.0
Accuracy falloff : 14899.58
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875
Signature Radius: 405.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00027751
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 5.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 84.0
Thermal damage: 60.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54070 - Elite Federal Navy Dominix No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 454500.0
typeID: 54070
graphicID: 2138
Capacity: 845.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561259
basePrice: 62500000.0
metaGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53270
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500004
published: False
Mass: 97100000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 12750.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 21562.5
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875
Signature Radius: 600.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 7700.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 55000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 27000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 55.0
gfxTurretID: 574.0
Damage Modifier: 4.375
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 543.75
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 216.0
Thermal damage: 154.29
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54071 - Elite Federal Navy Megathron No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. typeID: 54071
graphicID: 2139
Capacity: 840.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561260
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 486000.0
wreckTypeID: 53270
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 98400000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 12000.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 19687.5
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 1171.875
Signature Radius: 555.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
gfxTurretID: 574.0
Damage Modifier: 5.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 264.0
Thermal damage: 188.57
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 187.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54072 - Presiding Federal Navy Keres No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 76 attributes. typeID: 54072
graphicID: 1913
Capacity: 175.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561261
basePrice: 2428948.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 23000.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 31.0
published: False
Mass: 1204500.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 750.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 937.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3025.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375
Signature Radius: 82.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -24.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 5000.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 6.3
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 5.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 12000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 17000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Scan Resolution Bonus: -24.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 21.6
Thermal damage: 15.43
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 743.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54073 - Presiding Federal Navy Thalia No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54073
graphicID: 21217
Capacity: 280.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561262
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 10000.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 35.0
published: False
Mass: 1450000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 750.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3750.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125
Signature Radius: 68.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 920.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 22000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 5.425
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 280.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 6.0
Thermal damage: 4.29
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 887.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54074 - Presiding Federal Navy Taranis No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. typeID: 54074
graphicID: 1912
Capacity: 92.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561263
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 22500.0
wreckTypeID: 53267
radius: 24.0
published: False
Mass: 1060000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 562.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1312.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3625.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375
Signature Radius: 64.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 565.0
Damage Modifier: 7.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 2500.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 26.4
Thermal damage: 18.86
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 729.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 18000.0
54075 - Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 74 attributes. typeID: 54075
graphicID: 2141
Capacity: 600.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561264
basePrice: 12691246.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 113000.0
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 224.0
published: False
Mass: 13160000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2637.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5010.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13125.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 4440.625
Signature Radius: 140.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 385.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 45000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 40.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 5.425
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 1050.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 12.0
Thermal damage: 8.57
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 710.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54076 - Presiding Federal Navy Deimos No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. Volume: 112000.0
typeID: 54076
graphicID: 11859
Capacity: 415.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561265
basePrice: 17062588.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 149.0
variationParentTypeID: 627
published: False
Mass: 11460000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2450.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 4175.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 19000.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 4375.0
Signature Radius: 250.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 6.475
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 54.0
Thermal damage: 38.57
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54077 - Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. typeID: 54077
graphicID: 2140
Capacity: 320.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561266
basePrice: 15072684.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 116000.0
wreckTypeID: 53268
radius: 79.0
published: False
Mass: 12070000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2125.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2625.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 16500.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 4134.375
Signature Radius: 300.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 6.125
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 6500.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 35000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 3500.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 42.0
Thermal damage: 30.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 661.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 44000.0
54078 - Presiding Federal Navy Brutix No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. typeID: 54078
graphicID: 20229
Capacity: 475.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561267
basePrice: 27000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 270000.0
wreckTypeID: 53269
radius: 196.0
published: False
Mass: 11800000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 11250.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 16875.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 19610.0
Accuracy falloff : 14899.58
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825
Signature Radius: 540.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00030469
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
gfxTurretID: 570.0
Damage Modifier: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 84.0
Thermal damage: 60.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54079 - Presiding Federal Navy Dominix No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. Volume: 454500.0
typeID: 54079
graphicID: 2138
Capacity: 845.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561268
basePrice: 62500000.0
metaGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53270
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500004
published: False
Mass: 97100000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 21250.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 25000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 35937.5
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425
Signature Radius: 800.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00031688
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 7700.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 55000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 27000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 55.0
gfxTurretID: 574.0
Damage Modifier: 6.125
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 761.25
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 216.0
Thermal damage: 154.29
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54080 - Presiding Federal Navy Megathron No Description Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. typeID: 54080
graphicID: 2139
Capacity: 840.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 561269
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 486000.0
wreckTypeID: 53270
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 98400000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 20000.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 25000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.325
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 32812.5
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 1640.625
Signature Radius: 740.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00031688
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Optimal Range: 60000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
gfxTurretID: 574.0
Damage Modifier: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Kinetic damage: 264.0
Thermal damage: 188.57
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Orbit Velocity: 262.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54081 - Scout Republic Fleet Hyena No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54081
graphicID: 1973
Capacity: 150.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561270
basePrice: 2084040.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 17400.0
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 29.0
published: False
Mass: 1191300.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 452.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 187.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -48.75
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 302.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 15000.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6400.0
Maximum Velocity: 1992.1875
Signature Radius: 51.25
Signature Radius Modifier: 20.25
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 1.6575
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.5775
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 35000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 15.43
Kinetic damage: 21.6
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27367.0
Orbit Velocity: 318.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 31000.0
54082 - Scout Republic Fleet Scalpel No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. Volume: 17100.0
typeID: 54082
graphicID: 21219
Capacity: 260.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561271
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 31.0
variationParentTypeID: 599
published: False
Mass: 1420000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 525.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 200.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 375.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 2376.5625
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 22000.0
Signature Radius: 42.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 920.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 3000.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 1.4325
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 10.0
Shield Bonus: 120.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.1125
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 4.29
Kinetic damage: 6.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27367.0
Orbit Velocity: 380.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54083 - Scout Republic Fleet Claw No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. Volume: 17400.0
typeID: 54083
graphicID: 1928
Capacity: 94.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561272
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 30.0
factionID: 500002
published: False
Mass: 1100000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 475.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 262.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 362.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 1954.6875
Signature Radius: 40.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 4.875e-05
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 1.845
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.1125
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 18.86
Kinetic damage: 26.4
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27383.0
Orbit Velocity: 312.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54084 - Scout Republic Fleet Scimitar No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. typeID: 54084
graphicID: 1778
Capacity: 440.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561273
basePrice: 12450072.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 89000.0
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 134.0
published: False
Mass: 12090000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 1840.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1002.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1312.5
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1903.125
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 45000.0
Signature Radius: 87.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 385.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 1.4325
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 40.0
Shield Bonus: 450.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.1575
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 8.57
Kinetic damage: 12.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27433.0
Orbit Velocity: 304.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54085 - Scout Republic Fleet Muninn No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. Volume: 96000.0
typeID: 54085
graphicID: 1925
Capacity: 515.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561274
basePrice: 17062768.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 88.0
factionID: 500002
published: False
Mass: 11000000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 2390.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 835.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -33.75
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1900.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 7800.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1875.0
Signature Radius: 156.25
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 1.7025
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5200.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.5775
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 38.57
Kinetic damage: 54.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27445.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 19000.0
54086 - Scout Republic Fleet Huginn No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. Volume: 85000.0
typeID: 54086
graphicID: 1945
Capacity: 315.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561275
basePrice: 14988558.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 133.0
variationParentTypeID: 630
published: False
Mass: 11550000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 2075.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 525.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -78.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1650.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 22000.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 7800.0
Maximum Velocity: 1771.875
Signature Radius: 187.5
Signature Radius Modifier: 26.25
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 1.6125
behaviorWebifierDuration: 7500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.555
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 40000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 47500.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 30.0
Kinetic damage: 42.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27433.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 45000.0
54087 - Scout Republic Fleet Hurricane No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. typeID: 54087
graphicID: 20230
Capacity: 425.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561276
basePrice: 36500000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 216000.0
wreckTypeID: 53274
radius: 246.0
published: False
Mass: 12800000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 4211.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3375.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1961.0
Accuracy falloff : 14899.58
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1025.3925
Signature Radius: 337.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 1.845
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.02
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 84.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27445.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54088 - Scout Republic Fleet Typhoon No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. typeID: 54088
graphicID: 2160
Capacity: 750.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561277
basePrice: 75000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 414000.0
wreckTypeID: 53275
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 102600000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.9
Shield Capacity: 7843.75
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3593.75
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
Turret Tracking: 13.64
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 5300.0
Maximum Velocity: 615.2325
Signature Radius: 500.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 28.875
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Optimal Range: 48510.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
gfxTurretID: 498.0
Damage Modifier: 1.6125
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.245
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 22000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 15000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 154.29
Kinetic damage: 216.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 7500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27337.0
Orbit Velocity: 98.4375
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54089 - Scout Republic Fleet Tempest No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. typeID: 54089
graphicID: 2642
Capacity: 815.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561278
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 486000.0
wreckTypeID: 53275
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 103300000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 7281.25
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3281.25
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 703.125
Signature Radius: 462.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Optimal Range: 72380.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
gfxTurretID: 498.0
Damage Modifier: 1.845
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.065
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 188.57
Kinetic damage: 264.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27377.0
Orbit Velocity: 112.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54090 - Elite Republic Fleet Hyena No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54090
graphicID: 1973
Capacity: 150.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561279
basePrice: 2084040.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 17400.0
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 29.0
published: False
Mass: 1191300.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 1357.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 562.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -81.25
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 907.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 15000.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6400.0
Maximum Velocity: 3320.3125
Signature Radius: 61.5
Signature Radius Modifier: 33.75
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 2.7625
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.9625
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 35000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 15.43
Kinetic damage: 21.6
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27367.0
Orbit Velocity: 531.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 31000.0
54091 - Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. Volume: 17100.0
typeID: 54091
graphicID: 21219
Capacity: 260.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561280
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 31.0
variationParentTypeID: 599
published: False
Mass: 1420000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 1575.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 600.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1125.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 3960.9375
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 22000.0
Signature Radius: 51.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 920.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 3000.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 2.3875
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 10.0
Shield Bonus: 200.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.1875
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 4.29
Kinetic damage: 6.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27367.0
Orbit Velocity: 633.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54092 - Elite Republic Fleet Claw No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. Volume: 17400.0
typeID: 54092
graphicID: 1928
Capacity: 94.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561281
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 30.0
factionID: 500002
published: False
Mass: 1100000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 1425.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 787.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1087.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 3257.8125
Signature Radius: 48.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 3.075
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.1875
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 18.86
Kinetic damage: 26.4
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27383.0
Orbit Velocity: 521.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54093 - Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. typeID: 54093
graphicID: 1778
Capacity: 440.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561282
basePrice: 12450072.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 89000.0
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 134.0
published: False
Mass: 12090000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 5520.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3006.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3937.5
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 3171.875
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 45000.0
Signature Radius: 105.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 385.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 2.3875
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 40.0
Shield Bonus: 750.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.2625
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 8.57
Kinetic damage: 12.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27433.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54094 - Elite Republic Fleet Muninn No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. Volume: 96000.0
typeID: 54094
graphicID: 1925
Capacity: 515.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561283
basePrice: 17062768.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 88.0
factionID: 500002
published: False
Mass: 11000000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 7170.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2505.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -56.25
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 5700.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 7800.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 3125.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 2.8375
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5200.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.9625
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 38.57
Kinetic damage: 54.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27445.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 19000.0
54095 - Elite Republic Fleet Huginn No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. Volume: 85000.0
typeID: 54095
graphicID: 1945
Capacity: 315.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561284
basePrice: 14988558.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 133.0
variationParentTypeID: 630
published: False
Mass: 11550000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 6225.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1575.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -130.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4950.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 22000.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 7800.0
Maximum Velocity: 2953.125
Signature Radius: 225.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 43.75
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 2.6875
behaviorWebifierDuration: 7500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.925
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 40000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 47500.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 30.0
Kinetic damage: 42.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27433.0
Orbit Velocity: 472.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 45000.0
54096 - Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. typeID: 54096
graphicID: 20230
Capacity: 425.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561285
basePrice: 36500000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 216000.0
wreckTypeID: 53274
radius: 246.0
published: False
Mass: 12800000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 12633.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10125.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 5883.0
Accuracy falloff : 14899.58
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 1708.9875
Signature Radius: 405.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00027751
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 3.075
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.7
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 84.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27445.0
Orbit Velocity: 273.4375
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54097 - Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. typeID: 54097
graphicID: 2160
Capacity: 750.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561286
basePrice: 75000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 414000.0
wreckTypeID: 53275
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 102600000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.9
Shield Capacity: 23531.25
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10781.25
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
Turret Tracking: 13.64
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 5300.0
Maximum Velocity: 1025.3875
Signature Radius: 600.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 48.125
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Optimal Range: 48510.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
gfxTurretID: 498.0
Damage Modifier: 2.6875
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.075
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 22000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 15000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 154.29
Kinetic damage: 216.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 7500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27337.0
Orbit Velocity: 164.0625
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54098 - Elite Republic Fleet Tempest No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. typeID: 54098
graphicID: 2642
Capacity: 815.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561287
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 486000.0
wreckTypeID: 53275
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 103300000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 21843.75
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 9843.75
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 1171.875
Signature Radius: 555.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Optimal Range: 72380.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
gfxTurretID: 498.0
Damage Modifier: 3.075
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.775
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 188.57
Kinetic damage: 264.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27377.0
Orbit Velocity: 187.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54099 - Chief Republic Fleet Hyena No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. typeID: 54099
graphicID: 1973
Capacity: 150.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561288
basePrice: 2084040.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 17400.0
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 29.0
published: False
Mass: 1191300.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 2262.5
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 937.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -97.5
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1512.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 15000.0
Turret Tracking: 380.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6400.0
Maximum Velocity: 4648.4375
Signature Radius: 82.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 40.5
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 575.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 190000.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 3.8675
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 4.25
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3475
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 35000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 15.43
Kinetic damage: 21.6
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27367.0
Orbit Velocity: 743.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 31000.0
54100 - Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. Volume: 17100.0
typeID: 54100
graphicID: 21219
Capacity: 260.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561289
basePrice: 2000000.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 31.0
variationParentTypeID: 599
published: False
Mass: 1420000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 2625.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1875.0
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 5545.3125
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 22000.0
Signature Radius: 68.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 920.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 3000.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 337500.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 3.3425
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 18000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 10.0
Shield Bonus: 280.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.5
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.2625
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 843.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 4.29
Kinetic damage: 6.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27367.0
Orbit Velocity: 887.25
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54101 - Chief Republic Fleet Claw No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. Volume: 17400.0
typeID: 54101
graphicID: 1928
Capacity: 94.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561290
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53272
radius: 30.0
factionID: 500002
published: False
Mass: 1100000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 2375.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1312.5
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1812.5
Accuracy falloff : 8282.14
Turret Tracking: 380.0
Maximum Velocity: 4560.9375
Signature Radius: 64.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00024375
Rate of fire: 2700.0
Scan Resolution: 975.0
Optimal Range: 20625.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 311250.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 20.0
gfxTurretID: 9411.0
Damage Modifier: 4.305
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.2
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 12500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 35000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 10.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.2625
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 518.75
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 18.86
Kinetic damage: 26.4
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 2600.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27383.0
Orbit Velocity: 729.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54102 - Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. typeID: 54102
graphicID: 1778
Capacity: 440.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561291
basePrice: 12450072.0
metaGroupID: 2
Volume: 89000.0
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 134.0
published: False
Mass: 12090000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 9200.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5010.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6562.5
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 4440.625
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostRange: 45000.0
Signature Radius: 140.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 385.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 3.3425
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteShieldBoostDischarge: 40.0
Shield Bonus: 1050.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 0.3675
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2812.5
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 8.57
Kinetic damage: 12.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27433.0
Orbit Velocity: 710.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54103 - Chief Republic Fleet Muninn No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. Volume: 96000.0
typeID: 54103
graphicID: 1925
Capacity: 515.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561292
basePrice: 17062768.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 88.0
factionID: 500002
published: False
Mass: 11000000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 11950.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 4175.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -67.5
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 9500.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 7800.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 4375.0
Signature Radius: 250.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 306.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 285000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 3.9725
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5200.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.55
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 18500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.3475
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 38.57
Kinetic damage: 54.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27445.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 19000.0
54104 - Chief Republic Fleet Huginn No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. Volume: 85000.0
typeID: 54104
graphicID: 1945
Capacity: 315.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561293
basePrice: 14988558.0
metaGroupID: 2
wreckTypeID: 53273
radius: 133.0
variationParentTypeID: 630
published: False
Mass: 11550000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 10375.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2625.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -156.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8250.0
Accuracy falloff : 11595.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 22000.0
Turret Tracking: 72.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 7800.0
Maximum Velocity: 4134.375
Signature Radius: 300.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 52.5
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 10.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00037001
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 237.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 328000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 3.7625
behaviorWebifierDuration: 7500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.61
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 64000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 22000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 1.295
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 40000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 47500.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1800.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 30.0
Kinetic damage: 42.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27433.0
Orbit Velocity: 661.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
behaviorWebifierRange: 45000.0
54105 - Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. typeID: 54105
graphicID: 20230
Capacity: 425.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561294
basePrice: 36500000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 216000.0
wreckTypeID: 53274
radius: 246.0
published: False
Mass: 12800000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Shield Capacity: 21055.0
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 16875.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 22000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 9805.0
Accuracy falloff : 14899.58
Turret Tracking: 72.0
Maximum Velocity: 2392.5825
Signature Radius: 540.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00030469
Rate of fire: 5250.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 46117.5
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
gfxTurretID: 9451.0
Damage Modifier: 4.305
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.52
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 72000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 21.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.38
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 1800000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 4375.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 84.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 4500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27445.0
Orbit Velocity: 382.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54106 - Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. typeID: 54106
graphicID: 2160
Capacity: 750.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561295
basePrice: 75000000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 414000.0
wreckTypeID: 53275
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 102600000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.9
Shield Capacity: 39218.75
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 25000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 17968.75
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
Turret Tracking: 13.64
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 5300.0
Maximum Velocity: 1435.5425
Signature Radius: 800.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 57.75
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00031688
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 110.0
Optimal Range: 48510.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1100000.0
gfxTurretID: 498.0
Damage Modifier: 3.7625
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.13
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 26.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.905
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 22000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 15000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 7500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 154.29
Kinetic damage: 216.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 7500.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27337.0
Orbit Velocity: 229.6875
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54107 - Chief Republic Fleet Tempest No Description Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. typeID: 54107
graphicID: 2642
Capacity: 815.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 561296
basePrice: 108750000.0
metaGroupID: 4
Volume: 486000.0
wreckTypeID: 53275
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 103300000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 36406.25
uniformity: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 25000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4875
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 16406.25
Accuracy falloff : 19877.14
Turret Tracking: 13.64
Maximum Velocity: 1640.625
Signature Radius: 740.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00031688
Rate of fire: 7875.0
Scan Resolution: 120.0
Optimal Range: 72380.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0
gfxTurretID: 498.0
Damage Modifier: 4.305
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.12
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 2.485
Explosion Radius Bonus: 3.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 3.0
Shield recharge time: 3390000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8750.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
Explosive damage: 188.57
Kinetic damage: 264.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 0.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 27377.0
Orbit Velocity: 262.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
54108 - Hospodar Liminal Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes. descriptionID: 561344
typeID: 54108
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561343
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4500.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 7000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 563.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54109 - Hospodar Liminal Vedmak A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes. descriptionID: 561346
typeID: 54109
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561345
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5550.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13050.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2875.0
Signature Radius: 270.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 156.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 105.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 119.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 575.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54110 - Hospodar Liminal Leshak A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561350
typeID: 54110
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561349
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 9750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 18750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 24000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1250.0
Signature Radius: 750.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 375.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 375.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 495.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 416.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54111 - Hospodar Liminal Kikimora A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561352
typeID: 54111
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561351
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3250.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00016088
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54112 - Hospodar Liminal Rodiva EVE/Evetypes/Types/Descriptions/54:561354 Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561354
typeID: 54112
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561353
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 2700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3900.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2500.0
Signature Radius: 225.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00018501
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 250.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 46.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 48.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54113 - Hospodar Liminal Drekavac A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561356
typeID: 54113
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561355
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 5250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 8250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2125.0
Signature Radius: 450.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00027751
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 219.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 130.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 173.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 473.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54114 - Hospodar Starving Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes. descriptionID: 561360
typeID: 54114
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561359
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4750.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
Bounty: 0.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Neutralization Amount: 50.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Orbit Velocity: 594.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54115 - Hospodar Harrowing Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes. descriptionID: 561362
typeID: 54115
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561361
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4000.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 31.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6000.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 15000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54116 - Hospodar Anchoring Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Warp Scrambler and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes. descriptionID: 561364
typeID: 54116
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561363
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 5000.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11400.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Orbit Velocity: 625.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54117 - Hospodar Renewing Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capability.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 78 attributes. descriptionID: 561366
typeID: 54117
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561365
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4375.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 75.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 39.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 70.0
Orbit Velocity: 548.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54118 - Hospodar Blinding Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561368
typeID: 54118
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561367
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 50000.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4000.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -18.75
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 5.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 20000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -18.75
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54119 - Hospodar Ghosting Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 93 attributes. descriptionID: 561370
typeID: 54119
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561369
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Explosion Radius Bonus: 21.25
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
npcGuidanceDisruptorDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Missile Velocity Bonus: -16.5625
npcGuidanceDisruptorRange: 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 4250.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
npcTrackingDisruptorRange: 5000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
npcTrackingDisruptorFalloff: 30000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDischarge: 5.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: -21.25
Falloff Bonus: -23.125
Optimal Range Bonus: -18.5
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorFalloff: 20000.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
npcGuidanceDisruptorDischarge: 5.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDuration: 5000.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Flight Time Bonus: -16.5625
Orbit Velocity: 531.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -23.125
54120 - Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak. (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes. descriptionID: 561372
typeID: 54120
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561371
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 3750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5550.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13050.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2750.0
Signature Radius: 270.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 43.75
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00022201
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 156.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6000.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 105.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 119.0
Orbit Velocity: 550.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54121 - Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painting and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561374
typeID: 54121
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561373
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3000.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 37.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00016088
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6000.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 20000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54122 - Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Warp Scrambling and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes. descriptionID: 561376
typeID: 54122
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561375
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3500.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00016088
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 4000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11400.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Orbit Velocity: 438.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54123 - Hospodar Renewing Rodiva A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant appears to be engineered to make optimal use of it's remote repair capabilities.

By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. descriptionID: 561378
typeID: 54123
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561377
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3900.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2375.0
Signature Radius: 225.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00018501
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 406.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 43.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 43.0
Orbit Velocity: 475.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54124 - Hospodar Renewing Leshak A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 77 attributes. descriptionID: 561380
typeID: 54124
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561379
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 9750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 18750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 24000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1125.0
Signature Radius: 750.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 500.0
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 341.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 450.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54125 - Hospodar Blinding Leshak A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes. descriptionID: 561382
typeID: 54125
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561381
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 90000.0
Shield Capacity: 9750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 18750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 24000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1000.0
Signature Radius: 750.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -37.5
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 10.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 375.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 40000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -37.5
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 375.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 495.0
Orbit Velocity: 334.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54126 - Hospodar Blinding Kikimora A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes. descriptionID: 561384
typeID: 54126
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561383
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 50000.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3000.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00016088
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -25.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 5.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 20000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -25.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54127 - Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Drekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 94 attributes. descriptionID: 561386
typeID: 54127
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561385
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Explosion Radius Bonus: 25.625
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 5250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 8250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
npcGuidanceDisruptorDuration: 8000.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Missile Velocity Bonus: -20.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorRange: 50000.0
Maximum Velocity: 2000.0
Signature Radius: 450.0
npcTrackingDisruptorRange: 50000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00027751
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 219.0
npcTrackingDisruptorFalloff: 40000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDischarge: 15.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: -25.625
Falloff Bonus: -25.0
Optimal Range Bonus: -20.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorFalloff: 40000.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
npcGuidanceDisruptorDischarge: 15.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDuration: 8000.0
Explosive damage: 130.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 173.0
Flight Time Bonus: -20.0
Orbit Velocity: 445.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: -25.0
54128 - Hospodar Tangling Damavik A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes. descriptionID: 561388
typeID: 54128
graphicID: 22007
Capacity: 135.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561387
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 48373
radius: 34.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 950000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 975.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 0.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1350.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -62.5
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4200.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 5000.0
Signature Radius: 75.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00014625
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 800.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 44.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 41.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 76.0
Orbit Velocity: 625.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54129 - Hospodar Tangling Kikimora A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561390
typeID: 54129
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561389
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 0.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -75.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3500.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00016088
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
behaviorWebifierDuration: 6500.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Orbit Velocity: 438.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
54130 - Hospodar Starving Drekavac A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561392
typeID: 54130
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561391
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 5250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 8250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2250.0
Signature Radius: 450.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00027751
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
Bounty: 0.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 219.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 14000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 7000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 35.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Neutralization Amount: 250.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 130.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 173.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54131 - Raznaborg Vedmak A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes. descriptionID: 561394
typeID: 54131
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561393
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1850.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4350.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1725.0
Signature Radius: 225.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 93.75
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 63.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 71.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 345.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54132 - Raznaborg Rodiva A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant has sacrificed some of its remote repair capability to allow for improved damage application.

By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561396
typeID: 54132
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561395
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 6.167e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54133 - Raznaborg Drekavac A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561398
typeID: 54133
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561397
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54134 - Raznaborg Leshak A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561400
typeID: 54134
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561399
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 750.0
Signature Radius: 625.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 225.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 225.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 297.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 249.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54135 - Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. descriptionID: 561402
typeID: 54135
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561401
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1850.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4350.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1725.0
Signature Radius: 225.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -14.0625
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 93.75
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -14.0625
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 63.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 71.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 345.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54136 - Raznaborg Starving Vedmak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561404
typeID: 54136
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561403
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1850.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4350.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1725.0
Signature Radius: 225.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 93.75
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Neutralization Amount: 125.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 63.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 71.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 345.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54137 - Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 90 attributes. descriptionID: 561406
typeID: 54137
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561405
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1850.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4350.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6000.0
Maximum Velocity: 1725.0
Signature Radius: 225.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 26.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 93.75
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 63.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 71.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 345.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54138 - Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes. descriptionID: 561408
typeID: 54138
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561407
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54139 - Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 88 attributes. descriptionID: 561410
typeID: 54139
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561409
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 6.167e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -14.0625
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -14.0625
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54140 - Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561412
typeID: 54140
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561411
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 6.167e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54141 - Raznaborg Starving Rodiva Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. descriptionID: 561414
typeID: 54141
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561413
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 6.167e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Neutralization Amount: 125.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54142 - Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 88 attributes. descriptionID: 561416
typeID: 54142
graphicID: 21976
Capacity: 480.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561415
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 110.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9530000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -37.5
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 7.4e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
behaviorWebifierDuration: 7000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 11250.0
54143 - Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 91 attributes. descriptionID: 561418
typeID: 54143
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561417
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 900.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6000.0
Maximum Velocity: 1500.0
Signature Radius: 187.5
Signature Radius Modifier: 26.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 6.167e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 150.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 27.75
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 28.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54144 - Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561420
typeID: 54144
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561419
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54145 - Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 88 attributes. descriptionID: 561422
typeID: 54145
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561421
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -15.46875
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -15.46875
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54146 - Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561424
typeID: 54146
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561423
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54147 - Raznaborg Starving Drekavac Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. descriptionID: 561426
typeID: 54147
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561425
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Neutralization Amount: 150.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54148 - Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 89 attributes. descriptionID: 561428
typeID: 54148
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561427
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -37.5
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
behaviorWebifierDuration: 7000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 11250.0
54149 - Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 91 attributes. descriptionID: 561430
typeID: 54149
graphicID: 22318
Capacity: 650.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561429
basePrice: 165000000.0
Volume: 233000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 9900000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1750.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2750.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 6000.0
Maximum Velocity: 1275.0
Signature Radius: 375.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 26.25
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 9.25e-05
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 300.0
Optimal Range: 45000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 131.25
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 30000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 78.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 103.5
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 283.5
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54150 - Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561432
typeID: 54150
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561431
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 750.0
Signature Radius: 625.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 225.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 225.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 297.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 249.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54151 - Raznaborg Blinding Leshak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561434
typeID: 54151
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561433
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 750.0
Signature Radius: 625.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -22.5
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 225.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -22.5
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 225.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 297.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 249.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54152 - Raznaborg Renewing Leshak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes. descriptionID: 561436
typeID: 54152
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561435
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 750.0
Signature Radius: 625.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 225.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 225.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 297.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 249.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54153 - Raznaborg Starving Leshak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 85 attributes. descriptionID: 561438
typeID: 54153
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561437
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 750.0
Signature Radius: 625.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
gfxTurretID: 47922.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 225.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Neutralization Amount: 187.5
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 225.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 297.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 249.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54154 - Raznaborg Tangling Leshak Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 87 attributes. descriptionID: 561440
typeID: 54154
graphicID: 21993
Capacity: 933.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561439
basePrice: 112500000.0
Volume: 495000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 52416
radius: 400.0
published: False
Mass: 63000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 3250.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -37.5
entityChaseMaxDistance: 45000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 750.0
Signature Radius: 625.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00012025
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Scan Resolution: 200.0
Optimal Range: 70000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 750000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 6000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 100.0
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Damage Modifier: 0.9
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gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.1
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 35.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 225.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 600000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 8250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 225.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 297.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 7.0
Rate of fire: 4000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 249.75
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 13500.0
54155 - Zorya's Rodiva A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant has sacrificed some of its remote repair capability to allow for improved damage application.

By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy) (copy)
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561442
typeID: 54155
graphicID: 22317
Capacity: 435.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561441
basePrice: 7500000.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52415
radius: 250.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 10120000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 6500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.44
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.58
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.55
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 17000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 17500.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 70.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3500.0
Signature Radius: 300.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036441
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 35000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 395000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 5000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 30000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 40000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 47918.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.3
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 100000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 15000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 350.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 800000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1870.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 65.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 67.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0
Rate of fire: 8000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52477.0
Orbit Velocity: 700.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54197 - Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor This Triglavian deployable weapon system is functionally equivalent to an energy neutralizer but works on a somewhat different principle to standard neutralizers. While the means of causing energy loss is different, the end result is much the same and the Moroznik Enthalpic Inhibitor is often used to reduce enemy capabilities by special Triglavian units using the designation "Moroznik". Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 61 attributes. descriptionID: 561212
typeID: 54197
graphicID: 24557
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561211
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
behaviorMicroJumpAttackRange: 30000.0
Shield Capacity: 10000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 1000000.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
entityFlyRange: 0.0
Maximum Velocity: 0.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Scan Resolution: 3000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 30000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 20.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 1.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.0
Bounty: 0.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 10.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 15000.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 15.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 5000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 2000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 40.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0
Orbit Velocity: 0.0
gfxTurretID: 372.0
entityLootCountMin: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 0.0
behaviorMicroJumpAttackDischarge: 7.0
54198 - Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor This Triglavian deployable weapon system uses a form of multispectral ECM to jam the targeting sensors of enemy ships. The Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor uses a similar suite of techniques to degrade different sensor systems with sufficient noise that target locks become impossible to achieve. A uniquely Triglavian twist is the inclusion of what appear to be propaganda and information warfare elements in the noise, though the effort appears largely moot. These systems are deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Jariloznik". Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 62 attributes. descriptionID: 561448
typeID: 54198
graphicID: 24557
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561447
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 10000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 1000000.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
entityFlyRange: 0.0
Maximum Velocity: 0.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Scan Resolution: 3000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 30000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 20.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 1.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 10.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 15000.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 15.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0
behaviorECMDuration: 5000.0
behaviorECMRange: 8000.0
behaviorECMFalloff: 2000.0
behaviorECMDischarge: 20.0
Orbit Velocity: 0.0
Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 5.8
Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 5.8
Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 5.8
RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 5.8
gfxTurretID: 372.0
entityLootCountMin: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 0.0
54199 - Nemiznik Kikimora This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561458
typeID: 54199
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561457
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4100.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2600.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 40.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 48.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 87.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 325.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54200 - Pohviznik Kikimora This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561460
typeID: 54200
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561459
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4100.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2600.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 40.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 48.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 87.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 325.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54201 - Moroznik Kikimora This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561462
typeID: 54201
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561461
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4100.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2600.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 40.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 48.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 87.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 325.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54202 - Jariloznik Kikimora This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561464
typeID: 54202
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561463
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4100.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 2600.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 40.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 48.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 87.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 325.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54203 - Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561466
typeID: 54203
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561465
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 350.0
Structure Hitpoints: 520.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1435.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1462.5
Signature Radius: 100.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 17500.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3600.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 9.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 36.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 65.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 182.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54204 - Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561468
typeID: 54204
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561467
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 350.0
Structure Hitpoints: 520.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1435.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1462.5
Signature Radius: 100.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 17500.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3600.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 9.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 36.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 65.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 182.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54205 - Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561470
typeID: 54205
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561469
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 350.0
Structure Hitpoints: 520.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1435.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1462.5
Signature Radius: 100.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 17500.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3600.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 9.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 36.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 65.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 182.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54206 - Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561472
typeID: 54206
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561471
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 350.0
Structure Hitpoints: 520.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1435.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 1462.5
Signature Radius: 100.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 17500.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3600.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 9.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 36.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 65.25
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 182.8125
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54207 - Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561474
typeID: 54207
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561473
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3250.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54208 - Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561476
typeID: 54208
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561475
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3250.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54209 - Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561478
typeID: 54209
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561477
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3250.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54210 - Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561480
typeID: 54210
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561479
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52414
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 1500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1950.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6150.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 3250.0
Signature Radius: 120.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 50.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 60.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 109.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54211 - Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561482
typeID: 54211
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561481
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 2500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10250.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4550.0
Signature Radius: 160.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 70.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 84.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 152.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 569.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54212 - Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561484
typeID: 54212
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561483
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 2500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10250.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4550.0
Signature Radius: 160.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 70.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 84.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 152.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 569.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54213 - Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561486
typeID: 54213
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561485
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 2500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10250.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4550.0
Signature Radius: 160.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 70.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 84.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 152.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 569.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54214 - Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes. descriptionID: 561488
typeID: 54214
graphicID: 22316
Capacity: 360.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 561487
basePrice: 33500000.0
Volume: 43000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 52660
radius: 42.0
factionID: 500026
published: False
Mass: 1350000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0
Shield Capacity: 2500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3250.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.49
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.51
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 8000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 10250.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.5
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
Maximum Velocity: 4550.0
Signature Radius: 160.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 5.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 1.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 600.0
Optimal Range: 25000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 150000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 25000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 10.0
gfxTurretID: 47914.0
Damage Modifier: 0.9
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 0.0
entityEquipmentMax: 2.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 6000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 70.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25
Shield recharge time: 400000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Signature Resolution: 40.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67
EM damage: 0.0
Explosive damage: 84.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 152.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 5.0
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 52476.0
Orbit Velocity: 569.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
54234 - Triglavian Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54234
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561632
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54251 - Empire Easy Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54251
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561673
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54252 - Empire Base Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54252
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561674
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54253 - Empire Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54253
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561675
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54254 - Empire Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54254
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561676
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54258 - Triglavian Dungeon Easy/Base Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54258
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561722
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54259 - Triglavian Dungeon Base/Easy/Elite Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54259
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561723
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54265 - Triglavian Emerging Conduit Boss Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54265
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561755
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54266 - Invisible Behavior Location A No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54266
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561756
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54267 - Invisible Behavior Location B No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54267
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561757
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54268 - Invisible Behavior Location C No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54268
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561758
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54269 - Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Small Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54269
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561781
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54274 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes. descriptionID: 561803
typeID: 54274
graphicID: 24432
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561802
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 100000000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints: 100000000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 1000.0
54283 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564264
typeID: 54283
graphicID: 24543
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561818
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54296 - Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 1 No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54296
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561851
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54297 - Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 2 No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54297
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561850
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54298 - Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 3 No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54298
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561849
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54313 - Test Spawner (Xordazh-class) No Description Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. typeID: 54313
graphicID: 24432
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561940
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 100000000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Hitpoints: 100000000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 1000.0
54314 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564265
typeID: 54314
graphicID: 24544
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561947
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54315 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564266
typeID: 54315
graphicID: 24545
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561948
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54316 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564267
typeID: 54316
graphicID: 24548
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561949
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54317 - Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Boss Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54317
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561950
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54318 - Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Med Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54318
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561951
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54319 - Empire Basic Cyno Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54319
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561957
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54321 - Empire Basic Cyno Boss Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon typeID: 54321
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561960
published: False
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
basePrice: 0.0
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54324 - Empire Basic Cyno Large Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54324
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 561962
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54325 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes. descriptionID: 561964
typeID: 54325
graphicID: 24432
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561963
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 100000000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints: 100000000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 1000.0
54326 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes. descriptionID: 561966
typeID: 54326
graphicID: 24432
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 561965
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 100000000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.01
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.01
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints: 100000000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 1000.0
54330 - Imperial Stellar Observatory This Imperial Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Amarr Empire as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Imperial forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Amarr territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Destructible Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 37 attributes. descriptionID: 562049
typeID: 54330
graphicID: 24513
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562009
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
isisGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53320
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 4033
portionSize: 1
Bounty: 0.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 40000.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0
miningDurationMultiplier: -10.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.1
Energy warfare modifier: 1.1
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
54331 - Republic Stellar Observatory This Republic Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Minmatar Republic as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Republic forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Minmatar territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Destructible Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 37 attributes. descriptionID: 562045
typeID: 54331
graphicID: 24513
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 562044
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
isisGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53320
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 4033
portionSize: 1
Bounty: 0.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Stasis Webifier strength multiplier: 1.1
Shield Capacity: 40000.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
miningDurationMultiplier: -10.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Hitpoint Bonus: 1.1
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
54332 - The State Stellar Observatory This State Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Caldari State as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. State forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Caldari territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Destructible Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 37 attributes. descriptionID: 562047
typeID: 54332
graphicID: 24513
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 562046
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
isisGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53320
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 4033
portionSize: 1
ECM Range Bonus: 1.1
Bounty: 0.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 40000.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
miningDurationMultiplier: -10.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Hitpoint Bonus: 1.1
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
54333 - Federal Stellar Observatory This Federal Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Gallente Federation as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Federal forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Gallente territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Destructible Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 37 attributes. descriptionID: 562010
typeID: 54333
graphicID: 24513
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 562048
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
isisGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 53320
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 4033
portionSize: 1
Bounty: 0.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 40000.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0
miningDurationMultiplier: -10.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.1
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
warpScrambleStrengthBonus: 1.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
54335 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Retaliating Amarr Entities
Click to toggle showing the 51 attributes. descriptionID: 562053
typeID: 54335
graphicID: 3466
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562052
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 46338
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4034
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 300.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Orbit Velocity: 150.0
54336 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Retaliating Minmatar Entities
Click to toggle showing the 49 attributes. descriptionID: 562055
typeID: 54336
graphicID: 3466
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562054
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 46338
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4037
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
54337 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Retaliating Caldari Entities
Click to toggle showing the 49 attributes. descriptionID: 562057
typeID: 54337
graphicID: 3466
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562056
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 46338
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4035
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
54338 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Retaliating Gallente Entities
Click to toggle showing the 49 attributes. descriptionID: 562059
typeID: 54338
graphicID: 3466
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562058
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 46338
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4036
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
54342 - Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 1 No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54342
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562093
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54343 - Observatory Empire Guard Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54343
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562092
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54344 - Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 2 No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54344
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562094
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54345 - Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 3 No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54345
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562095
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54346 - Observatory Empire Deployment Spawner No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54346
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562096
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54359 - 54359_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Black.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54359
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562440
iconID: 24363
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54360 - 54360_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Blue_Tie.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54360
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562441
iconID: 24364
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54361 - 54361_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_BrownStripes.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54361
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562442
iconID: 24365
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54362 - 54362_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_GrayDark_Tie.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54362
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562443
iconID: 24366
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54363 - 54363_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Red.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54363
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562444
iconID: 24367
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54364 - 54364_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_White_Tie.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54364
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562445
iconID: 24368
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54365 - 54365_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Black.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54365
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562485
iconID: 24369
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54366 - 54366_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Blue.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54366
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562486
iconID: 24370
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54367 - 54367_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_BrownStripes.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54367
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562487
iconID: 24371
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54368 - 54368_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_GrayDark.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54368
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562488
iconID: 24372
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54369 - 54369_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Red.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54369
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562489
iconID: 24373
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54370 - 54370_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_White.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54370
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562490
iconID: 24374
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54371 - 54371_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Black.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54371
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562491
iconID: 24375
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54372 - 54372_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Blue.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54372
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562492
iconID: 24376
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54373 - 54373_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_BrownStripes.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54373
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562493
iconID: 24377
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54374 - 54374_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_GrayDark.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54374
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562494
iconID: 24378
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54375 - 54375_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Red.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54375
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562495
iconID: 24379
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54376 - 54376_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_White.png No Description Bottoms
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54376
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562496
iconID: 24380
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
54377 - 54377_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Black.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54377
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562497
iconID: 24381
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54378 - 54378_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Blue_Tie.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54378
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562498
iconID: 24382
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54379 - 54379_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_BrownStripes.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54379
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562499
iconID: 24383
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54380 - 54380_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_GreyDark_Tie.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54380
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562500
iconID: 24384
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54381 - 54381_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Red.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54381
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562501
iconID: 24385
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54382 - 54382_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_White_Tie.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54382
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562502
iconID: 24386
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
54383 - 54383_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_black.png No Description Footwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54383
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562503
iconID: 24387
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1091
portionSize: 1
54384 - 54384_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_brown.png No Description Footwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54384
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562504
iconID: 24388
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1091
portionSize: 1
54385 - 54385_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_darkbrown.png No Description Footwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54385
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562505
iconID: 24389
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1091
portionSize: 1
54386 - 54386_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_white.png No Description Footwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54386
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562506
iconID: 24390
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1091
portionSize: 1
54388 - Empire Intermediate Cyno Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 54388
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562525
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54389 - Empire Intermediate Cyno Large Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54389
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562526
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54390 - Empire Intermediate Cyno Boss Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon typeID: 54390
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562527
published: False
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
basePrice: 0.0
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54565 - Triglavian Battleship Wreck The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 562907
typeID: 54565
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 562906
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001
Access Difficulty: 10.0
54566 - Triglavian Battleship Wreck The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 562909
typeID: 54566
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 562908
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001
Access Difficulty: 10.0
54567 - Triglavian Battleship Wreck The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 562911
typeID: 54567
graphicID: 3115
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 562910
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.001
Access Difficulty: 10.0
54568 - Dazh Koliada Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the Koliada class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

Koliada Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for 27 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction of dialectical-prayer on reverse-time accepted schema with Potremba and Stribozha Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 51 attributes. descriptionID: 562923
typeID: 54568
graphicID: 24533
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562922
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 54565
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 300.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Orbit Velocity: 150.0
54569 - Dazh Potremba Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the Potremba class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

Potremba Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for reverse-time accepted 36 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction on reverse-time accepted schema with Koliada and Stribozha Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 51 attributes. descriptionID: 562925
typeID: 54569
graphicID: 24534
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562924
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 54566
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 300.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Orbit Velocity: 150.0
54570 - Dazh Stribozha Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the Stribozha class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

Stribozha Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for reverse-time accepted 45 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction on reverse-time accepted schema with with Koliada and Potremba Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Invading Precursor Entities
Click to toggle showing the 51 attributes. descriptionID: 562927
typeID: 54570
graphicID: 24535
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562926
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 10250000.0
soundID: 20221
wreckTypeID: 46338
radius: 550.0
published: False
Mass: 15000000.0
groupID: 4028
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 11000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.425
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.765
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5525
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.28481931
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.226399602
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.271679522
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.362239363
Armor Hitpoints: 3500.0
entityBracketColour: 2.0
Maximum Velocity: 150.0
Signature Radius: 1165.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 300.0
Scan Resolution: 93.75
Capacitor Recharge time: 900000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.108971043
Maximum Targeting Range: 87500.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Shield recharge time: 4500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 10000.0
Warp Scramble Status: -10.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Orbit Velocity: 150.0
54571 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564270
typeID: 54571
graphicID: 24553
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562928
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 8000.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54572 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564271
typeID: 54572
graphicID: 24554
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562929
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 8000.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54573 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564272
typeID: 54573
graphicID: 24555
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562930
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 8000.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54574 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564273
typeID: 54574
graphicID: 24555
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562931
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 8000.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54575 - PLACEHOLDER Snark No Description Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes. typeID: 54575
graphicID: 24494
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562932
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
wreckTypeID: 53300
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
54576 - Extractive Super-Nexus This Triglavian structure serves as the processing and control center of the Collective's efforts to gather material resources for the construction of other structures and fleet reinforcements in this system. As with other major Triglavian installations, this structure is emitting a high volume of heavily-encrypted signals traffic. A repeating signal that apparently serves as a beacon or monitor signal has been partially deciphered and contains references to «Extractive Super-Nexus», presumably the structure itself, and «Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata».

EDENCOM considers the destruction of Triglavian resource-gathering operations to be a high priority for its forces and allied capsuleers.
Large Collidable Structure
Click to toggle showing the 49 attributes. descriptionID: 564268
typeID: 54576
graphicID: 24551
Capacity: 1000000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 562933
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
wreckTypeID: 54730
radius: 2500.0
published: False
Mass: 1000000.0
groupID: 319
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 250000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Hitpoints: 550000.0
behaviorMiningMaxRange: 300000.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0095064
Scan Resolution: 500.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 2320000.0
behaviorMiningAmount: 23.5
behaviorMiningDuration: 30.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
entityEquipmentMin: 1.0
entityEquipmentMax: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 300000.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 1000.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 1000.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 1000.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 1000.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 20000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.5
behaviorMiningDischarge: 5.0
gfxTurretID: 54658.0
54577 - Entropic Disintegrator Werpost A heavy Triglavian defense platform powered by a harnessed singularity and equipped with a formidable array of entropic disintegrators. Destruction of these dangerous Triglavian structures is vital to EDENCOM's efforts in defense of New Eden star systems invaded by the Collective.

Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade conjoin-consents with grounded metaxy of Tactical Troika noemata and prayer-directs logistical subclades to improve reification of adaptation schema for entropic disintegrator werpost. Svarog Clade now-time affirms imperative of advancing-time Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – incomplete deciphering of data embedded in targeting processor of a Triglavian Entropic Disintegrator Werpost
Destructible Sentry Gun
Click to toggle showing the 70 attributes. descriptionID: 562935
typeID: 54577
graphicID: 24549
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562934
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 383
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
Activation Cost: 0.0
Shield Capacity: 18000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0
Activation proximity: 250000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 37500.0
Accuracy falloff : 50000.0
Turret Tracking: 35.0
entityFlyRange: 0.0
entityDefenderChance: 0.05
Signature Radius: 400.0
AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius: 1.0
Maximum Damage Multiplier Bonus: 2.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Optimal Range: 250000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier: 1.0
gfxTurretID: 52915.0
Damage Modifier: 0.8
maxAttackTargets: 2.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Damage Multiplier Bonus Per Cycle: 0.05
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 100.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 100.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 100.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 250.0
AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch: 0.0
Explosive damage: 250.0
Kinetic damage: 250.0
Thermal damage: 250.0
entityAttackRange: 250000.0
Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.5
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
54578 - PLACEDHOLDER Triglavian Defense Platform XL Proximity based sentry gun.

Entering within 10km of this turret will cause it to engage with your ship.
Destructible Sentry Gun
Click to toggle showing the 66 attributes. descriptionID: 562937
typeID: 54578
graphicID: 2421
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562936
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
wreckTypeID: 54922
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 383
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5
Activation Cost: 0.0
Shield Capacity: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 7000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0
Activation proximity: 250000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 5000.0
Accuracy falloff : 50000.0
Turret Tracking: 0.01
entityFlyRange: 0.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Signature Radius: 400.0
AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 3000.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Optimal Range: 250000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier: 1.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
maxAttackTargets: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 100.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 100.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 500000.0
Bounty: 70000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 100.0
AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching: 1.0
entityDefenderChance: 0.05
EM damage: 15.0
AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch: 0.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
gfxTurretID: 367.0
Thermal damage: 0.0
entityAttackRange: 250000.0
Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.5
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
54579 - EDENCOM GunStar Charged by EDENCOM's Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir to develop a potent defense platform to aid in the fortification of New Eden's star systems, the Upwell Consortium collaborated with a number of the core empires' key weapons development corporations and came up with the GunStar.

Heavily shielded and armored, and bristling with enough weapons to rival top-of-the-line battleships, the EDENCOM GunStar will be deployed throughout New Eden to bolster the defenses of systems beleaguered by Triglavian invaders.
Destructible Sentry Gun
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. descriptionID: 562939
typeID: 54579
graphicID: 24546
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562938
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
wreckTypeID: 47978
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 383
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
Activation Cost: 0.0
Shield Capacity: 12000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0
Activation proximity: 250000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 25000.0
Accuracy falloff : 50000.0
Turret Tracking: 35.0
entityFlyRange: 0.0
entityDefenderChance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 400.0
AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Optimal Range: 250000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier: 1.0
gfxTurretID: 20448.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
maxAttackTargets: 2.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 100.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 100.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 100.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 25.0
AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch: 0.0
Explosive damage: 25.0
Kinetic damage: 25.0
Thermal damage: 25.0
entityAttackRange: 250000.0
Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.5
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
54580 - EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Encouraged by the rapid development of the EDENCOM GunStar by Upwell and the empires' major weapons manufacturers, Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir requested an even more potent defense platform with a view to defending against the most powerful vessels in the Triglavian fleets.

The Heavy GunStar was the product of this push and is perhaps the most powerful defense platform ever produced by New Eden's weapons engineers. Equipped with heavy batteries of capital-level weapons, the presence of an EDENCOM Heavy GunStar represents a formidable obstacle to the Triglavian invaders.
Destructible Sentry Gun
Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes. descriptionID: 562941
typeID: 54580
graphicID: 24547
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 562940
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1000.0
wreckTypeID: 54923
radius: 371.0
published: False
Mass: 1000.0
groupID: 383
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
Activation Cost: 0.0
Shield Capacity: 18000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 15000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0
Activation proximity: 250000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 37500.0
Accuracy falloff : 50000.0
Turret Tracking: 15.0
entityFlyRange: 0.0
entityDefenderChance: 0.0
Signature Radius: 400.0
AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Rate of fire: 5000.0
Optimal Range: 250000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0
AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier: 1.0
gfxTurretID: 37302.0
Damage Modifier: 20.0
maxAttackTargets: 2.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 100.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 100.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 100.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 500000.0
Bounty: 0.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Signature Resolution: 100.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 25.0
AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch: 0.0
Explosive damage: 25.0
Kinetic damage: 25.0
Thermal damage: 25.0
entityAttackRange: 250000.0
Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.5
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
54583 - Triglavian Baseline Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54583
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562943
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54584 - Triglavian Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54584
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562944
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54585 - Triglavian Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54585
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 562945
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54658 - Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER PLACEHOLDER Strip Miner
Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes. descriptionID: 563215
typeID: 54658
graphicID: 24560
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 563214
Volume: 25.0
iconID: 2527
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 1
radius: 25.0
Meta Level: 0.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1.0
groupID: 464
portionSize: 1
Activation Cost: 90.0
typeColorScheme: 11346.0
Structure Hitpoints: 40.0
Mining amount: 675.0
CPU usage: 60.0
Optimal Range: 300000.0
Activation time / duration: 180000.0
targetGroup: 11.0
Powergrid Usage: 10.0
54682 - Triglavian Spawner - Autominer Deployment No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54682
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563509
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54695 - Empire Spawner - Cyno-Jammer Deployment No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54695
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563574
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54696 - Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (Low Density) No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54696
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563575
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54697 - Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (High Density) No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54697
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563576
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54698 - Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (L) No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54698
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563577
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54699 - Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (XL) No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54699
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563578
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54714 - 54714_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_cyan.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54714
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563637
iconID: 24411
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54715 - 54715_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_blackredsoe.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54715
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563638
iconID: 24412
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54716 - 54716_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_darkblue.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54716
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563639
iconID: 24413
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54718 - 54718_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_blue.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54718
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563641
iconID: 24415
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54719 - 54719_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_blackredsoe.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54719
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563642
iconID: 24416
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54720 - 54720_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_darkblue.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54720
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563643
iconID: 24417
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54726 - Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Small Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54726
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563653
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54727 - Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Middle Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54727
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563654
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54728 - Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Final Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54728
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563655
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54729 - Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Side Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54729
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563656
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54730 - Triglavian Autominer Wreck Triglavian Autominer Wreck Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 563660
typeID: 54730
graphicID: 24558
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 563659
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Access Difficulty: 1.0
54734 - Invasion Empire Major Cyno Small Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54734
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563696
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54735 - Invasion Empire Major Cyno Middle Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54735
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563697
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54736 - Invasion Empire Major Cyno Final Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54736
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563698
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54737 - Invasion Empire Major Cyno Side Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54737
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563699
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54822 - Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 3 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54822
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 563964
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54830 - 54830_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_cyan.png No Description Masks
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54830
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 563996
iconID: 24418
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 4057
portionSize: 1
54835 - Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 2 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54835
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564016
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54836 - Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 1 No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54836
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564017
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
54837 - Triglavian Victory Environment No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54837
graphicID: 24561
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564042
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
54838 - EDENCOM Cynosural Jammer In order to guard against the threat of pirate and renegade capital fleets interfering with EDENCOM defense operations, the deployment of cynosural jammer units has been authorized in all invasion zones. EDENCOM forces supplied by the core empires will operate capital battlegroups using their own cynosural beacon networks where they are needed in the defense against the Triglavian invaders. Destructible Effect Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 35 attributes. descriptionID: 564269
typeID: 54838
graphicID: 22252
Capacity: 1000.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564045
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 5000.0
isisGroupID: 4
wreckTypeID: 49629
radius: 11000.0
published: False
Mass: 3000000000.0
groupID: 4033
portionSize: 1
Bounty: 0.0
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: 1.0
Shield Capacity: 40000.0
Signature Radius: 260.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.00036076
isCynoJammer: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
entityBracketColour: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
54900 - Vexor Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564161
typeID: 54900
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564160
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2063 (Navy Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Vexor Navy Issue Federal Police
skin_skinMaterialID: 18
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564159
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8539
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [17843]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54900
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Vexor Navy Issue
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54901 - Dominix Federal Police SKIN The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564164
typeID: 54901
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564163
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1966 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Dominix Federal Police
skin_skinMaterialID: 18
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564162
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8540
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [645]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54901
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Dominix
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54902 - Dominix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564167
typeID: 54902
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564166
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Dominix Navy Issue Federal Police
skin_skinMaterialID: 18
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564165
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8541
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [32307]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54902
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Dominix Navy Issue
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54903 - Thanatos Federal Police SKIN The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564170
typeID: 54903
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564169
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1976 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Thanatos Federal Police
skin_skinMaterialID: 18
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564168
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8542
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [23911]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54903
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Thanatos
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54904 - Nestor Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564181
typeID: 54904
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564180
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1963 (Pirate Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Nestor Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2479
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564179
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8543
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [33472]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54904
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Nestor
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54905 - Kikimora Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564184
typeID: 54905
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 564183
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2521 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Kikimora Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2480
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564182
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8544
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [49710]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54905
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Kikimora
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54906 - Drekavac Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564187
typeID: 54906
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 564186
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2519 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Drekavac Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2480
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564185
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8545
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [49711]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54906
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Drekavac
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54907 - Leshak Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564190
typeID: 54907
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 564189
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2482 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Leshak Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2480
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564188
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8546
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [47271]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54907
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Leshak
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54908 - Basilisk Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564193
typeID: 54908
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564192
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2078 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Basilisk Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2481
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564191
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8547
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [11985]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54908
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Basilisk
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54909 - Guardian Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564196
typeID: 54909
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 564195
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2077 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Guardian Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2482
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564194
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8548
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [11987]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54909
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Guardian
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54910 - Bifrost Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564199
typeID: 54910
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 564198
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2145 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Bifrost Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2483
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564197
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8549
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [37480]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54910
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Bifrost
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54911 - Noctis Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564202
typeID: 54911
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 128
typeNameID: 564201
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2328 (ORE)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Noctis Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2484
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564200
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8550
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [2998]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54911
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Noctis
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54912 - Vindicator Eden's Hunters SKIN Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564205
typeID: 54912
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564204
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1963 (Pirate Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Vindicator Eden's Hunters
skin_skinMaterialID: 2485
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564203
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8551
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [17740]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54912
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Vindicator
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54913 - Nestor Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564215
typeID: 54913
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564214
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1963 (Pirate Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Nestor Kybernaut Clade
skin_skinMaterialID: 2486
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564213
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8552
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [33472]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54913
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Nestor
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54914 - Kikimora Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564218
typeID: 54914
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 564217
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2521 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Kikimora Kybernaut Clade
skin_skinMaterialID: 2487
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564216
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8553
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [49710]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54914
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Kikimora
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54915 - Drekavac Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564221
typeID: 54915
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 564220
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2519 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Drekavac Kybernaut Clade
skin_skinMaterialID: 2487
skin_isSingleUse: False
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skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8554
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [49711]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54915
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Drekavac
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54916 - Leshak Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564224
typeID: 54916
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 564223
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2482 (Triglavian)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
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skin_skinID: 8555
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [47271]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54916
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Leshak
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54917 - Basilisk Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564227
typeID: 54917
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564226
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2078 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
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skin_skinMaterialID: 2488
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skin_skinDescription: 564225
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8556
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [11985]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54917
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Basilisk
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54918 - Guardian Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564230
typeID: 54918
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 564229
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2077 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
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skin_skinMaterialID: 2489
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skin_skinDescription: 564228
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8557
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [11987]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54918
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Guardian
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54919 - Bifrost Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564233
typeID: 54919
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 564232
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2145 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
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skin_skinMaterialID: 2490
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564231
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8558
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [37480]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54919
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Bifrost
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54920 - Noctis Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564236
typeID: 54920
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 128
typeNameID: 564235
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2328 (ORE)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Noctis Kybernaut Clade
skin_skinMaterialID: 2491
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564234
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8559
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [2998]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54920
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Noctis
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54921 - Vindicator Kybernaut Clade SKIN The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 564239
typeID: 54921
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 564238
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1963 (Pirate Faction)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Vindicator Kybernaut Clade
skin_skinMaterialID: 2492
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 564237
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 8560
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [17740]
skin_licenseTypeID: 54921
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Vindicator
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
54922 - Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 564258
typeID: 54922
graphicID: 24562
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 564257
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Access Difficulty: 1.0
54923 - EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck Wreck
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 564260
typeID: 54923
graphicID: 24563
Capacity: 27500.0
typeNameID: 564259
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 27500.0
radius: 14.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 1000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1500.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Access Difficulty: 1.0
54924 - Triglavian Harvester Spawner Guards No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 54924
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564261
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
54926 - 54926_Male_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_M01_Types_Face_Paint_M01_V3_GoldBlue.png No Description Augmentations
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54926
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 564274
iconID: 24421
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1670
portionSize: 1
54927 - 54927_Female_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_F01_Types_Face_Paint_F01_V7_Blue.png No Description Augmentations
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 54927
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 564275
iconID: 24422
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1670
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (0 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group

Blueprints (0 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
Reprocessing (0 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff

Traits (5 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
52693 - Triglavian Stellar Accelerator
(Destructible Effect Beacon)
Misc bonus:
  • 15% bonus to turret tracking speed
  • 15% bonus to missile explosion velocity
  • 10% bonus to mining speed
  • 30% penalty to warp speed
Misc bonus:
  • 25% bonus to turret tracking speed
  • 25% bonus to missile explosion velocity
  • 30% penalty to warp speed
  • 50% bonus to mining speed
Misc bonus:
125% bonus to turret tracking speed
125% bonus to missile explosion velocity
130% bonus to miningpenalty to warp speed
350% penalty to warpbonus to mining speed
54330 - Imperial Stellar Observatory
(Destructible Effect Beacon)
Misc bonus:
  • 10% bonus to armor
  • 10% bonus to energy warfare capacitor drain
  • 10% bonus to mining speed
Misc bonus:
10% bonus to armor
10% bonus to energy warfare capacitor drain
10% bonus to mining speed
54331 - Republic Stellar Observatory
(Destructible Effect Beacon)
Misc bonus:
  • 10% bonus to shield capacity
  • 10% bonus to stasis webifier strength
  • 10% bonus to mining speed
Misc bonus:
10% bonus to shield capacity
10% bonus to stasis webifier strength
10% bonus to mining speed
54332 - The State Stellar Observatory
(Destructible Effect Beacon)
Misc bonus:
  • 10% bonus to shield capacity
  • 10% bonus to ECM range
  • 25% bonus to mining speed
Misc bonus:
10% bonus to shield capacity
10% bonus to ECM range
25% bonus to mining speed
54333 - Federal Stellar Observatory
(Destructible Effect Beacon)
Misc bonus:
  • 10% bonus to armor
  • 1+ bonus to warp scramble strength
  • 25% bonus to mining speed
Misc bonus:
10% bonus to armor
1+ bonus to warp scramble strength
25% bonus to mining speed
Attributes (4 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
3034 - maxLockedTargetsMultiplier attributeID: None => 3034
categoryID: None => 6
dataType: None => 5
defaultValue: None => 0.0
description: None => Multiplier for maximum number of targets that can be locked.
highIsGood: None => 1
iconID: None => 1004
name: None => maxLockedTargetsMultiplier
published: None => 0
stackable: None => 1
3035 - warpScrambleStrengthBonus attributeID: None => 3035
categoryID: None => 27
dataType: None => 4
defaultValue: None => 0.0
description: None => Warp Scramble Strength Bonus
highIsGood: None => 1
name: None => warpScrambleStrengthBonus
published: None => 0
stackable: None => 1
3038 - isCynoJammer attributeID: None => 3038
dataType: None => 0
defaultValue: None => 0.0
description: None => Referenced by code to know that cynosural fields will fail in the same park as this type
highIsGood: None => 0
name: None => isCynoJammer
published: None => 0
stackable: None => 0
3039 - behaviorSmartBombEntityDamageMultiplier attributeID: None => 3039
dataType: None => 2
defaultValue: None => 1.0
description: None => Controls how much of the NpcBehaviorSmartBomb effect's damage gets applied to entities
highIsGood: None => 0
name: None => behaviorSmartBombEntityDamageMultiplier
published: None => 0
stackable: None => 0
Attributes per Type (337 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
4345 - Gistum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
4346 - Gistum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
11277 - Thermal Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
11301 - EM Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
11303 - Explosive Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
11305 - Kinetic Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Volume: 20.0 => 5.0
13970 - True Sansha EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13972 - Dark Blood EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13974 - True Sansha Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13976 - Dark Blood Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13978 - True Sansha Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13980 - Dark Blood Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13982 - True Sansha Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13984 - Dark Blood Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
13986 - Domination EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
13988 - Domination Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
13990 - Domination Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
13992 - Domination Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
14059 - Shadow Serpentis EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14061 - Shadow Serpentis Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14063 - Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14065 - Shadow Serpentis Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14748 - Kaikka's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
14749 - Thon's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
14750 - Vepas's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
14752 - Kaikka's Modified EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
14753 - Thon's Modified EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
14754 - Vepas's Modified EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
14756 - Kaikka's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
14757 - Thon's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
14758 - Vepas's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
14760 - Kaikka's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
14761 - Thon's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
14762 - Vepas's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
14764 - Kaikka's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -32.5 => -33.7
14765 - Thon's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -35.0 => -36.3
14766 - Vepas's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -37.5 => -38.8
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -37.5 => -38.8
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -37.5 => -38.8
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -37.5 => -38.8
15016 - Brokara's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15018 - Tairei's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15020 - Selynne's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15022 - Raysere's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15024 - Vizan's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15026 - Ahremen's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15028 - Chelm's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15030 - Draclira's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15032 - Brokara's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15034 - Tairei's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15036 - Selynne's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15038 - Raysere's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15040 - Vizan's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15042 - Ahremen's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15044 - Chelm's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15046 - Draclira's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15048 - Brokara's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15050 - Tairei's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15052 - Selynne's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15054 - Raysere's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15056 - Vizan's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15058 - Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15060 - Chelm's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15062 - Draclira's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15064 - Brokara's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15066 - Tairei's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15068 - Selynne's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15070 - Raysere's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15072 - Vizan's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15074 - Ahremen's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15076 - Chelm's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15078 - Draclira's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15244 - Brynn's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15246 - Tuvan's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15248 - Setele's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15250 - Cormack's Modified EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15252 - Brynn's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15254 - Tuvan's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15256 - Setele's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15258 - Cormack's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15260 - Brynn's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15262 - Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15264 - Setele's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15266 - Cormack's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15268 - Brynn's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.7
15270 - Tuvan's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
15272 - Setele's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.7
15274 - Cormack's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
15705 - Imperial Navy Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15707 - Imperial Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15709 - Imperial Navy Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15711 - Imperial Navy EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15713 - Republic Fleet Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
15715 - Republic Fleet Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
15717 - Republic Fleet Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
15719 - Republic Fleet EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -44.0
16353 - Upgraded Armor EM Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1681 (EM Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11301 => None
16355 - Limited Armor EM Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1681 (EM Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11301 => None
16357 - Experimental Enduring EM Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 26.0 => 10.0
CPU usage: 28.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Meta Level: 3.0 => 1.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
Heat Damage: 6.6 => 7.91
16359 - Prototype Compact EM Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 24.0 => 30.0
CPU usage: 26.0 => 16.0
Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
16361 - Upgraded Armor Explosive Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1680 (Explosive Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11303 => None
16363 - Limited Armor Explosive Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1680 (Explosive Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11303 => None
16365 - Experimental Enduring Explosive Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 26.0 => 10.0
CPU usage: 28.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Meta Level: 3.0 => 1.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
Heat Damage: 6.6 => 7.91
16367 - Prototype Compact Explosive Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 24.0 => 30.0
CPU usage: 26.0 => 16.0
Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
16369 - Upgraded Armor Kinetic Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1679 (Kinetic Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11305 => None
16371 - Limited Armor Kinetic Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1679 (Kinetic Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11305 => None
16373 - Experimental Enduring Kinetic Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 26.0 => 10.0
CPU usage: 28.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Meta Level: 3.0 => 1.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
Heat Damage: 6.6 => 7.91
16375 - Prototype Compact Kinetic Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 24.0 => 30.0
CPU usage: 26.0 => 16.0
Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
16377 - Upgraded Armor Thermal Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1678 (Thermal Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11277 => None
16379 - Limited Armor Thermal Hardener I (Armor Hardener) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 1678 (Thermal Armor Hardeners) => None
variationParentTypeID: 11277 => None
16381 - Experimental Enduring Thermal Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 26.0 => 10.0
CPU usage: 28.0 => 33.0
Activation time / duration: 20000.0 => 24000.0
Meta Level: 3.0 => 1.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
Heat Damage: 6.6 => 7.91
16383 - Prototype Compact Thermal Armor Hardener I (Armor Hardener) Activation Cost: 24.0 => 30.0
CPU usage: 26.0 => 16.0
Meta Level: 4.0 => 1.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -40.0 => -42.0
17502 - Ammatar Navy EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17504 - Ammatar Navy Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17506 - Ammatar Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17508 - Ammatar Navy Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17832 - Federation Navy EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17834 - Federation Navy Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17836 - Federation Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17838 - Federation Navy Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
18885 - Corpus C-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18887 - Centus C-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18889 - Corpus C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18891 - Centus C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18893 - Corpus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18895 - Centus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18897 - Corpus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18899 - Centus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18901 - Corpus B-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18903 - Centus B-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18905 - Corpus B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18907 - Centus B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18909 - Corpus B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18911 - Centus B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18913 - Corpus B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18915 - Centus B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18917 - Corpus A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18919 - Centus A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18921 - Corpus A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18923 - Centus A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18925 - Corpus A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18927 - Centus A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18929 - Corpus A-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18931 - Centus A-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18933 - Corpus X-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18935 - Centus X-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18937 - Corpus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18939 - Centus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18941 - Corpus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18943 - Centus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18945 - Corpus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18947 - Centus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18949 - Core C-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18951 - Core C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18953 - Core C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18955 - Core C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
18957 - Core B-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18959 - Core B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18961 - Core B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18963 - Core B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.3
18965 - Core A-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18967 - Core A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18969 - Core A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18971 - Core A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -48.8
18973 - Core X-Type EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18975 - Core X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18977 - Core X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
18979 - Core X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 14.0 => 16.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.3
19265 - Gist B-Type EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
19266 - Pith B-Type EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.4
19267 - Gist B-Type Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
19268 - Pith B-Type Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.4
19269 - Gist B-Type Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
19270 - Pith B-Type Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.4
19271 - Gist B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -45.8 => -46.6
19272 - Pith B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -47.4
19273 - Gist A-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
19274 - Pith A-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.0
19275 - Gist A-Type Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
19276 - Pith A-Type Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.0
19277 - Gist A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
19278 - Pith A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.0
19279 - Gist A-Type EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -47.6 => -48.2
19280 - Pith A-Type EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.0
19281 - Gist X-Type EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
19282 - Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.8
19283 - Gist X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
19284 - Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.8
19285 - Gist X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
19286 - Pith X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.8
19287 - Gist X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -49.4 => -49.8
19288 - Pith X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener (Shield Hardener) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -51.2 => -50.8
28522 - Khanid Navy EM Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28524 - Khanid Navy Explosive Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28526 - Khanid Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28528 - Khanid Navy Thermal Armor Hardener (Armor Hardener) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
32798 - Cynosural Jammer Beacon (Beacon) isCynoJammer: None => 1.0
34718 - Federation Navy Comet Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564150
skin_internalName: Comet Police Pursuit => Comet Federal Police Pursuit
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
34802 - Megathron Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564154
skin_internalName: Megathron Police => Megathron Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
34817 - Kronos Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564153
skin_internalName: Kronos Police => Kronos Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
35313 - Megathron Police SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) skin_internalName: Megathron Police => Megathron Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
35314 - Megathron Police SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) skin_internalName: Megathron Police => Megathron Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
35315 - Megathron Police SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) skin_internalName: Megathron Police => Megathron Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
35316 - Megathron Police SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) skin_internalName: Megathron Police => Megathron Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
50002 - Vexor Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564158
skin_internalName: Vexor Police => Vexor Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
50003 - Ishtar Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564152
skin_internalName: Ishtar Police => Ishtar Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
50004 - Nyx Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564156
skin_internalName: Nyx Police => Nyx Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52182 - Liminal Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52183 - Liminal Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00014801
52184 - Liminal Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00024051
52185 - Liminal Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00010725
52186 - Liminal Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00012334
52187 - Liminal Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00018501
52205 - Starving Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52206 - Harrowing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52207 - Anchoring Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52208 - Renewing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52209 - Blinding Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52210 - Ghosting Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52211 - Harrowing Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00014801
52212 - Harrowing Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00010725
52213 - Anchoring Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00010725
52214 - Renewing Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00012334
52215 - Renewing Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00024051
52216 - Blinding Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00024051
52217 - Blinding Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00010725
52218 - Ghosting Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00018501
52232 - Tangling Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 9.75e-05
52233 - Tangling Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00010725
52234 - Starving Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00018501
52320 - Zorya's Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 27500.0 => 68750.0
Maximum Velocity: 1200.0 => 2100.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 325.0 => 569.0
Explosive damage: 360.0 => 630.0
Thermal damage: 475.0 => 831.0
Shield Capacity: 14000.0 => 35000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 36000.0 => 90000.0
Orbit Velocity: 400.0 => 700.0
Signature Radius: 500.0 => 1000.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00031688
52361 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.01 => 0.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.01 => 0.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.01 => 0.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.01 => 0.0
52435 - Thorax Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564157
skin_internalName: Thorax Police => Thorax Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52436 - Brutix Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564148
skin_internalName: Brutix Police => Brutix Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52437 - Brutix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564147
skin_internalName: Brutix Navy Issue Police => Brutix Navy Issue Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52438 - Hyperion Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564151
skin_internalName: Hyperion Police => Hyperion Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52439 - Ninazu Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564155
skin_internalName: Ninazu Police => Ninazu Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52440 - Erebus Federal Police SKIN (Permanent SKIN) descriptionID: None => 564149
skin_internalName: Erebus Police => Erebus Federal Police
skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
52473 - Zorya's Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 12000.0 => 30000.0
Maximum Velocity: 2000.0 => 3500.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 200.0 => 350.0
Explosive damage: 125.0 => 219.0
Thermal damage: 166.0 => 291.0
Shield Capacity: 7600.0 => 19000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 20000.0 => 50000.0
Orbit Velocity: 444.0 => 777.0
Signature Radius: 300.0 => 600.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00030469
52474 - Zorya's Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 1800.0 => 4500.0
Maximum Velocity: 4000.0 => 7000.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 40.0 => 70.0
Explosive damage: 41.0 => 72.0
Thermal damage: 74.0 => 130.0
Shield Capacity: 1400.0 => 3500.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6000.0 => 15000.0
Orbit Velocity: 500.0 => 875.0
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 100.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00024375
52645 - Raznaborg Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 900.0 => 450.0
Maximum Velocity: 2520.0 => 1890.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 10.0 => 7.5
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 650.0 => 325.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2800.0 => 1400.0
Orbit Velocity: 315.0 => 236.25
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
52646 - Raznaborg Starving Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 900.0 => 450.0
Maximum Velocity: 2660.0 => 1995.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 10.0 => 7.5
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 650.0 => 325.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2800.0 => 1400.0
Orbit Velocity: 333.0 => 249.75
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
52647 - Raznaborg Renewing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 900.0 => 450.0
Maximum Velocity: 2450.0 => 1837.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 60.0 => 45.0
Explosive damage: 31.0 => 23.25
Thermal damage: 56.0 => 42.0
Shield Capacity: 650.0 => 325.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2800.0 => 1400.0
Orbit Velocity: 307.0 => 230.25
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
52648 - Raznaborg Blinding Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 720.0 => 360.0
Maximum Velocity: 2400.0 => 1800.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 10.5 => 7.875
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 650.0 => 325.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1960.0 => 980.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: None => -11.25
Orbit Velocity: 300.0 => 225.0
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
Scan Resolution Bonus: None => -11.25
52649 - Raznaborg Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 1040.0 => 520.0
Maximum Velocity: 1950.0 => 1462.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 12.0 => 9.0
Explosive damage: 48.0 => 36.0
Thermal damage: 87.0 => 65.25
Shield Capacity: 700.0 => 350.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2870.0 => 1435.0
Orbit Velocity: 243.75 => 182.8125
Signature Radius: 80.0 => 100.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
52650 - Raznaborg Anchoring Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 720.0 => 360.0
Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 => 2250.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 10.5 => 7.875
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 455.0 => 227.5
Armor Hitpoints: 1960.0 => 980.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0 => 281.25
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
52651 - Raznaborg Anchoring Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 910.0 => 455.0
Maximum Velocity: 1950.0 => 1462.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 12.0 => 9.0
Explosive damage: 48.0 => 36.0
Thermal damage: 87.0 => 65.25
Shield Capacity: 700.0 => 350.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2583.0 => 1291.5
Orbit Velocity: 243.75 => 182.8125
Signature Radius: 80.0 => 100.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 5.363e-05
52652 - Raznaborg Ghosting Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 910.0 => 455.0
Maximum Velocity: 1950.0 => 1462.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 12.0 => 9.0
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 700.0 => 350.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2583.0 => 1291.5
Falloff Bonus: -18.5 => -13.875
Orbit Velocity: 243.75 => 182.8125
Missile Velocity Bonus: -13.25 => -9.9375
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
Flight Time Bonus: -13.25 => -9.9375
Tracking Speed Bonus: -18.5 => -13.875
Explosion Velocity Bonus: -17.0 => -12.75
Explosion Radius Bonus: 17.0 => 12.75
52653 - Raznaborg Blinding Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 910.0 => 455.0
Maximum Velocity: 1950.0 => 1462.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 12.0 => 9.0
Explosive damage: 48.0 => 36.0
Thermal damage: 87.0 => 65.25
Shield Capacity: 700.0 => 350.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2583.0 => 1291.5
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -20.0 => -15.0
Orbit Velocity: 243.75 => 182.8125
Signature Radius: 80.0 => 100.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 5.363e-05
Scan Resolution Bonus: -20.0 => -15.0
52654 - Raznaborg Tangling Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 720.0 => 360.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0 => -37.5
Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 => 2250.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 10.5 => 7.875
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 455.0 => 227.5
Armor Hitpoints: 1960.0 => 980.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0 => 281.25
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
behaviorWebifierRange: 12000.0 => 9000.0
52655 - Tangling Strike Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 910.0 => 455.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -60.0 => -37.5
Maximum Velocity: 1950.0 => 1462.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 12.0 => 9.0
Explosive damage: 48.0 => 36.0
Thermal damage: 87.0 => 65.25
Shield Capacity: 700.0 => 350.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2583.0 => 1291.5
Orbit Velocity: 243.75 => 182.8125
Signature Radius: 80.0 => 100.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 5.363e-05
behaviorWebifierRange: 12000.0 => 9000.0
52656 - Raznaborg Harrowing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 720.0 => 360.0
Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 => 2250.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 10.5 => 7.875
Explosive damage: 33.0 => 24.75
Thermal damage: 61.0 => 45.75
Shield Capacity: 455.0 => 227.5
Armor Hitpoints: 1960.0 => 980.0
Orbit Velocity: 375.0 => 281.25
Signature Radius: 50.0 => 62.5
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 4.875e-05
52657 - Raznaborg Harrowing Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 910.0 => 455.0
Maximum Velocity: 1950.0 => 1462.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 12.0 => 9.0
Explosive damage: 48.0 => 36.0
Thermal damage: 87.0 => 65.25
Shield Capacity: 700.0 => 350.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2583.0 => 1291.5
Orbit Velocity: 243.75 => 182.8125
Signature Radius: 80.0 => 100.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 5.363e-05
52658 - Zorya's Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 1300.0 => 3250.0
Maximum Velocity: 2600.0 => 4550.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 40.0 => 70.0
Explosive damage: 48.0 => 84.0
Thermal damage: 87.0 => 152.0
Shield Capacity: 1000.0 => 2500.0
Armor Hitpoints: 4100.0 => 10250.0
Orbit Velocity: 325.0 => 569.0
Signature Radius: 80.0 => 160.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00040701
52659 - Zorya's Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 3700.0 => 9250.0
Maximum Velocity: 2300.0 => 4025.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 125.0 => 219.0
Explosive damage: 84.0 => 147.0
Thermal damage: 95.0 => 166.0
Shield Capacity: 2500.0 => 6250.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8700.0 => 21750.0
Orbit Velocity: 460.0 => 805.0
Signature Radius: 180.0 => 360.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0 => 0.00037001
52680 - Low-Grade Mimesis Gamma (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 3.0
52681 - Low-Grade Mimesis Delta (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 3.0
52682 - Low-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 4.0
52683 - Low-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 5.0
52693 - Triglavian Stellar Accelerator (Destructible Effect Beacon)
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.raceID: None => 135
miningDurationMultiplier: -10.0 => None
Tracking Speed Multiplier: 1.15 => None
Explosion Velocity Multiplier: 1.15 => None
Shield transfer amount multiplier: None => 1.25
Remote repair amount multiplier: None => 1.25
metaGroupID: None => 1
maxLockedTargetsMultiplier: None => 0.5
graphicID: 24494 => 24541
isisGroupID: None => 4
wreckTypeID: 52784 => 53300
52787 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Gamma (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 3.0
52788 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Delta (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 3.0
52789 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 4.0
52790 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 5.0
52919 - High-Grade Mimesis Delta (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 3.0
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 4.0
52921 - High-Grade Mimesis Gamma (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 3.0
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant) requiredSkill1Level: 2.0 => 5.0
52923 - Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Falloff Bonus: None => -20.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -20.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -11.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
Flight Time Bonus: None => -11.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -20.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -14.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 14.0
52924 - Imperial Navy Deacon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52925 - Imperial Navy Crusader (Retaliating Amarr Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52926 - Imperial Navy Guardian (Retaliating Amarr Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52927 - Imperial Navy Zealot (Retaliating Amarr Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52928 - Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Falloff Bonus: None => -33.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -33.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -17.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
Flight Time Bonus: None => -17.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -33.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -22.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 22.0
52929 - Imperial Navy Harbinger (Retaliating Amarr Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00018501
52930 - Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Falloff Bonus: None => -40.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -40.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -21.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
Flight Time Bonus: None => -21.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -40.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -27.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 27.0
52931 - Imperial Navy Apocalypse (Retaliating Amarr Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
52932 - State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52933 - State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52934 - State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52935 - State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52936 - State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52937 - State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52938 - State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00018501
52939 - State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
52940 - State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
52941 - Federal Navy Keres (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52947 - Federal Navy Thalia (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52948 - Federal Navy Taranis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52949 - Federal Navy Oneiros (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52950 - Federal Navy Deimos (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52951 - Federal Navy Lachesis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52952 - Federal Navy Brutix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00018501
52953 - Federal Navy Dominix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
52954 - Federal Navy Megathron (Retaliating Gallente Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
52955 - Republic Fleet Hyena (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52956 - Republic Fleet Scalpel (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52957 - Republic Fleet Claw (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 9.75e-05
52958 - Republic Fleet Scimitar (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52959 - Republic Fleet Muninn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52960 - Republic Fleet Huginn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Maximum Velocity Bonus: -65.0 => -104.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014801
52961 - Republic Fleet Hurricane (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00018501
52962 - Republic Fleet Typhoon (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Signature Radius Modifier: 35.0 => 38.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
52963 - Republic Fleet Tempest (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024051
53292 - Dazh Liminality Locus (Large Collidable Structure) Structure Hitpoints: 450000.0 => 1200000.0
raceID: None => 135
Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0 => None
hasLongAnimationWhenAddedToSpaceScene: None => 1.0
descriptionID: None => 564263
wreckTypeID: 53300 => 52784
53300 - Stellar Accelerator Wreckage (Wreck) graphicID: 24498 => 24542
53836 - Pohviz Spatial Displacer (Large Collidable Structure) Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 2500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 30000.0 => 15000.0
Shield Capacity: 40000.0 => 10000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0 => 30000.0
behaviorMicroJumpAttackRange: 30000.0 => 10000.0
behaviorMicroJumpAttackDuration: 3000.0 => 5000.0
graphicID: 24416 => 24557
wreckTypeID: 52357 => None
53838 - Nemiz Pulse Destructor (Large Collidable Structure) Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 2500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 30000.0 => 15000.0
Area of effect radius: 30000.0 => 10000.0
Thermal damage: 250.0 => 500.0
Shield Capacity: 40000.0 => 10000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 80000.0 => 30000.0
behaviorSmartBombDuration: 10000.0 => 5000.0
behaviorSmartBombEntityDamageMultiplier: None => 0.25
graphicID: 24414 => 24557
wreckTypeID: 52358 => None
54000 - Scout Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 375.0 => 187.5
Maximum Velocity: 2656.25 => 1992.1875
Damage Modifier: 4.5 => 3.375
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 84.0 => 63.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 300.0 => 150.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1210.0 => 605.0
Falloff Bonus: None => -15.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -15.0
Orbit Velocity: 425.0 => 318.75
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -8.0
Signature Radius: 41.0 => 51.25
entityFactionLoss: None => 4.875e-05
Flight Time Bonus: None => -8.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -15.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -10.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 10.0
54001 - Scout Imperial Navy Deacon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 400.0 => 200.0
Maximum Velocity: 3168.75 => 2376.5625
Damage Modifier: 3.88 => 2.91
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 160.0 => 120.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 300.0 => 150.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1500.0 => 750.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.0 => 380.25
Signature Radius: 34.0 => 42.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 4.875e-05
54002 - Scout Imperial Navy Crusader (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 525.0 => 262.5
Maximum Velocity: 2606.25 => 1954.6875
Damage Modifier: 5.0 => 3.75
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 225.0 => 112.5
Armor Hitpoints: 1450.0 => 725.0
Orbit Velocity: 417.0 => 312.75
Signature Radius: 32.0 => 40.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 4.875e-05
54003 - Scout Imperial Navy Guardian (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 2004.0 => 1002.0
Maximum Velocity: 2537.5 => 1903.125
Damage Modifier: 3.88 => 2.91
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 600.0 => 450.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 1055.0 => 527.5
Armor Hitpoints: 5250.0 => 2625.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 304.5
Signature Radius: 70.0 => 87.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 7.4e-05
54004 - Scout Imperial Navy Zealot (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 1670.0 => 835.0
Maximum Velocity: 2500.0 => 1875.0
Damage Modifier: 4.63 => 3.4725
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 980.0 => 490.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7600.0 => 3800.0
Orbit Velocity: 400.0 => 300.0
Signature Radius: 125.0 => 156.25
entityFactionLoss: None => 7.4e-05
54005 - Scout Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 1050.0 => 525.0
Maximum Velocity: 2362.5 => 1771.875
Damage Modifier: 4.38 => 3.285
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 135.0 => 101.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 850.0 => 425.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6600.0 => 3300.0
Falloff Bonus: None => -24.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -24.0
Orbit Velocity: 378.0 => 283.5
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -13.0
Signature Radius: 150.0 => 187.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 7.4e-05
Flight Time Bonus: None => -13.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -24.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -17.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 17.0
54006 - Scout Imperial Navy Harbinger (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 6750.0 => 3375.0
Maximum Velocity: 1367.19 => 1025.3925
Damage Modifier: 5.0 => 3.75
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0 => 2250.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7844.0 => 3922.0
Orbit Velocity: 218.75 => 164.0625
Signature Radius: 270.0 => 337.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 9.25e-05
54007 - Scout Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 5000.0
Maximum Velocity: 820.31 => 615.2325
Damage Modifier: 4.38 => 3.285
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 165.0 => 124.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 8500.0 => 4250.0
Armor Hitpoints: 14375.0 => 7187.5
Falloff Bonus: None => -30.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -30.0
Orbit Velocity: 131.25 => 98.4375
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -16.0
Signature Radius: 400.0 => 500.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00012025
Flight Time Bonus: None => -16.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -30.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -20.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 20.0
54008 - Scout Imperial Navy Apocalypse (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 5000.0
Maximum Velocity: 937.5 => 703.125
Damage Modifier: 5.2 => 3.9
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 8000.0 => 4000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13125.0 => 6562.5
Orbit Velocity: 150.0 => 112.5
Signature Radius: 370.0 => 462.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00012025
54009 - Elite Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 375.0 => 562.5
Maximum Velocity: 2656.25 => 3320.3125
Damage Modifier: 4.5 => 5.625
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 84.0 => 105.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 300.0 => 450.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1210.0 => 1815.0
Falloff Bonus: None => -25.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -25.0
Orbit Velocity: 425.0 => 531.25
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -13.0
Signature Radius: 41.0 => 61.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014625
Flight Time Bonus: None => -13.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -25.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -17.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 17.0
54010 - Elite Imperial Navy Deacon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 400.0 => 600.0
Maximum Velocity: 3168.75 => 3960.9375
Damage Modifier: 3.88 => 4.85
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 160.0 => 200.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 300.0 => 450.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1500.0 => 2250.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.0 => 633.75
Signature Radius: 34.0 => 51.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014625
54011 - Elite Imperial Navy Crusader (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 525.0 => 787.5
Maximum Velocity: 2606.25 => 3257.8125
Damage Modifier: 5.0 => 6.25
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 225.0 => 337.5
Armor Hitpoints: 1450.0 => 2175.0
Orbit Velocity: 417.0 => 521.25
Signature Radius: 32.0 => 48.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00014625
54012 - Elite Imperial Navy Guardian (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 2004.0 => 3006.0
Maximum Velocity: 2537.5 => 3171.875
Damage Modifier: 3.88 => 4.85
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 600.0 => 750.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 1055.0 => 1582.5
Armor Hitpoints: 5250.0 => 7875.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 507.5
Signature Radius: 70.0 => 105.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00022201
54013 - Elite Imperial Navy Zealot (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 1670.0 => 2505.0
Maximum Velocity: 2500.0 => 3125.0
Damage Modifier: 4.63 => 5.7875
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 980.0 => 1470.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7600.0 => 11400.0
Orbit Velocity: 400.0 => 500.0
Signature Radius: 125.0 => 187.5
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00022201
54014 - Elite Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 1050.0 => 1575.0
Maximum Velocity: 2362.5 => 2953.125
Damage Modifier: 4.38 => 5.475
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 135.0 => 169.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 850.0 => 1275.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6600.0 => 9900.0
Falloff Bonus: None => -41.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -41.0
Orbit Velocity: 378.0 => 472.5
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -21.0
Signature Radius: 150.0 => 225.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00022201
Flight Time Bonus: None => -21.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -41.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -28.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 28.0
54015 - Elite Imperial Navy Harbinger (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 6750.0 => 10125.0
Maximum Velocity: 1367.19 => 1708.9875
Damage Modifier: 5.0 => 6.25
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0 => 6750.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7844.0 => 11766.0
Orbit Velocity: 218.75 => 273.4375
Signature Radius: 270.0 => 405.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00027751
54016 - Elite Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 15000.0
Maximum Velocity: 820.31 => 1025.3875
Damage Modifier: 4.38 => 5.475
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 165.0 => 206.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 8500.0 => 12750.0
Armor Hitpoints: 14375.0 => 21562.5
Falloff Bonus: None => -50.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -50.0
Orbit Velocity: 131.25 => 164.0625
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -26.0
Signature Radius: 400.0 => 600.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00036076
Flight Time Bonus: None => -26.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -50.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -34.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 34.0
54017 - Elite Imperial Navy Apocalypse (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 15000.0
Maximum Velocity: 937.5 => 1171.875
Damage Modifier: 5.2 => 6.5
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 8000.0 => 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13125.0 => 19687.5
Orbit Velocity: 150.0 => 187.5
Signature Radius: 370.0 => 555.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00036076
54018 - Exalted Imperial Navy Sentinel (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 375.0 => 937.5
Maximum Velocity: 2656.25 => 4648.4375
Damage Modifier: 4.5 => 7.875
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 84.0 => 126.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 300.0 => 750.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1210.0 => 3025.0
Falloff Bonus: None => -30.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -30.0
Orbit Velocity: 425.0 => 743.75
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -16.0
Signature Radius: 41.0 => 82.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024375
Flight Time Bonus: None => -16.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -30.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -21.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 21.0
54019 - Exalted Imperial Navy Deacon (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 400.0 => 1000.0
Maximum Velocity: 3168.75 => 5545.3125
Damage Modifier: 3.88 => 6.79
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 160.0 => 280.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 300.0 => 750.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1500.0 => 3750.0
Orbit Velocity: 507.0 => 887.25
Signature Radius: 34.0 => 68.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024375
54020 - Exalted Imperial Navy Crusader (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 525.0 => 1312.5
Maximum Velocity: 2606.25 => 4560.9375
Damage Modifier: 5.0 => 8.75
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 225.0 => 562.5
Armor Hitpoints: 1450.0 => 3625.0
Orbit Velocity: 417.0 => 729.75
Signature Radius: 32.0 => 64.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00024375
54021 - Exalted Imperial Navy Guardian (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 2004.0 => 5010.0
Maximum Velocity: 2537.5 => 4440.625
Damage Modifier: 3.88 => 6.79
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 600.0 => 1050.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 1055.0 => 2637.5
Armor Hitpoints: 5250.0 => 13125.0
Orbit Velocity: 406.0 => 710.5
Signature Radius: 70.0 => 140.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00037001
54022 - Exalted Imperial Navy Zealot (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 1670.0 => 4175.0
Maximum Velocity: 2500.0 => 4375.0
Damage Modifier: 4.63 => 8.1025
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 980.0 => 2450.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7600.0 => 19000.0
Orbit Velocity: 400.0 => 700.0
Signature Radius: 125.0 => 250.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00037001
54023 - Exalted Imperial Navy Pilgrim (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 1050.0 => 2625.0
Maximum Velocity: 2362.5 => 4134.375
Damage Modifier: 4.38 => 7.665
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 135.0 => 203.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 850.0 => 2125.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6600.0 => 16500.0
Falloff Bonus: None => -49.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -49.0
Orbit Velocity: 378.0 => 661.5
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -26.0
Signature Radius: 150.0 => 300.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00037001
Flight Time Bonus: None => -26.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -49.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -33.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 33.0
54024 - Exalted Imperial Navy Harbinger (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 6750.0 => 16875.0
Maximum Velocity: 1367.19 => 2392.5825
Damage Modifier: 5.0 => 8.75
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 4500.0 => 11250.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7844.0 => 19610.0
Orbit Velocity: 218.75 => 382.8125
Signature Radius: 270.0 => 540.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00030469
54025 - Exalted Imperial Navy Armageddon (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 25000.0
Maximum Velocity: 820.31 => 1435.5425
Damage Modifier: 4.38 => 7.665
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Neutralization Amount: 165.0 => 248.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 8500.0 => 21250.0
Armor Hitpoints: 14375.0 => 35937.5
Falloff Bonus: None => -60.0
Optimal Range Bonus: None => -60.0
Orbit Velocity: 131.25 => 229.6875
Missile Velocity Bonus: None => -31.0
Signature Radius: 400.0 => 800.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00031688
Flight Time Bonus: None => -31.0
Tracking Speed Bonus: None => -60.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => -41.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 41.0
54026 - Exalted Imperial Navy Apocalypse (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Structure Hitpoints: 10000.0 => 25000.0
Maximum Velocity: 937.5 => 1640.625
Damage Modifier: 5.2 => 9.1
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: None => 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: None => 0.0
Shield Capacity: 8000.0 => 20000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 13125.0 => 32812.5
Orbit Velocity: 150.0 => 262.5
Signature Radius: 370.0 => 740.0
entityFactionLoss: None => 0.00031688
54687 - Upwell Research Complex Wreck (Large Collidable Object) radius: 85000.0 => 10000.0
54711 - Upwell Production Facility Wreck (Large Collidable Object) radius: 45000.0 => 5000.0
54812 - Basic Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) published: False => True
54813 - Potent Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) published: False => True
54814 - Extended Capsuleer Day Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) published: False => True
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (3 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
8031 - systemMaxTargets disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 7
effectID: None => 8031
effectName: None => systemMaxTargets
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 192, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3034, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 4, 'skillTypeID': 3327}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8032 - systemWarpScrambleStrengthBonus descriptionID: None => 563154
disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 7
effectID: None => 8032
effectName: None => systemWarpScrambleStrengthBonus
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 105, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 3035}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
8033 - systemEcmRangeMultiplier descriptionID: None => 563155
disallowAutoRepeat: None => 0
effectCategory: None => 7
effectID: None => 8033
effectName: None => systemEcmRangeMultiplier
electronicChance: None => 0
isAssistance: None => 0
isOffensive: None => 0
isWarpSafe: None => 0
modifierInfo: None


[{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 1536, 'func': 'LocationGroupModifier', 'operation': 4, 'groupID': 201}]
propulsionChance: None => 0
published: None => 0
rangeChance: None => 0
Effects per Type (181 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
52361 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
52693 - Triglavian Stellar Accelerator (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
Removed Effects:
53292 - Dazh Liminality Locus (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54027 - Scout State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54028 - Scout State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54029 - Scout State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54030 - Scout State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54031 - Scout State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54032 - Scout State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54033 - Scout State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54034 - Scout State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54035 - Scout State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54036 - Elite State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54037 - Elite State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54038 - Elite State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54039 - Elite State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54040 - Elite State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54041 - Elite State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54042 - Elite State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54043 - Elite State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54044 - Elite State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54045 - Executive State Navy Kitsune (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54046 - Executive State Navy Kirin (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54047 - Executive State Navy Raptor (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54048 - Executive State Navy Basilisk (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54049 - Executive State Navy Cerberus (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54050 - Executive State Navy Rook (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54051 - Executive State Navy Drake (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54052 - Executive State Navy Scorpion (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54053 - Executive State Navy Raven (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54054 - Scout Federal Navy Keres (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54055 - Scout Federal Navy Thalia (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54056 - Scout Federal Navy Taranis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54057 - Scout Federal Navy Oneiros (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54058 - Scout Federal Navy Deimos (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54059 - Scout Federal Navy Lachesis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54060 - Scout Federal Navy Brutix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54061 - Scout Federal Navy Dominix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54062 - Scout Federal Navy Megathron (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54063 - Elite Federal Navy Keres (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54064 - Elite Federal Navy Thalia (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54065 - Elite Federal Navy Taranis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54066 - Elite Federal Navy Oneiros (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54067 - Elite Federal Navy Deimos (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54068 - Elite Federal Navy Lachesis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54069 - Elite Federal Navy Brutix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54070 - Elite Federal Navy Dominix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54071 - Elite Federal Navy Megathron (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54072 - Presiding Federal Navy Keres (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54073 - Presiding Federal Navy Thalia (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54074 - Presiding Federal Navy Taranis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54075 - Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54076 - Presiding Federal Navy Deimos (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54077 - Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54078 - Presiding Federal Navy Brutix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54079 - Presiding Federal Navy Dominix (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54080 - Presiding Federal Navy Megathron (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54081 - Scout Republic Fleet Hyena (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54082 - Scout Republic Fleet Scalpel (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54083 - Scout Republic Fleet Claw (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54084 - Scout Republic Fleet Scimitar (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54085 - Scout Republic Fleet Muninn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54086 - Scout Republic Fleet Huginn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54087 - Scout Republic Fleet Hurricane (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54088 - Scout Republic Fleet Typhoon (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54089 - Scout Republic Fleet Tempest (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54090 - Elite Republic Fleet Hyena (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54091 - Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54092 - Elite Republic Fleet Claw (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54093 - Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54094 - Elite Republic Fleet Muninn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54095 - Elite Republic Fleet Huginn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54096 - Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54097 - Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54098 - Elite Republic Fleet Tempest (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54099 - Chief Republic Fleet Hyena (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54100 - Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54101 - Chief Republic Fleet Claw (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54102 - Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54103 - Chief Republic Fleet Muninn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54104 - Chief Republic Fleet Huginn (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54105 - Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54106 - Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54107 - Chief Republic Fleet Tempest (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54108 - Hospodar Liminal Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54109 - Hospodar Liminal Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54110 - Hospodar Liminal Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54111 - Hospodar Liminal Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54112 - Hospodar Liminal Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54113 - Hospodar Liminal Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54114 - Hospodar Starving Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54115 - Hospodar Harrowing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54116 - Hospodar Anchoring Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54117 - Hospodar Renewing Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54118 - Hospodar Blinding Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54119 - Hospodar Ghosting Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54120 - Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54121 - Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54122 - Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54123 - Hospodar Renewing Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54124 - Hospodar Renewing Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54125 - Hospodar Blinding Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54126 - Hospodar Blinding Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54127 - Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54128 - Hospodar Tangling Damavik (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54129 - Hospodar Tangling Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54130 - Hospodar Starving Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54131 - Raznaborg Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54132 - Raznaborg Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54133 - Raznaborg Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54134 - Raznaborg Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54135 - Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54136 - Raznaborg Starving Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54137 - Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54138 - Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54139 - Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54140 - Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54141 - Raznaborg Starving Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54142 - Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54143 - Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54144 - Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54145 - Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54146 - Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54147 - Raznaborg Starving Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54148 - Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54149 - Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54150 - Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54151 - Raznaborg Blinding Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54152 - Raznaborg Renewing Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54153 - Raznaborg Starving Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54154 - Raznaborg Tangling Leshak (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54155 - Zorya's Rodiva (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54197 - Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54198 - Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54199 - Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54200 - Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54201 - Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54202 - Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54203 - Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54204 - Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54205 - Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54206 - Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54207 - Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54208 - Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54209 - Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54210 - Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54211 - Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54212 - Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54213 - Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54214 - Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54274 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54283 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54313 - Test Spawner (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54314 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54315 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54316 - Dazh Porevitium Transmuter (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54325 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54326 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54330 - Imperial Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
54331 - Republic Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
54332 - The State Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
54333 - Federal Stellar Observatory (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:
54335 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca (Retaliating Amarr Entities) Added Effects:
54336 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca (Retaliating Minmatar Entities) Added Effects:
54337 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca (Retaliating Caldari Entities) Added Effects:
54338 - EDENCOM Fortification Orca (Retaliating Gallente Entities) Added Effects:
54568 - Dazh Koliada (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54569 - Dazh Potremba (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54570 - Dazh Stribozha (Invading Precursor Entities) Added Effects:
54571 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54572 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54573 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54574 - EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54575 - PLACEHOLDER Snark (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54576 - Extractive Super-Nexus (Large Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
54577 - Entropic Disintegrator Werpost (Destructible Sentry Gun) Added Effects:
54578 - PLACEDHOLDER Triglavian Defense Platform XL (Destructible Sentry Gun) Added Effects:
54579 - EDENCOM GunStar (Destructible Sentry Gun) Added Effects:
54580 - EDENCOM Heavy GunStar (Destructible Sentry Gun) Added Effects:
54658 - Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER (Strip Miner) Added Effects:
54838 - EDENCOM Cynosural Jammer (Destructible Effect Beacon) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (4 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 6 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (6 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
6 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
52682 - Low-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52683 - Low-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52789 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52790 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 6 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (6 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
6 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
52682 - Low-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52683 - Low-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52789 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52790 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 6 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (6 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
6 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
52682 - Low-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52683 - Low-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52789 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52790 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 6 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (6 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
6 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
52682 - Low-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52683 - Low-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52789 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52790 - Mid-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)
52920 - High-Grade Mimesis Epsilon (Cyberimplant)
52922 - High-Grade Mimesis Omega (Cyberimplant)

Strings (1217 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
63793 Armor Reinforcer Armor Plate Armor ReinforcerPlate Group description for group ID 329
63811 Armor Reinforcer Blueprint Armor Plate Blueprint Armor ReinforcerPlate Blueprint Group description for group ID 349
76556 Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener I Blueprint Multispectrum Shield Hardener I Blueprint Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 1129 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76727 Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II Blueprint Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Blueprint Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 2282 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76728 Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener I Blueprint Explosive Shield Hardener I Blueprint Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 2290 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76729 Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener I Blueprint Kinetic Shield Hardener I Blueprint Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 2292 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76730 Anti-EM Shield Hardener I Blueprint EM Shield Hardener I Blueprint Anti-EM Shield Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 2294 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76731 Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener I Blueprint Thermal Shield Hardener I Blueprint Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 2296 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76732 Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener II Blueprint Explosive Shield Hardener II Blueprint Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 2298 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76733 Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener II Blueprint Kinetic Shield Hardener II Blueprint Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 2300 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76734 Anti-EM Shield Hardener II Blueprint EM Shield Hardener II Blueprint Anti-EM Shield Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 2302 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
76735 Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener II Blueprint Thermal Shield Hardener II Blueprint Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 2304 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
77422 Armor Thermal Hardener I Thermal Armor Hardener I Armor Thermal Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 11277 (Armor Hardener)
77423 Armor Thermal Hardener I Blueprint Thermal Armor Hardener I Blueprint Armor Thermal Armor Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 11278 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77446 Armor EM Hardener I EM Armor Hardener I EM Armor EM Hardener I Item name for typeID 11301 (Armor Hardener)
77447 Armor EM Hardener I Blueprint EM Armor Hardener I Blueprint EM Armor EM Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 11302 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77448 Armor Explosive Hardener I Explosive Armor Hardener I Armor Explosive Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 11303 (Armor Hardener)
77449 Armor Explosive Hardener I Blueprint Explosive Armor Hardener I Blueprint Armor Explosive Armor Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 11304 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77450 Armor Kinetic Hardener I Kinetic Armor Hardener I Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 11305 (Armor Hardener)
77451 Armor Kinetic Hardener I Blueprint Kinetic Armor Hardener I Blueprint Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener I Blueprint Item name for typeID 11306 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77585 Armor EM Hardener II EM Armor Hardener II EM Armor EM Hardener II Item name for typeID 11642 (Armor Hardener)
77586 Armor EM Hardener II Blueprint EM Armor Hardener II Blueprint EM Armor EM Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 11643 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77587 Armor Kinetic Hardener II Kinetic Armor Hardener II Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener II Item name for typeID 11644 (Armor Hardener)
77588 Armor Kinetic Hardener II Blueprint Kinetic Armor Hardener II Blueprint Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 11645 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77589 Armor Explosive Hardener II Explosive Armor Hardener II Armor Explosive Armor Hardener II Item name for typeID 11646 (Armor Hardener)
77590 Armor Explosive Hardener II Blueprint Explosive Armor Hardener II Blueprint Armor Explosive Armor Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 11647 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
77591 Armor Thermal Hardener II Thermal Armor Hardener II Armor Thermal Armor Hardener II Item name for typeID 11648 (Armor Hardener)
77592 Armor Thermal Hardener II Blueprint Thermal Armor Hardener II Blueprint Armor Thermal Armor Hardener II Blueprint Item name for typeID 11649 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
96642 True Sansha Armor EM Hardener True Sansha EM Armor Hardener True Sansha EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 13970 (Armor Hardener)
96643 Dark Blood Armor EM Hardener Dark Blood EM Armor Hardener Dark Blood EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 13972 (Armor Hardener)
96644 True Sansha Armor Explosive Hardener True Sansha Explosive Armor Hardener True Sansha Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13974 (Armor Hardener)
96645 Dark Blood Armor Explosive Hardener Dark Blood Explosive Armor Hardener Dark Blood Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13976 (Armor Hardener)
96646 True Sansha Armor Kinetic Hardener True Sansha Kinetic Armor Hardener True Sansha Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13978 (Armor Hardener)
96647 Dark Blood Armor Kinetic Hardener Dark Blood Kinetic Armor Hardener Dark Blood Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13980 (Armor Hardener)
96648 True Sansha Armor Thermal Hardener True Sansha Thermal Armor Hardener True Sansha Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13982 (Armor Hardener)
96649 Dark Blood Armor Thermal Hardener Dark Blood Thermal Armor Hardener Dark Blood Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13984 (Armor Hardener)
96650 Domination Armor EM Hardener Domination EM Armor Hardener Domination EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 13986 (Armor Hardener)
96651 Domination Armor Explosive Hardener Domination Explosive Armor Hardener Domination Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13988 (Armor Hardener)
96652 Domination Armor Kinetic Hardener Domination Kinetic Armor Hardener Domination Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13990 (Armor Hardener)
96653 Domination Armor Thermal Hardener Domination Thermal Armor Hardener Domination Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 13992 (Armor Hardener)
96682 Shadow Serpentis Armor EM Hardener Shadow Serpentis EM Armor Hardener Shadow Serpentis EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 14059 (Armor Hardener)
96683 Shadow Serpentis Armor Explosive Hardener Shadow Serpentis Explosive Armor Hardener Shadow Serpentis Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 14061 (Armor Hardener)
96684 Shadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic Hardener Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Armor Hardener Shadow Serpentis Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 14063 (Armor Hardener)
96685 Shadow Serpentis Armor Thermal Hardener Shadow Serpentis Thermal Armor Hardener Shadow Serpentis Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 14065 (Armor Hardener)
96941 Brokara's Modified Armor EM Hardener Brokara's Modified EM Armor Hardener Brokara's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15016 (Armor Hardener)
96942 Tairei's Modified Armor EM Hardener Tairei's Modified EM Armor Hardener Tairei's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15018 (Armor Hardener)
96943 Selynne's Modified Armor EM Hardener Selynne's Modified EM Armor Hardener Selynne's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15020 (Armor Hardener)
96944 Raysere's Modified Armor EM Hardener Raysere's Modified EM Armor Hardener Raysere's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15022 (Armor Hardener)
96945 Vizan's Modified Armor EM Hardener Vizan's Modified EM Armor Hardener Vizan's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15024 (Armor Hardener)
96946 Ahremen's Modified Armor EM Hardener Ahremen's Modified EM Armor Hardener Ahremen's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15026 (Armor Hardener)
96947 Chelm's Modified Armor EM Hardener Chelm's Modified EM Armor Hardener Chelm's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15028 (Armor Hardener)
96948 Draclira's Modified Armor EM Hardener Draclira's Modified EM Armor Hardener Draclira's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15030 (Armor Hardener)
96949 Brokara's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Brokara's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Brokara's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15032 (Armor Hardener)
96950 Tairei's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Tairei's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Tairei's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15034 (Armor Hardener)
96951 Selynne's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Selynne's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Selynne's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15036 (Armor Hardener)
96952 Raysere's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Raysere's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Raysere's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15038 (Armor Hardener)
96953 Vizan's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Vizan's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Vizan's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15040 (Armor Hardener)
96954 Ahremen's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Ahremen's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Ahremen's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15042 (Armor Hardener)
96955 Chelm's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Chelm's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Chelm's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15044 (Armor Hardener)
96956 Draclira's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Draclira's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Draclira's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15046 (Armor Hardener)
96957 Brokara's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Brokara's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Brokara's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15048 (Armor Hardener)
96958 Tairei's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Tairei's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Tairei's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15050 (Armor Hardener)
96959 Selynne's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Selynne's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Selynne's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15052 (Armor Hardener)
96960 Raysere's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Raysere's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Raysere's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15054 (Armor Hardener)
96961 Vizan's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Vizan's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Vizan's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15056 (Armor Hardener)
96962 Ahremen's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Ahremen's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15058 (Armor Hardener)
96963 Chelm's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Chelm's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Chelm's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15060 (Armor Hardener)
96964 Draclira's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Draclira's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Draclira's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15062 (Armor Hardener)
96965 Brokara's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Brokara's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Brokara's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15064 (Armor Hardener)
96966 Tairei's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Tairei's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Tairei's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15066 (Armor Hardener)
96967 Selynne's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Selynne's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Selynne's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15068 (Armor Hardener)
96968 Raysere's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Raysere's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Raysere's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15070 (Armor Hardener)
96969 Vizan's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Vizan's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Vizan's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15072 (Armor Hardener)
96970 Ahremen's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Ahremen's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Ahremen's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15074 (Armor Hardener)
96971 Chelm's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Chelm's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Chelm's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15076 (Armor Hardener)
96972 Draclira's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Draclira's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Draclira's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15078 (Armor Hardener)
97053 Brynn's Modified Armor EM Hardener Brynn's Modified EM Armor Hardener Brynn's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15244 (Armor Hardener)
97054 Tuvan's Modified Armor EM Hardener Tuvan's Modified EM Armor Hardener Tuvan's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15246 (Armor Hardener)
97055 Setele's Modified Armor EM Hardener Setele's Modified EM Armor Hardener Setele's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15248 (Armor Hardener)
97056 Cormack's Modified Armor EM Hardener Cormack's Modified EM Armor Hardener Cormack's Modified EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15250 (Armor Hardener)
97057 Brynn's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Brynn's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Brynn's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15252 (Armor Hardener)
97058 Tuvan's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Tuvan's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Tuvan's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15254 (Armor Hardener)
97059 Setele's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Setele's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Setele's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15256 (Armor Hardener)
97060 Cormack's Modified Armor Thermal Hardener Cormack's Modified Thermal Armor Hardener Cormack's Modified Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15258 (Armor Hardener)
97061 Brynn's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Brynn's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Brynn's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15260 (Armor Hardener)
97062 Tuvan's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Tuvan's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15262 (Armor Hardener)
97063 Setele's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Setele's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Setele's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15264 (Armor Hardener)
97064 Cormack's Modified Armor Kinetic Hardener Cormack's Modified Kinetic Armor Hardener Cormack's Modified Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15266 (Armor Hardener)
97065 Brynn's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Brynn's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Brynn's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15268 (Armor Hardener)
97066 Tuvan's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Tuvan's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Tuvan's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15270 (Armor Hardener)
97067 Setele's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Setele's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Setele's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15272 (Armor Hardener)
97068 Cormack's Modified Armor Explosive Hardener Cormack's Modified Explosive Armor Hardener Cormack's Modified Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15274 (Armor Hardener)
97171 Republic Fleet Armor Thermal Hardener Republic Fleet Thermal Armor Hardener Republic Fleet Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15713 (Armor Hardener)
97172 Republic Fleet Armor Kinetic Hardener Republic Fleet Kinetic Armor Hardener Republic Fleet Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15715 (Armor Hardener)
97173 Republic Fleet Armor Explosive Hardener Republic Fleet Explosive Armor Hardener Republic Fleet Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15717 (Armor Hardener)
97174 Republic Fleet Armor EM Hardener Republic Fleet EM Armor Hardener Republic Fleet EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15719 (Armor Hardener)
97282 Experimental Armor EM Hardener I Experimental Enduring EM Armor Hardener I Experimental Enduring EM Armor EM Hardener I Item name for typeID 16357 (Armor Hardener)
97283 Prototype Armor EM Hardener I Prototype Compact EM Armor Hardener I Prototype Compact EM Armor EM Hardener I Item name for typeID 16359 (Armor Hardener)
97286 Experimental Armor Explosive Hardener I Experimental Enduring Explosive Armor Hardener I Experimental ArmorEnduring Explosive Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 16365 (Armor Hardener)
97287 Prototype Armor Explosive Hardener I Prototype Compact Explosive Armor Hardener I Prototype ArmorCompact Explosive Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 16367 (Armor Hardener)
97290 Experimental Armor Kinetic Hardener I Experimental Enduring Kinetic Armor Hardener I Experimental ArmorEnduring Kinetic Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 16373 (Armor Hardener)
97291 Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I Prototype Compact Kinetic Armor Hardener I Prototype ArmorCompact Kinetic Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 16375 (Armor Hardener)
97294 Experimental Armor Thermal Hardener I Experimental Enduring Thermal Armor Hardener I Experimental ArmorEnduring Thermal Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 16381 (Armor Hardener)
97295 Prototype Armor Thermal Hardener I Prototype Compact Thermal Armor Hardener I Prototype ArmorCompact Thermal Armor Hardener I Item name for typeID 16383 (Armor Hardener)
97507 Ammatar Navy Armor EM Hardener Ammatar Navy EM Armor Hardener Ammatar Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 17502 (Armor Hardener)
97508 Ammatar Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Ammatar Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Ammatar Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 17504 (Armor Hardener)
97509 Ammatar Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Ammatar Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Ammatar Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 17506 (Armor Hardener)
97510 Ammatar Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Ammatar Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Ammatar Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 17508 (Armor Hardener)
98640 Corpus C-Type Armor EM Hardener Corpus C-Type EM Armor Hardener Corpus C-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18885 (Armor Hardener)
98641 Centus C-Type Armor EM Hardener Centus C-Type EM Armor Hardener Centus C-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18887 (Armor Hardener)
98642 Corpus C-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Corpus C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Corpus C-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18889 (Armor Hardener)
98643 Centus C-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Centus C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Centus C-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18891 (Armor Hardener)
98644 Corpus C-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Corpus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Corpus C-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18893 (Armor Hardener)
98645 Centus C-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Centus C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Centus C-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18895 (Armor Hardener)
98646 Corpus C-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Corpus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Corpus C-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18897 (Armor Hardener)
98647 Centus C-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Centus C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Centus C-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18899 (Armor Hardener)
98648 Corpus B-Type Armor EM Hardener Corpus B-Type EM Armor Hardener Corpus B-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18901 (Armor Hardener)
98649 Centus B-Type Armor EM Hardener Centus B-Type EM Armor Hardener Centus B-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18903 (Armor Hardener)
98650 Corpus B-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Corpus B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Corpus B-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18905 (Armor Hardener)
98651 Centus B-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Centus B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Centus B-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18907 (Armor Hardener)
98652 Corpus B-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Corpus B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Corpus B-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18909 (Armor Hardener)
98653 Centus B-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Centus B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Centus B-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18911 (Armor Hardener)
98654 Corpus B-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Corpus B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Corpus B-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18913 (Armor Hardener)
98655 Centus B-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Centus B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Centus B-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18915 (Armor Hardener)
98656 Corpus A-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Corpus A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Corpus A-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18917 (Armor Hardener)
98657 Centus A-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Centus A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Centus A-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18919 (Armor Hardener)
98658 Corpus A-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Corpus A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Corpus A-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18921 (Armor Hardener)
98659 Centus A-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Centus A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Centus A-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18923 (Armor Hardener)
98660 Corpus A-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Corpus A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Corpus A-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18925 (Armor Hardener)
98661 Centus A-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Centus A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Centus A-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18927 (Armor Hardener)
98662 Corpus A-Type Armor EM Hardener Corpus A-Type EM Armor Hardener Corpus A-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18929 (Armor Hardener)
98663 Centus A-Type Armor EM Hardener Centus A-Type EM Armor Hardener Centus A-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18931 (Armor Hardener)
98664 Corpus X-Type Armor EM Hardener Corpus X-Type EM Armor Hardener Corpus X-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18933 (Armor Hardener)
98665 Centus X-Type Armor EM Hardener Centus X-Type EM Armor Hardener Centus X-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18935 (Armor Hardener)
98666 Corpus X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Corpus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Corpus X-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18937 (Armor Hardener)
98667 Centus X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Centus X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Centus X-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18939 (Armor Hardener)
98668 Corpus X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Corpus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Corpus X-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18941 (Armor Hardener)
98669 Centus X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Centus X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Centus X-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18943 (Armor Hardener)
98670 Corpus X-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Corpus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Corpus X-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18945 (Armor Hardener)
98671 Centus X-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Centus X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Centus X-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18947 (Armor Hardener)
98672 Core C-Type Armor EM Hardener Core C-Type EM Armor Hardener Core C-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18949 (Armor Hardener)
98673 Core C-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Core C-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Core C-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18951 (Armor Hardener)
98674 Core C-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Core C-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Core C-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18953 (Armor Hardener)
98675 Core C-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Core C-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Core C-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18955 (Armor Hardener)
98676 Core B-Type Armor EM Hardener Core B-Type EM Armor Hardener Core B-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18957 (Armor Hardener)
98677 Core B-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Core B-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Core B-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18959 (Armor Hardener)
98678 Core B-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Core B-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Core B-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18961 (Armor Hardener)
98679 Core B-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Core B-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Core B-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18963 (Armor Hardener)
98680 Core A-Type Armor EM Hardener Core A-Type EM Armor Hardener Core A-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18965 (Armor Hardener)
98681 Core A-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Core A-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Core A-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18967 (Armor Hardener)
98682 Core A-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Core A-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Core A-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18969 (Armor Hardener)
98683 Core A-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Core A-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Core A-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18971 (Armor Hardener)
98684 Core X-Type Armor EM Hardener Core X-Type EM Armor Hardener Core X-Type EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 18973 (Armor Hardener)
98685 Core X-Type Armor Explosive Hardener Core X-Type Explosive Armor Hardener Core X-Type Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18975 (Armor Hardener)
98686 Core X-Type Armor Kinetic Hardener Core X-Type Kinetic Armor Hardener Core X-Type Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18977 (Armor Hardener)
98687 Core X-Type Armor Thermal Hardener Core X-Type Thermal Armor Hardener Core X-Type Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 18979 (Armor Hardener)
100432 Khanid Navy Armor EM Hardener Khanid Navy EM Armor Hardener Khanid Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 28522 (Armor Hardener)
100433 Khanid Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Khanid Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Khanid Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 28524 (Armor Hardener)
100434 Khanid Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Khanid Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Khanid Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 28526 (Armor Hardener)
100435 Khanid Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Khanid Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Khanid Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 28528 (Armor Hardener)
100689 Compact Anti-EM Shield Hardener Compact EM Shield Hardener Compact Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9622 (Shield Hardener)
100690 Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener I Kinetic Shield Hardener I Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2291 (Shield Hardener)
100691 Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener II Kinetic Shield Hardener II Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2299 (Shield Hardener)
100692 Caldari Navy Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Kinetic Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 17495 (Shield Hardener)
100693 Caldari Navy Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Explosive Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 17496 (Shield Hardener)
100694 Caldari Navy Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Thermal Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 17497 (Shield Hardener)
100695 Caldari Navy Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Multispectrum Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 17498 (Shield Hardener)
100696 Caldari Navy Anti-EM Shield Hardener Caldari Navy EM Shield Hardener Caldari Navy Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 17499 (Shield Hardener)
100697 Compact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Compact Thermal Shield Hardener Compact Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9660 (Shield Hardener)
100698 Domination Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Domination Kinetic Shield Hardener Domination Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13997 (Shield Hardener)
100699 Domination Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Domination Explosive Shield Hardener Domination Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13996 (Shield Hardener)
100700 Domination Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Domination Thermal Shield Hardener Domination Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13995 (Shield Hardener)
100701 Domination Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Domination Multispectrum Shield Hardener Domination Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13998 (Shield Hardener)
100702 Domination Anti-EM Shield Hardener Domination EM Shield Hardener Domination Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13994 (Shield Hardener)
100703 Dread Guristas Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Kinetic Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13968 (Shield Hardener)
100704 Dread Guristas Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Explosive Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13967 (Shield Hardener)
100705 Dread Guristas Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Thermal Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13966 (Shield Hardener)
100706 Dread Guristas Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Multispectrum Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13969 (Shield Hardener)
100707 Dread Guristas Anti-EM Shield Hardener Dread Guristas EM Shield Hardener Dread Guristas Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 13965 (Shield Hardener)
100708 Estamel's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14751 (Shield Hardener)
100709 Estamel's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14759 (Shield Hardener)
100710 Estamel's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14763 (Shield Hardener)
100711 Estamel's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14767 (Shield Hardener)
100712 Estamel's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified EM Shield Hardener Estamel's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14755 (Shield Hardener)
100713 Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener I Explosive Shield Hardener I Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2289 (Shield Hardener)
100714 Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener II Explosive Shield Hardener II Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2297 (Shield Hardener)
100715 Compact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Compact Explosive Shield Hardener Compact Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9646 (Shield Hardener)
100716 Gist A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19273 (Shield Hardener)
100717 Gist A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19275 (Shield Hardener)
100718 Gist A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19277 (Shield Hardener)
100719 Gist A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist A-Type EM Shield Hardener Gist A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19279 (Shield Hardener)
100720 Gist B-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19271 (Shield Hardener)
100721 Gist B-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19269 (Shield Hardener)
100722 Gist B-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19267 (Shield Hardener)
100723 Gist B-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist B-Type EM Shield Hardener Gist B-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19265 (Shield Hardener)
100724 Gist C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19257 (Shield Hardener)
100725 Gist C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19259 (Shield Hardener)
100726 Gist C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19261 (Shield Hardener)
100727 Gist C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist C-Type EM Shield Hardener Gist C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19263 (Shield Hardener)
100728 Gist X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19287 (Shield Hardener)
100729 Gist X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19285 (Shield Hardener)
100730 Gist X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19283 (Shield Hardener)
100731 Gist X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Gist X-Type EM Shield Hardener Gist X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19281 (Shield Hardener)
100732 Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener I Thermal Shield Hardener I Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2295 (Shield Hardener)
100733 Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener II Thermal Shield Hardener II Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2303 (Shield Hardener)
100734 Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener I Multispectrum Shield Hardener I Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener I Item name for typeID 578 (Shield Hardener)
100735 Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2281 (Shield Hardener)
100736 Kaikka's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14748 (Shield Hardener)
100737 Kaikka's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14756 (Shield Hardener)
100738 Kaikka's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14760 (Shield Hardener)
100739 Kaikka's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14764 (Shield Hardener)
100740 Kaikka's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified EM Shield Hardener Kaikka's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14752 (Shield Hardener)
100743 Compact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Compact Kinetic Shield Hardener Compact Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9608 (Shield Hardener)
100744 Anti-EM Shield Hardener I EM Shield Hardener I Anti-EM Shield Hardener I Item name for typeID 2293 (Shield Hardener)
100745 Anti-EM Shield Hardener II EM Shield Hardener II Anti-EM Shield Hardener II Item name for typeID 2301 (Shield Hardener)
100746 Pith A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19274 (Shield Hardener)
100747 Pith A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19276 (Shield Hardener)
100748 Pith A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19278 (Shield Hardener)
100749 Pith A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith A-Type EM Shield Hardener Pith A-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19280 (Shield Hardener)
100750 Pith B-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19272 (Shield Hardener)
100751 Pith B-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19270 (Shield Hardener)
100752 Pith B-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19268 (Shield Hardener)
100753 Pith B-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith B-Type EM Shield Hardener Pith B-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19266 (Shield Hardener)
100754 Pith C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19258 (Shield Hardener)
100755 Pith C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19260 (Shield Hardener)
100756 Pith C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19262 (Shield Hardener)
100757 Pith C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith C-Type EM Shield Hardener Pith C-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19264 (Shield Hardener)
100758 Pith X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19288 (Shield Hardener)
100759 Pith X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Explosive Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19286 (Shield Hardener)
100760 Pith X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19284 (Shield Hardener)
100761 Pith X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Pith X-Type EM Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 19282 (Shield Hardener)
100763 Thon's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14749 (Shield Hardener)
100764 Thon's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14757 (Shield Hardener)
100765 Thon's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14761 (Shield Hardener)
100766 Thon's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14765 (Shield Hardener)
100767 Thon's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Thon's Modified EM Shield Hardener Thon's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14753 (Shield Hardener)
100768 Vepas's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Kinetic Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14750 (Shield Hardener)
100769 Vepas's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Explosive Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14758 (Shield Hardener)
100770 Vepas's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Thermal Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14762 (Shield Hardener)
100771 Vepas's Modified Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Multispectrum Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14766 (Shield Hardener)
100772 Vepas's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified EM Shield Hardener Vepas's Modified Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 14754 (Shield Hardener)
100773 Compact Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Compact Multispectrum Shield Hardener Compact Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 9632 (Shield Hardener)
100840 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener 'Nugget' Kinetic Shield Hardener 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 20633 (Shield Hardener)
100841 'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener 'Poacher' EM Shield Hardener 'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 20639 (Shield Hardener)
100842 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener 'Posse' Multispectrum Shield Hardener 'Posse' Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 20637 (Shield Hardener)
100843 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener 'Snake Eyes' Explosive Shield Hardener 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 20641 (Shield Hardener)
101142 Civilian Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Civilian Thermal Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 30342 (Shield Hardener)
101143 Civilian Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Thermal Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 30343 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101144 Civilian Anti-EM Shield Hardener Civilian EM Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 30420 (Shield Hardener)
101145 Civilian Anti-EM Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian EM Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Anti-EM Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 30421 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101146 Civilian Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Civilian Explosive Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 30422 (Shield Hardener)
101147 Civilian Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Explosive Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 30423 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101148 Civilian Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Civilian Kinetic Shield Hardener Civilian Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 30424 (Shield Hardener)
101149 Civilian Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Kinetic Shield Hardener Blueprint Civilian Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 30425 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101907 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Desert Heat' Thermal Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 20636 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101908 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Nugget' Kinetic Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Nugget' Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 20634 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101909 'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Poacher' EM Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Poacher' Anti-EM Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 20640 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101910 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Snake Eyes' Explosive Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Snake Eyes' Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 20642 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101911 'Posse' Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Posse' Multispectrum Shield Hardener Blueprint 'Posse' Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 20638 (Shield Hardener Blueprint)
101947 Small Anti-EM Pump I Small EM Armor Reinforcer I Small Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 30997 (Rig Armor)
101948 Small Anti-EM Pump I Blueprint Small EM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 30998 (Rig Blueprint)
101949 Medium Anti-EM Pump I Medium EM Armor Reinforcer I Medium Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 30999 (Rig Armor)
101950 Medium Anti-EM Pump I Blueprint Medium EM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31000 (Rig Blueprint)
101951 Capital Anti-EM Pump I Capital EM Armor Reinforcer I Capital Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31001 (Rig Armor)
101952 Capital Anti-EM Pump I Blueprint Capital EM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31002 (Rig Blueprint)
101953 Large Anti-EM Pump I Blueprint Large EM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 25737 (Rig Blueprint)
101954 Small Anti-EM Pump II Small EM Armor Reinforcer II Small Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31003 (Rig Armor)
101955 Small Anti-EM Pump II Blueprint Small EM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31004 (Rig Blueprint)
101956 Medium Anti-EM Pump II Medium EM Armor Reinforcer II Medium Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31005 (Rig Armor)
101957 Medium Anti-EM Pump II Blueprint Medium EM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31006 (Rig Blueprint)
101958 Capital Anti-EM Pump II Capital EM Armor Reinforcer II Capital Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31007 (Rig Armor)
101959 Capital Anti-EM Pump II Blueprint Capital EM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31008 (Rig Blueprint)
101960 Large Anti-EM Pump II Blueprint Large EM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26287 (Rig Blueprint)
101961 Small Anti-Explosive Pump I Small Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Small Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31009 (Rig Armor)
101962 Small Anti-Explosive Pump I Blueprint Small Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31010 (Rig Blueprint)
101963 Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31011 (Rig Armor)
101964 Medium Anti-Explosive Pump I Blueprint Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31012 (Rig Blueprint)
101965 Capital Anti-Explosive Pump I Capital Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Capital Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31013 (Rig Armor)
101966 Capital Anti-Explosive Pump I Blueprint Capital Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31014 (Rig Blueprint)
101967 Large Anti-Explosive Pump I Blueprint Large Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 25889 (Rig Blueprint)
101968 Small Anti-Explosive Pump II Small Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Small Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31015 (Rig Armor)
101969 Small Anti-Explosive Pump II Blueprint Small Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31016 (Rig Blueprint)
101970 Medium Anti-Explosive Pump II Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Medium Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31017 (Rig Armor)
101971 Medium Anti-Explosive Pump II Blueprint Medium Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31018 (Rig Blueprint)
101972 Capital Anti-Explosive Pump II Capital Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Capital Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31019 (Rig Armor)
101973 Capital Anti-Explosive Pump II Blueprint Capital Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31020 (Rig Blueprint)
101974 Large Anti-Explosive Pump II Blueprint Large Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26289 (Rig Blueprint)
101975 Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I Small Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Small Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31021 (Rig Armor)
101976 Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I Blueprint Small Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31022 (Rig Blueprint)
101977 Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump I Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31023 (Rig Armor)
101978 Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump I Blueprint Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31024 (Rig Blueprint)
101979 Capital Anti-Kinetic Pump I Capital Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Capital Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31025 (Rig Armor)
101980 Capital Anti-Kinetic Pump I Blueprint Capital Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31026 (Rig Blueprint)
101981 Large Anti-Kinetic Pump I Blueprint Large Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 25891 (Rig Blueprint)
101982 Small Anti-Kinetic Pump II Small Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Small Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31027 (Rig Armor)
101983 Small Anti-Kinetic Pump II Blueprint Small Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31028 (Rig Blueprint)
101984 Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump II Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Medium Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31029 (Rig Armor)
101985 Medium Anti-Kinetic Pump II Blueprint Medium Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31030 (Rig Blueprint)
101986 Capital Anti-Kinetic Pump II Capital Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Capital Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31031 (Rig Armor)
101987 Capital Anti-Kinetic Pump II Blueprint Capital Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31032 (Rig Blueprint)
101988 Large Anti-Kinetic Pump II Blueprint Large Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26291 (Rig Blueprint)
101989 Small Anti-Thermal Pump I Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Small Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31033 (Rig Armor)
101990 Small Anti-Thermal Pump I Blueprint Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31034 (Rig Blueprint)
101991 Medium Anti-Thermal Pump I Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31035 (Rig Armor)
101992 Medium Anti-Thermal Pump I Blueprint Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31036 (Rig Blueprint)
101993 Capital Anti-Thermal Pump I Capital Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Capital Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31037 (Rig Armor)
101994 Capital Anti-Thermal Pump I Blueprint Capital Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31038 (Rig Blueprint)
101995 Large Anti-Thermal Pump I Blueprint Large Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 25893 (Rig Blueprint)
101996 Small Anti-Thermal Pump II Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Small Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31039 (Rig Armor)
101997 Small Anti-Thermal Pump II Blueprint Small Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31040 (Rig Blueprint)
101998 Medium Anti-Thermal Pump II Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Medium Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31041 (Rig Armor)
101999 Medium Anti-Thermal Pump II Blueprint Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31042 (Rig Blueprint)
102000 Capital Anti-Thermal Pump II Capital Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Capital Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31043 (Rig Armor)
102001 Capital Anti-Thermal Pump II Blueprint Capital Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31044 (Rig Blueprint)
102002 Large Anti-Thermal Pump II Blueprint Large Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26293 (Rig Blueprint)
102766 Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Small EM Shield Reinforcer I Small Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31716 (Rig Shield)
102767 Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Small EM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31717 (Rig Blueprint)
102768 Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I Medium Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31718 (Rig Shield)
102769 Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium EM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31719 (Rig Blueprint)
102770 Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Capital EM Shield Reinforcer I Capital Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31720 (Rig Shield)
102771 Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital EM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31721 (Rig Blueprint)
102772 Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Large EM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 26077 (Rig Blueprint)
102773 Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Small EM Shield Reinforcer II Small Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31722 (Rig Shield)
102774 Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Small EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31723 (Rig Blueprint)
102775 Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II Medium Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31724 (Rig Shield)
102776 Medium Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31725 (Rig Blueprint)
102777 Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Capital EM Shield Reinforcer II Capital Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31726 (Rig Shield)
102778 Capital Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31727 (Rig Blueprint)
102779 Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Large EM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26437 (Rig Blueprint)
102780 Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Small Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Small Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31728 (Rig Shield)
102781 Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31729 (Rig Blueprint)
102782 Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Medium Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31730 (Rig Shield)
102783 Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31731 (Rig Blueprint)
102784 Capital Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Capital Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Capital Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31732 (Rig Shield)
102785 Capital Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31733 (Rig Blueprint)
102786 Large Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 26079 (Rig Blueprint)
102787 Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Small Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Small Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31734 (Rig Shield)
102788 Small Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31735 (Rig Blueprint)
102789 Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Medium Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Medium Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31736 (Rig Shield)
102790 Medium Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31737 (Rig Blueprint)
102791 Capital Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Capital Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Capital Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31738 (Rig Shield)
102792 Capital Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31739 (Rig Blueprint)
102793 Large Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26439 (Rig Blueprint)
102794 Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Small Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Small Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31740 (Rig Shield)
102795 Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31741 (Rig Blueprint)
102796 Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31742 (Rig Shield)
102797 Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31743 (Rig Blueprint)
102798 Capital Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Capital Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Capital Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31744 (Rig Shield)
102799 Capital Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31745 (Rig Blueprint)
102800 Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 26081 (Rig Blueprint)
102801 Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Small Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Small Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31746 (Rig Shield)
102802 Small Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31747 (Rig Blueprint)
102803 Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Medium Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31748 (Rig Shield)
102804 Medium Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31749 (Rig Blueprint)
102805 Capital Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Capital Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Capital Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31750 (Rig Shield)
102806 Capital Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31751 (Rig Blueprint)
102807 Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26441 (Rig Blueprint)
102808 Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Small Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31752 (Rig Shield)
102809 Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Small Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31753 (Rig Blueprint)
102810 Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Medium Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31754 (Rig Shield)
102811 Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Medium Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31755 (Rig Blueprint)
102812 Capital Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Capital Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Capital Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 31756 (Rig Shield)
102813 Capital Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Capital Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 31757 (Rig Blueprint)
102814 Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Blueprint Large Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Blueprint Item name for typeID 26083 (Rig Blueprint)
102815 Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Small Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31758 (Rig Shield)
102816 Small Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Small Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31759 (Rig Blueprint)
102817 Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Medium Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31760 (Rig Shield)
102818 Medium Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Medium Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31761 (Rig Blueprint)
102819 Capital Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Capital Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Capital Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 31762 (Rig Shield)
102820 Capital Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Capital Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 31763 (Rig Blueprint)
102821 Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Blueprint Large Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Blueprint Item name for typeID 26443 (Rig Blueprint)
103000 Large Anti-EM Pump I Large EM Armor Reinforcer I Large Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 25736 (Rig Armor)
103001 Large Anti-EM Pump II Large EM Armor Reinforcer II Large Anti-EM PumpEM Armor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26286 (Rig Armor)
103002 Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I Large EM Shield Reinforcer I Large Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 26076 (Rig Shield)
103003 Large Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer II Large EM Shield Reinforcer II Large Anti-EM ScreenEM Shield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26436 (Rig Shield)
103004 Large Anti-Explosive Pump I Large Explosive Armor Reinforcer I Large Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 25888 (Rig Armor)
103005 Large Anti-Explosive Pump II Large Explosive Armor Reinforcer II Large Anti-Explosive PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26288 (Rig Armor)
103006 Large Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer I Large Explosive Shield Reinforcer I Large Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 26078 (Rig Shield)
103007 Large Anti-Explosive Screen Reinforcer II Large Explosive Shield Reinforcer II Large Anti-Explosive Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26438 (Rig Shield)
103008 Large Anti-Kinetic Pump I Large Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I Large Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 25890 (Rig Armor)
103009 Large Anti-Kinetic Pump II Large Kinetic Armor Reinforcer II Large Anti-Kinetic PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26290 (Rig Armor)
103010 Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I Large Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I Large Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 26080 (Rig Shield)
103011 Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer II Large Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Large Anti-Kinetic Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26440 (Rig Shield)
103012 Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Large Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Large Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 26082 (Rig Shield)
103013 Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer II Large Thermal Shield Reinforcer II Large Anti-Thermal Screenhield Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26442 (Rig Shield)
103014 Large Anti-Thermal Pump I Large Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Large Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer I Item name for typeID 25892 (Rig Armor)
103015 Large Anti-Thermal Pump II Large Thermal Armor Reinforcer II Large Anti-Thermal PumpArmor Reinforcer II Item name for typeID 26292 (Rig Armor)
103253 Ammatar Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy EM Armor Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17503 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103254 Ammatar Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17505 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103255 Ammatar Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17507 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103256 Ammatar Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Ammatar Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17509 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103257 Khanid Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy EM Armor Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 28523 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103258 Khanid Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 28525 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103259 Khanid Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 28527 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103260 Khanid Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Khanid Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 28529 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103261 Republic Fleet Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet EM Armor Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet EM Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15720 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103262 Republic Fleet Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15718 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103263 Republic Fleet Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15716 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103264 Republic Fleet Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Republic Fleet Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15714 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103409 Federation Navy Armor EM Hardener Federation Navy EM Armor Hardener Federation Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 17832 (Armor Hardener)
103410 Federation Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy EM Armor Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17833 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103411 Federation Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Federation Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Federation Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 17834 (Armor Hardener)
103412 Federation Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17835 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103413 Federation Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Federation Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Federation Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 17836 (Armor Hardener)
103414 Federation Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17837 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103415 Federation Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Federation Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Federation Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 17838 (Armor Hardener)
103416 Federation Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Federation Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 17839 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103468 Imperial Navy Armor EM Hardener Imperial Navy EM Armor Hardener Imperial Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Item name for typeID 15711 (Armor Hardener)
103469 Imperial Navy Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy EM Armor Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy EM Armor EM Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15712 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103470 Imperial Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Imperial Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Imperial Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15709 (Armor Hardener)
103471 Imperial Navy Armor Explosive Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy Armor Explosive Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15710 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103472 Imperial Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Imperial Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Imperial Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15707 (Armor Hardener)
103473 Imperial Navy Armor Kinetic Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy Armor Kinetic Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15708 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103474 Imperial Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Imperial Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Imperial Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Item name for typeID 15705 (Armor Hardener)
103475 Imperial Navy Armor Thermal Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Imperial Navy Armor Thermal Armor Hardener Blueprint Item name for typeID 15706 (Armor Hardener Blueprint)
103636 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener 'Desert Heat' Thermal Shield Hardener 'Desert Heat' Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 20635 (Shield Hardener)
235172 {startFontTag}{[numeric]securityRating, decimalPlaces=1}{endFontTag} {locationName, linkinfo=linkdata} {securityWarning} {startFontTag}{[numeric]securityRating, decimalPlaces=1}{endFontTag}{image} {locationName, linkinfo=linkdata} {securityWarning} {startFontTag}{[numeric]securityRating, decimalPlaces=1}{endFontTag}{image}&nbsp;{locationName, linkinfo=linkdata} {securityWarning} UI/Agents/LocationWrapper
259932 The destination system is {[numeric]ss, decimalPlaces=1} security status. This is extremely dangerous and CONCORD police can not guarantee your safety there. Do you want to proceed? The destination system has a security response level of {[numeric]ss, decimalPlaces=1}. This is extremely dangerous and CONCORD police can not guarantee your safety there. Do you want to proceed? The destination system ishas a security response level of {[numeric]ss, decimalPlaces=1} security status. This is extremely dangerous and CONCORD police can not guarantee your safety there. Do you want to proceed? UI/Messages/ConfirmJumpToUnsafeSSBody
265005 Gistum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Gistum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Gistum C-Type Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 2050 (Shield Hardener)
265007 Gistum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Gistum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Gistum B-Type Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 4345 (Shield Hardener)
265009 Gistum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Gistum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Gistum A-Type Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 4346 (Shield Hardener)
265011 Pithum A-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Pithum A-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Pithum A-Type Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 4347 (Shield Hardener)
265013 Pithum B-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Pithum B-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Pithum B-Type Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 4348 (Shield Hardener)
265015 Pithum C-Type Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Pithum C-Type Multispectrum Shield Hardener Pithum C-Type Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 4349 (Shield Hardener)
305660 Federation Navy Comet Police SKIN Federation Navy Comet Federal Police SKIN Federation Navy Comet Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 34718 (Permanent SKIN)
305807 Megathron Police SKIN Megathron Federal Police SKIN Megathron Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 34802 (Permanent SKIN)
305831 Kronos Police SKIN Kronos Federal Police SKIN Kronos Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 34817 (Permanent SKIN)
505362 Police Federal Police Federal Police UI/Skins/Materials/police
531218 Hour (+- 2 hrs): Hour (+- 3 hrs): Hour (+- 23 hrs): UI/Structures/ReinforcementHour
545137 Vexor Police SKIN Vexor Federal Police SKIN Vexor Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 50002 (Permanent SKIN)
545138 Ishtar Police SKIN Ishtar Federal Police SKIN Ishtar Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 50003 (Permanent SKIN)
545139 Nyx Police SKIN Nyx Federal Police SKIN Nyx Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 50004 (Permanent SKIN)
549114 Scout Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Triglavian Easy Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) ScoutTriglavian Easy Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
550291 Thorax Police SKIN Thorax Federal Police SKIN Thorax Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 52435 (Permanent SKIN)
550292 Brutix Police SKIN Brutix Federal Police SKIN Brutix Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 52436 (Permanent SKIN)
550293 Brutix Navy Issue Police SKIN Brutix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN Brutix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 52437 (Permanent SKIN)
550294 Hyperion Police SKIN Hyperion Federal Police SKIN Hyperion Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 52438 (Permanent SKIN)
550295 Ninazu Police SKIN Ninazu Federal Police SKIN Ninazu Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 52439 (Permanent SKIN)
550296 Erebus Police SKIN Erebus Federal Police SKIN Erebus Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 52440 (Permanent SKIN)
551301 Starving Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Starving Damavik Starving RaznaborRaznaborg Starving Damavik Item name for typeID 52646 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551302 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Starving Damavik" (typeID 52646)
551303 Renewing Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Renewing Damavik Renewing Raznaboraznaborg Renewing Damavik Item name for typeID 52647 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551304 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capability.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capability.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Renewing Damavik" (typeID 52647)
551305 Blinding Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Blinding Damavik Blinding RaznaborRaznaborg Blinding Damavik Item name for typeID 52648 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551306 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is i
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than othe gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavikr Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Blinding Damavik" (typeID 52648)
551335 Anchoring Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Anchoring Damavik Anchoring RaznaborRaznaborg Anchoring Damavik Item name for typeID 52650 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551336 Anchoring Raznaborg Kikimora Raznaborg Anchoring Kikimora Anchoring RaznaborRaznaborg Anchoring Kikimora Item name for typeID 52651 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551337 Ghosting Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Ghosting Damavik Ghosting RaznaborRaznaborg Ghosting Damavik Item name for typeID 52652 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551338 Blinding Raznaborg Kikimora Raznaborg Blinding Kikimora Blinding RaznaborRaznaborg Blinding Kikimora Item name for typeID 52653 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551339 Tangling Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Tangling Damavik Tangling RaznaborRaznaborg Tangling Damavik Item name for typeID 52654 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551340 Tangling Raznaborg Kikimora Tangling Strike Kikimora Tangling RaznaborgStrike Kikimora Item name for typeID 52655 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551341 Harrowing Raznaborg Damavik Raznaborg Harrowing Damavik Harrowing RaznaborRaznaborg Harrowing Damavik Item name for typeID 52656 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551342 Harrowing Raznaborg Kikimora Raznaborg Harrowing Kikimora Harrowing RaznaborRaznaborg Harrowing Kikimora Item name for typeID 52657 (Invading Precursor Entities)
551805 Triglavian Stellar Accelerator Wreck Triglavian Stellar Observatory Wreck Triglavian Stellar AccelObservatory Wreck Item name for typeID 52784 (Wreck)
552057 This Triglavian installation appears to be manipulating the local spatio-temporal topology of the system's central star in order to use it as a vast ultra high-energy particle accelerator, causing numerous strange effects across the entire star system. The structure itself is functioning as the control nexus for whatever bizarre experiment is being carried out by the Triglavian Collective around the star.

Once fully operational, and manipulating local space-time, the installation's operations will cause ripples of spatio-temporal distortion to spread out from the central star. Consequent effects that will be experienced in the system include:

Increase in turret tracking speed by 15%

Increase in missile explosion velocity by 15%

Increase in mining speed by 10%

Decrease in warp speed by 30%

Quantum interactions similar to Triglavian space-time filament and conduit technology have been detected, and it is possible that the Collective are engaged in an effort to "weave" the star's gravity well into their conduit network. The prospect of the Triglavians incorporating the system into their domains cannot be ruled out and merits forceful counter-action by New Eden's defenders.
This Triglavian installation appears to be manipulating the local spatio-temporal topology of the system's central star in order to use it as a vast ultra high-energy particle accelerator, causing numerous strange effects across the entire star system. The structure itself is functioning as the control nexus for whatever bizarre experiment is being carried out by the Triglavian Collective around the star.

Once fully operational, and manipulating local space-time, the installation's operations will cause ripples of spatio-temporal distortion to spread out from the central star. Consequent effects that will be experienced in the system include:

Increase in turret tracking speed by 15%

Increase in missile explosion velocity by 15%

Increase in mining speed by 10%

Decrease in warp speed by 30%

Quantum interactions similar to Triglavian space-time filament and conduit technology have been detected, and it is possible that the Collective are engaged in an effort to "weave" the star's gravity well into their conduit network. The prospect of the Triglavians incorporating the system into their domains cannot be ruled out and merits forceful counter-action by New Eden's defenders. (copy)
This Triglavian installation appears to be manipulating the local spatio-temporal topology of the system's central star in order to use it as a vast ultra high-energy particle accelerator, causing numerous strange effects across the entire star system. The structure itself is functioning as the control nexus for whatever bizarre experiment is being carried out by the Triglavian Collective around the star.

Once fully operational, and manipulating local space-time, the installation's operations will cause ripples of spatio-temporal distortion to spread out from the central star. Consequent effects that will be experienced in the system include:

<b>Increase</b> in turret tracking speed by <b>15%</b>

<b>Increase</b> in missile explosion velocity by <b>15%</b>

<b>Increase</b> in mining speed by <b>10%</b>

<b>Decrease</b> in warp speed by <b>30%</b>

Quantum interactions similar to Triglavian space-time filament and conduit technology have been detected, and it is possible that the Collective are engaged in an effort to "weave" the star's gravity well into their conduit network. The prospect of the Triglavians incorporating the system into their domains cannot be ruled out and merits forceful counter-action by New Eden's defenders.
Item description for "Triglavian Stellar Accelerator" (typeID 52693)
552131 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is i
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than othe gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavikr Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Tangling Damavik" (typeID 52654)
552132 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is i
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than othe gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavikr Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Harrowing Damavik" (typeID 52656)
552133 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Ghosting Damavik" (typeID 52652)
552134 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Warp Scrambler and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Warp Scrambler and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is i
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than othe gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavikr Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Anchoring Damavik" (typeID 52650)
552140 EVE/Evetypes/Types/Descriptions/40:552140 EVE/Evetypes/Types/Descriptions/40:552140 Item description for "Raznaborg Kikimora" (typeID 52649)
552141 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painting and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora.
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painting and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Harrowing Kikimora" (typeID 52657)
552143 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora.
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Blinding Kikimora" (typeID 52653)
552144 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Warp Scrambling and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora.
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Warp Scrambling and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Item description for "Raznaborg Anchoring Kikimora" (typeID 52651)
553507 Triglavian Stellar Accelerator Dazh Liminality Locus Triglavian Stellar AcceleratorDazh Liminality Locus Item name for typeID 53292 (Large Collidable Structure)
555553 PLACEHOLDER Just the place for a snark Pohviz Spatial Displacer PLACEHOLDER Just the place for a snarkohviz Spatial Displacer Item name for typeID 53836 (Large Collidable Structure)
"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice,
that alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice;
what I tell you three times is true!"
This Triglavian deployable weapon system operates on essentially the same principle as the Micro Jump Field Generators familiar to capsuleers and other space pilots. The Pohviz Spatial Displacer is principally used to disrupt enemy fleets, apparently using intelligent targeting systems, and is deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Pohviznik". PLACEHOLDER
"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice,
that alone shou
This Triglavian deployable weapon system operates on essentially the same principle as the Micro Jump Field Gencourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice;
what I tell you three times is true!"
erators familiar to capsuleers and other space pilots. The Pohviz Spatial Displacer is principally used to disrupt enemy fleets, apparently using intelligent targeting systems, and is deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Pohviznik".
Item description for "Pohviz Spatial Displacer" (typeID 53836)
555575 PLACEHOLDER That alone should encourage the crew Nemiz Pulse Destructor PLACEHOLDER That alone should encourage the crewNemiz Pulse Destructor Item name for typeID 53838 (Large Collidable Structure)
"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice,
that alone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice;
what I tell you three times is true!"
This Triglavian deployable weapon system is basically a pulsed energy weapon similar to those used by capsuleers, a type of weapon the Triglavians often favor. The Nemiz Pulse Destructor is primarily used to inflict heavy area damage to multiple targets and is deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Nemiznik". PLACEHOLDER
"Just the place for a Snark! I have said it twice,
that al
This Triglavian deployable weapon system is basically a pulsed energy weapone should encourage the crew.
Just the place for a Snark! I
imilar to those used by capsuleers, a type of weapon the Triglavians often favor. The Nemiz Pulse Destructor is primarily used to inflict heave said it thrice;
what I tell you three times is true!"
y area damage to multiple targets and is deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Nemiznik".
Item description for "Nemiz Pulse Destructor" (typeID 53838)
559229 The solar system is under attack, I can't offer you a new mission. The solar system is under attack, I can't offer you a new mission. UI/Agents/DefaultMessages/SecurityClassLowered
560854 Weak Imperial Navy Sentinel Scout Imperial Navy Sentinel WeakScout Imperial Navy Sentinel Item name for typeID 54000 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560855 Weak Imperial Navy Deacon Scout Imperial Navy Deacon WeakScout Imperial Navy Deacon Item name for typeID 54001 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560856 Weak Imperial Navy Crusader Scout Imperial Navy Crusader WeakScout Imperial Navy Crusader Item name for typeID 54002 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560857 Weak Imperial Navy Guardian Scout Imperial Navy Guardian WeakScout Imperial Navy Guardian Item name for typeID 54003 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560858 Weak Imperial Navy Zealot Scout Imperial Navy Zealot WeakScout Imperial Navy Zealot Item name for typeID 54004 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560859 Weak Imperial Navy Pilgrim Scout Imperial Navy Pilgrim WeakScout Imperial Navy Pilgrim Item name for typeID 54005 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560860 Weak Imperial Navy Harbinger Scout Imperial Navy Harbinger WeakScout Imperial Navy Harbinger Item name for typeID 54006 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560861 Weak Imperial Navy Armageddon Scout Imperial Navy Armageddon WeakScout Imperial Navy Armageddon Item name for typeID 54007 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
560862 Weak Imperial Navy Apocalypse Scout Imperial Navy Apocalypse WeakScout Imperial Navy Apocalypse Item name for typeID 54008 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
561211 Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor Item name for typeID 54197 (Large Collidable Structure)
561212 This Triglavian deployable weapon system is functionally equivalent to an energy neutralizer but works on a somewhat different principle to standard neutralizers. While the means of causing energy loss is different, the end result is much the same and the Moroznik Enthalpic Inhibitor is often used to reduce enemy capabilities by special Triglavian units using the designation "Moroznik". This Triglavian deployable weapon system is functionally equivalent to an energy neutralizer but works on a somewhat different principle to standard neutralizers. While the means of causing energy loss is different, the end result is much the same and the Moroznik Enthalpic Inhibitor is often used to reduce enemy capabilities by special Triglavian units using the designation "Moroznik". Item description for "Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor" (typeID 54197)
561214 Weak State Navy Kitsune Weak State Navy Kitsune
561215 Scout State Navy Kitsune Scout State Navy Kitsune Item name for typeID 54027 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561216 Scout State Navy Kirin Scout State Navy Kirin Item name for typeID 54028 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561217 Scout State Navy Raptor Scout State Navy Raptor Item name for typeID 54029 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561218 Scout State Navy Basilisk Scout State Navy Basilisk Item name for typeID 54030 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561219 Scout State Navy Cerberus Scout State Navy Cerberus Item name for typeID 54031 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561220 Scout State Navy Rook Scout State Navy Rook Item name for typeID 54032 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561221 Scout State Navy Drake Scout State Navy Drake Item name for typeID 54033 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561222 Scout State Navy Scorpion Scout State Navy Scorpion Item name for typeID 54034 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561223 Scout State Navy Raven Scout State Navy Raven Item name for typeID 54035 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561224 Elite State Navy Kitsune Elite State Navy Kitsune Item name for typeID 54036 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561225 Elite State Navy Kirin Elite State Navy Kirin Item name for typeID 54037 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561226 Elite State Navy Raptor Elite State Navy Raptor Item name for typeID 54038 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561227 Elite State Navy Basilisk Elite State Navy Basilisk Item name for typeID 54039 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561228 Elite State Navy Cerberus Elite State Navy Cerberus Item name for typeID 54040 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561229 Elite State Navy Rook Elite State Navy Rook Item name for typeID 54041 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561230 Elite State Navy Drake Elite State Navy Drake Item name for typeID 54042 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561231 Elite State Navy Scorpion Elite State Navy Scorpion Item name for typeID 54043 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561232 Elite State Navy Raven Elite State Navy Raven Item name for typeID 54044 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561233 Executive State Navy Kitsune Executive State Navy Kitsune Item name for typeID 54045 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561234 Executive State Navy Kirin Executive State Navy Kirin Item name for typeID 54046 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561235 Executive State Navy Raptor Executive State Navy Raptor Item name for typeID 54047 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561236 Executive State Navy Basilisk Executive State Navy Basilisk Item name for typeID 54048 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561237 Executive State Navy Cerberus Executive State Navy Cerberus Item name for typeID 54049 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561238 Executive State Navy Rook Executive State Navy Rook Item name for typeID 54050 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561239 Executive State Navy Drake Executive State Navy Drake Item name for typeID 54051 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561240 Executive State Navy Scorpion Executive State Navy Scorpion Item name for typeID 54052 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561241 Executive State Navy Raven Executive State Navy Raven Item name for typeID 54053 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
561243 Scout Federal Navy Keres Scout Federal Navy Keres Item name for typeID 54054 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561244 Scout Federal Navy Thalia Scout Federal Navy Thalia Item name for typeID 54055 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561245 Scout Federal Navy Taranis Scout Federal Navy Taranis Item name for typeID 54056 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561246 Scout Federal Navy Oneiros Scout Federal Navy Oneiros Item name for typeID 54057 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561247 Scout Federal Navy Deimos Scout Federal Navy Deimos Item name for typeID 54058 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561248 Scout Federal Navy Lachesis Scout Federal Navy Lachesis Item name for typeID 54059 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561249 Scout Federal Navy Brutix Scout Federal Navy Brutix Item name for typeID 54060 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561250 Scout Federal Navy Dominix Scout Federal Navy Dominix Item name for typeID 54061 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561251 Scout Federal Navy Megathron Scout Federal Navy Megathron Item name for typeID 54062 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561252 Elite Federal Navy Keres Elite Federal Navy Keres Item name for typeID 54063 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561253 Elite Federal Navy Thalia Elite Federal Navy Thalia Item name for typeID 54064 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561254 Elite Federal Navy Taranis Elite Federal Navy Taranis Item name for typeID 54065 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561255 Elite Federal Navy Oneiros Elite Federal Navy Oneiros Item name for typeID 54066 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561256 Elite Federal Navy Deimos Elite Federal Navy Deimos Item name for typeID 54067 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561257 Elite Federal Navy Lachesis Elite Federal Navy Lachesis Item name for typeID 54068 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561258 Elite Federal Navy Brutix Elite Federal Navy Brutix Item name for typeID 54069 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561259 Elite Federal Navy Dominix Elite Federal Navy Dominix Item name for typeID 54070 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561260 Elite Federal Navy Megathron Elite Federal Navy Megathron Item name for typeID 54071 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561261 Presiding Federal Navy Keres Presiding Federal Navy Keres Item name for typeID 54072 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561262 Presiding Federal Navy Thalia Presiding Federal Navy Thalia Item name for typeID 54073 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561263 Presiding Federal Navy Taranis Presiding Federal Navy Taranis Item name for typeID 54074 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561264 Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros Presiding Federal Navy Oneiros Item name for typeID 54075 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561265 Presiding Federal Navy Deimos Presiding Federal Navy Deimos Item name for typeID 54076 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561266 Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis Presiding Federal Navy Lachesis Item name for typeID 54077 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561267 Presiding Federal Navy Brutix Presiding Federal Navy Brutix Item name for typeID 54078 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561268 Presiding Federal Navy Dominix Presiding Federal Navy Dominix Item name for typeID 54079 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561269 Presiding Federal Navy Megathron Presiding Federal Navy Megathron Item name for typeID 54080 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
561270 Scout Republic Fleet Hyena Scout Republic Fleet Hyena Item name for typeID 54081 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561271 Scout Republic Fleet Scalpel Scout Republic Fleet Scalpel Item name for typeID 54082 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561272 Scout Republic Fleet Claw Scout Republic Fleet Claw Item name for typeID 54083 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561273 Scout Republic Fleet Scimitar Scout Republic Fleet Scimitar Item name for typeID 54084 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561274 Scout Republic Fleet Muninn Scout Republic Fleet Muninn Item name for typeID 54085 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561275 Scout Republic Fleet Huginn Scout Republic Fleet Huginn Item name for typeID 54086 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561276 Scout Republic Fleet Hurricane Scout Republic Fleet Hurricane Item name for typeID 54087 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561277 Scout Republic Fleet Typhoon Scout Republic Fleet Typhoon Item name for typeID 54088 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561278 Scout Republic Fleet Tempest Scout Republic Fleet Tempest Item name for typeID 54089 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561279 Elite Republic Fleet Hyena Elite Republic Fleet Hyena Item name for typeID 54090 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561280 Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel Elite Republic Fleet Scalpel Item name for typeID 54091 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561281 Elite Republic Fleet Claw Elite Republic Fleet Claw Item name for typeID 54092 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561282 Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar Elite Republic Fleet Scimitar Item name for typeID 54093 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561283 Elite Republic Fleet Muninn Elite Republic Fleet Muninn Item name for typeID 54094 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561284 Elite Republic Fleet Huginn Elite Republic Fleet Huginn Item name for typeID 54095 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561285 Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane Elite Republic Fleet Hurricane Item name for typeID 54096 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561286 Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon Elite Republic Fleet Typhoon Item name for typeID 54097 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561287 Elite Republic Fleet Tempest Elite Republic Fleet Tempest Item name for typeID 54098 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561288 Chief Republic Fleet Hyena Chief Republic Fleet Hyena Item name for typeID 54099 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561289 Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel Chief Republic Fleet Scalpel Item name for typeID 54100 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561290 Chief Republic Fleet Claw Chief Republic Fleet Claw Item name for typeID 54101 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561291 Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar Chief Republic Fleet Scimitar Item name for typeID 54102 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561292 Chief Republic Fleet Muninn Chief Republic Fleet Muninn Item name for typeID 54103 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561293 Chief Republic Fleet Huginn Chief Republic Fleet Huginn Item name for typeID 54104 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561294 Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane Chief Republic Fleet Hurricane Item name for typeID 54105 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561295 Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon Chief Republic Fleet Typhoon Item name for typeID 54106 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561296 Chief Republic Fleet Tempest Chief Republic Fleet Tempest Item name for typeID 54107 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
561342 Elite Liminal Damavik Elite Liminal Damavik
561343 Hospodar Liminal Damavik Hospodar Liminal Damavik Item name for typeID 54108 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561344 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Liminal Damavik" (typeID 54108)
561345 Hospodar Liminal Vedmak Hospodar Liminal Vedmak Item name for typeID 54109 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561346 A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak (copy)
A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Liminal Vedmak" (typeID 54109)
561347 Liminal Leshak (copy) Liminal Leshak (copy)
561348 A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
561349 Hospodar Liminal Leshak Hospodar Liminal Leshak Item name for typeID 54110 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561350 A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Liminal Leshak" (typeID 54110)
561351 Hospodar Liminal Kikimora Hospodar Liminal Kikimora Item name for typeID 54111 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561352 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Liminal Kikimora" (typeID 54111)
561353 Hospodar Liminal Rodiva Hospodar Liminal Rodiva Item name for typeID 54112 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561354 EVE/Evetypes/Types/Descriptions/54:561354 EVE/Evetypes/Types/Descriptions/54:561354 Item description for "Hospodar Liminal Rodiva" (typeID 54112)
561355 Hospodar Liminal Drekavac Hospodar Liminal Drekavac Item name for typeID 54113 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561356 A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Liminal Drekavac" (typeID 54113)
561357 'Screaming' Dewak Humfry (copy) 'Screaming' Dewak Humfry (copy)
561358 Dewak is a fiercely disciplined tactician. A veteran of Imperial navy battles, he acquired a taste for sadistic oppression during cleanup operations of the 2nd Illinfrik insurgence, and went into business in the private sector. The Pith Guristas use Dewak's prison facilities mainly to eliminate competition and also to extract knowledge from difficult "business" associates. (copy) Dewak is a fiercely disciplined tactician. A veteran of Imperial navy battles, he acquired a taste for sadistic oppression during cleanup operations of the 2nd Illinfrik insurgence, and went into business in the private sector. The Pith Guristas use Dewak's prison facilities mainly to eliminate competition and also to extract knowledge from difficult "business" associates. (copy)
561359 Hospodar Starving Damavik Hospodar Starving Damavik Item name for typeID 54114 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561360 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Starving Damavik" (typeID 54114)
561361 Hospodar Harrowing Damavik Hospodar Harrowing Damavik Item name for typeID 54115 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561362 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Harrowing Damavik" (typeID 54115)
561363 Hospodar Anchoring Damavik Hospodar Anchoring Damavik Item name for typeID 54116 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561364 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Warp Scrambler and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Warp Scrambler and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Anchoring Damavik" (typeID 54116)
561365 Hospodar Renewing Damavik Hospodar Renewing Damavik Item name for typeID 54117 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561366 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capability.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capability.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Renewing Damavik" (typeID 54117)
561367 Hospodar Blinding Damavik Hospodar Blinding Damavik Item name for typeID 54118 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561368 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Blinding Damavik" (typeID 54118)
561369 Hospodar Ghosting Damavik Hospodar Ghosting Damavik Item name for typeID 54119 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561370 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Ghosting Damavik" (typeID 54119)
561371 Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak Item name for typeID 54120 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561372 A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak. (copy)
A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painter and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak. (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Harrowing Vedmak" (typeID 54120)
561373 Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora Item name for typeID 54121 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561374 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painting and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Target Painting and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Harrowing Kikimora" (typeID 54121)
561375 Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora Item name for typeID 54122 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561376 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Warp Scrambling and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Warp Scrambling and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Anchoring Kikimora" (typeID 54122)
561377 Hospodar Renewing Rodiva Hospodar Renewing Rodiva Item name for typeID 54123 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561378 A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant appears to be engineered to make optimal use of it's remote repair capabilities.

By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy)
A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant appears to be engineered to make optimal use of it's remote repair capabilities.

<i>By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Renewing Rodiva" (typeID 54123)
561379 Hospodar Renewing Leshak Hospodar Renewing Leshak Item name for typeID 54124 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561380 A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered specifically towards remote repair capabilities.

<i>Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Renewing Leshak" (typeID 54124)
561381 Hospodar Blinding Leshak Hospodar Blinding Leshak Item name for typeID 54125 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561382 A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Blinding Leshak" (typeID 54125)
561383 Hospodar Blinding Kikimora Hospodar Blinding Kikimora Item name for typeID 54126 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561384 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Sensor Dampener and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Blinding Kikimora" (typeID 54126)
561385 Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac Item name for typeID 54127 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561386 A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Drekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Drekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Tracking/Guidance Disruptor and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Ghosting Drekavac" (typeID 54127)
561387 Hospodar Tangling Damavik Hospodar Tangling Damavik Item name for typeID 54128 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561388 A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
A light craft that is evidently the Triglavian Collective's equivalent of a frigate, the Damavik is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Damavik variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Damavik Subclade of Perun Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 3 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after cladistic glorification over Samovda Subclade. Tactical subrole dispersal is in the gift of strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Damavik (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Tangling Damavik" (typeID 54128)
561389 Hospodar Tangling Kikimora Hospodar Tangling Kikimora Item name for typeID 54129 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561390 A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
A light, long-range combat ship that may be considered the Collective's approach to standoff destroyer designs, the Kikimora is capable of mounting Light Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Kikimora variant appears to be engineered towards the use of Stasis Webifier and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora. (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Tangling Kikimora" (typeID 54129)
561391 Hospodar Starving Drekavac Hospodar Starving Drekavac Item name for typeID 54130 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561392 A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards making use of Energy Neutralizer and Remote Repair modules.

<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Item description for "Hospodar Starving Drekavac" (typeID 54130)
561393 Raznaborg Vedmak Raznaborg Vedmak Item name for typeID 54131 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561394 A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak (copy)
A powerful strike craft that is the Triglavian Collective's conception of a cruiser, the Vedmak is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Vedmak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Vedmak Subclade of Svarog Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 81 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav after cladistic mortification by Dazhbog Subclade. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Vedmak (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Vedmak" (typeID 54131)
561395 Raznaborg Rodiva Raznaborg Rodiva Item name for typeID 54132 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561396 A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant has sacrificed some of its remote repair capability to allow for improved damage application.

By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy)
A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant has sacrificed some of its remote repair capability to allow for improved damage application.

<i>By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Rodiva" (typeID 54132)
561397 Raznaborg Drekavac Raznaborg Drekavac Item name for typeID 54133 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561398 A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
A heavy, intermediate warship that appears to be the Collective's equivalent of a combat battlecruiser, the Drekavac is capable of mounting Heavy Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Dekavac variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Drekavac" (typeID 54133)
561399 Raznaborg Leshak Raznaborg Leshak Item name for typeID 54134 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561400 A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
A very heavy and well-armed warship that is clearly the Collective's frontline battleship, the Leshak is capable of mounting Supratidal Entropic Disintegrators and an array of support weapons. This particular Leshak variant appears to be engineered towards damage application and remote repair capabilities.

<i>Leshak Subclade of Veles Clade scattered the adaptation schema of reverse-time reclaimed adapation schema of 729 tactical troika classification vessel into the cladeflow without proving after Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. Convocations of the Commune Troika have now-time pressure for dispersal to strategic troika.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Leshak (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Leshak" (typeID 54134)
561401 Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak Item name for typeID 54135 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561402 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Blinding Vedmak" (typeID 54135)
561403 Raznaborg Starving Vedmak Raznaborg Starving Vedmak Item name for typeID 54136 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561404 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Starving Vedmak" (typeID 54136)
561405 Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak Item name for typeID 54137 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561406 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Harrowing Vedmak" (typeID 54137)
561407 Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak Item name for typeID 54138 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561408 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Anchoring Vedmak" (typeID 54138)
561409 Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva Item name for typeID 54139 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561410 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Blinding Rodiva" (typeID 54139)
561411 Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva Item name for typeID 54140 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561412 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Renewing Rodiva" (typeID 54140)
561413 Raznaborg Starving Rodiva Raznaborg Starving Rodiva Item name for typeID 54141 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561414 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Starving Rodiva" (typeID 54141)
561415 Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak Item name for typeID 54142 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561416 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Tangling Vedmak" (typeID 54142)
561417 Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva Item name for typeID 54143 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561418 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Harrowing Rodiva" (typeID 54143)
561419 Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac Item name for typeID 54144 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561420 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Anchoring Drekavac" (typeID 54144)
561421 Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac Item name for typeID 54145 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561422 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Blinding Drekavac" (typeID 54145)
561423 Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac Item name for typeID 54146 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561424 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Renewing Drekavac" (typeID 54146)
561425 Raznaborg Starving Drekavac Raznaborg Starving Drekavac Item name for typeID 54147 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561426 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Starving Drekavac" (typeID 54147)
561427 Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac Item name for typeID 54148 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561428 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure. – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.
<i>Drekavac Subclade of Perun Clade relinquished the adaptation schema of reverse-time accepted 243 tactical troika classification cladeship into the proving grounds of Perun Clade on the assent-conjunction of prayer from Gromovi and Samovda Subclades. Evocation of playful communion across repeated-time by tactical troika in sub-15, sub-21 and sub-27 exclaves of repeated conduit loop construct-303 is under now-time pressure.</i> – partial translation of data included recovered design schematics of the Drekavac (copy) (copy)
Item description for "Raznaborg Tangling Drekavac" (typeID 54148)
561429 Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac Item name for typeID 54149 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561430 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Harrowing Drekavac" (typeID 54149)
561431 Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak Item name for typeID 54150 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561432 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Anchoring Leshak" (typeID 54150)
561433 Raznaborg Blinding Leshak Raznaborg Blinding Leshak Item name for typeID 54151 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561434 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Blinding Leshak" (typeID 54151)
561435 Raznaborg Renewing Leshak Raznaborg Renewing Leshak Item name for typeID 54152 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561436 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Renewing Leshak" (typeID 54152)
561437 Raznaborg Starving Leshak Raznaborg Starving Leshak Item name for typeID 54153 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561438 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Starving Leshak" (typeID 54153)
561439 Raznaborg Tangling Leshak Raznaborg Tangling Leshak Item name for typeID 54154 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561440 Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants. Item description for "Raznaborg Tangling Leshak" (typeID 54154)
561441 Zorya's Rodiva Zorya's Rodiva Item name for typeID 54155 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561442 A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant has sacrificed some of its remote repair capability to allow for improved damage application.

By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy) (copy)
A cruiser-sized vessel that is oriented towards remote armor repair and seems to be the Collective's equivalent of a support cruiser, the Rodiva's remote repair systems are considerably enhanced by adaptive armor-repair mutaplasmids that are used as nanite feedstock for its remote repair projectors. This particular Rodiva variant has sacrificed some of its remote repair capability to allow for improved damage application.

<i>By the prayer of Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle, Rodiva Subclade of Veles Clade relinquished the adaptation scheme of now-time accepted 72 tactical troika classification into the cladeflow of Triglav. Strategic troika have advancing-time pressure for adaptation into tactical subroles conforming to now-time accepted noema of cladistic proving by Convocation of Triglav Outside the Struggle.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Rodiva (copy) (copy)
Item description for "Zorya's Rodiva" (typeID 54155)
561444 CONCORD security response and penalty level in this system has increased by {increase} to an effective value of {modifiedStatus}. CONCORD security response and penalty level in this system has increased by {increase} to an effective value of {modifiedStatus}. UI/Map/StarMap/SecurityStatusPositiveModifier
561445 CONCORD security response and penalty level in this system has decreased by {decrease} to an effective value of {modifiedStatus}. CONCORD security response and penalty level in this system has decreased by {decrease} to an effective value of {modifiedStatus}. UI/Map/StarMap/SecurityStatusNegativeModifier
561447 Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor Item name for typeID 54198 (Large Collidable Structure)
561448 This Triglavian deployable weapon system uses a form of multispectral ECM to jam the targeting sensors of enemy ships. The Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor uses a similar suite of techniques to degrade different sensor systems with sufficient noise that target locks become impossible to achieve. A uniquely Triglavian twist is the inclusion of what appear to be propaganda and information warfare elements in the noise, though the effort appears largely moot. These systems are deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Jariloznik". This Triglavian deployable weapon system uses a form of multispectral ECM to jam the targeting sensors of enemy ships. The Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor uses a similar suite of techniques to degrade different sensor systems with sufficient noise that target locks become impossible to achieve. A uniquely Triglavian twist is the inclusion of what appear to be propaganda and information warfare elements in the noise, though the effort appears largely moot. These systems are deployed by special Triglavian units using the designation "Jariloznik". Item description for "Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor" (typeID 54198)
561457 Nemiznik Kikimora Nemiznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54199 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561458 This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Nemiznik Kikimora" (typeID 54199)
561459 Pohviznik Kikimora Pohviznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54200 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561460 This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Pohviznik Kikimora" (typeID 54200)
561461 Moroznik Kikimora Moroznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54201 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561462 This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Moroznik Kikimora" (typeID 54201)
561463 Jariloznik Kikimora Jariloznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54202 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561464 This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Triglavian unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. This is a variant based on standard Triglavian designs and is comparable in combat capability to the majority of invasion force vessels of this class.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Jariloznik Kikimora" (typeID 54202)
561465 Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54203 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561466 This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora" (typeID 54203)
561467 Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54204 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561468 This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Raznaborg Pohviznik Kikimora" (typeID 54204)
561469 Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54205 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561470 This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Raznaborg Moroznik Kikimora" (typeID 54205)
561471 Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54206 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561472 This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Raznaborg scouting unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Raznaborg designation forces are usually dedicated to reconnaissance and surveillance, and are normally weaker in combat than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Raznaborg Jariloznik Kikimora" (typeID 54206)
561473 Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54207 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561474 This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora" (typeID 54207)
561475 Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54208 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561476 This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Hospodar Pohviznik Kikimora" (typeID 54208)
561477 Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54209 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561478 This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Hospodar Moroznik Kikimora" (typeID 54209)
561479 Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54210 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561480 This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This Hospodar designation unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Hospodar forces appear to represent an elite group and are generally more powerful combat vessels of their type than other Triglavian variants.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Hospodar Jariloznik Kikimora" (typeID 54210)
561481 Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54211 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561482 This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Nemiz Pulse Destructor weapons systems in order to degrade enemy formations. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora" (typeID 54211)
561483 Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54212 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561484 This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Pohviz Spatial Displacer weapons systems in order to disrupt enemy formations. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Zorya's Pohviznik Kikimora" (typeID 54212)
561485 Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54213 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561486 This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor weapons systems in order to neutralize enemy vessels. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Zorya's Moroznik Kikimora" (typeID 54213)
561487 Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora Item name for typeID 54214 (Invading Precursor Entities)
561488 This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew. – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
This field command unit is specially adapted to deploy Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor weapons systems in order to jam enemy vessels. Zorya's field command units are very powerful combat ships in their own right, typical of an evident Triglavian doctrine of placing the most powerful among their number in command positions.

<i>Kikimora Subclade of Svarog Clade revised adaptation schema for cladeship of the 9 tactical troika classification has been accepted for imprinting in advancing-time generations after reverse-time reclamation following audience communion with reverse-time proving from ancient noema. Tactical subrole dispersal is subject to suspended-time pressure contingent on proving anew.</i> – partial translation of data included in recovered design schematics of the Kikimora
Item description for "Zorya's Jariloznik Kikimora" (typeID 54214)
561507 Empire Easy Spawner(DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Easy Spawner(DO NOT TRANSLATE)
561508 Empire Base Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Base Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
561509 Empire Elite Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Elite Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
561510 Empire Boss Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Boss Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
561632 Triglavian Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Triglavian Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54234 (Invisible Beacon)
561653 Stellar Fleet Deployment Site Stellar Fleet Deployment Site
561654 Congratulations, pilot. The Triglavian fleet is in full retreat. Congratulations, pilot. The Triglavian fleet is in full retreat.
561655 Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected. Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected.
561656 The Triglavians appear to be concluding their business here. The Triglavians appear to be concluding their business here.
561657 Our sensors report that the Triglavian structure is fully functional, and their fleet is preparing to retreat. Our sensors report that the Triglavian structure is fully functional, and their fleet is preparing to retreat.
561661 War declared by {declaredByName} against {againstName} ending War declared by {declaredByName} against {againstName} ending Notifications/subjWarEndedHqSystemSecurityDrop
561662 The war between {declaredByName} and {againstName} is coming to an end. The war headquarters {warHQ} chosen by {declaredByName} are in a solar system that is no longer fully protected by CONCORD. The war will be declared as being over after approximately 24 hours.

After {[datetime]endDate, date=full, time=short} CONCORD will again respond to any hostilities between those involved with full force.

The war between {declaredByName} and {againstName} is coming to an end. The war headquarters {warHQ} chosen by {declaredByName} are in a solar system that is no longer fully protected by CONCORD. The war will be declared as being over after approximately 24 hours.

After {[datetime]endDate, date=full, time=short} CONCORD will again respond to any hostilities between those involved with full force.

561673 Empire Easy Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Empire Easy Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54251 (Invisible Beacon)
561674 Empire Base Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Empire Base Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54252 (Invisible Beacon)
561675 Empire Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Empire Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54253 (Invisible Beacon)
561676 Empire Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Empire Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54254 (Invisible Beacon)
561722 Triglavian Dungeon Easy/Base Spawner Triglavian Dungeon Easy/Base Spawner Item name for typeID 54258 (Cloud)
561723 Triglavian Dungeon Base/Easy/Elite Spawner Triglavian Dungeon Base/Easy/Elite Spawner Item name for typeID 54259 (Cloud)
561754 Triglavian Emerging Conduit Boss Spawner Triglavian Emerging Conduit Boss Spawner
561755 Triglavian Emerging Conduit Boss Spawner Triglavian Emerging Conduit Boss Spawner Item name for typeID 54265 (Invisible Beacon)
561756 Invisible Behavior Location A Invisible Behavior Location A Item name for typeID 54266 (Cloud)
561757 Invisible Behavior Location B Invisible Behavior Location B Item name for typeID 54267 (Cloud)
561758 Invisible Behavior Location C Invisible Behavior Location C Item name for typeID 54268 (Cloud)
561765 Emerging Conduit Emerging Conduit
561766 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
561767 An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Analysis of Triglavian vessels indicates that Raznaborg variants are present. DED Agents have assessed this conduit as less threatening than the Minor Conduits observed in Invasion systems. An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Analysis of Triglavian vessels indicates that Raznaborg variants are present. DED Agents have assessed this conduit as less threatening than the Minor Conduits observed in Invasion systems.
561768 The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted. The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted.
561769 Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging! Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging!
561770 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
561771 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
561772 Minor Conduit Minor Conduit
561773 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
561774 An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Destroy any Triglavian forces that emerge from the Conduit. An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Destroy any Triglavian forces that emerge from the Conduit.
561775 Sealed Minor Conduit Sealed Minor Conduit
561776 Minor Conduit Minor Conduit
561777 Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging! Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging!
561778 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
561779 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
561780 The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted. The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted.
561781 Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Small Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Small Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54269 (Invisible Beacon)
561782 Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Med Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Med Wave Spawner
561783 Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Boss Spawner Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Boss Spawner
561802 World Ark (Xordazh-class) World Ark (Xordazh-class) Item name for typeID 54274 (Large Collidable Structure)
561803 The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The <i>Xordazh</i>-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Item description for "World Ark (Xordazh-class)" (typeID 54274)
561818 Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Item name for typeID 54283 (Large Collidable Structure)
561829 Enduring Adaptive Invulnerability Shield Hardener Enduring Multispectrum Shield Hardener Enduring Adaptive InvulnerabilityMultispectrum Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54291 (Shield Hardener)
561831 Remaining Quantity Remaining Quantity UI/Market/MarketQuote/RemainingQuantity
561832 Personal Orders Personal Orders UI/Market/Orders/UI/Market/Orders/PersonalOrders
561833 All Orders All Orders UI/Market/Orders/AllOrders
561834 Completed Completed UI/Market/Orders/StatusCompleted
561835 Expired Expired UI/Market/Orders/StatusExpired
561836 Cancelled Cancelled UI/Market/Orders/StatusCancelled
561837 Corporation Corporation UI/Market/Orders/CorporationOrderShort
561838 Personal Personal UI/Market/Orders/PersonalOrderShort
561839 Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener Enduring EM Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-EM Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54292 (Shield Hardener)
561841 Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Enduring Explosive Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-Explosive Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54293 (Shield Hardener)
561843 Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Enduring Kinetic Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-Kinetic Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54294 (Shield Hardener)
561845 Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Enduring Thermal Shield Hardener Enduring Anti-Thermal Shield Hardener Item name for typeID 54295 (Shield Hardener)
561847 Orders History Orders History UI/Market/Orders/MyOrderHistory
561848 Shows the history of orders you have placed on behalf of your corporation Shows the history of orders you have placed on behalf of your corporation UI/Market/Orders/CorpHistoryHint
561849 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 3 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 3 Item name for typeID 54298 (Cloud)
561850 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 2 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 2 Item name for typeID 54297 (Cloud)
561851 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 1 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Wave 1 Item name for typeID 54296 (Cloud)
561931 Missile Launcher Missile Launcher UI/InfoWindow/MissileLauncherHint
561932 Missile Missile UI/InfoWindow/MissileHint
561933 Hybrid Charge Hybrid Charge UI/InfoWindow/HybridAmmoHint
561934 Projectile Ammo Projectile Ammo UI/InfoWindow/ProjectileAmmoHint
561935 Energy Laser Crystal Energy Laser Crystal UI/InfoWindow/EnergyWeaponAmmoHint
561936 Precursor Charge Precursor Charge UI/InfoWindow/PrecursorAmmoHint
561939 Overview Overview UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TabOverview
561940 Test Spawner (Xordazh-class) Test Spawner (Xordazh-class) Item name for typeID 54313 (Large Collidable Structure)
561947 Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Item name for typeID 54314 (Large Collidable Structure)
561948 Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Item name for typeID 54315 (Large Collidable Structure)
561949 Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Dazh Porevitium Transmuter Item name for typeID 54316 (Large Collidable Structure)
561950 Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Boss Spawner Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Boss Spawner Item name for typeID 54317 (Invisible Beacon)
561951 Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Med Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Minor Conduit Med Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54318 (Invisible Beacon)
561957 Empire Basic Cyno Wave Spawner Empire Basic Cyno Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54319 (Invisible Beacon)
561958 Available Available UI/CharacterCreation/InvalidName/Available
561960 Empire Basic Cyno Boss Spawner Empire Basic Cyno Boss Spawner Item name for typeID 54321 (Invisible Beacon)
561962 Empire Basic Cyno Large Wave Spawner Empire Basic Cyno Large Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54324 (Invisible Beacon)
561963 World Ark (Xordazh-class) World Ark (Xordazh-class) Item name for typeID 54325 (Large Collidable Structure)
561964 The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The <i>Xordazh</i>-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Item description for "World Ark (Xordazh-class)" (typeID 54325)
561965 World Ark (Xordazh-class) World Ark (Xordazh-class) Item name for typeID 54326 (Large Collidable Structure)
561966 The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The Xordazh-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
The immense World Ark is the center of operations for the local Triglavian forces in this invasion zone. The vessel appears to function as a mobile base of operations and is speculated to incorporate a Triglavian conduit gate through which additional forces can flow from Abyssal Deadspace to New Eden.

The <i>Xordazh</i>-class World Ark would seem to be easily the match of any vessel known to New Eden and is presumably at least as powerful and hard to destroy as the heaviest military structures. The ship has been observed deploying numerous "field effect subpylons" of a variety of types as part of its defensive network. Approach with extreme caution.
Item description for "World Ark (Xordazh-class)" (typeID 54326)
562009 Imperial Stellar Observatory Imperial Stellar Observatory Item name for typeID 54330 (Destructible Effect Beacon)
562010 This Federal Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Gallente Federation as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Federal forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Gallente territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
This Federal Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Gallente Federation as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Federal forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Gallente territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Item description for "Federal Stellar Observatory" (typeID 54333)
562011 Starter Site - New Version Starter Site - New Version
562012 Amarr Avatar Titan Wreck Amarr Avatar Titan Wreck
562013 Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage
562014 Amarr Research Facility Amarr Research Facility
562015 Amarr Carrier Wreck Amarr Carrier Wreck
562016 Amarr Dreadnought Wreck Amarr Dreadnought Wreck
562017 Amarr Freighter Wreck Amarr Freighter Wreck
562018 Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage
562019 Amarr Force Auxiliary Wreck Amarr Force Auxiliary Wreck
562020 Amarr Freighter Wreck Amarr Freighter Wreck
562021 Amarr Freighter Wreck Amarr Freighter Wreck
562022 Amarr Force Auxiliary Wreck Amarr Force Auxiliary Wreck
562023 Debris Debris
562024 Amarr Freighter Wreck Amarr Freighter Wreck
562025 Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage Amarr Supercarrier Wreckage
562026 Amarr Dreadnought Wreck Amarr Dreadnought Wreck
562027 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562028 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562029 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562030 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562031 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562032 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562033 Amarr Battleship Wreck Amarr Battleship Wreck
562034 Debris Debris
562035 Debris Debris
562036 Debris Debris
562037 Debris Debris
562038 Debris Debris
562039 Debris Debris
562040 Debris Debris
562041 Debris Debris
562042 Debris Debris
562043 Amarr Research Facility Wreck Amarr Research Facility Wreck
562044 Republic Stellar Observatory Republic Stellar Observatory Item name for typeID 54331 (Destructible Effect Beacon)
562045 This Republic Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Minmatar Republic as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Republic forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Minmatar territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
This Republic Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Minmatar Republic as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Republic forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Minmatar territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Item description for "Republic Stellar Observatory" (typeID 54331)
562046 The State Stellar Observatory The State Stellar Observatory Item name for typeID 54332 (Destructible Effect Beacon)
562047 This State Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Caldari State as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. State forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Caldari territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
This State Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Caldari State as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. State forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Caldari territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Item description for "The State Stellar Observatory" (typeID 54332)
562048 Federal Stellar Observatory Federal Stellar Observatory Item name for typeID 54333 (Destructible Effect Beacon)
562049 This Imperial Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Amarr Empire as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Imperial forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Amarr territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
This Imperial Stellar Observatory uses standard technology developed by CONCORD, and is being operated by the Amarr Empire as part of its efforts in support of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Even though EDENCOM co-ordinates the overall defense of stellar systems across the cluster, the core empires are committing their fleets to supporting the defense and fortification efforts. Imperial forces are manning and defending Stellar Observatories across Amarr territory.

The Stellar Observatory is carrying out vital work monitoring the star for signs of Triglavian stellar manipulation and aiding in the formulation of defensive operations in the system. While the Triglavian interest in stars makes the work dangerous, it is vital to the defense of New Eden. EDENCOM and the core empires are dedicating considerable resources and personnel to this effort.
Item description for "Imperial Stellar Observatory" (typeID 54330)
562052 EDENCOM Fortification Orca EDENCOM Fortification Orca Item name for typeID 54335 (Retaliating Amarr Entities)
562053 This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Item description for "EDENCOM Fortification Orca" (typeID 54335)
562054 EDENCOM Fortification Orca EDENCOM Fortification Orca Item name for typeID 54336 (Retaliating Minmatar Entities)
562055 This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Item description for "EDENCOM Fortification Orca" (typeID 54336)
562056 EDENCOM Fortification Orca EDENCOM Fortification Orca Item name for typeID 54337 (Retaliating Caldari Entities)
562057 This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Item description for "EDENCOM Fortification Orca" (typeID 54337)
562058 EDENCOM Fortification Orca EDENCOM Fortification Orca Item name for typeID 54338 (Retaliating Gallente Entities)
562059 This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. This is a heavily-adapted variant of the venerable Orca, an industrial command ship design that EDENCOM has entirely repurposed as a rapid-assembly platform with the assistance of ORE's experienced engineers. The Fortification Orca has been shipped to all core empires in large numbers and is a vital element in the efforts to defend New Eden star systems from the escalating Triglavian invasion. Item description for "EDENCOM Fortification Orca" (typeID 54338)
562092 Observatory Empire Guard Spawner Observatory Empire Guard Spawner Item name for typeID 54343 (Cloud)
562093 Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 1 Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 1 Item name for typeID 54342 (Cloud)
562094 Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 2 Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 2 Item name for typeID 54344 (Cloud)
562095 Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 3 Observatory Empire Wave Spawner 3 Item name for typeID 54345 (Cloud)
562096 Observatory Empire Deployment Spawner Observatory Empire Deployment Spawner Item name for typeID 54346 (Cloud)
562104 Naming constraints:
- 1 to 3 words
- 3 to 37 characters total
- May contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and '
Naming constraints:
- 1 to 3 words
- 3 to 37 characters total
- May contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, - and '
562398 Stellar Reconnaissance Stellar Reconnaissance UI/Invasion/HUD/StageScoutsAndPatrols
562399 First Liminality First Liminality UI/Invasion/HUD/StageTriglavianEstablishment
562400 Final Liminality Final Liminality UI/Invasion/HUD/StageTriglavianVictory
562401 EDENCOM Redoubt EDENCOM Redoubt UI/Invasion/HUD/StageEmpireFortification
562402 EDENCOM Fortress EDENCOM Fortress UI/Invasion/HUD/StageEmpireFortifiedSystem
562403 EDENCOM Bulwark EDENCOM Bulwark UI/Invasion/HUD/StageEmpireFortificationEscalation
562404 Second Liminality Second Liminality UI/Invasion/HUD/StageTriglavianEstablishmentEscalation
562438 Stellar Fleet Deployment Site Stellar Fleet Deployment Site
562439 Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected. Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected.
562440 54359_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Black.png 54359_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Black.png Item name for typeID 54359 (Outer)
562441 54360_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Blue_Tie.png 54360_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Blue_Tie.png Item name for typeID 54360 (Outer)
562442 54361_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_BrownStripes.png 54361_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_BrownStripes.png Item name for typeID 54361 (Outer)
562443 54362_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_GrayDark_Tie.png 54362_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_GrayDark_Tie.png Item name for typeID 54362 (Outer)
562444 54363_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Red.png 54363_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Red.png Item name for typeID 54363 (Outer)
562445 54364_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_White_Tie.png 54364_Female_Outer_JacketCorpBusinessF01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessF01_White_Tie.png Item name for typeID 54364 (Outer)
562456 Stellar Fleet Deployment Site Stellar Fleet Deployment Site
562457 Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected. Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected.
562463 Stellar Fleet Deployment Site Stellar Fleet Deployment Site
562464 Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected. Our sensors detect the presence of Triglavian structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected.
562470 Please tell us why you gave this rating Please tell us why you gave this rating UI/SystemMenu/CsatFeedbackHeader
562471 Send Feedback Send Feedback UI/SystemMenu/CsatFeedbackSend
562477 Write feedback Write feedback UI/SystemMenu/CsatFeedbackWrite
562483 Stellar Fleet Deployment Site Stellar Fleet Deployment Site
562484 Our sensors detect the presence of EDENCOM structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected. Our sensors detect the presence of EDENCOM structural deployment teams. Drive off the guards so that their work may be more closely inspected.
562485 54365_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Black.png 54365_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Black.png Item name for typeID 54365 (Bottoms)
562486 54366_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Blue.png 54366_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Blue.png Item name for typeID 54366 (Bottoms)
562487 54367_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_BrownStripes.png 54367_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_BrownStripes.png Item name for typeID 54367 (Bottoms)
562488 54368_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_GrayDark.png 54368_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_GrayDark.png Item name for typeID 54368 (Bottoms)
562489 54369_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Red.png 54369_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Red.png Item name for typeID 54369 (Bottoms)
562490 54370_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_White.png 54370_Female_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessF01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessF01_White.png Item name for typeID 54370 (Bottoms)
562491 54371_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Black.png 54371_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Black.png Item name for typeID 54371 (Bottoms)
562492 54372_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Blue.png 54372_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Blue.png Item name for typeID 54372 (Bottoms)
562493 54373_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_BrownStripes.png 54373_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_BrownStripes.png Item name for typeID 54373 (Bottoms)
562494 54374_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_GrayDark.png 54374_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_GrayDark.png Item name for typeID 54374 (Bottoms)
562495 54375_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Red.png 54375_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Red.png Item name for typeID 54375 (Bottoms)
562496 54376_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_White.png 54376_Male_bottomOuter_PantsCorpBusinessM01_Types_PantsCorpBusinessM01_White.png Item name for typeID 54376 (Bottoms)
562497 54377_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Black.png 54377_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Black.png Item name for typeID 54377 (Outer)
562498 54378_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Blue_Tie.png 54378_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Blue_Tie.png Item name for typeID 54378 (Outer)
562499 54379_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_BrownStripes.png 54379_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_BrownStripes.png Item name for typeID 54379 (Outer)
562500 54380_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_GreyDark_Tie.png 54380_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_GreyDark_Tie.png Item name for typeID 54380 (Outer)
562502 54382_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_White_Tie.png 54382_Male_outer_JacketCorpBusinessM01_Types_JacketCorpBusinessM01_White_Tie.png Item name for typeID 54382 (Outer)
562503 54383_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_black.png 54383_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_black.png Item name for typeID 54383 (Footwear)
562504 54384_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_brown.png 54384_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_brown.png Item name for typeID 54384 (Footwear)
562505 54385_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_darkbrown.png 54385_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_darkbrown.png Item name for typeID 54385 (Footwear)
562506 54386_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_white.png 54386_Male_Feet_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_Types_ShoesCorpBusinessM01_white.png Item name for typeID 54386 (Footwear)
562507 Stellar Observatory Stellar Observatory
562508 Basic Cyno Basic Cyno
562509 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
562510 An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Analysis of Triglavian vessels indicates that Raznaborg variants are present. DED Agents have assessed this conduit as less threatening than the Minor Conduits observed in Invasion systems. An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Analysis of Triglavian vessels indicates that Raznaborg variants are present. DED Agents have assessed this conduit as less threatening than the Minor Conduits observed in Invasion systems.
562511 The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted. The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted.
562512 Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging! Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging!
562513 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
562514 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
562515 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
562516 Intermediate Cyno Intermediate Cyno
562517 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
562518 An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Destroy any Triglavian forces that emerge from the Conduit. An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Destroy any Triglavian forces that emerge from the Conduit.
562519 Inactive Empire Cynosural Beacon Inactive Empire Cynosural Beacon
562520 Empire Cynosural Beacon Empire Cynosural Beacon
562521 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
562522 Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging! Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging!
562523 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
562524 The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted. The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted.
562525 Empire Intermediate Cyno Wave Spawner Empire Intermediate Cyno Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54388 (Invisible Beacon)
562526 Empire Intermediate Cyno Large Wave Spawner Empire Intermediate Cyno Large Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54389 (Invisible Beacon)
562527 Empire Intermediate Cyno Boss Spawner Empire Intermediate Cyno Boss Spawner Item name for typeID 54390 (Invisible Beacon)
562528 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
562844 Triglavian Invasion Triglavian Invasion UI/Invasion/ChatChannelNameChapterThree
562903 Invisible Beacon Invisible Beacon Group description for group ID 4055
562906 Triglavian Battleship Wreck Triglavian Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 54565 (Wreck)
562907 The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Item description for "Triglavian Battleship Wreck" (typeID 54565)
562908 Triglavian Battleship Wreck Triglavian Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 54566 (Wreck)
562909 The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Item description for "Triglavian Battleship Wreck" (typeID 54566)
562910 Triglavian Battleship Wreck Triglavian Battleship Wreck Item name for typeID 54567 (Wreck)
562911 The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed ship. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Item description for "Triglavian Battleship Wreck" (typeID 54567)
562922 Dazh Koliada Dazh Koliada Item name for typeID 54568 (Invading Precursor Entities)
562923 Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the Koliada class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

Koliada Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for 27 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction of dialectical-prayer on reverse-time accepted schema with Potremba and Stribozha Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the <i>Koliada</i> class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

<i>Koliada Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for 27 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction of dialectical-prayer on reverse-time accepted schema with Potremba and Stribozha Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata.</i> – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Item description for "Dazh Koliada" (typeID 54568)
562924 Dazh Potremba Dazh Potremba Item name for typeID 54569 (Invading Precursor Entities)
562925 Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the Potremba class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

Potremba Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for reverse-time accepted 36 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction on reverse-time accepted schema with Koliada and Stribozha Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the <i>Potremba</i> class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

<i>Potremba Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for reverse-time accepted 36 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction on reverse-time accepted schema with Koliada and Stribozha Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata.</i> – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Item description for "Dazh Potremba" (typeID 54569)
562926 Dazh Stribozha Dazh Stribozha Item name for typeID 54570 (Invading Precursor Entities)
562927 Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the Stribozha class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

Stribozha Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for reverse-time accepted 45 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction on reverse-time accepted schema with with Koliada and Potremba Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Until the appearance of vessels on the pattern of the <i>Stribozha</i> class, Triglavian industrial and logistical operations had normally been observed to be automated or carried out by adapted tactical cladeships. The requirements of the vast industrial effort supporting the latest phase of the Triglavian invasion campaign evidently require dedicated haulers crewed by the inscrutable troikas of the Collective.

<i>Stribozha Subclade of Veles Clade accepted imprinting and operational priority of revised adaptation schema for reverse-time accepted 45 logistical troika classification cladeship following assent-conjunction on reverse-time accepted schema with with Koliada and Potremba Subclades. Logistical subrole dispersal is mandated by proving of Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata.</i> – partial translation of data recovered from wrecked Koliada-class ships.
Item description for "Dazh Stribozha" (typeID 54570)
562928 EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu Item name for typeID 54571 (Large Collidable Structure)
562929 EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu Item name for typeID 54572 (Large Collidable Structure)
562930 EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu Item name for typeID 54573 (Large Collidable Structure)
562931 EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu Item name for typeID 54574 (Large Collidable Structure)
562932 PLACEHOLDER Snark PLACEHOLDER Snark Item name for typeID 54575 (Large Collidable Structure)
562933 Extractive Super-Nexus Extractive Super-Nexus Item name for typeID 54576 (Large Collidable Structure)
562934 Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Item name for typeID 54577 (Destructible Sentry Gun)
562935 A heavy Triglavian defense platform powered by a harnessed singularity and equipped with a formidable array of entropic disintegrators. Destruction of these dangerous Triglavian structures is vital to EDENCOM's efforts in defense of New Eden star systems invaded by the Collective.

Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade conjoin-consents with grounded metaxy of Tactical Troika noemata and prayer-directs logistical subclades to improve reification of adaptation schema for entropic disintegrator werpost. Svarog Clade now-time affirms imperative of advancing-time Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata. – incomplete deciphering of data embedded in targeting processor of a Triglavian Entropic Disintegrator Werpost
A heavy Triglavian defense platform powered by a harnessed singularity and equipped with a formidable array of entropic disintegrators. Destruction of these dangerous Triglavian structures is vital to EDENCOM's efforts in defense of New Eden star systems invaded by the Collective.

<i>Strategic Troika of Svarog Clade conjoin-consents with grounded metaxy of Tactical Troika noemata and prayer-directs logistical subclades to improve reification of adaptation schema for entropic disintegrator werpost. Svarog Clade now-time affirms imperative of advancing-time Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata.</i> – incomplete deciphering of data embedded in targeting processor of a Triglavian Entropic Disintegrator Werpost
Item description for "Entropic Disintegrator Werpost" (typeID 54577)
562936 PLACEDHOLDER Triglavian Defense Platform XL PLACEDHOLDER Triglavian Defense Platform XL Item name for typeID 54578 (Destructible Sentry Gun)
562937 Proximity based sentry gun.

Entering within 10km of this turret will cause it to engage with your ship.
Proximity based sentry gun.

Entering within 10km of this turret will cause it to engage with your ship.
Item description for "PLACEDHOLDER Triglavian Defense Platform XL" (typeID 54578)
562938 EDENCOM GunStar EDENCOM GunStar Item name for typeID 54579 (Destructible Sentry Gun)
562939 Charged by EDENCOM's Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir to develop a potent defense platform to aid in the fortification of New Eden's star systems, the Upwell Consortium collaborated with a number of the core empires' key weapons development corporations and came up with the GunStar.

Heavily shielded and armored, and bristling with enough weapons to rival top-of-the-line battleships, the EDENCOM GunStar will be deployed throughout New Eden to bolster the defenses of systems beleaguered by Triglavian invaders.
Charged by EDENCOM's Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir to develop a potent defense platform to aid in the fortification of New Eden's star systems, the Upwell Consortium collaborated with a number of the core empires' key weapons development corporations and came up with the GunStar.

Heavily shielded and armored, and bristling with enough weapons to rival top-of-the-line battleships, the EDENCOM GunStar will be deployed throughout New Eden to bolster the defenses of systems beleaguered by Triglavian invaders.
Item description for "EDENCOM GunStar" (typeID 54579)
562940 EDENCOM Heavy GunStar EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Item name for typeID 54580 (Destructible Sentry Gun)
562941 Encouraged by the rapid development of the EDENCOM GunStar by Upwell and the empires' major weapons manufacturers, Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir requested an even more potent defense platform with a view to defending against the most powerful vessels in the Triglavian fleets.

The Heavy GunStar was the product of this push and is perhaps the most powerful defense platform ever produced by New Eden's weapons engineers. Equipped with heavy batteries of capital-level weapons, the presence of an EDENCOM Heavy GunStar represents a formidable obstacle to the Triglavian invaders.
Encouraged by the rapid development of the EDENCOM GunStar by Upwell and the empires' major weapons manufacturers, Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir requested an even more potent defense platform with a view to defending against the most powerful vessels in the Triglavian fleets.

The Heavy GunStar was the product of this push and is perhaps the most powerful defense platform ever produced by New Eden's weapons engineers. Equipped with heavy batteries of capital-level weapons, the presence of an EDENCOM Heavy GunStar represents a formidable obstacle to the Triglavian invaders.
Item description for "EDENCOM Heavy GunStar" (typeID 54580)
562943 Triglavian Baseline Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Triglavian Baseline Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54583 (Invisible Beacon)
562944 Triglavian Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Triglavian Elite Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54584 (Invisible Beacon)
562945 Triglavian Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Triglavian Boss Spawner - Triglavian Invasion Phase 3 Item name for typeID 54585 (Invisible Beacon)
563154 Automatically generated effect Automatically generated effect
563155 Automatically generated effect Automatically generated effect
563173 bonus to armor bonus to armor
563174 bonus to energy warfare capacitor drain bonus to energy warfare capacitor drain
563175 bonus to mining speed bonus to mining speed
563176 bonus to shield capacity bonus to shield capacity
563177 bonus to stasis webifier strength bonus to stasis webifier strength
563178 bonus to mining speed bonus to mining speed
563179 bonus to shield capacity bonus to shield capacity
563180 bonus to ECM range bonus to ECM range
563181 bonus to mining speed bonus to mining speed
563182 bonus to armor bonus to armor
563183 bonus to warp scramble strength bonus to warp scramble strength
563184 bonus to mining speed bonus to mining speed
563214 Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER Item name for typeID 54658 (Strip Miner)
563215 PLACEHOLDER PLACEHOLDER Item description for "Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER" (typeID 54658)
563267 Masks Masks UI/Login/CharacterCreation/AssetMenu/ModifierNames/Clothing/Masks
563509 Triglavian Spawner - Autominer Deployment Triglavian Spawner - Autominer Deployment Item name for typeID 54682 (Invisible Beacon)
563511 Triglavian Autominer Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Triglavian Autominer Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563512 Emerging Conduit Emerging Conduit
563513 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
563514 An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Analysis of Triglavian vessels indicates that Raznaborg variants are present. DED Agents have assessed this conduit as less threatening than the Minor Conduits observed in Invasion systems. An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected. Analysis of Triglavian vessels indicates that Raznaborg variants are present. DED Agents have assessed this conduit as less threatening than the Minor Conduits observed in Invasion systems.
563515 The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted. The Conduit is closing, DED authorisation of payment granted.
563516 Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging! Conduit aperture detected, Triglavian vessels emerging!
563517 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
563518 Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit surge detected, incoming Triglavian vessels!
563528 Basic Cyno Basic Cyno
563529 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
563530 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
563531 Triglavian Easy Spawner Triglavian Easy Spawner
563532 Empire Easy Spawner Empire Easy Spawner
563550 Major Conduit - Chapter 3 Major Conduit - Chapter 3
563551 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
563552 An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected in this location. Your objective is to monitor the Conduit and destroy all Triglavian vessels entering New Eden. Failure to stem the flow of enemy forces here will jeopardise your mandated payment from the DED. An incoming Conduit from Abyssal Deadspace has been detected in this location. Your objective is to monitor the Conduit and destroy all Triglavian vessels entering New Eden. Failure to stem the flow of enemy forces here will jeopardise your mandated payment from the DED.
563553 Sealed Major Conduit Sealed Major Conduit
563554 Major Conduit Major Conduit
563555 Well done, you have prevented all Triglavian vessels from proceeding past these Conduits. The DED have authorized your reward. Well done, you have prevented all Triglavian vessels from proceeding past these Conduits. The DED have authorized your reward.
563556 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563557 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563558 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563559 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563560 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563561 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563562 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563563 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563564 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563565 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563566 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563567 A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected! A new conduit is opening! Additional Triglavian vessels detected!
563568 Conduit Aperture detected! Incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit Aperture detected! Incoming Triglavian vessels!
563574 Empire Spawner - Cyno-Jammer Deployment Empire Spawner - Cyno-Jammer Deployment Item name for typeID 54695 (Invisible Beacon)
563575 Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (Low Density) Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (Low Density) Item name for typeID 54696 (Invisible Beacon)
563576 Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (High Density) Triglavian Spawner - Fortification Deployment (High Density) Item name for typeID 54697 (Invisible Beacon)
563577 Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (L) Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (L) Item name for typeID 54698 (Invisible Beacon)
563578 Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (XL) Empire Spawner - Fortification Deployment (XL) Item name for typeID 54699 (Invisible Beacon)
563584 Empire Cyno-Jammer Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Cyno-Jammer Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563585 Triglavian Defense L Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Triglavian Defense L Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563586 Triglavian Defense XL Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Triglavian Defense XL Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563587 Empire Defense L Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Defense L Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563588 Empire Defense XL Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Defense XL Deployment Spawner (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563628 Masks Masks
563629 Masks Masks
563630 Masks Masks Group description for group ID 4057
563637 54714_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_cyan.png 54714_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_cyan.png Item name for typeID 54714 (Masks)
563638 54715_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_blackredsoe.png 54715_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_blackredsoe.png Item name for typeID 54715 (Masks)
563639 54716_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_darkblue.png 54716_Female_Accessories_Masks_Mask_F_Types_Mask_F_darkblue.png Item name for typeID 54716 (Masks)
563641 54718_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_blue.png 54718_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_blue.png Item name for typeID 54718 (Masks)
563642 54719_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_blackredsoe.png 54719_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_blackredsoe.png Item name for typeID 54719 (Masks)
563643 54720_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_darkblue.png 54720_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_darkblue.png Item name for typeID 54720 (Masks)
563644 CD Supplemental Spawner CD Supplemental Spawner Item name for typeID 54721 (Cloud)
563646 Get Skill Points for NPC kills in Abyssal Deadspace until 11 May Get Skill Points for NPC kills in Abyssal Deadspace until 4 May Get Skill Points for NPC kills in Abyssal Deadspace until 114 May Description for new feature "SKILLERS IN THE ABYSS" (2038)
563653 Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Small Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Small Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54726 (Invisible Beacon)
563654 Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Middle Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Middle Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54727 (Invisible Beacon)
563655 Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Final Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Final Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54728 (Invisible Beacon)
563656 Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Side Wave Spawner Invasion Triglavian Major Conduit Side Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54729 (Invisible Beacon)
563658 [ABANDONED] [ABANDONED] UI/Structures/States/Abandoned
563659 Triglavian Autominer Wreck Triglavian Autominer Wreck Item name for typeID 54730 (Wreck)
563660 Triglavian Autominer Wreck Triglavian Autominer Wreck Item description for "Triglavian Autominer Wreck" (typeID 54730)
563669 Major Cyno - Chapter 3 Major Cyno - Chapter 3
563670 Incoming Transmission Incoming Transmission
563671 Foreign Narodnya beacons are activating at Conduit eddies. Extirpate the EDENCOM vessels that surface. Foreign Narodnya beacons are activating at Conduit eddies. Extirpate the EDENCOM vessels that surface.
563672 Inactive Empire Cyno Site Inactive Empire Cyno Site
563673 Major Empire Cynosural Field Major Empire Cynosural Field
563674 Well done, you have prevented all Triglavian vessels from proceeding past these Conduits. The DED have authorized your reward. Well done, you have prevented all Triglavian vessels from proceeding past these Conduits. The DED have authorized your reward.
563675 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563676 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563677 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563678 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563679 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563680 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563681 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563682 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563683 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563684 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563685 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563686 Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Additional Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
563687 Conduit Aperture detected! Incoming Triglavian vessels! Conduit Aperture detected! Incoming Triglavian vessels!
563696 Invasion Empire Major Cyno Small Wave Spawner Invasion Empire Major Cyno Small Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54734 (Invisible Beacon)
563697 Invasion Empire Major Cyno Middle Wave Spawner Invasion Empire Major Cyno Middle Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54735 (Invisible Beacon)
563698 Invasion Empire Major Cyno Final Wave Spawner Invasion Empire Major Cyno Final Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54736 (Invisible Beacon)
563699 Invasion Empire Major Cyno Side Wave Spawner Invasion Empire Major Cyno Side Wave Spawner Item name for typeID 54737 (Invisible Beacon)
563964 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 3 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 3 Item name for typeID 54822 (Invisible Beacon)
563966 Empire Mining Rig Deployment Spawner FINAL (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Mining Rig Deployment Spawner FINAL (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
563970 This faction has been disabled due to high traffic. Please try again later. This faction has been disabled due to high traffic. Please try again later.
563996 54830_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_cyan.png 54830_Male_Accessories_Masks_Mask_M_Types_Mask_M_cyan.png Item name for typeID 54830 (Masks)
564012 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment
564013 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment
564014 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment
564015 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment
564016 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 2 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 2 Item name for typeID 54835 (Invisible Beacon)
564017 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 1 Empire Spawner - Mining Rig Deployment Stage 1 Item name for typeID 54836 (Invisible Beacon)
564018 Empire Mining Rig Deployment Spawner Stage 1 (DO NOT TRANSLATE) Empire Mining Rig Deployment Spawner Stage 1 (DO NOT TRANSLATE)
564033 The CONCORD Security response level in the destination system has been decreased from {[numeric]fromSecurity, decimalPlaces=1} to {[numeric]toSecurity, decimalPlaces=1}. because it is being Invaded. You accept this risk by jumping through this gate. The CONCORD Security response level in the destination system has been decreased from {[numeric]fromSecurity, decimalPlaces=1} to {[numeric]toSecurity, decimalPlaces=1}. because it is being Invaded. You accept this risk by jumping through this gate.
564034 Triglavian Invasion Low Security System Triglavian Invasion Low Security System
564035 Scouts and Patrols Scouts and Patrols UI/Invasion/HUD/TemplateNameScoutsAndPatrols
564036 Triglavian Establishment Triglavian Establishment UI/Invasion/HUD/TemplateNameTriglavianEstablishment
564037 Empire Fortification Empire Fortification UI/Invasion/HUD/TemplateNameEmpireFortification
564038 Triglavian Victory Triglavian Victory UI/Invasion/HUD/TemplateNameTriglavianVictory
564039 Empire Victory Empire Victory UI/Invasion/HUD/TemplateNameEmpireVictory
564040 Confirm jump to solar system undergoing Triglavian Invasion with decreased security class Confirm jump to solar system undergoing Triglavian Invasion with decreased security class UI/SystemMenu/ResetSettings/ResetSuppressMessageSettings/JumpToInvadedSolarSystemConfirmationWithDecreasedSecurityConfirmation
564042 Triglavian Victory Environment Triglavian Victory Environment Item name for typeID 54837 (MassiveEnvironments)
564045 EDENCOM Cynosural Jammer EDENCOM Cynosural Jammer Item name for typeID 54838 (Destructible Effect Beacon)
564115 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
564116 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
564117 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
564118 Empire Cynosural Field Empire Cynosural Field
564141 The Triglavian stellar harvesting and manipulation efforts have reached their peak, and the Triglavian Collective has conquered the system. EDENCOM considers this system lost to the Triglavian Collective and will redeploy defensive efforts to systems that can still be saved. The Triglavian stellar harvesting and manipulation efforts have reached their peak, and the Triglavian Collective has conquered the system. EDENCOM considers this system lost to the Triglavian Collective and will redeploy defensive efforts to systems that can still be saved. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintTriglavianVictory
564142 The presence of Triglavian structures and forces in this system has built up to the point that it constitutes a serious danger to the future of the system. EDENCOM forces will continue to strike against Triglavian targets in this system. The presence of Triglavian structures and forces in this system has built up to the point that it constitutes a serious danger to the future of the system. EDENCOM forces will continue to strike against Triglavian targets in this system. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintTriglavianEstablishment
564143 Scouting forces belonging to both EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective are conducting recon operations focused on the central star of this system but roaming widely across the system. Both sides are seeking to establish stellar observatory structures. Scouting forces belonging to both EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective are conducting recon operations focused on the central star of this system but roaming widely across the system. Both sides are seeking to establish stellar observatory structures. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintScoutsAndPatrols
564144 This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the degree that it serves as a redoubt against Triglavian invasion operations. The Triglavian Collective will continue to strike against EDENCOM targets in this system. This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the degree that it serves as a redoubt against Triglavian invasion operations. The Triglavian Collective will continue to strike against EDENCOM targets in this system. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintEmpireFortification
564145 This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the degree that it serves as a formidable bulwark from which Triglavian invasion operations can be resisted. The Triglavian Collective will continue to strike against EDENCOM targets in this system. This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the degree that it serves as a formidable bulwark from which Triglavian invasion operations can be resisted. The Triglavian Collective will continue to strike against EDENCOM targets in this system. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintEmpireFortificationEscalation
564146 This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the point that it is now an unbreakable fortress that the Triglavians will find far too hard a target to conquer. Ongoing Triglavian invasion efforts will move to more vulnerable targets. This system has been fortified by EDENCOM to the point that it is now an unbreakable fortress that the Triglavians will find far too hard a target to conquer. Ongoing Triglavian invasion efforts will move to more vulnerable targets. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintEmpireFortifiedSystem
564147 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Brutix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 52437)
564148 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Brutix Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 52436)
564149 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Erebus Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 52440)
564150 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Federation Navy Comet Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 34718)
564151 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Hyperion Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 52438)
564152 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Ishtar Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 50003)
564153 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Kronos Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 34817)
564154 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Megathron Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 34802)
564155 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Ninazu Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 52439)
564156 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Nyx Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 50004)
564157 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Thorax Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 52435)
564158 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Vexor Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 50002)
564159 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
564160 Vexor Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN Vexor Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 54900 (Permanent SKIN)
564161 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Vexor Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 54900)
564162 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
564163 Dominix Federal Police SKIN Dominix Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 54901 (Permanent SKIN)
564164 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Dominix Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 54901)
564165 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
564166 Dominix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN Dominix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 54902 (Permanent SKIN)
564167 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Dominix Navy Issue Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 54902)
564168 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
564169 Thanatos Federal Police SKIN Thanatos Federal Police SKIN Item name for typeID 54903 (Permanent SKIN)
564170 The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
The federal Gallente Police Directorate traces its roots back to the original planet-wide police service of the Gallente Union on Luminaire. The Gallente Union Police & Public Safety Service (GUPPSS) was intended to operate as an "all union service", with its officers recruited and trained by the federal government of the Gallente Union. While retaining basic membership of the GUPPSS, and with some serving as federal police, most officers served in distinct units under the political oversight of member states.

The concept broke down as the Gallente Union expanded throughout space and evolved into the modern day Gallente Federation. As outlying systems, planets and colonies chose to wholly organize their own police forces, the "Guppies" were increasingly seen as an anachronism by the heavily-populated and powerful member states of Luminaire.

Ultimately, the homeworld states followed the example of the sovereign polities of the Gallente Federation and set up entirely independent police forces. The Gallente Union Police & Publice Safety Service became the Gallente Police Directorate, and found a new lease of life as a police force operating across Federation space with jurisdiction over federal domains. Detractors of this service still refer to it by the old nickname of "Guppies".
Item description for "Thanatos Federal Police SKIN" (typeID 54903)
564171 The presence of Triglavian structures and forces in this system has built up to the point that it constitutes a major threat of Triglavian conquest of this system. EDENCOM forces will continue to strike against Triglavian targets in this system. The presence of Triglavian structures and forces in this system has built up to the point that it constitutes a major threat of Triglavian conquest of this system. EDENCOM forces will continue to strike against Triglavian targets in this system. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintTriglavianEstablishmentEscalation
564172 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564173 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564174 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564175 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564176 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564177 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564178 Eden's Hunters Eden's Hunters
564179 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564180 Nestor Eden's Hunters SKIN Nestor Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54904 (Permanent SKIN)
564181 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Nestor Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54904)
564182 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564183 Kikimora Eden's Hunters SKIN Kikimora Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54905 (Permanent SKIN)
564184 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Kikimora Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54905)
564185 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564186 Drekavac Eden's Hunters SKIN Drekavac Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54906 (Permanent SKIN)
564187 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Drekavac Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54906)
564188 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564189 Leshak Eden's Hunters SKIN Leshak Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54907 (Permanent SKIN)
564190 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Leshak Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54907)
564191 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564192 Basilisk Eden's Hunters SKIN Basilisk Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54908 (Permanent SKIN)
564193 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Basilisk Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54908)
564194 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564195 Guardian Eden's Hunters SKIN Guardian Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54909 (Permanent SKIN)
564196 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Guardian Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54909)
564197 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564198 Bifrost Eden's Hunters SKIN Bifrost Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54910 (Permanent SKIN)
564199 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Bifrost Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54910)
564200 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564201 Noctis Eden's Hunters SKIN Noctis Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54911 (Permanent SKIN)
564202 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Noctis Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54911)
564203 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders.
564204 Vindicator Eden's Hunters SKIN Vindicator Eden's Hunters SKIN Item name for typeID 54912 (Permanent SKIN)
564205 Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Eager to support and promote the efforts of capsuleers hunting Triglavian structures and vessels, EDENCOM commissioned the design of a unique nanocoating for use on ships piloted by capsuleers aggressively taking the fight to the enemy. The "Eden's Hunters" nanocoating displays clearly the allegiance of capsuleer seek, destroy and salvage teams to the cause of the New Eden Common Defense Initiative. Funds from the sale of this nanocoating will go directly to the New Eden Defense Fund, aiding the struggle against the invaders. Item description for "Vindicator Eden's Hunters SKIN" (typeID 54912)
564206 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564207 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564208 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564209 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564210 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564211 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564212 Kybernaut Clade Kybernaut Clade
564213 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564214 Nestor Kybernaut Clade SKIN Nestor Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54913 (Permanent SKIN)
564215 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Nestor Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54913)
564216 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564217 Kikimora Kybernaut Clade SKIN Kikimora Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54914 (Permanent SKIN)
564218 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Kikimora Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54914)
564219 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564220 Drekavac Kybernaut Clade SKIN Drekavac Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54915 (Permanent SKIN)
564221 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Drekavac Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54915)
564222 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564223 Leshak Kybernaut Clade SKIN Leshak Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54916 (Permanent SKIN)
564224 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Leshak Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54916)
564225 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564226 Basilisk Kybernaut Clade SKIN Basilisk Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54917 (Permanent SKIN)
564227 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Basilisk Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54917)
564228 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564229 Guardian Kybernaut Clade SKIN Guardian Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54918 (Permanent SKIN)
564230 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Guardian Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54918)
564231 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564232 Bifrost Kybernaut Clade SKIN Bifrost Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54919 (Permanent SKIN)
564233 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Bifrost Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54919)
564234 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564235 Noctis Kybernaut Clade SKIN Noctis Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54920 (Permanent SKIN)
564236 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Noctis Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54920)
564237 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers.
564238 Vindicator Kybernaut Clade SKIN Vindicator Kybernaut Clade SKIN Item name for typeID 54921 (Permanent SKIN)
564239 The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. The Triglavian Collective has not been universally opposed by all in New Eden, with subversive elements across New Eden finding something attractive, even uplifting in Zorya Triglav's message of "proving and joining the flow". The radicals of the Internal Triglavian Revolutionary Organization, also known as "Intriguerre", claim that the Triglavian invasion represents "a dynamic moment of challenge and opportunity for posthumanity". Intriguerre's propagandists have released a ship nanocoating displaying allegiance to the Collective under the name "Kybernaut Clade", in reference to the Triglavian term for capsuleers. Item description for "Vindicator Kybernaut Clade SKIN" (typeID 54921)
564240 Influence indicates the progress each side has made towards changing the operational state of the system in their favor. Influence is gained for a side by supporting them and engaging in combat against their enemies. Influence indicates the progress each side has made towards changing the operational state of the system in their favor. Influence is gained for a side by supporting them and engaging in combat against their enemies. UI/Invasion/HUD/InfluenceBarHintChapterThree
564242 Final Liminality Final Liminality UI/Agency/ContentGroups/ContentGroupInvasionTaleTriglavianVictory
564243 Escalating Liminality Escalating Liminality UI/Agency/ContentGroups/ContentGroupInvasionTaleTriglavian
564244 Stellar Reconnaissance Stellar Reconnaissance UI/Agency/ContentGroups/ContentGroupInvasionTaleScoutsAndPatrols
564245 Redoubts & Bulwarks Redoubts & Bulwarks UI/Agency/ContentGroups/ContentGroupInvasionTaleEmpire
564246 EDENCOM Fortress EDENCOM Fortress UI/Agency/ContentGroups/ContentGroupInvasionTaleEmpireVictory
564247 Triglavian stellar harvesting peaks with Triglavian conquest finalized. Triglavian stellar harvesting peaks with Triglavian conquest finalized. UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/InvasionTaleTriglavianVictory
564248 First and Second Liminality systems are severely threatened by invasion. First and Second Liminality systems are severely threatened by invasion. UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/InvasionTaleTriglavian
564249 EDENCOM and Triglavian scouting forces are searching for resources. EDENCOM and Triglavian scouting forces are searching for resources. UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/InvasionTaleScoutsAndPatrols
564250 Redoubt and Bulwark systems are being fortified against invasion. Redoubt and Bulwark systems are being fortified against invasion. UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/InvasionTaleEmpire
564251 An EDENCOM Fortress system is impregnable to Triglavian invasion. An EDENCOM Fortress system is impregnable to Triglavian invasion. UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/InvasionTaleEmpireVictory
564252 Aid EDENCOM's defense of New Eden or join the Triglavian Collective's campaign of invasion. Aid EDENCOM's defense of New Eden or join the Triglavian Collective's campaign of invasion. UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/TriglavianInvasionsChapterThree
564253 Your standings towards EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective will determine which forces may attack you in these systems. Your standings towards EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective will determine which forces may attack you in these systems. UI/Agency/Tooltips/TriglavianInvasion/Standings
564254 There are no systems with the corresponding invasion states in New Eden at present. There are no systems with the corresponding invasion states in New Eden at present. UI/Agency/Tooltips/TriglavianInvasion/ContentUnavailable
564255 The Triglavian invasion of New Eden has reached its climax with stellar harvesting structures being built as World Arks return to oversee the final phase of the Collective's campaign. EDENCOM has taken command of the defense of New Eden and urges all capsuleers to redouble their efforts to halt and repel the invaders. In response, Triglavian memetic propaganda has risen to a new crescendo. The proving offered by Zorya Triglav remains open to all capsuleers who would betray civilization and side with the invaders from Abyssal Deadspace.

The future shape of the New Eden cluster will be decided in this epic conflict among the stars!
The Triglavian invasion of New Eden has reached its climax with stellar harvesting structures being built as World Arks return to oversee the final phase of the Collective's campaign. EDENCOM has taken command of the defense of New Eden and urges all capsuleers to redouble their efforts to halt and repel the invaders. In response, Triglavian memetic propaganda has risen to a new crescendo. The proving offered by Zorya Triglav remains open to all capsuleers who would betray civilization and side with the invaders from Abyssal Deadspace.

The future shape of the New Eden cluster will be decided in this epic conflict among the stars!
564256 Depending on the stage of the Invasion the presence of different sizes of Triglavian and EDENCOM fleets are expected. Use D-Scan and/or Combat Probing to find and engage these fleets. Depending on the stage of the Invasion the presence of different sizes of Triglavian and EDENCOM fleets are expected. Use D-Scan and/or Combat Probing to find and engage these fleets. UI/Invasion/HUD/FleetPresenceHintChapterThree
564257 Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck Item name for typeID 54922 (Wreck)
564258 Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck Item description for "Entropic Disintegrator Werpost Wreck" (typeID 54922)
564259 EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck Item name for typeID 54923 (Wreck)
564260 EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck Item description for "EDENCOM Heavy GunStar Wreck" (typeID 54923)
564261 Triglavian Harvester Spawner Guards Triglavian Harvester Spawner Guards Item name for typeID 54924 (Cloud)
564263 While this structure appears to be a variant of the Triglavian Collective's stellar observatory and accelerator structures, the activity centered on this installation clearly represents an escalation in the Triglavian campaign of invasion. A notable aspect of the structure is the extremely high signalling traffic that has been detected emanating from it. While most of this traffic is highly encrypted, a complex repeating broadcast that appears to be a beacon or monitor signal of some kind has been partially deciphered. The contents of the signal include the term «Dazh Liminality Locus» and also refer to «Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata».

As with similar Triglavian installations there are clear signs that local space-time conduit technology is being used to "reach into" the core of the star to manipulate it in some way. It is considered highly probable that such activity is a prelude to stellar harvesting operations and a major invasion effort by the Triglavians.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to be a high priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
While this structure appears to be a variant of the Triglavian Collective's stellar observatory and accelerator structures, the activity centered on this installation clearly represents an escalation in the Triglavian campaign of invasion. A notable aspect of the structure is the extremely high signalling traffic that has been detected emanating from it. While most of this traffic is highly encrypted, a complex repeating broadcast that appears to be a beacon or monitor signal of some kind has been partially deciphered. The contents of the signal include the term <i>«Dazh Liminality Locus»</i> and also refer to <i>«Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata»</i>.

As with similar Triglavian installations there are clear signs that local space-time conduit technology is being used to "reach into" the core of the star to manipulate it in some way. It is considered highly probable that such activity is a prelude to stellar harvesting operations and a major invasion effort by the Triglavians.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to be a high priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Item description for "Dazh Liminality Locus" (typeID 53292)
564264 The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term <i>«Dazh Porevitium Transmuter»</i>.

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Item description for "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" (typeID 54283)
564265 The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term <i>«Dazh Porevitium Transmuter»</i>.

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Item description for "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" (typeID 54314)
564266 The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term <i>«Dazh Porevitium Transmuter»</i>.

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Item description for "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" (typeID 54315)
564267 The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.

The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term <i>«Dazh Porevitium Transmuter»</i>.

While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.

EDENCOM considers elimination of the threat posed by Triglavian structures of this kind to have the highest priority for its defense fleets and allied capsuleers.
Item description for "Dazh Porevitium Transmuter" (typeID 54316)
564268 This Triglavian structure serves as the processing and control center of the Collective's efforts to gather material resources for the construction of other structures and fleet reinforcements in this system. As with other major Triglavian installations, this structure is emitting a high volume of heavily-encrypted signals traffic. A repeating signal that apparently serves as a beacon or monitor signal has been partially deciphered and contains references to «Extractive Super-Nexus», presumably the structure itself, and «Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata».

EDENCOM considers the destruction of Triglavian resource-gathering operations to be a high priority for its forces and allied capsuleers.
This Triglavian structure serves as the processing and control center of the Collective's efforts to gather material resources for the construction of other structures and fleet reinforcements in this system. As with other major Triglavian installations, this structure is emitting a high volume of heavily-encrypted signals traffic. A repeating signal that apparently serves as a beacon or monitor signal has been partially deciphered and contains references to <i>«Extractive Super-Nexus»</i>, presumably the structure itself, and <i>«Xordazh Chislov Zvemokorg noemata»</i>.

EDENCOM considers the destruction of Triglavian resource-gathering operations to be a high priority for its forces and allied capsuleers.
Item description for "Extractive Super-Nexus" (typeID 54576)
564269 In order to guard against the threat of pirate and renegade capital fleets interfering with EDENCOM defense operations, the deployment of cynosural jammer units has been authorized in all invasion zones. EDENCOM forces supplied by the core empires will operate capital battlegroups using their own cynosural beacon networks where they are needed in the defense against the Triglavian invaders. In order to guard against the threat of pirate and renegade capital fleets interfering with EDENCOM defense operations, the deployment of cynosural jammer units has been authorized in all invasion zones. EDENCOM forces supplied by the core empires will operate capital battlegroups using their own cynosural beacon networks where they are needed in the defense against the Triglavian invaders. Item description for "EDENCOM Cynosural Jammer" (typeID 54838)
564270 With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Item description for "EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu" (typeID 54571)
564271 With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Item description for "EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu" (typeID 54572)
564272 With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Item description for "EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu" (typeID 54573)
564273 With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
With the need for resources vastly increased in star systems undergoing fortification by EDENCOM, the Upwell Consortium has provided the ideal structure design for a fortified harvesting co-ordination and resource collection hub.

The Stockpile Tenshu is a vital element in the EDENCOM defense plan and should be defended at all costs against Triglavian invasion forces and renegade capsuleers. Those wishing to aid the cause of New Eden's defense through resource-gathering operations will find a warm welcome at the EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu.
Item description for "EDENCOM Stockpile Tenshu" (typeID 54574)
564274 54926_Male_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_M01_Types_Face_Paint_M01_V3_GoldBlue.png 54926_Male_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_M01_Types_Face_Paint_M01_V3_GoldBlue.png Item name for typeID 54926 (Augmentations)
564275 54927_Female_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_F01_Types_Face_Paint_F01_V7_Blue.png 54927_Female_Makeup_Augmentations_Face_Paint_F01_Types_Face_Paint_F01_V7_Blue.png Item name for typeID 54927 (Augmentations)
564276 CONCORD security response and penalty level in this system has changed by {increment} to an effective value of {modifiedStatus}. CONCORD security response and penalty level in this system has changed by {increment} to an effective value of {modifiedStatus}. UI/Map/StarMap/SecurityStatusValueBasedChange
564277 Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations. Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations. UI/Map/StarMap/SecurityResponseClassHighToLowBecauseTriglavians
564278 Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations. Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations. UI/Map/StarMap/SecurityResponseClassDroppedToNullBecauseTriglavians
564279 War Ended HQ System No Longer Eligible War Ended HQ System No Longer Eligible Notifications/NotificationNames/WarEndedHqSecurityDrop
564286 Foreign Narodnya beacons are activating at Conduit eddies. Extirpate the EDENCOM vessels that surface. Foreign Narodnya beacons are activating at Conduit eddies. Extirpate the EDENCOM vessels that surface.
564287 Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
564288 Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging. Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging.
564289 Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses. Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses.
564290 Foreign Narodnya beacons are activating at Conduit eddies. Extirpate the EDENCOM vessels that surface. Foreign Narodnya beacons are activating at Conduit eddies. Extirpate the EDENCOM vessels that surface.
564291 Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
564292 Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging. Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging.
564293 Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses. Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses.
564294 Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses. Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses.
564295 Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated. Foreign Narodnya Beacon activated.
564296 Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging. Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging.
564297 Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging. Additional EDENCOM vessels emerging.
564298 Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses. Augmented Narodnya have quenched the beacon. Dazh Liminality progresses.
564314 Transactions via external services Transactions via external services UI/Generic/FormatReference/ExternalTradeFreezeDescription
564319 Transactions via external services Transactions via external services UI/Generic/FormatReference/ExternalTradeThawDescription

New Files (870 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
fisfx/environment/cloudcover/cc_triglavian _invasion_s4_01a.black
Changed Files (934 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
92 -> 116
220 -> 271
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3058 -> 3057
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1847 -> 2975
18185 -> 19500
1608 -> 1639
68695 -> 68695
64 -> 64
76 -> 76
58 -> 58
57 -> 57
57 -> 57
81 -> 81
59 -> 59
59 -> 59
59 -> 59
60 -> 60
59 -> 59
74 -> 74
66 -> 66
73 -> 73
59 -> 59
58 -> 58
73 -> 73
69 -> 69
78 -> 78
59 -> 59
61 -> 61
71 -> 71
58 -> 58
86 -> 86
89 -> 89
71 -> 71
83 -> 83
59 -> 59
77 -> 77
75 -> 75
63 -> 63
80 -> 80
74 -> 74
59 -> 59
59 -> 59
59 -> 59
65 -> 65
1165 -> 1165
6620 -> 6667
3763 -> 3803
74 -> 69
75 -> 75
58 -> 58
62 -> 62
73 -> 73
65 -> 65
240 -> 240
2656 -> 2377
105 -> 105
762 -> 762
88 -> 88
286 -> 286
98 -> 98
1781 -> 1781
21602 -> 21830
21525 -> 21753
21469 -> 21698
1849 -> 1849
208 -> 208
76 -> 76
92 -> 92
69 -> 69
4330 -> 4315
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
99 -> 99
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
70 -> 70
69 -> 69
89 -> 89
78 -> 78
88 -> 88
69 -> 69
759 -> 759
69 -> 69
86 -> 86
82 -> 82
95 -> 95
310 -> 310
69 -> 69
71 -> 71
83 -> 83
69 -> 69
105 -> 105
109 -> 109
83 -> 83
604 -> 604
102 -> 102
70 -> 70
223 -> 223
93 -> 93
91 -> 91
74 -> 74
97 -> 97
90 -> 90
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
77 -> 77
792 -> 792
1165 -> 1165
6620 -> 6667
3763 -> 3803
728 -> 730
799 -> 799
157 -> 157
5374 -> 5374
90 -> 82
91 -> 91
69 -> 69
95 -> 95
74 -> 74
88 -> 88
78 -> 78
692 -> 692
37 -> 37
3 -> 3
741 -> 752
3 -> 3
0 -> 0
19451 -> 19484
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21457_128.png ->
24 -> 23
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21457_512.jpg ->
62 -> 63
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21457_64.png ->
6 -> 6
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21458_128.png ->
30 -> 30
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21458_512.jpg ->
95 -> 96
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21458_64.png ->
8 -> 8
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21464_128.png ->
31 -> 31
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21464_512.jpg ->
98 -> 99
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21464_64.png ->
8 -> 8
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21465_128.png ->
30 -> 30
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21465_512.jpg ->
86 -> 87
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21465_64.png ->
8 -> 8
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21468_128.png ->
31 -> 31
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21468_512.jpg ->
97 -> 99
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21468_64.png ->
8 -> 8
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21473_128.png ->
23 -> 30
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21473_512.jpg ->
34 -> 92
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21473_64.png ->
6 -> 8
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21474_128.png ->
23 -> 27
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21474_512.jpg ->
30 -> 64
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21474_64.png ->
6 -> 7
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21478_128.png ->
25 -> 33
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21478_512.jpg ->
41 -> 115
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21478_64.png ->
7 -> 8
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21479_128.png ->
23 -> 26
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21479_512.jpg ->
34 -> 90
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21479_64.png ->
6 -> 7
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21480_128.png ->
22 -> 29
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21480_512.jpg ->
40 -> 102
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21480_64.png ->
6 -> 7
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21481_128.png ->
17 -> 25
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21481_512.jpg ->
24 -> 65
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21481_64.png ->
4 -> 7
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21482_128.png ->
18 -> 25
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21482_512.jpg ->
25 -> 61
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21482_64.png ->
5 -> 7
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21484_128.png ->
32 -> 33
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21484_512.jpg ->
83 -> 87
dx9/model/celestial/sun/icons/21484_64.png ->
9 -> 9
18 -> 28
18 -> 28
18 -> 28
18 -> 28
18 -> 28
18 -> 18
18 -> 18
19 -> 19
18 -> 18
18 -> 28
18 -> 28
18 -> 17
18 -> 17
11184 -> 2796
11184 -> 2796
11184 -> 2796
1 -> 2
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
87 -> 87
43 -> 44
21 -> 22
21 -> 22
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
87 -> 87
43 -> 44
43 -> 44
22 -> 22
17 -> 17
87 -> 87
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
43 -> 44
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
87 -> 87
43 -> 43
43 -> 44
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
87 -> 87
43 -> 44
43 -> 44
43 -> 44
21 -> 22
21 -> 22
87 -> 87
43 -> 44
43 -> 44
87 -> 87
43 -> 44
43 -> 44
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
43 -> 44
21 -> 22
21 -> 22
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
43 -> 44
21 -> 22
21 -> 22
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
16 -> 16
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
5592 -> 5592
5592 -> 5593
5592 -> 5592
5592 -> 5593
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
5592 -> 5592
5592 -> 5592
5592 -> 5593
5592 -> 5592
5592 -> 5593
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
5593 -> 350
5 -> 0
87 -> 5
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
198 -> 198
24 -> 24
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
99 -> 99
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
33 -> 33
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
63 -> 63
145 -> 145
16 -> 16
7 -> 7
379 -> 379
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
43 -> 43
33 -> 33
33 -> 33
5 -> 5
55 -> 55
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
22 -> 22
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
134 -> 134
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
169 -> 169
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
9 -> 10
17 -> 17
359 -> 359
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
224 -> 224
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
174 -> 174
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
10 -> 3
24 -> 18
16 -> 10
10 -> 3
11 -> 11
6 -> 6
8 -> 3
10 -> 3
176 -> 176
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
48 -> 49
67 -> 67
20 -> 14
22 -> 17
11 -> 12
15 -> 10
15 -> 10
16 -> 11
229 -> 229
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
16 -> 10
12 -> 6
18 -> 18
26 -> 15
6 -> 6
7 -> 7
14 -> 8
6 -> 5
11 -> 4
11 -> 4
11 -> 4
19 -> 6
15 -> 7
15 -> 7
10 -> 3
10 -> 3
185 -> 185
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
18495 -> 19371
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
16 -> 16
29 -> 34
13 -> 13
19 -> 21
171 -> 173
15 -> 16
10 -> 153
1 -> 69
10 -> 10
80 -> 80
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
30 -> 30
19 -> 20
23 -> 23
17 -> 17
0 -> 0
183 -> 1598
38 -> 422
126 -> 1338
dx9/model/structure/caldari/comstation/icons/24482_128.png ->
22 -> 21
dx9/model/structure/caldari/comstation/icons/24482_512.jpg ->
34 -> 32
dx9/model/structure/caldari/comstation/icons/24482_64.png ->
6 -> 6
222 -> 222
dx9/model/structure/caldari/refinery/cref1/icons/1706_128.png ->
22 -> 21
dx9/model/structure/caldari/refinery/cref1/icons/1706_512.jpg ->
32 -> 31
dx9/model/structure/caldari/refinery/cref1/icons/1706_64.png ->
6 -> 6
0 -> 0
7 -> 744
7 -> 119
7 -> 481
dx9/model/structure/caldari/spaceelevator/hub/icons/24483_128.png ->
21 -> 23
dx9/model/structure/caldari/spaceelevator/hub/icons/24483_512.jpg ->
31 -> 39
dx9/model/structure/caldari/spaceelevator/hub/icons/24483_64.png ->
6 -> 7
5 -> 5
8 -> 8
349 -> 349
0 -> 0
349 -> 349
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
610 -> 610
fisfx/environment/cloudcover/cc_triglavian _invasion_s1_01a.black
1 -> 1
fisfx/environment/cloudcover/cc_triglavian _invasion_s2_01a.black
1 -> 1
fisfx/environment/cloudcover/cc_triglavian _invasion_s3_01a.black
2 -> 2
45 -> 45
13 -> 39
14 -> 19
13 -> 38
15 -> 20
13 -> 40
14 -> 19
13 -> 39
14 -> 19
16 -> 16
4 -> 4
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
6 -> 6
9 -> 9
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v3/comp_body_d.png ->
29 -> 28
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v3/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
69 -> 68
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v4/comp_body_d.png ->
42 -> 41
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v4/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
112 -> 110
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v5/comp_body_d.png ->
46 -> 46
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v5/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
124 -> 122
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v6/comp_body_d.png ->
45 -> 44
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtf01/v6/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
119 -> 117
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
8 -> 8
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v3/comp_body_d.png ->
54 -> 53
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v3/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
130 -> 128
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v4/comp_body_d.png ->
52 -> 52
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v4/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
124 -> 122
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v5/comp_body_d.png ->
64 -> 63
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v5/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
156 -> 154
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v6/comp_body_d.png ->
56 -> 55
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/topmiddle/tshirtm01/v6/comp_body_d_4k.png ->
138 -> 136
40 -> 37
33 -> 31
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
10 -> 10
2717 -> 372
2717 -> 372
2532 -> 310
8 -> 10
8 -> 10
8 -> 10
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
177 -> 257
433 -> 403
195 -> 275
207 -> 207
450 -> 421
172 -> 172
186 -> 268
341 -> 341
442 -> 412
259 -> 259
204 -> 286
300 -> 300
460 -> 430
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
5 -> 5
4 -> 6
4 -> 6
4 -> 6
13 -> 11
11 -> 9
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
2 -> 2
480 -> 72
480 -> 72
451 -> 62
2 -> 3
2 -> 3
2 -> 3
66 -> 66
93 -> 93
83 -> 83
66 -> 66
57 -> 57
13 -> 13
10 -> 10
99 -> 39
17 -> 17
16 -> 8
7 -> 7
31 -> 31
319 -> 319
900 -> 900
217 -> 217
70 -> 70
477 -> 477
515 -> 515
17 -> 17
21 -> 17
51 -> 50
27 -> 27
7 -> 7
434 -> 434
4 -> 4
32 -> 22
5 -> 5
7 -> 7
3 -> 3
13 -> 13
50 -> 50
14 -> 14
25 -> 25
32 -> 32
32 -> 32
33 -> 33
12 -> 12
25 -> 6
14 -> 14
19 -> 13
213 -> 207
217 -> 25
15 -> 15
5 -> 5
6 -> 6
4 -> 4
9 -> 9
11 -> 11
8 -> 8
11 -> 11
74 -> 29
6099 -> 6099
5805 -> 5805
445 -> 445
6725 -> 6725
433 -> 433
7410 -> 7410
6485 -> 6485
388 -> 388
8478 -> 8478
5269 -> 5269
22749 -> 22827
20919 -> 21067
23008 -> 23086
33850 -> 33852
34988 -> 35099
2437 -> 2445
74491 -> 74784
28798 -> 28877
20 -> 16
10 -> 11
3828 -> 4010
12487 -> 12633
4059 -> 4069
0 -> 0
239 -> 239
4182 -> 4177
7 -> 7
11 -> 13
2 -> 2
231 -> 236
49 -> 49
61 -> 61
1 -> 1
288 -> 288
373 -> 374
665 -> 666
25 -> 25
34 -> 34
10 -> 24
420 -> 421
53 -> 53
15719 -> 14282
10 -> 11
4 -> 5
32 -> 32
40 -> 40
754 -> 759
108 -> 113
40 -> 42
276 -> 282
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
368 -> 368
40 -> 40
311 -> 288
26 -> 26
1373 -> 496
251 -> 234
1458 -> 1470
86 -> 102
2445 -> 2441
274 -> 302
9302 -> 9480
562 -> 563
174 -> 174
174 -> 174
262 -> 349
262 -> 349
1398 -> 1398
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
43 -> 43
174 -> 174
262 -> 349
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
174 -> 174
1048 -> 1398
5 -> 5
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
349 -> 349
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
349 -> 349
21 -> 22
87 -> 87
5 -> 5
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
22 -> 22
87 -> 87
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
22 -> 22
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
0 -> 0
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
87 -> 87
174 -> 174
174 -> 174
43 -> 174
87 -> 87
22 -> 22
87 -> 87
21 -> 22
87 -> 1
0 -> 0
1 -> 0
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
43 -> 43
174 -> 174
21 -> 21
16 -> 21
87 -> 87
65 -> 87

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.