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New Items (61 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:53965>QA 1v1 Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:54951>QA 2v2 Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55036>Surface Dungeon Cloud 8820</url>
<url=showinfo:55360>Test background</url>
<url=showinfo:55747>Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.7</url>
<url=showinfo:55764>Surface Volcanic 01</url>
<url=showinfo:55766>Triglavian World Ark Werpost Spawner (Do not translate)</url>
<url=showinfo:55767>Xordazh Poshlost Denial Zone</url>
<url=showinfo:55768>Triglavian Arena Ring 01</url>
<url=showinfo:55771>Minmatar Battlecruiser Tornado</url>
<url=showinfo:55772>Minmatar Strategic Cruiser Loki</url>
<url=showinfo:55773>Minmatar Destroyer Talwar</url>
<url=showinfo:55777>PVP Dungeon Cloud 8819</url>
<url=showinfo:55778>PVP Dungeon Cloud 8857</url>
<url=showinfo:55779>PVP Dungeon Cloud 8858</url>
<url=showinfo:55780>PVP Dungeon Cloud 8860</url>
<url=showinfo:55781>PVP Dungeon Cloud 8861</url>
<url=showinfo:55782>PVP Dungeon Cloud 8862</url>
<url=showinfo:55783>RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor</url>
<url=showinfo:55784>RFS Oskla Shakim</url>
<url=showinfo:55785>RFS Karin Midular</url>
<url=showinfo:55786>RFS Shara Osali</url>
<url=showinfo:55787>RFS Drupar Maak</url>
<url=showinfo:55788>RFS Jormal Kehok</url>
<url=showinfo:55789>RFS Brecin Utulf</url>
<url=showinfo:55790>RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55791>RFS Oskla Shakim Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55792>RFS Karin Midular Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55793>RFS Shara Osali Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55794>RFS Drupar Maak Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55795>RFS Jormal Kehok Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55796>RFS Brecin Utulf Parade Beacon</url>
<url=showinfo:55799>Xordazh Invasion Cache</url>
<url=showinfo:55803>Amarr spaceship skill accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55804>Caldari spaceship skill accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55805>Gallente spaceship skill accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55806>Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55807>Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate</url>
<url=showinfo:55808>QA 3v3 Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55809>Amarr Frigate Impairor</url>
<url=showinfo:55810>Amarr Frigate Navy Issue Slicer</url>
<url=showinfo:55811>Amarr Destroyer Dragoon</url>
<url=showinfo:55812>Amarr Tactical Destroyer Confessor</url>
<url=showinfo:55813>Amarr Strategic Cruiser Legion</url>
<url=showinfo:55814>Amarr Battlecruiser Oracle</url>
<url=showinfo:55815>Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate</url>
<url=showinfo:55816>Minmatar Shuttle Nefantar SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:55817>Wreathe Nefantar SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:55818>Xordazh Invasion Cache Wreck</url>
<url=showinfo:55819>QA 5v5 Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55820>QA 5P FFA Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55821>2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55822>FFA Destroyers Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55823>3v3 Slicers Proving Filament</url>
<url=showinfo:55824>Proving Filament 8</url>
<url=showinfo:55825>Proving Filament 9</url>
<url=showinfo:55826>Expert Cerebral Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:55830>Triglavian Sublight Telemeter</url>
<url=showinfo:55831>Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster</url>
<url=showinfo:55832>Triglavian Holographic Transcriber</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
53965 - QA 1v1 Proving Filament No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 53965
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 559526
iconID: 21924
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
54951 - QA 2v2 Proving Filament No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 54951
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 564395
iconID: 21925
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55036 - Surface Dungeon Cloud 8820 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. typeID: 55036
graphicID: 24568
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 564695
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
Meta Level: 0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55360 - Test background No Description Augmentations typeID: 55360
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 565954
published: False
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
basePrice: 0.0
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1670
portionSize: 1
55747 - Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.7 Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/07/31. (copy)
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. descriptionID: 567295
typeID: 55747
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567294
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18474.1666667
Booster Duration: 43200000.0
Charisma Modifier: 5.0
Intelligence Modifier: 5.0
Memory Modifier: 5.0
Perception Modifier: 5.0
Willpower Modifier: 5.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 19.0
55764 - Surface Volcanic 01 No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55764
graphicID: 24585
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 128
typeNameID: 567365
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
55765 - ENV_Abyssal_Infernal_PVP_01a No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 55765
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
typeNameID: 567366
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 20868
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
55766 - Triglavian World Ark Werpost Spawner (Do not translate) No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55766
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567367
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
55767 - Xordazh Poshlost Denial Zone No Description Cloud
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55767
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567368
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 227
portionSize: 1
55768 - Triglavian Arena Ring 01 No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55768
graphicID: 24586
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 567378
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
55771 - Minmatar Battlecruiser Tornado No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 55771
graphicID: 11778
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 567396
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 246.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55772 - Minmatar Strategic Cruiser Loki No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 55772
graphicID: 20218
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 567397
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 190.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55773 - Minmatar Destroyer Talwar No Description Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. typeID: 55773
graphicID: 20202
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 567398
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 150.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55777 - PVP Dungeon Cloud 8819 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55777
graphicID: 24587
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567414
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55778 - PVP Dungeon Cloud 8857 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55778
graphicID: 24588
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567415
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55779 - PVP Dungeon Cloud 8858 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55779
graphicID: 24589
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567416
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55780 - PVP Dungeon Cloud 8860 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55780
graphicID: 24590
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567417
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55781 - PVP Dungeon Cloud 8861 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55781
graphicID: 24591
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567418
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55782 - PVP Dungeon Cloud 8862 No Description Non-Scalable Clouds
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 55782
graphicID: 24592
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567419
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1980
portionSize: 1
55783 - RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor A legendary figure in the lore of the Brutor Tribe, Maiori Kul-Brutor is believed to have been either the first woman to set foot on Kulheim (Pator VII), or the Chief of the Kul-Brutor Clan that sponsored an effort by the old Minmatar Empire to terraform and colonize the planet. The Great Clan of Kul-Brutor was dispersed by the events of the Amarr Conquest and Kulheim remains a barren world today.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567421
typeID: 55783
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567420
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55784 - RFS Oskla Shakim Oskla Shakim is attested by Krusual Tribe records to have been one of the great "Shakim Warlords", a military leader of the powerful Shakim Clan. During the Amarr occupation of Matar, the Shakim were among those Krusual clans successfully retaining their independence in many hidden and heavily fortified mountain fastnesses in the Upper Tronhadar Valley region.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567423
typeID: 55784
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567422
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55785 - RFS Karin Midular Chief Karin Midular of the Sebiestor Tribe had many distinctions during her life, with all of New Eden aware of her rising to become Prime Minister and leader of the parliamentary Minmatar Republic. To most Minmatar, and certainly many Sebiestor, she was first and foremost the Ray of Matar, a leader of great destiny offering hope to all the Tribes. The assassination of Karin Midular in YC115 was a deeply shocking event and she is considered a martyr by most Sebiestor.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567425
typeID: 55785
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567424
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55786 - RFS Shara Osali Shara Osali, known as "Mother Osali" to most Vherokior, is the traditional discoverer of a number of Vherokior herbal and medicinal tea blends. Venerated in a number of mythical tales, Mother Osali's rescue of a Voluval shaman from the jaws of a Jade Coast monitor using a soup ladle is a particularly popular story. Shara "Lizardbane" Osali's legendary "Yetamo Pot Pie" is much discussed but very rarely served.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567427
typeID: 55786
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567426
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55787 - RFS Drupar Maak Drupar Maak was a Starkmanir and personal slave of Arkon Ardishapur on Arzad II, also known as Starkman Prime. Drupar Maak assassinated Arkon, the head of House Ardishapur, with the latter's own scepter of authority, sparking the Starkmanir Rebellion. This revolt was brutally suppressed by Arkon's heir, Idonis Ardishapur. The scepter became known as the "Hand of Maak" and is the origin of the Khumaak symbol of Minmatar rebellion.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567429
typeID: 55787
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567428
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55788 - RFS Jormal Kehok Jormal Kehok was a noted and highly-decorated Thukker anti-pirate commander, most famous for the relief of Konora following the attempted occupation of the system by renegade Angel Cartel fighters. Kehok was later assassinated, most likely by Cartel operatives, and is considered a hero of the Thukker Tribe. Persistent conspiracy theories continue to swirl around the circumstances of his death.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567431
typeID: 55788
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567430
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55789 - RFS Brecin Utulf Brecin Utulf was the leader of a Nefantar revolt that took place during the early years of the Amarr occupation of Minmatar star systems. The conflicts between rebel Nefantar and those loyal to Amarr, who became the "Ammatar", were among the most brutal of the long and bloody "Vindication Wars" between the Minmatar and the Ammatar.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567433
typeID: 55789
graphicID: 2906
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567432
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 8900.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55790 - RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567435
typeID: 55790
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567434
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55791 - RFS Oskla Shakim Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567437
typeID: 55791
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567436
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55792 - RFS Karin Midular Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567439
typeID: 55792
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567438
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55793 - RFS Shara Osali Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567441
typeID: 55793
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567440
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55794 - RFS Drupar Maak Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567443
typeID: 55794
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567442
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55795 - RFS Jormal Kehok Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567445
typeID: 55795
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567444
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55796 - RFS Brecin Utulf Parade Beacon Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. descriptionID: 567447
typeID: 55796
graphicID: 1211
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567446
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 310
portionSize: 1
Untargetable: 1.0
55799 - Xordazh Invasion Cache This Triglavian cache has been deployed by a Xordazh-class World Ark and is evidently intended as a supply point for Triglavian forces engaged in invasion operations in the system. The presence of advanced Triglavian technology and their adaptive mutaplasmid devices in such caches further indicates the intention of the Collective to establish sustained operations in the vicinity. Speculation as to the intended use of mutaplasmids in New Eden systems ranges from mundane logistical purposes to theories of more radical activity focused on planets and other orbital bodies.

EDENCOM-allied capsuleers will likely find it profitable to <color=yellow>destroy and raid</color> these caches following assault operations against invading Triglavian World Arks.
Precursor Cache
Click to toggle showing the 37 attributes. descriptionID: 567473
typeID: 55799
graphicID: 22217
Capacity: 10000.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567472
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 100000000.0
soundID: 20217
wreckTypeID: 55818
radius: 1226.0
published: False
Mass: 100000.0
groupID: 2009
portionSize: 1
Shield Capacity: 100.0
Structure Hitpoints: 100.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0
Accuracy falloff : 0.0
Turret Tracking: 0.0
Signature Radius: 1000.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0
Optimal Range: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints: 100.0
entityFlyRange: 0.0
entityEquipmentMin: 3.0
entityEquipmentMax: 3.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Disallows Assistance: 1.0
Shield recharge time: 86400000.0
entityAttackRange: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
55803 - Amarr spaceship skill accelerator This is the description of Amarr spaceship skill accelerator. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. descriptionID: 567479
typeID: 55803
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567478
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 21.0
55804 - Caldari spaceship skill accelerator This is the description of Caldari spaceship skill accelerator. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. descriptionID: 567481
typeID: 55804
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567480
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 22.0
55805 - Gallente spaceship skill accelerator This is the description of Gallente spaceship skill accelerator. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. descriptionID: 567483
typeID: 55805
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567482
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 23.0
55806 - Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator This is the description of Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 26 attributes. descriptionID: 567485
typeID: 55806
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567484
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 60000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Maximum Pilot Age: 2400.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 24.0
55807 - Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate Contains Minmatar Liberation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Minmatar Independence! Special Edition Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 567509
typeID: 55807
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567508
iconID: 24300
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1194
portionSize: 1
55808 - QA 3v3 Proving Filament No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 55808
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567530
iconID: 21926
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55809 - Amarr Frigate Impairor The Impairor-class corvette has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common space vessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567550
typeID: 55809
graphicID: 299
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567549
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 39.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55810 - Amarr Frigate Navy Issue Slicer The Slicer is the Imperial Navy's pride and joy, and one of its biggest weapons in the continual fight against Matari insurgents. Boasting tremendous range and versatility in equipment fittings, a great deal of armor strength and a powerful capacitor, the skilled Slicer pilot is able to take out most frigates with ease. Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567552
typeID: 55810
graphicID: 1067
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567551
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 32.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55811 - Amarr Destroyer Dragoon The Dragoon follows old religious tenets - ones thought rather dark by the majority of the cluster, but found perfectly normal by Amarr minds - that to exist as God's chosen people means fulfilling a very definite and often forceful role. This includes not only imposing the will of God, often through the time-honored methods of mindless proxies, but also profiting, even being nourished, off the energies of others.

As such, the Dragoon focuses on sending out a mass of drones, ones capable not only of swiftly hunting down their targets but also of inflicting tons of damage once contact is made. Moreover, the Dragoon is able to drain the target's energy in the meanwhile, all with the aim of leaving it little more than a trembling husk.
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567554
typeID: 55811
graphicID: 20199
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567553
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 150.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55812 - Amarr Tactical Destroyer Confessor Your first duty is to purge yourself in the flames of your confession before God. You must become ash in God's hands, for only then may you rise anew to strike the adversary down.

-Apostle-Martial Zhar Pashay's dawn address to the Paladins at the Battle of Rahdo, Amarr Prime AD 20538
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567556
typeID: 55812
graphicID: 20980
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567555
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 144.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55813 - Amarr Strategic Cruiser Legion Revelation burrows through the material world, devours creation's soil, digests the thoughtless void, and produces significance with God's grace. From emptiness comes meaning, essence from existence, soul from matter.

Is God through the wormhole? Did God grant us this boon, this new technology, a revelation from on high? These weapons are God's new prophecy, domain, and blessing. Let us use God's grace and prepare New Eden. We are God's soldiers, weapons, glory. Our people are God's army. Together, we are the legion.

-The Heresies of Hinketsu
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567558
typeID: 55813
graphicID: 20216
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567557
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 190.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55814 - Amarr Battlecruiser Oracle In YC 113 Empress Jamyl Sarum I challenged <a href=showinfo:30//500003>Amarr</a> ship manufacturers to build a new battlecruiser that would break the stalemate of the Empyrean War. Deviating from the doctrine of brute-force and heavy armor, the engineers at <a href=showinfo:2//1000066>Viziam</a> took inspiration from <a href=showinfo:30//500001>Caldari</a> history.

During the Gallente-Caldari War, the Caldari developed light, maneuverable ships to counter the slow ships of the <a href=showinfo:30//500004>Gallente Federation</a>. This philosophy, along with a cutting-edge powertrain and ultra-light alloy armor plating, led to the Oracle.

The Empire immediately ordered the ship into production. The Empress personally congratulated Viziam Chief Researcher <a href=showinfo:1383//3014474>Parud Vakirokiki</a>, calling the ship "a work of Divine Grace for the Empire, and retribution to our enemies."
Large Collidable Object
Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes. descriptionID: 567560
typeID: 55814
graphicID: 11775
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 567559
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 199.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 226
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 100000000.0
55815 - Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Flames of the Rebellion firework Special Edition Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 567562
typeID: 55815
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 567561
iconID: 24300
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1194
portionSize: 1
55816 - Minmatar Shuttle Nefantar SKIN This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes. descriptionID: 567568
typeID: 55816
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 567567
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Minmatar Shuttle Nefantar
skin_skinMaterialID: 21
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 567566
skin_visibleSerenity: True
skin_skinID: 9467
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [11132]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55816
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Minmatar Shuttle
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: True
duration: -1
55817 - Wreathe Nefantar SKIN This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes. descriptionID: 567571
typeID: 55817
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 567570
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Wreathe Nefantar
skin_skinMaterialID: 21
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 567569
skin_visibleSerenity: True
skin_skinID: 9468
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [653]
skin_licenseTypeID: 55817
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Wreathe
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: True
duration: -1
55818 - Xordazh Invasion Cache Wreck The wreck of a Xordazh Invasion Cache.

This Triglavian cache has been deployed by a Xordazh-class World Ark and is evidently intended as a supply point for Triglavian forces engaged in invasion operations in the system. The presence of advanced Triglavian technology and their adaptive mutaplasmid devices in such caches further indicates the intention of the Collective to establish sustained operations in the vicinity. Speculation as to the intended use of mutaplasmids in New Eden systems ranges from mundane logistical purposes to theories of more radical activity focused on planets and other orbital bodies.

EDENCOM-allied capsuleers will likely find it profitable to <color=yellow>destroy and raid</color> these caches following assault operations against invading Triglavian World Arks.
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 567574
typeID: 55818
graphicID: 22218
Capacity: 25000.0
typeNameID: 567573
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 25000.0
soundID: 20909
radius: 250.0
published: False
Mass: 10000.0
groupID: 186
portionSize: 1
Signature Radius: 5000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 700.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Access Difficulty: 30.0
55819 - QA 5v5 Proving Filament No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 55819
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567578
iconID: 21928
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55820 - QA 5P FFA Proving Filament No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 55820
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567579
iconID: 21924
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55821 - 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament This filament allows a fleet of two capsuleers to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against another fleet of two capsuleers.
The ships allowed to enter this proving ground event are the Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, Rupture, Arbitrator, Blackbird, Celestis, and Bellicose

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from July 16th to July 26th, YC122
Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. descriptionID: 567623
typeID: 55821
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567580
iconID: 21925
basePrice: 10000.0
marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments)
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55822 - FFA Destroyers Proving Filament This filament allows a fleet containing a single capsuleer to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against five other capsuleers.
The ships allowed to enter this proving ground event are the Coercer, Dragoon, Cormorant, Corax, Catalyst, Algos, Thrasher, Talwar, and Sunesis

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from July 31st to August 2nd, YC122
Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. descriptionID: 567626
typeID: 55822
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567581
iconID: 21924
basePrice: 10000.0
marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments)
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55823 - 3v3 Slicers Proving Filament This filament allows a fleet containing three capsuleers to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against another fleet of three capsuleers.
The ship allowed to enter this proving ground event is the Imperial Navy Slicer.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 7th to August 9th, YC122
Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes. descriptionID: 567627
typeID: 55823
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567582
iconID: 21926
basePrice: 10000.0
marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments)
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55824 - Proving Filament 8 No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 55824
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567583
iconID: 21928
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55825 - Proving Filament 9 No Description Abyssal Proving Filaments
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 55825
Capacity: 0.0
Meta Level: 0
typeNameID: 567584
iconID: 21928
basePrice: 10000.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 4050
portionSize: 1
55826 - Expert Cerebral Accelerator Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers.

This booster primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds.

Bonuses: +8 to all attributes
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 567597
typeID: 55826
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 567592
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators)
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Booster Duration: 1080000000.0
Charisma Modifier: 8.0
Intelligence Modifier: 8.0
Memory Modifier: 8.0
Perception Modifier: 8.0
Willpower Modifier: 8.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 10.0
55830 - Triglavian Sublight Telemeter This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and appears to use sublight sensing and communications technology. The presence of a substantial data storage bugger indicates it is used to collect and transmit data from the immediate surroundings of the ship. The Sublight Telemeter is presumably useful for surveillance and data collection in local space.

EDENCOM Intelligence is keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
Triglavian Artifacts
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 567614
typeID: 55830
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 567613
Volume: 1.0
iconID: 21911
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 20.0
groupID: 2026
portionSize: 1
55831 - Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and is a powerful data transmission device using technology that interacts with Triglavian conduits. The ability of the Transconduit Datacaster to establish communication through conduits would evidently be essential to Triglavian operations. Like many Triglavian devices this technology includes integrated data storage.

EDENCOM Intelligence is very keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
Triglavian Artifacts
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 567616
typeID: 55831
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 567615
Volume: 1.0
iconID: 21912
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 20.0
groupID: 2026
portionSize: 1
55832 - Triglavian Holographic Transcriber This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and, although the means by which it operates is not fully understood, it appears designed to "transcribe" large amounts of data into spatiotemporal storage using the holographic principle. The startling possibility raised by this device is that the Triglavian Collective stores much of its information in the fabric of spacetime itself and quite possibly in dedicated singularities. This device has a large integrated data buffer.

EDENCOM Intelligence is extremely keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
Triglavian Artifacts
Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes. descriptionID: 567618
typeID: 55832
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 567617
Volume: 0.01
iconID: 21914
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities)
metaGroupID: 1
isisGroupID: 4
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 20.0
groupID: 2026
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (0 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group

Blueprints (0 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
Reprocessing (0 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff

Traits (0 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
Attributes (3 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
3050 - AmountOfFleetsPerMatch attributeID: None => 3050
dataType: None => 4
defaultValue: None => 2.0
description: None => The amount of fleets needed for a single pvp filament match
highIsGood: None => 0
name: None => AmountOfFleetsPerMatch
published: None => 0
stackable: None => 0
3051 - FleetMemberPickupRadius attributeID: None => 3051
categoryID: None => 17
dataType: None => 5
defaultValue: None => 1000.0
description: None => The range players in fleet need to be within fleet member doing an action
displayNameID: None => 564554 ("Area Effect Radius")
highIsGood: None => 1
iconID: None => 1391
name: None => FleetMemberPickupRadius
published: None => 1
stackable: None => 1
tooltipTitleID: None => 564555
unitID: None => 1
3052 - FleetMembersNeeded attributeID: None => 3052
categoryID: None => 17
dataType: None => 4
defaultValue: None => 1.0
description: None => Amount of players in fleet needed to be valid
displayNameID: None => 564556 ("Number Of Ships required")
highIsGood: None => 1
iconID: None => 1391
name: None => FleetMembersNeeded
published: None => 1
stackable: None => 1
Attributes per Type (242 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
1193 - 'Basic' EM Coating (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -17.28
metaGroupID: None => 3
1197 - EM Coating I (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -16.0 => -19.46
1198 - EM Coating II (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -22.09
1262 - 'Basic' Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -17.28
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
1264 - Explosive Coating I (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -16.0 => -19.46
1266 - Explosive Coating II (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -22.09
1272 - 'Basic' Layered Coating (Armor Coating) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.05 => 1.07
raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
1274 - Layered Coating I (Armor Coating) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.06 => 1.073
1276 - Layered Coating II (Armor Coating) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.08 => 1.09
1282 - 'Basic' Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -17.28
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
1284 - Kinetic Coating I (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -16.0 => -19.46
1286 - Kinetic Coating II (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -22.09
1292 - 'Basic' Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => 2.0
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.0 => -17.28
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
1294 - Thermal Coating I (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -16.0 => -19.46
1296 - Thermal Coating II (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -22.09
1302 - 'Basic' Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
Meta Level: 0.0 => 6.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -5.6 => -7.872
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -5.6 => -7.872
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -5.6 => -7.872
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -5.6 => -7.872
metaGroupID: None => 3
isDynamicType: None => False
1304 - Multispectrum Coating I (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -6.4 => -9.344
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -6.4 => -9.344
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -6.4 => -9.344
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -6.4 => -9.344
3787 - Minmatar Ragnarok Titan (Large Collidable Object) isDynamicType: None => False
isisGroupID: None => 4
13999 - Domination Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
14001 - True Sansha Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
14003 - Dark Blood Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
14005 - Domination Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14007 - True Sansha Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14009 - Dark Blood Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14011 - Domination Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14013 - True Sansha Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14015 - Dark Blood Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14017 - Domination EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14019 - True Sansha EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14021 - Dark Blood EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14023 - Domination Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14025 - True Sansha Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14027 - Dark Blood Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
14049 - Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
14051 - Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14053 - Shadow Serpentis Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14055 - Shadow Serpentis EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14057 - Shadow Serpentis Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
14556 - Mizuro's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
14560 - Gotan's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
14564 - Mizuro's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14568 - Gotan's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14572 - Mizuro's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14576 - Gotan's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14580 - Mizuro's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14584 - Gotan's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14588 - Mizuro's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14592 - Gotan's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14856 - Brokara's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
14858 - Tairei's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
14860 - Selynne's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
14862 - Raysere's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
14864 - Vizan's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
14866 - Ahremen's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
14868 - Chelm's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
14870 - Draclira's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
14872 - Brokara's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14874 - Tairei's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14876 - Selynne's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14878 - Raysere's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14880 - Vizan's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14882 - Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14884 - Chelm's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14886 - Draclira's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14888 - Brokara's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14890 - Tairei's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14892 - Selynne's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14894 - Raysere's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14896 - Vizan's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14898 - Ahremen's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14900 - Chelm's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14902 - Draclira's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14904 - Brokara's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14906 - Tairei's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14908 - Selynne's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14910 - Raysere's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14912 - Vizan's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14914 - Ahremen's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14916 - Chelm's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14918 - Draclira's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14920 - Brokara's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14922 - Tairei's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
14924 - Selynne's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14926 - Raysere's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
14928 - Vizan's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14930 - Ahremen's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
14932 - Chelm's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
14934 - Draclira's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
15164 - Brynn's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -16.82
15166 - Tuvan's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -19.09
15168 - Setele's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -21.36
15170 - Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -20.6 => -23.63
15172 - Brynn's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
15174 - Tuvan's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
15176 - Setele's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
15178 - Cormack's Modified Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
15180 - Brynn's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
15182 - Tuvan's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
15184 - Setele's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
15186 - Cormack's Modified EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
15188 - Brynn's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
15190 - Tuvan's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
15192 - Setele's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
15194 - Cormack's Modified Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
15196 - Brynn's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -26.02
15198 - Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 12.0 => 13.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -28.03
15200 - Setele's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 15.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -30.05
15202 - Cormack's Modified Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 14.0 => 17.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -29.6 => -32.06
15685 - Imperial Navy Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15687 - Imperial Navy EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15689 - Imperial Navy Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15691 - Imperial Navy Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
15693 - Imperial Navy Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
15695 - Republic Fleet Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
15697 - Republic Fleet EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
15699 - Republic Fleet Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
15701 - Republic Fleet Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
15703 - Republic Fleet Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
16305 - Upgraded Multispectrum Coating I (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -7.872 => -10.816
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -7.872 => -10.816
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -7.872 => -10.816
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -7.872 => -10.816
16307 - Limited Adaptive Nano Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1670 (Adaptive Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1304 => None
16309 - 'Collateral' Adaptive Nano Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1670 (Adaptive Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1304 => None
16311 - 'Refuge' Adaptive Nano Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1670 (Adaptive Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1304 => None
16313 - Upgraded Kinetic Coating I (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.28 => -20.77
16315 - Limited Kinetic Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1666 (Kinetic Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1284 => None
16317 - Experimental Kinetic Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1666 (Kinetic Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1284 => None
16319 - 'Aegis' Explosive Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1667 (Explosive Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1264 => None
16321 - Upgraded Explosive Coating I (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.28 => -20.77
16323 - Limited Explosive Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1667 (Explosive Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1264 => None
16325 - Experimental Explosive Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1667 (Explosive Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1264 => None
16327 - 'Element' Kinetic Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1666 (Kinetic Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1284 => None
16329 - Upgraded EM Coating I (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.28 => -20.77
16331 - Limited EM Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1668 (EM Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1197 => None
16333 - 'Contour' EM Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1668 (EM Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1197 => None
16335 - 'Spiegel' EM Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1668 (EM Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1197 => None
16337 - Upgraded Thermal Coating I (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.28 => -20.77
16339 - Limited Thermal Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1665 (Thermal Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1294 => None
16341 - Experimental Thermal Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1665 (Thermal Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1294 => None
16343 - Prototype Thermal Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1665 (Thermal Resistance Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1294 => None
16345 - Upgraded Layered Coating I (Armor Coating) Armor Hitpoint Bonus: 1.063 => 1.079
16347 - Limited Layered Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1669 (Layered Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1274 => None
16349 - 'Scarab' Layered Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1669 (Layered Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1274 => None
16351 - 'Grail' Layered Plating I (Armor Coating) raceID: None => 1
published: True => False
isDynamicType: None => False
marketGroupID: 1669 (Layered Plating) => None
variationParentTypeID: 1274 => None
17512 - Ammatar Navy Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17514 - Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
17516 - Ammatar Navy Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17518 - Ammatar Navy EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
17549 - Federation Navy Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -12.288 => -14.55
17551 - Federation Navy Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
17553 - Federation Navy Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
17555 - Federation Navy EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
17557 - Federation Navy Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -21.12 => -24.0
18700 - Corpii C-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
18702 - Centii C-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
18704 - Corpii B-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
18706 - Centii B-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
18708 - Corpii A-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
18710 - Centii A-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
18712 - Corpii C-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18714 - Centii C-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18716 - Corpii C-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18718 - Centii C-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18720 - Corpii C-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18722 - Centii C-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18724 - Corpii C-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18726 - Centii C-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18728 - Corpii B-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18730 - Centii B-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18740 - Corpii B-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18742 - Centii B-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18744 - Corpii B-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18746 - Centii B-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18748 - Corpii B-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18750 - Centii B-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18752 - Corpii A-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18754 - Centii A-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18756 - Corpii A-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18758 - Centii A-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18760 - Corpii A-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18762 - Centii A-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18764 - Corpii A-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18766 - Centii A-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18768 - Coreli C-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -15.65 => -15.46
18770 - Coreli C-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18772 - Coreli C-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18775 - Coreli C-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18777 - Coreli C-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 11.0 => 10.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -25.4 => -24.81
18779 - Coreli B-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -17.3 => -17.73
18781 - Coreli B-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18783 - Coreli B-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18785 - Coreli B-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18787 - Coreli B-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -26.8 => -26.82
18789 - Coreli A-Type Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -18.95 => -20.0
18791 - Coreli A-Type Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18793 - Coreli A-Type Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18795 - Coreli A-Type EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
18797 - Coreli A-Type Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 13.0 => 14.0
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -28.2 => -28.84
28520 - Khanid Navy Multispectrum Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
EM Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Explosive Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Kinetic Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
Thermal Damage Resistance Bonus: -14.0 => -14.55
28547 - Khanid Navy Kinetic Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28552 - Khanid Navy Explosive Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28554 - Khanid Navy EM Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
28559 - Khanid Navy Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
32809 - Ammatar Navy Thermal Coating (Armor Coating) Meta Level: 9.0 => 8.0
50176 - Stasis Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
50177 - ECM Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
50178 - Energy Pulse Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
50179 - Dampening Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
50180 - Transport Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
52354 - ECM Field Effect Subpylon Wreck (Wreck) Access Difficulty: None => 10.0
descriptionID: None => 567390
52355 - Dampening Field Effect Subpylon Wreck (Wreck) Access Difficulty: None => 10.0
descriptionID: None => 567389
52356 - Stasis Field Effect Subpylon Wreck (Wreck) Access Difficulty: None => 10.0
descriptionID: None => 567392
52357 - Transport Field Effect Subpylon Wreck (Wreck) Access Difficulty: None => 10.0
descriptionID: None => 567393
52358 - Energy Pulse Field Effect Subpylon Wreck (Wreck) Access Difficulty: None => 10.0
descriptionID: None => 567391
52361 - World Ark (Xordazh-class) (Large Collidable Structure) Activation proximity: None => 250000.0
Maximum Locked Targets: None => 20.0
Scan Resolution: None => 40.0
Untargetable: None => 1.0
53836 - Pohviz Spatial Displacer (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
53838 - Nemiz Pulse Destructor (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
54197 - Moroz Enthalpic Inhibitor (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
54198 - Jariloz Semiotic Suppressor (Temporary Collidable Structure) groupID: 319 => 4073
54199 - Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 52414 => None
54203 - Raznaborg Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 52660 => None
54207 - Hospodar Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 52414 => None
54211 - Zorya's Nemiznik Kikimora (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 52660 => None
54390 - Empire Intermediate Cyno Boss Spawner (Invisible Beacon) graphicID: None => 10026
54568 - Dazh Koliada (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 54565 => 52416
54569 - Dazh Potremba (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 54566 => 52416
54570 - Dazh Stribozha (Invading Precursor Entities) wreckTypeID: 46338 => 52416
54733 - Thunderchild (Battleship) Scan Resolution: 103.0 => 142.0
54769 - GalvaSurge Condenser Pack S (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 81.0 => 97.0
Kinetic damage: 12.0 => 14.0
54770 - MesmerFlux Condenser Pack S (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 37.0 => 44.0
Kinetic damage: 9.0 => 11.0
54771 - BlastShot Condenser Pack S (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 12.0 => 14.0
Kinetic damage: 81.0 => 97.0
54772 - SlamBolt Condenser Pack S (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 9.0 => 11.0
Kinetic damage: 37.0 => 44.0
54773 - GalvaSurge Condenser Pack M (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 321.0 => 417.0
Kinetic damage: 97.0 => 126.0
54774 - MesmerFlux Condenser Pack M (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 160.0 => 208.0
Kinetic damage: 49.0 => 64.0
54775 - BlastShot Condenser Pack M (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 97.0 => 126.0
Kinetic damage: 321.0 => 417.0
54776 - SlamBolt Condenser Pack M (Condenser Pack) EM damage: 49.0 => 64.0
Kinetic damage: 160.0 => 208.0
54781 - StrikeSnipe Ultra S (Advanced Condenser Pack) EM damage: 34.0 => 41.0
Kinetic damage: 28.0 => 34.0
54784 - ElectroPunch Ultra S (Advanced Condenser Pack) EM damage: 56.0 => 67.0
Kinetic damage: 56.0 => 67.0
54785 - StrikeSnipe Ultra M (Advanced Condenser Pack) EM damage: 140.0 => 182.0
Kinetic damage: 136.0 => 177.0
54786 - ElectroPunch Ultra M (Advanced Condenser Pack) EM damage: 258.0 => 335.0
Kinetic damage: 243.0 => 316.0
55753 - Women's 'Federal Defender' Beret (Headwear) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 567338
marketGroupID: None => 1943 (Headwear)
55754 - Women's 'Valkear' Beret (Headwear) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 567595
marketGroupID: None => 1943 (Headwear)
55757 - Men's 'Federal Defender' Beret (Headwear) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 567339
marketGroupID: None => 1943 (Headwear)
55758 - Men's 'Valkear' Beret (Headwear) published: False => True
descriptionID: None => 567596
marketGroupID: None => 1943 (Headwear)
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (0 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
Effects per Type (12 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
50176 - Stasis Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
50177 - ECM Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
50178 - Energy Pulse Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
50179 - Dampening Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
50180 - Transport Field Effect Subpylon (Temporary Collidable Structure) Added Effects:
55747 - Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.7 (Booster) Added Effects:
55799 - Xordazh Invasion Cache (Precursor Cache) Added Effects:
55803 - Amarr spaceship skill accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55804 - Caldari spaceship skill accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55805 - Gallente spaceship skill accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55806 - Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
55826 - Expert Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group

Strings (635 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
64722 Mechanically enhanced armor plating augmentation. Armor Resistance Coatings Mechanically enhanced armor plating augmentation.Armor Resistance Coatings
65796 Resistance Plating Armor Resistance Coatings Armor Resistance PlCoatings
76566 Basic EM Plating 'Basic' EM Coating 'Basic' EM PlCoating Name of item 1193 (Armor Coating)
76569 EM Plating I EM Coating I EM PlCoating I Name of item 1197 (Armor Coating)
76570 EM Plating II EM Coating II EM PlCoating II Name of item 1198 (Armor Coating)
76571 EM Plating I Blueprint EM Coating I Blueprint EM PlCoating I Blueprint Name of item 1204 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76572 EM Plating II Blueprint EM Coating II Blueprint EM PlCoating II Blueprint Name of item 1205 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76589 Basic Explosive Plating 'Basic' Explosive Coating 'Basic' Explosive PlCoating Name of item 1262 (Armor Coating)
76590 Explosive Plating I Explosive Coating I Explosive PlCoating I Name of item 1264 (Armor Coating)
76591 Explosive Plating I Blueprint Explosive Coating I Blueprint Explosive PlCoating I Blueprint Name of item 1265 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76592 Explosive Plating II Explosive Coating II Explosive PlCoating II Name of item 1266 (Armor Coating)
76593 Explosive Plating II Blueprint Explosive Coating II Blueprint Explosive PlCoating II Blueprint Name of item 1267 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76594 Basic Layered Plating 'Basic' Layered Coating 'Basic' Layered PlCoating Name of item 1272 (Armor Coating)
76595 Layered Plating I Layered Coating I Layered PlCoating I Name of item 1274 (Armor Coating)
76596 Layered Plating I Blueprint Layered Coating I Blueprint Layered PlCoating I Blueprint Name of item 1275 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76597 Layered Plating II Layered Coating II Layered PlCoating II Name of item 1276 (Armor Coating)
76598 Layered Plating II Blueprint Layered Coating II Blueprint Layered PlCoating II Blueprint Name of item 1277 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76599 Basic Kinetic Plating 'Basic' Kinetic Coating 'Basic' Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 1282 (Armor Coating)
76600 Kinetic Plating I Kinetic Coating I Kinetic PlCoating I Name of item 1284 (Armor Coating)
76601 Kinetic Plating I Blueprint Kinetic Coating I Blueprint Kinetic PlCoating I Blueprint Name of item 1285 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76602 Kinetic Plating II Kinetic Coating II Kinetic PlCoating II Name of item 1286 (Armor Coating)
76603 Kinetic Plating II Blueprint Kinetic Coating II Blueprint Kinetic PlCoating II Blueprint Name of item 1287 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76604 Basic Thermal Plating 'Basic' Thermal Coating 'Basic' Thermal PlCoating Name of item 1292 (Armor Coating)
76605 Thermal Plating I Thermal Coating I Thermal PlCoating I Name of item 1294 (Armor Coating)
76606 Thermal Plating I Blueprint Thermal Coating I Blueprint Thermal PlCoating I Blueprint Name of item 1295 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76607 Thermal Plating II Thermal Coating II Thermal PlCoating II Name of item 1296 (Armor Coating)
76608 Thermal Plating II Blueprint Thermal Coating II Blueprint Thermal PlCoating II Blueprint Name of item 1297 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76609 Basic Adaptive Nano Plating 'Basic' Multispectrum Coating 'Basic Adaptive Nano Pl' Multispectrum Coating Name of item 1302 (Armor Coating)
76610 Adaptive Nano Plating I Multispectrum Coating I Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating I Name of item 1304 (Armor Coating)
76611 Adaptive Nano Plating I Blueprint Multispectrum Coating I Blueprint Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating I Blueprint Name of item 1305 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
76612 Adaptive Nano Plating II Multispectrum Coating II Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating II Name of item 1306 (Armor Coating)
76613 Adaptive Nano Plating II Blueprint Multispectrum Coating II Blueprint Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating II Blueprint Name of item 1307 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
86775 The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone.

For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully.

If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken.

Brothers, we must rise.

-Malaetu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head
Speaking before the Tribal Council
November 27th, YC 107
The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone.

For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully.

If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken.

Brothers, we must rise.

-Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head
Speaking before the Tribal Council
November 27th, YC 107
The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone.

For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully.

If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken.

Brothers, we must rise.

aeatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head
Speaking before the Tribal Council
November 27th, YC 107</i>
Description of item "Ragnarok" (23773)
94091 The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise. -Malaetu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head Speaking before the Tribal Council November 27th, YC 107 "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107 <i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – -Malaeatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head S, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107 Description of item "Minmatar Ragnarok Titan" (3787)
96654 Domination Adaptive Nano Plating Domination Multispectrum Coating Domination Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 13999 (Armor Coating)
96655 True Sansha Adaptive Nano Plating True Sansha Multispectrum Coating True Sansha Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14001 (Armor Coating)
96656 Dark Blood Adaptive Nano Plating Dark Blood Multispectrum Coating Dark Blood Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14003 (Armor Coating)
96657 Domination Kinetic Plating Domination Kinetic Coating Domination Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14005 (Armor Coating)
96658 True Sansha Kinetic Plating True Sansha Kinetic Coating True Sansha Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14007 (Armor Coating)
96659 Dark Blood Kinetic Plating Dark Blood Kinetic Coating Dark Blood Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14009 (Armor Coating)
96660 Domination Explosive Plating Domination Explosive Coating Domination Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14011 (Armor Coating)
96661 True Sansha Explosive Plating True Sansha Explosive Coating True Sansha Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14013 (Armor Coating)
96662 Dark Blood Explosive Plating Dark Blood Explosive Coating Dark Blood Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14015 (Armor Coating)
96663 Domination EM Plating Domination EM Coating Domination EM PlCoating Name of item 14017 (Armor Coating)
96664 True Sansha EM Plating True Sansha EM Coating True Sansha EM PlCoating Name of item 14019 (Armor Coating)
96665 Dark Blood EM Plating Dark Blood EM Coating Dark Blood EM PlCoating Name of item 14021 (Armor Coating)
96666 Domination Thermal Plating Domination Thermal Coating Domination Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14023 (Armor Coating)
96667 True Sansha Thermal Plating True Sansha Thermal Coating True Sansha Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14025 (Armor Coating)
96668 Dark Blood Thermal Plating Dark Blood Thermal Coating Dark Blood Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14027 (Armor Coating)
96677 Shadow Serpentis Adaptive Nano Plating Shadow Serpentis Multispectrum Coating Shadow Serpentis Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14049 (Armor Coating)
96678 Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Plating Shadow Serpentis Kinetic Coating Shadow Serpentis Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14051 (Armor Coating)
96679 Shadow Serpentis Explosive Plating Shadow Serpentis Explosive Coating Shadow Serpentis Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14053 (Armor Coating)
96680 Shadow Serpentis EM Plating Shadow Serpentis EM Coating Shadow Serpentis EM PlCoating Name of item 14055 (Armor Coating)
96681 Shadow Serpentis Thermal Plating Shadow Serpentis Thermal Coating Shadow Serpentis Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14057 (Armor Coating)
96775 Mizuro's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Mizuro's Modified Multispectrum Coating Mizuro's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14556 (Armor Coating)
96776 Gotan's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Gotan's Modified Multispectrum Coating Gotan's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14560 (Armor Coating)
96777 Mizuro's Modified Kinetic Plating Mizuro's Modified Kinetic Coating Mizuro's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14564 (Armor Coating)
96778 Gotan's Modified Kinetic Plating Gotan's Modified Kinetic Coating Gotan's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14568 (Armor Coating)
96779 Mizuro's Modified Explosive Plating Mizuro's Modified Explosive Coating Mizuro's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14572 (Armor Coating)
96780 Gotan's Modified Explosive Plating Gotan's Modified Explosive Coating Gotan's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14576 (Armor Coating)
96781 Mizuro's Modified EM Plating Mizuro's Modified EM Coating Mizuro's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14580 (Armor Coating)
96782 Gotan's Modified EM Plating Gotan's Modified EM Coating Gotan's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14584 (Armor Coating)
96783 Mizuro's Modified Thermal Plating Mizuro's Modified Thermal Coating Mizuro's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14588 (Armor Coating)
96784 Gotan's Modified Thermal Plating Gotan's Modified Thermal Coating Gotan's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14592 (Armor Coating)
96861 Brokara's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Brokara's Modified Multispectrum Coating Brokara's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14856 (Armor Coating)
96862 Tairei's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Tairei's Modified Multispectrum Coating Tairei's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14858 (Armor Coating)
96863 Selynne's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Selynne's Modified Multispectrum Coating Selynne's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14860 (Armor Coating)
96864 Raysere's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Raysere's Modified Multispectrum Coating Raysere's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14862 (Armor Coating)
96865 Vizan's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Vizan's Modified Multispectrum Coating Vizan's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14864 (Armor Coating)
96866 Ahremen's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Ahremen's Modified Multispectrum Coating Ahremen's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14866 (Armor Coating)
96867 Chelm's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Chelm's Modified Multispectrum Coating Chelm's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14868 (Armor Coating)
96868 Draclira's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Draclira's Modified Multispectrum Coating Draclira's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 14870 (Armor Coating)
96869 Brokara's Modified Kinetic Plating Brokara's Modified Kinetic Coating Brokara's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14872 (Armor Coating)
96870 Tairei's Modified Kinetic Plating Tairei's Modified Kinetic Coating Tairei's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14874 (Armor Coating)
96871 Selynne's Modified Kinetic Plating Selynne's Modified Kinetic Coating Selynne's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14876 (Armor Coating)
96872 Raysere's Modified Kinetic Plating Raysere's Modified Kinetic Coating Raysere's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14878 (Armor Coating)
96873 Vizan's Modified Kinetic Plating Vizan's Modified Kinetic Coating Vizan's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14880 (Armor Coating)
96874 Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Plating Ahremen's Modified Kinetic Coating Ahremen's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14882 (Armor Coating)
96875 Chelm's Modified Kinetic Plating Chelm's Modified Kinetic Coating Chelm's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14884 (Armor Coating)
96876 Draclira's Modified Kinetic Plating Draclira's Modified Kinetic Coating Draclira's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 14886 (Armor Coating)
96877 Brokara's Modified Explosive Plating Brokara's Modified Explosive Coating Brokara's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14888 (Armor Coating)
96878 Tairei's Modified Explosive Plating Tairei's Modified Explosive Coating Tairei's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14890 (Armor Coating)
96879 Selynne's Modified Explosive Plating Selynne's Modified Explosive Coating Selynne's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14892 (Armor Coating)
96880 Raysere's Modified Explosive Plating Raysere's Modified Explosive Coating Raysere's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14894 (Armor Coating)
96881 Vizan's Modified Explosive Plating Vizan's Modified Explosive Coating Vizan's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14896 (Armor Coating)
96882 Ahremen's Modified Explosive Plating Ahremen's Modified Explosive Coating Ahremen's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14898 (Armor Coating)
96883 Chelm's Modified Explosive Plating Chelm's Modified Explosive Coating Chelm's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14900 (Armor Coating)
96884 Draclira's Modified Explosive Plating Draclira's Modified Explosive Coating Draclira's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 14902 (Armor Coating)
96885 Brokara's Modified EM Plating Brokara's Modified EM Coating Brokara's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14904 (Armor Coating)
96886 Tairei's Modified EM Plating Tairei's Modified EM Coating Tairei's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14906 (Armor Coating)
96887 Selynne's Modified EM Plating Selynne's Modified EM Coating Selynne's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14908 (Armor Coating)
96888 Raysere's Modified EM Plating Raysere's Modified EM Coating Raysere's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14910 (Armor Coating)
96889 Vizan's Modified EM Plating Vizan's Modified EM Coating Vizan's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14912 (Armor Coating)
96890 Ahremen's Modified EM Plating Ahremen's Modified EM Coating Ahremen's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14914 (Armor Coating)
96891 Chelm's Modified EM Plating Chelm's Modified EM Coating Chelm's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14916 (Armor Coating)
96892 Draclira's Modified EM Plating Draclira's Modified EM Coating Draclira's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 14918 (Armor Coating)
96893 Brokara's Modified Thermal Plating Brokara's Modified Thermal Coating Brokara's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14920 (Armor Coating)
96894 Tairei's Modified Thermal Plating Tairei's Modified Thermal Coating Tairei's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14922 (Armor Coating)
96895 Selynne's Modified Thermal Plating Selynne's Modified Thermal Coating Selynne's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14924 (Armor Coating)
96896 Raysere's Modified Thermal Plating Raysere's Modified Thermal Coating Raysere's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14926 (Armor Coating)
96897 Vizan's Modified Thermal Plating Vizan's Modified Thermal Coating Vizan's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14928 (Armor Coating)
96898 Ahremen's Modified Thermal Plating Ahremen's Modified Thermal Coating Ahremen's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14930 (Armor Coating)
96899 Chelm's Modified Thermal Plating Chelm's Modified Thermal Coating Chelm's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14932 (Armor Coating)
96900 Draclira's Modified Thermal Plating Draclira's Modified Thermal Coating Draclira's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 14934 (Armor Coating)
97013 Brynn's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Brynn's Modified Multispectrum Coating Brynn's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 15164 (Armor Coating)
97014 Tuvan's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Tuvan's Modified Multispectrum Coating Tuvan's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 15166 (Armor Coating)
97015 Setele's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Setele's Modified Multispectrum Coating Setele's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 15168 (Armor Coating)
97016 Cormack's Modified Adaptive Nano Plating Cormack's Modified Multispectrum Coating Cormack's Modified Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 15170 (Armor Coating)
97017 Brynn's Modified Thermal Plating Brynn's Modified Thermal Coating Brynn's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 15172 (Armor Coating)
97018 Tuvan's Modified Thermal Plating Tuvan's Modified Thermal Coating Tuvan's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 15174 (Armor Coating)
97019 Setele's Modified Thermal Plating Setele's Modified Thermal Coating Setele's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 15176 (Armor Coating)
97020 Cormack's Modified Thermal Plating Cormack's Modified Thermal Coating Cormack's Modified Thermal PlCoating Name of item 15178 (Armor Coating)
97021 Brynn's Modified EM Plating Brynn's Modified EM Coating Brynn's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 15180 (Armor Coating)
97022 Tuvan's Modified EM Plating Tuvan's Modified EM Coating Tuvan's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 15182 (Armor Coating)
97023 Setele's Modified EM Plating Setele's Modified EM Coating Setele's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 15184 (Armor Coating)
97024 Cormack's Modified EM Plating Cormack's Modified EM Coating Cormack's Modified EM PlCoating Name of item 15186 (Armor Coating)
97025 Brynn's Modified Explosive Plating Brynn's Modified Explosive Coating Brynn's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 15188 (Armor Coating)
97026 Tuvan's Modified Explosive Plating Tuvan's Modified Explosive Coating Tuvan's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 15190 (Armor Coating)
97027 Setele's Modified Explosive Plating Setele's Modified Explosive Coating Setele's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 15192 (Armor Coating)
97028 Cormack's Modified Explosive Plating Cormack's Modified Explosive Coating Cormack's Modified Explosive PlCoating Name of item 15194 (Armor Coating)
97029 Brynn's Modified Kinetic Plating Brynn's Modified Kinetic Coating Brynn's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 15196 (Armor Coating)
97030 Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Plating Tuvan's Modified Kinetic Coating Tuvan's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 15198 (Armor Coating)
97031 Setele's Modified Kinetic Plating Setele's Modified Kinetic Coating Setele's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 15200 (Armor Coating)
97032 Cormack's Modified Kinetic Plating Cormack's Modified Kinetic Coating Cormack's Modified Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 15202 (Armor Coating)
97166 Republic Fleet Thermal Plating Republic Fleet Thermal Coating Republic Fleet Thermal PlCoating Name of item 15695 (Armor Coating)
97167 Republic Fleet EM Plating Republic Fleet EM Coating Republic Fleet EM PlCoating Name of item 15697 (Armor Coating)
97168 Republic Fleet Explosive Plating Republic Fleet Explosive Coating Republic Fleet Explosive PlCoating Name of item 15699 (Armor Coating)
97169 Republic Fleet Kinetic Plating Republic Fleet Kinetic Coating Republic Fleet Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 15701 (Armor Coating)
97170 Republic Fleet Adaptive Nano Plating Republic Fleet Multispectrum Coating Republic Fleet Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 15703 (Armor Coating)
97256 Upgraded Adaptive Nano Plating I Upgraded Multispectrum Coating I Upgraded Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating I Name of item 16305 (Armor Coating)
97260 Upgraded Kinetic Plating I Upgraded Kinetic Coating I Upgraded Kinetic PlCoating I Name of item 16313 (Armor Coating)
97264 Upgraded Explosive Plating I Upgraded Explosive Coating I Upgraded Explosive PlCoating I Name of item 16321 (Armor Coating)
97268 Upgraded EM Plating I Upgraded EM Coating I Upgraded EM PlCoating I Name of item 16329 (Armor Coating)
97272 Upgraded Thermal Plating I Upgraded Thermal Coating I Upgraded Thermal PlCoating I Name of item 16337 (Armor Coating)
97276 Upgraded Layered Plating I Upgraded Layered Coating I Upgraded Layered PlCoating I Name of item 16345 (Armor Coating)
98286 Ammatar Navy Kinetic Plating Ammatar Navy Kinetic Coating Ammatar Navy Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 17512 (Armor Coating)
98287 Ammatar Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Coating Ammatar Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 17514 (Armor Coating)
98288 Ammatar Navy Explosive Plating Ammatar Navy Explosive Coating Ammatar Navy Explosive PlCoating Name of item 17516 (Armor Coating)
98289 Ammatar Navy EM Plating Ammatar Navy EM Coating Ammatar Navy EM PlCoating Name of item 17518 (Armor Coating)
98552 Corpii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Corpii C-Type Multispectrum Coating Corpii C-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18700 (Armor Coating)
98553 Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Centii C-Type Multispectrum Coating Centii C-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18702 (Armor Coating)
98554 Corpii B-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Corpii B-Type Multispectrum Coating Corpii B-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18704 (Armor Coating)
98555 Centii B-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Centii B-Type Multispectrum Coating Centii B-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18706 (Armor Coating)
98556 Corpii A-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Corpii A-Type Multispectrum Coating Corpii A-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18708 (Armor Coating)
98557 Centii A-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Centii A-Type Multispectrum Coating Centii A-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18710 (Armor Coating)
98558 Corpii C-Type Kinetic Plating Corpii C-Type Kinetic Coating Corpii C-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18712 (Armor Coating)
98559 Centii C-Type Kinetic Plating Centii C-Type Kinetic Coating Centii C-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18714 (Armor Coating)
98560 Corpii C-Type Explosive Plating Corpii C-Type Explosive Coating Corpii C-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18716 (Armor Coating)
98561 Centii C-Type Explosive Plating Centii C-Type Explosive Coating Centii C-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18718 (Armor Coating)
98562 Corpii C-Type EM Plating Corpii C-Type EM Coating Corpii C-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18720 (Armor Coating)
98563 Centii C-Type EM Plating Centii C-Type EM Coating Centii C-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18722 (Armor Coating)
98564 Corpii C-Type Thermal Plating Corpii C-Type Thermal Coating Corpii C-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18724 (Armor Coating)
98565 Centii C-Type Thermal Plating Centii C-Type Thermal Coating Centii C-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18726 (Armor Coating)
98566 Corpii B-Type Thermal Plating Corpii B-Type Thermal Coating Corpii B-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18728 (Armor Coating)
98567 Centii B-Type Thermal Plating Centii B-Type Thermal Coating Centii B-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18730 (Armor Coating)
98568 Corpii B-Type Kinetic Plating Corpii B-Type Kinetic Coating Corpii B-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18740 (Armor Coating)
98569 Centii B-Type Kinetic Plating Centii B-Type Kinetic Coating Centii B-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18742 (Armor Coating)
98570 Corpii B-Type Explosive Plating Corpii B-Type Explosive Coating Corpii B-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18744 (Armor Coating)
98571 Centii B-Type Explosive Plating Centii B-Type Explosive Coating Centii B-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18746 (Armor Coating)
98572 Corpii B-Type EM Plating Corpii B-Type EM Coating Corpii B-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18748 (Armor Coating)
98573 Centii B-Type EM Plating Centii B-Type EM Coating Centii B-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18750 (Armor Coating)
98574 Corpii A-Type Kinetic Plating Corpii A-Type Kinetic Coating Corpii A-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18752 (Armor Coating)
98575 Centii A-Type Kinetic Plating Centii A-Type Kinetic Coating Centii A-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18754 (Armor Coating)
98576 Corpii A-Type Explosive Plating Corpii A-Type Explosive Coating Corpii A-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18756 (Armor Coating)
98577 Centii A-Type Explosive Plating Centii A-Type Explosive Coating Centii A-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18758 (Armor Coating)
98578 Corpii A-Type EM Plating Corpii A-Type EM Coating Corpii A-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18760 (Armor Coating)
98579 Centii A-Type EM Plating Centii A-Type EM Coating Centii A-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18762 (Armor Coating)
98580 Corpii A-Type Thermal Plating Corpii A-Type Thermal Coating Corpii A-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18764 (Armor Coating)
98581 Centii A-Type Thermal Plating Centii A-Type Thermal Coating Centii A-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18766 (Armor Coating)
98582 Coreli C-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Coreli C-Type Multispectrum Coating Coreli C-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18768 (Armor Coating)
98583 Coreli C-Type Kinetic Plating Coreli C-Type Kinetic Coating Coreli C-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18770 (Armor Coating)
98584 Coreli C-Type Explosive Plating Coreli C-Type Explosive Coating Coreli C-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18772 (Armor Coating)
98585 Coreli C-Type EM Plating Coreli C-Type EM Coating Coreli C-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18775 (Armor Coating)
98586 Coreli C-Type Thermal Plating Coreli C-Type Thermal Coating Coreli C-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18777 (Armor Coating)
98587 Coreli B-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Coreli B-Type Multispectrum Coating Coreli B-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18779 (Armor Coating)
98588 Coreli B-Type Kinetic Plating Coreli B-Type Kinetic Coating Coreli B-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18781 (Armor Coating)
98589 Coreli B-Type Explosive Plating Coreli B-Type Explosive Coating Coreli B-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18783 (Armor Coating)
98590 Coreli B-Type EM Plating Coreli B-Type EM Coating Coreli B-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18785 (Armor Coating)
98591 Coreli B-Type Thermal Plating Coreli B-Type Thermal Coating Coreli B-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18787 (Armor Coating)
98592 Coreli A-Type Adaptive Nano Plating Coreli A-Type Multispectrum Coating Coreli A-Type Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 18789 (Armor Coating)
98593 Coreli A-Type Kinetic Plating Coreli A-Type Kinetic Coating Coreli A-Type Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 18791 (Armor Coating)
98594 Coreli A-Type Explosive Plating Coreli A-Type Explosive Coating Coreli A-Type Explosive PlCoating Name of item 18793 (Armor Coating)
98595 Coreli A-Type EM Plating Coreli A-Type EM Coating Coreli A-Type EM PlCoating Name of item 18795 (Armor Coating)
98596 Coreli A-Type Thermal Plating Coreli A-Type Thermal Coating Coreli A-Type Thermal PlCoating Name of item 18797 (Armor Coating)
100431 Khanid Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Khanid Navy Multispectrum Coating Khanid Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 28520 (Armor Coating)
100444 Khanid Navy Kinetic Plating Khanid Navy Kinetic Coating Khanid Navy Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 28547 (Armor Coating)
100446 Khanid Navy Explosive Plating Khanid Navy Explosive Coating Khanid Navy Explosive PlCoating Name of item 28552 (Armor Coating)
100447 Khanid Navy EM Plating Khanid Navy EM Coating Khanid Navy EM PlCoating Name of item 28554 (Armor Coating)
100450 Khanid Navy Thermal Plating Khanid Navy Thermal Coating Khanid Navy Thermal PlCoating Name of item 28559 (Armor Coating)
103229 Ammatar Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Multispectrum Coating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Blueprint Name of item 17515 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103235 Ammatar Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Kinetic Coating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Kinetic PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17513 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103236 Ammatar Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Explosive Coating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Explosive PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17517 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103237 Ammatar Navy EM Plating Blueprint Ammatar Navy EM Coating Blueprint Ammatar Navy EM PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17519 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103238 Khanid Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint Khanid Navy Multispectrum Coating Blueprint Khanid Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Blueprint Name of item 28521 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103244 Khanid Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint Khanid Navy Kinetic Coating Blueprint Khanid Navy Kinetic PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 28548 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103245 Khanid Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint Khanid Navy Explosive Coating Blueprint Khanid Navy Explosive PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 28553 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103246 Khanid Navy EM Plating Blueprint Khanid Navy EM Coating Blueprint Khanid Navy EM PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 28555 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103247 Khanid Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint Khanid Navy Thermal Coating Blueprint Khanid Navy Thermal PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 28560 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103248 Republic Fleet Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint Republic Fleet Multispectrum Coating Blueprint Republic Fleet Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Blueprint Name of item 15704 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103249 Republic Fleet Kinetic Plating Blueprint Republic Fleet Kinetic Coating Blueprint Republic Fleet Kinetic PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15702 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103250 Republic Fleet Explosive Plating Blueprint Republic Fleet Explosive Coating Blueprint Republic Fleet Explosive PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15700 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103251 Republic Fleet EM Plating Blueprint Republic Fleet EM Coating Blueprint Republic Fleet EM PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15698 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103252 Republic Fleet Thermal Plating Blueprint Republic Fleet Thermal Coating Blueprint Republic Fleet Thermal PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15696 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103407 Federation Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Federation Navy Multispectrum Coating Federation Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 17549 (Armor Coating)
103408 Federation Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint Federation Navy Multispectrum Coating Blueprint Federation Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Blueprint Name of item 17550 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103439 Federation Navy Kinetic Plating Federation Navy Kinetic Coating Federation Navy Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 17551 (Armor Coating)
103440 Federation Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint Federation Navy Kinetic Coating Blueprint Federation Navy Kinetic PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17552 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103447 Federation Navy Explosive Plating Federation Navy Explosive Coating Federation Navy Explosive PlCoating Name of item 17553 (Armor Coating)
103448 Federation Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint Federation Navy Explosive Coating Blueprint Federation Navy Explosive PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17554 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103449 Federation Navy EM Plating Federation Navy EM Coating Federation Navy EM PlCoating Name of item 17555 (Armor Coating)
103450 Federation Navy EM Plating Blueprint Federation Navy EM Coating Blueprint Federation Navy EM PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17556 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103462 Federation Navy Thermal Plating Federation Navy Thermal Coating Federation Navy Thermal PlCoating Name of item 17557 (Armor Coating)
103463 Federation Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint Federation Navy Thermal Coating Blueprint Federation Navy Thermal PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 17558 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103466 Imperial Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Imperial Navy Multispectrum Coating Imperial Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Name of item 15693 (Armor Coating)
103467 Imperial Navy Adaptive Nano Plating Blueprint Imperial Navy Multispectrum Coating Blueprint Imperial Navy Adaptive Nano PlMultispectrum Coating Blueprint Name of item 15694 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103509 Imperial Navy Kinetic Plating Imperial Navy Kinetic Coating Imperial Navy Kinetic PlCoating Name of item 15691 (Armor Coating)
103510 Imperial Navy Kinetic Plating Blueprint Imperial Navy Kinetic Coating Blueprint Imperial Navy Kinetic PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15692 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103527 Imperial Navy Explosive Plating Imperial Navy Explosive Coating Imperial Navy Explosive PlCoating Name of item 15689 (Armor Coating)
103528 Imperial Navy Explosive Plating Blueprint Imperial Navy Explosive Coating Blueprint Imperial Navy Explosive PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15690 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103529 Imperial Navy EM Plating Imperial Navy EM Coating Imperial Navy EM PlCoating Name of item 15687 (Armor Coating)
103530 Imperial Navy EM Plating Blueprint Imperial Navy EM Coating Blueprint Imperial Navy EM PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15688 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
103550 Imperial Navy Thermal Plating Imperial Navy Thermal Coating Imperial Navy Thermal PlCoating Name of item 15685 (Armor Coating)
103551 Imperial Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint Imperial Navy Thermal Coating Blueprint Imperial Navy Thermal PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 15686 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
237431 Tab between edit fields Tab to previous edit field Tab betweento previous edit fields /Carbon/UI/Commands/OnShiftTab
237451 Tab between edit fields Tab to next edit field Tab betweento next edit fields /Carbon/UI/Commands/OnTab
256640 You must relinquish control of the structure first in order regain control of your ship. You must relinquish control of the structure first in order to regain control of your ship. You must relinquish control of the structure first in order to regain control of your ship. UI/Messages/ShipControllingStructuresBody
279689 Ammatar Navy Thermal Plating Ammatar Navy Thermal Coating Ammatar Navy Thermal PlCoating Name of item 32809 (Armor Coating)
279691 Ammatar Navy Thermal Plating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Thermal Coating Blueprint Ammatar Navy Thermal PlCoating Blueprint Name of item 32810 (Armor Coating Blueprint)
281322 Resistance Plating Armor Coatings Resistance PlArmor Coatings
281323 Blueprints for Resistance Plating Blueprints for Armor Coatings Blueprints for Resistance PlArmor Coatings
285352 Thermal Resistance Plating Thermal Coatings Thermal Resistance PlCoatings
285353 Thermal Resistance Plating Thermal Coatings Thermal Resistance PlCoatings
285354 Kinetic Resistance Plating Kinetic Coatings Kinetic Resistance PlCoatings
285355 Kinetic Resistance Plating Kinetic Coatings Kinetic Resistance PlCoatings
285356 Explosive Resistance Plating Explosive Coatings Explosive Resistance PlCoatings
285357 Explosive Resistance Plating Explosive Coatings Explosive Resistance PlCoatings
285358 EM Resistance Plating EM Coatings EM Resistance PlCoatings
285359 EM Resistance Plating EM Coatings EM Resistance PlCoatings
285360 Layered Plating Layered Armor Coatings Layered PlArmor Coatings
285361 Layered Plating Layered Armor Coatings Layered PlArmor Coatings
285362 Adaptive Resistance Plating Multispectrum Coatings Adaptive Resistance PlMultispectrum Coatings
285363 Adaptive Resistance Plating Multispectrum Coatings Adaptive Resistance PlMultispectrum Coatings
519045 The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise. -Malaetu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head Speaking before the Tribal Council November 27th, YC 107 "The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107 <i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – -Malaeatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head S, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107 Description of item "Minmatar Ragnarok Titan" (42865)
549383 ECM TFU Wreck ECM Field Effect Subpylon Wreck ECM TFUField Effect Subpylon Wreck Name of item 52354 (Wreck)
549384 Damp TFU Wreck Dampening Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Damp TFUening Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Name of item 52355 (Wreck)
549385 Web TFU Wreck Stasis Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Web TFUStasis Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Name of item 52356 (Wreck)
549386 MJFG TFU Wreck Transport Field Effect Subpylon Wreck MJFG TFUTransport Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Name of item 52357 (Wreck)
549387 Bomb TFU Wreck Energy Pulse Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Bomb TFUEnergy Pulse Field Effect Subpylon Wreck Name of item 52358 (Wreck)
559431 Abyssal Proving Filaments Abyssal Proving Filaments Description of group ID 4050
559526 QA 1v1 Proving Filament QA 1v1 Proving Filament Name of item 53965 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
562083 Merlin Zento Insideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Merlin Zento Insideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Merlin Zento Insideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54341 (Volatile SKIN)
562667 Executioner Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Executioner Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Executioner Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54448 (Volatile SKIN)
562668 Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Condor Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54449 (Volatile SKIN)
562669 Atron Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Atron Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Atron Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54450 (Volatile SKIN)
562670 Slasher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Slasher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Slasher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54451 (Volatile SKIN)
562671 Punisher Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Punisher Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Punisher Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54452 (Volatile SKIN)
562672 Incursus Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Incursus Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days Limited) Incursus Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54453 (Volatile SKIN)
562673 Breacher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Breacher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Breacher Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54454 (Volatile SKIN)
562674 Tormentor Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Tormentor Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Tormentor Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54455 (Volatile SKIN)
562675 Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Kestrel Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54456 (Volatile SKIN)
562676 Tristan Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Tristan Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days Limited) Tristan Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54457 (Volatile SKIN)
562677 Rifter Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Rifter Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Rifter Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54458 (Volatile SKIN)
562678 Inquisitor Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Inquisitor Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Inquisitor Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54459 (Volatile SKIN)
562679 Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Bantam Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54460 (Volatile SKIN)
562680 Navitas Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Navitas Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days Limited) Navitas Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54461 (Volatile SKIN)
562681 Burst Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Burst Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Burst Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54462 (Volatile SKIN)
562683 Magnate Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile)Magnate Magnate Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Magnate Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile)Magnate Limited) Name of item 54463 (Volatile SKIN)
562684 Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Heron Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54464 (Volatile SKIN)
562685 Imicus Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Imicus Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Imicus Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54465 (Volatile SKIN)
562686 Probe Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Probe Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Probe Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54466 (Volatile SKIN)
562687 Crucifier Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Crucifier Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Crucifier Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54467 (Volatile SKIN)
562688 Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Griffin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54468 (Volatile SKIN)
562689 Maulus Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Maulus Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Maulus Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54469 (Volatile SKIN)
562690 Vigil Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Vigil Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Vigil Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54470 (Volatile SKIN)
562691 Sentinel Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Sentinel Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Sentinel Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54472 (Volatile SKIN)
562692 Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Kitsune Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54473 (Volatile SKIN)
562693 Keres Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Keres Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Keres Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54474 (Volatile SKIN)
562694 Hyena Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Hyena Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Hyena Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54475 (Volatile SKIN)
562699 Vengeance Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Vengeance Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Vengeance Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54476 (Volatile SKIN)
562702 Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Harpy Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54477 (Volatile SKIN)
562703 Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Hawk Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54478 (Volatile SKIN)
562705 Jaguar Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Jaguar Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Jaguar Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54479 (Volatile SKIN)
562707 Nergal Blackfire Steel SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Nergal Blackfire Steel SKIN (7 days Limited) Nergal Blackfire Steel SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54481 (Volatile SKIN)
562708 Retribution Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Retribution Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Retribution Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54482 (Volatile SKIN)
562709 Enyo Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Enyo Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Enyo Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54483 (Volatile SKIN)
562710 Ishkur Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Ishkur Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Ishkur Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54484 (Volatile SKIN)
562713 Wolf Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Wolf Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Wolf Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54485 (Volatile SKIN)
562714 Deacon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Deacon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Deacon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54487 (Volatile SKIN)
562716 Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Kirin Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54488 (Volatile SKIN)
562717 Thalia Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Thalia Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days Limited) Thalia Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54489 (Volatile SKIN)
562718 Scalpel Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Scalpel Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Scalpel Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54490 (Volatile SKIN)
562719 Abaddon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Abaddon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Abaddon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54491 (Volatile SKIN)
562720 Apocalypse Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Apocalypse Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Apocalypse Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54492 (Volatile SKIN)
562721 Armageddon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Armageddon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Armageddon Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54493 (Volatile SKIN)
562724 Apocalypse Navy Issue Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Apocalypse Navy Issue Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Apocalypse Navy Issue Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54494 (Volatile SKIN)
562727 Armageddon Navy Issue Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Armageddon Navy Issue Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Armageddon Navy Issue Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54495 (Volatile SKIN)
562728 Paladin Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Paladin Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Paladin Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54496 (Volatile SKIN)
562731 Redeemer Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Redeemer Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days Limited) Redeemer Oasis Of Faith SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54497 (Volatile SKIN)
562732 Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Raven Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54498 (Volatile SKIN)
562733 Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Raven Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54499 (Volatile SKIN)
562734 Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Rokh Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54500 (Volatile SKIN)
562735 Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Scorpion Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54501 (Volatile SKIN)
562736 Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Scorpion Navy Issue Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54502 (Volatile SKIN)
562737 Nightmare True Deliverance SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Nightmare True Deliverance SKIN (7 days Limited) Nightmare True Deliverance SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54503 (Volatile SKIN)
562738 Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Golem Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54504 (Volatile SKIN)
562739 Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days Limited) Widow Zento Isideko Combine SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54505 (Volatile SKIN)
562740 Megathron Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Megathron Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Megathron Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54506 (Volatile SKIN)
562741 Megathron Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Megathron Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Megathron Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54507 (Volatile SKIN)
562742 Dominix Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Dominix Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Dominix Navy Issue Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54508 (Volatile SKIN)
562743 Kronos Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Kronos Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Kronos Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54509 (Volatile SKIN)
562744 Sin Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Sin Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days Limited) Sin Intaki Syndicate SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54510 (Volatile SKIN)
562745 Hyperion Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Hyperion Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days Limited) Hyperion Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54511 (Volatile SKIN)
562746 Dominix Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Dominix Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days Limited) Dominix Inner Zone Vanguard SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54512 (Volatile SKIN)
562747 Tempest Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Tempest Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Tempest Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54513 (Volatile SKIN)
562748 Typhoon Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Typhoon Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Typhoon Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54514 (Volatile SKIN)
562749 Maelstrom Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Maelstrom Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Maelstrom Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54515 (Volatile SKIN)
562750 Tempest Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Tempest Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Tempest Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54516 (Volatile SKIN)
562751 Typhoon Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Typhoon Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Typhoon Fleet Issue Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54517 (Volatile SKIN)
562752 Vargur Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Vargur Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Vargur Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54518 (Volatile SKIN)
562753 Panther Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Panther Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days Limited) Panther Snowline Bladeracer SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54519 (Volatile SKIN)
562754 Barghest Convergence - Nova SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Barghest Convergence - Nova SKIN (7 days Limited) Barghest Convergence - Nova SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54520 (Volatile SKIN)
562755 Bhaalgorn Glacial Drift SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Bhaalgorn Glacial Drift SKIN (7 days Limited) Bhaalgorn Glacial Drift SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54521 (Volatile SKIN)
562758 Machariel Angel's Hex SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Machariel Angel's Hex SKIN (7 days Limited) Machariel Angel's Hex SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54522 (Volatile SKIN)
562759 Nestor SOE Blue Cell SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Nestor SOE Blue Cell SKIN (7 days Limited) Nestor SOE Blue Cell SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54523 (Volatile SKIN)
562760 Rattlesnake Hostile Takeover SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Rattlesnake Hostile Takeover SKIN (7 days Limited) Rattlesnake Hostile Takeover SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54524 (Volatile SKIN)
562761 Vindicator Angel's Hex SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Vindicator Angel's Hex SKIN (7 days Limited) Vindicator Angel's Hex SKIN (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54525 (Volatile SKIN)
562762 Leshak Blackfire Steel SKIN (7 days/Volatile) Leshak Blackfire Steel SKIN ((7 days Limited)) Leshak Blackfire Steel SKIN ((7 days/Volatile Limited)) Name of item 54526 (Volatile SKIN)
562763 Marshal Firewatch (7 days/Volatile) Marshal Firewatch (7 days Limited) Marshal Firewatch (7 days/Volatile Limited) Name of item 54527 (Volatile SKIN)
563667 You can access this information in the appropriate section of the Agency. You can access this information in the appropriate section of the Agency.

Bear in mind that you can explore multiple paths before finding the perfect fit.
You can access this information in the appropriate section of the Agency.

Bear in mind that you can explore multiple paths before finding the perfect fit.
Part of conversation "Select Career Agents"
563935 Basic Capsuleer Day Glamourex Booster Expired Basic Capsuleer Day Glamourex Booster Expired Basic Capsuleer Day Glamourex Booster Name of item 54815 (Booster)
563960 You can explore any number of paths before finding one that feels right to you. I am pleased that you are not as helpless as you look. Take no offense. All carbon-based lifeforms appear helpless to me.

As you have proven capable of fending for yourself, I will now enter standard operations mode.

Godspeed, Captain.
You can explore any number of paths before finding one that feels right to youI am pleased that you are not as helpless as you look. Take no offense. All carbon-based lifeforms appear helpless to me.

As you have proven capable of fending for yourself, I will now enter standard operations mode.

Godspeed, Captain
Part of conversation "Goodbye from Aura"
563961 This Career Agent has offered you a mission. You can click Accept to begin this career path. To begin a conversation with an agent, press Start Conversation<b/>. This Career Agent has offered you a mission. You can click <b>Accept</b> to begin this career patho begin a conversation with an agent, press <b>Start Conversation<b/>.
564395 QA 2v2 Proving Filament QA 2v2 Proving Filament Name of item 54951 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
564554 Area Effect Radius Area Effect Radius Name of attribute "FleetMemberPickupRadius" (3051)
564555 Area Effect Radius Area Effect Radius
564556 Number Of Ships required Number Of Ships required Name of attribute "FleetMembersNeeded" (3052)
564598 Iron Maiden Arena Iron Maiden Arena
564599 The Furnace Arena The Furnace Arena
564695 Surface Dungeon Cloud 8820 Surface Dungeon Cloud 8820 Name of item 55036 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
565954 Test background Test background Name of item 55360 (Augmentations)
567077 World Ark Proving Ground World Ark Assault Flashpoint World Ark Proving GroundAssault Flashpoint
567078 World Ark Proving Ground World Ark Assault Flashpoint World Ark Proving GroundAssault Flashpoint
567080 World Ark Proving Ground World Ark Assault Flashpoint World Ark Proving GroundAssault Flashpoint
567081 World Ark Proving Ground World Ark Assault Flashpoint World Ark Proving GroundAssault Flashpoint
567082 Our sensors detect an anomalous synthetic conduit, and report the nearby deployment of several Triglavian structures. Sensors have detected an anomalous conduit. Reports indicate nearby deployment of several Triglavian structures. Our sSensors have detected an anomalous synthetic conduit, and report thconduit. Reports indicate nearby deployment of several Triglavian structures.
567083 Synthetic conduit detected - expect Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Disintegrator Werpost deployment and new conduit detected. Brace for heavy fire and incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Synthetic conduit detected - expectDisintegrator Werpost deployment and new conduit detected. Brace for heavy fire and incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels!
567084 Synthetic conduit detected - expect Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Disintegrator Werpost deployment and new conduit detected. Brace for heavy fire and incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Synthetic conduit detected - expectDisintegrator Werpost deployment and new conduit detected. Brace for heavy fire and incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels!
567086 Subpylon deployment and synthetic conduit detected - expect Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Ark Subpylon deployment and new conduit detected. Expect incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Ark Subpylon deployment and syntheticnew conduit detected - e. Expect incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels!
567087 Subpylon deployment and synthetic conduit detected - expect Triglavian reinforcement vessels! New conduit detected. Expect incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels! Subpylon deployment and syntheticNew conduit detected - e. Expect incoming Triglavian reinforcement vessels!
567089 Congratulations, pilot. Here's your reward. Now, clean up the rabble and get out of there. Well done, pilots. Rewards allocated. Clean up the remnants and withdraw from location. CongratulatiWell donse, pilots. Here's your reward. Now, clean up the rabble and get out of thereRewards allocated. Clean up the remnants and withdraw from location.
567120 Unable to transfer PLEX as vault account does not exist Unable to transfer PLEX as vault account does not exist
567121 PLEX Withdrawal Failed PLEX Withdrawal Failed
567122 Unable to transfer PLEX as vault account does not exist Unable to transfer PLEX as vault account does not exist
567123 PLEX Deposit Failed PLEX Deposit Failed
567136 Unable to transfer PLEX because of duplicate reference Unable to transfer PLEX because of duplicate reference
567137 PLEX Withdrawal Failed PLEX Withdrawal Failed
567138 Unable to transfer PLEX because of duplicate reference Unable to transfer PLEX because of duplicate reference
567139 PLEX Deposit Failed PLEX Deposit Failed
567140 Unable to transfer PLEX due to invalid amount entered Unable to transfer PLEX due to invalid amount entered
567141 PLEX Withdrawal Failed PLEX Withdrawal Failed
567142 Unable to transfer PLEX due to invalid amount entered Unable to transfer PLEX due to invalid amount entered
567143 PLEX Deposit Failed PLEX Deposit Failed
567144 Unknown error occurred when requesting PLEX withdrawal Unknown error occurred when requesting PLEX withdrawal
567145 PLEX Withdrawal Failed PLEX Withdrawal Failed
567146 Unknown error occurred when requesting PLEX deposit Unknown error occurred when requesting PLEX deposit
567147 PLEX Deposit Failed PLEX Deposit Failed
567148 Insufficient funds for PLEX withdrawal Insufficient funds for PLEX withdrawal
567149 PLEX Withdrawal Failed PLEX Withdrawal Failed
567150 Timeout occurred while waiting for withdrawal - check your inventory and contact support if PLEX does not appear shortly. Timeout occurred while waiting for withdrawal - check your inventory and contact support if PLEX does not appear shortly.
567151 PLEX Withdrawal Pending PLEX Withdrawal Pending
567152 Timeout occurred while waiting for deposit - check your vault and contact support if PLEX does not appear shortly. Timeout occurred while waiting for deposit - check your vault and contact support if PLEX does not appear shortly.
567153 PLEX Deposit Pending PLEX Deposit Pending
567243 2020.07 Serenity Soft Launch Daily Login Campaign 2020.07 Serenity Soft Launch Daily Login Campaign
567282 Triglavian Triglavian Name of activity tracker node 3792
567283 Number of Triglavian wrecks successfully salvaged. Number of Triglavian wrecks successfully salvaged. Description of activity tracker node "Triglavian" (3792)
567294 Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.7 Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.7 Name of item 55747 (Booster)
567295 Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/07/31. (copy)
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/07/31. (copy)
Description of item "Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2020.7" (55747)
567303 Federation Day Parade - Octanneve Federation Day Parade - Octanneve
567304 Hit the FNS Moscutus titan with with a firework Hit the FNS Moscutus titan with with a firework
567305 Federation Day Federation Day
567306 Federation Day Parade - Lirsautton Federation Day Parade - Lirsautton
567307 Launch a firework at the FNS Tenaros in Lirsautton Launch a firework at the FNS Tenaros in Lirsautton
567308 Federation Day Parade - Dodixie Federation Day Parade - Dodixie
567309 Launch a firework at the FNS Cevestis in Dodixie Launch a firework at the FNS Cevestis in Dodixie
567310 Federation Day Parade - Villore Federation Day Parade - Villore
567311 Launch a firework at the FNS Geros in Villore Launch a firework at the FNS Geros in Villore
567312 Federation Day Parade - Orvolle Federation Day Parade - Orvolle
567313 Launch a firework at the FNS Botresse in Orvolle Launch a firework at the FNS Botresse in Orvolle
567314 Federation Day Parade - Alentene Federation Day Parade - Alentene
567315 Launch a firework at the FNS Obisus in Alentene Launch a firework at the FNS Obisus in Alentene
567316 Federation Day Parade - Luminaire Federation Day Parade - Luminaire
567317 Launch a firework at the FNS Ingenomine in Luminaire Launch a firework at the FNS Ingenomine in Luminaire
567327 55753_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GallenteFederationF01.png Women's 'Federal Defender' Beret 55753_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GallenteFederationF01.pngWomen's 'Federal Defender' Beret Name of item 55753 (Headwear)
567328 55754_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_MinmatarLiberationF01.png Women's 'Valkear' Beret 55754_Female_hair_HeadWear_Beret_F01_Types_HeadWWomen's 'Valkear_' Beret_MinmatarLiberationF01.png Name of item 55754 (Headwear)
567335 55757_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GallenteFederationM01.png Men's 'Federal Defender' Beret 55757_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_GallenteFederationM01.pngMen's 'Federal Defender' Beret Name of item 55757 (Headwear)
567336 55758_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWear_Beret_MinmatarLiberationM01.png Men's 'Valkear' Beret 55758_Male_hair_HeadWear_Beret_M01_Types_HeadWMen's 'Valkear_' Beret_MinmatarLiberationM01.png Name of item 55758 (Headwear)
567337 The Gallente Federation is a large and sprawling empire with extensive borders and numerous enemies. Defense of the Federation is the priority of its military.
Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Gallente Federation, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
The Gallente Federation is a large and sprawling empire with extensive borders and numerous enemies. Defense of the Federation is the priority of its military.
Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Gallente Federation, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
567338 The Gallente Federation is a large and sprawling empire with extensive borders and numerous enemies. Defense of the Federation is the priority of its military.
Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Gallente Federation, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
The Gallente Federation is a large and sprawling empire with extensive borders and numerous enemies. Defense of the Federation is the priority of its military.
Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Gallente Federation, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
Description of item "Women's 'Federal Defender' Beret" (55753)
567339 The Gallente Federation is a large and sprawling empire with extensive borders and numerous enemies. Defense of the Federation is the priority of its military.
Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Gallente Federation, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
The Gallente Federation is a large and sprawling empire with extensive borders and numerous enemies. Defense of the Federation is the priority of its military.
Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Gallente Federation, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement.
Description of item "Men's 'Federal Defender' Beret" (55757)
567340 PVP Filament Event Window Title PVP Filament Event Window Title UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/WindowTitle
567341 PVP Filament Event Window Description PVP Filament Event Window Description UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/WindowDescription
567349 Nothing Found in {invContainerName} Nothing Found in {invContainerName} UI/Common/NothingFoundInContainer
567365 Surface Volcanic 01 Surface Volcanic 01 Name of item 55764 (Non-Interactable Object)
567366 ENV_Abyssal_Infernal_PVP_01a ENV_Abyssal_Infernal_PVP_01a Name of item 55765 (Non-Interactable Object)
567367 Triglavian World Ark Werpost Spawner (Do not translate) Triglavian World Ark Werpost Spawner (Do not translate) Name of item 55766 (Cloud)
567368 Xordazh Poshlost Denial Zone Xordazh Poshlost Denial Zone Name of item 55767 (Cloud)
567371 2v2 Any Ships Allowed 2v2 Any Ships Allowed
567372 Testing Filament 2v2. Any ships are allowed Testing Filament 2v2. Any ships are allowed
567373 Project Discovery Phase Three Project Discovery Phase Three Name of new feature 2048
567374 Citizen science begins again! Citizen science begins again! Description of new feature "Project Discovery Phase Three" (2048)
567375 Project Discovery returns! Project Discovery returns! Bullet point for new feature "Project Discovery Phase Three" (2048)
567376 Aid real science from within EVE Aid real science from within EVE Bullet point for new feature "Project Discovery Phase Three" (2048)
567377 Rewards include exclusive SKINs, apparel and facial augmentations Rewards include exclusive SKINs, apparel and facial augmentations Bullet point for new feature "Project Discovery Phase Three" (2048)
567378 Triglavian Arena Ring 01 Triglavian Arena Ring 01 Name of item 55768 (Non-Interactable Object)
567379 The Vice Arena The Vice Arena
567380 The Prison Arena The Prison Arena
567381 RFS Drupar Maak Liberation Parade RFS Drupar Maak Liberation Parade
567382 Massive EDENCOM Fortification Massive EDENCOM Fortification UI/Invasion/HUD/StageMassiveEDENCOMFortification
567383 EDENCOM has committed a massive effort to the defense and fortification of this system. The Triglavian Collective may probe this system but will not attempt to conquer it. EDENCOM has committed a massive effort to the defense and fortification of this system. The Triglavian Collective may probe this system but will not attempt to conquer it. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintMassiveEDENCOMFortification
567384 Massive Triglavian Invasion Massive Triglavian Invasion UI/Invasion/HUD/StageMassiveTriglavianInvasion
567385 The Triglavian Collective has committed a massive invasion force to the conquest of this system. EDENCOM is conducting a rearguard evacuation action but considers the system lost to the enemy. The Triglavian Collective has committed a massive invasion force to the conquest of this system. EDENCOM is conducting a rearguard evacuation action but considers the system lost to the enemy. UI/Invasion/HUD/StageHintMassiveTriglavianInvasion
567386 Obelix Arena Obelix Arena
567387 Shattered Oak Arena Shattered Oak Arena
567388 Plateau Arena Plateau Arena
567389 The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Description of item "Dampening Field Effect Subpylon Wreck" (52355)
567390 The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Description of item "ECM Field Effect Subpylon Wreck" (52354)
567391 The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Description of item "Energy Pulse Field Effect Subpylon Wreck" (52358)
567392 The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Description of item "Stasis Field Effect Subpylon Wreck" (52356)
567393 The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. The remains of a destroyed structure. Perhaps with the proper equipment something of value could be salvaged from it. Description of item "Transport Field Effect Subpylon Wreck" (52357)
567394 Carousing Tornado Carousing Tornado
567395 The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them. The force with which this ship hits is more than sufficient to leave a trail of shattered enemies, floating around like so much lifeless debris. An adaptable vessel, it has enough turret hardpoints for a full-scale assault while remaining versatile enough to allow for plenty of missile fire, and has both sufficient speed to outrun its enemies and sufficient capacitor charge to outlast them.
567396 Minmatar Battlecruiser Tornado Minmatar Battlecruiser Tornado Name of item 55771 (Large Collidable Object)
567397 Minmatar Strategic Cruiser Loki Minmatar Strategic Cruiser Loki Name of item 55772 (Large Collidable Object)
567398 Minmatar Destroyer Talwar Minmatar Destroyer Talwar Name of item 55773 (Large Collidable Object)
567402 RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Liberation Parade RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Liberation Parade
567403 To few in fleet, this filament requires {[numeric]amount} in fleet to activate To few in fleet, this filament requires {[numeric]amount} in fleet to activate UI/PVPFilament/Errors/FleetToSmall
567404 To many in fleet, this filament requires {[numeric]amount} in fleet to activate To many in fleet, this filament requires {[numeric]amount} in fleet to activate UI/PVPFilament/Errors/FleetToBig
567405 Failed to match fleet due to {[character]charID.name} being further than {[numeric]distance.distance} from the entrance trace Failed to match fleet due to {[character]charID.name} being further than {[numeric]distance.distance} from the entrance trace UI/PVPFilament/Errors/ProximityTraceAnchor
567406 You have been removed from the queue due to fleet changes You have been removed from the queue due to fleet changes UI/PVPFilament/Errors/FleetChanged
567407 The fleet is already in queue The fleet is already in queue UI/PVPFilament/Errors/AlreadyInQueue
567409 In queue In queue UI/PVPFilament/estimatedQueueTimeTitle
567410 Time in queue: Time in queue: UI/PVPFilament/timeInqueue
567411 Estimated time: Estimated time: UI/PVPFilament/estimatedTime
567412 Activating Activating UI/PVPFilament/Activating
567413 Leave Queue Leave Queue UI/PVPFilament/LeaveQueue
567414 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8819 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8819 Name of item 55777 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
567415 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8857 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8857 Name of item 55778 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
567416 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8858 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8858 Name of item 55779 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
567417 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8860 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8860 Name of item 55780 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
567418 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8861 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8861 Name of item 55781 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
567419 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8862 PVP Dungeon Cloud 8862 Name of item 55782 (Non-Scalable Clouds)
567420 RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Name of item 55783 (Large Collidable Object)
567421 A legendary figure in the lore of the Brutor Tribe, Maiori Kul-Brutor is believed to have been either the first woman to set foot on Kulheim (Pator VII), or the Chief of the Kul-Brutor Clan that sponsored an effort by the old Minmatar Empire to terraform and colonize the planet. The Great Clan of Kul-Brutor was dispersed by the events of the Amarr Conquest and Kulheim remains a barren world today.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
A legendary figure in the lore of the Brutor Tribe, Maiori Kul-Brutor is believed to have been either the first woman to set foot on Kulheim (Pator VII), or the Chief of the Kul-Brutor Clan that sponsored an effort by the old Minmatar Empire to terraform and colonize the planet. The Great Clan of Kul-Brutor was dispersed by the events of the Amarr Conquest and Kulheim remains a barren world today.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor" (55783)
567422 RFS Oskla Shakim RFS Oskla Shakim Name of item 55784 (Large Collidable Object)
567423 Oskla Shakim is attested by Krusual Tribe records to have been one of the great "Shakim Warlords", a military leader of the powerful Shakim Clan. During the Amarr occupation of Matar, the Shakim were among those Krusual clans successfully retaining their independence in many hidden and heavily fortified mountain fastnesses in the Upper Tronhadar Valley region.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Oskla Shakim is attested by Krusual Tribe records to have been one of the great "Shakim Warlords", a military leader of the powerful Shakim Clan. During the Amarr occupation of Matar, the Shakim were among those Krusual clans successfully retaining their independence in many hidden and heavily fortified mountain fastnesses in the Upper Tronhadar Valley region.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Oskla Shakim" (55784)
567424 RFS Karin Midular RFS Karin Midular Name of item 55785 (Large Collidable Object)
567425 Chief Karin Midular of the Sebiestor Tribe had many distinctions during her life, with all of New Eden aware of her rising to become Prime Minister and leader of the parliamentary Minmatar Republic. To most Minmatar, and certainly many Sebiestor, she was first and foremost the Ray of Matar, a leader of great destiny offering hope to all the Tribes. The assassination of Karin Midular in YC115 was a deeply shocking event and she is considered a martyr by most Sebiestor.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Chief Karin Midular of the Sebiestor Tribe had many distinctions during her life, with all of New Eden aware of her rising to become Prime Minister and leader of the parliamentary Minmatar Republic. To most Minmatar, and certainly many Sebiestor, she was first and foremost the Ray of Matar, a leader of great destiny offering hope to all the Tribes. The assassination of Karin Midular in YC115 was a deeply shocking event and she is considered a martyr by most Sebiestor.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Karin Midular" (55785)
567426 RFS Shara Osali RFS Shara Osali Name of item 55786 (Large Collidable Object)
567427 Shara Osali, known as "Mother Osali" to most Vherokior, is the traditional discoverer of a number of Vherokior herbal and medicinal tea blends. Venerated in a number of mythical tales, Mother Osali's rescue of a Voluval shaman from the jaws of a Jade Coast monitor using a soup ladle is a particularly popular story. Shara "Lizardbane" Osali's legendary "Yetamo Pot Pie" is much discussed but very rarely served.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Shara Osali, known as "Mother Osali" to most Vherokior, is the traditional discoverer of a number of Vherokior herbal and medicinal tea blends. Venerated in a number of mythical tales, Mother Osali's rescue of a Voluval shaman from the jaws of a Jade Coast monitor using a soup ladle is a particularly popular story. Shara "Lizardbane" Osali's legendary "Yetamo Pot Pie" is much discussed but very rarely served.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Shara Osali" (55786)
567428 RFS Drupar Maak RFS Drupar Maak Name of item 55787 (Large Collidable Object)
567429 Drupar Maak was a Starkmanir and personal slave of Arkon Ardishapur on Arzad II, also known as Starkman Prime. Drupar Maak assassinated Arkon, the head of House Ardishapur, with the latter's own scepter of authority, sparking the Starkmanir Rebellion. This revolt was brutally suppressed by Arkon's heir, Idonis Ardishapur. The scepter became known as the "Hand of Maak" and is the origin of the Khumaak symbol of Minmatar rebellion.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Drupar Maak was a Starkmanir and personal slave of Arkon Ardishapur on Arzad II, also known as Starkman Prime. Drupar Maak assassinated Arkon, the head of House Ardishapur, with the latter's own scepter of authority, sparking the Starkmanir Rebellion. This revolt was brutally suppressed by Arkon's heir, Idonis Ardishapur. The scepter became known as the "Hand of Maak" and is the origin of the Khumaak symbol of Minmatar rebellion.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Drupar Maak" (55787)
567430 RFS Jormal Kehok RFS Jormal Kehok Name of item 55788 (Large Collidable Object)
567431 Jormal Kehok was a noted and highly-decorated Thukker anti-pirate commander, most famous for the relief of Konora following the attempted occupation of the system by renegade Angel Cartel fighters. Kehok was later assassinated, most likely by Cartel operatives, and is considered a hero of the Thukker Tribe. Persistent conspiracy theories continue to swirl around the circumstances of his death.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Jormal Kehok was a noted and highly-decorated Thukker anti-pirate commander, most famous for the relief of Konora following the attempted occupation of the system by renegade Angel Cartel fighters. Kehok was later assassinated, most likely by Cartel operatives, and is considered a hero of the Thukker Tribe. Persistent conspiracy theories continue to swirl around the circumstances of his death.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Jormal Kehok" (55788)
567432 RFS Brecin Utulf RFS Brecin Utulf Name of item 55789 (Large Collidable Object)
567433 Brecin Utulf was the leader of a Nefantar revolt that took place during the early years of the Amarr occupation of Minmatar star systems. The conflicts between rebel Nefantar and those loyal to Amarr, who became the "Ammatar", were among the most brutal of the long and bloody "Vindication Wars" between the Minmatar and the Ammatar.

"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise." – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Brecin Utulf was the leader of a Nefantar revolt that took place during the early years of the Amarr occupation of Minmatar star systems. The conflicts between rebel Nefantar and those loyal to Amarr, who became the "Ammatar", were among the most brutal of the long and bloody "Vindication Wars" between the Minmatar and the Ammatar.

<i>"The liberty of our people is solely our responsibility. Tempting as it is to foist this burden upon our well-wishers, we must never forget that the onus of our emancipation rests with us and us alone. For too long, our proud people have been subjugated to the whims of enslavers, forced to endure relentless suffering and humiliation at the hands of people whose motivations, masked though they may be by florid religious claptrap, remain as base and despicable as those of the playground bully. If ever there was a time to rise – if ever there was a time to join hands with our brothers – that time is now. At this exact junction in history we have within our grasp the means to loosen our tormentors' hold and win freedom for our kin. Opportunities are there to be taken. Brothers, we must rise."</i> – Maleatu Shakor, Republic Parliament Head, speaking before the Tribal Council, November 27th, YC 107
Description of item "RFS Brecin Utulf" (55789)
567434 RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Parade Beacon RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Parade Beacon Name of item 55790 (Beacon)
567435 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor Parade Beacon" (55790)
567436 RFS Oskla Shakim Parade Beacon RFS Oskla Shakim Parade Beacon Name of item 55791 (Beacon)
567437 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Oskla Shakim Parade Beacon" (55791)
567438 RFS Karin Midular Parade Beacon RFS Karin Midular Parade Beacon Name of item 55792 (Beacon)
567439 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Karin Midular Parade Beacon" (55792)
567440 RFS Shara Osali Parade Beacon RFS Shara Osali Parade Beacon Name of item 55793 (Beacon)
567441 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Shara Osali Parade Beacon" (55793)
567442 RFS Drupar Maak Parade Beacon RFS Drupar Maak Parade Beacon Name of item 55794 (Beacon)
567443 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Drupar Maak Parade Beacon" (55794)
567444 RFS Jormal Kehok Parade Beacon RFS Jormal Kehok Parade Beacon Name of item 55795 (Beacon)
567445 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Jormal Kehok Parade Beacon" (55795)
567446 RFS Brecin Utulf Parade Beacon RFS Brecin Utulf Parade Beacon Name of item 55796 (Beacon)
567447 Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Fitted with a power flash-battery, this beacon sends out signals throughout the entire solar system. Description of item "RFS Brecin Utulf Parade Beacon" (55796)
567448 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Rens Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Rens
567449 Hit the RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Maiori Kul-Brutor titan with with a firework
567450 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Hek Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Hek
567451 Hit the RFS Oskla Shakim titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Oskla Shakim titan with with a firework
567452 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Eram Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Eram
567453 Hit the RFS Karin Midular titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Karin Midular titan with with a firework
567454 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Teonusude Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Teonusude
567455 Hit the RFS Shara Osali titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Shara Osali titan with with a firework
567456 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Pator Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Pator
567457 Hit the RFS Drupar Maak titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Drupar Maak titan with with a firework
567458 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Altrinur Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Altrinur
567459 Hit the RFS Jormal Kehok titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Jormal Kehok titan with with a firework
567460 Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Hjoramold Minmatar Liberation Day Parade - Hjoramold
567461 Hit the RFS Brecin Utulf titan with with a firework Hit the RFS Brecin Utulf titan with with a firework
567462 Minmatar Day Parade Minmatar Day Parade
567465 RFS Jormal Kehok Liberation Parade RFS Jormal Kehok Liberation Parade
567466 RFS Brecin Utulf Liberation Parade RFS Brecin Utulf Liberation Parade
567467 RFS Oskla Shakim Liberation Parade RFS Oskla Shakim Liberation Parade
567468 RFS Karin Midular Liberation Parade RFS Karin Midular Liberation Parade
567469 RFS Shara Osali Liberation Parade RFS Shara Osali Liberation Parade
567472 Xordazh Invasion Cache Xordazh Invasion Cache Name of item 55799 (Precursor Cache)
567473 This Triglavian cache has been deployed by a Xordazh-class World Ark and is evidently intended as a supply point for Triglavian forces engaged in invasion operations in the system. The presence of advanced Triglavian technology and their adaptive mutaplasmid devices in such caches further indicates the intention of the Collective to establish sustained operations in the vicinity. Speculation as to the intended use of mutaplasmids in New Eden systems ranges from mundane logistical purposes to theories of more radical activity focused on planets and other orbital bodies.

EDENCOM-allied capsuleers will likely find it profitable to <color=yellow>destroy and raid</color> these caches following assault operations against invading Triglavian World Arks.
This Triglavian cache has been deployed by a <i>Xordazh</i>-class World Ark and is evidently intended as a supply point for Triglavian forces engaged in invasion operations in the system. The presence of advanced Triglavian technology and their adaptive mutaplasmid devices in such caches further indicates the intention of the Collective to establish sustained operations in the vicinity. Speculation as to the intended use of mutaplasmids in New Eden systems ranges from mundane logistical purposes to theories of more radical activity focused on planets and other orbital bodies.

EDENCOM-allied capsuleers will likely find it profitable to <color=yellow>destroy and raid</color> these caches following assault operations against invading Triglavian World Arks.
Description of item "Xordazh Invasion Cache" (55799)
567478 Amarr spaceship skill accelerator Amarr spaceship skill accelerator Name of item 55803 (Booster)
567479 This is the description of Amarr spaceship skill accelerator. This is the description of Amarr spaceship skill accelerator. Description of item "Amarr spaceship skill accelerator" (55803)
567480 Caldari spaceship skill accelerator Caldari spaceship skill accelerator Name of item 55804 (Booster)
567481 This is the description of Caldari spaceship skill accelerator. This is the description of Caldari spaceship skill accelerator. Description of item "Caldari spaceship skill accelerator" (55804)
567482 Gallente spaceship skill accelerator Gallente spaceship skill accelerator Name of item 55805 (Booster)
567483 This is the description of Gallente spaceship skill accelerator. This is the description of Gallente spaceship skill accelerator. Description of item "Gallente spaceship skill accelerator" (55805)
567484 Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator Name of item 55806 (Booster)
567485 This is the description of Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator. This is the description of Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator. Description of item "Minmatar spaceship skill accelerator" (55806)
567487 bullet point 1 bullet point 1 Bullet point for new feature " " (2049)
567488 bullet point 2 bullet point 2 Bullet point for new feature " " (2049)
567489 bullet point 3 bullet point 3 Bullet point for new feature " " (2049)
567493 New New UI/NewFeatureNotify/New
567495 We will have some more details here soon about the format We will have some more details here soon about the format
567496 Anything but capsules for testing purposes Anything but capsules for testing purposes
567502 Rewards hint Rewards hint
567503 Ship restrictions hint Ship restrictions hint
567504 Rules hint Rules hint
567506 Minmatar Liberation day Minmatar Liberation day
567507 Temporary Collidable Structure Temporary Collidable Structure Description of group ID 4073
567508 Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate Name of item 55807 (Special Edition Commodities)
567509 Contains Minmatar Liberation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Minmatar Independence! Contains Minmatar Liberation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Minmatar Independence! Description of item "Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate" (55807)
567511 Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate Minmatar Liberation Day Apparel Crate
567512 Contains Minmatar Liberation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Minmatar pride! Contains Minmatar Liberation Day clothing items to demonstrate your Minmatar pride!
567518 Rules Rules UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Rules
567519 Ship restrictions Ship restrictions UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/ShipRestrictions
567520 Open Market Open Market UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/OpenMarket
567521 Rank Rank UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Rank
567522 Wins Wins UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Wins
567523 Losses Losses UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Losses
567524 Draws Draws UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Draws
567525 {wins} Wins {wins} Wins UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/NumWins
567526 Your Statistics Your Statistics UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/YourStatistics
567527 Leaderboard Leaderboard UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Leaderboard
567528 Rewards Rewards UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Rewards
567529 Filament Filament UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/Filament
567530 QA 3v3 Proving Filament QA 3v3 Proving Filament Name of item 55808 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567538 1v1 Any Ships Allowed 1v1 Any Ships Allowed
567539 Testing Filament 1v1. Any ships are allowed Testing Filament 1v1. Any ships are allowed
567540 Rewards hint Rewards hint
567541 Ship restrictions hint Ship restrictions hint
567542 Rules hint Rules hint
567543 Filament description Filament description
567544 Anything but capsules for testing purposes Anything but capsules for testing purposes
567545 You must stay within 10.000 m of the trace anchor while in queue You must stay within 10.000 m of the trace anchor while in queue UI/PVPFilament/traceRestrictionDescription
567546 Trace Restrictions Trace Restrictions UI/PVPFilament/traceRestrictionTitle
567547 Unknown Unknown UI/PVPFilament/estimatedTimeUnknown
567549 Amarr Frigate Impairor Amarr Frigate Impairor Name of item 55809 (Large Collidable Object)
567550 The Impairor-class corvette has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common space vessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport. The Impairor-class corvette has been mass-produced by the Amarr Empire for decades. It is the most common space vessel sighted within the Amarrian boundaries, and is used both as a basic trade vessel and as a small-scale slave transport. Description of item "Amarr Frigate Impairor" (55809)
567551 Amarr Frigate Navy Issue Slicer Amarr Frigate Navy Issue Slicer Name of item 55810 (Large Collidable Object)
567552 The Slicer is the Imperial Navy's pride and joy, and one of its biggest weapons in the continual fight against Matari insurgents. Boasting tremendous range and versatility in equipment fittings, a great deal of armor strength and a powerful capacitor, the skilled Slicer pilot is able to take out most frigates with ease. The Slicer is the Imperial Navy's pride and joy, and one of its biggest weapons in the continual fight against Matari insurgents. Boasting tremendous range and versatility in equipment fittings, a great deal of armor strength and a powerful capacitor, the skilled Slicer pilot is able to take out most frigates with ease. Description of item "Amarr Frigate Navy Issue Slicer" (55810)
567553 Amarr Destroyer Dragoon Amarr Destroyer Dragoon Name of item 55811 (Large Collidable Object)
567554 The Dragoon follows old religious tenets - ones thought rather dark by the majority of the cluster, but found perfectly normal by Amarr minds - that to exist as God's chosen people means fulfilling a very definite and often forceful role. This includes not only imposing the will of God, often through the time-honored methods of mindless proxies, but also profiting, even being nourished, off the energies of others.

As such, the Dragoon focuses on sending out a mass of drones, ones capable not only of swiftly hunting down their targets but also of inflicting tons of damage once contact is made. Moreover, the Dragoon is able to drain the target's energy in the meanwhile, all with the aim of leaving it little more than a trembling husk.
The Dragoon follows old religious tenets - ones thought rather dark by the majority of the cluster, but found perfectly normal by Amarr minds - that to exist as God's chosen people means fulfilling a very definite and often forceful role. This includes not only imposing the will of God, often through the time-honored methods of mindless proxies, but also profiting, even being nourished, off the energies of others.

As such, the Dragoon focuses on sending out a mass of drones, ones capable not only of swiftly hunting down their targets but also of inflicting tons of damage once contact is made. Moreover, the Dragoon is able to drain the target's energy in the meanwhile, all with the aim of leaving it little more than a trembling husk.
Description of item "Amarr Destroyer Dragoon" (55811)
567555 Amarr Tactical Destroyer Confessor Amarr Tactical Destroyer Confessor Name of item 55812 (Large Collidable Object)
567556 Your first duty is to purge yourself in the flames of your confession before God. You must become ash in God's hands, for only then may you rise anew to strike the adversary down.

-Apostle-Martial Zhar Pashay's dawn address to the Paladins at the Battle of Rahdo, Amarr Prime AD 20538
Your first duty is to purge yourself in the flames of your confession before God. You must become ash in God's hands, for only then may you rise anew to strike the adversary down.

-<i>Apostle-Martial Zhar Pashay's dawn address to the Paladins at the Battle of Rahdo, Amarr Prime AD 20538</i>
Description of item "Amarr Tactical Destroyer Confessor" (55812)
567557 Amarr Strategic Cruiser Legion Amarr Strategic Cruiser Legion Name of item 55813 (Large Collidable Object)
567558 Revelation burrows through the material world, devours creation's soil, digests the thoughtless void, and produces significance with God's grace. From emptiness comes meaning, essence from existence, soul from matter.

Is God through the wormhole? Did God grant us this boon, this new technology, a revelation from on high? These weapons are God's new prophecy, domain, and blessing. Let us use God's grace and prepare New Eden. We are God's soldiers, weapons, glory. Our people are God's army. Together, we are the legion.

-The Heresies of Hinketsu
Revelation burrows through the material world, devours creation's soil, digests the thoughtless void, and produces significance with God's grace. From emptiness comes meaning, essence from existence, soul from matter.

Is God through the wormhole? Did God grant us this boon, this new technology, a revelation from on high? These weapons are God's new prophecy, domain, and blessing. Let us use God's grace and prepare New Eden. We are God's soldiers, weapons, glory. Our people are God's army. Together, we are the legion.

-<i>The Heresies of Hinketsu</i>
Description of item "Amarr Strategic Cruiser Legion" (55813)
567559 Amarr Battlecruiser Oracle Amarr Battlecruiser Oracle Name of item 55814 (Large Collidable Object)
567560 In YC 113 Empress Jamyl Sarum I challenged Amarr ship manufacturers to build a new battlecruiser that would break the stalemate of the Empyrean War. Deviating from the doctrine of brute-force and heavy armor, the engineers at Viziam took inspiration from Caldari history.

During the Gallente-Caldari War, the Caldari developed light, maneuverable ships to counter the slow ships of the Gallente Federation. This philosophy, along with a cutting-edge powertrain and ultra-light alloy armor plating, led to the Oracle.

The Empire immediately ordered the ship into production. The Empress personally congratulated Viziam Chief Researcher Parud Vakirokiki, calling the ship "a work of Divine Grace for the Empire, and retribution to our enemies."
In YC 113 Empress Jamyl Sarum I challenged <a href=showinfo:30//500003>Amarr</a> ship manufacturers to build a new battlecruiser that would break the stalemate of the Empyrean War. Deviating from the doctrine of brute-force and heavy armor, the engineers at <a href=showinfo:2//1000066>Viziam</a> took inspiration from <a href=showinfo:30//500001>Caldari</a> history.

During the Gallente-Caldari War, the Caldari developed light, maneuverable ships to counter the slow ships of the <a href=showinfo:30//500004>Gallente Federation</a>. This philosophy, along with a cutting-edge powertrain and ultra-light alloy armor plating, led to the Oracle.

The Empire immediately ordered the ship into production. The Empress personally congratulated Viziam Chief Researcher <a href=showinfo:1383//3014474>Parud Vakirokiki</a>, calling the ship "a work of Divine Grace for the Empire, and retribution to our enemies."
Description of item "Amarr Battlecruiser Oracle" (55814)
567561 Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate Name of item 55815 (Special Edition Commodities)
567562 Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Flames of the Rebellion firework Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Flames of the Rebellion firework Description of item "Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate" (55815)
567563 Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate Minmatar Liberation Day Fireworks Crate
567564 Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Flames of the Rebellion firework Contains a Festival Launcher module and a set of Flames of the Rebellion firework
567565 Use {[item]item.name}... Use {[item]item.name}... UI/Commands/ActivatePVPFilamentKey
567566 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory.
567567 Minmatar Shuttle Nefantar SKIN Minmatar Shuttle Nefantar SKIN Name of item 55816 (Permanent SKIN)
567568 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Description of item "Minmatar Shuttle Nefantar SKIN" (55816)
567569 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory.
567570 Wreathe Nefantar SKIN Wreathe Nefantar SKIN Name of item 55817 (Permanent SKIN)
567571 This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. This SKIN will be applied directly to your character's SKIN collection when redeemed, instead of being placed in your inventory. Description of item "Wreathe Nefantar SKIN" (55817)
567572 Proving grounds are closed Proving grounds are closed UI/PVPFilament/EventWindow/InactiveWindow
567573 Xordazh Invasion Cache Wreck Xordazh Invasion Cache Wreck Name of item 55818 (Wreck)
567574 The wreck of a Xordazh Invasion Cache.

This Triglavian cache has been deployed by a Xordazh-class World Ark and is evidently intended as a supply point for Triglavian forces engaged in invasion operations in the system. The presence of advanced Triglavian technology and their adaptive mutaplasmid devices in such caches further indicates the intention of the Collective to establish sustained operations in the vicinity. Speculation as to the intended use of mutaplasmids in New Eden systems ranges from mundane logistical purposes to theories of more radical activity focused on planets and other orbital bodies.

EDENCOM-allied capsuleers will likely find it profitable to <color=yellow>destroy and raid</color> these caches following assault operations against invading Triglavian World Arks.
The wreck of a Xordazh Invasion Cache.

This Triglavian cache has been deployed by a <i>Xordazh</i>-class World Ark and is evidently intended as a supply point for Triglavian forces engaged in invasion operations in the system. The presence of advanced Triglavian technology and their adaptive mutaplasmid devices in such caches further indicates the intention of the Collective to establish sustained operations in the vicinity. Speculation as to the intended use of mutaplasmids in New Eden systems ranges from mundane logistical purposes to theories of more radical activity focused on planets and other orbital bodies.

EDENCOM-allied capsuleers will likely find it profitable to <color=yellow>destroy and raid</color> these caches following assault operations against invading Triglavian World Arks.
Description of item "Xordazh Invasion Cache Wreck" (55818)
567575 The Proving Grounds are closed for this filament The Proving Grounds are closed for this filament UI/PVPFilament/provingGroundsInActive
567576 The Proving Grounds are closed for this filament The Proving Grounds are closed for this filament UI/PVPFilament/Errors/EventNotActive
567577 Proving Grounds Leaderboard Proving Grounds Leaderboard UI/PVPFilament/provingGroundsHint
567578 QA 5v5 Proving Filament QA 5v5 Proving Filament Name of item 55819 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567579 QA 5P FFA Proving Filament QA 5P FFA Proving Filament Name of item 55820 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567580 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament Name of item 55821 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567581 FFA Destroyers Proving Filament FFA Destroyers Proving Filament Name of item 55822 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567582 3v3 Slicers Proving Filament 3v3 Slicers Proving Filament Name of item 55823 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567583 Proving Filament 8 Proving Filament 8 Name of item 55824 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567584 Proving Filament 9 Proving Filament 9 Name of item 55825 (Abyssal Proving Filaments)
567585 5 FFA Any Ships Allowed 5 FFA Any Ships Allowed
567586 Yolo Yolo
567587 Rewards Hint Rewards Hint
567588 All ships for testing All ships for testing
567589 There are no rules! There are no rules!
567590 Free For All ! Free For All !
567591 Anything but capsules for testing purposes Anything but capsules for testing purposes
567592 Expert Cerebral Accelerator Expert Cerebral Accelerator Name of item 55826 (Booster)
567593 Enter the proving grounds Enter the proving grounds
567594 Go pew pew Go pew pew
567595 The Minmatar Republic’s tribal warriors are deeply concerned to liberate the vast numbers of Minmatar who are still held in bondage by the Amarr and other slavers. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Minmatar Republic, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. The Minmatar Republic’s tribal warriors are deeply concerned to liberate the vast numbers of Minmatar who are still held in bondage by the Amarr and other slavers. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Minmatar Republic, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Description of item "Women's 'Valkear' Beret" (55754)
567596 The Minmatar Republic’s tribal warriors are deeply concerned to liberate the vast numbers of Minmatar who are still held in bondage by the Amarr and other slavers. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Minmatar Republic, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. The Minmatar Republic’s tribal warriors are deeply concerned to liberate the vast numbers of Minmatar who are still held in bondage by the Amarr and other slavers. Wearing this beret displays your loyalty to the Minmatar Republic, with a simple design and powerful symbolism rising above more than just a fashion statement. Description of item "Men's 'Valkear' Beret" (55758)
567597 Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers.

This booster primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds.

Bonuses: +8 to all attributes
Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers.

This booster primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds.

Bonuses: +8 to all attributes
Description of item "Expert Cerebral Accelerator" (55826)
567613 Triglavian Sublight Telemeter Triglavian Sublight Telemeter Name of item 55830 (Triglavian Artifacts)
567614 This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and appears to use sublight sensing and communications technology. The presence of a substantial data storage bugger indicates it is used to collect and transmit data from the immediate surroundings of the ship. The Sublight Telemeter is presumably useful for surveillance and data collection in local space.

EDENCOM Intelligence is keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and appears to use sublight sensing and communications technology. The presence of a substantial data storage bugger indicates it is used to collect and transmit data from the immediate surroundings of the ship. The Sublight Telemeter is presumably useful for surveillance and data collection in local space.

EDENCOM Intelligence is keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
Description of item "Triglavian Sublight Telemeter" (55830)
567615 Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster Name of item 55831 (Triglavian Artifacts)
567616 This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and is a powerful data transmission device using technology that interacts with Triglavian conduits. The ability of the Transconduit Datacaster to establish communication through conduits would evidently be essential to Triglavian operations. Like many Triglavian devices this technology includes integrated data storage.

EDENCOM Intelligence is very keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and is a powerful data transmission device using technology that interacts with Triglavian conduits. The ability of the Transconduit Datacaster to establish communication through conduits would evidently be essential to Triglavian operations. Like many Triglavian devices this technology includes integrated data storage.

EDENCOM Intelligence is very keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
Description of item "Triglavian Transconduit Datacaster" (55831)
567617 Triglavian Holographic Transcriber Triglavian Holographic Transcriber Name of item 55832 (Triglavian Artifacts)
567618 This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and, although the means by which it operates is not fully understood, it appears designed to "transcribe" large amounts of data into spatiotemporal storage using the holographic principle. The startling possibility raised by this device is that the Triglavian Collective stores much of its information in the fabric of spacetime itself and quite possibly in dedicated singularities. This device has a large integrated data buffer.

EDENCOM Intelligence is extremely keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
This device was recovered from the wreck of a Triglavian Collective invasion vessel and, although the means by which it operates is not fully understood, it appears designed to "transcribe" large amounts of data into spatiotemporal storage using the holographic principle. The startling possibility raised by this device is that the Triglavian Collective stores much of its information in the fabric of spacetime itself and quite possibly in dedicated singularities. This device has a large integrated data buffer.

EDENCOM Intelligence is extremely keen to acquire these devices and assess their integrated storage so as to evaluate Triglavian movements and activities. The DED is collecting the items on behalf of EDENCOM in exchange for technology sanctioned for release to anti-Triglavian capsuleers through its loyalty store.
Description of item "Triglavian Holographic Transcriber" (55832)
567623 This filament allows a fleet of two capsuleers to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against another fleet of two capsuleers.
The ships allowed to enter this proving ground event are the Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, Rupture, Arbitrator, Blackbird, Celestis, and Bellicose

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from July 16th to July 26th, YC122
This filament allows a fleet of two capsuleers to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against another fleet of two capsuleers.
The ships allowed to enter this proving ground event are the Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, Rupture, Arbitrator, Blackbird, Celestis, and Bellicose

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from July 16th to July 26th, YC122
Description of item "2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament" (55821)
567624 Proving Ground Filaments Proving Ground Filaments
567625 Filaments that connect to the Abyssal Proving Grounds for limited time PVP events. Filaments that connect to the Abyssal Proving Grounds for limited time PVP events.
567626 This filament allows a fleet containing a single capsuleer to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against five other capsuleers.
The ships allowed to enter this proving ground event are the Coercer, Dragoon, Cormorant, Corax, Catalyst, Algos, Thrasher, Talwar, and Sunesis

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from July 31st to August 2nd, YC122
This filament allows a fleet containing a single capsuleer to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against five other capsuleers.
The ships allowed to enter this proving ground event are the Coercer, Dragoon, Cormorant, Corax, Catalyst, Algos, Thrasher, Talwar, and Sunesis

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from July 31st to August 2nd, YC122
Description of item "FFA Destroyers Proving Filament" (55822)
567627 This filament allows a fleet containing three capsuleers to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against another fleet of three capsuleers.
The ship allowed to enter this proving ground event is the Imperial Navy Slicer.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 7th to August 9th, YC122
This filament allows a fleet containing three capsuleers to enter an Abyssal Proving Ground for a fight to the death against another fleet of three capsuleers.
The ship allowed to enter this proving ground event is the Imperial Navy Slicer.

The proving ground event accessed through this filament will be accessible from August 7th to August 9th, YC122
Description of item "3v3 Slicers Proving Filament" (55823)
567628 3v3 Any Ships Allowed 3v3 Any Ships Allowed
567629 Testing Filament 3v3. Any ships are allowed Testing Filament 3v3. Any ships are allowed
567630 Rewards hint Rewards hint
567631 Ship restrictions hint Ship restrictions hint
567632 Rules hint Rules hint
567633 Filament description Filament description
567634 Anything but capsules for testing purposes Anything but capsules for testing purposes
567635 5v5 Any Ships Allowed 5v5 Any Ships Allowed
567636 Testing Filament 5v5. Any ships are allowed Testing Filament 5v5. Any ships are allowed
567637 Rewards hint Rewards hint
567638 Ship restrictions hint Ship restrictions hint
567639 Rules hint Rules hint
567640 Filament description Filament description
567641 Anything but capsules for testing purposes Anything but capsules for testing purposes
567642 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Ground 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Ground
567643 This proving ground event welcomes fleets of two capsuleers flying basic empire Combat, Attack, and Disruption Cruisers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 16th to July 26th, YC122
This proving ground event welcomes fleets of two capsuleers flying basic empire Combat, Attack, and Disruption Cruisers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 16th to July 26th, YC122
567644 In addition to the rewards from each individual victory, these rewards will be provided to all capsuleers that reach the top 100 leaderboard at the end of the event. In addition to the rewards from each individual victory, these rewards will be provided to all capsuleers that reach the top 100 leaderboard at the end of the event.
567645 Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, Rupture, Arbitrator, Blackbird, Celestis, and Bellicose Omen, Caracal, Thorax, Stabber, Maller, Moa, Vexor, Rupture, Arbitrator, Blackbird, Celestis, and Bellicose
567646 Each proving ground match takes place within Abyssal Deadspace, with a 15 minute time limit. Each proving ground match takes place within Abyssal Deadspace, with a 15 minute time limit.
567647 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament 2v2 Cruiser Brawl Proving Filament
567648 This proving ground event welcomes fleets of two capsuleers flying basic empire Combat, Attack, and Disruption Cruisers. This proving ground event welcomes fleets of two capsuleers flying basic empire Combat, Attack, and Disruption Cruisers.
567649 Destroyer FFA Proving Ground Destroyer FFA Proving Ground
567650 This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers to fight to the death against 4 other individual capsuleers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 31st to August 2nd, YC122
This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers to fight to the death against 4 other individual capsuleers.

This proving ground event will be accessible from July 31st to August 2nd, YC122
567651 In addition to the rewards from each individual victory, these rewards will be provided to all capsuleers that reach the top 100 leaderboard at the end of the event. In addition to the rewards from each individual victory, these rewards will be provided to all capsuleers that reach the top 100 leaderboard at the end of the event.
567652 Coercer, Dragoon, Cormorant, Corax, Catalyst, Algos, Thrasher, Talwar, and Sunesis Coercer, Dragoon, Cormorant, Corax, Catalyst, Algos, Thrasher, Talwar, and Sunesis
567653 Each proving ground match takes place within Abyssal Deadspace, with a 15 minute time limit. Each proving ground match takes place within Abyssal Deadspace, with a 15 minute time limit.
567654 Destroyer FFA Proving Filament Destroyer FFA Proving Filament
567655 This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers. This proving ground event welcomes individual capsuleers flying basic empire destroyers.

New Files (137 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)

Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.

Changed Files (1152 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
23033 -> 23033
11785 -> 11785
9466 -> 9466
46287 -> 47089
3005 -> 3005
1692 -> 1695
68696 -> 68696
240 -> 240
2397 -> 2397
105 -> 105
762 -> 762
88 -> 88
285 -> 285
98 -> 98
1781 -> 2418
21864 -> 21864
21787 -> 21788
21731 -> 21732
2038 -> 2038
208 -> 208
76 -> 76
92 -> 92
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
4315 -> 7315
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
99 -> 99
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
70 -> 70
69 -> 69
89 -> 89
78 -> 78
88 -> 88
69 -> 69
759 -> 759
69 -> 69
86 -> 86
82 -> 82
95 -> 95
310 -> 310
69 -> 69
71 -> 71
83 -> 83
69 -> 69
105 -> 105
109 -> 109
91 -> 91
604 -> 604
102 -> 102
70 -> 70
223 -> 223
110 -> 110
91 -> 91
74 -> 74
97 -> 97
90 -> 90
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
69 -> 69
77 -> 77
792 -> 792
1223 -> 1223
6722 -> 6723
3801 -> 3830
730 -> 730
799 -> 799
157 -> 157
5374 -> 6090
82 -> 82
125 -> 125
91 -> 91
69 -> 69
95 -> 95
74 -> 74
88 -> 88
78 -> 78
692 -> 692
752 -> 752
3 -> 3
0 -> 0
19670 -> 19728
125 -> 125
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
dx9/model/celestial/rock/coral/coral_02/icons/1726_128.png ->
26 -> 25
dx9/model/celestial/rock/coral/coral_02/icons/1726_512.jpg ->
49 -> 43
dx9/model/celestial/rock/coral/coral_02/icons/1726_64.png ->
8 -> 7
29 -> 29
29 -> 29
29 -> 29
29 -> 29
46 -> 29
29 -> 29
29 -> 29
0 -> 0
3 -> 3
16 -> 16
11 -> 11
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
79 -> 79
73 -> 73
57 -> 57
64 -> 64
95 -> 95
65 -> 65
67 -> 67
67 -> 67
77 -> 77
66 -> 66
66 -> 66
66 -> 66
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
87 -> 87
87 -> 87
349 -> 349
5592 -> 5592
5593 -> 5593
24 -> 24
49 -> 49
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
326 -> 326
926 -> 926
5 -> 5
39 -> 40
24 -> 24
41 -> 41
41 -> 41
46 -> 47
33 -> 33
33 -> 33
39 -> 40
24 -> 24
41 -> 41
41 -> 41
46 -> 47
96 -> 98
34 -> 36
67 -> 69
dx9/model/ship/minmatar/battlecruiser/mbc1/icons/2794_128.png ->
19 -> 21
dx9/model/ship/minmatar/battlecruiser/mbc1/icons/2794_512.jpg ->
32 -> 38
dx9/model/ship/minmatar/battlecruiser/mbc1/icons/2794_64.png ->
6 -> 6
dx9/model/ship/minmatar/battlecruiser/mbc1/icons/2794_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/minmatar/battlecruiser/mbc1/icons/2794_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/minmatar/battlecruiser/mbc1/icons/mbc1_t2c_isis.png ->
4 -> 4
33 -> 33
33 -> 33
39 -> 40
24 -> 24
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
48 -> 48
6 -> 6
25 -> 26
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_512.jpg ->
35 -> 35
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/battleship/uwb01/icons/24571_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
1398 -> 1398
27 -> 28
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_512.jpg ->
34 -> 34
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/cruiser/uwc01/icons/24570_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
188 -> 187
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
70 -> 69
157 -> 157
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
15 -> 16
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_128.png ->
22 -> 22
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_512.jpg ->
35 -> 35
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_64.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_64_bp.png ->
7 -> 7
dx9/model/ship/upwell/frigate/uwf01/icons/24569_64_bpc.png ->
7 -> 7
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
19525 -> 19684
2 -> 2
13 -> 13
1 -> 4
1 -> 3
12 -> 12
133 -> 133
27 -> 27
31 -> 30
20 -> 19
5 -> 5
2 -> 3
1 -> 1
110 -> 52
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
349 -> 350
43 -> 43
603 -> 603
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
610 -> 610
5 -> 5
20 -> 20
56 -> 57
17 -> 17
58 -> 59
53 -> 54
62 -> 62
16 -> 17
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_f01/v21/comp_hair_d.png ->
92 -> 92
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_f01/v21/comp_hair_d_4k.png ->
274 -> 273
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_f01/v21/comp_hair_n.png ->
325 -> 368
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_f01/v21/comp_hair_n_4k.png ->
1844 -> 2238
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_f01/v21/comp_hair_s.png ->
71 -> 69
graphics/character/female/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_f01/v21/comp_hair_s_4k.png ->
328 -> 322
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_m01/v21/comp_hair_d.png ->
92 -> 92
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_m01/v21/comp_hair_d_4k.png ->
274 -> 273
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_m01/v21/comp_hair_n.png ->
325 -> 368
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_m01/v21/comp_hair_n_4k.png ->
1844 -> 2238
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_m01/v21/comp_hair_s.png ->
71 -> 69
graphics/character/male/paperdoll/hair/headwear_cap_m01/v21/comp_hair_s_4k.png ->
328 -> 322
37 -> 37
31 -> 31
8 -> 8
37 -> 37
32 -> 32
8 -> 8
19 -> 19
19 -> 19
68 -> 68
40 -> 40
22 -> 22
21 -> 21
19 -> 19
18 -> 18
17 -> 17
17 -> 17
64 -> 64
36 -> 36
19 -> 19
19 -> 19
68 -> 68
40 -> 40
21 -> 21
21 -> 21
18 -> 18
18 -> 18
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
64 -> 64
36 -> 36
372 -> 372
372 -> 372
310 -> 310
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
35 -> 35
27 -> 27
37 -> 37
29 -> 29
34 -> 34
26 -> 26
37 -> 37
29 -> 29
27 -> 27
612 -> 612
369 -> 369
60 -> 60
282 -> 282
161 -> 161
43 -> 43
641 -> 641
392 -> 392
71 -> 71
300 -> 300
175 -> 175
54 -> 54
624 -> 624
379 -> 379
62 -> 62
287 -> 287
165 -> 165
44 -> 44
652 -> 652
401 -> 401
73 -> 73
305 -> 305
179 -> 179
56 -> 56
322 -> 322
201 -> 201
43 -> 43
290 -> 290
170 -> 170
43 -> 43
257 -> 257
110 -> 110
55 -> 55
336 -> 336
215 -> 215
43 -> 43
314 -> 314
193 -> 193
42 -> 42
296 -> 296
175 -> 175
46 -> 46
284 -> 284
163 -> 163
43 -> 43
144 -> 144
82 -> 82
25 -> 25
403 -> 403
252 -> 252
52 -> 52
286 -> 286
165 -> 165
43 -> 43
340 -> 340
215 -> 215
54 -> 54
308 -> 308
183 -> 183
54 -> 54
275 -> 275
124 -> 124
67 -> 67
354 -> 354
229 -> 229
54 -> 54
332 -> 332
207 -> 207
53 -> 53
296 -> 296
175 -> 175
46 -> 46
302 -> 302
177 -> 177
54 -> 54
157 -> 157
92 -> 92
32 -> 32
421 -> 421
266 -> 266
64 -> 64
295 -> 295
175 -> 175
52 -> 52
327 -> 327
205 -> 205
44 -> 44
295 -> 295
172 -> 172
44 -> 44
268 -> 268
115 -> 115
58 -> 58
341 -> 341
219 -> 219
44 -> 44
319 -> 319
197 -> 197
42 -> 42
300 -> 300
178 -> 178
47 -> 47
291 -> 291
167 -> 167
44 -> 44
146 -> 146
84 -> 84
26 -> 26
412 -> 412
259 -> 259
54 -> 54
292 -> 292
170 -> 170
44 -> 44
345 -> 345
219 -> 219
56 -> 56
313 -> 313
186 -> 186
56 -> 56
286 -> 286
128 -> 128
69 -> 69
359 -> 359
232 -> 232
56 -> 56
337 -> 337
211 -> 211
53 -> 53
300 -> 300
178 -> 178
47 -> 47
308 -> 308
181 -> 181
56 -> 56
151 -> 151
84 -> 84
24 -> 24
430 -> 430
273 -> 273
66 -> 66
301 -> 301
180 -> 180
53 -> 53
15 -> 15
38 -> 38
32 -> 32
12 -> 12
124 -> 124
12 -> 13
262 -> 264
227 -> 227
80 -> 80
51 -> 51
31 -> 31
82 -> 82
52 -> 52
32 -> 32
6 -> 6
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
23 -> 23
20 -> 20
5 -> 5
23 -> 23
20 -> 20
4 -> 4
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
36 -> 36
22 -> 22
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
34 -> 34
19 -> 19
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
37 -> 37
22 -> 22
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
34 -> 34
19 -> 19
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
9 -> 9
11 -> 11
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
9 -> 9
8 -> 8
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
9 -> 9
5 -> 5
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
8 -> 8
7 -> 7
3 -> 3
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
222 -> 222
222 -> 222
191 -> 191
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
7 -> 7
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
2 -> 2
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
4 -> 4
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
21 -> 21
17 -> 17
22 -> 22
18 -> 18
21 -> 21
17 -> 17
22 -> 22
18 -> 18
342 -> 342
215 -> 215
33 -> 33
155 -> 155
92 -> 92
24 -> 24
357 -> 357
227 -> 227
39 -> 39
165 -> 165
100 -> 100
30 -> 30
353 -> 353
224 -> 224
35 -> 35
161 -> 161
97 -> 97
25 -> 25
368 -> 368
235 -> 235
41 -> 41
171 -> 171
104 -> 104
31 -> 31
186 -> 186
123 -> 123
24 -> 24
161 -> 161
98 -> 98
24 -> 24
150 -> 150
71 -> 71
32 -> 32
195 -> 195
132 -> 132
24 -> 24
180 -> 180
117 -> 117
23 -> 23
168 -> 168
105 -> 105
25 -> 25
155 -> 155
92 -> 92
24 -> 24
80 -> 80
48 -> 48
15 -> 15
231 -> 231
152 -> 152
29 -> 29
157 -> 157
94 -> 94
24 -> 24
196 -> 196
130 -> 130
30 -> 30
171 -> 171
106 -> 106
30 -> 30
159 -> 159
78 -> 78
39 -> 39
205 -> 205
139 -> 139
30 -> 30
190 -> 190
124 -> 124
29 -> 29
168 -> 168
105 -> 105
25 -> 25
165 -> 165
99 -> 99
30 -> 30
87 -> 87
53 -> 53
18 -> 18
241 -> 241
159 -> 159
36 -> 36
162 -> 162
99 -> 99
29 -> 29
192 -> 192
127 -> 127
25 -> 25
166 -> 166
101 -> 101
25 -> 25
161 -> 161
76 -> 76
35 -> 35
200 -> 200
136 -> 136
25 -> 25
185 -> 185
121 -> 121
23 -> 23
172 -> 172
107 -> 107
26 -> 26
160 -> 160
96 -> 96
25 -> 25
82 -> 82
49 -> 49
15 -> 15
240 -> 240
158 -> 158
31 -> 31
163 -> 163
98 -> 98
25 -> 25
201 -> 201
135 -> 135
31 -> 31
176 -> 176
109 -> 109
31 -> 31
170 -> 170
83 -> 83
41 -> 41
210 -> 210
143 -> 143
31 -> 31
195 -> 195
128 -> 128
29 -> 29
172 -> 172
107 -> 107
26 -> 26
170 -> 170
103 -> 103
31 -> 31
84 -> 84
49 -> 49
14 -> 14
250 -> 250
166 -> 166
37 -> 37
168 -> 168
103 -> 103
30 -> 30
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
7 -> 7
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
8 -> 8
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
24 -> 24
20 -> 20
14 -> 14
8 -> 8
6 -> 6
5 -> 5
84 -> 84
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
7 -> 8
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
7 -> 7
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
172 -> 174
150 -> 150
115 -> 115
20 -> 20
20 -> 20
19 -> 20
17 -> 17
15 -> 15
5 -> 5
19 -> 19
15 -> 15
5 -> 5
19 -> 19
16 -> 16
5 -> 5
12 -> 12
10 -> 10
5 -> 5
15 -> 15
12 -> 12
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
44 -> 44
29 -> 29
17 -> 17
45 -> 45
30 -> 30
18 -> 18
9 -> 9
9 -> 9
6 -> 6
11 -> 11
9 -> 9
3 -> 3
11 -> 11
9 -> 9
2 -> 2
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
15 -> 15
12 -> 12
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
14 -> 14
10 -> 10
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
15 -> 15
12 -> 12
6 -> 6
6 -> 6
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
14 -> 14
10 -> 10
72 -> 72
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
113 -> 113
94 -> 94
19 -> 19
49 -> 49
40 -> 40
14 -> 14
118 -> 118
99 -> 99
21 -> 21
52 -> 52
42 -> 42
16 -> 16
119 -> 119
98 -> 98
19 -> 19
52 -> 52
42 -> 42
14 -> 14
123 -> 123
102 -> 102
22 -> 22
55 -> 55
44 -> 44
16 -> 16
84 -> 84
66 -> 66
14 -> 14
53 -> 53
43 -> 43
14 -> 14
54 -> 54
45 -> 45
21 -> 21
90 -> 90
73 -> 73
14 -> 14
81 -> 81
64 -> 64
13 -> 13
73 -> 73
56 -> 56
14 -> 14
48 -> 48
38 -> 38
14 -> 14
26 -> 26
21 -> 21
8 -> 8
106 -> 106
81 -> 81
18 -> 18
49 -> 49
39 -> 39
14 -> 14
86 -> 86
69 -> 69
16 -> 16
56 -> 56
46 -> 46
16 -> 16
57 -> 57
48 -> 48
23 -> 23
93 -> 93
76 -> 76
16 -> 16
83 -> 84
66 -> 67
15 -> 15
73 -> 73
56 -> 56
14 -> 14
50 -> 50
41 -> 41
16 -> 16
28 -> 28
22 -> 22
9 -> 9
109 -> 109
84 -> 84
20 -> 20
51 -> 51
41 -> 41
15 -> 15
86 -> 86
69 -> 69
14 -> 14
55 -> 55
45 -> 45
14 -> 14
62 -> 62
49 -> 49
22 -> 22
93 -> 93
75 -> 75
14 -> 14
84 -> 84
66 -> 66
13 -> 13
75 -> 75
57 -> 57
15 -> 15
50 -> 50
40 -> 40
14 -> 14
27 -> 27
22 -> 22
8 -> 8
111 -> 111
85 -> 85
18 -> 18
52 -> 52
41 -> 41
14 -> 14
89 -> 89
71 -> 71
16 -> 16
58 -> 58
48 -> 48
16 -> 16
64 -> 64
52 -> 52
24 -> 25
96 -> 96
78 -> 78
16 -> 16
86 -> 86
69 -> 69
15 -> 15
75 -> 75
57 -> 57
15 -> 15
53 -> 53
43 -> 43
16 -> 16
26 -> 26
21 -> 21
7 -> 7
114 -> 114
87 -> 87
21 -> 21
53 -> 53
43 -> 43
16 -> 16
10 -> 10
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
3 -> 3
61 -> 61
55 -> 55
55 -> 55
4 -> 4
80 -> 82
70 -> 70
68 -> 68
34 -> 34
21 -> 21
16 -> 16
9 -> 9
21 -> 21
17 -> 17
10 -> 10
15 -> 17
7 -> 7
31 -> 32
6099 -> 6099
5805 -> 5805
445 -> 445
6726 -> 6726
433 -> 433
7410 -> 7410
6484 -> 6484
389 -> 389
8479 -> 8479
5281 -> 5281
24003 -> 24031
22006 -> 22047
24369 -> 24399
33854 -> 33854
36866 -> 36918
2465 -> 2468
80239 -> 80380
29168 -> 30504
22 -> 9
4139 -> 4142
12744 -> 12751
4104 -> 4099
0 -> 0
61 -> 61
7 -> 7
4218 -> 4218
1 -> 1
49 -> 49
37 -> 37
55 -> 55
0 -> 0
0 -> 1
3 -> 6
61 -> 61
289 -> 290
375 -> 376
34 -> 34
24 -> 24
430 -> 430
53 -> 57
14479 -> 14503
32 -> 32
40 -> 40
856 -> 859
119 -> 119
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
368 -> 368
40 -> 40
311 -> 311
53 -> 53
5 -> 5
14 -> 14
500 -> 501
240 -> 240
57 -> 60
1523 -> 1523
106 -> 106
2609 -> 2617
387 -> 389
9525 -> 9528
567 -> 567
87 -> 87
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
22 -> 22
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
22 -> 22
87 -> 87
87 -> 349
87 -> 349
349 -> 349
1398 -> 5592
87 -> 87
5 -> 5
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_large_black.png ->
12 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_large_blue.png ->
11 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_large_green.png ->
11 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_large_orange.png ->
11 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_large_white.png ->
11 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_large_yellow.png ->
12 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_medium_black.png ->
11 -> 11
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_medium_blue.png ->
10 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_medium_green.png ->
10 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_medium_orange.png ->
10 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_medium_white.png ->
10 -> 10
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_medium_yellow.png ->
11 -> 11
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_small_black.png ->
9 -> 9
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_small_blue.png ->
8 -> 7
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_small_green.png ->
8 -> 7
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_small_orange.png ->
8 -> 7
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_small_white.png ->
8 -> 7
ui/texture/icons/ammo/upwell_ammo_small_yellow.png ->
8 -> 8

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.