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New Items (34 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:56644>Harvest Savior</url>
<url=showinfo:56645>Harvest Follower</url>
<url=showinfo:56646>Harvest Shepherd</url>
<url=showinfo:56647>Harvest Prophet</url>
<url=showinfo:56648>Shining Flame Crusader</url>
<url=showinfo:56649>Shining Flame Deacon</url>
<url=showinfo:56650>Shining Flame Crucifier</url>
<url=showinfo:56651>Shining Flame Augoror</url>
<url=showinfo:56652>Shining Flame Omen</url>
<url=showinfo:56653>Shining Flame Curse</url>
<url=showinfo:56654>Shining Flame Oracle</url>
<url=showinfo:56670>Harvest Sage</url>
<url=showinfo:56671>Harvest Diviner</url>
<url=showinfo:56691>Crimson Harvest keypass</url>
<url=showinfo:56692>Shining Flame keypass</url>
<url=showinfo:56701>Mobile Sanguine Harvester</url>
<url=showinfo:56702>Mobile Sanguine Harvester Blueprint</url>
<url=showinfo:56707>1,620,000 Skill Points</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
56644 - Harvest Savior This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 76 attributes. descriptionID: 571060
typeID: 56644
graphicID: 2632
Capacity: 400.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 570845
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20114
wreckTypeID: 26567
radius: 20.5
published: False
Mass: 1003000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0
Shield Capacity: 600.0
Structure Hitpoints: 580.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 40000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 500.0
Maximum Velocity: 840.0
Signature Radius: 35.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 760.0
Optimal Range: 8000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 205000.0
Damage Modifier: 10.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 2.4
Bounty: 100000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 30000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 4000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 12.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 3000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 2000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 1200000.0
Neutralization Amount: 14.0
Capacitor Capacity: 400.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Shield EM Resistance: 1.0
Orbit Velocity: 412.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 6.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 4.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0075
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
56645 - Harvest Follower This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 75 attributes. descriptionID: 571062
typeID: 56645
graphicID: 1762
Capacity: 400.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 570846
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20114
wreckTypeID: 26567
radius: 39.0
published: False
Mass: 1148000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0
Shield Capacity: 600.0
Structure Hitpoints: 580.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 40000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 500.0
Maximum Velocity: 840.0
Signature Radius: 48.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 725.0
Optimal Range: 8000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 70000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 4.0
Damage Modifier: 8.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 3.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 7500.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 30000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 3.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 8.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 3000.0
Shield recharge time: 1200000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Shield EM Resistance: 1.0
Orbit Velocity: 730.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 6.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 4.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0075
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
56646 - Harvest Shepherd This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. descriptionID: 571061
typeID: 56646
graphicID: 2632
Capacity: 400.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 570847
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 28600.0
soundID: 20114
wreckTypeID: 26567
radius: 20.5
published: False
Mass: 1200000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0
Shield Capacity: 600.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 4.0
Structure Hitpoints: 580.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -65.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 40000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1200.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 500.0
Maximum Velocity: 840.0
Signature Radius: 35.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 650.0
Optimal Range: 8000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 217000.0
Damage Modifier: 13.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 2.4
Bounty: 100000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 30000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 8000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 22.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 3000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 2000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 4.0
Shield recharge time: 1200000.0
Neutralization Amount: 8.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Shield EM Resistance: 1.0
Orbit Velocity: 412.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
EM damage: 6.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 4.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0075
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 12000.0
56647 - Harvest Prophet This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 71 attributes. descriptionID: 571059
typeID: 56647
graphicID: 1761
Capacity: 400.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 570848
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 115000.0
soundID: 20114
wreckTypeID: 26568
radius: 137.0
published: False
Mass: 13000000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 1700.0
Structure Hitpoints: 3000.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.65
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.2
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.38
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.2
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 12000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 3000.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Maximum Velocity: 680.0
Signature Radius: 70.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.009
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 720000.0
Damage Modifier: 25.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.35
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 65000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 12000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 1200000.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 3250.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Shield EM Resistance: 1.0
Orbit Velocity: 250.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.66
EM damage: 6.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 4.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.03
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
56648 - Shining Flame Crusader Placeholder Text Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 78 attributes. descriptionID: 570874
typeID: 56648
graphicID: 1921
Capacity: 90.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570873
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 26500.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 26585
radius: 27.0
published: False
Mass: 1050000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 236.0
Structure Hitpoints: 656.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.43
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.36
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1050.0
Accuracy falloff : 2000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 600.0
Maximum Velocity: 3000.0
Signature Radius: 32.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 156000.0
gfxTurretID: 5219.0
Damage Modifier: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.05
Bounty: 100000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 3000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 15.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 25.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 35.0
Capacitor Capacity: 500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 700.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 9.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 9.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
56649 - Shining Flame Deacon Placeholder Text Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 92 attributes. descriptionID: 570876
typeID: 56649
graphicID: 21220
Capacity: 250.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570875
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 26500.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 26585
radius: 20.5
published: False
Mass: 1630000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
Shield Capacity: 315.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.43
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.34
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.48
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.25
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.45
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -90.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 1096.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 400.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Velocity: 1000.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 700.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 172500.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 15000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 10000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 25.0
gfxTurretID: 5219.0
Damage Modifier: 5.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 8000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.05
Bounty: 100000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 3.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 30.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 60.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 25.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Neutralization Amount: 35.0
Capacitor Capacity: 700.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 9.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 9.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 14000.0
56650 - Shining Flame Crucifier Placeholder Text Irregular Frigate
Click to toggle showing the 102 attributes. descriptionID: 570878
typeID: 56650
graphicID: 1066
Capacity: 265.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570877
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 26500.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 26585
radius: 39.0
published: False
Mass: 1064000.0
groupID: 1568
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 437.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -90.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: -10.0
Maximum Velocity: 700.0
Signature Radius: 80.0
Signature Radius Modifier: 60.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.001
Rate of fire: 3000.0
Scan Resolution: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 40000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 97500.0
Damage Modifier: 7.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.05
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 4500.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 35.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 200000.0
Flight Time Bonus: -10.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 9.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 2.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Accuracy falloff : 7000.0
Turret Tracking: 500.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 20.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 20000.0
gfxTurretID: 450.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.01
Tracking Speed Bonus: -20.0
Shield Capacity: 262.0
Armor Hitpoints: 840.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.53
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.68
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: -14.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 14.0
Falloff Bonus: -20.0
Optimal Range Bonus: -20.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 14000.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 3.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorDuration: 5000.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorRange: 20000.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorFalloff: 10000.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorDischarge: 5.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDuration: 5000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorRange: 20000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorFalloff: 10000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDischarge: 5.0
behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 5000.0
behaviorTargetPainterRange: 75000.0
behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 80000.0
behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 15.0
Shield recharge time: 625000.0
Bounty: 100000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 330.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 400.0
56651 - Shining Flame Augoror Placeholder Text Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 93 attributes. descriptionID: 570880
typeID: 56651
graphicID: 58
Capacity: 465.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570879
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 101000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 26586
radius: 80.0
published: False
Mass: 11980000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 150000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 40.0
Shield Capacity: 1050.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1937.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.43
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.68
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -90.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 10000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 2.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 6180.0
Accuracy falloff : 6000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 100.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 135.0
Maximum Velocity: 900.0
Signature Radius: 300.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -30.0
Optimal Range: 24000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 367000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDuration: 3000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairRange: 50000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairFalloff: 10000.0
behaviorRemoteArmorRepairDischarge: 50.0
gfxTurretID: 459.0
Damage Modifier: 23.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.16
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 3.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 40.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 230.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 20000.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 100000.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 2250.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 9000.0
Orbit Velocity: 250.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -15.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 5.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 3.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 14000.0
56652 - Shining Flame Omen Placeholder Text Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 88 attributes. descriptionID: 570882
typeID: 56652
graphicID: 1065
Capacity: 400.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570881
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 101000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 26586
radius: 134.43
published: False
Mass: 13000000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 60000.0
Shield Capacity: 1260.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
Structure Hitpoints: 1875.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.43
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.68
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 34.2
entityChaseMaxDistance: 20000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7800.0
Accuracy falloff : 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 120.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 135.0
Maximum Velocity: 900.0
Signature Radius: 300.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -15.3
Optimal Range: 30000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 347000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 10000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 40.0
gfxTurretID: 459.0
Damage Modifier: 45.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.16
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11000.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 3.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 11000.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 30000.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1600.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 9000.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -15.3
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 5.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 3.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0
56653 - Shining Flame Curse Placeholder Text Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 115 attributes. descriptionID: 570884
typeID: 56653
graphicID: 1854
Capacity: 345.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570883
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 101000.0
soundID: 20063
wreckTypeID: 26586
radius: 176.0
published: False
Mass: 11810000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Structure Hitpoints: 1343.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -90.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: -16.0
Maximum Velocity: 900.0
Signature Radius: 300.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 6000.0
Scan Resolution: 400.0
Optimal Range: 30000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 274500.0
Damage Modifier: 20.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Inertia Modifier: 1.16
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 9000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 40.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 135.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 150000.0
Flight Time Bonus: -16.0
Neutralization Amount: 80.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 5.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 3.0
Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
entityChaseMaxDistance: 20000.0
Accuracy falloff : 5000.0
Turret Tracking: 120.0
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 30.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Missile Damage Bonus: 3.2
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 12000.0
gfxTurretID: 459.0
gfxBoosterID: 394.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
Tracking Speed Bonus: -20.0
Shield Capacity: 1270.0
Armor Hitpoints: 7740.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.43
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.68
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.18
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.37
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -15.3
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 10000.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -15.3
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 60000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 34.2
Explosion Velocity Bonus: -20.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 20.0
Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0
Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0
Falloff Bonus: -20.0
Optimal Range Bonus: -20.0
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 14000.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 11000.0
behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0
behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 3.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorDuration: 8000.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorRange: 80000.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorFalloff: 40000.0
npcGuidanceDisruptorDischarge: 15.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDuration: 8000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorRange: 80000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorFalloff: 40000.0
npcTrackingDisruptorDischarge: 15.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 10000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 12000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 16000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 50.0
Shield recharge time: 1250000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 30000.0
Bounty: 300000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1470.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Rate of fire: 6000.0
entityMissileTypeID: 21867.0
Orbit Velocity: 300.0
56654 - Shining Flame Oracle Placeholder Text Irregular Battlecruiser
Click to toggle showing the 79 attributes. descriptionID: 570886
typeID: 56654
graphicID: 11775
Capacity: 500.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 570885
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 270000.0
soundID: 20061
wreckTypeID: 26586
radius: 199.0
published: False
Mass: 14760000.0
groupID: 1666
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0
behaviorSensorDampenerFalloff: 150000.0
Shield Capacity: 1653.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2475.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.43
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.68
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.64
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 60000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 8352.0
Accuracy falloff : 20000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 80.0
Maximum Velocity: 1000.0
Signature Radius: 210.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.002
Rate of fire: 9000.0
Scan Resolution: 250.0
Maximum Targeting Range Bonus: -30.0
Optimal Range: 80000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 506000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDuration: 10000.0
gfxTurretID: 160.0
Damage Modifier: 72.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 397.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.495
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 9000.0
behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 40.0
behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 135.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 300000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerDischarge: 2.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 25.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 40000.0
Shield recharge time: 1400000.0
behaviorSensorDampenerRange: 100000.0
Bounty: 400000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 3500.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Orbit Velocity: 250.0
Scan Resolution Bonus: -15.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.333
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.333
EM damage: 15.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 0.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.02
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
56664 - acath06_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56664
graphicID: 2400
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571051
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 2787.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56670 - Harvest Sage This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Irregular Cruiser
Click to toggle showing the 81 attributes. descriptionID: 571076
typeID: 56670
graphicID: 2636
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 571063
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 118000.0
soundID: 20114
wreckTypeID: 26568
radius: 137.0
published: False
Mass: 16010000.0
groupID: 1665
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 2000.0
behaviorWebifierDischarge: 6.0
Structure Hitpoints: 2325.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.65
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.4
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0
entityChaseMaxDistance: 40000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 2400.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 20.0
Maximum Velocity: 610.0
Signature Radius: 130.0
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.009
Rate of fire: 4000.0
Scan Resolution: 340.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 530000.0
Damage Modifier: 20.0
behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.4
Bounty: 300000.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 55000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 12000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 19.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 5000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 12000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0
behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 12.0
Shield recharge time: 1200000.0
Neutralization Amount: 53.0
Capacitor Capacity: 1850.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Shield EM Resistance: 1.0
Orbit Velocity: 208.0
behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.66
EM damage: 6.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 4.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.03
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
behaviorWebifierRange: 20000.0
56671 - Harvest Diviner This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Irregular Battlecruiser
Click to toggle showing the 71 attributes. descriptionID: 571077
typeID: 56671
graphicID: 3133
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 32
typeNameID: 571064
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 234000.0
soundID: 20114
wreckTypeID: 26568
radius: 199.0
published: False
Mass: 15500000.0
groupID: 1666
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0
Shield Capacity: 3000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 4500.0
Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.65
Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.65
Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75
Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0
Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5
Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6
Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8
entityChaseMaxDistance: 40000.0
Armor Hitpoints: 5250.0
Accuracy falloff : 4000.0
entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0
Turret Tracking: 16.0
Maximum Velocity: 600.0
Signature Radius: 270.0
entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 1.0
entityFactionLoss: 0.0055
Rate of fire: 7000.0
Scan Resolution: 210.0
Optimal Range: 16000.0
Capacitor Recharge time: 875000.0
Damage Modifier: 75.0
entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0
gfxBoosterID: 395.0
Inertia Modifier: 0.38
entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0
armorUniformity: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 80000.0
npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 14000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 17.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0
entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0
Shield recharge time: 1200000.0
Bounty: 600000.0
Capacitor Capacity: 3500.0
shieldUniformity: 1.0
Shield EM Resistance: 1.0
Orbit Velocity: 175.0
Signature Resolution: 40000.0
Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.66
Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.66
EM damage: 6.0
Explosive damage: 0.0
Kinetic damage: 0.0
Thermal damage: 4.0
Security Status Kill Amount: 0.017
entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0
56677 - acath07_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56677
graphicID: 2404
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571114
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 800.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56678 - ao1_t1_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56678
graphicID: 2785
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571115
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 24
radius: 18000.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56679 - abs1_t1_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56679
graphicID: 2359
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571116
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 8516.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56680 - abs2_t1_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56680
graphicID: 2927
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571117
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 10528.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56681 - abs3_t1_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56681
graphicID: 1703
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571118
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 150.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56682 - as1_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56682
graphicID: 1069
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571119
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 26
radius: 14592.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56683 - as2_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56683
graphicID: 1068
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571120
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 26
radius: 42489.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56684 - as3_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56684
graphicID: 1073
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571121
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 26
radius: 29162.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56685 - as4_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56685
graphicID: 1074
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571122
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 18
radius: 4629.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56686 - as5_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56686
graphicID: 1070
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571123
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 18
radius: 17000.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56687 - as6_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56687
graphicID: 1373
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571124
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 18
radius: 24438.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56688 - as7_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56688
graphicID: 1071
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571125
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 18
radius: 20081.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56689 - as8_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56689
graphicID: 1249
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571126
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 18
radius: 10252.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56690 - as9_enviroment_asset No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 56690
graphicID: 1072
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571127
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
soundID: 18
radius: 22283.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
56691 - Crimson Harvest keypass This keypass grants access to private entrance. Acceleration Gate Keys
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 571129
typeID: 56691
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 571128
iconID: 2038
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 474
portionSize: 1
56692 - Shining Flame keypass This keypass grants access through a private entrance. Acceleration Gate Keys
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. descriptionID: 571131
typeID: 56692
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 571130
iconID: 2038
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 474
portionSize: 1
56701 - Mobile Sanguine Harvester This mobile tractor unit has been modified by Blood Raider engineers to collect frozen corpses instead of wrecks.

125km effective range.
10 second activation time.

May not be deployed within 5km of another Mobile Tractor Unit, within 50km of Stargates, Stations or Upwell Structures, or within 40km of a Starbase.
Automatically decays if abandoned for 24 hours.
Mobile Tractor Unit
Click to toggle showing the 36 attributes. descriptionID: 571149
typeID: 56701
graphicID: 24889
Capacity: 27000.0
metaLevel: 8
typeNameID: 571148
Volume: 100.0
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 2760 (Special Edition Deployable Structures)
metaGroupID: 1
wreckTypeID: 33538
radius: 100.0
published: True
Mass: 10000.0
Tech Level: 1.0
groupID: 1250
portionSize: 1
Maximum Locked Targets: 1.0
shieldUniformity: 0.75
Shield Capacity: 20000.0
Signature Radius: 500.0
Structure Hitpoints: 60000.0
onlyTractorCorpses: 1.0
Maximum Targeting Range: 125000.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
RADAR Sensor Strength: 50.0
Ladar Sensor Strength: 50.0
Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 50.0
Maximum Tractor Velocity: 1000.0
Optimal Range: 125000.0
Activation time / duration: 30000.0
Meta Level: 1.0
Armor Hitpoints: 20000.0
armorUniformity: 0.75
Shield recharge time: 3200000.0
56702 - Mobile Sanguine Harvester Blueprint No Description Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. typeID: 56702
graphicID: 20387
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 571155
basePrice: 30000000.0
metaGroupID: 1
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
Tech Level: 1
groupID: 1270
portionSize: 1
industryBlueprintRank: 20.0
56703 - ENV_Abyssal_Halloween_01a No Description MassiveEnvironments
Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes. typeID: 56703
graphicID: 22391
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571158
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1882
portionSize: 1
56707 - 1,620,000 Skill Points Redeem your skill points by dragging this item onto a character at selection, or by finding it in your Neocom at Inventory > Redeem Items. The skill points can be applied via your Character Sheet. Commodities
Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes. descriptionID: 571195
typeID: 56707
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 571194
iconID: 24166
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 19
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 526
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (0 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group

Blueprints (1 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
56702 - Mobile Sanguine Harvester Blueprint No blueprint entry found. BP Price: 30,000,000 ISK
Build Time: 1:40:00
Copy:4800 ME:2100 TE:2100 Limit:30x
1x Takmahl Magnetic Slab
1x Mobile Tractor Unit
3x Cryoprotectant Solution
4x Takmahl Diamond Rod
4x Takmahl Cohere Cord
Industry I
High Energy Physics I
Laser Physics I
1x Mobile Sanguine Harvester (56701)
BP Price: 30,000,000 ISK
Build Time: 1:40:00
Copy:4800 ME:2100 TE:2100 Limit:30x
1x 23146
1x 33475
3x 2367
4x 23143
4x 23144
3380 I
11433 I
11447 I
1x 56701
Reprocessing (1 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff
56701 - Mobile Sanguine Harvester (Mobile Tractor Unit) No reprocessing data found. 27778x Tritanium
12222x Pyerite
10000x Mexallon
2778x Isogen
389x Nocxium
1112x Zydrine
88x Megacyte
2x Organic Mortar Applicators
1x Wetware Mainframe
2x Ukomi Superconductors
27778x 34
12222x 35
10000x 36
2778x 37
389x 38
1112x 39
88x 40
2x 2870
1x 2876
2x 17136

Traits (0 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
Attributes (1 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
3102 - onlyTractorCorpses attributeID: None => 3102
dataType: None => 0
defaultValue: None => 0.0
description: None => when authored alongside the effectTractorBeamCan it will determine if it only tractors corpses instead of wrecks and cans
highIsGood: None => 0
name: None => onlyTractorCorpses
published: None => 0
stackable: None => 0
Attributes per Type (23 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
55038 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster RA-2 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55039 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster RA-3 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55040 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster RA-5 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55041 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster GU-2 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55042 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster GU-3 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55043 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster GU-5 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55044 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster DA-2 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55045 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster DA-3 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55046 - EDENCOM Vorton Booster DA-5 (Booster) Expiry Date: 18513.4576389 => 18604.4576389
55983 - 2v2 Caldari Destroyer, Interceptor, and Navy Frigate Proving Filament (Abyssal Proving Filaments) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments) => None
56092 - FFA Cruisers Proving Filament (Abyssal Proving Filaments) published: True => False
marketGroupID: 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments) => None
56354 - Event 11 Proving Filament (Abyssal Proving Filaments) published: False => True
marketGroupID: None => 2747 (Proving Ground Filaments)
56620 - Serenity October Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Expiry Date: 18580.125 => 18576.125
56621 - Serenity October Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Expiry Date: 18580.125 => 18576.125
56659 - Festival-only New Eden Vanguard Pack (Booster) Expiry Date: 18554.125 => 18555.125
56661 - Festival-only New Eden Commander Pack (Booster) Expiry Date: 18554.125 => 18555.125
56662 - Festival-only New Eden Marshal Pack (Booster) Expiry Date: 18554.125 => 18555.125
56669 - Harvest Overseer (Irregular Battleship) factionID: None => 1000134
groupID: 1814 => 1667
56672 - Harvest Supervisor (Irregular Battleship) factionID: None => 1000134
groupID: 1814 => 1667
56673 - Harvest Director (Irregular Battleship) factionID: None => 1000134
groupID: 1814 => 1667
56674 - Shining Flame Commander (Irregular Battleship) groupID: 1814 => 1667
56675 - Shining Flame Commodore (Irregular Battleship) groupID: 1814 => 1667
56676 - Shining Flame Admiral (Irregular Battleship) groupID: 1814 => 1667
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (0 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
Effects per Type (14 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
56644 - Harvest Savior (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
56645 - Harvest Follower (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
56646 - Harvest Shepherd (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
56647 - Harvest Prophet (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
56648 - Shining Flame Crusader (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
56649 - Shining Flame Deacon (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
56650 - Shining Flame Crucifier (Irregular Frigate) Added Effects:
56651 - Shining Flame Augoror (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
56652 - Shining Flame Omen (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
56653 - Shining Flame Curse (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
56654 - Shining Flame Oracle (Irregular Battlecruiser) Added Effects:
56670 - Harvest Sage (Irregular Cruiser) Added Effects:
56671 - Harvest Diviner (Irregular Battlecruiser) Added Effects:
56701 - Mobile Sanguine Harvester (Mobile Tractor Unit) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group

Strings (249 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
79828 Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

Available in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Plagioclase" (18)
79829 Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks. Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
moderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.
Description of item "Spodumain" (19)
79915 Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>low security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Crokite" (1225)
79916 Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available primarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lowerprimarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Omber" (1227)
79917 Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of mexallon as well as some pyerite and isogen.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

Available primarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lowerlow security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Gneiss" (1229)
80169 Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

Available in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral.

Available primarly in null security status star systems.
Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

Available in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>
<a href=showinfo:11399>Morphite</a> mineral.

Available primarly in null
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Mercoxit" (11396)
80711 Azure plagioclase is an uncommon variant of plagioclase that enjoys a 5% improved mineral yield. It was made infamous in the melancholic song prose Miner Blues by the Gallentean folk singer Jaroud Dertier three decades ago.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

Available in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Azure plagioclase is an uncommon variant of plagioclase that enjoys a 5% improved mineral yield. It was made infamous in the melancholic song prose Miner Blues by the Gallentean folk singer Jaroud Dertier three decades ago.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
Azure plagioclase is an uncommon variant of plagioclase that enjoys a 5% improved mineral yield. It was made infamous in the melancholic song prose Miner Blues by the Gallentean folk singer Jaroud Dertier three decades ago.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of
pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Azure Plagioclase" (17455)
80712 With rich plagioclase, having 10% better yield than the normal one, miners can finally regard plagioclase as a mineral that provides a noteworthy profit.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

Available in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.
With rich plagioclase, having 10% better yield than the normal one, miners can finally regard plagioclase as a mineral that provides a noteworthy profit.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
With rich plagioclase, having 10% better yield than the normal one, miners can finally regard plagioclase as a mineral that provides a noteworthy profit.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of
pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Rich Plagioclase" (17456)
80713 Solid Pyroxeres, sometimes called the Flame of Dam'Torsad, is a relative of normal Pyroxeres. The Flame has 5% higher yield than its more common cousin.

Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

Available in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Solid Pyroxeres, sometimes called the Flame of Dam'Torsad, is a relative of normal Pyroxeres. The Flame has 5% higher yield than its more common cousin.

Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

Available in all known space and wormhole systems.
Solid Pyroxeres, sometimes called the Flame of Dam'Torsad, is a relative of normal Pyroxeres. The Flame has 5% higher yield than its more common cousin.

Pyroxeres is a
n interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available in
<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lowerall known space and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Solid Pyroxeres" (17459)
80714 Spodumain is occasionally found with crystalline traces in its outer surface. Known as bright spodumain, the crystal adds approximately 5% more value to an already valuable mineral.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Spodumain is occasionally found with crystalline traces in its outer surface. Known as bright spodumain, the crystal adds approximately 5% more value to an already valuable mineral.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.
Spodumain is occasionally found with crystalline traces in its outer surface. Known as bright spodumain, the crystal adds approximately 5% more value to an already valuable mineral.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the
four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
moderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.
Description of item "Bright Spodumain" (17466)
80715 Once in a while Spodumain is found with crystalline veins running through it. The 10% increased value this yields puts a gleam in the eye of any miner lucky enough to find it.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Once in a while Spodumain is found with crystalline veins running through it. The 10% increased value this yields puts a gleam in the eye of any miner lucky enough to find it.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.
Once in a while Spodumain is found with crystalline veins running through it. The 10% increased value this yields puts a gleam in the eye of any miner lucky enough to find it.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the
four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
moderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.
Description of item "Gleaming Spodumain" (17467)
80804 Gneiss is often the first major league ore that up and coming miners graduate to. Finding the more expensive variation of Gneiss, called Iridescent Gneiss, is a major coup for these miners due to its 5% greater mineral yield.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Gneiss is often the first major league ore that up and coming miners graduate to. Finding the more expensive variation of Gneiss, called Iridescent Gneiss, is a major coup for these miners due to its 5% greater mineral yield.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

Available primarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Gneiss is often the first major league ore that up and coming miners graduate to. Finding the more expensive variation of Gneiss, called Iridescent Gneiss, is a major coup for these miners due to its 5% greater mineral yield.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lowerlow security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Iridescent Gneiss" (17865)
80805 Prismatic Gneiss has a fracturized molecule-structure, which explains its unique appearance. It is the most sought after member of the Gneiss family, as it yields 10% more than common Gneiss.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Prismatic Gneiss has a fracturized molecule-structure, which explains its unique appearance. It is the most sought after member of the Gneiss family, as it yields 10% more than common Gneiss.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

Available primarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Prismatic Gneiss has a fracturized molecule-structure, which explains its unique appearance. It is the most sought after member of the Gneiss family, as it yields 10% more than common Gneiss.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lowerlow security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Prismatic Gneiss" (17866)
80806 Silvery Omber was first discovered some fifty years ago in an asteroid belt close to a large moon. The luminescence from the moon made this uncommon cousin of normal Omber seem silvery in appearance, hence the name. It is still considered a lucky find by miners across New Eden due to a roughly 5% improved mineral yield compared to standard omber.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Silvery Omber was first discovered some fifty years ago in an asteroid belt close to a large moon. The luminescence from the moon made this uncommon cousin of normal Omber seem silvery in appearance, hence the name. It is still considered a lucky find by miners across New Eden due to a roughly 5% improved mineral yield compared to standard omber.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available primarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Silvery Omber was first discovered some fifty years ago in an asteroid belt close to a large moon. The luminescence from the moon made this uncommon cousin of normal Omber seem silvery in appearance, hence the name. It is still considered a lucky find by miners across New Eden due to a roughly 5% improved mineral yield compared to standard omber.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of
i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lowerprimarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Silvery Omber" (17867)
80807 Golden Omber spurred one of the largest gold rushes in the early days of space faring, when isogen was the king of minerals. The 10% extra yield it offers over common Omber was all it took to make it the most sought after ore for a few years.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Golden Omber spurred one of the largest gold rushes in the early days of space faring, when isogen was the king of minerals. The 10% extra yield it offers over common Omber was all it took to make it the most sought after ore for a few years.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available primarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Golden Omber spurred one of the largest gold rushes in the early days of space faring, when isogen was the king of minerals. The 10% extra yield it offers over common Omber was all it took to make it the most sought after ore for a few years.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of
i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lowerprimarily in low security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Golden Omber" (17868)
80808 Though it floats through the frigid depths of space, magma mercoxit's striking appearance and sheen gives it the impression of bubbling magma. If this visual treasure wasn't enticing enough, the 5% higher yield certainly attracts admirers.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

Available in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Though it floats through the frigid depths of space, magma mercoxit's striking appearance and sheen gives it the impression of bubbling magma. If this visual treasure wasn't enticing enough, the 5% higher yield certainly attracts admirers.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral.

Available primarly in null security status star systems.
Though it floats through the frigid depths of space, magma mercoxit's striking appearance and sheen gives it the impression of bubbling magma. If this visual treasure wasn't enticing enough, the 5% higher yield certainly attracts admirers.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary
morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

Available in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>
<a href=showinfo:11399>Morphite</a> mineral.

Available primarly in null
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Magma Mercoxit" (17869)
80809 Vitreous mercoxit gleams in the dark, like a siren of myth. Found only in rare clusters in space vitreous mercoxit is very rare, but very valuable, due to its much higher 10% yield.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

Available in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Vitreous mercoxit gleams in the dark, like a siren of myth. Found only in rare clusters in space vitreous mercoxit is very rare, but very valuable, due to its much higher 10% yield.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral.

Available primarly in null security status star systems.
Vitreous mercoxit gleams in the dark, like a siren of myth. Found only in rare clusters in space vitreous mercoxit is very rare, but very valuable, due to its much higher 10% yield.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary
morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

Available in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>
<a href=showinfo:11399>Morphite</a> mineral.

Available primarly in null
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Vitreous Mercoxit" (17870)
83081 One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems.
OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems
Description of item "Arkonor" (22)
83082 Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems.
Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems
Description of item "Bistot" (1223)
83083 Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems.
Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of
two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems
Description of item "Monoclinic Bistot" (17429)
83084 Bistot with a triclinic crystal system occurs very rarely under natural conditions, but is highly popular with miners due to its extra-high concentrations of the zydrine and megacyte minerals. Mineral yield from triclinic bistot is approximately 5% higher than from equivalent volumes of standard bistot.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Bistot with a triclinic crystal system occurs very rarely under natural conditions, but is highly popular with miners due to its extra-high concentrations of minerals. The yield from triclinic bistot is approximately 5% higher than from equivalent volumes of standard bistot.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems.
Bistot with a triclinic crystal system occurs very rarely under natural conditions, but is highly popular with miners due to its extra-high concentrations of the zydrine and megacyte minerals. MineralThe yield from triclinic bistot is approximately 5% higher than from equivalent volumes of standard bistot.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of
two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems
Description of item "Triclinic Bistot" (17428)
83085 While fairly invisible to all but the most experienced miners, there are significant molecular differences between arkonor and its crimson counterpart, so-named because of the blood-red veins running through it. Miners who search for this diamond in the rough will be rewarded with mineral yields 5% higher than standard arkonor.

One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
While fairly invisible to all but the most experienced miners, there are significant molecular differences between arkonor and its crimson counterpart, so-named because of the blood-red veins running through it. Miners who search for this diamond in the rough will be rewarded with mineral yields 5% higher than standard arkonor.

Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems.
While fairly invisible to all but the most experienced miners, there are significant molecular differences between arkonor and its crimson counterpart, so-named because of the blood-red veins running through it. Miners who search for this diamond in the rough will be rewarded with mineral yields 5% higher than standard arkonor.

OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems
Description of item "Crimson Arkonor" (17425)
83086 Prime arkonor is the rarest of the rare; the king of ores. Giving a 10% greater mineral yield than regular arkonor, this is the stuff that makes billionaires out of people lucky enough to stumble upon a vein.

One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Prime arkonor is the rarest of the rare; the king of ores. Giving a 10% greater mineral yield than regular arkonor, this is the stuff that makes billionaires out of people lucky enough to stumble upon a vein.

Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems.
Prime arkonor is the rarest of the rare; the king of ores. Giving a 10% greater mineral yield than regular arkonor, this is the stuff that makes billionaires out of people lucky enough to stumble upon a vein.

OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower
<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

Available primarily in null security status and wormhole systems
Description of item "Prime Arkonor" (17426)
83087 Obsidian ochre, the most valuable member of the dark ochre family, was only first discovered a decade ago. The sleek black surface of this ore managed to absorb scanning waves, making obsidian ochre asteroids almost invisible. Advances in scanning technology revealed these beauties at last. This ore's 10% higher mineral yield makes it more than worth the effort required to find it.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Obsidian ochre, the most valuable member of the dark ochre family, was only first discovered a decade ago. The sleek black surface of this ore managed to absorb scanning waves, making obsidian ochre asteroids almost invisible. Advances in scanning technology revealed these beauties at last. This ore's 10% higher mineral yield makes it more than worth the effort required to find it.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Obsidian ochre, the most valuable member of the dark ochre family, was only first discovered a decade ago. The sleek black surface of this ore managed to absorb scanning waves, making obsidian ochre asteroids almost invisible. Advances in scanning technology revealed these beauties at last. This ore's 10% higher mineral yield makes it more than worth the effort required to find it.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of
isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>low security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Obsidian Ochre" (17437)
83088 Shiny black nuggets of onyx ochre look very nice and are occasionally used in ornaments. But the 5% higher mineral yield is what miners are really after. Like in all else, good looks are only an added bonus.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Shiny black nuggets of onyx ochre look very nice and are occasionally used in ornaments. But the 5% higher mineral yield is what miners are really after. Like in all else, good looks are only an added bonus.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Shiny black nuggets of onyx ochre look very nice and are occasionally used in ornaments. But the 5% higher mineral yield is what miners are really after. Like in all else, good looks are only an added bonus.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of
isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>low security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Onyx Ochre" (17436)
83089 Known as Rage Stone to veteran miners after a discovery of a particularly rich vein of it caused a bar brawl of epic proportions in the Intaki Syndicate. It has a 10% higher yield than basic kernite.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

Available in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Known as Rage Stone to veteran miners after a discovery of a particularly rich vein of it caused a bar brawl of epic proportions in the Intaki Syndicate. It has a 10% higher yield than basic kernite.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

Available primarly in low and null security status and wormhole systems.
Known as Rage Stone to veteran miners after a discovery of a particularly rich vein of it caused a bar brawl of epic proportions in the Intaki Syndicate. It has a 10% higher yield than basic kernite.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields
a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lowerprimarly in low and null security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Fiery Kernite" (17453)
83090 Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

Available in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

Available primarly in low and null security status and wormhole systems.
Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lowerprimarly in low and null security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Kernite" (20)
83091 Prophets tell of the mystical nature endowed in luminous kernite. To the rest of us, it's an average looking ore that has 5% more yield than normal kernite and can make you rich if you mine it 24/7 and live to be very old.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

Available in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Prophets tell of the mystical nature endowed in luminous kernite. To the rest of us, it's an average looking ore that has 5% more yield than normal kernite and can make you rich if you mine it 24/7 and live to be very old.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

Available primarly in low and null security status and wormhole systems.
Prophets tell of the mystical nature endowed in luminous kernite. To the rest of us, it's an average looking ore that has 5% more yield than normal kernite and can make you rich if you mine it 24/7 and live to be very old.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields
a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

in <color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar systems or lowerprimarly in low and null security status and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Luminous Kernite" (17452)
83092 Condensed Scordite is a close cousin of normal Scordite, but with 5% better yield. The increase may seem insignificant, but matters greatly to new miners where every ISK counts.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Condensed Scordite is a close cousin of normal Scordite, but with 5% better yield. The increase may seem insignificant, but matters greatly to new miners where every ISK counts.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
Condensed Scordite is a close cousin of normal Scordite, but with 5% better yield. The increase may seem insignificant, but matters greatly to new miners where every ISK counts.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the
central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Condensed Scordite" (17463)
83093 Massive Scordite was the stuff of legend in the early days of space exploration, due to a 10% higher mineral yield than standard scordite. Though it has long since been taken over in value by other ores it still has a special place in the hearts of veteran miners.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Massive Scordite was the stuff of legend in the early days of space exploration, due to a 10% higher mineral yield than standard scordite. Though it has long since been taken over in value by other ores it still has a special place in the hearts of veteran miners.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
Massive Scordite was the stuff of legend in the early days of space exploration, due to a 10% higher mineral yield than standard scordite. Though it has long since been taken over in value by other ores it still has a special place in the hearts of veteran miners.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the
central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Massive Scordite" (17464)
83094 Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Scordite" (1228)
83095 Clusters of veldspar with 5% higher yield, called concentrated veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal veldspar is already in abundance.

The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

Available in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Clusters of veldspar with 5% higher yield, called concentrated veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal veldspar is already in abundance.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
Clusters of veldspar with 5% higher yield, called concentrated veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal veldspar is already in abundance.

TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhercentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Concentrated Veldspar" (17470)
83096 In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal veldspar into what is known as dense veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%.

The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

Available in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal veldspar into what is known as dense veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal veldspar into what is known as dense veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%.

TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhercentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Dense Veldspar" (17471)
83097 The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

Available in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

Available primarily in high security status star systems.
TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhercentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

in <color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color>primarily in high security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Veldspar" (1230)
86559 Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine. Flawed Jaspet, unfortunately, is rather harder to sell, as it is practically devoid of usable minerals and is good only for duping the unwary. Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium. Flawed Jaspet, unfortunately, is rather harder to sell, as it is practically devoid of usable minerals and is good only for duping the unwary. Jaspet has threewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>. Flawed Jaspet, unfortunately, is rather harder to sell, as it is practically devoid of usable minerals and is good only for duping the unwary. Description of item "Flawed Jaspet" (26868)
86560 Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Jaspet has threewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color>
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Jaspet" (1226)
86561 Pristine Jaspet is very rare, which is not so surprising when one considers that it is formed when asteroids collide with comets or ice moons. It has 10% better yield than normal Jaspet.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Pristine Jaspet is very rare, which is not so surprising when one considers that it is formed when asteroids collide with comets or ice moons. It has 10% better yield than normal Jaspet.

Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Pristine Jaspet is very rare, which is not so surprising when one considers that it is formed when asteroids collide with comets or ice moons. It has 10% better yield than normal Jaspet.

Jaspet has t
hreewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color>
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Pristine Jaspet" (17449)
86562 Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit. Pure Jaspet contains fewer waste compounds than most asteroids, allows for approximately 5% better mineral yield from the same volume of ore.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit. Pure Jaspet contains fewer waste compounds than most asteroids, allows for approximately 5% better mineral yield from the same volume of ore.

Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit. Pure Jaspet contains fewer waste compounds than most asteroids, allows for approximately 5% better mineral yield from the same volume of ore.

Jaspet has t
hreewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color>
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Pure Jaspet" (17448)
86730 Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

Available in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

Available in all known space and wormhole systems.
Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available in
<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lowerall known space and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Pyroxeres" (1224)
86731 Viscous Pyroxeres is the secret behind the success of ORE in the early days. ORE has since then moved into more profitable minerals, but Viscous Pyroxeres and its 10% higher mineral yield still holds a special place in the hearts of all miners dreaming of becoming the next mining moguls of EVE.

Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

Available in <color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Viscous Pyroxeres is the secret behind the success of ORE in the early days. ORE has since then moved into more profitable minerals, but Viscous Pyroxeres and its 10% higher mineral yield still holds a special place in the hearts of all miners dreaming of becoming the next mining moguls of EVE.

Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

Available in all known space and wormhole systems.
Viscous Pyroxeres is the secret behind the success of ORE in the early days. ORE has since then moved into more profitable minerals, but Viscous Pyroxeres and its 10% higher mineral yield still holds a special place in the hearts of all miners dreaming of becoming the next mining moguls of EVE.

Pyroxeres is a
n interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available in
<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar systems or lowerall known space and wormhole systems.
Description of item "Viscous Pyroxeres" (17460)
86853 Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>low security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Dark Ochre" (1232)
86895 Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend in 0.0 space. Not only does it give a 10% greater yield than regular crokite, but chunks of the rock glitter beautifully in just the right light, making crystalline crokite popular as raw material for jewelry.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend. Not only does it give a 10% greater yield than regular crokite, but chunks of the rock glitter beautifully in just the right light, making crystalline crokite popular as raw material for jewelry.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend in 0.0 space. Not only does it give a 10% greater yield than regular crokite, but chunks of the rock glitter beautifully in just the right light, making crystalline crokite popular as raw material for jewelry.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of
nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>low security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Crystalline Crokite" (17433)
86896 In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar systems or lower.
In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of
nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily in
<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color>low security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Sharp Crokite" (17432)
86949 Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color>
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Hedbergite" (21)
86950 Asteroids containing this shiny ore were formed in intense heat, such as might result from a supernova. The result, known as glazed hedbergite, is a more concentrated form of hedbergite that has 10% higher yield.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Asteroids containing this shiny ore were formed in intense heat, such as might result from a supernova. The result, known as glazed hedbergite, is a more concentrated form of hedbergite that has 10% higher yield.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Asteroids containing this shiny ore were formed in intense heat, such as might result from a supernova. The result, known as glazed hedbergite, is a more concentrated form of hedbergite that has 10% higher yield.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of
nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color>
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Glazed Hedbergite" (17441)
86951 When asteroids containing hedbergite pass close to suns or other sources of intense heat can cause the hedbergite to glassify. The result is called vitric hedbergite and has 5% better yield than normal hedbergite.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.
When asteroids containing hedbergite pass close to suns or other sources of intense heat can cause the hedbergite to glassify. The result is called vitric hedbergite and has 5% better yield than normal hedbergite.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
When asteroids containing hedbergite pass close to suns or other sources of intense heat can cause the hedbergite to glassify. The result is called vitric hedbergite and has 5% better yield than normal hedbergite.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of
nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color>
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Vitric Hedbergite" (17440)
86952 With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.
With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
With a large portion of n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color>
some amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Hemorphite" (1231)
86953 Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Vivid hemorphite has 5% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Vivid hemorphite has 5% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Vivid hemorphite has 5% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of
n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color>
some amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Vivid Hemorphite" (17444)
87119 Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar systems or lower.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

Available primarily in low security status star systems.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of
n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

Available primarily in <color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color>
some amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily in low
security status soltar systems or lower.
Description of item "Radiant Hemorphite" (17445)
87134 The main building block in space structures. A very hard, yet bendable metal. Cannot be used in human habitats due to its instability at atmospheric temperatures. Very common throughout the universe.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Arkonor, Crimson Arkonor, Prime Arkonor
Crokite, Sharp Crokite, Crystalline Crokite
Dark Ochre, Onyx Ochre, Obsidian Ochre
Spodumain, Bright Spodumain, Gleaming Spodumain

<color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:
Hemorphite, Vivid Hemorphite, Radiant Hemorphite

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
Kernite, Luminous Kernite, Fiery Kernite
Omber, Silvery Omber, Golden Omber

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:
Plagioclase, Azure Plagioclase, Rich Plagioclase
Pyroxeres, Solid Pyroxeres, Viscous Pyroxeres

<color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Scordite, Condensed Scordite, Massive Scordite
Veldspar, Concentrated Veldspar, Dense Veldspar
The main building block in space structures. A very hard, yet bendable metal. Cannot be used in human habitats due to its instability at atmospheric temperatures. Very common throughout the central regions of known universe.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations available in high security status star systems:
Veldspar, Scordite, Plagioclase

It is also present in huge amounts in rare ores like Spodumain, Bezdnacine, Rakovene and Talassonite.
The main building block in space structures. A very hard, yet bendable metal. Cannot be used in human habitats due to its instability at atmospheric temperatures. Very common throughout the central regions of known universe.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:22>Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17425>Crimson Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17426>Prime Arkonor</a>
<a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17432>Sharp Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17433>Crystalline Crokite</a>
<a href=showinfo:1232>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17436>Onyx Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17437>Obsidian Ochre</a>
<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>

and their variations available in high security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:123
1>Hemorphite0>Veldspar</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorph228>Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a>
<a href=showinfo:1227>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17867>Silvery Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17868>Golden Omber</a>

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:18>Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclase</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a>
<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a>

<color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:1228>Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17463>Condensed Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17464>Massive Scordite</a>
<a href=showinfo:1230>Veldspar</a>, <a href=showinfo:17470>Concentrated Veldspar</a>, <a href=showinfo:17471>Dense Veldspar

It is also present in huge amounts in rare ores like <a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:52316>Bezdnacine</a>, <a href=showinfo:52315>Rakovene</a> and <a href=showinfo:52306>Talassonite
Description of item "Tritanium" (34)
87135 A soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. Used as conduit and in the bio-chemical industry. Commonly found in many asteroid-ore types.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Bistot, Monoclinic Bistot, Triclinic Bistot
Gneiss, Iridescent Gneiss, Prismatic Gneiss
Spodumain, Bright Spodumain, Gleaming Spodumain

<color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:
Hedbergite, Vitric Hedbergite, Glazed Hedbergite

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
Omber, Silvery Omber, Golden Omber

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:
Plagioclase, Azure Plagioclase, Rich Plagioclase
Pyroxeres, Solid Pyroxeres, Viscous Pyroxeres

<color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Scordite, Condensed Scordite, Massive Scordite
A soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. Used as conduit and in the bio-chemical industry. Commonly found in many asteroid-ore types.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations:

High security status star systems:
Scordite, Pyroxeres

Low security status star systems:
Pyroxeres, Omber, Hedbergite, Gneiss, Crokite

Null security status star systems:
Pyroxeres, Bistot, Arkonor

Wormhole systems:
Pyroxeres, Omber, Gneiss, Bistot, Arkonor
A soft crystal-like mineral with a very distinguishing orange glow as if on fire. Used as conduit and in the bio-chemical industry. Commonly found in many asteroid-ore types.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores

and their variations:

security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:122
3>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17429>Monoclinic Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17428>Triclinic Bistot</a>
<a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a>
<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>

8>Scordite</a>, <a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>

security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:
21>Hedbergite1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite227>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed 21>Hedbergite</a>

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
, <a href=showinfo:1227>Omber9>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17867>Silvery Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17868>Golden Omber</a>


security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:1
8>Plagioclase224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclase223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a>
<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>,

Wormhole systems:
<a href=showinfo:17459>Solid 224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres</a>

<color='0xFF33FFFF'>1.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
227>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:1228>Scordite9>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17463>Condensed Scordite223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17464>Massive Scordite22>Arkonor</a>
Description of item "Pyerite" (35)
87136 Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with Tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Gneiss, Iridescent Gneiss, Prismatic Gneiss
Spodumain, Bright Spodumain, Gleaming Spodumain
Arkonor, Prime Arkonor, Crimson Arkonor

<color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:
Jaspet, Pure Jaspet, Pristine Jaspet

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
Kernite, Luminous Kernite, Fiery Kernite

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:
Plagioclase, Azure Plagioclase, Rich Plagioclase
Pyroxeres, Solid Pyroxeres, Viscous Pyroxeres
Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with Tritanium to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations:

High security status star systems:
Pyroxeres, Plagioclase

Low security status star systems:
Pyroxeres, Kernite, Jaspet, Gneiss, Dark Ochre, Crokite

Null security status star systems:
Pyroxeres, Kernite, Bistot, Arkonor

Wormhole systems:
Pyroxeres, Kernite, Gneiss, Bistot, Arkonor
Very flexible metallic mineral, dull to bright silvery green in color. Can be mixed with <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> to make extremely hard alloys or it can be used by itself for various purposes. Fairly common in most regions.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores

and their variations:

security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:122
9>Gneis4>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a>8>Plagioclase</a>

Low security status star systems:

<a href=showinfo:1
9>Spodumain224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain226>Jaspet</a>
, <a href=showinfo:122>Arkonor9>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17426>Prime Arkonor232>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:174225>Crimson Arkonor</a>


security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:122
6>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet</a>

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
4>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a>

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower

Wormhole systems
<a href=showinfo:1
8>Plagioclase224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17455>Azure Plagioclas20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17456>Rich Plagioclase</a>
<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxere
229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres22>Arkonor</a>
Description of item "Mexallon" (36)
87137 Light-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronic and weapon manufacturing. Only found in abundance in a few areas.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Dark Ochre, Onyx Ochre, Obsidian Ochre
Gneiss, Iridescent Gneiss, Prismatic Gneiss
Spodumain, Bright Spodumain, Gleaming Spodumain

<color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:
Hedbergite, Vitric Hedbergite, Glazed Hedbergite
Hemorphite, Vivid Hemorphite, Radiant Hemorphite

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
Kernite, Luminous Kernite, Fiery Kernite
Omber, Silvery Omber, Golden Omber
Light-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronic and weapon manufacturing. Only found in abundance in a few areas.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations:

Low security status star systems:
Omber, Kernite, Hemorphite, Gneiss, Dark Ochre

Null security status star systems:

Wormhole systems:
Omber, Kernite, Gneiss

It is also present in huge amounts in rare ores like Spodumain, Bezdnacine and Rakovene.
Light-bluish crystal, formed by intense pressure deep within large asteroids and moons. Used in electronic and weapon manufacturing. Only found in abundance in a few areas.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores

and their variations:

security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:12
32>Dark Ochre27>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17436>Onyx Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17437>Obsidian Ochr20>Kernite</a>
, <a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17865>Iridescent Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:17866>Prismatic Gneiss</a>
<a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17466>Bright Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17467>Gleaming Spodumain</a>

31>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:1229>Gneiss</a>, <a href=showinfo:1232>Dark Ochre</a>

security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:2
1>Hedb0>Kergnite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed Hedbergite</a>

Wormhole systems:

<a href=showinfo:12
31>Hemorphite27>Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorph20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>

<color='0xFF00FF00'>0.7</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:20>Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17452>Luminous Kernite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17453>Fiery Kernite</a>

It is also present in huge amounts in rare ores like
<a href=showinfo:1227>Omber9>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17867>Silvery Omber</a>, <a href=showinfo:17868>Golden Omber52316>Bezdnacine</a> and <a href=showinfo:52315>Rakovene</a>.
Description of item "Isogen" (37)
87138 A highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovas, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient in capsule production, making it very coveted.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Crokite, Sharp Crokite, Crystalline Crokite
Dark Ochre, Onyx Ochre, Obsidian Ochre

<color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:
Hedbergite, Vitric Hedbergite, Glazed Hedbergite
Hemorphite, Vivid Hemorphite, Radiant Hemorphite

<color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:
Jaspet, Pure Jaspet, Pristine Jaspet

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:
Pyroxeres, Solid Pyroxeres, Viscous Pyroxeres
A highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovas, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient in capsule production, making it very coveted.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores and their variations available in low security status star systems:
Jaspet, Hemorphite, Hedbergite, Dark Ochre, Crokite

It is also present in significant amounts in rare ores like Spodumain and Talassonite.
A highly volatile mineral only formed during supernovas, thus severely limiting the extent of its distribution. Vital ingredient in capsule production, making it very coveted.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17432>Sharp Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17433>Crystalline Crokite</a>
<a href=showinfo:1232>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17436>Onyx Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:17437>Obsidian Ochre</a>

and their variations available in low security status soltar system or lowers:
<a href=showinfo:
21>Hedbergite1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedberg231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed 21>Hedbergite</a>
, <a href=showinfo:1231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>

<color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet</a>

<color='0xFF4DFFCC'>0.9</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:1224>Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17459>Solid Pyroxeres</a>, <a href=showinfo:17460>Viscous Pyroxeres
2>Dark Ochre</a>, <a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>

It is also present in significant amounts in rare ores like <a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a> and <a href=showinfo:52306>Talassonite
Description of item "Nocxium" (38)
87139 Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Bistot, Monoclinic Bistot, Triclinic Bistot
Crokite, Sharp Crokite, Crystalline Crokite

<color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:
Hedbergite, Vitric Hedbergite, Glazed Hedbergite
Hemorphite, Vivid Hemorphite, Radiant Hemorphite

<color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:
Jaspet, Pure Jaspet, Pristine Jaspet
Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive.

May be obtained by reprocessing Bistot ore and its variations which are available in null security status and wormhole systems.

Significant amounts of Zydrine are also present in rare ores like Spodumain and Rakovene.
Only found in huge geodes; rocks on the outside with crystal-like quartz on the inside. The rarest and most precious of these geodes are those that contain the dark green zydrine within. Very rare and very expensive.

May be obtained by reprocessing
the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:1223>Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17429>Monoclinic Bistot</a>, <a href=showinfo:17428>Triclinic Bistot</a>
<a href=showinfo:1225>Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17432>Sharp Crokite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17433>Crystalline Crokite</a>

<color='0xFFFF4D00'>0.2</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:21>Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17440>Vitric Hedbergite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17441>Glazed Hedbergite</a>
<a href=showinfo:1231>Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17444>Vivid Hemorphite</a>, <a href=showinfo:17445>Radiant Hemorphite</a>

<color='0xFFE58000'>0.4</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:1226>Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17448>Pure Jaspet</a>, <a href=showinfo:17449>Pristine Jaspet
<a href=showinfo:1223>Bistot</a> ore and its variations which are available in null security status and wormhole systems.

Significant amounts of Zydrine are also present in rare ores like <a href=showinfo:19>Spodumain</a> and <a href=showinfo:52315>Rakovene
Description of item "Zydrine" (39)
87140 An extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique explosive traits that make it very valuable in the armaments industry.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Arkonor, Crimson Arkonor, Prime Arkonor
Bistot, Monoclinic Bistot, Triclinic Bistot
An extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique explosive traits that make it very valuable in the armaments industry.

May be obtained by reprocessing Arkonor ore and its variations which are available in null security status and wormhole systems.

Significant amounts of Megacyte are also present in rare ores like Spodumain, Bezdnacine, and Talassonite.
An extremely rare mineral found in comets and very occasionally in asteroids that have traveled through gas clouds. Has unique explosive traits that make it very valuable in the armaments industry.

May be obtained by reprocessing
the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:22>Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17425>Crimson Arkonor</a>, <a href=showinfo:17426>Prime Arkonor</a>
<a href=showinfo:22>Arkonor</a> ore and its variations which are available in null security status and wormhole systems.

Significant amounts of Megacyte are also present in rare ores like
<a href=showinfo:1223>Bistot9>Spodumain</a>, <a href=showinfo:17429>Monoclinic Bistot52316>Bezdnacine</a>, and <a href=showinfo:17428>Triclinic Bistot52306>Talassonite</a>.
Description of item "Megacyte" (40)
87921 Morphite is a highly unorthodox mineral that can only be found in the hard-to-get Mercoxit ore. It is hard to use Morphite as a basic building material, but when it is joined with existing structures it can enhance the performance and durability manifold. This astounding quality makes this the material responsible for ushering in a new age in technology breakthroughs.

May be obtained by reprocessing the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
Mercoxit, Magma Mercoxit, Vitreous Mercoxit
Morphite is a highly unorthodox mineral that can only be found in the hard-to-get Mercoxit ore. It is hard to use Morphite as a basic building material, but when it is joined with existing structures it can enhance the performance and durability manifold. This astounding quality makes this the material responsible for ushering in a new age in technology breakthroughs.

May be obtained by reprocessing Mercoxit ore and its variations which are available in null security status star systems.
Morphite is a highly unorthodox mineral that can only be found in the hard-to-get <a href=showinfo:11396>Mercoxit</a> ore. It is hard to use Morphite as a basic building material, but when it is joined with existing structures it can enhance the performance and durability manifold. This astounding quality makes this the material responsible for ushering in a new age in technology breakthroughs.

May be obtained by reprocessing
the following ores:

<color='0xFFFF0000'>0.0</color> security status solar system or lower:
<a href=showinfo:11396>Mercoxit</a>, <a href=showinfo:17869>Magma Mercoxit</a>, <a href=showinfo:17870>Vitreous Mercoxit</a>
<a href=showinfo:11396>Mercoxit</a> ore and its variations which are available in null security status star systems.
Description of item "Morphite" (11399)
90669 Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Crokite" (28391)
90670 Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of mexallon as well as some pyerite and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Gneiss" (28397)
90671 Gneiss is often the first major league ore that up and coming miners graduate to. Finding the more expensive variation of Gneiss, called Iridescent Gneiss, is a major coup for these miners due to its 5% greater mineral yield.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of mexallon as well as some pyerite and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Gneiss is often the first major league ore that up and coming miners graduate to. Finding the more expensive variation of Gneiss, called Iridescent Gneiss, is a major coup for these miners due to its 5% greater mineral yield.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Gneiss is often the first major league ore that up and coming miners graduate to. Finding the more expensive variation of Gneiss, called Iridescent Gneiss, is a major coup for these miners due to its 5% greater mineral yield.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of
m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Iridescent Gneiss" (28398)
90672 Prismatic Gneiss has a fracturized molecule-structure, which explains its unique appearance. It is the most sought after member of the Gneiss family, as it yields 10% more than common Gneiss.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of mexallon as well as some pyerite and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Prismatic Gneiss has a fracturized molecule-structure, which explains its unique appearance. It is the most sought after member of the Gneiss family, as it yields 10% more than common Gneiss.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Prismatic Gneiss has a fracturized molecule-structure, which explains its unique appearance. It is the most sought after member of the Gneiss family, as it yields 10% more than common Gneiss.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of
m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Prismatic Gneiss" (28399)
90673 Though it floats through the frigid depths of space, magma mercoxit's striking appearance and sheen gives it the impression of bubbling magma. If this visual treasure wasn't enticing enough, the 5% higher yield certainly attracts admirers.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Though it floats through the frigid depths of space, magma mercoxit's striking appearance and sheen gives it the impression of bubbling magma. If this visual treasure wasn't enticing enough, the 5% higher yield certainly attracts admirers.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Though it floats through the frigid depths of space, magma mercoxit's striking appearance and sheen gives it the impression of bubbling magma. If this visual treasure wasn't enticing enough, the 5% higher yield certainly attracts admirers.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary
morphite mineral but few other minerals of note<a href=showinfo:11399>Morphite</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Magma Mercoxit" (28412)
90674 Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary morphite mineral but few other minerals of note<a href=showinfo:11399>Morphite</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Mercoxit" (28413)
90675 Vitreous mercoxit gleams in the dark, like a siren of myth. Found only in rare clusters in space vitreous mercoxit is very rare, but very valuable, due to its much higher 10% yield.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral but few other minerals of note.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Vitreous mercoxit gleams in the dark, like a siren of myth. Found only in rare clusters in space vitreous mercoxit is very rare, but very valuable, due to its much higher 10% yield.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary Morphite mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Vitreous mercoxit gleams in the dark, like a siren of myth. Found only in rare clusters in space vitreous mercoxit is very rare, but very valuable, due to its much higher 10% yield.

Mercoxit is a very dense ore that must be mined using specialized deep core mining techniques. It contains massive amounts of the extraordinary
Morphite mineral but few other minerals of note<a href=showinfo:11399>Morphite</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Vitreous Mercoxit" (28414)
90676 Golden Omber spurred one of the largest gold rushes in the early days of space faring, when isogen was the king of minerals. The 10% extra yield it offers over common Omber was all it took to make it the most sought after ore for a few years.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Golden Omber spurred one of the largest gold rushes in the early days of space faring, when isogen was the king of minerals. The 10% extra yield it offers over common Omber was all it took to make it the most sought after ore for a few years.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Golden Omber spurred one of the largest gold rushes in the early days of space faring, when isogen was the king of minerals. The 10% extra yield it offers over common Omber was all it took to make it the most sought after ore for a few years.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of
i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Golden Omber" (28415)
90677 Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Omber" (28416)
90678 Silvery Omber was first discovered some fifty years ago in an asteroid belt close to a large moon. The luminescence from the moon made this uncommon cousin of normal Omber seem silvery in appearance, hence the name. It is still considered a lucky find by miners across New Eden due to a roughly 5% improved mineral yield compared to standard omber.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Silvery Omber was first discovered some fifty years ago in an asteroid belt close to a large moon. The luminescence from the moon made this uncommon cousin of normal Omber seem silvery in appearance, hence the name. It is still considered a lucky find by miners across New Eden due to a roughly 5% improved mineral yield compared to standard omber.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Silvery Omber was first discovered some fifty years ago in an asteroid belt close to a large moon. The luminescence from the moon made this uncommon cousin of normal Omber seem silvery in appearance, hence the name. It is still considered a lucky find by miners across New Eden due to a roughly 5% improved mineral yield compared to standard omber.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of
i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Silvery Omber" (28417)
90679 Spodumain is occasionally found with crystalline traces in its outer surface. Known as bright spodumain, the crystal adds approximately 5% more value to an already valuable mineral.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Spodumain is occasionally found with crystalline traces in its outer surface. Known as bright spodumain, the crystal adds approximately 5% more value to an already valuable mineral.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Spodumain is occasionally found with crystalline traces in its outer surface. Known as bright spodumain, the crystal adds approximately 5% more value to an already valuable mineral.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the
four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogenmoderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Bright Spodumain" (28418)
90680 Once in a while Spodumain is found with crystalline veins running through it. The 10% increased value this yields puts a gleam in the eye of any miner lucky enough to find it.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Once in a while Spodumain is found with crystalline veins running through it. The 10% increased value this yields puts a gleam in the eye of any miner lucky enough to find it.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Once in a while Spodumain is found with crystalline veins running through it. The 10% increased value this yields puts a gleam in the eye of any miner lucky enough to find it.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the
four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogenmoderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Gleaming Spodumain" (28419)
90681 Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogenmoderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Spodumain" (28420)
90682 Azure plagioclase is an uncommon variant of plagioclase that enjoys a 5% improved mineral yield. It was made infamous in the melancholic song prose Miner Blues by the Gallentean folk singer Jaroud Dertier three decades ago.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Azure plagioclase is an uncommon variant of plagioclase that enjoys a 5% improved mineral yield. It was made infamous in the melancholic song prose Miner Blues by the Gallentean folk singer Jaroud Dertier three decades ago.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Azure plagioclase is an uncommon variant of plagioclase that enjoys a 5% improved mineral yield. It was made infamous in the melancholic song prose Miner Blues by the Gallentean folk singer Jaroud Dertier three decades ago.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of
pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Azure Plagioclase" (28421)
90683 Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Plagioclase" (28422)
90684 With rich plagioclase, having 10% better yield than the normal one, miners can finally regard plagioclase as a mineral that provides a noteworthy profit.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
With rich plagioclase, having 10% better yield than the normal one, miners can finally regard plagioclase as a mineral that provides a noteworthy profit.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
With rich plagioclase, having 10% better yield than the normal one, miners can finally regard plagioclase as a mineral that provides a noteworthy profit.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of
pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Rich Plagioclase" (28423)
90685 Solid Pyroxeres, sometimes called the Flame of Dam'Torsad, is a relative of normal Pyroxeres. The Flame has 5% higher yield than its more common cousin.

Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Solid Pyroxeres, sometimes called the Flame of Dam'Torsad, is a relative of normal Pyroxeres. The Flame has 5% higher yield than its more common cousin.

Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Solid Pyroxeres, sometimes called the Flame of Dam'Torsad, is a relative of normal Pyroxeres. The Flame has 5% higher yield than its more common cousin.

Pyroxeres is a
n interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Solid Pyroxeres" (28425)
91278 Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Bistot" (28388)
91279 Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of
two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Monoclinic Bistot" (28389)
91280 Bistot with a triclinic crystal system occurs very rarely under natural conditions, but is highly popular with miners due to its extra-high concentrations of the zydrine and megacyte minerals. Mineral yield from triclinic bistot is approximately 5% higher than from equivalent volumes of standard bistot.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Bistot with a triclinic crystal system occurs very rarely under natural conditions, but is highly popular with miners due to its extra-high concentrations of minerals. The yield from triclinic bistot is approximately 5% higher than from equivalent volumes of standard bistot.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Bistot with a triclinic crystal system occurs very rarely under natural conditions, but is highly popular with miners due to its extra-high concentrations of the zydrine and megacyte minerals. MineralThe yield from triclinic bistot is approximately 5% higher than from equivalent volumes of standard bistot.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of
two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Triclinic Bistot" (28390)
91281 One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Arkonor" (28367)
91282 While fairly invisible to all but the most experienced miners, there are significant molecular differences between arkonor and its crimson counterpart, so-named because of the blood-red veins running through it. Miners who search for this diamond in the rough will be rewarded with mineral yields 5% higher than standard arkonor.

One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
While fairly invisible to all but the most experienced miners, there are significant molecular differences between arkonor and its crimson counterpart, so-named because of the blood-red veins running through it. Miners who search for this diamond in the rough will be rewarded with mineral yields 5% higher than standard arkonor.

Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
While fairly invisible to all but the most experienced miners, there are significant molecular differences between arkonor and its crimson counterpart, so-named because of the blood-red veins running through it. Miners who search for this diamond in the rough will be rewarded with mineral yields 5% higher than standard arkonor.

OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Crimson Arkonor" (28385)
91283 Prime arkonor is the rarest of the rare; the king of ores. Giving a 10% greater mineral yield than regular arkonor, this is the stuff that makes billionaires out of people lucky enough to stumble upon a vein.

The rarest and most sought-after ore in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Prime arkonor is the rarest of the rare; the king of ores. Giving a 10% greater mineral yield than regular arkonor, this is the stuff that makes billionaires out of people lucky enough to stumble upon a vein.

Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Prime arkonor is the rarest of the rare; the king of ores. Giving a 10% greater mineral yield than regular arkonor, this is the stuff that makes billionaires out of people lucky enough to stumble upon a vein.

TArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Prime Arkonor" (28387)
91284 Obsidian ochre, an extremely valuable member of the dark ochre family, was only first discovered a decade ago. The sleek black surface of this ore managed to reflect scanning waves, making obsidian ochre asteroids almost invisible. Advances in scanning technology revealed these beauties at last. This ore's 10% higher mineral yield makes it more than worth the effort required to find it.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Obsidian ochre, an extremely valuable member of the dark ochre family, was only first discovered a decade ago. The sleek black surface of this ore managed to reflect scanning waves, making obsidian ochre asteroids almost invisible. Advances in scanning technology revealed these beauties at last. This ore's 10% higher mineral yield makes it more than worth the effort required to find it.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Obsidian ochre, an extremely valuable member of the dark ochre family, was only first discovered a decade ago. The sleek black surface of this ore managed to reflect scanning waves, making obsidian ochre asteroids almost invisible. Advances in scanning technology revealed these beauties at last. This ore's 10% higher mineral yield makes it more than worth the effort required to find it.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of
isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Obsidian Ochre" (28395)
91285 Shiny black nuggets of onyx ochre look very nice and are occasionally used in ornaments. But the 5% higher mineral yield is what miners are really after. Like in all else, good looks are only an added bonus.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Shiny black nuggets of onyx ochre look very nice and are occasionally used in ornaments. But the 5% higher mineral yield is what miners are really after. Like in all else, good looks are only an added bonus.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Shiny black nuggets of onyx ochre look very nice and are occasionally used in ornaments. But the 5% higher mineral yield is what miners are really after. Like in all else, good looks are only an added bonus.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of
isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Onyx Ochre" (28396)
91286 Known as Rage Stone to veteran miners after a discovery of a particularly rich vein of it caused a bar brawl of epic proportions in the Intaki Syndicate. It has a 10% higher yield than basic kernite.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Known as Rage Stone to veteran miners after a discovery of a particularly rich vein of it caused a bar brawl of epic proportions in the Intaki Syndicate. It has a 10% higher yield than basic kernite.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Known as Rage Stone to veteran miners after a discovery of a particularly rich vein of it caused a bar brawl of epic proportions in the Intaki Syndicate. It has a 10% higher yield than basic kernite.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields
a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Fiery Kernite" (28409)
91287 Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Kernite" (28410)
91288 Prophets tell of the mystical nature endowed in luminous kernite. To the rest of us, it's an average looking ore that has 5% more yield than normal kernite and can make you rich if you mine it 24/7 and live to be very old.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Prophets tell of the mystical nature endowed in luminous kernite. To the rest of us, it's an average looking ore that has 5% more yield than normal kernite and can make you rich if you mine it 24/7 and live to be very old.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Prophets tell of the mystical nature endowed in luminous kernite. To the rest of us, it's an average looking ore that has 5% more yield than normal kernite and can make you rich if you mine it 24/7 and live to be very old.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields
a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Luminous Kernite" (28411)
91289 Condensed Scordite is a close cousin of normal Scordite, but with 5% better yield. The increase may seem insignificant, but matters greatly to new miners where every ISK counts.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Condensed Scordite is a close cousin of normal Scordite, but with 5% better yield. The increase may seem insignificant, but matters greatly to new miners where every ISK counts.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Condensed Scordite is a close cousin of normal Scordite, but with 5% better yield. The increase may seem insignificant, but matters greatly to new miners where every ISK counts.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the
central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Condensed Scordite" (28427)
91290 Massive Scordite was the stuff of legend in the early days of space exploration, due to a 10% higher mineral yield than standard scordite. Though it has long since been taken over in value by other ores it still has a special place in the hearts of veteran miners.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Massive Scordite was the stuff of legend in the early days of space exploration, due to a 10% higher mineral yield than standard scordite. Though it has long since been taken over in value by other ores it still has a special place in the hearts of veteran miners.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Massive Scordite was the stuff of legend in the early days of space exploration, due to a 10% higher mineral yield than standard scordite. Though it has long since been taken over in value by other ores it still has a special place in the hearts of veteran miners.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the
central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Massive Scordite" (28428)
91291 Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Scordite" (28429)
91292 Clusters of veldspar with 5% higher yield, called concentrated veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal veldspar is already in abundance.

The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Clusters of veldspar with 5% higher yield, called concentrated veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal veldspar is already in abundance.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Clusters of veldspar with 5% higher yield, called concentrated veldspar, are sometimes found in areas where normal veldspar is already in abundance.

TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhcentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Concentrated Veldspar" (28430)
91293 In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal veldspar into what is known as dense veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%.

The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal veldspar into what is known as dense veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
In asteroids above average size, the intense pressure can weld normal veldspar into what is known as dense veldspar, increasing the yield by 10%.

TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhcentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Dense Veldspar" (28431)
91294 The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhcentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Veldspar" (28432)
92774 Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Jaspet has threewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Jaspet" (28406)
92775 Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit. Pure Jaspet contains fewer waste compounds than most asteroids, allows for approximately 5% better mineral yield from the same volume of ore.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit. Pure Jaspet contains fewer waste compounds than most asteroids, allows for approximately 5% better mineral yield from the same volume of ore.

Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Pure Jaspet is popular amongst corporate miners who are looking for various minerals for manufacturing, rather than mining purely for profit. Pure Jaspet contains fewer waste compounds than most asteroids, allows for approximately 5% better mineral yield from the same volume of ore.

Jaspet has t
hreewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Pure Jaspet" (28408)
92776 Pristine Jaspet is very rare, which is not so surprising when one considers that it is formed when asteroids collide with comets or ice moons. It has 10% better yield than normal Jaspet.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Pristine Jaspet is very rare, which is not so surprising when one considers that it is formed when asteroids collide with comets or ice moons. It has 10% better yield than normal Jaspet.

Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Pristine Jaspet is very rare, which is not so surprising when one considers that it is formed when asteroids collide with comets or ice moons. It has 10% better yield than normal Jaspet.

Jaspet has t
hreewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Pristine Jaspet" (28407)
92834 Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Pyroxeres" (28424)
92835 Viscous Pyroxeres is the secret behind the success of ORE in the early days. ORE has since then moved into more profitable minerals, but Viscous Pyroxeres and its 10% higher mineral yield still holds a special place in the hearts of all miners dreaming of becoming the next mining moguls of EVE.

Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Viscous Pyroxeres is the secret behind the success of ORE in the early days. ORE has since then moved into more profitable minerals, but Viscous Pyroxeres and its 10% higher mineral yield still holds a special place in the hearts of all miners dreaming of becoming the next mining moguls of EVE.

Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Viscous Pyroxeres is the secret behind the success of ORE in the early days. ORE has since then moved into more profitable minerals, but Viscous Pyroxeres and its 10% higher mineral yield still holds a special place in the hearts of all miners dreaming of becoming the next mining moguls of EVE.

Pyroxeres is a
n interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Viscous Pyroxeres" (28426)
93010 Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend in 0.0 space. Not only does it give a 10% greater yield than regular crokite, but chunks of the rock glitter beautifully in just the right light, making crystalline crokite popular as raw material for jewelry.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend. Not only does it give a 10% greater yield than regular crokite, but chunks of the rock glitter beautifully in just the right light, making crystalline crokite popular as raw material for jewelry.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Crystalline crokite is the stuff of legend in 0.0 space. Not only does it give a 10% greater yield than regular crokite, but chunks of the rock glitter beautifully in just the right light, making crystalline crokite popular as raw material for jewelry.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of
nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Crystalline Crokite" (28392)
93011 In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
In certain belts, environmental conditions will carve sharp, jagged edges into crokite rocks, resulting in the formation of sharp crokite. The increased density of these formations leads to a 5% greater mineral yield than standard crokite.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of
nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Sharp Crokite" (28393)
93050 When asteroids containing hedbergite pass close to suns or other sources of intense heat can cause the hedbergite to glassify. The result is called vitric hedbergite and has 5% better yield than normal hedbergite.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
When asteroids containing hedbergite pass close to suns or other sources of intense heat can cause the hedbergite to glassify. The result is called vitric hedbergite and has 5% better yield than normal hedbergite.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
When asteroids containing hedbergite pass close to suns or other sources of intense heat can cause the hedbergite to glassify. The result is called vitric hedbergite and has 5% better yield than normal hedbergite.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of
nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Vitric Hedbergite" (28402)
93051 Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Hedbergite" (28401)
93052 Asteroids containing this shiny ore were formed in intense heat, such as might result from a supernova. The result, known as glazed hedbergite, is a more concentrated form of hedbergite that has 10% higher yield.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Asteroids containing this shiny ore were formed in intense heat, such as might result from a supernova. The result, known as glazed hedbergite, is a more concentrated form of hedbergite that has 10% higher yield.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Asteroids containing this shiny ore were formed in intense heat, such as might result from a supernova. The result, known as glazed hedbergite, is a more concentrated form of hedbergite that has 10% higher yield.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of
nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Glazed Hedbergite" (28400)
93053 With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
With a large portion of n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrinesome amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Hemorphite" (28403)
93107 Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Radiant hemorphite has 10% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of
n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrinesome amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Radiant Hemorphite" (28404)
93108 Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Vivid hemorphite has 5% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Vivid hemorphite has 5% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Hemorphite exists in many different color variations. Interestingly, the more colorful it becomes, the better yield it has. Vivid hemorphite has 5% better yield than its more bland brother.

With a large portion of
n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrinesome amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Vivid Hemorphite" (28405)
95223 Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Dark Ochre" (28394)
238879 Buy Purchase BuyPurchase UI/VirtualGoodsStore/Buttons/Buy
502459 {volume} m³ <color=gray>Total volume {volume} m³ <color=gray>Volume {volume} m³ <color=gray>Total vVolume UI/Reprocessing/ReprocessingWindow/TotalVolume
502895 {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}<font size={size} color={color}> GEM</font> {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}<font size={size} color={color}> GEMS</font> {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0}<font size={size} color={color}> GEMS</font> UI/VirtualGoodsStore/FormatAUR
518311 Complete purchase Enter account password to complete purchase CEnter account password to complete purchase UI/FastCheckout/PasswordLabel
525417 Buy As Gift Gift this item Buy As GiftGift this item UI/VirtualGoodsStore/Buttons/BuyAsGift
530589 This extremely rare and valuable variant of arkonor ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. This moon ore produces 15% more minerals than standard arkonor when reprocessed.

One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of Megacyte of any ore, and also contains some Mexallon and Tritanium.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of arkonor ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. This moon ore produces 15% more minerals than standard arkonor when reprocessed.

Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of arkonor ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. This moon ore produces 15% more minerals than standard arkonor when reprocessed.

OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largestIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> of any ore, and also contains some <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
Description of item "Flawless Arkonor" (46678)
530590 This extremely rare and valuable variant of arkonor ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard arkonor when reprocessed.

One of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any ore, and also contains some mexallon and tritanium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of arkonor ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard arkonor when reprocessed.

Arkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. It has high amount of Megacyte, and also contains some Mexallon and Pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of arkonor ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard arkonor when reprocessed.

OArkonor is one of the rarest and most sought-after ores in the known universe. A sizable nugget of this can sweep anyone from rags to riches in no time. Arkonor has the largest amount of megacyte of any oreIt has high amount of <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>, and also contains some m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Flawless Arkonor" (46691)
530591 This extremely rare and valuable variant of bistot ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard bistot when reprocessed.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, Zydrine and Megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of Pyerite.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of bistot ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard bistot when reprocessed.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of bistot ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard bistot when reprocessed.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of
two of the rarest minerals in the universe, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacy35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
Description of item "Cubic Bistot" (46676)
530592 This extremely rare and valuable variant of bistot ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard bistot when reprocessed.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of two of the rarest minerals in the universe, zydrine and megacyte. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of bistot ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard bistot when reprocessed.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of bistot ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard bistot when reprocessed.

Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of
two of the rarest minerals in the universe, z<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and megacyte<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. It also contains a decent amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Cubic Bistot" (46692)
530593 This extremely rare and valuable variant of crokite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard crokite when reprocessed.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of Zydrine and Tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of crokite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard crokite when reprocessed.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of crokite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard crokite when reprocessed.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of
<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

Available primarily through moon mining
5>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.
Description of item "Pellucid Crokite" (46677)
530594 This extremely rare and valuable variant of crokite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard crokite when reprocessed.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of nocxium for any ore in the universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of crokite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard crokite when reprocessed.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of Nocxium and Mexallon for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of Pyerite can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of crokite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard crokite when reprocessed.

Crokite is a very heavy ore that is always in high demand because it has the largest ratio of
nocxium<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> for any ore in the known universe. Valuable deposits of zydrine and tritanium<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> can also be found within this rare ore.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Pellucid Crokite" (46693)
530595 This extremely rare and valuable variant of dark ochre ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard dark ochre when reprocessed.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Tritanium and Nocxium.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of dark ochre ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard dark ochre when reprocessed.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of dark ochre ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard dark ochre when reprocessed.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>
and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
Description of item "Jet Ochre" (46675)
530596 This extremely rare and valuable variant of dark ochre ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard dark ochre when reprocessed.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of isogen inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of dark ochre ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard dark ochre when reprocessed.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of Isogen and Mexallon inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of dark ochre ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard dark ochre when reprocessed.

Considered a worthless ore for years, dark ochre was ignored by most miners until improved reprocessing techniques managed to extract the huge amount of
isogen<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> inside it. Dark ochre also contains useful amounts of tritanium and n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Jet Ochre" (46694)
530597 This extremely rare and valuable variant of gneiss ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard gneiss when reprocessed.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of gneiss ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard gneiss when reprocessed.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of gneiss ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard gneiss when reprocessed.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining.
Description of item "Brilliant Gneiss" (46679)
530598 This extremely rare and valuable variant of gneiss ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard gneiss when reprocessed.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of mexallon as well as some pyerite and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of gneiss ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard gneiss when reprocessed.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of Mexallon as well as some Pyerite and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of gneiss ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard gneiss when reprocessed.

Gneiss is a popular ore type because it holds significant volumes of three heavily used minerals, increasing its utility value. It has quite a bit of
m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> as well as some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Brilliant Gneiss" (46695)
530599 This extremely rare and valuable variant of hedbergite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hedbergite when reprocessed.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Nocxium and Isogen. However hedbergite also yields some Pyerite and Zydrine.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hedbergite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hedbergite when reprocessed.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hedbergite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hedbergite when reprocessed.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of <a href=showinfo:3
8>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>. However hedbergite also yields some <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
5>Pyerite</a> and <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.
Description of item "Lustrous Hedbergite" (46680)
530600 This extremely rare and valuable variant of hedbergite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hedbergite when reprocessed.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some pyerite and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hedbergite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hedbergite when reprocessed.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of Pyerite and Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hedbergite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hedbergite when reprocessed.

Hedbergite is sought after for its high concentration of
nocxium and isogen. However hedbergite also yields some p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Lustrous Hedbergite" (46696)
530601 This extremely rare and valuable variant of hemorphite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hemorphite when reprocessed.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of Tritanium, Isogen and Zydrine.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hemorphite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hemorphite when reprocessed.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hemorphite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hemorphite when reprocessed.
n\nWith a large portion of <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a>, <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
some amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.
Description of item "Scintillating Hemorphite" (46681)
530602 This extremely rare and valuable variant of hemorphite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hemorphite when reprocessed.

With a large portion of nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hemorphite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hemorphite when reprocessed.

With a large portion of Nocxium, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has some amount of Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of hemorphite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard hemorphite when reprocessed.

With a large portion of
n<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, hemorphite is always a good find. It is common enough that even novice miners can expect to run into it. Hemorphite also has a bit of tritanium, isogen and zydrinesome amount of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Scintillating Hemorphite" (46697)
530603 This extremely rare and valuable variant of jaspet ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard jaspet when reprocessed.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium and Zydrine.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of jaspet ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard jaspet when reprocessed.

Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of jaspet ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard jaspet when reprocessed.

Jaspet has t
hreewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> and <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
Description of item "Immaculate Jaspet" (46682)
530604 This extremely rare and valuable variant of jaspet ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard jaspet when reprocessed.

Jaspet has three valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of mexallon plus some nocxium and zydrine.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of jaspet ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard jaspet when reprocessed.

Jaspet has two valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of Mexallon plus some Nocxium.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of jaspet ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard jaspet when reprocessed.

Jaspet has t
hreewo valuable mineral types, making it easy to sell. It has a large portion of m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> plus some nocxium and zydrine<a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Immaculate Jaspet" (46698)
530605 This extremely rare and valuable variant of kernite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard kernite when reprocessed.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of Mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of Tritanium and Isogen.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of kernite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard kernite when reprocessed.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of kernite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard kernite when reprocessed.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields
a largefair amounts of <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.
Description of item "Resplendant Kernite" (46683)
530606 This extremely rare and valuable variant of kernite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard kernite when reprocessed.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields a large amount of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of kernite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard kernite when reprocessed.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields fair amounts of Mexallon and Isogen.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of kernite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard kernite when reprocessed.

Kernite is a fairly common ore type that yields
a largefair amounts of mexallon. Besides mexallon the kernite also has a bit of tritanium and i<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Resplendant Kernite" (46699)
530607 This extremely rare and valuable variant of omber ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard omber when reprocessed.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Tritanium and Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of omber ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard omber when reprocessed.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of omber ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard omber when reprocessed.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some <a
href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

Available primarily through moon mining.
Description of item "Platinoid Omber" (46684)
530608 This extremely rare and valuable variant of omber ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard omber when reprocessed.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of isogen, as well as some tritanium and pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of omber ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard omber when reprocessed.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of Isogen, as well as some Pyerite. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of omber ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard omber when reprocessed.

Omber is a common ore that is still an excellent ore for novice miners as it has a sizeable portion of
i<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, as well as some tritanium and p<a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. A few trips of mining this and a novice is quick to rise in status.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Platinoid Omber" (46700)
530609 This extremely rare and valuable variant of plagioclase ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard plagioclase when reprocessed.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Tritanium and Mexallon.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of plagioclase ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard plagioclase when reprocessed.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of plagioclase ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard plagioclase when reprocessed.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of <a href=showinfo:3
5>Pyerite4>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining
Description of item "Sparkling Plagioclase" (46685)
530610 This extremely rare and valuable variant of plagioclase ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard plagioclase when reprocessed.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of plagioclase ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard plagioclase when reprocessed.

Plagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of Tritanium and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of plagioclase ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard plagioclase when reprocessed.
n\nPlagioclase is not amongst the most valuable ore types around, but it contains a large amount of pyerite<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and is thus always in constant demand. It also yields some tritanium and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Sparkling Plagioclase" (46701)
530611 This extremely rare and valuable variant of pyroxeres ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard pyroxeres when reprocessed.

Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of Nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of Tritanium and some Pyerite and Mexallon.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of pyroxeres ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard pyroxeres when reprocessed.

Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of pyroxeres ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard pyroxeres when reprocessed.

Pyroxeres is a
n interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and some common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

Available primarily through moon mining.
Description of item "Opulent Pyroxeres" (46686)
530612 This extremely rare and valuable variant of pyroxeres ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard pyroxeres when reprocessed.

Pyroxeres is an interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some pyerite and mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of pyroxeres ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard pyroxeres when reprocessed.

Pyroxeres is a common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of Pyerite and Mexallon.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of pyroxeres ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard pyroxeres when reprocessed.

Pyroxeres is a
n interesting ore type, as it is very plain in most respects except one - deep core reprocessing yields a little bit of nocxium, increasing its value considerably. It also has a large portion of tritanium and some p common ore available in all regions of space. It has fair amounts of <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a> and m<a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon</a>.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Opulent Pyroxeres" (46702)
530613 This extremely rare and valuable variant of scordite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard scordite when reprocessed.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of Tritanium plus a fair bit of Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of scordite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard scordite when reprocessed.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of scordite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard scordite when reprocessed.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the
central regions of known universe. It has a large portionfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> plus a fair bit ofand <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

Available primarily through moon mining.
Description of item "Glossy Scordite" (46687)
530614 This extremely rare and valuable variant of scordite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard scordite when reprocessed.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of scordite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard scordite when reprocessed.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the central regions of known universe. It has a fair bit of Tritanium and Pyerite. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of scordite ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard scordite when reprocessed.

Scordite is amongst the most common ore types in the
central regions of known universe. It has a large portion of tritanium plus a fair bit of pfair bit of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>. Good choice for those starting their mining careers.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Glossy Scordite" (46703)
530615 This extremely rare and valuable variant of spodumain ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard spodumain when reprocessed.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and Pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of Mexallon and Isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of spodumain ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard spodumain when reprocessed.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of spodumain ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard spodumain when reprocessed.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the
four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:35>Pyerite</a>, as well as moderate amounts ofmoderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:36>Mexallon9>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.

Available primarily through moon mining.
Description of item "Dazzling Spodumain" (46688)
530616 This extremely rare and valuable variant of spodumain ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard spodumain when reprocessed.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the four most heavily demanded minerals. Huge volumes of tritanium and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogen can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of spodumain ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard spodumain when reprocessed.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of Tritanium and moderate amounts of Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine and Megacyte can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of spodumain ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard spodumain when reprocessed.

Spodumain is amongst the most desirable ore types around, as it contains high volumes of the
four most heavily demanded resource and some amounts of the more precious minerals. Huge volumes of t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and pyerite, as well as moderate amounts of mexallon and isogenmoderate amounts of <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a>, <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a>, <a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a> and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a> can be obtained by refining these rocks.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Dazzling Spodumain" (46704)
530617 This extremely rare and valuable variant of veldspar ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard veldspar when reprocessed.

The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

Available primarily through moon mining.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of veldspar ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard veldspar when reprocessed.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of veldspar ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard veldspar when reprocessed.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhcentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

Available primarily through moon mining.
Description of item "Stable Veldspar" (46689)
530618 This extremely rare and valuable variant of veldspar ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard veldspar when reprocessed.

The most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhere. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of veldspar ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard veldspar when reprocessed.

Veldspar is the most common ore type in the central regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used Tritanium mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
This extremely rare and valuable variant of veldspar ore was recently discovered by ORE engineers during early field tests of new moon mining technology. Subsequent testing has confirmed that this ore produces 15% more minerals than standard veldspar when reprocessed.

TVeldspar is the most common ore type in the known universe, veldspar can be found almost everywhcentral regions of known universe. It is still in constant demand as it holds a large portion of the much-used t<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> mineral.

This ore is a compressed and much more dense version of the original ore.
Description of item "Compressed Stable Veldspar" (46705)
542047 Buy GEM Buy GEMS Buy GEMS UI/VirtualGoodsStore/BuyGemOnline
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546435 Available Contracts Contract Search Available Contracts Search
549786 Intense neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield significant amounts of Tritanium, Pyerite, Isogen and Mexallon whilst also yielding smaller amounts of Morphite and Megacyte. Intense neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield huge amounts of Tritanium, Isogen and Megacyte. Intense neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield significanthuge amounts of Tritanium, Pyerite, <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a>, <a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> and Mexallon whilst also yielding smaller amounts of Morphite and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>. Description of item "Bezdnacine" (52316)
549787 Protracted neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield significant amounts of Tritanium and Pyerite whilst also yielding smaller amounts of Mexallon, Zydrine, Nocxium, Morphite and Megacyte. Protracted neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield huge amounts of Tritanium and Isogen whilst also yielding high amount of Zydrine. Protracted neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield significanthuge amounts of <a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and Pyerite<a href=showinfo:37>Isogen</a> whilst also yielding smallerhigh amounts of Mexallon, Zydrine, Nocxium, Morphite and Megacyte<a href=showinfo:39>Zydrine</a>. Description of item "Rakovene" (52315)
549788 Light neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield significant amounts of Tritanium whilst also yielding smaller amounts of Zydrine, Nocxium and Megacyte. Light neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield huge amounts of Tritanium and Nocxium whilst also yielding smaller amount of Megacyte. Light neutron deposition from the chaotic radiations observed near Abyssal Conduits have morphed the mineralogical composition of this Asteroid type, suspected to be formerly of the Scordite family. Reprocessing it will yield significanthuge amounts of Tritanium<a href=showinfo:34>Tritanium</a> and <a href=showinfo:38>Nocxium</a> whilst also yielding smaller amounts of Zydrine, Nocxium and <a href=showinfo:40>Megacyte</a>. Description of item "Talassonite" (52306)
564678 Contains a random Combat Booster that improves the effectiveness of Vorton Projector weapons.
The boosters contained within this box contain volatile compounds and will expire on September 8, YC 122.
Contains a random Combat Booster that improves the effectiveness of Vorton Projector weapons.
The boosters contained within this box contain volatile compounds and will expire on December 8, YC 122.
Contains a random Combat Booster that improves the effectiveness of Vorton Projector weapons.
The boosters contained within this box contain volatile compounds and will expire on
SeptDecember 8, YC 122.
567115 I do believe in exercise of this nature is called a "trial by fire."

How delightfully archaic.
I do believe an exercise of this nature is called a "trial by fire."

How delightfully archaic.
I do believe ian exercise of this nature is called a "trial by fire."

How delightfully archaic.
Part of conversation "Eliminate the Turrets (Battle in the Ruins)"
569448 Alliance name cannot container double spaces. Alliance name cannot contain double spaces. Alliance name cannot container double spaces.
569768 Password Password UI/FastCheckout/PasswordHint
569881 Purchase Purchase UI/FastCheckout/Purchase
569882 Maximum transaction quota met. Maximum transaction quota met. UI/FastCheckout/MaximumTransactionsReached
570057 Whoops, something went wrong Whoops, something went wrong UI/FastCheckout/ErrorPurchaseFailed
570058 Ok Ok UI/FastCheckout/ErrorPurchaseFailedButton
570290 {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} UI/VirtualGoodsStore/OfferPriceLabelNoUnit
570300 {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]amount, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} UI/VirtualGoodsStore/FormatAURNoUnit
570301 + + UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/BuyPlex
570740 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/31.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/11/10.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/1
Description of item "Serenity October Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator" (56620)
570742 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/31.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/11/10.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/1
Description of item "Serenity October Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator" (56621)
570845 Harvest Savior Harvest Savior Name of item 56644 (Irregular Frigate)
570846 Harvest Follower Harvest Follower Name of item 56645 (Irregular Frigate)
570847 Harvest Shepherd Harvest Shepherd Name of item 56646 (Irregular Frigate)
570848 Harvest Prophet Harvest Prophet Name of item 56647 (Irregular Cruiser)
570869 Toggle 3D view Toggle 3D view UI/Commands/CmdToggle3DView
570872 Ship exterior view is disabled Ship exterior view is disabled UI/Shared/ExteriorViewDisabled
570873 Shining Flame Crusader Shining Flame Crusader Name of item 56648 (Irregular Frigate)
570874 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Crusader" (56648)
570875 Shining Flame Deacon Shining Flame Deacon Name of item 56649 (Irregular Frigate)
570876 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Deacon" (56649)
570877 Shining Flame Crucifier Shining Flame Crucifier Name of item 56650 (Irregular Frigate)
570878 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Crucifier" (56650)
570879 Shining Flame Augoror Shining Flame Augoror Name of item 56651 (Irregular Cruiser)
570880 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Augoror" (56651)
570881 Shining Flame Omen Shining Flame Omen Name of item 56652 (Irregular Cruiser)
570882 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Omen" (56652)
570883 Shining Flame Curse Shining Flame Curse Name of item 56653 (Irregular Cruiser)
570884 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Curse" (56653)
570885 Shining Flame Oracle Shining Flame Oracle Name of item 56654 (Irregular Battlecruiser)
570886 Placeholder Text Placeholder Text Description of item "Shining Flame Oracle" (56654)
570944 Press {shortcut} to restore the view Press <b>{shortcut}</b> to restore the view UI/Shared/PressToRestoreView
571044 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/19.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/20.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/
Description of item "Festival-only New Eden Vanguard Pack" (56659)
571047 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/19.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/20.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/
Description of item "Festival-only New Eden Commander Pack" (56661)
571049 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/19.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/20.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 7 days once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC122/10/
Description of item "Festival-only New Eden Marshal Pack" (56662)
571051 acath06_enviroment_asset acath06_enviroment_asset Name of item 56664 (Non-Interactable Object)
571057 BB1 Harvest Overseer BB1Harvest Overseer Name of item 56669 (Irregular Battleship)
571058 Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarce. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarceThis is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Overseer" (56669)
571059 This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Prophet" (56647)
571060 This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Savior" (56644)
571061 This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Shepherd" (56646)
571062 This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Follower" (56645)
571063 Harvest Sage Harvest Sage Name of item 56670 (Irregular Cruiser)
571064 Harvest Diviner Harvest Diviner Name of item 56671 (Irregular Battlecruiser)
571065 BB2 Harvest Supervisor BB2Harvest Supervisor Name of item 56672 (Irregular Battleship)
571066 Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarce. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarceThis is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Supervisor" (56672)
571067 BB3 Harvest Director BB3Harvest Director Name of item 56673 (Irregular Battleship)
571068 Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarce. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Named after a child-devouring demon of Amarrian legend, the Bhaalgorn is the pride and joy of the Blood Raider cabal. Though it is known to be based on an Armageddon blueprint, the design's origin remains shrouded in mystery. Those of a superstitious persuasion whisper in the dark of eldritch ceremonies and arcane rituals, but for most people, the practical aspect of the matter will more than suffice: you see one of these blood-red horrors looming on the horizon, it's time to make yourself scarceThis is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Director" (56673)
571070 AshimmuWeb AshimmuWeb
571071 Harbinger DPS Harbinger DPS
571076 This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Sage" (56670)
571077 This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. This is a fighter for the Blood Raiders. It is protecting the assets of Blood Raiders and may attack anyone it perceives as a threat or easy pickings. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Harvest Diviner" (56671)
571078 SB1 Shining Flame Commander SB1hining Flame Commander Name of item 56674 (Irregular Battleship)
571079 The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distance. A powerful battleship of the Amarr Empire. Threat level: Deadly. The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distanceA powerful battleship of the Amarr Empire. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Shining Flame Commander" (56674)
571081 SB2 Shining Flame Commodore SB2hining Flame Commodore Name of item 56675 (Irregular Battleship)
571082 The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distance. A powerful battleship of the Amarr Empire. Threat level: Deadly. The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distanceA powerful battleship of the Amarr Empire. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Shining Flame Commodore" (56675)
571083 SB3 Shining Flame Admiral SB3hining Flame Admiral Name of item 56676 (Irregular Battleship)
571084 The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distance. A powerful battleship of the Amarr Empire. Threat level: Deadly. The mighty Armageddon class is one of the enduring warhorses of the Amarr Empire. Once a juggernaut that steamrolled its way into battle, it has now taken on a more stately and calculated approach, sending out a web of drones in its place while it drains the enemy from a distanceA powerful battleship of the Amarr Empire. Threat level: Deadly. Description of item "Shining Flame Admiral" (56676)
571105 This window helps you find User Interface elements. By dragging them from this window to chat, you can point other pilots to certain elements.
You can also set a shortcut ("{cmdName}") to enable an overlay which allows you to drag elements directly from the User Interface.
This window helps you find User Interface elements. By dragging them from this window to chat, you can point other pilots to certain elements.
You can also set a shortcut (<b>"{cmdName}"</b>) to enable an overlay which allows you to drag elements directly from the User Interface.
571106 This window helps you find User Interface elements. By dragging them from this window to chat, you can point other pilots to certain elements.
Additionally, the shortcut "{shortcut}" enables an overlay which allows you to drag elements directly from the User Interface.
This window helps you find User Interface elements. By dragging them from this window to chat, you can point other pilots to certain elements.
Additionally, the shortcut "{shortcut}" enables an overlay which allows you to drag elements directly from the User Interface.
571107 Test event 7 Test event 7
571108 Test description 7 Test description 7
571110 Test event 8 Test event 8
571111 Test description 8 Test description 8
571114 acath07_enviroment_asset acath07_enviroment_asset Name of item 56677 (Non-Interactable Object)
571115 ao1_t1_enviroment_asset ao1_t1_enviroment_asset Name of item 56678 (Non-Interactable Object)
571116 abs1_t1_enviroment_asset abs1_t1_enviroment_asset Name of item 56679 (Non-Interactable Object)
571117 abs2_t1_enviroment_asset abs2_t1_enviroment_asset Name of item 56680 (Non-Interactable Object)
571118 abs3_t1_enviroment_asset abs3_t1_enviroment_asset Name of item 56681 (Non-Interactable Object)
571119 as1_enviroment_asset as1_enviroment_asset Name of item 56682 (Non-Interactable Object)
571120 as2_enviroment_asset as2_enviroment_asset Name of item 56683 (Non-Interactable Object)
571121 as3_enviroment_asset as3_enviroment_asset Name of item 56684 (Non-Interactable Object)
571122 as4_enviroment_asset as4_enviroment_asset Name of item 56685 (Non-Interactable Object)
571123 as5_enviroment_asset as5_enviroment_asset Name of item 56686 (Non-Interactable Object)
571124 as6_enviroment_asset as6_enviroment_asset Name of item 56687 (Non-Interactable Object)
571125 as7_enviroment_asset as7_enviroment_asset Name of item 56688 (Non-Interactable Object)
571126 as8_enviroment_asset as8_enviroment_asset Name of item 56689 (Non-Interactable Object)
571127 as9_enviroment_asset as9_enviroment_asset Name of item 56690 (Non-Interactable Object)
571128 Crimson Harvest keypass Crimson Harvest keypass Name of item 56691 (Acceleration Gate Keys)
571129 This keypass grants access to private entrance. This keypass grants access to private entrance. Description of item "Crimson Harvest keypass" (56691)
571130 Shining Flame keypass Shining Flame keypass Name of item 56692 (Acceleration Gate Keys)
571131 This keypass grants access through a private entrance. This keypass grants access through a private entrance. Description of item "Shining Flame keypass" (56692)
571134 Corporation Corporation UI/Agency/ContentGroups/ContentGroupCorp
571135 Corporations are player groups.[placeholder] Corporations are player groups.[placeholder] UI/Agency/ContentGroups/Descriptions/Corp
571136 Opens outside of the Agency [placeholder] Opens outside of the Agency [placeholder] UI/Agency/ExternalContentHint
571140 Invalid target, the {[item]module.name} can only be activated on {group} Invalid target, the {[item]module.name} can only be activated on {group}
571143 Plateau Arena Plateau Arena
571148 Mobile Sanguine Harvester Mobile Sanguine Harvester Name of item 56701 (Mobile Tractor Unit)
571149 This mobile tractor unit has been modified by Blood Raider engineers to collect frozen corpses instead of wrecks.

125km effective range.
10 second activation time.

May not be deployed within 5km of another Mobile Tractor Unit, within 50km of Stargates, Stations or Upwell Structures, or within 40km of a Starbase.
Automatically decays if abandoned for 24 hours.
This mobile tractor unit has been modified by Blood Raider engineers to collect frozen corpses instead of wrecks.

125km effective range.
10 second activation time.

May not be deployed within 5km of another Mobile Tractor Unit, within 50km of Stargates, Stations or Upwell Structures, or within 40km of a Starbase.
Automatically decays if abandoned for 24 hours.
Description of item "Mobile Sanguine Harvester" (56701)
571153 Special Edition Deployable Structures Special Edition Deployable Structures
571154 Special Edition Deployable Structures Special Edition Deployable Structures
571155 Mobile Sanguine Harvester Blueprint Mobile Sanguine Harvester Blueprint Name of item 56702 (Mobile Tractor Unit Blueprint)
571158 ENV_Abyssal_Halloween_01a ENV_Abyssal_Halloween_01a Name of item 56703 (MassiveEnvironments)
571161 New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event Name of new feature 2070
571162 Live from 2 October - 6 October Live from 2 October - 6 October Description of new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2070)
571163 The return of 2v2 T1 Cruisers The return of 2v2 T1 Cruisers Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2070)
571164 Final Abyssal Proving Ground Event of Quadrant 3! Final Abyssal Proving Ground Event of Quadrant 3! Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2070)
571194 1,620,000 Skill Points 1,620,000 Skill Points Name of item 56707 (Commodities)
571195 Redeem your skill points by dragging this item onto a character at selection, or by finding it in your Neocom at Inventory > Redeem Items. The skill points can be applied via your Character Sheet. Redeem your skill points by dragging this item onto a character at selection, or by finding it in your Neocom at Inventory > Redeem Items. The skill points can be applied via your Character Sheet. Description of item "1,620,000 Skill Points" (56707)
571220 Hallows - Amarr Hallows - Amarr
571221 Hallows - Blood Hallows - Blood

New Files (23 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
Changed Files (81 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
240 -> 240
2553 -> 2553
105 -> 105
762 -> 762
88 -> 88
285 -> 285
107 -> 107
2418 -> 2418
21967 -> 21967
21892 -> 21892
21835 -> 21835
2045 -> 2045
208 -> 208
7315 -> 7315
758 -> 758
316 -> 316
605 -> 605
223 -> 223
82 -> 82
792 -> 792
730 -> 730
799 -> 799
157 -> 157
6091 -> 6078
95 -> 95
692 -> 692
19862 -> 19874
6 -> 6
8 -> 8
9 -> 9
381 -> 247
495 -> 321
850 -> 536
611 -> 611
33539 -> 33540
30474 -> 30476
34714 -> 34715
50220 -> 50220
52798 -> 52799
2483 -> 2484
110195 -> 110197
43581 -> 43581
11 -> 11
12849 -> 12852
4108 -> 4109
0 -> 0
105 -> 105
4227 -> 4231
112 -> 112
49 -> 49
61 -> 61
293 -> 293
376 -> 377
39 -> 39
24 -> 24
430 -> 430
61 -> 61
14651 -> 14671
32 -> 32
40 -> 40
862 -> 862
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
368 -> 368
40 -> 40
315 -> 315
53 -> 53
1 -> 2
7 -> 7
24 -> 24
2 -> 2
1 -> 1
239 -> 239
1540 -> 1540
110 -> 110
2633 -> 2633
401 -> 401
9599 -> 9614
567 -> 567
5 -> 5

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.