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New Items (36 Entries)
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<url=showinfo:56944>JA Loc Firework (Do Not Translate)</url>
<url=showinfo:56965>Trigspace Dungeon Side Wave Spawner</url>
<url=showinfo:57033>Triglavian Arena Ring Winter</url>
<url=showinfo:57034>Surface Snow 01</url>
<url=showinfo:57035>Serenity December Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:57036>Serenity December Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator</url>
<url=showinfo:57037>Serenity December Season Pass</url>
<url=showinfo:57052>Merlin Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57053>Cormorant Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57054>Caracal Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57055>Raven Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57056>Punisher Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57057>Coercer Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57058>Maller Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57059>Apocalypse Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57060>Incursus Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57061>Catalyst Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57062>Vexor Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57063>Megathron Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57064>Rifter Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57065>Thrasher Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57066>Stabber Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57067>Tempest Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57068>Gnosis Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57069>Paladin Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57070>Golem Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57071>Kronos Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
<url=showinfo:57072>Vargur Zakura Shumyu SKIN</url>
Icon TypeID & Name Description Group Attributes
56944 - JA Loc Firework (Do Not Translate) No Description Festival Charges
Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes. Volume: 0.1
typeID: 56944
graphicID: 24896
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 572565
iconID: 20973
basePrice: 0.0
marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets)
metaGroupID: 19
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 100.0
Tech Level: 1.0
groupID: 500
portionSize: 100
Base Shield Damage: 0.0
Maximum Velocity: 1000.0
Inertia Modifier: 3000.0
Structure Hitpoints: 10.0
detonationRange: 35.0
structureUniformity: 1.0
missileNeverDoesDamage: 1.0
rate of fire bonus: 1.0
Used with (Launcher Group): 56.0
aimedLaunch: 1.0
armorPiercingChance: 1.0
Maximum Flight Time: 100000.0
Base Armor Damage: 0.0
56965 - Trigspace Dungeon Side Wave Spawner No Description Invisible Beacon
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 56965
graphicID: 10026
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 572667
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 4055
portionSize: 1
57033 - Triglavian Arena Ring Winter No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 57033
graphicID: 24897
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 135
typeNameID: 572842
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
57034 - Surface Snow 01 No Description Non-Interactable Object
Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes. typeID: 57034
graphicID: 24898
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
raceID: 128
typeNameID: 572843
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.0
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1975
portionSize: 1
57035 - Serenity December Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/1/10.
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572845
typeID: 57035
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 572844
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Booster Duration: 43200000.0
Charisma Modifier: 5.0
Intelligence Modifier: 5.0
Memory Modifier: 5.0
Perception Modifier: 5.0
Willpower Modifier: 5.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18637.125
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 79.0
57036 - Serenity December Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/1/10.
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572847
typeID: 57036
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 572846
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Booster Duration: 86400000.0
Charisma Modifier: 5.0
Intelligence Modifier: 5.0
Memory Modifier: 5.0
Perception Modifier: 5.0
Willpower Modifier: 5.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18637.125
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 80.0
57037 - Serenity December Season Pass This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Booster
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572849
typeID: 57037
Capacity: 0.0
isDynamicType: False
typeNameID: 572848
iconID: 10144
basePrice: 32768.0
Volume: 1.0
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 1.0
groupID: 303
portionSize: 1
Non-Destructible: 1.0
Primary Skill required: 3402.0
Booster Duration: 2505600000.0
Charisma Modifier: 1.0
Intelligence Modifier: 1.0
Memory Modifier: 1.0
Perception Modifier: 1.0
Willpower Modifier: 1.0
requiredSkill1Level: 1.0
Expiry Date: 18625.125
Follows Jump Clones: 1.0
Booster Slot: 81.0
57052 - Merlin Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572983
typeID: 57052
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 572982
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Merlin Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2581
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572981
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9646
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [603]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57052
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Merlin
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57053 - Cormorant Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572986
typeID: 57053
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 572985
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Cormorant Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2581
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572984
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9647
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16238]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57053
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Cormorant
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57054 - Caracal Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572989
typeID: 57054
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 572988
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Caracal Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2581
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572987
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9648
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [621]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57054
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Caracal
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57055 - Raven Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572992
typeID: 57055
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 572991
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Raven Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2581
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572990
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9649
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [638]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57055
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Raven
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57056 - Punisher Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572995
typeID: 57056
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 572994
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2002 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Punisher Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2582
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572993
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9650
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [597]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57056
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Punisher
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57057 - Coercer Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 572998
typeID: 57057
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 572997
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1994 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Coercer Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2582
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572996
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9651
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16236]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57057
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Coercer
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57058 - Maller Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573001
typeID: 57058
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 573000
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1990 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Maller Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2582
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 572999
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9652
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [624]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57058
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Maller
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57059 - Apocalypse Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573004
typeID: 57059
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 573003
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1964 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Apocalypse Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2582
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573002
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9653
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [642]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57059
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Apocalypse
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57060 - Incursus Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573007
typeID: 57060
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 573006
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2004 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Incursus Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2583
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573005
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9654
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [594]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57060
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Incursus
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57061 - Catalyst Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573010
typeID: 57061
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 573009
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1996 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Catalyst Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2583
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573008
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9655
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16240]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57061
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Catalyst
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57062 - Vexor Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573013
typeID: 57062
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 573012
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1992 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Vexor Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2583
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573011
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9656
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [626]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57062
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Vexor
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57063 - Megathron Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573016
typeID: 57063
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
typeNameID: 573015
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1966 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Megathron Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2583
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573014
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9657
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [641]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57063
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Megathron
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57064 - Rifter Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573019
typeID: 57064
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 573018
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2005 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Rifter Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2584
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573017
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9658
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [587]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57064
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Rifter
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57065 - Thrasher Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573022
typeID: 57065
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 573021
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1997 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Thrasher Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2584
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573020
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9659
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [16242]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57065
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Thrasher
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57066 - Stabber Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573025
typeID: 57066
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 573024
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1993 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Stabber Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2584
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573023
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9660
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [622]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57066
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Stabber
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57067 - Tempest Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573028
typeID: 57067
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 2
typeNameID: 573027
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 1967 (Minmatar)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Tempest Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2584
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573026
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9661
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [639]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57067
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Tempest
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57068 - Gnosis Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573031
typeID: 57068
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 16
typeNameID: 573030
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2312 (Special Battlecruisers)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Gnosis Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2587
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573029
skin_visibleSerenity: False
skin_skinID: 9662
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [3756]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57068
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Gnosis
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57069 - Paladin Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573034
typeID: 57069
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 4
typeNameID: 573033
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2024 (Amarr)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Paladin Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2589
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573032
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skin_skinID: 9663
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [28659]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57069
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Paladin
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57070 - Golem Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573037
typeID: 57070
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 1
typeNameID: 573036
basePrice: 0.0
metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2025 (Caldari)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
published: True
Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
portionSize: 1
skin_internalName: Golem Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2585
skin_isSingleUse: False
skin_skinDescription: 573035
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skin_skinID: 9664
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [28710]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57070
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Golem
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57071 - Kronos Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573040
typeID: 57071
Capacity: 0.0
raceID: 8
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metaGroupID: 17
marketGroupID: 2026 (Gallente)
Volume: 0.01
radius: 1.0
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Mass: 0.0
groupID: 1950
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skin_internalName: Kronos Zakura Shumyu
skin_skinMaterialID: 2586
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skin_skinID: 9665
skin_allowCCPDevs: True
skin_visibleTranquility: True
skin_duration: -1
skin_types: [28661]
skin_licenseTypeID: 57071
Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Kronos
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
57072 - Vargur Zakura Shumyu SKIN The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Permanent SKIN
Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes. descriptionID: 573043
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Extra Skin Attributes:
Applies to: Vargur
isSingleUse: False
visibleTranquility: True
visibleSerenity: False
duration: -1
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57074 - 57074_Male_hair_HeadWear_Cap_M01_Types_HeadWear_Cap_M01_Yoiul.png No Description Headwear
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57078 - 57078_Female_bottomOuter_PantsMilF01_Types_PantsMilF01_Yoiul.png No Description Bottoms
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Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1090
portionSize: 1
57079 - 57079_Female_hair_HeadWear_Cap_F01_Types_HeadWear_Cap_F01_Yoiul.png No Description Headwear
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 57079
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 573059
iconID: 24575
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1092
portionSize: 1
57080 - 57080_Female_Outer_ExplorationSuit_F01_Types_ExplorationSuit_F01_Yoiul.png No Description Outer
Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes. typeID: 57080
Capacity: 0.0
typeNameID: 573064
iconID: 24576
basePrice: 0.0
Volume: 0.1
radius: 1.0
published: False
Mass: 0.5
groupID: 1088
portionSize: 1
Removed Items (0 Entries)

Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.

TypeID & Name Description Group

Blueprints (0 Entries)
Blueprint Name Old BP Data New BP Data Raw Diff
Reprocessing (0 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Old Reprocessing Data New Reprocessing Data Raw Diff

Traits (3 Entries)
TypeID, Group, & Name Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff
11969 - Arazu
(Force Recon Ship)
Recon Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 20% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range
  • 20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
  • 7.5% bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness

Role Bonus:
  • 80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption
  • 50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
  • Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
  • Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds
Recon Ships bonuses (per skill level):
  • 20% bonus to Warp Scrambler and Warp Disruptor optimal range
  • 20% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Medium Hybrid Turret damage
  • 7.5% reduction in Armor Plate mass penalty

Role Bonus:
  • 80% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator liquid ozone consumption
  • 50% reduction in Cynosural Field Generator duration
  • Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator
  • Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds
Recon Ships bonuses (per skill level):
20% bonus to <a href=showinfo:447>Warp Scrambler</a> and <a href=showinfo:3242>Warp Disruptor</a> optimal range
20% reduction in <a href=showinfo:11579>Cloaking Devices</a> CPU requirement

Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3304>Medium Hybrid Turret</a> damage
bonus toreduction in <a href=showinfo:3433>Remote Sensor Dampener</a> effectiveness394>Armor Plate</a> mass penalty

Role Bonus:
80% reduction in <a href=showinfo:21096>Cynosural Field Generator</a> liquid ozone consumption
50% reduction in <a href=showinfo:21096>Cynosural Field Generator</a> duration
Can fit <a href=showinfo:11578>Covert Ops Cloaking Device</a> and <a href=showinfo:28646>Covert Cynosural Field Generator</a>
<a href=showinfo:11579>Cloak</a> reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds
22460 - Eris
Interdictors bonuses (per skill level):
  • 15% reduction in Armor Plate mass penalty
  • 10% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty

Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret rate of fire
  • 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed

Role Bonus:
  • Can fit Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Interdictors bonuses (per skill level):
  • 15% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret rate of fire
  • 10% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty

Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
  • 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range
  • 10% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed

Role Bonus:
  • Can fit Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Interdictors bonuses (per skill level):
reduction inbonus to <a href=showinfo:3394>Armor Plate</a> mass penalty01>Small Hybrid Turret</a> rate of fire
10% reduction in <a href=showinfo:3454>Microwarpdrive</a> signature radius penalty

Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3301>Small Hybrid Turret</a>
rate of firoptimal range
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3301>Small Hybrid Turret</a> tracking speed

Role Bonus:
Can fit <a href=showinfo:22782>Interdiction Sphere Launcher</a>
22464 - Flycatcher
Interdictors bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to shield hitpoints
  • 10% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty

Caldari Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket kinetic damage
  • 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity

Role Bonus:
  • Can fit Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Interdictors bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to kinetic Light Missile and Rocket damage
  • 10% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty

Caldari Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
  • 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion radius
  • 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket max velocity

Role Bonus:
  • Can fit Interdiction Sphere Launcher
Interdictors bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to
shield hitpointskinetic <a href=showinfo:3321>Light Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:3320>Rocket</a> damage
10% reduction in <a href=showinfo:3454>Microwarpdrive</a> signature radius penalty

Caldari Destroyer bonuses (per skill level):
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3321>Light Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:3320>Rocket</a>
kinetic damageexplosion radius
10% bonus to <a href=showinfo:3321>Light Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:3320>Rocket</a> max velocity

Role Bonus:
Can fit <a href=showinfo:22782>Interdiction Sphere Launcher</a>
Attributes (0 Entries)
Attribute Name Diff
Attributes per Type (20 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Diff
35241 - Kestrel Wiyrkomi SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35242 - Kestrel Wiyrkomi SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35243 - Kestrel Wiyrkomi SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35244 - Kestrel Wiyrkomi SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35349 - Naga Wiyrkomi SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35350 - Naga Wiyrkomi SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35351 - Naga Wiyrkomi SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35352 - Naga Wiyrkomi SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35481 - Raven Wiyrkomi SKIN (7 Days) (7-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35482 - Raven Wiyrkomi SKIN (30 Days) (30-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35483 - Raven Wiyrkomi SKIN (90 Days) (90-Day SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
35484 - Raven Wiyrkomi SKIN (365 Days) (1-Year SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
37455 - Griffin Navy Issue (Frigate) raceID: 1 => None
certificateTemplate: 206 => None
graphicID: 1789 => None
isisGroupID: 9 => None
soundID: 20070 => None
37968 - Naga Wiyrkomi Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
37969 - Raven Wiyrkomi Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
37973 - Kestrel Wiyrkomi Serenity Only SKIN (Permanent SKIN) skin_isStructureSkin: None => False
skin_visibleSerenity: False => True
50091 - Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Booster Slot: None => 4.0
published: True => False
marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators) => None
52359 - Triglavian Graviton Monitor (Large Collidable Structure) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.0001
52360 - Triglavian Entropic Monitor (Large Collidable Structure) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.0001
52390 - Triglavian Fermion Monitor (Large Collidable Structure) entityFactionLoss: None => 0.0001
Dynamic Items (0 Entries)
Mutator Combines With Produces Mutations

Effects (0 Entries)
Effect Name Diff
Effects per Type (4 Entries)
TypeID, Name, and Group Effects Changes
56944 - JA Loc Firework (Do Not Translate) (Festival Charges) Added Effects:
57035 - Serenity December Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
57036 - Serenity December Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) Added Effects:
57037 - Serenity December Season Pass (Booster) Added Effects:

Clone State Access (0 Entries)
Alpha Caldari (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Minmatar (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Amarr (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
Alpha Gallente (0 Skills & 0 Items)
Skill Access (0 Entries)
TypeID & Skill Name Old Level New Level
Item Access (0 Entries)
0 added items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group
0 removed items
TypeID, Item Name, & Group

Strings (300 Entries)
Key Singularity_Previous Singularity_Next Diff Usage
78038 1=small 2=medium 3=l 1=small 2=medium 3=l Name of dogma unit 117 ("Sizeclass")
78053 1=True 0=False 1=True 0=False Name of dogma unit 137 ("Boolean")
117068 Corelum Sentry Corelum Sentry
117069 Corelum Guard Corelum Guard
220641 Race Empire RacEmpire UI/Common/Race
220644 Bloodline Bloodline
232931 Level 5 required Level 5 required Name of attribute "requiredSkill4Level" (1286)
233744 Randomize all Randomize Appearance Randomize allAppearance UI/CharacterCreation/RandomizeAll
237459 Show Buttons Show Buttons
238980 Race: {raceName}
Bloodline: {bloodlineName}
Ancestry: {ancestryName}
School: {schoolName}
Empire: {raceName}
Bloodline: {bloodlineName}
Ancestry: {ancestryName}
School: {schoolName}
<b>RacEmpire:</b> {raceName}
<b>Bloodline:</b> {bloodlineName}
<b>Ancestry:</b> {ancestryName}
<b>School:</b> {schoolName}
296669 This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb. This hollowed out husk is all that remains of one of New Eden's most impressive capital ships. What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb. Description of item "CONCORD Research Battleship Wreck" (34190)
501151 bonus to Light Missile and Rocket kinetic damage bonus to Light Missile and Rocket explosion radius bonus to <a href=showinfo:3321>Light Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:3320>Rocket</a> kinetic damageexplosion radius Trait for item "Flycatcher" (22464)
501154 bonus to shield hitpoints bonus to kinetic Light Missile and Rocket damage bonus to shield hitpointskinetic <a href=showinfo:3321>Light Missile</a> and <a href=showinfo:3320>Rocket</a> damage Trait for item "Flycatcher" (22464)
501387 bonus to Small Hybrid Turret rate of fire bonus to Small Hybrid Turret optimal range bonus to <a href=showinfo:3301>Small Hybrid Turret</a> rate of firoptimal range Trait for item "Eris" (22460)
501390 reduction in Armor Plate mass penalty bonus to Small Hybrid Turret rate of fire reduction inbonus to <a href=showinfo:3394>Armor Plate</a> mass penalty01>Small Hybrid Turret</a> rate of fire Trait for item "Eris" (22460)
501410 bonus to Remote Sensor Dampener effectiveness reduction in Armor Plate mass penalty bonus toreduction in <a href=showinfo:3433>Remote Sensor Dampener</a> effectiveness394>Armor Plate</a> mass penalty Trait for item "Arazu" (11969)
506424 An AM assault prototype load with its weapons and its prototype equipment needs prototype skills to be utilized. An AM assault prototype load with its weapons and its prototype equipment needs prototype skills to be utilized. Description of item "Structure Information Targeted Link" (35931)
516230 Hide Buttons Hide Buttons
526765 This technical data chip for thukker capital components production contains technical characteristics and patented nano assembly instructions dedicated to improving advanced thukker capital components sold on the black market. Any talented capsuleer should theoretically be able to synchronize on this data chip to extract data from the blueprint. This technical data chip for thukker capital components production contains technical characteristics and patented nano assembly instructions dedicated to improving advanced thukker capital components sold on the black market. Any talented capsuleer should theoretically be able to synchronize on this data chip to extract data from the blueprint.
534346 Dock in station Dock in station
539358 In the next step warp towards the inspection site with the "Warp to" button on your overview. In the next step warp towards the inspection site with the "Warp to" button on your overview.
539631 To activate the acceleration portal, please click on on your overview and select "Activate Portal" To activate the acceleration portal, please click on on your overview and select "Activate Portal"
546156 Triglavian Invasion Triglavian Invasion
546157 Triglavian Invasion Triglavian Invasion
546235 The system you are undocking to is being invaded by the Triglavian Collective. Station Management cannot assure your safety if you choose to do this. Are you sure? The system you are undocking to is being invaded by the Triglavian Collective. Station Management cannot assure your safety if you choose to do this. Are you sure?
546236 Undock Confirmation Undock Confirmation
549082 Triglavian Invasion Triglavian Invasion
549083 Defend New Eden against the invading forces of the Triglavian Collective. Defend New Eden against the invading forces of the Triglavian Collective.
549233 A hostile invasion of K-space is underway by the Triglavian Collective. CONCORD urges all Capsuleers to mobilize and push back the invaders, to investigate the invaded systems, examine the abyssal rifts and engage roaming squadrons in order to gather more intel on their movements, technology and rare materials. Invading fleets should be considered highly dangerous and collaborative, and are appearing in selected systems with strange environmental effects. These intensify in systems closer to the origin points of the invasions.

Now is the time for all Capsuleers to defend New Eden and stop the Triglavians from gaining a foothold!
A hostile invasion of K-space is underway by the Triglavian Collective. CONCORD urges all Capsuleers to mobilize and push back the invaders, to investigate the invaded systems, examine the abyssal rifts and engage roaming squadrons in order to gather more intel on their movements, technology and rare materials. Invading fleets should be considered highly dangerous and collaborative, and are appearing in selected systems with strange environmental effects. These intensify in systems closer to the origin points of the invasions.

Now is the time for all Capsuleers to defend New Eden and stop the Triglavians from gaining a foothold!
549234 Triglavian Invasion in {systemName} Triglavian Invasion in {systemName}
550158 Minor Conduits:

Optimal Fleet Size: 1-3 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

Recorded electromagnetic disturbances indicate the presence of a Triglavian Conduit in this location. Prevent any emerging Triglavian forces from leaving the vicinity of the Conduit.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of the vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types. Spectrographic readings indicate before-unseen Ores in the vicinity of the Conduit. Obtain samples of these Ores once you have secured the area.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Minor Conduits:

<b>Optimal Fleet Size: 1-3 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

Recorded electromagnetic disturbances indicate the presence of a Triglavian Conduit in this location. Prevent any emerging Triglavian forces from leaving the vicinity of the Conduit.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of the vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types. Spectrographic readings indicate before-unseen Ores in the vicinity of the Conduit. Obtain samples of these Ores once you have secured the area.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550159 Major Conduits:

Optimal Fleet Size: 5-6 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

Recorded electromagnetic disturbances indicate the presence of at least one Triglavian Conduit in this location. Prevent any emerging Triglavian forces from leaving the vicinity of the Conduit(s).

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of the vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types. Spectrographic readings indicate unusual Ores in the vicinity of the Conduit(s). Obtain samples of these Ores once you have secured the area.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Major Conduits:

<b>Optimal Fleet Size: 5-6 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

Recorded electromagnetic disturbances indicate the presence of at least one Triglavian Conduit in this location. Prevent any emerging Triglavian forces from leaving the vicinity of the Conduit(s).

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of the vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types. Spectrographic readings indicate unusual Ores in the vicinity of the Conduit(s). Obtain samples of these Ores once you have secured the area.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550160 Observatory Flashpoint:

Optimal Fleet Size: 10-15 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

The Triglavian Collective has deployed several Stellar Accelerators in previously invaded systems. In conjunction with the empires of New Eden, CONCORD has established observatories to study these installations.
Please use the Accelerator Assault Gate to assist local Empire forces in defending these vital intelligence structures from attacks by the Collective. According to the DED, Empire forces are staging an attack against the Stellar Accelerators though we do not have coordinates for where those fleets are forming.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units, and Mutaplasmid types. Though we have not observed the presence of Abyssal Deadspace pocket gates in the area, scouts have indicated similar anomalous subspace fluctuations on their readings.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Observatory Flashpoint:

<b>Optimal Fleet Size: 10-15 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

The Triglavian Collective has deployed several Stellar Accelerators in previously invaded systems. In conjunction with the empires of New Eden, CONCORD has established observatories to study these installations.
Please use the Accelerator Assault Gate to assist local Empire forces in defending these vital intelligence structures from attacks by the Collective. According to the DED, Empire forces are staging an attack against the Stellar Accelerators though we do not have coordinates for where those fleets are forming.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units, and Mutaplasmid types. Though we have not observed the presence of Abyssal Deadspace pocket gates in the area, scouts have indicated similar anomalous subspace fluctuations on their readings.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550161 Zorya’s Fleets:

Forces Suggested: 2-8 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

Small fleets of all tonnages of vessels. These have been sporadically observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units, new Mutaplasmid types.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Zorya’s Fleets:

<b>Forces Suggested: 2-8 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

Small fleets of all tonnages of vessels. These have been sporadically observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units, new Mutaplasmid types.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550162 Scout Fleets:

Forces Suggested: 1-4 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

Small Triglavian fleets that can consist of frigate, destroyer and cruiser-tonnage vessels. They have been observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Scout Fleets:

<b>Forces Suggested: 1-4 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

Small Triglavian fleets that can consist of frigate, destroyer and cruiser-tonnage vessels. They have been observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550163 Advance Fleets:

Forces Suggested: 3-9 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

Moderate Triglavian fleets that can consist of all tonnages of vessels. They have been observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Advance Fleets:

<b>Forces Suggested: 3-9 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

Moderate Triglavian fleets that can consist of all tonnages of vessels. They have been observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550168 Strike Fleets:

Forces Suggested: 8-15 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

Large Triglavian fleets that can consist of all tonnages of vessels. They have been observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Strike Fleets:

<b>Forces Suggested: 8-15 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

Large Triglavian fleets that can consist of all tonnages of vessels. They have been observed investigating points-of-interest in Invaded systems. Destroy these wherever encountered.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of these fleets could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units and new Mutaplasmid types.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0033. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
550170 Miner Cycle Time Bonus Miner Cycle Time Bonus
550171 Drone Speed Penalty Drone Speed Penalty
550172 Drone Damage Penalty Drone Damage Penalty
550174 Ship Agility Bonus Ship Agility Bonus
550175 Ship Hull HP Penalty Ship Hull HP Penalty
550178 Light Light
550179 Medium Medium
550180 Strong Strong
550201 Using Abyssal Deadspace as their base, the Triglavians are mobilizing their fleets in order to invade New Eden.

Confront them in those systems by either reducing their fleet's power in open space, in Rifts or in World Ark Proving Grounds.
Using Abyssal Deadspace as their base, the Triglavians are mobilizing their fleets in order to invade New Eden.

Confront them in those systems by either reducing their fleet's power in open space, in Rifts or in World Ark Proving Grounds.
550288 Invasion Wide Effects Invasion Wide Effects
550370 Invasion Info Invasion Info
550375 System Effects System Effects
551824 Stellar Investigation:

Recommended Fleet Size: 2-7 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

CONCORD has detected a novel Triglavian fleet composition in close proximity to the primary star in Foothold Systems. Whilst we cannot guess what their purpose might be, CONCORD urges capsuleers to investigate these fleets and determine why the are in such close proximity to the star's photosphere.

Background Intelligence:

CONCORD will offer a flat rate of compensation to any pilots willing to investigate these Fleets.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0047. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Stellar Investigation:

<b>Recommended Fleet Size: 2-7 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

CONCORD has detected a novel Triglavian fleet composition in close proximity to the primary star in Foothold Systems. Whilst we cannot guess what their purpose might be, CONCORD urges capsuleers to investigate these fleets and determine why the are in such close proximity to the star's photosphere.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

CONCORD will offer a flat rate of compensation to any pilots willing to investigate these Fleets.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0047. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
553537 Observatory Flashpoint:

Optimal Fleet Size: 10 - 15 Pilots.

Military Intelligence:

The Triglavian Collective has deployed several Stellar Accelerators in previously invaded systems. In conjunction with the empires of New Eden, CONCORD has established observatories to study these installations. Please use the Accelerator Gate to assist local Empire forces in defending these vital intelligence structures from assault by the Collective. According to the DED, Empire forces are staging an attack against the Stellar Accelerators though we do not have coordinates for where those fleets are forming.

Background Intelligence:

Scouring the wreckage of vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units, and Mutaplasmid types. Though we have not observed the presence of Abyssal Deadspace pocket gates in the area, scouts have indicated similar anomalous subspace fluctuations on their readings.

Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.
Observatory Flashpoint:

<b>Optimal Fleet Size: 10 - 15 Pilots.</b>

<b>Military Intelligence:</b>

The Triglavian Collective has deployed several Stellar Accelerators in previously invaded systems. In conjunction with the empires of New Eden, CONCORD has established observatories to study these installations. Please use the Accelerator Gate to assist local Empire forces in defending these vital intelligence structures from assault by the Collective. According to the DED, Empire forces are staging an attack against the Stellar Accelerators though we do not have coordinates for where those fleets are forming.

<b>Background Intelligence:</b>

Scouring the wreckage of vessels present could yield advanced components, Triglavian data units, and Mutaplasmid types. Though we have not observed the presence of Abyssal Deadspace pocket gates in the area, scouts have indicated similar anomalous subspace fluctuations on their readings.

<i>Synopsis from ISHAEKA-0099. DED Special Operations. Authorized for Capsuleer Dissemination.</i>
553608 Please wait until the session change has completed for {[character]charID.name} Please wait until the session change has completed for {[character]charID.name}. Please wait until the session change has completed for {[character]charID.name}. UI/RandomJump/Error/SessionChangeInProgress
553609 Interference from local natural phenomena are preventing {[character]charID.name} from activating the filament. {[character]charID.name} must leave this deadspace Interference from local natural phenomena are preventing {[character]charID.name} from activating the filament. {[character]charID.name} must leave this deadspace. Interference from local natural phenomena are preventing {[character]charID.name} from activating the filament. {[character]charID.name} must leave this deadspace. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipInDungeon
553610 {[character]charID.name} is inside a force field. {[character]charID.name} must leave the force field {[character]charID.name} is inside a force field. {[character]charID.name} must leave the force field. {[character]charID.name} is inside a force field. {[character]charID.name} must leave the force field. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipInForceField
553611 {[character]charID.name} warp drive is active. Please wait until the ship has finished warping. {[character]charID.name}'s warp drive is active. Please wait until the ship has finished warping. {[character]charID.name}'s warp drive is active. Please wait until the ship has finished warping. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipInWarp
553612 {[character]charID.name} ship is cloaked. {[character]charID.name} must disengage cloak in order to activate the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is cloaked. {[character]charID.name} must disengage cloak in order to activate the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is cloaked. {[character]charID.name} must disengage cloak in order to activate the filament. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsCloaked
553614 {[character]charID.name} ship is temporarily invulnerable. Wait for this effect to end in order to activate the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is temporarily invulnerable. Wait for this effect to end in order to activate the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is temporarily invulnerable. Wait for this effect to end in order to activate the filament. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsInvulnerable
553615 {[character]charID.name} ship is self-destructing. {[character]charID.name} must cancel the self-destruct sequence before activating the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is self-destructing. {[character]charID.name} must cancel the self-destruct sequence before activating the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is self-destructing. {[character]charID.name} must cancel the self-destruct sequence before activating the filament. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsSelfDestructing
553616 {[character]charID.name} ship is tethered. {[character]charID.name} must disengage the tether in order to activate the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is tethered. {[character]charID.name} must disengage the tether in order to activate the filament. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is tethered. {[character]charID.name} must disengage the tether in order to activate the filament. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsTethered
553617 {[character]charID.name} ship is warp scrambled. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is warp scrambled. {[character]charID.name}'s ship is warp scrambled. UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsWarpScrambled
553860 Campaign Ends: {formattingStart}{[timeinterval]endTime.shortWrittenForm, from=hour, to=second}{formattingEnd} Campaign Ends: {optionalLinebreak}{formattingStart}{[timeinterval]endTime.shortWrittenForm, from=hour, to=second}{formattingEnd} Campaign Ends: {optionalLinebreak}{formattingStart}{[timeinterval]endTime.shortWrittenForm, from=hour, to=second}{formattingEnd} UI/LoginRewards/CampaignEndsHeader
561720 Apparently, you have lost all trace here. Apparently, you have lost all trace here.
564242 Final Liminality Final Liminality
564243 Escalating Liminality Escalating Liminality
564244 Stellar Reconnaissance Stellar Reconnaissance
564245 Redoubts & Bulwarks Redoubts & Bulwarks
564246 EDENCOM Fortress EDENCOM Fortress
564247 Triglavian stellar harvesting peaks with Triglavian conquest finalized. Triglavian stellar harvesting peaks with Triglavian conquest finalized.
564248 First and Second Liminality systems are severely threatened by invasion. First and Second Liminality systems are severely threatened by invasion.
564249 EDENCOM and Triglavian scouting forces are searching for resources. EDENCOM and Triglavian scouting forces are searching for resources.
564250 Redoubt and Bulwark systems are being fortified against invasion. Redoubt and Bulwark systems are being fortified against invasion.
564251 An EDENCOM Fortress system is impregnable to Triglavian invasion. An EDENCOM Fortress system is impregnable to Triglavian invasion.
564252 Aid EDENCOM's defense of New Eden or join the Triglavian Collective's campaign of invasion. Aid EDENCOM's defense of New Eden or join the Triglavian Collective's campaign of invasion.
564253 Your standings towards EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective will determine which forces may attack you in these systems. Your standings towards EDENCOM and the Triglavian Collective will determine which forces may attack you in these systems.
564254 There are no systems with the corresponding invasion states in New Eden at present. There are no systems with the corresponding invasion states in New Eden at present.
564255 The Triglavian invasion of New Eden has reached its climax with stellar harvesting structures being built as World Arks return to oversee the final phase of the Collective's campaign. EDENCOM has taken command of the defense of New Eden and urges all capsuleers to redouble their efforts to halt and repel the invaders. In response, Triglavian memetic propaganda has risen to a new crescendo. The proving offered by Zorya Triglav remains open to all capsuleers who would betray civilization and side with the invaders from Abyssal Deadspace.

The future shape of the New Eden cluster will be decided in this epic conflict among the stars!
The Triglavian invasion of New Eden has reached its climax with stellar harvesting structures being built as World Arks return to oversee the final phase of the Collective's campaign. EDENCOM has taken command of the defense of New Eden and urges all capsuleers to redouble their efforts to halt and repel the invaders. In response, Triglavian memetic propaganda has risen to a new crescendo. The proving offered by Zorya Triglav remains open to all capsuleers who would betray civilization and side with the invaders from Abyssal Deadspace.

The future shape of the New Eden cluster will be decided in this epic conflict among the stars!
564277 Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations. Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations.
564278 Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations. Effective CONCORD security response and penalty level is severely reduced in this system due to Triglavian invasion operations.
568302 Serenity - 60,000 Veldspar mining Serenity - 60,000 Scordite mining Serenity - 60,000 VeldsparScordite mining
568304 Mine 60000 units of Veldspar. Mine 60000 units of Scordite. Mine 60000 units of VeldsparScordite.
569129 Invasions Invasions
569662 Undefined Undefined
569663 Undefined Ancestry for characters who didn't pick one during character creation. Undefined Ancestry for characters who didn't pick one during character creation.
569665 Empire: {raceName}
School: {schoolName}
<b>Empire:</b> {raceName}
<b>School:</b> {schoolName}
570124 Triglavian Space Tooltip Triglavian Space Tooltip
571214 {clone_name} (in current location) {clone_name} (in current location)
571501 Show/Hide HUD Buttons Show/Hide HUD Buttons
571606 Select your origin Select your origin UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/OriginSelection
571611 Your choice of school determines both your starting location and your first corporation. You can join a new corporation at any time. Your choice of school determines both your starting location and your first corporation. You can join a new corporation at any time. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/SchoolSelectionDescription
571618 The Gallente Federation prizes the pursuit of individual liberty above all else. The Gallente Federation prizes the pursuit of individual liberty above all else. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/SelectionBlurbGallente
571619 In the Caldari State, there is no higher honor than bringing glory to one's corporation. In the Caldari State, there is no higher honor than bringing glory to one's corporation. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/SelectionBlurbCaldari
571620 The Minmatar Republic seeks to end tyranny and oppression across the cluster. The Minmatar Republic seeks to end tyranny and oppression across the cluster. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/SelectionBlurbMinmatar
571621 The Amarr Empire is built upon faith in the One True God and loyalty to the Throne. The Amarr Empire is built upon faith in the One True God and loyalty to the Throne. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/SelectionBlurbAmarr
571622 Your choice of Empire represents your character's backstory. It does not limit your gameplay options. Your choice of Empire represents your character's backstory. It does not limit your gameplay options. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/EmpireSelectionDescription
571627 Minor Conduit Restless Drifter Hive Minor ConduitRestless Drifter Hive
571645 Minor Conduit EDENCOM Expeditionary Force Minor ConduitEDENCOM Expeditionary Force
571654 Minor Conduit Triglavian Barracks Minor ConduitTriglavian Barracks
571663 EDENCOM Field Base Insomnolent Drifter Hive EDENCOM Field BasInsomnolent Drifter Hive
571688 EDENCOM Field Base Hegemonising Drone Swarm EDENCOM Field BaseHegemonising Drone Swarm
571713 EDENCOM Field Base EDENCOM Campaign Group EDENCOM Field BaseCampaign Group
571738 EDENCOM Field Base Triglavian Proving Field EDENCOMTriglavian Proving Field Base
571851 Face Face UI/Login/CharacterCreation/AssetMenu/Groups/Archetypes
571921 Choosing a new face will undo any sculpting modifications made to the currently selected face. Other elements of your appearance, such as hair or clothing, may also change when selecting a new face. Choosing a new face will undo any sculpting modifications made to the currently selected face. Other elements of your appearance, such as hair or clothing, may also change when selecting a new face. UI/CharacterCreation/HelpTexts/Archetypes
571984 Manufacture stuff Manufacture stuff
571992 Combat Combat
571993 Industry Industry
571997 Shooty stuff! Shooty stuff!
572011 Science Science
572021 Gunnery Gunnery
572022 Missiles Missiles
572023 Spaceship Command Spaceship Command
572024 Fleet Support Fleet Support
572025 Corporation Management Corporation Management
572026 Rigging Rigging
572027 Electronic Systems Electronic Systems
572028 Drones Drones
572029 Navigation Navigation
572030 Social Social
572031 Shields Shields
572032 Armor Armor
572033 Targeting Targeting
572034 Engineering Engineering
572035 Subsystems Subsystems
572036 Structure Management Structure Management
572037 Combat/Industry Combat/Industry
572038 Fleet Support Fleet Support
572039 Drones Drones
572040 Exploration Exploration
572041 Scanning Scanning
572042 Foundation Foundation
572043 Spaceship Command Spaceship Command
572044 Corporation Management Corporation Management
572045 Rigging Rigging
572046 Science Science
572047 Electronic Systems Electronic Systems
572048 Drones Drones
572049 Navigation Navigation
572050 Social Social
572051 Shields Shields
572052 Armor Armor
572053 Targeting Targeting
572054 Engineering Engineering
572055 Neural Enhancement Neural Enhancement
572056 Structure Management Structure Management
572057 Spaceship Command Spaceship Command
572058 Fleet Support Fleet Support
572059 Production Production
572060 Science Science
572061 Drones Drones
572062 Trade Trade
572063 Navigation Navigation
572064 Social Social
572065 Shields Shields
572066 Resource Processing Resource Processing
572067 Planet Management Planet Management
572099 Selecting this option will reshuffle your character's weight, musculature, age, freckles, scars, eye shape, eye color, makeup, and clothing. Selecting this option will reshuffle your character's weight, musculature, age, freckles, scars, eye shape, eye color, makeup, and clothing. UI/CharacterCreation/RandomizeDollTooltip
572142 Serenity - Pochven Stars Serenity - Parade Leviathan Serenity - Pochven Starsarade Leviathan
572144 Observe a Star in Pochven Solar Systems. Observe a Leviathan Titan in Jita 4-4 Parade. Observe a Star in Pochven Solar SystemsLeviathan Titan in Jita 4-4 Parade.
572145 Serenity - 2,000 Talassonite mining Serenity - 2,000 Bezdnacine mining Serenity - 2,000 TalassonitBezdnacine mining
572147 Mine 2000 units of Talassonite. Mine 2000 units of Bezdnacine. Mine 2000 units of TalassonitBezdnacine.
572148 Serenity - Astero/Stratios Manufacturing Serenity - Procurer/Retriever Manufacturing Serenity - Astero/StratiosProcurer/Retriever Manufacturing
572150 Use blueprint to manufacture a Astero or Stratios. Use blueprint to manufacture a Procurer or Retriever. Use blueprint to manufacture a AstProcurero or StratiosRetriever.
572161 Diminishing Returns on Single Targets Diminishing Returns on Single Targets UI/Fitting/FittingWindow/Warnings/StackingPenaltyTargetedLowShort
572162 Using more than one module that affects the same attribute on a single target is subject to diminishing returns.
While the first module applies 100% of its attribute bonus, the second one applies only 87% of the bonus, the third one 57% and the fourth only 28%.
Using more than one module that affects the same attribute on a single target is subject to diminishing returns.
While the first module applies 100% of its attribute bonus, the second one applies only 87% of the bonus, the third one 57% and the fourth only 28%.
572211 Soldiers who have graduated from the Imperial Academy represent the long and storied lineage of the Amarr Empire's military interests. Soldiers who have graduated from the Imperial Academy represent the long and storied lineage of the Amarr Empire's military interests.
572213 Graduates of Hedion University's Exploration Division are known for valuing a multi-disciplinary approach to celestial discovery. Graduates of Hedion University's Exploration Division are known for valuing a multi-disciplinary approach to celestial discovery.
572214 Alumni of the Royal Amarr Institute are known for their business acumen and economic prowess. Alumni of the Royal Amarr Institute are known for their business acumen and economic prowess.
572216 Pilots from the Republic Military School's Center for Combat Studies are known for their creative approach to battle tactics. Pilots from the Republic Military School's Center for Combat Studies are known for their creative approach to battle tactics.
572217 Alumni from the Republic University's Institute of Exploration are known for their daring forays into the most inhospitable biomes in New Eden. Alumni from the Republic University's Institute of Exploration are known for their daring forays into the most inhospitable biomes in New Eden.
572218 Students of Pator Tech School's Industry Division are well-regarded for their multi-pronged approach to commerce and manufacturing. Students of Pator Tech School's Industry Division are well-regarded for their multi-pronged approach to commerce and manufacturing.
572219 Graduates of the State War Academy's Combat Pilot Center are known for their quick thinking and finely honed reflexes. Graduates of the State War Academy's Combat Pilot Center are known for their quick thinking and finely honed reflexes.
572220 Intrepid explorers from the Science and Trade Institute have a reputation for fearlessness in the face of the unknown. Intrepid explorers from the Science and Trade Institute have a reputation for fearlessness in the face of the unknown.
572221 Alumni from the The School of Applied Knowledge are considered to be some of the savviest industrialists in the cluster. Alumni from the The School of Applied Knowledge are considered to be some of the savviest industrialists in the cluster.
572222 Cadets from the Federal Naval Academy represent the face of the Gallente Federation's military wing and are held to the highest standard of professional conduct. Cadets from the Federal Naval Academy represent the face of the Gallente Federation's military wing and are held to the highest standard of professional conduct.
572223 Students of the University of Caille's School of Exploration are known for their inquisitive minds and sharp critical thinking skills. Students of the University of Caille's School of Exploration are known for their inquisitive minds and sharp critical thinking skills.
572224 Industry-minded alumni of the Center for Advanced Studies contribute their extensive knowledge of research and development processes to New Eden's bustling economy. Industry-minded alumni of the Center for Advanced Studies contribute their extensive knowledge of research and development processes to New Eden's bustling economy.
572484 {raceName} beginner ship. {raceName} beginner ship. UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/BeginnerShipHint
572504 That item cannot be placed into a structure's Core Room. That item cannot be placed into a structure's Core Room.
572565 JA Loc Firework (Do Not Translate) JA Loc Firework (Do Not Translate) Name of item 56944 (Festival Charges)
572571 In the Caldari State, there is no higher honor than bringing glory to one's corporation. In the Caldari State, there is no higher honor than bringing glory to one's corporation.
572578 Select your school Select your school UI/CharacterCreation/EmpireSelection/SchoolSelection
572579 The Gallente Federation prizes the pursuit of individual liberty above all else. The Gallente Federation prizes the pursuit of individual liberty above all else.
572580 The Amarr Empire is built upon faith in the One True God and loyalty to the Throne. The Amarr Empire is built upon faith in the One True God and loyalty to the Throne.
572581 The Minmatar Republic seeks to end tyranny and oppression across the cluster. The Minmatar Republic seeks to end tyranny and oppression across the cluster.
572606 You need to report to {[character]agent.name} You need to report to {[character]agent.name} UI/Agents/MissionTracker/ReportToAgent
572647 There is no clone bay service available at {station}. There is no clone bay service available at {station}.
572648 No Clone Bay No Clone Bay
572667 Trigspace Dungeon Side Wave Spawner Trigspace Dungeon Side Wave Spawner Name of item 56965 (Invisible Beacon)
572687 In {location} In {location} UI/CharacterSheet/CharacterSheetWindow/JumpCloneScroll/CloneLocationPrefix
572698 You are already in a fleet. In order to join another fleet you must first leave your current one. Do you want to do that? You are already in a fleet. In order to join another fleet you must first leave your current one. Do you want to do that?
572699 Leave Fleet? Leave Fleet?
572709 {itemVolume} ({typeVolume} per unit) {itemVolume} ({typeVolume} per unit) UI/Inventory/ItemStackVolume
572711 Display Utility Buttons Display Utility Buttons UI/Inflight/HUDOptions/DisplayUtilityButtons
572712 You must be docked to install a jump clone You must be docked to install a jump clone UI/Medical/Errors/JumpCloneValidationNotDocked
572715 Select your body type Select your body type UI/CharacterCreation/DollSelection/DollSelectionTitle
572716 Your choice of appearance is only superficial. It does not limit your gameplay options. Your choice of appearance is only superficial. It does not limit your gameplay options. UI/CharacterCreation/DollSelection/DollSelectionSubtitle
572717 You need to put {dropOffQuantity} x {dropOffType} in the {missionContainerType}. You need to put {dropOffQuantity} x {dropOffType} in the {missionContainerType}. UI/Agents/MissionTracker/DropItemInMissionContainer
572718 Open Container Open Container UI/Agents/Commands/OpenContainer
572742 Customize Customize UI/CharacterCreation/DollSelection/FullCustomization
572743 Randomize Randomize UI/CharacterCreation/DollSelection/ShuffleCharacter
572770 Undefined Undefined
572771 Undefined bloodline for characters created after the bloodline choice was removed from character creation. Undefined bloodline for characters created after the bloodline choice was removed from character creation.
572842 Triglavian Arena Ring Winter Triglavian Arena Ring Winter Name of item 57033 (Non-Interactable Object)
572843 Surface Snow 01 Surface Snow 01 Name of item 57034 (Non-Interactable Object)
572844 Serenity December Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator Serenity December Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator Name of item 57035 (Booster)
572845 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/1/10.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/1/10.
Description of item "Serenity December Season Standard Cerebral Accelerator" (57035)
572846 Serenity December Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator Serenity December Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator Name of item 57036 (Booster)
572847 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/1/10.
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.

Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer.

Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs.

The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 24 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/1/10.
Description of item "Serenity December Season Advanced Cerebral Accelerator" (57036)
572848 Serenity December Season Pass Serenity December Season Pass Name of item 57037 (Booster)
572849 This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Description of item "Serenity December Season Pass" (57037)
572850 Serenity Season December Serenity Season December
572851 December Season for Serenity December Season for Serenity
572853 Halloween Arena Halloween Arena
572895 New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event Name of new feature 2073
572896 Live from 20 November - 24 November Live from 20 November - 24 November Description of new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2073)
572897 2v2 Tactical Destroyers 2v2 Tactical Destroyers Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2073)
572898 Confessor, Hecate, Jackdaw, Svipul Confessor, Hecate, Jackdaw, Svipul Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2073)
572899 Track your progress on the leaderboards! Track your progress on the leaderboards! Bullet point for new feature "New Abyssal Proving Grounds Event" (2073)
572972 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572973 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572974 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572975 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572976 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572977 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572978 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572979 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572980 Zakura Shumyu Zakura Shumyu
572981 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
572982 Merlin Zakura Shumyu SKIN Merlin Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57052 (Permanent SKIN)
572983 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Merlin Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57052)
572984 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
572985 Cormorant Zakura Shumyu SKIN Cormorant Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57053 (Permanent SKIN)
572986 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Cormorant Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57053)
572987 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
572988 Caracal Zakura Shumyu SKIN Caracal Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57054 (Permanent SKIN)
572989 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Caracal Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57054)
572990 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
572991 Raven Zakura Shumyu SKIN Raven Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57055 (Permanent SKIN)
572992 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Raven Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57055)
572993 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
572994 Punisher Zakura Shumyu SKIN Punisher Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57056 (Permanent SKIN)
572995 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Punisher Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57056)
572996 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
572997 Coercer Zakura Shumyu SKIN Coercer Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57057 (Permanent SKIN)
572998 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Coercer Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57057)
572999 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573000 Maller Zakura Shumyu SKIN Maller Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57058 (Permanent SKIN)
573001 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Maller Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57058)
573002 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573003 Apocalypse Zakura Shumyu SKIN Apocalypse Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57059 (Permanent SKIN)
573004 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Apocalypse Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57059)
573005 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573006 Incursus Zakura Shumyu SKIN Incursus Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57060 (Permanent SKIN)
573007 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Incursus Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57060)
573008 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573009 Catalyst Zakura Shumyu SKIN Catalyst Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57061 (Permanent SKIN)
573010 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Catalyst Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57061)
573011 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573012 Vexor Zakura Shumyu SKIN Vexor Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57062 (Permanent SKIN)
573013 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Vexor Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57062)
573014 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573015 Megathron Zakura Shumyu SKIN Megathron Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57063 (Permanent SKIN)
573016 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Megathron Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57063)
573017 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573018 Rifter Zakura Shumyu SKIN Rifter Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57064 (Permanent SKIN)
573019 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Rifter Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57064)
573020 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573021 Thrasher Zakura Shumyu SKIN Thrasher Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57065 (Permanent SKIN)
573022 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Thrasher Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57065)
573023 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573024 Stabber Zakura Shumyu SKIN Stabber Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57066 (Permanent SKIN)
573025 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Stabber Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57066)
573026 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573027 Tempest Zakura Shumyu SKIN Tempest Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57067 (Permanent SKIN)
573028 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Tempest Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57067)
573029 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573030 Gnosis Zakura Shumyu SKIN Gnosis Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57068 (Permanent SKIN)
573031 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Gnosis Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57068)
573032 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573033 Paladin Zakura Shumyu SKIN Paladin Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57069 (Permanent SKIN)
573034 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Paladin Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57069)
573035 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573036 Golem Zakura Shumyu SKIN Golem Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57070 (Permanent SKIN)
573037 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Golem Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57070)
573038 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573039 Kronos Zakura Shumyu SKIN Kronos Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57071 (Permanent SKIN)
573040 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Kronos Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57071)
573041 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
573042 Vargur Zakura Shumyu SKIN Vargur Zakura Shumyu SKIN Name of item 57072 (Permanent SKIN)
573043 The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
The concept of 'Zakura Shumyu' encapsulates an idealized existential humility of the citizenry of the Caldari State in the presence of something greater, symbolized by the wind passing through Zakura cherry blossoms. Zakura Hansei refers to the large family of ornamental cherry trees that feature heavily in Caldari State parks and executive aboriculture. The Zakura cherry trees and their blossoms have become a part of Caldari symbolism dating back to the formation of the first corporations on Caldari Prime.

Cherry trees are found on the home worlds of the four major empires where growing conditions and land permits. Popular as an ornamental tree for the mass flowering of cherry blossoms that break out as warm seasons begin, there are many varieties found across New Eden. Cherry trees of the Zakura Hansei family became popular with the Caldari, particularly as the hardier varieties were able to fluorish in the more temperate regions of the notoriously cold Caldari Prime. In the Caldari State, the large and splendid Zakura Bazei variety is often a feature of corporate parks and executive class gardens.

The Caldari gave the name 'Zakura' to these blossoming trees and these varieties are known by that name as far afield as the ornamental arboretums of the Amarr Empire. In a historical irony, this family of cherry trees is actually native to Gallente Prime, and the cherry was not known on Caldari Prime until it was introduced some time after first contact with the Gallente.
Description of item "Vargur Zakura Shumyu SKIN" (57072)
573045 57073_Male_topMiddle_TshirtM01_Types_TshirtM01_Yoiul.png 57073_Male_topMiddle_TshirtM01_Types_TshirtM01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57073 (Tops)
573046 57074_Male_hair_HeadWear_Cap_M01_Types_HeadWear_Cap_M01_Yoiul.png 57074_Male_hair_HeadWear_Cap_M01_Types_HeadWear_Cap_M01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57074 (Headwear)
573047 57075_Male_bottomOuter_PantsMilM01_Types_PantsMilM01_Yoiul.png 57075_Male_bottomOuter_PantsMilM01_Types_PantsMilM01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57075 (Bottoms)
573048 57076_Male_outer_ExplorationSuit_M01_Types_ExplorationSuit_M01_Yoiul.png 57076_Male_outer_ExplorationSuit_M01_Types_ExplorationSuit_M01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57076 (Outer)
573051 57077_Female_TopMiddle_TshirtF01_Types_TshirtF01_Yoiul.png 57077_Female_TopMiddle_TshirtF01_Types_TshirtF01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57077 (Tops)
573052 57078_Female_bottomOuter_PantsMilF01_Types_PantsMilF01_Yoiul.png 57078_Female_bottomOuter_PantsMilF01_Types_PantsMilF01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57078 (Bottoms)
573059 57079_Female_hair_HeadWear_Cap_F01_Types_HeadWear_Cap_F01_Yoiul.png 57079_Female_hair_HeadWear_Cap_F01_Types_HeadWear_Cap_F01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57079 (Headwear)
573064 57080_Female_Outer_ExplorationSuit_F01_Types_ExplorationSuit_F01_Yoiul.png 57080_Female_Outer_ExplorationSuit_F01_Types_ExplorationSuit_F01_Yoiul.png Name of item 57080 (Outer)

New Files (374 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)

Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.


Previewing webm files doesn't seem to work in all browsers because of the way CCP serves these files.

I'm sure there's some way around that, but you can also just click the direct link to the video and open the file with the browser.

Changed Files (1178 Entries)
File Name Size in kb (Decompressed)
4206 -> 15358
4754 -> 4828
4250 -> 4326
240 -> 240
2557 -> 2557
105 -> 105
762 -> 762
88 -> 88
285 -> 285
108 -> 108
2418 -> 2418
22129 -> 22294
22054 -> 22219
21998 -> 22162
2045 -> 2045
208 -> 208
75 -> 77
81 -> 83
95 -> 98
74 -> 76
75 -> 77
74 -> 77
140 -> 143
83 -> 77
7311 -> 7311
71 -> 73
71 -> 73
103 -> 105
75 -> 77
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75 -> 77
93 -> 95
83 -> 86
73 -> 75
75 -> 77
92 -> 94
75 -> 77
758 -> 758
74 -> 76
90 -> 92
87 -> 89
99 -> 101
316 -> 316
81 -> 83
75 -> 77
76 -> 78
89 -> 91
74 -> 77
108 -> 110
111 -> 113
93 -> 95
771 -> 771
900 -> 900
106 -> 109
75 -> 77
81 -> 84
223 -> 223
90 -> 91
111 -> 113
96 -> 98
78 -> 80
102 -> 103
94 -> 96
74 -> 77
74 -> 76
74 -> 77
82 -> 84
82 -> 84
89 -> 97
75 -> 77
146 -> 148
792 -> 792
2549 -> 2573
3270 -> 3274
6921 -> 6959
3910 -> 3906
75 -> 77
84 -> 87
729 -> 729
799 -> 799
157 -> 157
6090 -> 6090
89 -> 92
165 -> 173
74 -> 76
74 -> 76
86 -> 88
133 -> 135
98 -> 101
74 -> 77
95 -> 97
70 -> 72
80 -> 82
75 -> 77
95 -> 95
96 -> 99
74 -> 76
90 -> 91
78 -> 80
92 -> 94
82 -> 85
75 -> 77
692 -> 692
20941 -> 21138
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349 -> 349
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87 -> 87
87 -> 87
5592 -> 5592
5593 -> 5593
5 -> 5
87 -> 87
5592 -> 5592
5593 -> 5593
5 -> 5
87 -> 87
1 -> 2
7 -> 7
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
166 -> 166
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
183 -> 183
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
6 -> 6
24 -> 24
1 -> 2
8 -> 8
1 -> 5
1398 -> 1398
26 -> 26
69 -> 68
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 2
108 -> 108
95 -> 95
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
30 -> 30
65 -> 65
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
113 -> 113
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
108 -> 108
4 -> 4
41 -> 41
1 -> 2
8 -> 8
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
14 -> 14
69 -> 69
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
76 -> 76
171 -> 171
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
7 -> 7
1 -> 2
148 -> 148
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
199 -> 199
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
1 -> 2
70 -> 70
70 -> 70
19 -> 19
116 -> 116
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
24 -> 24
356 -> 356
1398 -> 1398
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22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
179 -> 179
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
169 -> 169
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
4 -> 4
16 -> 16
1 -> 2
10 -> 10
9 -> 9
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
330 -> 330
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
98 -> 98
1 -> 2
9 -> 9
102 -> 102
89 -> 89
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
4 -> 4
18 -> 18
103 -> 103
1 -> 2
7 -> 7
139 -> 139
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
163 -> 163
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
144 -> 144
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 5
149 -> 149
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
4 -> 4
22 -> 22
93 -> 93
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
97 -> 97
1 -> 2
9 -> 8
91 -> 91
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
91 -> 91
318 -> 318
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
98 -> 98
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
8 -> 8
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
75 -> 75
1 -> 2
157 -> 157
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
6 -> 6
1 -> 2
2796 -> 2796
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
171 -> 171
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
349 -> 350
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
4 -> 4
11 -> 11
125 -> 125
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
124 -> 124
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1 -> 2
8 -> 8
26 -> 26
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
108 -> 108
349 -> 349
349 -> 349
349 -> 350
285 -> 285
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
2796 -> 2796
2796 -> 2796
2 -> 2
43 -> 43
1 -> 2
7 -> 7
161 -> 161
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
22 -> 22
132 -> 132
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
1398 -> 1398
23 -> 23
25 -> 14
15 -> 5
110 -> 110
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
1398 -> 1398
1 -> 1
22 -> 22
22233 -> 22295
3 -> 3
5 -> 5
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 3
5 -> 5
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
1 -> 1
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
5 -> 5
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
1 -> 1
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
1 -> 2
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
2 -> 3
2 -> 2
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
16 -> 17
25 -> 26
49 -> 49
41 -> 41
20 -> 20
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
18 -> 18
7 -> 7
7 -> 7
6 -> 7
6 -> 6
5 -> 5
8 -> 8
43 -> 43
22 -> 22
3 -> 3
26 -> 26
97 -> 97
11 -> 11
11 -> 11
16 -> 16
16 -> 16
12 -> 13
19 -> 19
17 -> 17
224 -> 224
11 -> 11
7 -> 7
13 -> 13
45 -> 46
80 -> 80
36 -> 36
15 -> 15
24 -> 24
24 -> 24
15 -> 15
21 -> 21
38 -> 38
20 -> 20
21 -> 21
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
11 -> 11
10 -> 10
34 -> 34
80 -> 80
61 -> 61
13 -> 13
13 -> 14
45 -> 45
8 -> 8
9 -> 9
13 -> 13
18 -> 18
11 -> 11
7 -> 8
36 -> 36
6 -> 6
122 -> 122
1 -> 2
0 -> 1
0 -> 1
1 -> 2
1 -> 2
1 -> 2
1 -> 1
252 -> 243
791 -> 788
154 -> 153
596 -> 594
5592 -> 5592
3 -> 3
611 -> 611
5 -> 2
2955 -> 2979
38 -> 38
32 -> 32
23 -> 23
62 -> 62
50 -> 50
40 -> 40
77 -> 77
76 -> 76
71 -> 71
16 -> 16
15 -> 15
15 -> 15
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
14 -> 14
13 -> 13
13 -> 13
24 -> 24
20 -> 20
14 -> 14
38 -> 38
30 -> 30
24 -> 24
53 -> 53
52 -> 52
49 -> 49
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
12 -> 12
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
10 -> 10
8 -> 8
8 -> 8
19 -> 19
15 -> 15
14 -> 14
36 -> 36
36 -> 36
34 -> 34
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
4 -> 4
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
5 -> 5
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
3 -> 3
33973 -> 33961
30790 -> 30859
1742 -> 1742
35161 -> 35149
1712 -> 1712
50235 -> 63064
53475 -> 53454
2512 -> 2509
111875 -> 111826
44186 -> 44173
11 -> 11
4388 -> 4421
13086 -> 13145
4114 -> 4120
0 -> 0
20 -> 20
18 -> 18
62 -> 62
7 -> 7
4 -> 5
104 -> 105
1 -> 1
0 -> 0
16 -> 0
4235 -> 4235
143 -> 142
1 -> 1
1 -> 1
108 -> 108
3 -> 3
17 -> 17
2 -> 2
9 -> 9
242 -> 243
10 -> 10
49 -> 49
1 -> 1
9 -> 9
0 -> 0
3 -> 3
62 -> 62
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
2 -> 2
0 -> 0
11 -> 11
61 -> 61
6 -> 6
295 -> 295
3 -> 3
377 -> 377
679 -> 679
3 -> 3
42 -> 42
32 -> 32
2 -> 2
40 -> 41
24 -> 24
430 -> 430
65 -> 65
14835 -> 14856
12 -> 12
5 -> 5
1 -> 2
32 -> 32
40 -> 40
2 -> 2
898 -> 899
12 -> 12
126 -> 132
10 -> 10
56 -> 56
295 -> 297
24 -> 24
77 -> 77
24 -> 24
372 -> 372
40 -> 40
319 -> 319
3 -> 3
53 -> 53
0 -> 0
2 -> 2
8 -> 8
1493 -> 1769
0 -> 0
354 -> 354
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
2 -> 2
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
505 -> 505
240 -> 240
11 -> 11
0 -> 0
78 -> 78
2 -> 0
3 -> 3
1544 -> 1568
114 -> 114
2703 -> 2707
61 -> 61
420 -> 420
13 -> 13
0 -> 0
0 -> 0
1 -> 1
9715 -> 9716
568 -> 568
10 -> 10
22 -> 22
240 -> 174
11 -> 11
1 -> 87
0 -> 0
0 -> 1
11 -> 11
ui/texture/classes/contextualoffers/destroyerbundleandomegaoffer/cormorant-combatcrate_770x415.png ->
545 -> 535
ui/texture/race/amarr.png ->
9 -> 5
ui/texture/race/caldari.png ->
7 -> 6
ui/texture/race/gallente.png ->
11 -> 5
ui/texture/race/minmatar.png ->
8 -> 6

All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.