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Icon | TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
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60173 - EDENCOM Shield Facility | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60173graphicID: 25079 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 586413 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 9400.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60174 - Upwell Storage Facility 01 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60174graphicID: 25080 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 586414 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 3600.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60244 - Analysis Beacon | Description pending | Analysis Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 32 attributes.descriptionID: 586789typeID: 60244 graphicID: 25113 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 1 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 586788 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2771 (Mobile Observatories) Volume: 100.0 wreckTypeID: 33538 radius: 100.0 published: True Mass: 10000.0 Tech Level: 1.0 groupID: 4137 portionSize: 1 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Shield Capacity: 5000.0 Signature Radius: 400.0 Structure Hitpoints: 20000.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 structureUniformity: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 20.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 20.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 20.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 20.0 requiredSkill1Level: 3.0 Primary Skill required: 11584.0 Armor Hitpoints: 5000.0 Meta Level: 1.0 Shield recharge time: 2400000.0 |
60255 - IA | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes.descriptionID: 586905typeID: 60255 graphicID: 24499 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 586904 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26470 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 18112500.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 60.0 Shield Capacity: 7500.0 Structure Hitpoints: 14000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.55 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.65 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.45 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 entityChaseMaxDistance: 6000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 30000.0 Turret Tracking: 400.0 Maximum Velocity: 320.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 Capacitor Capacity: 6000.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 5000.0 Scan Resolution: 200.0 Optimal Range: 35000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 19000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 600.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.05 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 253120.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 24.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 0.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 20.0 Shield recharge time: 1250000.0 Bounty: 5941330.066 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 8000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 10000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 464.0 gfxBoosterID: 397.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Orbit Velocity: 120.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 |
60316 - IR | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 88 attributes.descriptionID: 587227typeID: 60316 graphicID: 24500 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587226 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26492 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 18112500.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 1.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 2.0 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 2.0 Shield Capacity: 13000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 8000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.8 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.8 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 entityChaseMaxDistance: 15000.0 Thermal damage: 85.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 18000.0 Turret Tracking: 106.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 0.5 Maximum Velocity: 380.0 Signature Radius: 600.0 Signature Radius Modifier: 1.4 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2000.0 Scan Resolution: 200.0 Optimal Range: 60000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 9000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Kinetic damage: 85.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.08 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 253120.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 4000.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 24.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 12000.0 behaviorTargetPainterRange: 50000.0 behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 20000.0 behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 100.0 Shield recharge time: 62500.0 Bounty: 4951108.388 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 12000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 85.0 gfxTurretID: 572.0 gfxBoosterID: 395.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 30.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 24533.0 Orbit Velocity: 130.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 |
60317 - IA | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 76 attributes.descriptionID: 587229typeID: 60317 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587228 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 28222 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 11662500.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 50.0 Shield Capacity: 1500.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.72 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.58 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.55 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74 entityChaseMaxDistance: 30000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 12000.0 Turret Tracking: 350.0 Maximum Velocity: 2800.0 Signature Radius: 250.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 4000.0 Scan Resolution: 350.0 Optimal Range: 32000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 1750.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.5 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 253120.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 75000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1200.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 18.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 16.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Bounty: 3465775.872 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 35000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 458.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Orbit Velocity: 1250.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 |
60318 - IP | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 96 attributes.descriptionID: 587231typeID: 60318 graphicID: 1227 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587230 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 28222 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 18112500.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 40.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 3.0 Shield Capacity: 3750.0 Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.43 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.4 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.35 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.43 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.52 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.7 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.3 Accuracy falloff : 10000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 200.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 278.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.0 Maximum Velocity: 1351.0 Signature Radius: 400.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 6000.0 Scan Resolution: 500.0 Optimal Range: 40000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 8000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.1 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.4 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 14.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 40.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 562500.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 60000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 5000.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 16.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 6000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 14000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 14000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 50.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 16.0 Shield recharge time: 1250000.0 Bounty: 2970665.033 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 7000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 10000.0 Neutralization Amount: 100.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 458.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 2.5 Rate of fire: 8000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 213.0 Orbit Velocity: 205.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 behaviorWebifierRange: 18000.0 |
60321 - AEGIS Security Marshal | This Marshal-class battleship is a heavy response vessel of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this formidable combat battleship. | ♦ Battleship | Click to toggle showing the 67 attributes.descriptionID: 587238typeID: 60321 graphicID: 21864 Capacity: 700.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 587237 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 468000.0 soundID: 20068 wreckTypeID: 26939 radius: 600.0 published: False Mass: 150000000.0 groupID: 1814 portionSize: 1 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5 Shield Capacity: 8750.0 Structure Hitpoints: 8125.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.55 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.9 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.315 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.252 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.319 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.266 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.6 Maximum Velocity: 311.0 RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Signature Radius: 480.0 Signature Radius Modifier: 34.375 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Scan Resolution: 138.0 Armor Hitpoints: 6875.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.0783 Capacitor Recharge time: 501930.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 135000.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 28.8 Missile Damage Bonus: 9.4 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7 behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 5000.0 behaviorTargetPainterRange: 49500.0 behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 123750.0 behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 7.5 Shield recharge time: 1875000.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 6875.0 behaviorECMDuration: 20000.0 behaviorECMRange: 59400.0 behaviorECMFalloff: 66825.0 behaviorECMDischarge: 54.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Rate of fire: 2650.0 entityMissileTypeID: 27441.0 |
60322 - AEGIS Security Marshal | This Marshal-class battleship is a heavy response vessel of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this formidable combat battleship. | ♦ Battleship | Click to toggle showing the 67 attributes.descriptionID: 587240typeID: 60322 graphicID: 21864 Capacity: 700.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 1 typeNameID: 587239 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 468000.0 soundID: 20068 wreckTypeID: 26939 radius: 600.0 published: False Mass: 150000000.0 groupID: 1814 portionSize: 1 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5 Shield Capacity: 8750.0 Structure Hitpoints: 8125.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.55 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.9 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.315 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.252 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.319 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.266 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.6 Maximum Velocity: 311.0 RADAR ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Signature Radius: 480.0 Signature Radius Modifier: 34.375 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Scan Resolution: 138.0 Armor Hitpoints: 6875.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.0783 Capacitor Recharge time: 501930.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 135000.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 28.8 Missile Damage Bonus: 9.4 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7 behaviorTargetPainterDuration: 5000.0 behaviorTargetPainterRange: 49500.0 behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: 123750.0 behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: 7.5 Shield recharge time: 1875000.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 6875.0 behaviorECMDuration: 20000.0 behaviorECMRange: 59400.0 behaviorECMFalloff: 66825.0 behaviorECMDischarge: 54.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Gravimetric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Ladar ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Magnetometric ECM Jammer Strength: 4.8 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Rate of fire: 2650.0 entityMissileTypeID: 27441.0 |
60323 - AEGIS Security Enforcer | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | ♦ Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 62 attributes.descriptionID: 587242typeID: 60323 graphicID: 21489 Capacity: 300.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 587241 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 116000.0 soundID: 20078 wreckTypeID: 26940 radius: 200.0 published: False Mass: 12500000.0 groupID: 1813 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 10.0 Shield Capacity: 1687.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1400.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.319 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.318 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.155 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.259 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.875 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.438 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.197 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.438 Accuracy falloff : 15000.0 Turret Tracking: 250.0 Maximum Velocity: 1452.0 Signature Radius: 900.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Rate of fire: 4000.0 Scan Resolution: 540.0 Optimal Range: 72000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 11339.0 Kinetic damage: 6.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 9.0 Thermal damage: 4.0 Inertia Modifier: 1.18 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 56000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 15.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 242250.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 175000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Shield recharge time: 3750000.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1642.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402 EM damage: 0.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 14272.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 |
60324 - AEGIS Security Enforcer | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | ♦ Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 62 attributes.descriptionID: 587244typeID: 60324 graphicID: 21489 Capacity: 300.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 587243 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 116000.0 soundID: 20078 wreckTypeID: 26940 radius: 200.0 published: False Mass: 12500000.0 groupID: 1813 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 10.0 Shield Capacity: 1687.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1400.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.319 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.318 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.155 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.259 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.875 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.438 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.197 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.438 Accuracy falloff : 15000.0 Turret Tracking: 250.0 Maximum Velocity: 1452.0 Signature Radius: 900.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Rate of fire: 4000.0 Scan Resolution: 540.0 Optimal Range: 72000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 11339.0 Kinetic damage: 6.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 9.0 Thermal damage: 4.0 Inertia Modifier: 1.18 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 56000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 15.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 242250.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 175000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Shield recharge time: 3750000.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1642.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402 EM damage: 0.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 14272.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 |
60325 - AEGIS Security Enforcer | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | ♦ Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 62 attributes.descriptionID: 587246typeID: 60325 graphicID: 21489 Capacity: 300.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 8 typeNameID: 587245 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 116000.0 soundID: 20078 wreckTypeID: 26940 radius: 200.0 published: False Mass: 12500000.0 groupID: 1813 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 10.0 Shield Capacity: 1687.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1400.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.319 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.318 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.155 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.259 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.875 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.438 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.197 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.438 Accuracy falloff : 15000.0 Turret Tracking: 250.0 Maximum Velocity: 1452.0 Signature Radius: 900.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Rate of fire: 4000.0 Scan Resolution: 540.0 Optimal Range: 72000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 11339.0 Kinetic damage: 6.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 9.0 Thermal damage: 4.0 Inertia Modifier: 1.18 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 56000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 15.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 242250.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 175000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 36.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Shield recharge time: 3750000.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1642.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402 EM damage: 0.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 14272.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 |
60326 - AEGIS Security Pacifier | This Pacifier-class frigate provides a light screening capability to the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this rapid attack frigate. | ♦ Frigate | Click to toggle showing the 61 attributes.descriptionID: 587248typeID: 60326 graphicID: 21490 Capacity: 150.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587247 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 20000.0 soundID: 20070 wreckTypeID: 26941 radius: 38.0 published: False Mass: 1400000.0 groupID: 1803 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 7.22 Shield Capacity: 1925.0 Structure Hitpoints: 250.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.586 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.586 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.586 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.586 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -55.0 Accuracy falloff : 6250.0 Turret Tracking: 167.0 Maximum Velocity: 619.0 Signature Radius: 81.1 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Rate of fire: 1650.0 Scan Resolution: 594.0 Optimal Range: 14555.0 Armor Hitpoints: 625.0 Inertia Modifier: 1.877 Kinetic damage: 3.8 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWebifierRange: 13000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 3.75 Capacitor Recharge time: 240000.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 45000.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 14.4 Thermal damage: 13.9 Shield recharge time: 468750.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 750.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402 EM damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 565.0 gfxBoosterID: 395.0 |
60327 - AEGIS Security Pacifier | This Pacifier-class frigate provides a light screening capability to the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this rapid attack frigate. | ♦ Frigate | Click to toggle showing the 61 attributes.descriptionID: 587250typeID: 60327 graphicID: 21490 Capacity: 150.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587249 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 20000.0 soundID: 20070 wreckTypeID: 26941 radius: 38.0 published: False Mass: 1400000.0 groupID: 1803 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 7.22 Shield Capacity: 1925.0 Structure Hitpoints: 250.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.57 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.586 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.586 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.586 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.586 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -55.0 Accuracy falloff : 6250.0 Turret Tracking: 167.0 Maximum Velocity: 619.0 Signature Radius: 81.1 entityFactionLoss: 0.01 Rate of fire: 1650.0 Scan Resolution: 594.0 Optimal Range: 14555.0 Armor Hitpoints: 625.0 Inertia Modifier: 1.877 Kinetic damage: 3.8 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWebifierRange: 13000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 3.75 Capacitor Recharge time: 240000.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 45000.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 14.4 Thermal damage: 13.9 Shield recharge time: 468750.0 Bounty: 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: 750.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.402 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.402 EM damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 565.0 gfxBoosterID: 395.0 |
60331 - IE | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes.descriptionID: 587271typeID: 60331 graphicID: 1220 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587270 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 11720000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 40.0 Shield Capacity: 8000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1400.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.81 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.44 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.35 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.37 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.33 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.16 entityChaseMaxDistance: 50000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 40000.0 Turret Tracking: 500.0 Maximum Velocity: 1340.0 Signature Radius: 180.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1875.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 7000.0 Scan Resolution: 500.0 Optimal Range: 80000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 1200.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0 Kinetic damage: 10.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 350.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.15 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 356250.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 20.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 8.0 Shield recharge time: 1250000.0 Bounty: 2970665.033 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 60000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 10000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46 Maximum Targeting Range: 120000.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.46 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 570.0 gfxBoosterID: 397.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46 Orbit Velocity: 268.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 |
60332 - IJ | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 95 attributes.descriptionID: 587273typeID: 60332 graphicID: 1230 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587272 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26591 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 1229400.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 50.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5 Shield Capacity: 1200.0 Structure Hitpoints: 600.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.57 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.54 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.55 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.74 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -40.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 5000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 30000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 400.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 2.25 Maximum Velocity: 3200.0 Signature Radius: 45.0 Capacitor Capacity: 3750.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 5000.0 Scan Resolution: 800.0 Optimal Range: 35000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 700.0 Inertia Modifier: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 12.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 350.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 12.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.75 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 20.0 Shield recharge time: 1250000.0 Bounty: 1980443.355 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 1500.0 entityMissileTypeID: 24473.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 10000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.46 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.46 Maximum Targeting Range: 40000.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.46 EM damage: 85.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 8089.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 562500.0 Rate of fire: 8000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.46 Orbit Velocity: 187.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 10000.0 behaviorWebifierRange: 15000.0 |
60333 - GS | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 82 attributes.descriptionID: 587275typeID: 60333 graphicID: 2566 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587274 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 41695 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 1260000000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 200.0 Shield Capacity: 65000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 50000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.8 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.43 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.52 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.7 entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 36000.0 Turret Tracking: 200.0 Maximum Velocity: 50.0 Signature Radius: 10000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 20000.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 5500.0 Scan Resolution: 500.0 Optimal Range: 18000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 45000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 14.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 350.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.01 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 5625000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 100.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 16.0 Shield recharge time: 12500000.0 Bounty: 16338657.68 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 10000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 10000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0 Maximum Targeting Range: 225000.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 40.0 gfxTurretID: 20454.0 gfxBoosterID: 397.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0 Orbit Velocity: 25.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 |
60375 - ABS (Do not translate) | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60375graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587360 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
60382 - IB | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 83 attributes.descriptionID: 587553typeID: 60382 graphicID: 1229 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587552 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26595 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 15112500.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 50.0 Shield Capacity: 2500.0 Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.43 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.4 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.35 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.43 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.52 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.7 entityChaseMaxDistance: 9000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 10000.0 Turret Tracking: 200.0 Maximum Velocity: 1450.0 Signature Radius: 400.0 Capacitor Capacity: 5000.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 4000.0 Scan Resolution: 500.0 Optimal Range: 40000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 5000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0 Kinetic damage: 16.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 14.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 150.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 40.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 562500.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 18.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 16.0 Shield recharge time: 1250000.0 Bounty: 3465775.872 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 1200.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 10000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 Maximum Targeting Range: 60000.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 EM damage: 85.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 570.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.4 Orbit Velocity: 195.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleRange: 10000.0 |
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60389 - EDENCOM construction dock | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587586typeID: 60389 graphicID: 25100 Capacity: 2700.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587585 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 Capacitor Capacity: 2700.0 Primary Skill required: 21718.0 hackable: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000000.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 tierDifficulty: 1.0 |
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60390 - EDENCOM construction dock | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587588typeID: 60390 graphicID: 25102 Capacity: 2700.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587587 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 Capacitor Capacity: 2700.0 Primary Skill required: 21718.0 hackable: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000000.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 tierDifficulty: 1.0 |
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60391 - EDENCOM construction dock | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587590typeID: 60391 graphicID: 25104 Capacity: 2700.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587589 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 Capacitor Capacity: 2700.0 Primary Skill required: 21718.0 hackable: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000000.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 tierDifficulty: 1.0 |
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60392 - EDENCOM construction dock | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587592typeID: 60392 graphicID: 25106 Capacity: 2700.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587591 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 Capacitor Capacity: 2700.0 Primary Skill required: 21718.0 hackable: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000000.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 tierDifficulty: 1.0 |
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60393 - Shield facility shield collision | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60393graphicID: 25094 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587594 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 9000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60394 - Upwell EDENCOM station hub | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60394graphicID: 25095 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587595 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60395 - Upwell EDENCOM station | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60395graphicID: 25096 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587596 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60396 - Upwell EDENCOM power generator | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60396graphicID: 25097 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587597 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60397 - Upwell EDENCOM power generator wreck | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60397graphicID: 25098 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587598 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60398 - Upwell EDENCOM transfer relay | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60398graphicID: 25099 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587599 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60399 - Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 01 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60399graphicID: 25100 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587600 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60400 - Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 01 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60400graphicID: 25101 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587601 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60401 - Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 02 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60401graphicID: 25102 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587602 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60402 - Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 02 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60402graphicID: 25103 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587603 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60403 - Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 03 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60403graphicID: 25104 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587604 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60404 - Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 03 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60404graphicID: 25105 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587605 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60405 - Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 04 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60405graphicID: 25106 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587606 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
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60406 - Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 04 | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60406graphicID: 25107 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587607 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 6000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60407 - EDENCOM factory frame and docks | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60407graphicID: 24553 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587609 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 8800.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60408 - EDENCOM factory superstructure | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60408graphicID: 24554 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587610 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 8800.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60409 - EDENCOM factory active | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60409graphicID: 24555 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587611 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 8800.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60410 - Gate Control System | This gate control system will redirect one of the gates to the Waystation Area. Prior to activation, all gates are currently pointed towards a decoy beacon intended to screen any unauthorized travelers. | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 28 attributes.descriptionID: 587613typeID: 60410 graphicID: 20297 Capacity: 2700.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587612 iconID: 16 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 27500.0 radius: 14.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 Capacitor Capacity: 2700.0 allowRefills: 1.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Structure Hitpoints: 1000000.0 hackable: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 lootRespawnTime: 3600000.0 Signature Radius: 500.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 21718.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 tierDifficulty: 1.0 |
60418 - Drone Light Stasis Tower | Rogue Drone stasis web sentry | Destructible Sentry Gun | Click to toggle showing the 69 attributes.descriptionID: 587647typeID: 60418 graphicID: 2586 Capacity: 1000.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587646 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1000.0 radius: 371.0 published: False Mass: 1000.0 groupID: 383 portionSize: 1 modifyTargetSpeedChance: 100.0 modifyTargetSpeedDuration: 10000.0 modifyTargetSpeedRange: 250000.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Activation Cost: 0.0 Shield Capacity: 400.0 Damage Modifier: 3.5 Structure Hitpoints: 400.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -25.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 0.0 Activation proximity: 250000.0 Accuracy falloff : 50000.0 entityFlyRange: 0.0 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5 Signature Radius: 100.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 EM damage: 0.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 20000000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 250000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 400.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 372.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0 Turret Tracking: 0.04 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 100.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 100.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 100.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 100.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Shield recharge time: 5000000.0 Bounty: 35000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 1000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Signature Resolution: 100.0 AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching: 1.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.1 AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius: 1.0 AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch: 0.0 AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier: 1.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Thermal damage: 0.0 entityAttackRange: 250000.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.5 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 |
60419 - Rogue Drone Event 2021 WaveLS Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60419graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587648 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
60420 - Rogue Drone Event 2021 BossLS Spawner | No Description | Cloud | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60420graphicID: 10026 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587649 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 227 portionSize: 1 |
60422 - AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster I | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-5% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587714typeID: 60422 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587713 iconID: 24792 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2531 (Booster Slot 14) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Duration Bonus: -5.0 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 14.0 |
60423 - AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster II | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-10% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587716typeID: 60423 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587715 iconID: 24793 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2531 (Booster Slot 14) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Duration Bonus: -10.0 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 14.0 |
60424 - AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster III | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-15% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587718typeID: 60424 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587717 iconID: 24794 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2531 (Booster Slot 14) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Duration Bonus: -15.0 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 14.0 |
60425 - AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster I | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-5% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587720typeID: 60425 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587719 iconID: 24792 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2790 (Booster Slot 15) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Maximum Scan Deviation Modifier: -5.0 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 15.0 |
60426 - AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster II | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-10% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587722typeID: 60426 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587721 iconID: 24793 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2790 (Booster Slot 15) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Maximum Scan Deviation Modifier: -10.0 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 15.0 |
60427 - AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster III | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-15% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587724typeID: 60427 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587723 iconID: 24794 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2790 (Booster Slot 15) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Maximum Scan Deviation Modifier: -15.0 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 15.0 |
60428 - AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster I | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
+5% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587726typeID: 60428 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587725 iconID: 24792 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2791 (Booster Slot 16) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 Scan Strength Bonus: 5.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 16.0 |
60429 - AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster II | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
+10% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587728typeID: 60429 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587727 iconID: 24793 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2791 (Booster Slot 16) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 Scan Strength Bonus: 10.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 16.0 |
60430 - AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster III | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
+15% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 21 attributes.descriptionID: 587730typeID: 60430 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587729 iconID: 24794 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2791 (Booster Slot 16) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Primary Skill required: 3405.0 Booster Duration: 7200000.0 Scan Strength Bonus: 15.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18940.4576389 Booster Slot: 16.0 |
60432 - 60432_Male_bottomOuter_PantsPrtm01_Types_PantsPrtm01_redblack.png | No Description | Bottoms | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 60432Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587732 iconID: 24872 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1090 portionSize: 1 |
60434 - 60434_Female_bottomOuter_PantsPrtF01_Types_PantsPrtF01_redblack.png | No Description | Bottoms | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 60434Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587737 iconID: 24874 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1090 portionSize: 1 |
60435 - 60435_Male_topMiddle_TshirtM01_Types_TshirtM01_BR_CH.png | No Description | Tops | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 60435Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587740 iconID: 24875 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1089 portionSize: 1 |
60436 - 60436_Female_TopMiddle_TshirtF01_Types_TshirtF01_BR_CH.png | No Description | Tops | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 60436Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587771 iconID: 24876 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1089 portionSize: 1 |
60437 - EDENCOM power generator wreck | No Description | Wreck | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.typeID: 60437graphicID: 25098 Capacity: 25000.0 typeNameID: 587777 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 25000.0 radius: 580.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 186 portionSize: 1 |
![]() |
60438 - EDENCOM Secure Shield Facility | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and offline its security features. | Spawn Container | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 587781typeID: 60438 graphicID: 25079 Capacity: 6000.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587780 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 9400.0 published: False Mass: 10000.0 groupID: 306 portionSize: 1 |
60439 - Rogue Drone Outgrowth Colony | This large colony of rogue drones represents a clear threat to the nearby systems. AIR has requested that capsuleers enter the colony and destroy its overseer drone.
The acceleration gate used to enter this drone colony allows passage for Tech 1 and Faction Frigates, as well as Tech 1 Destroyers. |
Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 587784typeID: 60439 graphicID: 1211 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587783 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 310 portionSize: 1 Untargetable: 1.0 |
60440 - Advanced Drone Outgrowth Colony | This large colony of rogue drones represents a clear threat to the nearby systems. AIR has requested that capsuleers enter the colony and destroy its overseer drone.
The acceleration gate used to enter this drone colony allows passage for Tech 1 and Faction Frigates, as well as Tech 1 Destroyers. |
Beacon | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 587786typeID: 60440 graphicID: 1211 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587785 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 groupID: 310 portionSize: 1 Untargetable: 1.0 |
60441 - Colony Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587788typeID: 60441 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587787 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 24.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 1300.0 Structure Hitpoints: 500.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 1000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 95.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 2000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 500.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 24000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 20.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 20.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.003 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 1000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 211.0 Orbit Velocity: 400.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 10000.0 |
60442 - Colony Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587790typeID: 60442 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587789 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 24.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 1300.0 Structure Hitpoints: 500.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 1000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 95.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 2000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 500.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 24000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 20.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 20.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.003 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 1000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 210.0 Orbit Velocity: 400.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 10000.0 |
60443 - Colony Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587792typeID: 60443 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587791 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 24.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 1300.0 Structure Hitpoints: 500.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -50.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 1000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 95.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 2000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 500.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 24000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 20.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 4.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 20.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.003 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 1000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 213.0 Orbit Velocity: 400.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 10000.0 |
60444 - Advanced Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587794typeID: 60444 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587793 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 32.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 2000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 800.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -60.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 2000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 140.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 800.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 30000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 30.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 6.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 40.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.006 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 5000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 212.0 Orbit Velocity: 500.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 13000.0 |
60445 - Advanced Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587796typeID: 60445 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587795 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 32.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 2000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 800.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -60.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 2000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 140.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 800.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 30000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 30.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 6.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 40.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.006 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 5000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 211.0 Orbit Velocity: 500.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 13000.0 |
60446 - Advanced Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587798typeID: 60446 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587797 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 32.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 2000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 800.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -60.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 2000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 140.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 800.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 30000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 30.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 6.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 40.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.006 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 5000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 210.0 Orbit Velocity: 500.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 13000.0 |
60447 - Advanced Nest Overseer | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Irregular Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 99 attributes.descriptionID: 587800typeID: 60447 graphicID: 1223 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587799 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 1500000.0 groupID: 1665 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 32.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 4.0 Shield Capacity: 2000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 800.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Velocity Bonus: -60.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 19000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: 0.0 Turret Tracking: 2000.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: 140.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: 20.0 Maximum Velocity: 3000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 Optimal Range: 36000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 800.0 Shield recharge time: 625000.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.2 Kinetic damage: 2.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorWebifierDuration: 5000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: 30000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 400000.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 2000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 30.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 6.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 10000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 10.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: 5000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 5000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 Neutralization Amount: 40.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: 25.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.006 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.67 EM damage: 2.0 Bounty: 5000000.0 Explosive damage: 2.0 gfxTurretID: 366.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 0.0 Rate of fire: 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 213.0 Orbit Velocity: 500.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 behaviorWebifierRange: 13000.0 |
60448 - Basic Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes.descriptionID: 587805typeID: 60448 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587804 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Booster Duration: 86400000.0 Charisma Modifier: 4.0 Intelligence Modifier: 4.0 Memory Modifier: 4.0 Perception Modifier: 4.0 Willpower Modifier: 4.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18919.4576389 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
60449 - Potent Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes.descriptionID: 587808typeID: 60449 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587806 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Booster Duration: 86400000.0 Charisma Modifier: 8.0 Intelligence Modifier: 8.0 Memory Modifier: 8.0 Perception Modifier: 8.0 Willpower Modifier: 8.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18919.4576389 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
60450 - Extended Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes.descriptionID: 587809typeID: 60450 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587807 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 2487 (Cerebral Accelerators) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Booster Duration: 259200000.0 Charisma Modifier: 6.0 Intelligence Modifier: 6.0 Memory Modifier: 6.0 Perception Modifier: 6.0 Willpower Modifier: 6.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18919.4576389 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
60451 - Typhoon Fleet Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect.
The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes.descriptionID: 587813typeID: 60451 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 587810 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Typhoon Fleet Issue Cryptic Mimesis skin_skinMaterialID: 324 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 10572 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [32311] skin_licenseTypeID: 60451 Applies to: Typhoon Fleet Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
60452 - Dominix Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect.
The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes.descriptionID: 587815typeID: 60452 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 587811 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Dominix Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis skin_skinMaterialID: 323 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 10573 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [32307] skin_licenseTypeID: 60452 Applies to: Dominix Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
60453 - Raven Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect.
The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 23 attributes.descriptionID: 587814typeID: 60453 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 587812 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2108 (Navy Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Raven Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis skin_skinMaterialID: 322 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 10574 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [17636] skin_licenseTypeID: 60453 Applies to: Raven Navy Issue isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
60454 - Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 0KQC | No Description | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.descriptionID: 587836typeID: 60454 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587835 iconID: 1192 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 Mass: 0.75 published: True portionSize: 1 groupID: 314 |
60455 - Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment GQ35 | No Description | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.descriptionID: 587838typeID: 60455 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587837 iconID: 1192 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 Mass: 0.75 published: True portionSize: 1 groupID: 314 |
60456 - Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 55EG | No Description | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.descriptionID: 587840typeID: 60456 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587839 iconID: 1192 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 Mass: 0.75 published: True portionSize: 1 groupID: 314 |
60457 - Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 52B7 | No Description | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.descriptionID: 587842typeID: 60457 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587841 iconID: 1192 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 Mass: 0.75 published: True portionSize: 1 groupID: 314 |
60458 - Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment JQH0 | No Description | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 11 attributes.descriptionID: 587844typeID: 60458 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 587843 iconID: 1192 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.1 Mass: 0.75 published: True portionSize: 1 groupID: 314 |
60459 - RDSD | Description pending | Triglavian Data | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587850typeID: 60459 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 135 typeNameID: 587849 Volume: 0.01 iconID: 21982 basePrice: 100000.0 marketGroupID: 2480 (Triglavian Data) metaGroupID: 1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 1995 portionSize: 1 |
60460 - LDSM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587852typeID: 60460 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587851 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60461 - LDDM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587854typeID: 60461 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587853 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60462 - LDTM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587856typeID: 60462 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587855 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60463 - HDSM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587858typeID: 60463 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587857 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60464 - HDDM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587860typeID: 60464 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587859 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60465 - HDTM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587862typeID: 60465 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587861 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60466 - HDRM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587864typeID: 60466 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587863 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60467 - SDSM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587866typeID: 60467 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587865 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60468 - SDDM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587868typeID: 60468 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587867 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60469 - SDTM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587870typeID: 60469 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587869 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60470 - SDRM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587872typeID: 60470 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587871 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60471 - LDRM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587874typeID: 60471 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587873 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60472 - MDSM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587876typeID: 60472 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587875 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60473 - MDDM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587878typeID: 60473 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587877 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60474 - MDTM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587880typeID: 60474 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587879 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60475 - MDRM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 16 attributes.descriptionID: 587882typeID: 60475 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587881 iconID: 22065 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2516 (Entropic Radiation Sink Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60476 - DDAM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 587884typeID: 60476 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 typeNameID: 587883 iconID: 22006 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2451 (Medium Astronautic Mutaplasmids) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60477 - FSUM | Description pending | Mutaplasmids | Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.descriptionID: 587886typeID: 60477 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587885 Volume: 1.0 iconID: 22008 basePrice: 1000.0 marketGroupID: 2750 (Capital Astronautic Mutaplasmids) metaGroupID: 1 isisGroupID: 4 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1964 portionSize: 1 |
60478 - LMRD | Description pending | Combat Drone | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587888typeID: 60478 graphicID: 1219 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 isDynamicType: True groupID: 100 typeNameID: 587887 Volume: 5.0 basePrice: 36184.0 marketGroupID: 837 (Light Scout Drones) metaGroupID: 15 radius: 15.0 metaLevel: 5 published: True portionSize: 1 Mass: 3000.0 variationParentTypeID: 2454 Primary Skill required: 24241.0 Tech Level: 2.0 Secondary Skill required: 12486.0 requiredSkill1Level: 5.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: 5.0 Tertiary Skill required: 3436.0 |
60479 - MMRD | Description pending | Combat Drone | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587890typeID: 60479 graphicID: 1224 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 isDynamicType: True groupID: 100 typeNameID: 587889 Volume: 10.0 basePrice: 95536.0 marketGroupID: 838 (Medium Scout Drones) metaGroupID: 15 radius: 20.0 metaLevel: 5 published: True portionSize: 1 Mass: 5000.0 variationParentTypeID: 2183 Primary Skill required: 33699.0 Tech Level: 2.0 Secondary Skill required: 12486.0 requiredSkill1Level: 5.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: 5.0 Tertiary Skill required: 3436.0 |
60480 - HMRD | Description pending | Combat Drone | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587892typeID: 60480 graphicID: 1222 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 isDynamicType: True groupID: 100 typeNameID: 587891 Volume: 25.0 basePrice: 271072.0 marketGroupID: 839 (Heavy Attack Drones) metaGroupID: 15 radius: 35.0 metaLevel: 5 published: True portionSize: 1 Mass: 12000.0 variationParentTypeID: 2444 Primary Skill required: 3441.0 Tech Level: 2.0 Secondary Skill required: 12486.0 requiredSkill1Level: 5.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: 5.0 Tertiary Skill required: 3436.0 |
60481 - SMRD | Description pending | Combat Drone | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587894typeID: 60481 graphicID: 1220 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 isDynamicType: True groupID: 100 typeNameID: 587893 Volume: 25.0 basePrice: 140000.0 marketGroupID: 911 (Sentry Drones) metaGroupID: 15 radius: 35.0 metaLevel: 5 published: True portionSize: 1 Mass: 12000.0 variationParentTypeID: 23561 Primary Skill required: 23594.0 Tech Level: 2.0 Secondary Skill required: 12486.0 requiredSkill1Level: 5.0 requiredSkill2Level: 1.0 requiredSkill3Level: 5.0 Tertiary Skill required: 3436.0 |
60482 - MDDA | Description pending | Drone Damage Modules | Click to toggle showing the 27 attributes.descriptionID: 587896typeID: 60482 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 5 isDynamicType: True typeNameID: 587895 Volume: 5.0 iconID: 10934 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 938 (Drone Upgrades) metaGroupID: 15 radius: 1.0 variationParentTypeID: 4393 published: True Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 2.0 groupID: 645 portionSize: 1 Primary Skill required: 3318.0 Drone Damage Bonus: 20.5 Structure Hitpoints: 40.0 CPU usage: 30.0 requiredSkill1Level: 4.0 requiredSkill2Level: 4.0 Secondary Skill required: 3436.0 Meta Level: 5.0 Powergrid Usage: 1.0 |
60483 - MFSU | Description pending | Fighter Support Unit | Click to toggle showing the 32 attributes.descriptionID: 587898typeID: 60483 Capacity: 0.0 metaLevel: 5 isDynamicType: True typeNameID: 587897 Volume: 4000.0 iconID: 2987 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 938 (Drone Upgrades) metaGroupID: 15 radius: 100.0 variationParentTypeID: 24283 published: True Mass: 200.0 Tech Level: 2.0 groupID: 407 portionSize: 1 Fighter Velocity Bonus: 1.06 Fighter ROF Bonus: 0.94 Fighter Shield Recharge Bonus: 0.94 Primary Skill required: 24613.0 Structure Hitpoints: 40.0 CPU usage: 75.0 Can be fitted to: 547.0 Can be fitted to: 659.0 requiredSkill1Level: 4.0 Can be fitted to: 45647.0 Can be fitted to: 45649.0 Meta Level: 5.0 Powergrid Usage: 90000.0 Fighter Shield Bonus: 1.06 |
![]() |
60484 - EDENCOM Astrahus under construction | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.typeID: 60484graphicID: 25108 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587899 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20225 radius: 16000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60485 - Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2021.10 | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/10/31. |
Booster | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 587911typeID: 60485 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587910 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 32768.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Booster Duration: 43200000.0 Charisma Modifier: 5.0 Intelligence Modifier: 5.0 Memory Modifier: 5.0 Perception Modifier: 5.0 Willpower Modifier: 5.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18932.6659722 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 19.0 |
60486 - Serenity YC123.10 DLI Firework Crate | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 587914typeID: 60486 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587913 iconID: 24278 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 1 Volume: 1.0 isisGroupID: 4 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 314 portionSize: 1 |
60487 - Serenity Special Cruisers Insurance | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Booster | Click to toggle showing the 20 attributes.descriptionID: 587922typeID: 60487 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587921 iconID: 24818 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18932.125 Booster Duration: 3024000000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 215.0 |
60488 - Serenity Special Frigates Insurance | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Booster | Click to toggle showing the 20 attributes.descriptionID: 587925typeID: 60488 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587924 iconID: 24818 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Expiry Date: 18932.125 Booster Duration: 3024000000.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 216.0 |
60489 - Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 587927typeID: 60489 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587926 iconID: 24821 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 1 Volume: 1.0 isisGroupID: 4 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 314 portionSize: 1 |
60490 - Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 587929typeID: 60490 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587928 iconID: 24821 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 1 Volume: 1.0 isisGroupID: 4 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 314 portionSize: 1 |
![]() |
60498 - Dungeon 9065 traffic FX | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60498graphicID: 25109 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587946 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
![]() |
60500 - Dungeon 9064 R0 traffic FX | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60500graphicID: 25110 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587947 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
![]() |
60501 - Dungeon 9064 R1 traffic FX | No Description | Non-Interactable Object | Click to toggle showing the 12 attributes.typeID: 60501graphicID: 25111 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587949 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1975 portionSize: 1 |
60505 - IOG | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 60 attributes.descriptionID: 587958typeID: 60505 graphicID: 1115 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587957 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 5000.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 20.0 Shield Capacity: 400.0 Structure Hitpoints: 200.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.8 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 4000.0 Turret Tracking: 300.0 Maximum Velocity: 1500.0 Signature Radius: 25.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 5000.0 Optimal Range: 10000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 800.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 Inertia Modifier: 20.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 7.5 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Shield recharge time: 125000.0 Bounty: 0.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 4000.0 shieldUniformity: 1.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 1.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 1.0 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 EM damage: 0.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Thermal damage: 30.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 |
60506 - ID | Description pending | Rogue Drone Entities | Click to toggle showing the 89 attributes.descriptionID: 587960typeID: 60506 graphicID: 1718 Capacity: 480.0 isDynamicType: False raceID: 134 typeNameID: 587959 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 5.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26470 radius: 15.0 factionID: 500025 published: False Mass: 17112500.0 groupID: 4037 portionSize: 1 Damage Modifier: 1.0 Shield Capacity: 7500.0 Structure Hitpoints: 16000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 entityChaseMaxDistance: 20000.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Accuracy falloff : 30000.0 Turret Tracking: 400.0 Maximum Velocity: 320.0 Signature Radius: 600.0 Capacitor Capacity: 6000.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 5000.0 Scan Resolution: 200.0 Optimal Range: 35000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 16000.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDuration: 5000.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 10.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerAmount: 1200.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.08 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 armorUniformity: 1.0 behaviorArmorRepairerDischarge: 20.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 253120.0 behaviorWarpScrambleDischarge: 1.0 behaviorWarpScrambleStrength: 2.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 25.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: 0.0 Armor Hitpoints Repaired: 400.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 0.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: 15000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 21000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: 12000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: 400.0 scanSpeed: 2000.0 Thermal damage: 0.0 Shield recharge time: 1250000.0 npcDroneCapacity: 10.0 npcDroneBandwidth: 5.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: 20000.0 shieldUniformity: 0.75 behaviorArmorRepairerDuration: 6000.0 Neutralization Amount: 1000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0 Signature Resolution: 40000.0 entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: 4.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.6 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 Maximum Targeting Range: 85000.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 EM damage: 0.0 Bounty: 5446219.227 Explosive damage: 0.0 gfxTurretID: 464.0 gfxBoosterID: 397.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Orbit Velocity: 125.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 3000.0 |
![]() |
60508 - EDENCOM power generator | No Description | Large Collidable Structure | Click to toggle showing the 18 attributes.typeID: 60508graphicID: 25097 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 587980 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20197 wreckTypeID: 60437 radius: 580.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 319 portionSize: 1 Structure Hitpoints: 700.0 Shield Capacity: 600.0 Armor Hitpoints: 500.0 Shield recharge time: 86400000.0 |
Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.
TypeID & Name | Description | Group |
57569 - Gate Control Code A | A randomization algorithm has been set up so that only one gate will lead to the Factory. | Acceleration Gate Keys |
57572 - Gate Control Code B | A randomization algorithm has been set up so that only one gate will lead to the Factory. | Acceleration Gate Keys |
57573 - Gate Control Code C | A randomization algorithm has been set up so that only one gate will lead to the Factory. | Acceleration Gate Keys |
Blueprint Name | Old BP Data | New BP Data | Raw Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Old Reprocessing Data | New Reprocessing Data | Raw Diff |
59633 - Strong Veilguard Booster (Booster) | No reprocessing data found. | 8x Megacyte 12x Pure Strong Crash Booster 15x Pure Strong Mindflood Booster 6x C3-FTM Acid |
8x 40 12x 25342 15x 25345 6x 30311 |
60244 - Analysis Beacon (Analysis Beacon) | No reprocessing data found. | 246000x Tritanium 5111x Pyerite 3556x Isogen 1840x Zydrine 120x Megacyte 10x Broadcast Node 2x Organic Mortar Applicators 4x Self-Harmonizing Power Core 4x Sterile Conduits 4x Wetware Mainframe 8x Guidance Systems |
246000x 34 5111x 35 3556x 37 1840x 39 120x 40 10x 2867 2x 2870 4x 2872 4x 2875 4x 2876 8x 9834 |
60448 - Basic Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | No reprocessing data found. | 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls | 1x 48927 |
60449 - Potent Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | No reprocessing data found. | 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls | 1x 48927 |
60450 - Extended Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | No reprocessing data found. | 1x Chromodynamic Tricarboxyls | 1x 48927 |
60478 - LMRD (Combat Drone) | No reprocessing data found. | 509x Tritanium 7x Pyerite 4x Isogen 2x Nocxium 1x Guidance Systems 1x Robotics 1x Morphite 1x Particle Accelerator Unit |
509x 34 7x 35 4x 37 2x 38 1x 9834 1x 9848 1x 11399 1x 11688 |
60479 - MMRD (Combat Drone) | No reprocessing data found. | 3413x Tritanium 2x Pyerite 224x Mexallon 11x Isogen 4x Zydrine 3x Guidance Systems 3x Robotics 3x Morphite 1x Particle Accelerator Unit |
3413x 34 2x 35 224x 36 11x 37 4x 39 3x 9834 3x 9848 3x 11399 1x 11688 |
60480 - HMRD (Combat Drone) | No reprocessing data found. | 258x Tritanium 4964x Pyerite 2x Nocxium 8x Megacyte 6x Guidance Systems 6x Robotics 6x Morphite 3x Particle Accelerator Unit |
258x 34 4964x 35 2x 38 8x 40 6x 9834 6x 9848 6x 11399 3x 11688 |
60481 - SMRD (Combat Drone) | No reprocessing data found. | 516x Tritanium 9929x Pyerite 4x Nocxium 18x Megacyte 5x Guidance Systems 5x Robotics 5x Morphite 3x Particle Accelerator Unit |
516x 34 9929x 35 4x 38 18x 40 5x 9834 5x 9848 5x 11399 3x 11688 |
60482 - MDDA (Drone Damage Modules) | No reprocessing data found. | 1230x Tritanium 234x Pyerite 380x Mexallon 4x Isogen 12x Zydrine 4x Megacyte 5x Transmitter 5x Miniature Electronics 8x Morphite 9x Photon Microprocessor |
1230x 34 234x 35 380x 36 4x 37 12x 39 4x 40 5x 9840 5x 9842 8x 11399 9x 11541 |
60483 - MFSU (Fighter Support Unit) | No reprocessing data found. | 2284920x Tritanium 584224x Pyerite 329284x Mexallon 39398x Isogen 10421x Nocxium 4892x Zydrine 2203x Megacyte 200x Guidance Systems 150x Morphite 235x Nanomechanical Microprocessor 221x Nanoelectrical Microprocessor 188x Quantum Microprocessor 244x Photon Microprocessor |
2284920x 34 584224x 35 329284x 36 39398x 37 10421x 38 4892x 39 2203x 40 200x 9834 150x 11399 235x 11538 221x 11539 188x 11540 244x 11541 |
60505 - IOG (Rogue Drone Entities) | No reprocessing data found. | 471x Tritanium 4x Mexallon 2x Nocxium |
471x 34 4x 36 2x 38 |
TypeID, Group, & Name | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff |
Attribute Name | Diff |
189 - targetFilterTypelistID | dataType: 12 => 1 description: Restrict activation to this one module group. => On a targeted module, module can only be activated against a target from this type list. name: targetGroup => targetFilterTypelistID |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Diff |
444 - Survey Scanner I (Survey Scanner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
482 - Miner II (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
483 - Miner I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
2333 - Survey Scanner II (Survey Scanner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
3651 - Civilian Miner (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5231 - EP-R Argon Ion Basic Excavation Pulse (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5233 - Single Diode Basic Mining Laser (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5235 - Xenon Basic Drilling Beam (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5237 - Rubin Basic Particle Bore Stream (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5239 - EP-S Gaussian Scoped Mining Laser (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5241 - Dual Diode Mining Laser I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5243 - XeCl Drilling Beam I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
5245 - Particle Bore Compact Mining Laser (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
6567 - ML-3 Amphilotite Mining Probe (Survey Scanner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
6569 - ML-3 Scoped Survey Scanner (Survey Scanner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
6571 - Rock-Scanning Sensor Array I (Survey Scanner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
6573 - 'Dactyl' Type-E Asteroid Analyzer (Survey Scanner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
12108 - Deep Core Mining Laser I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
16278 - Ice Harvester I (Strip Miner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
17482 - Strip Miner I (Strip Miner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
17912 - Modulated Strip Miner II (Frequency Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
18068 - Modulated Deep Core Miner II (Frequency Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
21841 - Gallente Mining Laser (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
22229 - Ice Harvester II (Strip Miner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
22921 - 'Habitat' Miner I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
22923 - 'Wild' Miner I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
24305 - Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II (Frequency Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
25266 - Gas Cloud Harvester I (Gas Cloud Harvester) | targetFilterTypelistID: 711.0 => None |
25540 - 'Crop' Gas Cloud Harvester (Gas Cloud Harvester) | targetFilterTypelistID: 711.0 => None |
25542 - 'Plow' Gas Cloud Harvester (Gas Cloud Harvester) | targetFilterTypelistID: 711.0 => None |
25812 - Gas Cloud Harvester II (Gas Cloud Harvester) | targetFilterTypelistID: 711.0 => None |
26849 - Tournament Bubble (Mobile Warp Disruptor) | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: 120000.0 => 1200000.0Shield Capacity: 40000.0 => 900000.0 Armor Hitpoints: 60000.0 => 600000.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Shield EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.001 Shield recharge time: 1200000.0 => 3000.0 isDynamicType: None => False |
28369 - Miner II (China) (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
28748 - ORE Deep Core Mining Laser (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
28750 - ORE Miner (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
28752 - ORE Ice Harvester (Strip Miner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
28754 - ORE Strip Miner (Strip Miner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
28788 - Syndicate Gas Cloud Harvester (Gas Cloud Harvester) | targetFilterTypelistID: 711.0 => None |
33400 - Bastion Module I (Siege Module) | Maximum Locked Targets: 13.0 => None |
37450 - Ice Mining Laser I (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
37451 - Ice Mining Laser II (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
37452 - ORE Ice Mining Laser (Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
43573 - ♦ Scorpion (♦ Battleship) | isDynamicType: None => False |
48780 - Citizen Miner (Citizen Mining Laser) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
48944 - November Module (Stasis Nullifiers) | Primary Skill required: 3435.0 => None requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 => None Used with (Charge Group): 87.0 => None published: True => False |
54658 - Triglavian Structure Mining Laser PLACEHOLDER (Strip Miner) | targetFilterTypelistID: 11.0 => None |
57586 - AEGIS Security Marshal (♦ Battleship) | typeNameID: 521348 => 575306 |
57762 - EDENCOM power generator (Large Collidable Object) | radius: 8785.0 => 600.0 graphicID: 24555 => 25097 wreckTypeID: None => 60437 |
59266 - AEGIS Proximity Mine (Large Collidable Object) | EM damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 Explosive damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 Kinetic damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 Thermal damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 |
59267 - AEGIS Proximity Mine (Large Collidable Object) | EM damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 Explosive damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 Kinetic damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 Thermal damage: 1000.0 => 10000.0 |
59633 - Strong Veilguard Booster (Booster) | metaGroupID: 1 => None |
59636 - Impairor Reenactment Drone (Irregular Frigate) | entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 => 0.0 |
59637 - Inquisitor Reenactment Drone (Irregular Frigate) | Signature Radius Modifier: None => 1.4 behaviorTargetPainterDuration: None => 12000.0 behaviorTargetPainterRange: None => 50000.0 behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: None => 20000.0 behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: None => 100.0 |
59641 - Punisher Reenactment Drone (Irregular Frigate) | Missile Damage Bonus: None => 2.5 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 0.74 Rate of fire: None => 8000.0 entityMissileTypeID: None => 213.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: None => 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: None => 3.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: None => 0.3 Explosion Velocity Bonus: None => 2.0 |
59642 - Prophecy Reenactment Drone (Irregular Battlecruiser) | Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 0.74 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0 => 14000.0 |
59643 - Elite Prophecy Reenactment Drone (Irregular Battlecruiser) | behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: 8000.0 => 14000.0 |
60128 - Capsule ASES SKIN (Permanent SKIN) | skin_types: [670] => [670, 33328] |
60201 - Colony Nest Scavenger (Irregular Frigate) | Click to toggle showing the 93 attributes.Mass: 21000000.0 => 1000000.0Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0 => 150.0 Maximum Velocity Bonus: None => -40.0 Maximum Velocity: 350.0 => 3500.0 Capacity: 950.0 => 1200.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 => 3000.0 Optimal Range: 3200.0 => 5000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 2000000.0 => 150000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.75 => 5.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.1 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 75000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Explosive damage: 32.0 => 1.3 Kinetic damage: 8.0 => 1.3 Accuracy falloff : 16000.0 => 8000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.1056 => 2000.0 Volume: 1010000.0 => 60.0 radius: 250.0 => 45.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 25.0 => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 20.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 10.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 => None gfxTurretID: 366.0 => 390.0 entityAttackRange: 100000.0 => None entityLootCountMin: None => 1.0 entityLootCountMax: None => 2.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.14 => 0.001 Shield Capacity: 5500.0 => 200.0 Armor Hitpoints: 6500.0 => 150.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 entityFlyRange: 7200.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: None => 4.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.77 => 0.25 entityAttackDelayMin: 3900.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 15600.0 => None Shield recharge time: 2000000.0 => 625000.0 Bounty: 30000.0 => 10000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 3000.0 => 500.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.105 => None Rate of fire: 1.0 => None entityMissileTypeID: 0.0 => None Orbit Velocity: 175.0 => 450.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 => 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 => None Signature Radius: 125.0 => 150.0 Scan Resolution: 115.0 => 1000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.625 => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => 1000.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 => 40000.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 => None entityArmorRepairAmount: 350.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 => None entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.65 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.65 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.4262 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 => 8000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7869 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceLarge: 0.6 => None entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: None => 4.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 27.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 100.0 => None behaviorWebifierDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorWebifierRange: None => 12000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: None => 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: None => 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: None => 40.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: None => 15.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: None => 6000.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: None => 2500.0 graphicID: 1718 => 1224 groupID: 802 => 1568 wreckTypeID: 48742 => 26591 |
60202 - Colony Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Click to toggle showing the 89 attributes.Mass: 21000000.0 => 1500000.0Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0 => 500.0 Maximum Velocity Bonus: None => -50.0 Maximum Velocity: 350.0 => 2000.0 Optimal Range: 3200.0 => 36000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 2000000.0 => 400000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.75 => 24.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.2 Neutralization Amount: None => 20.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.67 EM damage: 0.0 => 2.0 Explosive damage: 32.0 => 2.0 Kinetic damage: 8.0 => 2.0 Thermal damage: 0.0 => 2.0 Accuracy falloff : 16000.0 => 19000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.1056 => 1000.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0 => 7.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 25.0 => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 20.0 => None Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 20.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 => 4.0 entityAttackRange: 100000.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.14 => 0.003 Shield Capacity: 5500.0 => 1300.0 Armor Hitpoints: 6500.0 => 500.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 0.6 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 0.6 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 0.6 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 0.6 entityFlyRange: 7200.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 => None entityEquipmentMax: 2.0 => None entityReactionFactor: 0.77 => None entityAttackDelayMin: 3900.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 15600.0 => None Shield recharge time: 500000.0 => 625000.0 Bounty: 30000.0 => 1000000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 3000.0 => 2000.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.105 => None Rate of fire: 1.0 => 12000.0 entityMissileTypeID: 0.0 => 212.0 Orbit Velocity: 175.0 => 400.0 entityStrength: 4.0 => None Signature Radius: 125.0 => 300.0 Scan Resolution: 115.0 => 1000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.625 => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => 3000.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 => 40000.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 => 0.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 350.0 => 0.0 entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 => None entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.65 => 0.0 entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.65 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.4262 => 4.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7869 => 1.0 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => 1.0 entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.6 => None AI_ShouldUseTargetSwitching: 1.0 => None AI_ShouldUseSignatureRadius: 1.0 => None AI_ChanceToNotTargetSwitch: 0.0 => None AI_ShouldUseEffectMultiplier: 1.0 => None Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 => None entityOverviewShipGroupId: 27.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 100.0 => None behaviorWebifierDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorWebifierRange: None => 10000.0 behaviorWebifierFalloff: None => 0.0 behaviorWebifierDischarge: None => 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: None => 24000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: None => 1.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: None => 1.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: None => 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: None => 4000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: None => 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: None => 10.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: None => 95.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: None => 20.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: None => 5000.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: None => 5000.0 groupID: 801 => 1665 |
60203 - Colony Nest Guardian (Irregular Destroyer) | Click to toggle showing the 93 attributes.Mass: 21000000.0 => 1000000.0Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0 => 250.0 Maximum Velocity: 350.0 => 2600.0 Capacity: 950.0 => 1200.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 => 7000.0 Optimal Range: 3200.0 => 10000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 2000000.0 => 150000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.75 => 22.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.1 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 75000.0 Neutralization Amount: None => 10.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Explosive damage: 32.0 => 1.3 Kinetic damage: 8.0 => 1.3 Accuracy falloff : 16000.0 => 12000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.1056 => 1000.0 Volume: 1010000.0 => 60.0 radius: 250.0 => 45.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 25.0 => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 20.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 15.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 => None gfxTurretID: 366.0 => 390.0 entityAttackRange: 100000.0 => None entityLootCountMin: None => 1.0 entityLootCountMax: None => 2.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.14 => 0.002 Shield Capacity: 5500.0 => 450.0 Armor Hitpoints: 6500.0 => 300.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 entityFlyRange: 7200.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: None => 4.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.77 => 0.25 entityAttackDelayMin: 3900.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 15600.0 => None Shield recharge time: 2000000.0 => 625000.0 Bounty: 30000.0 => 20000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 3000.0 => 1000.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.105 => None Rate of fire: 1.0 => None entityMissileTypeID: 0.0 => None Orbit Velocity: 175.0 => 340.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 => 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 => None Signature Radius: 125.0 => 200.0 Scan Resolution: 115.0 => 700.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.625 => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => 3000.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 => 40000.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 => None entityArmorRepairAmount: 350.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 => None entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.65 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.65 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.4262 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 => 13000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7869 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.6 => None entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: None => 4.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 27.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 100.0 => None behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerRange: None => 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerFalloff: None => 8000.0 behaviorEnergyNeutralizerDischarge: None => 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: None => 100.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: None => 30.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: None => 7000.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: None => 7000.0 graphicID: 1220 => 1230 groupID: 803 => 1664 wreckTypeID: 26592 => 26591 |
60204 - Colony Nest Forager (Irregular Frigate) | Click to toggle showing the 84 attributes.Mass: 100000.0 => 1000000.0Maximum Velocity: 550.0 => 3000.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 => 4000.0 Optimal Range: 900.0 => 15000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 => 150000.0 Damage Modifier: 1.666666667 => 7.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.1 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 75000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 EM damage: 4.0 => 1.3 Thermal damage: 3.0 => 1.3 Accuracy falloff : 4000.0 => 10000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.35 => 2000.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 7.0 => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 7.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 10.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 => None gfxTurretID: 378.0 => 390.0 entityAttackRange: 5700.0 => None Security Status Kill Amount: 0.008125 => 0.001 Shield Capacity: 350.0 => 250.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.97 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.77 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.87 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.97 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.77 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.87 => 1.0 entityFlyRange: 1900.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 2.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: 6.0 => 2.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: 8.0 => 4.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.28 => 0.25 entityAttackDelayMin: 7275.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 29100.0 => None Shield recharge time: 500000.0 => 625000.0 Bounty: 4875.0 => 10000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 100.0 => 500.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.0 => None Rate of fire: 1.0 => None entityMissileTypeID: 0.0 => None Orbit Velocity: 275.0 => 500.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 => 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 => None Signature Radius: 25.0 => 100.0 Scan Resolution: 950.0 => 1000.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.125 => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => 1000.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 40.0 => 40000.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 => None entityArmorRepairAmount: 35.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 => None entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.18 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.18 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0244 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0244 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 3800.0 => 15000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.9878 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0244 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceSmall: 0.13 => None entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: None => 4.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 25.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 => None behaviorWarpDisruptDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorWarpDisruptRange: None => 11400.0 behaviorWarpDisruptDischarge: None => 2.0 behaviorWarpDisruptStrength: None => 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: None => 40.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: None => 15.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: None => 6000.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: None => 11000.0 groupID: 805 => 1568 |
60205 - Colony Nest Sentinel (Irregular Destroyer) | Click to toggle showing the 95 attributes.Mass: 21000000.0 => 1000000.0Structure Hitpoints: 5000.0 => 200.0 Maximum Velocity: 350.0 => 2000.0 Capacity: 950.0 => 1200.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 => 5000.0 Optimal Range: 3200.0 => 25000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 2000000.0 => 150000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.75 => 18.0 Inertia Modifier: None => 0.1 Maximum Targeting Range: None => 125000.0 Structure Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 Structure EM Damage Resistance: None => 1.0 EM damage: 0.0 => 1.3 Explosive damage: 32.0 => 0.0 Kinetic damage: 8.0 => 0.0 Thermal damage: 0.0 => 1.3 Accuracy falloff : 16000.0 => 15000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.1056 => 1000.0 Volume: 1010000.0 => 60.0 radius: 250.0 => 45.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 4.0 => 7.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 => None RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 0.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 25.0 => 0.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 20.0 => 0.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 15.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 => None gfxTurretID: 366.0 => 390.0 entityAttackRange: 100000.0 => None entityLootCountMin: None => 1.0 entityLootCountMax: None => 2.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.14 => 0.002 Shield Capacity: 5500.0 => 525.0 Armor Hitpoints: 6500.0 => 250.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.5 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 entityFlyRange: 7200.0 => None entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 => 0.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: None => 4.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.77 => 0.25 entityAttackDelayMin: 3900.0 => None entityAttackDelayMax: 15600.0 => None Shield recharge time: 2000000.0 => 625000.0 Bounty: 30000.0 => 20000.0 Capacitor Capacity: 3000.0 => 800.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.105 => None Rate of fire: 1.0 => None entityMissileTypeID: 0.0 => None Orbit Velocity: 175.0 => 300.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 => 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 => None Signature Radius: 125.0 => 200.0 Signature Radius Modifier: None => 30.0 Scan Resolution: 115.0 => 900.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 => 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.625 => 0.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 => 3000.0 Warp Speed Multiplier: None => 25.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 => 40000.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 => None entityArmorRepairAmount: 350.0 => None entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 => None entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 => None entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.65 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.65 => None Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => None Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.4262 => None entityChaseMaxDistance: 14400.0 => 20000.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 => None Disallows Assistance: 1.0 => None Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.7869 => None Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.4262 => None entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.6 => None entityMaxVelocitySignatureRadiusMultiplier: None => 4.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 27.0 => None Ignore Drones Below This Size: 100.0 => None behaviorTargetPainterDuration: None => 5000.0 behaviorTargetPainterRange: None => 11400.0 behaviorTargetPainterFalloff: None => 2.0 behaviorTargetPainterDischarge: None => 2.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterAmount: None => 100.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDischarge: None => 30.0 BehaviorShieldBoosterDuration: None => 7000.0 npcBehaviorMaximumCombatOrbitRange: None => 15000.0 graphicID: 1220 => 21818 groupID: 803 => 1664 wreckTypeID: 26592 => 26591 |
Mutator | Combines With | Produces | Mutations |
2203 - Acolyte I
2205 - Acolyte II 2454 - Hobgoblin I 2456 - Hobgoblin II 2464 - Hornet I 2466 - Hornet II 2486 - Warrior I 2488 - Warrior II 28262 - 'Integrated' Acolyte 28264 - 'Augmented' Acolyte 28274 - 'Integrated' Hobgoblin 28276 - 'Augmented' Hobgoblin 28278 - 'Integrated' Hornet 28280 - 'Augmented' Hornet 28302 - 'Integrated' Warrior 28304 - 'Augmented' Warrior 31864 - Imperial Navy Acolyte 31872 - Caldari Navy Hornet 31880 - Federation Navy Hobgoblin 31888 - Republic Fleet Warrior |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 1.0x - 1.3x Maximum Velocity: 1.0x - 1.3x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
2203 - Acolyte I
2205 - Acolyte II 2454 - Hobgoblin I 2456 - Hobgoblin II 2464 - Hornet I 2466 - Hornet II 2486 - Warrior I 2488 - Warrior II 28262 - 'Integrated' Acolyte 28264 - 'Augmented' Acolyte 28274 - 'Integrated' Hobgoblin 28276 - 'Augmented' Hobgoblin 28278 - 'Integrated' Hornet 28280 - 'Augmented' Hornet 28302 - 'Integrated' Warrior 28304 - 'Augmented' Warrior 31864 - Imperial Navy Acolyte 31872 - Caldari Navy Hornet 31880 - Federation Navy Hobgoblin 31888 - Republic Fleet Warrior |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 1.0x - 1.2x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
2203 - Acolyte I
2205 - Acolyte II 2454 - Hobgoblin I 2456 - Hobgoblin II 2464 - Hornet I 2466 - Hornet II 2486 - Warrior I 2488 - Warrior II 28262 - 'Integrated' Acolyte 28264 - 'Augmented' Acolyte 28274 - 'Integrated' Hobgoblin 28276 - 'Augmented' Hobgoblin 28278 - 'Integrated' Hornet 28280 - 'Augmented' Hornet 28302 - 'Integrated' Warrior 28304 - 'Augmented' Warrior 31864 - Imperial Navy Acolyte 31872 - Caldari Navy Hornet 31880 - Federation Navy Hobgoblin 31888 - Republic Fleet Warrior |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 1.0x - 1.3x Structure Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
1201 - Wasp I
2193 - Praetor I 2195 - Praetor II 2436 - Wasp II 2444 - Ogre I 2446 - Ogre II 2476 - Berserker I 2478 - Berserker II 28266 - 'Integrated' Berserker 28268 - 'Augmented' Berserker 28286 - 'Integrated' Ogre 28288 - 'Augmented' Ogre 28290 - 'Integrated' Praetor 28292 - 'Augmented' Praetor 28306 - 'Integrated' Wasp 28308 - 'Augmented' Wasp 31870 - Imperial Navy Praetor 31876 - Caldari Navy Wasp 31884 - Federation Navy Ogre 31892 - Republic Fleet Berserker |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 1.0x - 1.3x Maximum Velocity: 1.0x - 1.3x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
1201 - Wasp I
2193 - Praetor I 2195 - Praetor II 2436 - Wasp II 2444 - Ogre I 2446 - Ogre II 2476 - Berserker I 2478 - Berserker II 28266 - 'Integrated' Berserker 28268 - 'Augmented' Berserker 28286 - 'Integrated' Ogre 28288 - 'Augmented' Ogre 28290 - 'Integrated' Praetor 28292 - 'Augmented' Praetor 28306 - 'Integrated' Wasp 28308 - 'Augmented' Wasp 31870 - Imperial Navy Praetor 31876 - Caldari Navy Wasp 31884 - Federation Navy Ogre 31892 - Republic Fleet Berserker |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 1.0x - 1.2x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
1201 - Wasp I
2193 - Praetor I 2195 - Praetor II 2436 - Wasp II 2444 - Ogre I 2446 - Ogre II 2476 - Berserker I 2478 - Berserker II 28266 - 'Integrated' Berserker 28268 - 'Augmented' Berserker 28286 - 'Integrated' Ogre 28288 - 'Augmented' Ogre 28290 - 'Integrated' Praetor 28292 - 'Augmented' Praetor 28306 - 'Integrated' Wasp 28308 - 'Augmented' Wasp 31870 - Imperial Navy Praetor 31876 - Caldari Navy Wasp 31884 - Federation Navy Ogre 31892 - Republic Fleet Berserker |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 1.0x - 1.3x Structure Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
1201 - Wasp I
2193 - Praetor I 2195 - Praetor II 2436 - Wasp II 2444 - Ogre I 2446 - Ogre II 2476 - Berserker I 2478 - Berserker II 28266 - 'Integrated' Berserker 28268 - 'Augmented' Berserker 28286 - 'Integrated' Ogre 28288 - 'Augmented' Ogre 28290 - 'Integrated' Praetor 28292 - 'Augmented' Praetor 28306 - 'Integrated' Wasp 28308 - 'Augmented' Wasp 31870 - Imperial Navy Praetor 31876 - Caldari Navy Wasp 31884 - Federation Navy Ogre 31892 - Republic Fleet Berserker |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 1.0x - 1.3x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 1.0x - 1.3x |
23525 - Curator I
23559 - Warden I 23561 - Garde I 23563 - Bouncer I 28209 - Warden II 28211 - Garde II 28213 - Curator II 28215 - Bouncer II 31868 - Imperial Navy Curator 31878 - Caldari Navy Warden 31886 - Federation Navy Garde 31894 - Republic Fleet Bouncer |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 1.0x - 1.3x Maximum Velocity: 1.0x - 1.3x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
23525 - Curator I
23559 - Warden I 23561 - Garde I 23563 - Bouncer I 28209 - Warden II 28211 - Garde II 28213 - Curator II 28215 - Bouncer II 31868 - Imperial Navy Curator 31878 - Caldari Navy Warden 31886 - Federation Navy Garde 31894 - Republic Fleet Bouncer |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 1.0x - 1.2x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
23525 - Curator I
23559 - Warden I 23561 - Garde I 23563 - Bouncer I 28209 - Warden II 28211 - Garde II 28213 - Curator II 28215 - Bouncer II 31868 - Imperial Navy Curator 31878 - Caldari Navy Warden 31886 - Federation Navy Garde 31894 - Republic Fleet Bouncer |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 1.0x - 1.3x Structure Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
23525 - Curator I
23559 - Warden I 23561 - Garde I 23563 - Bouncer I 28209 - Warden II 28211 - Garde II 28213 - Curator II 28215 - Bouncer II 31868 - Imperial Navy Curator 31878 - Caldari Navy Warden 31886 - Federation Navy Garde 31894 - Republic Fleet Bouncer |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 1.0x - 1.3x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 1.0x - 1.3x |
2203 - Acolyte I
2205 - Acolyte II 2454 - Hobgoblin I 2456 - Hobgoblin II 2464 - Hornet I 2466 - Hornet II 2486 - Warrior I 2488 - Warrior II 28262 - 'Integrated' Acolyte 28264 - 'Augmented' Acolyte 28274 - 'Integrated' Hobgoblin 28276 - 'Augmented' Hobgoblin 28278 - 'Integrated' Hornet 28280 - 'Augmented' Hornet 28302 - 'Integrated' Warrior 28304 - 'Augmented' Warrior 31864 - Imperial Navy Acolyte 31872 - Caldari Navy Hornet 31880 - Federation Navy Hobgoblin 31888 - Republic Fleet Warrior |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 1.0x - 1.3x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 1.0x - 1.3x |
2173 - Infiltrator I
2175 - Infiltrator II 2183 - Hammerhead I 2185 - Hammerhead II 15508 - Vespa I 15510 - Valkyrie I 21638 - Vespa II 21640 - Valkyrie II 28270 - 'Integrated' Hammerhead 28272 - 'Augmented' Hammerhead 28282 - 'Integrated' Infiltrator 28284 - 'Augmented' Infiltrator 28294 - 'Integrated' Valkyrie 28296 - 'Augmented' Valkyrie 28298 - 'Integrated' Vespa 28300 - 'Augmented' Vespa 31866 - Imperial Navy Infiltrator 31874 - Caldari Navy Vespa 31882 - Federation Navy Hammerhead 31890 - Republic Fleet Valkyrie |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 1.0x - 1.3x Maximum Velocity: 1.0x - 1.3x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
2173 - Infiltrator I
2175 - Infiltrator II 2183 - Hammerhead I 2185 - Hammerhead II 15508 - Vespa I 15510 - Valkyrie I 21638 - Vespa II 21640 - Valkyrie II 28270 - 'Integrated' Hammerhead 28272 - 'Augmented' Hammerhead 28282 - 'Integrated' Infiltrator 28284 - 'Augmented' Infiltrator 28294 - 'Integrated' Valkyrie 28296 - 'Augmented' Valkyrie 28298 - 'Integrated' Vespa 28300 - 'Augmented' Vespa 31866 - Imperial Navy Infiltrator 31874 - Caldari Navy Vespa 31882 - Federation Navy Hammerhead 31890 - Republic Fleet Valkyrie |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 1.0x - 1.2x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
2173 - Infiltrator I
2175 - Infiltrator II 2183 - Hammerhead I 2185 - Hammerhead II 15508 - Vespa I 15510 - Valkyrie I 21638 - Vespa II 21640 - Valkyrie II 28270 - 'Integrated' Hammerhead 28272 - 'Augmented' Hammerhead 28282 - 'Integrated' Infiltrator 28284 - 'Augmented' Infiltrator 28294 - 'Integrated' Valkyrie 28296 - 'Augmented' Valkyrie 28298 - 'Integrated' Vespa 28300 - 'Augmented' Vespa 31866 - Imperial Navy Infiltrator 31874 - Caldari Navy Vespa 31882 - Federation Navy Hammerhead 31890 - Republic Fleet Valkyrie |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 1.0x - 1.3x Structure Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Optimal Range: 0.7x - 1.15x Armor Hitpoints: 1.0x - 1.3x Accuracy falloff : 0.7x - 1.15x |
2173 - Infiltrator I
2175 - Infiltrator II 2183 - Hammerhead I 2185 - Hammerhead II 15508 - Vespa I 15510 - Valkyrie I 21638 - Vespa II 21640 - Valkyrie II 28270 - 'Integrated' Hammerhead 28272 - 'Augmented' Hammerhead 28282 - 'Integrated' Infiltrator 28284 - 'Augmented' Infiltrator 28294 - 'Integrated' Valkyrie 28296 - 'Augmented' Valkyrie 28298 - 'Integrated' Vespa 28300 - 'Augmented' Vespa 31866 - Imperial Navy Infiltrator 31874 - Caldari Navy Vespa 31882 - Federation Navy Hammerhead 31890 - Republic Fleet Valkyrie |
No Valid Output => |
Damage Modifier: 0.7x - 1.1x Turret Tracking: 0.7x - 1.15x Maximum Velocity: 0.7x - 1.15x Shield Capacity: 0.7x - 1.15x Structure Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Optimal Range: 1.0x - 1.3x Armor Hitpoints: 0.7x - 1.15x Accuracy falloff : 1.0x - 1.3x |
Effect Name | Diff |
6658 - moduleBonusBastionModule | modifierInfo: [{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2116, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2342}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2135, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2352}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2112, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2351}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2113, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2353}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2114, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2424}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 211, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1027}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 210, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1029}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 208, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1030}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 209, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1028}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 20}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 192, 'operation': 7, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 192}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 104, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 852}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2354, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2354}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2343, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2343}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 84, 'modifyingAttributeID': 895, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3393}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 68, 'modifyingAttributeID': 548, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3416}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 351, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3309}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 351, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3307}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 351, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3308}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 158, 'modifyingAttributeID': 349, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3309}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 158, 'modifyingAttributeID': 349, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3307}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 158, 'modifyingAttributeID': 349, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3308}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 547, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3325}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 547, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3326}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 547, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3324}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3109, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3307}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3109, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3309}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3109, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3308}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3326}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3325}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 20213}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 20212}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 267, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 267}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 269, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 269}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 268, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 268}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 270, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 270}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 113, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 974}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 111, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 975}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 109, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 976}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 110, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 977}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 271, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 271}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 273, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 273}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 272, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 272}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 274, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 274}] => [{'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2116, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2342}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2135, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2352}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2112, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2351}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2113, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2353}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2114, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2424}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 211, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1027}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 210, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1029}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 208, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1030}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 209, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 1028}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'operation': 6, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 20}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 104, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 852}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2354, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2354}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 2343, 'operation': 2, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 2343}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 84, 'modifyingAttributeID': 895, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3393}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 68, 'modifyingAttributeID': 548, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3416}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 351, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3309}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 351, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3307}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 54, 'modifyingAttributeID': 351, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3308}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 158, 'modifyingAttributeID': 349, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3309}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 158, 'modifyingAttributeID': 349, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3307}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 158, 'modifyingAttributeID': 349, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3308}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 547, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3325}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 547, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3326}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 37, 'modifyingAttributeID': 547, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3324}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3109, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3307}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3109, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3309}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3109, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3308}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3326}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 3325}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 20213}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 51, 'modifyingAttributeID': 3108, 'func': 'LocationRequiredSkillModifier', 'operation': 6, 'skillTypeID': 20212}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 267, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 267}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 269, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 269}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 268, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 268}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 270, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 270}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 113, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 974}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 111, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 975}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 109, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 976}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 110, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 977}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 271, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 271}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 273, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 273}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 272, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 272}, {'domain': 'shipID', 'modifiedAttributeID': 274, 'operation': 0, 'func': 'ItemModifier', 'modifyingAttributeID': 274}] |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Effects Changes |
52907 - Zirnitra (Dreadnought) | Added Effects: shipAdvancedSpaceshipCommandAgilityBonus |
60201 - Colony Nest Scavenger (Irregular Frigate) | Added Effects: npcBehaviorWebifier npcBehaviorShieldBooster Changed Effects: targetAttack: 1 => 0 Removed Effects: entityShieldBoostingLarge |
60202 - Colony Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster Changed Effects: targetAttack: 1 => 0 Removed Effects: entityShieldBoostingMedium |
60203 - Colony Nest Guardian (Irregular Destroyer) | Added Effects: npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster Changed Effects: targetAttack: 1 => 0 Removed Effects: entityShieldBoostingMedium |
60204 - Colony Nest Forager (Irregular Frigate) | Added Effects: behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorShieldBooster Changed Effects: targetAttack: 1 => 0 Removed Effects: entityShieldBoostingSmall |
60205 - Colony Nest Sentinel (Irregular Destroyer) | Added Effects: behaviorTargetPainter npcBehaviorShieldBooster Changed Effects: targetAttack: 1 => 0 Removed Effects: entityShieldBoostingMedium |
60255 - IA (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorArmorRepairer |
60316 - IR (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity behaviorTargetPainter |
60317 - IA (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60318 - IP (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorWebifier npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer |
60321 - AEGIS Security Marshal (♦ Battleship) | Added Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity behaviorTargetPainter behaviorECM |
60322 - AEGIS Security Marshal (♦ Battleship) | Added Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity behaviorTargetPainter behaviorECM |
60323 - AEGIS Security Enforcer (♦ Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack behaviorWarpDisrupt |
60324 - AEGIS Security Enforcer (♦ Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack behaviorWarpDisrupt |
60325 - AEGIS Security Enforcer (♦ Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack behaviorWarpDisrupt |
60326 - AEGIS Security Pacifier (♦ Frigate) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorWebifier |
60327 - AEGIS Security Pacifier (♦ Frigate) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorWebifier |
60331 - IE (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60332 - IJ (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpScramble |
60333 - GS (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60382 - IB (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack behaviorWarpScramble npcBehaviorArmorRepairer |
60389 - EDENCOM construction dock (Spawn Container) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60390 - EDENCOM construction dock (Spawn Container) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60391 - EDENCOM construction dock (Spawn Container) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60392 - EDENCOM construction dock (Spawn Container) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60410 - Gate Control System (Spawn Container) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60418 - Drone Light Stasis Tower (Destructible Sentry Gun) | Added Effects: modifyTargetSpeed2 |
60422 - AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster I (Booster) | Added Effects: systemScanDurationSkillAstrometrics |
60423 - AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster II (Booster) | Added Effects: systemScanDurationSkillAstrometrics |
60424 - AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster III (Booster) | Added Effects: systemScanDurationSkillAstrometrics |
60425 - AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster I (Booster) | Added Effects: baseMaxScanDeviationModifierRequiringAstrometrics |
60426 - AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster II (Booster) | Added Effects: baseMaxScanDeviationModifierRequiringAstrometrics |
60427 - AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster III (Booster) | Added Effects: baseMaxScanDeviationModifierRequiringAstrometrics |
60428 - AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster I (Booster) | Added Effects: baseSensorStrengthModifierRequiringAstrometrics |
60429 - AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster II (Booster) | Added Effects: baseSensorStrengthModifierRequiringAstrometrics |
60430 - AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster III (Booster) | Added Effects: baseSensorStrengthModifierRequiringAstrometrics |
60441 - Colony Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60442 - Colony Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60443 - Colony Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60444 - Advanced Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60445 - Advanced Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60446 - Advanced Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60447 - Advanced Nest Overseer (Irregular Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack missileLaunchingForEntity npcBehaviorWebifier behaviorWarpDisrupt npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorShieldBooster |
60448 - Basic Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar |
60449 - Potent Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar |
60450 - Extended Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar |
60478 - LMRD (Combat Drone) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60479 - MMRD (Combat Drone) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60480 - HMRD (Combat Drone) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60481 - SMRD (Combat Drone) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60482 - MDDA (Drone Damage Modules) | Added Effects: loPower online moduleBonusDroneDamageAmplifier |
60483 - MFSU (Fighter Support Unit) | Added Effects: hiPower online moduleBonusFighterSupportUnit |
60485 - Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2021.10 (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar |
60505 - IOG (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
60506 - ID (Rogue Drone Entities) | Added Effects: targetAttack npcBehaviorEnergyNeutralizer npcBehaviorArmorRepairer |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Name | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff |
Key | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff | Usage |
71150 | Tournament Bubble TEST | Tournament Bubble | Tournament Bubble |
Name of item 26849 (Mobile Warp Disruptor) |
220684 | Show Introduction Movie on Next Login | |||
232182 | Input Method Editor | |||
232183 | Use EVE IME | |||
239378 | Close IME | |||
239431 | Open IME | |||
521348 | AEGIS Security Marshal | ♦ Scorpion | Name of item 43573 (♦ Battleship) | |
523166 | The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match. | The first Scorpion-class battleship was launched only a couple of years ago, and those that have been built are considered to be prototypes. Little is known of its capabilities, but what has been garnered suggests that the Scorpion is crammed to the brink with sophisticated hi-tech equipment that few can match. | Description of item "♦ Scorpion" (43573) | |
546171 | <url=showinfo:{[item]typeID}//{[item]typeID}>{[item]typeID.name}</url> | |||
550357 | This bioadaptive mutaplasmid tool is designed to interface with and alter devices that mitigate the impact of critical system damage and provide short bursts of extreme damage resistances. As such this mutaplasmid could be used to mutate the performance characteristics of assault damage control modules.
Triglavian bioadaptive technology makes extensive use of engineered colonies of extremophilic bacteria, that are used to grow, harvest and adapt various resources found in Abyssal Deadspace. Artificial colonizing plasmids integrated into specialist tools used for direct adaptation of technology can be found in Triglavian caches in various stages of development. These mutaplasmids can be used to alter the characteristics of a wide variety of equipment types, depending on the strain and the bioadaptive tool with which they are integrated. The mutaplasmid colony integrated into this bioadaptive tool has begun to decay and mutation effects will be less pronounced as a result. While possible mutational benefits are low, the risks of using this mutaplasmid are also reduced. |
This bioadaptive mutaplasmid tool is designed to interface with and alter devices that mitigate the impact of critical system damage and provide short bursts of extreme damage resistances. As such this mutaplasmid could be used to mutate the performance characteristics of assault damage control modules.
Triglavian bioadaptive technology makes extensive use of engineered colonies of extremophilic bacteria, that are used to grow, harvest and adapt various resources found in Abyssal Deadspace. Artificial colonizing plasmids integrated into specialist tools used for direct adaptation of technology can be found in Triglavian caches in various stages of development. These mutaplasmids can be used to alter the characteristics of a wide variety of equipment types, depending on the strain and the bioadaptive tool with which they are integrated. The mutaplasmid colony integrated into this bioadaptive tool appears to be mature and reproducing at a healthy rate. The mutational benefits and risks of using this mutaplasmid are within relatively balanced bounds. |
This bioadaptive mutaplasmid tool is designed to interface with and alter devices that mitigate the impact of critical system damage and provide short bursts of extreme damage resistances. As such this mutaplasmid could be used to mutate the performance characteristics of assault damage control modules. Triglavian bioadaptive technology makes extensive use of engineered colonies of extremophilic bacteria, that are used to grow, harvest and adapt various resources found in Abyssal Deadspace. Artificial colonizing plasmids integrated into specialist tools used for direct adaptation of technology can be found in Triglavian caches in various stages of development. These mutaplasmids can be used to alter the characteristics of a wide variety of equipment types, depending on the strain and the bioadaptive tool with which they are integrated. The mutaplasmid colony integrated into this bioadaptive tool |
Description of item "Gravid Assault Damage Control Mutaplasmid" (52229) |
550358 | This bioadaptive mutaplasmid tool is designed to interface with and alter devices that mitigate the impact of critical system damage and provide short bursts of extreme damage resistances. As such this mutaplasmid could be used to mutate the performance characteristics of assault damage control modules.
Triglavian bioadaptive technology makes extensive use of engineered colonies of extremophilic bacteria, that are used to grow, harvest and adapt various resources found in Abyssal Deadspace. Artificial colonizing plasmids integrated into specialist tools used for direct adaptation of technology can be found in Triglavian caches in various stages of development. These mutaplasmids can be used to alter the characteristics of a wide variety of equipment types, depending on the strain and the bioadaptive tool with which they are integrated. The mutaplasmid colony integrated into this bioadaptive tool has begun to decay and mutation effects will be less pronounced as a result. While possible mutational benefits are low, the risks of using this mutaplasmid are also reduced. |
This bioadaptive mutaplasmid tool is designed to interface with and alter devices that mitigate the impact of critical system damage and provide short bursts of extreme damage resistances. As such this mutaplasmid could be used to mutate the performance characteristics of assault damage control modules.
Triglavian bioadaptive technology makes extensive use of engineered colonies of extremophilic bacteria, that are used to grow, harvest and adapt various resources found in Abyssal Deadspace. Artificial colonizing plasmids integrated into specialist tools used for direct adaptation of technology can be found in Triglavian caches in various stages of development. These mutaplasmids can be used to alter the characteristics of a wide variety of equipment types, depending on the strain and the bioadaptive tool with which they are integrated. The mutaplasmid colony integrated into this bioadaptive tool is highly unstable, with a high rate of reproduction and mutation. The mutational benefits of using this mutaplasmid are potentially very high but the risks are also extreme. |
This bioadaptive mutaplasmid tool is designed to interface with and alter devices that mitigate the impact of critical system damage and provide short bursts of extreme damage resistances. As such this mutaplasmid could be used to mutate the performance characteristics of assault damage control modules. Triglavian bioadaptive technology makes extensive use of engineered colonies of extremophilic bacteria, that are used to grow, harvest and adapt various resources found in Abyssal Deadspace. Artificial colonizing plasmids integrated into specialist tools used for direct adaptation of technology can be found in Triglavian caches in various stages of development. These mutaplasmids can be used to alter the characteristics of a wide variety of equipment types, depending on the strain and the bioadaptive tool with which they are integrated. The mutaplasmid colony integrated into this bioadaptive tool |
Description of item "Unstable Assault Damage Control Mutaplasmid" (52231) |
567914 | Toggle IME | |||
574154 | This structure, once deployed and having completed its automatic activation process, will act as a cynosural beacon that can be used by fleet members of the owner at the time of deployment. | This structure, once deployed and having completed its automatic activation process, will act as a cynosural beacon that can be used by fleet members of the owner at the time of deployment.
Cannot be retrieved once deployed. |
This structure, once deployed and having completed its automatic activation process, will act as a cynosural beacon that can be used by fleet members of the owner at the time of deployment. Cannot be retrieved once deployed. |
Description of item "Mobile Cynosural Beacon" (57319) |
575172 | Gate Control Code A | Name of item 57569 (Acceleration Gate Keys) | ||
575173 | A randomization algorithm has been set up so that only one gate will lead to the Factory. | Description of item "No item name" (57569) | ||
575175 | Gate Control Code B | Name of item 57572 (Acceleration Gate Keys) | ||
575176 | A randomization algorithm has been set up so that only one gate will lead to the Factory. | Description of item "No item name" (57572) | ||
575177 | Gate Control Code C | Name of item 57573 (Acceleration Gate Keys) | ||
575178 | A randomization algorithm has been set up so that only one gate will lead to the Factory. | Description of item "No item name" (57573) | ||
575306 | ♦ Scorpion (copy) | AEGIS Security Marshal | Name of item 57586 (♦ Battleship) | |
576062 | AEGIS Security Garrison | EDENCOM power generator | Name of item 57762 (Large Collidable Object) | |
580780 | As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-15 |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-15 |
Description of item "AEGIS Proximity Mine" (57556) |
580783 | AEGIS Security Garrisons are the nerve-centers and docks for the defense systems and security forces of Capital Ship Security Facilities. The forces guarding this installation are heavily-armed and should be avoided at all costs. | This EDENCOM power generator facility is online, and provides power to any nearby online infrastructure. | Description of item "EDENCOM power generator" (57762) | |
582209 | As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o100-20 |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o100-20 |
Description of item "AEGIS Proximity Mine" (59266) |
582211 | As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o100-10 |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o100-10 |
Description of item "AEGIS Proximity Mine" (59267) |
583253 | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Allpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Alpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Al |
583795 | This structure, once deployed and having completed its automatic activation process, will act as a covert cynosural beacon that can be used by fleet members of the owner at the time of deployment. | This structure, once deployed and having completed its automatic activation process, will act as a covert cynosural beacon that can be used by fleet members of the owner at the time of deployment.
Cannot be retrieved once deployed. |
This structure, once deployed and having completed its automatic activation process, will act as a covert cynosural beacon that can be used by fleet members of the owner at the time of deployment. Cannot be retrieved once deployed. |
Description of item "Covert Mobile Cynosural Beacon" (59630) |
584170 | As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-10 |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-10 |
Description of item "AEGIS Proximity Mine" (59733) |
584172 | As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces.
Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-05 |
As an organization with a strong interest in the development of fortification and area denial technology, EDENCOM's AEGIS organization created a variety of enhanced proximity mine designs during the Triglavian Invasions. While EDENCOM uses these static weapons extensively, AEGIS has also made these designs available to CONCORD's military and police forces. Many CONCORD and EDENCOM installations with enhanced security have a number of proximity mines sowed throughout the facilities they guard. These mines are very dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Code: o10-05 |
Description of item "AEGIS Proximity Mine" (59734) |
585391 | This coded container is a Secure Key Generator that holds a Reserve Security Key for Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) reserve banks in the Secure Commerce Commission's North-East Encounter Surveillance Quadrant.
The SCC defines its North-East Encounter Surveillance Quadrant as encompassing star systems in the following regions: Cobalt Edge, Etherium Reach, The Kalevala Expanse, Malpais, Oasa, Outer Passage, Perrigen Falls, The Spire, Vale of the Silent, and Cache |
This coded container is a Secure Key Generator that holds a Reserve Security Key for Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) reserve banks in the Secure Commerce Commission's North-West Encounter Surveillance Quadrant.
The SCC defines its North-West Encounter Surveillance Quadrant as encompassing star systems in the following regions: Branch, Deklein, Pure Blind, Tenal, Tribute, Venal, Cloud Ring, Fade, Fountain, Outer Ring, and Syndicate |
This coded container is a Secure Key Generator that holds a Reserve Security Key for Encounter Surveillance System (ESS) reserve banks in the Secure Commerce Commission's North- The SCC defines its North- <b> |
Description of item "NW ESS Key Generator" (59967) |
585492 | Caldari Enforcers focused on bounty hunting start their career flying Tech 1 Caldari frigates before moving on to destroyers, such as the Academy Corax. Bounty Hunter combat performance benefitd from numerous skills enhancing defenses and ship handling. Bounty Hunters will further enhance their ability to eliminate their targets by training skills to improve the damage, accuracy, and range of their weapon systems. To find suitable targets, head to the Combat Anomalies panel in the Agency. |
Caldari Enforcers focused on bounty hunting start their career flying Tech 1 Caldari frigates before moving on to destroyers, such as the Academy Corax. Bounty Hunter combat performance benefits from numerous skills enhancing defenses and ship handling. Bounty Hunters will further enhance their ability to eliminate their targets by training skills to improve the damage, accuracy, and range of their weapon systems. To find suitable targets, head to the Combat Anomalies panel in the Agency. |
Caldari Enforcers focused on bounty hunting start their career flying Tech 1 Caldari frigates before moving on to destroyers, such as the <a href="fitting:32876:31586;1:8091;7:31716;1:8133;1:6441;1:31370;1:54291;1:4787;1:22291;1:6003;1:210;1000:211;1000:212;1000:213;1000::">Academy Corax</a>. Bounty Hunter combat performance benefit Bounty Hunters will further enhance their ability to eliminate their targets by training skills to improve the damage, accuracy, and range of their weapon systems. To find suitable targets, head to the <a href="localsvc:contentGroupID=38&method=AgencyOpenAndShow">Combat Anomalies</a> panel in the Agency. |
585500 | Gallente Enforcers focused on mission running start their career flying Tech 1 Gallente frigates before moving on to destroyers, such as the Academy Algos. Mission Runner combat performance benefitd from numerous skills enhancing weapons, defenses, and ship handling. Mission Runners will also gain an advantage by training social skills to improve their relations with agents, increase access to missions, and enhance the rewards for their work. To find suitable mission agents, head to the Security Agents panel in the Agency. |
Gallente Enforcers focused on mission running start their career flying Tech 1 Gallente frigates before moving on to destroyers, such as the Academy Algos. Mission Runner combat performance benefits from numerous skills enhancing weapons, defenses, and ship handling. Mission Runners will also gain an advantage by training social skills to improve their relations with agents, increase access to missions, and enhance the rewards for their work. To find suitable mission agents, head to the Security Agents panel in the Agency. |
Gallente Enforcers focused on mission running start their career flying Tech 1 Gallente frigates before moving on to destroyers, such as the <a href="fitting:32872:9632;1:23527;1:41034;2:26929;1:31800;2:6003;1:3829;1:6296;1:7253;5:2203;5:2454;3:15510;2:222;3000::">Academy Algos</a>. Mission Runner combat performance benefit Mission Runners will also gain an advantage by training social skills to improve their relations with agents, increase access to missions, and enhance the rewards for their work. To find suitable mission agents, head to the <a href="localsvc:contentGroupID=23&method=AgencyOpenAndShow">Security Agents</a> panel in the Agency. |
585890 | <html><body></body></html> | <html><body></body></html> | UI/NewActivitiesNotify/ActivityInfo/nullHtml | |
585911 | <html>
<head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css" />--> </head> <body> <p class="title_h3" align=center>Details of UAV Crash Permit Activities</p> <p>After the routine maintenance on June 11, New Eden will start the EoM fighter operation (active time is from 11:00 on June 11 to 11:00 on June 30), and the Federal Navy calls on all cloned pilots of New Eden Actively fight against the notorious elite warriors of the human balance force and smash the conspiracy behind it. Complete the mission of EoM annihilation in the interstellar agency, and you can get a series of rich rewards</p> <p>At the same time, the mall will simultaneously launch the EoM Fighter Season Pass and the EoM Fighter Points Amplifier after the routine maintenance on June 11, and you can get it with the <font class="blueHighlighting">EoM Fighter Season Pass</font> A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. In addition, the EoM Fighting Season Pass was used, and between the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 12 and the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 15, the EoM Fighting Campaign <font class="blueHighlighting">point increase</font class="blueHighlighting"> font>Available when the following value is reached or exceeded:</p> <p>300 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 1</p> <p>450 points, fury-class naval federal police camouflage 2</p> <p>750 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 3</p> <p class="blueHighlighting">Notes:</p> <p class="blueHighlighting">- The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="blueHighlighting">- The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="partTitle">EoM Fighter Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Bronze Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighting Silver Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Golden Points Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Platinum Integral Amplifier</p> </body> </html> |
<html> <head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css" />--> </head> <body> <p class="title_h3" align=center>Details of UAV Crash Permit Activities</p> <p>After the routine maintenance on June 11, New Eden will start the EoM fighter operation (active time is from 11:00 on June 11 to 11:00 on June 30), and the Federal Navy calls on all cloned pilots of New Eden Actively fight against the notorious elite warriors of the human balance force and smash the conspiracy behind it. Complete the mission of EoM annihilation in the interstellar agency, and you can get a series of rich rewards</p> <p>At the same time, the mall will simultaneously launch the EoM Fighter Season Pass and the EoM Fighter Points Amplifier after the routine maintenance on June 11, and you can get it with the <font class="blueHighlighting">EoM Fighter Season Pass</font> A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. In addition, the EoM Fighting Season Pass was used, and between the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 12 and the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 15, the EoM Fighting Campaign <font class="blueHighlighting">point increase</font class="blueHighlighting"> font>Available when the following value is reached or exceeded:</p> <p>300 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 1</p> <p>450 points, fury-class naval federal police camouflage 2</p> <p>750 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 3</p> <p class="blueHighlighting">Notes:</p> <p class="blueHighlighting"><b>-</b> The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="blueHighlighting"><b>-</b> The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="partTitle">EoM Fighter Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Bronze Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighting Silver Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Golden Points Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Platinum Integral Amplifier</p> </body> </html> |
UI/NewActivitiesNotify/ActivityInfo/defaultLayout1 | |
585963 | <html>
<head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css"> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css" /> --> </head> <body> <div class="title_h3">Exclusive gift package, rare ship</div> <div class="subTitle">Activity time: May 30, 11:00-613, 11:00</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥550</div> <div class="partTitle">360-day special package</div> <div class="part">360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥680</div> <div class="partTitle">360 days<font class="yellowHighlighting">exclusive</font> gift package</div> <p class="part">Limited release of rare power ships, Demon class, limited time release of rare power ships, Demon class, time release of rare power ships Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Force Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Power Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release</p> </body> </html> |
<html> <head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css"> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css" /> --> </head> <body> <div class="title_h3">Exclusive gift package, rare ship</div> <div class="subTitle">Activity time: May 30, 11:00-613, 11:00</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥550</div> <div class="partTitle">360-day special package</div> <div class="part">360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥680</div> <div class="partTitle">360 days<font class="yellowHighlighting">exclusive</font> gift package</div> <p class="part">Limited release of rare power ships, Demon class, limited time release of rare power ships, Demon class, time release of rare power ships Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Force Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Power Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release</p> </body> </html> |
UI/NewActivitiesNotify/ActivityInfo/defaultLayout2 | |
586165 | Close | Close | UI/NewActivitiesWindow/Close | |
586166 | Go to Buy | Go to Buy | UI/NewActivitiesWindow/GoToBuy | |
586167 | <html>
<head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css"> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css" /> --> </head> <body> <div class="title_h3">Exclusive gift package, rare ship</div> <div class="subTitle">Activity time: May 30, 11:00-613, 11:00</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥550</div> <div class="partTitle">360-day special package</div> <div class="part">360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥680</div> <div class="partTitle">360 days<font class="yellowHighlighting">exclusive</font> gift package</div> <p class="part">Limited release of rare power ships, Demon class, limited time release of rare power ships, Demon class, time release of rare power ships Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Force Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Power Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release</p> </body> </html> |
<html> <head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css"> <!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_2.css" /> --> </head> <body> <div class="title_h3">Exclusive gift package, rare ship</div> <div class="subTitle">Activity time: May 30, 11:00-613, 11:00</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/activities/Omega_Icon.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥550</div> <div class="partTitle">360-day special package</div> <div class="part">360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package 360-day special package</div> <div class="iconList"> <div class="iconContainer"> <!-- <img class="imgIcon" src="../Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> --> <img class="imgIcon" src="res:/UI/Texture/LoginCampaigns/BSP_Weekend.png"> <div class="iconDescript">TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder TextPalceholder</div> </div> </div> <div class="partTitle">¥680</div> <div class="partTitle">360 days<font class="yellowHighlighting">exclusive</font> gift package</div> <p class="part">Limited release of rare power ships, Demon class, limited time release of rare power ships, Demon class, time release of rare power ships Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Force Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release Rare Power Ship Demon-Class Limited Time Release</p> </body> </html> |
586168 | <html> <head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css" />--> </head> <body> <p class="title_h3" align=center>Details of UAV Crash Permit Activities</p> <p>After the routine maintenance on June 11, New Eden will start the EoM fighter operation (active time is from 11:00 on June 11 to 11:00 on June 30), and the Federal Navy calls on all cloned pilots of New Eden Actively fight against the notorious elite warriors of the human balance force and smash the conspiracy behind it. Complete the mission of EoM annihilation in the interstellar agency, and you can get a series of rich rewards</p> <p>At the same time, the mall will simultaneously launch the EoM Fighter Season Pass and the EoM Fighter Points Amplifier after the routine maintenance on June 11, and you can get it with the <font class="blueHighlighting">EoM Fighter Season Pass</font> A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. In addition, the EoM Fighting Season Pass was used, and between the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 12 and the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 15, the EoM Fighting Campaign <font class="blueHighlighting">point increase</font class="blueHighlighting"> font>Available when the following value is reached or exceeded:</p> <p>300 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 1</p> <p>450 points, fury-class naval federal police camouflage 2</p> <p>750 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 3</p> <p class="blueHighlighting">Notes:</p> <p class="blueHighlighting">- The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="blueHighlighting">- The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="partTitle">EoM Fighter Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Bronze Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighting Silver Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Golden Points Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Platinum Integral Amplifier</p> </body> </html> |
<html> <head> <LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="res:/ui/css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css"> <!--<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/activityInfo/defaultLayout_1.css" />--> </head> <body> <p class="title_h3" align=center>Details of UAV Crash Permit Activities</p> <p>After the routine maintenance on June 11, New Eden will start the EoM fighter operation (active time is from 11:00 on June 11 to 11:00 on June 30), and the Federal Navy calls on all cloned pilots of New Eden Actively fight against the notorious elite warriors of the human balance force and smash the conspiracy behind it. Complete the mission of EoM annihilation in the interstellar agency, and you can get a series of rich rewards</p> <p>At the same time, the mall will simultaneously launch the EoM Fighter Season Pass and the EoM Fighter Points Amplifier after the routine maintenance on June 11, and you can get it with the <font class="blueHighlighting">EoM Fighter Season Pass</font> A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. In addition, the EoM Fighting Season Pass was used, and between the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 12 and the routine maintenance at 11:00 on June 15, the EoM Fighting Campaign <font class="blueHighlighting">point increase</font class="blueHighlighting"> font>Available when the following value is reached or exceeded:</p> <p>300 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 1</p> <p>450 points, fury-class naval federal police camouflage 2</p> <p>750 points, fury class naval federal police camouflage 3</p> <p class="blueHighlighting">Notes:</p> <p class="blueHighlighting"><b>-</b> The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="blueHighlighting"><b>-</b> The EoM Fighter Season Pass and EoM Fighter Points Amplifier will be added to the store after the routine maintenance on June 11th. You can also get the EoM Fighter Season Pass. A series of additional rewards including Eden coins, free skill points, and federal naval equipment. </p> <p class="partTitle">EoM Fighter Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Bronze Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighting Silver Integral Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Golden Points Amplifier</p> <p class="">EoM Fighter Platinum Integral Amplifier</p> </body> </html> |
586413 | EDENCOM Shield Facility | EDENCOM Shield Facility | Name of item 60173 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
586414 | Upwell Storage Facility 01 | Upwell Storage Facility 01 | Name of item 60174 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
586518 | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Allpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Alpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Al |
586529 | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Allpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Alpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Al |
586540 | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Allpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Alpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Al |
586551 | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Allpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Alpha-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control is activated within 15 seconds. | Beta-15s Twin-Linked Gate Control has been activated. The Security Gate will only unlock if Al |
586624 | Swarm Overmind Secundus | Colony Nest Overseer | Name of item 60202 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
586625 | A deadly rogue drone controlled by a Rogue Swarm AI classified as an 'Overmind Secundus'. This entity is the guiding intelligence of the local rogue drone infestation and its destruction is a priority.
These commanders are paramount among the Swarm Infestation's network of advanced AIs. The Swarm Overmind Secundus is a heavily-armed, powerful war drone but will still deploy its slaved rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Only when forced to expose itself in order to preserve the nest will this supreme intelligence emerge from its lair. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone These commanders are Only when forced to expose itself i |
Description of item "Colony Nest Overseer" (60202) |
586627 | Swarm Overmind Tertius | Colony Nest Guardian | Name of item 60203 (Irregular Destroyer) | |
586628 | A deadly rogue drone controlled by a Rogue Swarm AI classified as an 'Overmind Tertius'. This entity is the guiding intelligence of the local rogue drone infestation and its destruction is a priority.
These commanders are paramount among the Swarm Infestation's network of advanced AIs. The Swarm Overmind Tertius is a heavily-armed, powerful war drone but will still deploy its slaved rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Only when forced to expose itself in order to preserve the nest will this supreme intelligence emerge from its lair. |
This rogue drone is dedicated to the defense of the local colony nest and is well-armed for that purpose. These drones will respond to any perceived threat to the colony, and in sufficient numbers will tear apart any intruder and feed its materials to the expanding infestation. | These commanders are paramount among the Swarm Infestation's network of advanced AIs. The Swarm Overmind Tertius is a heavily-armed, powerful war drone but will still deploy its slaved rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Only when forced to expose itself in order to preserve the nest will this supreme intelligence emerge from its lair |
Description of item "Colony Nest Guardian" (60203) |
586629 | Swarm Overmind Tertius | Colony Nest Sentinel | Name of item 60205 (Irregular Destroyer) | |
586630 | A deadly rogue drone controlled by a Rogue Swarm AI classified as an 'Overmind Tertius'. This entity is the guiding intelligence of the local rogue drone infestation and its destruction is a priority.
These commanders are paramount among the Swarm Infestation's network of advanced AIs. The Swarm Overmind Tertius is a heavily-armed, powerful war drone but will still deploy its slaved rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Only when forced to expose itself in order to preserve the nest will this supreme intelligence emerge from its lair. |
This rogue drone is dedicated to the defense of the local colony nest and is well-armed for that purpose. These drones will respond to any perceived threat to the colony, and in sufficient numbers will tear apart any intruder and feed its materials to the expanding infestation. | These commanders are paramount among the Swarm Infestation's network of advanced AIs. The Swarm Overmind Tertius is a heavily-armed, powerful war drone but will still deploy its slaved rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Only when forced to expose itself in order to preserve the nest will this supreme intelligence emerge from its lair |
Description of item "Colony Nest Sentinel" (60205) |
586632 | Rogue Drone Event 2021 Wave Spawner | Rogue Drone Event 2021 WaveHS Spawner | Rogue Drone Event 2021 WaveHS Spawner | Name of item 60206 (Cloud) |
586722 | The Association for Interdisciplinary Research has observed a concerning increase in rogue drone activity and has asked capsuleers to investigate.
AIR Rogue Drone Researchers sites are abandoned research and observation facilities appropriate for capsuleer explorers equipped with data analyzer modules. Rogue Drone Outgrowth Colony sites are full of hostile drones and are appropriate for combat-capable capsuleers flying Tech 1 Destroyers or Tech 1 and Faction Frigates. The sites are appearing in most areas of space, and the versions found in low security space are the most difficult and most rewarding. |
The Association for Interdisciplinary Research has observed a concerning increase in rogue drone activity and has asked capsuleers to investigate. AIR Rogue Drone Researchers sites are abandoned research and observation facilities appropriate for capsuleer explorers equipped with data analyzer modules. Rogue Drone Outgrowth Colony sites are full of hostile drones and are appropriate for combat-capable capsuleers flying Tech 1 Destroyers or Tech 1 and Faction Frigates. The sites are appearing in most areas of space, and the versions found in low security space are the most difficult and most rewarding. |
586727 | 5 Rogue Drones Destroyed | Rogue Drones Destroyed | ||
586736 | 3 Drone Analysis Nodes Opened | Drone Analysis Nodes Opened | ||
586742 | 5 Rogue Drones Destroyed | Rogue Drones Destroyed | ||
586748 | 3 Drone Analysis Nodes Opened | Drone Analysis Nodes Opened | ||
586749 | Data DownloadHack 3 AIR Rogue Drone Analysis Nodes and retrieve whatever is inside them. | Data Download Hack 2 AIR Rogue Drone Analysis Nodes and retrieve whatever is inside them. |
<b>Data Download</b> <i>Hack |
586787 | Analysis Beacon | Analysis Beacon | Description of group ID 4137 | |
586788 | Analysis Beacon | Analysis Beacon | Name of item 60244 (Analysis Beacon) | |
586789 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "Analysis Beacon" (60244) | |
586904 | IA | IA | Name of item 60255 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
586905 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IA" (60255) | |
587014 | Ignore Triggers Test Dungeon | Ignore Triggers Test Dungeon | ||
587015 | Proximity | Proximity | ||
587016 | Counter | Counter | ||
587017 | Timer | Timer | ||
587018 | Completion | Completion | ||
587019 | Proximity | Proximity | ||
587020 | Counter | Counter | ||
587021 | Timer | Timer | ||
587022 | Completion | Completion | ||
587226 | IR | IR | Name of item 60316 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587227 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IR" (60316) | |
587228 | IA | IA | Name of item 60317 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587229 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IA" (60317) | |
587230 | IP | IP | Name of item 60318 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587231 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IP" (60318) | |
587232 | Linking | Linking | UI/Inflight/SpaceComponents/LinkWithShip/TimerLabel | |
587237 | AEGIS Security Marshal | AEGIS Security Marshal | Name of item 60321 (♦ Battleship) | |
587238 | This Marshal-class battleship is a heavy response vessel of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this formidable combat battleship. | This Marshal-class battleship is a heavy response vessel of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this formidable combat battleship. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Marshal" (60321) | |
587239 | AEGIS Security Marshal | AEGIS Security Marshal | Name of item 60322 (♦ Battleship) | |
587240 | This Marshal-class battleship is a heavy response vessel of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this formidable combat battleship. | This Marshal-class battleship is a heavy response vessel of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this formidable combat battleship. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Marshal" (60322) | |
587241 | AEGIS Security Enforcer | AEGIS Security Enforcer | Name of item 60323 (♦ Cruiser) | |
587242 | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Enforcer" (60323) | |
587243 | AEGIS Security Enforcer | AEGIS Security Enforcer | Name of item 60324 (♦ Cruiser) | |
587244 | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Enforcer" (60324) | |
587245 | AEGIS Security Enforcer | AEGIS Security Enforcer | Name of item 60325 (♦ Cruiser) | |
587246 | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | This Enforcer-class cruiser is a type of vessel that forms the backbone of the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this deadly attack cruiser. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Enforcer" (60325) | |
587247 | AEGIS Security Pacifier | AEGIS Security Pacifier | Name of item 60326 (♦ Frigate) | |
587248 | This Pacifier-class frigate provides a light screening capability to the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this rapid attack frigate. | This Pacifier-class frigate provides a light screening capability to the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this rapid attack frigate. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Pacifier" (60326) | |
587249 | AEGIS Security Pacifier | AEGIS Security Pacifier | Name of item 60327 (♦ Frigate) | |
587250 | This Pacifier-class frigate provides a light screening capability to the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this rapid attack frigate. | This Pacifier-class frigate provides a light screening capability to the AEGIS Security forces guarding the Capital Ship Security Facility. It would be unwise to draw the attention of this rapid attack frigate. | Description of item "AEGIS Security Pacifier" (60327) | |
587270 | IE | IE | Name of item 60331 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587271 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IE" (60331) | |
587272 | IJ | IJ | Name of item 60332 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587273 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IJ" (60332) | |
587274 | GS | GS | Name of item 60333 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587275 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "GS" (60333) | |
587294 | Scanning | Scanning | UI/Inflight/SpaceComponents/HostileBaiter/TimerLabel | |
587295 | Scanning disrupted | Scanning disrupted | UI/Inflight/SpaceComponents/HostileBaiter/TimerLabelBlocked | |
587360 | ABS (Do not translate) | ABS (Do not translate) | Name of item 60375 (Cloud) | |
587539 | Cannot activate {[item]moduleTypeID.name} on {targetName}. It is an unsuitable target type for this module. | Cannot activate {[item]moduleTypeID.name} on {targetName}. It is an unsuitable target type for this module. | ||
587540 | Waystation | Waystation | ||
587541 | Decoy Beacon | Decoy Beacon | ||
587552 | IB | IB | Name of item 60382 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587553 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IB" (60382) | |
587585 | EDENCOM construction dock | EDENCOM construction dock | Name of item 60389 (Spawn Container) | |
587586 | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Description of item "EDENCOM construction dock" (60389) | |
587587 | EDENCOM construction dock | EDENCOM construction dock | Name of item 60390 (Spawn Container) | |
587588 | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Description of item "EDENCOM construction dock" (60390) | |
587589 | EDENCOM construction dock | EDENCOM construction dock | Name of item 60391 (Spawn Container) | |
587590 | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Description of item "EDENCOM construction dock" (60391) | |
587591 | EDENCOM construction dock | EDENCOM construction dock | Name of item 60392 (Spawn Container) | |
587592 | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and steal some valuable resources. | Description of item "EDENCOM construction dock" (60392) | |
587594 | Shield facility shield collision | Shield facility shield collision | Name of item 60393 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587595 | Upwell EDENCOM station hub | Upwell EDENCOM station hub | Name of item 60394 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587596 | Upwell EDENCOM station | Upwell EDENCOM station | Name of item 60395 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587597 | Upwell EDENCOM power generator | Upwell EDENCOM power generator | Name of item 60396 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587598 | Upwell EDENCOM power generator wreck | Upwell EDENCOM power generator wreck | Name of item 60397 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587599 | Upwell EDENCOM transfer relay | Upwell EDENCOM transfer relay | Name of item 60398 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587600 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 01 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 01 | Name of item 60399 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587601 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 01 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 01 | Name of item 60400 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587602 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 02 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 02 | Name of item 60401 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587603 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 02 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 02 | Name of item 60402 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587604 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 03 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 03 | Name of item 60403 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587605 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 03 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 03 | Name of item 60404 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587606 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 04 | Upwell EDENCOM construction dock 04 | Name of item 60405 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587607 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 04 | Upwell EDENCOM inactive construction dock 04 | Name of item 60406 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587608 | Damage Resistance Bonus | Damage Resistance Bonus | ||
587609 | EDENCOM factory frame and docks | EDENCOM factory frame and docks | Name of item 60407 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587610 | EDENCOM factory superstructure | EDENCOM factory superstructure | Name of item 60408 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587611 | EDENCOM factory active | EDENCOM factory active | Name of item 60409 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587612 | Gate Control System | Gate Control System | Name of item 60410 (Spawn Container) | |
587613 | This gate control system will redirect one of the gates to the Waystation Area. Prior to activation, all gates are currently pointed towards a decoy beacon intended to screen any unauthorized travelers. | This gate control system will redirect one of the gates to the Waystation Area. Prior to activation, all gates are currently pointed towards a decoy beacon intended to screen any unauthorized travelers. | Description of item "Gate Control System" (60410) | |
587614 | [PLACEHOLDER] LINK BONUSES | [PLACEHOLDER] LINK BONUSES | UI/Inflight/EwarHints/LinkWithShipBonuses | |
587624 | Gate A is active. | Gate A is active. | ||
587625 | Gate B is active. | Gate B is active. | ||
587626 | Gate C is active. | Gate C is active. | ||
587641 | Activate Gate | Activate Gate | ||
587642 | Lock Gate | Lock Gate | ||
587646 | Drone Light Stasis Tower | Drone Light Stasis Tower | Name of item 60418 (Destructible Sentry Gun) | |
587647 | Rogue Drone stasis web sentry | Rogue Drone stasis web sentry | Description of item "Drone Light Stasis Tower" (60418) | |
587648 | Rogue Drone Event 2021 WaveLS Spawner | Rogue Drone Event 2021 WaveLS Spawner | Name of item 60419 (Cloud) | |
587649 | Rogue Drone Event 2021 BossLS Spawner | Rogue Drone Event 2021 BossLS Spawner | Name of item 60420 (Cloud) | |
587713 | AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster I | AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster I | Name of item 60422 (Booster) | |
587714 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-5% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>-5% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster I" (60422) | |
587715 | AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster II | AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster II | Name of item 60423 (Booster) | |
587716 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-10% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>-10% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster II" (60423) | |
587717 | AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster III | AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster III | Name of item 60424 (Booster) | |
587718 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-15% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>-15% Scan Probe Scan Time. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Acquisition Booster III" (60424) | |
587719 | AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster I | AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster I | Name of item 60425 (Booster) | |
587720 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-5% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>-5% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster I" (60425) | |
587721 | AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster II | AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster II | Name of item 60426 (Booster) | |
587722 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-10% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>-10% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster II" (60426) | |
587723 | AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster III | AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster III | Name of item 60427 (Booster) | |
587724 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
-15% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>-15% Scan Probe Deviation. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Pinpointing Booster III" (60427) | |
587725 | AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster I | AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster I | Name of item 60428 (Booster) | |
587726 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
+5% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>+5% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster I" (60428) | |
587727 | AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster II | AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster II | Name of item 60429 (Booster) | |
587728 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
+10% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>+10% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster II" (60429) | |
587729 | AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster III | AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster III | Name of item 60430 (Booster) | |
587730 | This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts.
+15% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours. This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on November 9th YC123 |
This booster has been developed by the Association for Interdisciplinary Research to assist with their cutting-edge exploration efforts. <b>+15% Scan Probe Strength. Base Duration 2 hours.</b> This booster has been manufactured using volatile compounds and will expire on <b>November 9th YC123</b> |
Description of item "AIR Astro-Rangefinding Booster III" (60430) | |
587732 | 60432_Male_bottomOuter_PantsPrtm01_Types_PantsPrtm01_redblack.png | 60432_Male_bottomOuter_PantsPrtm01_Types_PantsPrtm01_redblack.png | Name of item 60432 (Bottoms) | |
587737 | 60434_Female_bottomOuter_PantsPrtF01_Types_PantsPrtF01_redblack.png | 60434_Female_bottomOuter_PantsPrtF01_Types_PantsPrtF01_redblack.png | Name of item 60434 (Bottoms) | |
587740 | 60435_Male_topMiddle_TshirtM01_Types_TshirtM01_BR_CH.png | 60435_Male_topMiddle_TshirtM01_Types_TshirtM01_BR_CH.png | Name of item 60435 (Tops) | |
587771 | 60436_Female_TopMiddle_TshirtF01_Types_TshirtF01_BR_CH.png | 60436_Female_TopMiddle_TshirtF01_Types_TshirtF01_BR_CH.png | Name of item 60436 (Tops) | |
587777 | EDENCOM power generator wreck | EDENCOM power generator wreck | Name of item 60437 (Wreck) | |
587780 | EDENCOM Secure Shield Facility | EDENCOM Secure Shield Facility | Name of item 60438 (Spawn Container) | |
587781 | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and offline its security features. | If you have the right equipment you might be able to hack into the security of this facility and offline its security features. | Description of item "EDENCOM Secure Shield Facility" (60438) | |
587783 | Rogue Drone Outgrowth Colony | Rogue Drone Outgrowth Colony | Name of item 60439 (Beacon) | |
587784 | This large colony of rogue drones represents a clear threat to the nearby systems. AIR has requested that capsuleers enter the colony and destroy its overseer drone.
The acceleration gate used to enter this drone colony allows passage for Tech 1 and Faction Frigates, as well as Tech 1 Destroyers. |
This large colony of rogue drones represents a clear threat to the nearby systems. AIR has requested that capsuleers enter the colony and destroy its overseer drone. The acceleration gate used to enter this drone colony allows passage for Tech 1 and Faction Frigates, as well as Tech 1 Destroyers. |
Description of item "Rogue Drone Outgrowth Colony" (60439) | |
587785 | Advanced Drone Outgrowth Colony | Advanced Drone Outgrowth Colony | Name of item 60440 (Beacon) | |
587786 | This large colony of rogue drones represents a clear threat to the nearby systems. AIR has requested that capsuleers enter the colony and destroy its overseer drone.
The acceleration gate used to enter this drone colony allows passage for Tech 1 and Faction Frigates, as well as Tech 1 Destroyers. |
This large colony of rogue drones represents a clear threat to the nearby systems. AIR has requested that capsuleers enter the colony and destroy its overseer drone. The acceleration gate used to enter this drone colony allows passage for Tech 1 and Faction Frigates, as well as Tech 1 Destroyers. |
Description of item "Advanced Drone Outgrowth Colony" (60440) | |
587787 | Colony Nest Overseer | Colony Nest Overseer | Name of item 60441 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587788 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Colony Nest Overseer" (60441) | |
587789 | Colony Nest Overseer | Colony Nest Overseer | Name of item 60442 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587790 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Colony Nest Overseer" (60442) | |
587791 | Colony Nest Overseer | Colony Nest Overseer | Name of item 60443 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587792 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Colony Nest Overseer" (60443) | |
587793 | Advanced Nest Overseer | Advanced Nest Overseer | Name of item 60444 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587794 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Advanced Nest Overseer" (60444) | |
587795 | Advanced Nest Overseer | Advanced Nest Overseer | Name of item 60445 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587796 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Advanced Nest Overseer" (60445) | |
587797 | Advanced Nest Overseer | Advanced Nest Overseer | Name of item 60446 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587798 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Advanced Nest Overseer" (60446) | |
587799 | Advanced Nest Overseer | Advanced Nest Overseer | Name of item 60447 (Irregular Cruiser) | |
587800 | A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority.
These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
A deadly rogue drone that commands the local colony nest and oversees the expansion of the local rogue drone infestation. Destruction of this powerful entity is a priority. These commanders are highly intelligent and typically focus on the growth of their colony, and will usually deploy lesser rogue drones until such defenders are eliminated. Despite this, these powerful drones are heavily-armed, and when forced to act to preserve the nest they will emerge and join battle against intruders. |
Description of item "Advanced Nest Overseer" (60447) | |
587804 | Basic Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Basic Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Name of item 60448 (Booster) | |
587805 | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Description of item "Basic Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator" (60448) | |
587806 | Potent Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Potent Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Name of item 60449 (Booster) | |
587807 | Extended Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Extended Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator | Name of item 60450 (Booster) | |
587808 | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Description of item "Potent Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator" (60449) | |
587809 | Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI.
While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Although very similar in effect to the CONCORD-approved line of Cerebral Accelerators, the Rogue Swarm Accelerator is a repurposed piece of technology retrieved from the wreck of a drone controlled by a Colony Overseer AI. While this reverse-engineered device will successfully accelerate the formation of neurosynaptic pathways associated with capsuleer skill training, CONCORD authorities have warned against the use of illicit AI technology due to its unpredictable and dangerous nature. Volatile compounds were used to create this cerebral accelerator, limiting its shelf life. It will cease to function on October 19th, YC123. |
Description of item "Extended Rogue Swarm Cerebral Accelerator" (60450) | |
587810 | Typhoon Fleet Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Typhoon Fleet Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Name of item 60451 (Permanent SKIN) | |
587811 | Dominix Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Dominix Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Name of item 60452 (Permanent SKIN) | |
587812 | Raven Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Raven Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN | Name of item 60453 (Permanent SKIN) | |
587813 | Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect.
The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect. The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Description of item "Typhoon Fleet Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN" (60451) | |
587814 | Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect.
The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect. The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Description of item "Raven Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN" (60453) | |
587815 | Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect.
The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Military experts have studied rogue drones extensively in an effort to learn useful techniques from these inscrutable, collective intelligences. Many observer units have attempted close-range study using a combination nanocoating and holoprojection method of imitating rogue drones, so as to achieve a kind of camouflage effect. The success rate of such attempts has not been released publicly but is thought to somewhat low. Oddly enough, the rather unusual look that can be achieved using the attempted camouflage method has caught the eye of some spaceship captains. The nanocoating and holography patterns may have limited utility as practical camouflage but its aesthetic properties has a certain appeal and can be seen being flaunted by some pilots plying the spacelanes of New Eden. |
Description of item "Dominix Navy Issue Cryptic Mimesis SKIN" (60452) | |
587816 | Gate has been activated for 5 minutes | Gate has been activated for 5 minutes | ||
587817 | Gate has been locked | Gate has been locked | ||
587832 | Advanced Drone Outgrowth Colony | Advanced Drone Outgrowth Colony | ||
587833 | You must be within {[numeric]maxLinkRange.distance} to begin the link process. | You must be within {[numeric]maxLinkRange.distance} to begin the link process. | ||
587834 | Target is not in valid state for linking. | Target is not in valid state for linking. | ||
587835 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 0KQC | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 0KQC | Name of item 60454 (Miscellaneous) | |
587837 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment GQ35 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment GQ35 | Name of item 60455 (Miscellaneous) | |
587839 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 55EG | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 55EG | Name of item 60456 (Miscellaneous) | |
587841 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 52B7 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment 52B7 | Name of item 60457 (Miscellaneous) | |
587843 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment JQH0 | Intercepted Rogue Drone Communications Fragment JQH0 | Name of item 60458 (Miscellaneous) | |
587845 | Your ship successfully completes the link process with {[item]linkTypeID.name}. | Your ship successfully completes the link process with {[item]linkTypeID.name}. | ||
587846 | Your ship failed to complete the link process with {[item]linkTypeID.name}. | Your ship failed to complete the link process with {[item]linkTypeID.name}. | ||
587847 | Your ship starts the link process with {[item]linkTypeID.name}. | Your ship starts the link process with {[item]linkTypeID.name}. | ||
587848 | Begin Link | Begin Link | UI/Inflight/SpaceComponents/LinkWithShip/BeginLink | |
587849 | RDSD | RDSD | Name of item 60459 (Triglavian Data) | |
587850 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "RDSD" (60459) | |
587851 | LDSM | LDSM | Name of item 60460 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587852 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "LDSM" (60460) | |
587853 | LDDM | LDDM | Name of item 60461 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587854 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "LDDM" (60461) | |
587855 | LDTM | LDTM | Name of item 60462 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587856 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "LDTM" (60462) | |
587857 | HDSM | HDSM | Name of item 60463 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587858 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "HDSM" (60463) | |
587859 | HDDM | HDDM | Name of item 60464 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587860 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "HDDM" (60464) | |
587861 | HDTM | HDTM | Name of item 60465 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587862 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "HDTM" (60465) | |
587863 | HDRM | HDRM | Name of item 60466 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587864 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "HDRM" (60466) | |
587865 | SDSM | SDSM | Name of item 60467 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587866 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "SDSM" (60467) | |
587867 | SDDM | SDDM | Name of item 60468 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587868 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "SDDM" (60468) | |
587869 | SDTM | SDTM | Name of item 60469 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587870 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "SDTM" (60469) | |
587871 | SDRM | SDRM | Name of item 60470 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587872 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "SDRM" (60470) | |
587873 | LDRM | LDRM | Name of item 60471 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587874 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "LDRM" (60471) | |
587875 | MDSM | MDSM | Name of item 60472 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587876 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MDSM" (60472) | |
587877 | MDDM | MDDM | Name of item 60473 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587878 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MDDM" (60473) | |
587879 | MDTM | MDTM | Name of item 60474 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587880 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MDTM" (60474) | |
587881 | MDRM | MDRM | Name of item 60475 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587882 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MDRM" (60475) | |
587883 | DDAM | DDAM | Name of item 60476 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587884 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "DDAM" (60476) | |
587885 | FSUM | FSUM | Name of item 60477 (Mutaplasmids) | |
587886 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "FSUM" (60477) | |
587887 | LMRD | LMRD | Name of item 60478 (Combat Drone) | |
587888 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "LMRD" (60478) | |
587889 | MMRD | MMRD | Name of item 60479 (Combat Drone) | |
587890 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MMRD" (60479) | |
587891 | HMRD | HMRD | Name of item 60480 (Combat Drone) | |
587892 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "HMRD" (60480) | |
587893 | SMRD | SMRD | Name of item 60481 (Combat Drone) | |
587894 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "SMRD" (60481) | |
587895 | MDDA | MDDA | Name of item 60482 (Drone Damage Modules) | |
587896 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MDDA" (60482) | |
587897 | MFSU | MFSU | Name of item 60483 (Fighter Support Unit) | |
587898 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "MFSU" (60483) | |
587899 | EDENCOM Astrahus under construction | EDENCOM Astrahus under construction | Name of item 60484 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587910 | Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2021.10 | Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2021.10 | Name of item 60485 (Booster) | |
587911 | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity.
Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the Biology skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/10/31. |
This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. Cerebral accelerators are military grade boosters that significantly increase a pilot’s skill development for a given window of time. This is achieved by priming the user’s brain and neural pathways for increased data bandwidth during knowledge transfer. Capsuleers using this accelerator can expect a massive increase in neural bandwidth, aiding much more rapid transfer of neural data from skill packs. The only drawback to this accelerator is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after one use. Depending on the Capsuleer's knowledge of the <a href=showinfo:3405>Biology</a> skill it will cease to function after at least 12 hours once activated, due to natural degradation of the biochemical compounds used to stimulate the user’s neural activity. The compounds are only guaranteed to function until YC123/10/31. |
Description of item "Serenity Monthly Cerebral Accelerator - 2021.10" (60485) | |
587913 | Serenity YC123.10 DLI Firework Crate | Serenity YC123.10 DLI Firework Crate | Name of item 60486 (Miscellaneous) | |
587914 | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Description of item "Serenity YC123.10 DLI Firework Crate" (60486) | |
587916 | Serenity YC123.10 DLI Firework Crate | Serenity YC123.10 DLI Firework Crate | ||
587917 | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | ||
587921 | Serenity Special Cruisers Insurance | Serenity Special Cruisers Insurance | Name of item 60487 (Booster) | |
587922 | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Description of item "Serenity Special Cruisers Insurance" (60487) | |
587923 | A11 (copy) | A11 (copy) | ||
587924 | Serenity Special Frigates Insurance | Serenity Special Frigates Insurance | Name of item 60488 (Booster) | |
587925 | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This Cerebral Accelerator is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Description of item "Serenity Special Frigates Insurance" (60488) | |
587926 | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M | Name of item 60489 (Miscellaneous) | |
587927 | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Description of item "Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M" (60489) | |
587928 | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L | Name of item 60490 (Miscellaneous) | |
587929 | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | Description of item "Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L" (60490) | |
587930 | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate S/M | ||
587931 | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | ||
587932 | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L | Serenity Cold Iron SKINs Crate L | ||
587933 | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | This crate is only designed for and available on Serenity. | ||
587938 | The link with the ESS has been severed in {[location]solarSystemID.name, linkify}. | The link with the ESS has been severed in {[location]solarSystemID.name, linkify}. | Notifications/bodyEssLinkDisconnectedSomeoneElse | |
587946 | Dungeon 9065 traffic FX | Dungeon 9065 traffic FX | Name of item 60498 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587947 | Dungeon 9064 R0 traffic FX | Dungeon 9064 R0 traffic FX | Name of item 60500 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587949 | Dungeon 9064 R1 traffic FX | Dungeon 9064 R1 traffic FX | Name of item 60501 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
587957 | IOG | IOG | Name of item 60505 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587958 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "IOG" (60505) | |
587959 | ID | ID | Name of item 60506 (Rogue Drone Entities) | |
587960 | Description pending | Description pending | Description of item "ID" (60506) | |
587980 | EDENCOM power generator | EDENCOM power generator | Name of item 60508 (Large Collidable Structure) | |
587985 | Skill Points Required | Skill Points Required | UI/Skills/SkillPointsRequired | |
588071 | You are linked to an ESS Main Bank or Reserve Bank | You are linked to an ESS Main Bank or Reserve Bank | UI/Inflight/SafeLogoff/ConditionLinkedToESS | |
588072 | You have unlocked an ESS Reserve Bank. | You have unlocked an ESS Reserve Bank. | UI/Inflight/SafeLogoff/ConditionUnlockedReserveBank | |
588073 | GM Week Returns! | GM Week Returns! | Name of new feature 2114 | |
588074 | Celebrations until 24 September | Celebrations until 24 September | Description of new feature "GM Week Returns!" (2114) | |
588075 | Contests of all sizes, with fun and fabulous prizes | Contests of all sizes, with fun and fabulous prizes | Bullet point for new feature "GM Week Returns!" (2114) | |
588076 | Tune in for special roams, streams, and scavenger hunts | Tune in for special roams, streams, and scavenger hunts | Bullet point for new feature "GM Week Returns!" (2114) | |
588077 | The Whack-a-Bot event returns to Yulai once again! | The Whack-a-Bot event returns to Yulai once again! | Bullet point for new feature "GM Week Returns!" (2114) | |
588078 | Center current formation on won ship | Center current formation on won ship | UI/Inflight/Scanner/CenterOnSelf |
All patch data and media listed or linked on this page is the property of CCP hf. All rights reserved. This website is not in any way endorsed by, or affiliated with CCP Games.