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Please note that Singularity will be kept inaccessible except for specific testing windows, and may fall significantly behind Tranquility in patches. The Tranquility/Singularity diff (homepage) may not be particularly useful for the time being. Refer to the latest Tranquility patches instead.
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Icon | TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.
TypeID & Name | Description | Group |
Blueprint Name | Old BP Data | New BP Data | Raw Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Old Reprocessing Data | New Reprocessing Data | Raw Diff |
TypeID, Group, & Name | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff |
Attribute Name | Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Diff |
631 - Scythe (Cruiser) | Powergrid Output: 345.0 => 375.0 |
2838 - Standard Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Charisma Modifier: 3.0 => 5.0 Intelligence Modifier: 3.0 => 5.0 Memory Modifier: 3.0 => 5.0 Perception Modifier: 3.0 => 5.0 Willpower Modifier: 3.0 => 5.0 Damage Multiplier Bonus: 20.0 => None Rate Of Fire Bonus: -20.0 => None |
17476 - Covetor (Mining Barge) | Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0 => 6.0 |
17478 - Retriever (Mining Barge) | Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0 => 6.0 |
17480 - Procurer (Mining Barge) | Medium Slots: 2.0 => 3.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.8 => 0.64 Maximum Locked Targets: 5.0 => 6.0 |
17922 - Ashimmu (Cruiser) | Drone Capacity: 40.0 => 50.0 Drone Bandwidth: 40.0 => 50.0 |
17926 - Cruor (Frigate) | Maximum Velocity: 330.0 => 340.0 Inertia Modifier: 3.6 => 3.4 Drone Capacity: 5.0 => 10.0 Drone Bandwidth: 5.0 => 10.0 |
22544 - Hulk (Exhumer) | Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0 => 8.0 |
22546 - Skiff (Exhumer) | Medium Slots: 4.0 => 5.0 Inertia Modifier: 0.8 => 0.64 Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0 => 8.0 |
22548 - Mackinaw (Exhumer) | Maximum Locked Targets: 6.0 => 8.0 |
37456 - Maulus Navy Issue (Frigate) | Powergrid Output: 35.0 => 38.0 High Slots: 2.0 => 3.0 Maximum Velocity: 315.0 => 325.0 |
41030 - 'Excavator' Mining Drone (Mining Drone) | Maximum Velocity: 175.0 => 250.0 |
43681 - 'Excavator' Ice Harvesting Drone (Mining Drone) | Maximum Velocity: 90.0 => 125.0 |
72812 - Ferox Navy Issue (Combat Battlecruiser) | Inertia Modifier: 0.66 => 0.69 Maximum Targeting Range: 67500.0 => 60000.0 Signature Radius: 300.0 => 325.0 |
78260 - Angel Cartel FOB (Pirate Forward Operating Base) | Maximum tethering range: 100000.0 => 50000.0 |
79172 - Guristas Pirates FOB (Pirate Forward Operating Base) | Maximum tethering range: 100000.0 => 50000.0 |
Mutator | Combines With | Produces | Mutations |
Effect Name | Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Effects Changes |
2838 - Standard Cerebral Accelerator (Booster) | Removed Effects: surgicalStrikeDamageMultiplierBonusPostPercentDamageMultiplierLocationShipModulesRequiringGunnery missileSkillRapidLauncherRoF |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Name | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff |
Key | Singularity_Previous | Singularity_Next | Diff | Usage |
93118 | Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers. This booster primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds, and as a bonus also enhanced spatial processing abilities that are critical for weapons handling. The only drawback to this booster is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days. Bonuses: +3 to all attributes; +20% Damage to Laser, Projectile and Hybrid weaponry; +20% Rate of Fire to Missile weaponry. |
Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers. This booster primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds. The only drawback to this booster is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days. Bonuses: +5 to all attributes. |
Cerebral accelerators are military-grade boosters that significantly increase a new pilot's skill development. This technology is usually available only to naval officers, but CONCORD has authorized the release of a small number to particularly promising freelance capsuleers. This booster primes the brain's neural pathways and hippocampus, making it much more receptive to intensive remapping. This allows new capsuleers to more rapidly absorb information of all kinds The only drawback to this booster is that capsuleer training renders it ineffective after a while; as such, it will cease to function for pilots who have been registered for more than 35 days. Bonuses: + |
Description of item "Standard Cerebral Accelerator" (2838) |
726531 | Gara's Modified Navy Heavy Neutron Blaster | Gara's Modified Heavy Neutron Blaster | Gara's Modified |
Name of item 85009 (Hybrid Weapon) |
File Name | Size in kb (Decompressed) |
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