Est. patch size: 477mb
Icon | TypeID & Name | Description | Group | Attributes |
52568 - HyperCore | HyperCores are used to sell your items on the HyperNet Relay trade network. HyperCores act as a broker’s fee and the amount required is based on the total value of what you will offer on the HyperNet Relay.
This HyperCore represents a defined quantity of Quantum Entangled 4-Helium that will be used to establish, encrypt and synchronize pairs of HyperNodes on the HyperNet Relay. A wealth creation, resource exchange and data routing service from PKN Interstellar, the HyperNet Relay prices and synchronizes FTL communications across New Eden. HyperNet Relay is operated by PKN Cryptographic, a PKN Interstellar corporation. Creating Value / Connecting Worlds |
Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554388typeID: 52568 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 550879 iconID: 24205 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2701 (HyperNet Relay) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 526 portionSize: 1 |
53321 - Swarm C | No Description | Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm | Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes.typeID: 53321graphicID: 2776 Capacity: 235.0 typeNameID: 553643 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 20000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26591 radius: 31.0 published: False Mass: 2000000.0 groupID: 806 portionSize: 1 Maximum Locked Targets: 1.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5 Shield Capacity: 10.0 Structure Hitpoints: 23.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 entityChaseMaxDistance: 1000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Armor Hitpoints: 15.0 Accuracy falloff : 3000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.85 Turret Tracking: 0.7 Maximum Velocity: 525.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 Signature Radius: 50.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 Use Signature Radius: 1.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1500.0 entityStrength: 4.0 Optimal Range: 1000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 use effect monitoring: 1.0 gfxTurretID: 392.0 Damage Modifier: 1.25 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Activation time / duration: 10000.0 Targeting Speed: 3500.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: 1.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 4.0 entityFlyRange: 750.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityAttackDelayMin: 2000.0 entityAttackDelayMax: 9500.0 Shield recharge time: 500000.0 Bounty: 6375.0 Capacitor Capacity: 45.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 25.0 Orbit Velocity: 500.0 Signature Resolution: 25.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.375 Threat Target Switch: 1.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.0 EM damage: 2.0 Chance to not change targets: 0.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Thermal damage: 4.0 entityAttackRange: 7500.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 entityLootCountMin: 1.0 entityLootCountMax: 1.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0125 armorUniformity: 0.75 |
53322 - Swarm G | No Description | Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm | Click to toggle showing the 86 attributes.typeID: 53322graphicID: 2774 Capacity: 235.0 typeNameID: 553644 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 20000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26591 radius: 31.0 published: False Mass: 2000000.0 groupID: 806 portionSize: 1 Maximum Locked Targets: 1.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.5 Shield Capacity: 10.0 Structure Hitpoints: 23.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 entityChaseMaxDistance: 1000.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Armor Hitpoints: 15.0 Accuracy falloff : 3000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.85 Turret Tracking: 0.7 Maximum Velocity: 525.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 Signature Radius: 50.0 entityEquipmentMax: 1.0 Use Signature Radius: 1.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 1500.0 entityStrength: 4.0 Optimal Range: 1000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 use effect monitoring: 1.0 gfxTurretID: 392.0 Damage Modifier: 1.25 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: 1.0 Activation time / duration: 10000.0 Targeting Speed: 3500.0 fighterAbilityAntiFighterMissileResistance: 1.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: 1.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 4.0 entityFlyRange: 750.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 entityBracketColour: 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityAttackDelayMin: 2000.0 entityAttackDelayMax: 9500.0 Shield recharge time: 500000.0 Bounty: 6375.0 Capacitor Capacity: 45.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 25.0 Orbit Velocity: 500.0 Signature Resolution: 25.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.375 Threat Target Switch: 1.0 entityDefenderChance: 0.0 EM damage: 2.0 Chance to not change targets: 0.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 Thermal damage: 4.0 entityAttackRange: 7500.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 entityLootCountMin: 1.0 entityLootCountMax: 1.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.0125 armorUniformity: 0.75 |
53323 - Frigate | No Description | Deadspace Rogue Drone Frigate | Click to toggle showing the 96 attributes.typeID: 53323graphicID: 1219 Capacity: 1200.0 typeNameID: 553650 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 60.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26591 radius: 45.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 805 portionSize: 1 Structure Hitpoints: 125.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 structureUniformity: 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 Maximum Velocity: 550.0 Signature Radius: 25.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 950.0 Optimal Range: 900.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 Damage Modifier: 1.666666667 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.125 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 Targeting Speed: 2000.0 Signature Resolution: 40.0 Threat Target Switch: 1.0 Use Signature Radius: 1.0 Chance to not change targets: 0.0 use effect monitoring: 1.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 35.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.18 entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.18 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.0244 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.0244 entityChaseMaxDistance: 3800.0 Accuracy falloff : 4000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.35 EM damage: 4.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 Thermal damage: 3.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 7.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 7.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 25.0 gfxTurretID: 378.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 entityAttackRange: 5700.0 entityLootCountMin: 1.0 entityLootCountMax: 2.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.008125 Shield Capacity: 350.0 Armor Hitpoints: 125.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.97 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.77 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.87 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.97 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.67 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.77 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.87 entityBracketColour: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.9878 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.0244 entityFlyRange: 1900.0 entityEquipmentMin: 2.0 entityEquipmentMax: 6.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: 8.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.28 entityAttackDelayMin: 7275.0 entityAttackDelayMax: 29100.0 Shield recharge time: 500000.0 Bounty: 4875.0 Capacitor Capacity: 100.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 entityShieldBoostDelayChanceSmall: 0.13 entityDefenderChance: 0.0 Rate of fire: 1.0 Missile Type: 0.0 Orbit Velocity: 275.0 |
53324 - Cruiser | No Description | Deadspace Rogue Drone Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 95 attributes.typeID: 53324graphicID: 1222 Capacity: 1200.0 typeNameID: 553651 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 60.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 150.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 803 portionSize: 1 Structure Hitpoints: 250.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 structureUniformity: 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 Maximum Velocity: 450.0 Signature Radius: 125.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 300.0 Optimal Range: 1600.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 500000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.75 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.25 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 Targeting Speed: 2000.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 Threat Target Switch: 1.0 Use Signature Radius: 1.0 Chance to not change targets: 0.0 use effect monitoring: 1.0 Kinetic damage: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 120.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.4 entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.4 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.213 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.213 entityChaseMaxDistance: 7200.0 Accuracy falloff : 8000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.132 EM damage: 8.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 Thermal damage: 6.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 15.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 13.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 26.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 entityAttackRange: 10800.0 entityLootCountMin: 1.0 entityLootCountMax: 3.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.05 Shield Capacity: 900.0 Armor Hitpoints: 300.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.8 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.7 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.8 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.5 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.7 entityBracketColour: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.8935 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.213 entityFlyRange: 3600.0 entityEquipmentMin: 8.0 entityEquipmentMax: 30.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: 40.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.51 entityAttackDelayMin: 5550.0 entityAttackDelayMax: 22200.0 Shield recharge time: 500000.0 Bounty: 37500.0 Capacitor Capacity: 600.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.35 entityDefenderChance: 0.0025 Rate of fire: 1.0 Missile Type: 0.0 Orbit Velocity: 225.0 |
53325 - Cruiser Elite | No Description | Deadspace Rogue Drone Cruiser | Click to toggle showing the 96 attributes.typeID: 53325graphicID: 1220 Capacity: 1200.0 typeNameID: 553655 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 60.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 26592 radius: 150.0 published: False Mass: 100000.0 groupID: 803 portionSize: 1 Structure Hitpoints: 500.0 armorUniformity: 0.75 structureUniformity: 1.0 entityStrength: 4.0 Maximum Velocity: 450.0 Signature Radius: 125.0 entityFactionLoss: 0.0 Rate of fire: 2500.0 Scan Resolution: 235.0 Optimal Range: 1500.0 Capacitor Recharge time: 1000000.0 Damage Modifier: 3.75 entityChaseMaxDelay: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDelayChance: 0.25 entityChaseMaxDuration: 10000.0 entityChaseMaxDurationChance: 1.0 Targeting Speed: 2000.0 Signature Resolution: 125.0 Threat Target Switch: 1.0 Use Signature Radius: 1.0 Chance to not change targets: 0.0 use effect monitoring: 1.0 Kinetic damage: 16.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: 10000.0 entityArmorRepairAmount: 170.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: 0.7 entityShieldBoostDuration: 5000.0 entityShieldBoostAmount: 0.0 entityArmorRepairDelayChance: 0.45 entityShieldBoostDelayChance: 0.45 Missile Velocity Bonus: 1.254 Missile Flight Time Bonus: 1.254 entityChaseMaxDistance: 7000.0 Accuracy falloff : 8000.0 Turret Tracking: 0.1056 EM damage: 8.0 Explosive damage: 0.0 Maximum Locked Targets: 8.0 maxAttackTargets: 1.0 Thermal damage: 8.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: 17.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: 23.0 Missile Damage Bonus: 1.0 propulsionGraphicID: 394.0 entityOverviewShipGroupId: 26.0 gfxTurretID: 357.0 gfxBoosterID: 394.0 entityAttackRange: 10500.0 entityLootCountMin: 2.0 entityLootCountMax: 6.0 Security Status Kill Amount: 0.06125 Shield Capacity: 1400.0 Armor Hitpoints: 550.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.75 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.45 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.55 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.75 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.45 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.55 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.65 entityBracketColour: 1.0 entitySecurityMaxGain: 5.0 Ignore Drones Below This Size: 50.0 Disallows Assistance: 1.0 Explosion Radius Bonus: 0.873 Explosion Velocity Bonus: 1.254 entityFlyRange: 3500.0 entityEquipmentMin: 9.0 entityEquipmentMax: 40.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: 60.0 entityReactionFactor: 0.56 entityAttackDelayMin: 5175.0 entityAttackDelayMax: 20700.0 Shield recharge time: 1000000.0 Bounty: 62813.0 Capacitor Capacity: 725.0 Shield Uniformity: 0.75 entityShieldBoostDelayChanceMedium: 0.4 entityDefenderChance: 0.015 Rate of fire: 1.0 Missile Type: 0.0 Orbit Velocity: 225.0 |
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53326 - Battleship Elite | No Description | Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.typeID: 53326graphicID: 24500 Capacity: 950.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 553656 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1010000.0 soundID: 11 wreckTypeID: 48742 radius: 250.0 published: False Mass: 21000000.0 groupID: 802 portionSize: 1 |
53330 - DSHR-01 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553697typeID: 53330 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553696 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 10000.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 5.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53331 - DNCR-02 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553699typeID: 53331 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553698 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 10000.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 10.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53332 - PRNCR-03 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553701typeID: 53332 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553700 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 10000.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 15.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53333 - VXN-04 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553703typeID: 53333 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553702 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 20.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53334 - CMT-05 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553716typeID: 53334 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553715 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 5.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53335 - CPD-06 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553718typeID: 53335 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553717 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 10.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53336 - DNNR-07 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553720typeID: 53336 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553719 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 15.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53337 - BLTZN-08 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553725typeID: 53337 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553724 iconID: 24266 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 20.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53338 - RDLF-09 Filament | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Jump Filaments | Click to toggle showing the 17 attributes.descriptionID: 553727typeID: 53338 Capacity: 0.0 Meta Level: 0 typeNameID: 553726 iconID: 24267 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 4041 portionSize: 1 Maximum Ship Jump cap: 25.0 Area Effect Radius: 6000.0 |
53343 - Yoiul Festival Snowball | This snowball is large enough to fit snugly into a Festival Launcher and firing it at another ship would probably be a lot of fun!
The annual Yoiul Festival has come to have some traditions in common with winter celebrations on several of the home worlds of New Eden, including snowball fights. |
Festival Charges | Click to toggle showing the 29 attributes.descriptionID: 554137typeID: 53343 graphicID: 20238 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 553789 iconID: 2943 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 5.0 published: True Mass: 100.0 Tech Level: 1.0 groupID: 500 portionSize: 2 Maximum Velocity: 1000.0 Inertia Modifier: 3000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 10.0 Detonation proximity: 35.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Base Shield Damage: 0.0 aimedLaunch: 1.0 missileNeverDoesDamage: 1.0 rate of fire bonus: 1.0 Thermal damage: -10.0 Used with (Launcher Group): 56.0 Maximum Flight Time: 100000.0 armorPiercingChance: 1.0 Base Armor Damage: 0.0 |
53344 - Meltwater-Snowball Exchanger | This facility is operating a part of a Yoiul Festival campaign that is part aimed at gathering valuable stocks of pure snow meltwater and part aimed at promoting the holiday festival by providing Festival Launcher compatible snowballs.
For a given quantity of melted snowballs, the facility will crystallize a portion and supply a Yoiul Festival Snowball while retaining a large cut of the valuable pure water. |
Large Collidable Object | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.descriptionID: 554669typeID: 53344 graphicID: 22367 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 553829 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 0.0 soundID: 20231 radius: 16000.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 226 portionSize: 1 |
53345 - QA Starter Accelerator | No Description | Booster | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.typeID: 53345Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 553849 iconID: 10144 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: False Mass: 0.0 groupID: 303 portionSize: 1 Booster Duration: 3600000.0 Non-Destructible: 1.0 Charisma Modifier: 3.0 Intelligence Modifier: 3.0 Memory Modifier: 3.0 Perception Modifier: 3.0 Willpower Modifier: 3.0 requiredSkill1Level: 1.0 Primary Skill required: 3402.0 Maximum Pilot Age: 2.0 Follows Jump Clones: 1.0 Booster Slot: 10.0 |
53357 - Women's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit | Adapted for polar exploration and particularly popular for tourist expeditions on many planets, this exploration suit is practical for many types of polar or tundra environments where the natural beauty of icefields, snowy peaks and the spectacle of aurora lights may be viewed.
Seeing an opportunity in the market for variable atmosphere and gravity exploration gear, the Impro corporation developed its 'Impro-XS' integrated clothing and equipment line. The gear's superior environmental adaptation technology resulted in a rapid take up from various corporations across New Eden. |
Outer | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554341typeID: 53357 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 553933 iconID: 24256 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1405 (Outerwear) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1088 portionSize: 1 |
53360 - Tempest Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553940typeID: 53360 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553939 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1967 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Tempest Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2419 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553938 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8338 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [639] skin_licenseTypeID: 53360 Applies to: Tempest isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53361 - Hurricane Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553943typeID: 53361 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553942 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1959 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Hurricane Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2419 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553941 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8339 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24702] skin_licenseTypeID: 53361 Applies to: Hurricane isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53362 - Thrasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553946typeID: 53362 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553945 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1997 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Thrasher Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2419 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553944 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8340 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16242] skin_licenseTypeID: 53362 Applies to: Thrasher isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53363 - Rupture Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553949typeID: 53363 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553948 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1993 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Rupture Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2419 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553947 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8341 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [629] skin_licenseTypeID: 53363 Applies to: Rupture isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53364 - Slasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553952typeID: 53364 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 553951 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2005 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Slasher Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2419 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553950 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8342 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [585] skin_licenseTypeID: 53364 Applies to: Slasher isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53365 - Apocalypse Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553955typeID: 53365 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553954 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1964 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Apocalypse Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2422 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553953 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8343 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [642] skin_licenseTypeID: 53365 Applies to: Apocalypse isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53366 - Harbinger Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553958typeID: 53366 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553957 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1956 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Harbinger Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2422 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553956 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8344 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24696] skin_licenseTypeID: 53366 Applies to: Harbinger isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53367 - Coercer Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553961typeID: 53367 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553960 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1994 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Coercer Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2422 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553959 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8345 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16236] skin_licenseTypeID: 53367 Applies to: Coercer isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53368 - Maller Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553964typeID: 53368 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553963 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1990 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Maller Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2422 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553962 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8346 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [624] skin_licenseTypeID: 53368 Applies to: Maller isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53369 - Executioner Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553967typeID: 53369 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 553966 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2002 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Executioner Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2422 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553965 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8347 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [589] skin_licenseTypeID: 53369 Applies to: Executioner isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53370 - Condor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553970typeID: 53370 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553969 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2003 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Condor Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2421 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553968 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8348 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [583] skin_licenseTypeID: 53370 Applies to: Condor isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53371 - Moa Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553973typeID: 53371 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553972 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1991 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Moa Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2421 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553971 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8349 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [623] skin_licenseTypeID: 53371 Applies to: Moa isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53372 - Cormorant Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553976typeID: 53372 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553975 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1995 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Cormorant Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2421 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553974 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8350 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16238] skin_licenseTypeID: 53372 Applies to: Cormorant isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53373 - Drake Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553979typeID: 53373 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553978 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1957 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Drake Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2421 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553977 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8351 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24698] skin_licenseTypeID: 53373 Applies to: Drake isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53374 - Raven Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553982typeID: 53374 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 553981 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1965 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Raven Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2421 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553980 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8352 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [638] skin_licenseTypeID: 53374 Applies to: Raven isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53375 - Atron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553985typeID: 53375 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553984 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 2004 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Atron Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2420 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553983 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8353 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [608] skin_licenseTypeID: 53375 Applies to: Atron isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53376 - Vexor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553988typeID: 53376 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553987 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1992 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Vexor Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2420 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553986 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8354 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [626] skin_licenseTypeID: 53376 Applies to: Vexor isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53377 - Catalyst Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553991typeID: 53377 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553990 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1996 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Catalyst Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2420 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553989 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8355 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [16240] skin_licenseTypeID: 53377 Applies to: Catalyst isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53378 - Myrmidon Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553994typeID: 53378 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553993 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1958 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Myrmidon Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2420 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553992 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8356 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24700] skin_licenseTypeID: 53378 Applies to: Myrmidon isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53379 - Megathron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 24 attributes.descriptionID: 553997typeID: 53379 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 553996 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1966 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Megathron Aurora Universalis skin_skinMaterialID: 2420 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 553995 skin_visibleSerenity: True skin_skinID: 8357 skin_allowCCPDevs: False skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [641] skin_licenseTypeID: 53379 Applies to: Megathron isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: True duration: -1 |
53380 - Women's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This T-shirt design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Tops | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554343typeID: 53380 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 553998 iconID: 24257 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1406 (Tops) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1089 portionSize: 1 |
53381 - Women's Aurora Universalis Cap | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This cap design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Headwear | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554345typeID: 53381 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 553999 iconID: 24258 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1943 (Headwear) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1092 portionSize: 1 |
53382 - Men's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit | Adapted for polar exploration and particularly popular for tourist expeditions on many planets, this exploration suit is practical for many types of polar or tundra environments where the natural beauty of icefields, snowy peaks and the spectacle of aurora lights may be viewed.
Seeing an opportunity in the market for variable atmosphere and gravity exploration gear, the Impro corporation developed its 'Impro-XS' integrated clothing and equipment line. The gear's superior environmental adaptation technology resulted in a rapid take up from various corporations across New Eden. |
Outer | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554340typeID: 53382 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554029 iconID: 24259 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1399 (Outerwear) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1088 portionSize: 1 |
53383 - Men's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This T-shirt design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Tops | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554342typeID: 53383 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554030 iconID: 24260 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1398 (Tops) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1089 portionSize: 1 |
53384 - Men's Aurora Universalis Cap | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This cap design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Headwear | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554344typeID: 53384 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554031 iconID: 24261 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1943 (Headwear) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1092 portionSize: 1 |
53385 - Women's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation | This mesh-tech facial augmentation is designed to supplement the range of information that can be gathered in the visual cone of the wearer, providing supplemental electromagnetic, thermal and kinetic pickups for translation into optical data.
Using state-of-the-art nanocoating technology at a very personal level, facial augmentations can be crafted with striking designs that mask the mesh technology that will boost the wearer's somatosensory systems. Hyper-intensive simulations indicate a more focused and aware connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, the benefits of this augmentation are not solely limited to improving cognitive interaction with emotional inputs and outputs. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554337typeID: 53385 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554047 iconID: 24262 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1836 (Augmentations) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53386 - Women's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation | This Eico-type facial augmentation is inlaid with the propriety "Auroralite" material and has been released to mark the universal end of year celebration of the Yoiul Festival.
Environmental information capture overlays go several steps beyond somatosensory meshes and considerably enhance the sensory capabilities of those "wearing" such extensive facial augmentations. While this level of cybernetics can hardly be masked by mere nanocoatings there is still considerable scope for working in decorative elements. Eico augmentations include systems that improve the connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, these more extensive and elaborate information capture and processing systems hugely increase the types and range of environmental information that can be absorbed by an individual. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554335typeID: 53386 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554048 iconID: 24263 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1836 (Augmentations) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53393 - Men's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation | This Eico-type facial augmentation is inlaid with the propriety "Auroralite" material and has been released to mark the universal end of year celebration of the Yoiul Festival.
Environmental information capture overlays go several steps beyond somatosensory meshes and considerably enhance the sensory capabilities of those "wearing" such extensive facial augmentations. While this level of cybernetics can hardly be masked by mere nanocoatings there is still considerable scope for working in decorative elements. Eico augmentations include systems that improve the connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, these more extensive and elaborate information capture and processing systems hugely increase the types and range of environmental information that can be absorbed by an individual. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554334typeID: 53393 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554058 iconID: 24264 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1836 (Augmentations) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53394 - Men's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation | This mesh-tech facial augmentation is designed to supplement the range of information that can be gathered in the visual cone of the wearer, providing supplemental electromagnetic, thermal and kinetic pickups for translation into optical data.
Using state-of-the-art nanocoating technology at a very personal level, facial augmentations can be crafted with striking designs that mask the mesh technology that will boost the wearer's somatosensory systems. Hyper-intensive simulations indicate a more focused and aware connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, the benefits of this augmentation are not solely limited to improving cognitive interaction with emotional inputs and outputs. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Augmentations | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.descriptionID: 554336typeID: 53394 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554059 iconID: 24265 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1836 (Augmentations) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.5 groupID: 1670 portionSize: 1 |
53420 - Oracle Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554277typeID: 53420 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 554276 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1956 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Oracle Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2423 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554275 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8358 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [4302] skin_licenseTypeID: 53420 Applies to: Oracle isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53421 - Revelation Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554280typeID: 53421 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 554279 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1980 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Revelation Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2423 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554278 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8359 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [19720] skin_licenseTypeID: 53421 Applies to: Revelation isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53422 - Avatar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554283typeID: 53422 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 554282 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1978 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Avatar Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2423 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554281 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8360 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11567] skin_licenseTypeID: 53422 Applies to: Avatar isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53423 - Ark Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554286typeID: 53423 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 4 typeNameID: 554285 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2095 (Amarr) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Ark Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2423 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554284 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8361 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [28850] skin_licenseTypeID: 53423 Applies to: Ark isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53424 - Jackdaw Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554290typeID: 53424 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 554289 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2391 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Jackdaw Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2424 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554288 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8362 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [34828] skin_licenseTypeID: 53424 Applies to: Jackdaw isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53425 - Cerberus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554293typeID: 53425 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 554292 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2070 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Cerberus Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2424 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554291 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8363 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [11993] skin_licenseTypeID: 53425 Applies to: Cerberus isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53426 - Chimera Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554296typeID: 53426 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 554295 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1975 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Chimera Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2424 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554294 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8364 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [23915] skin_licenseTypeID: 53426 Applies to: Chimera isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53427 - Leviathan Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554299typeID: 53427 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 1 typeNameID: 554298 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2092 (Caldari) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Leviathan Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2424 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554297 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8365 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [3764] skin_licenseTypeID: 53427 Applies to: Leviathan isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53428 - Ishtar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554303typeID: 53428 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554302 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2071 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Ishtar Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2425 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554301 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8366 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [12005] skin_licenseTypeID: 53428 Applies to: Ishtar isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53429 - Dominix Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554306typeID: 53429 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554305 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1966 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Dominix Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2425 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554304 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8367 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [645] skin_licenseTypeID: 53429 Applies to: Dominix isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53430 - Nyx Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554309typeID: 53430 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554308 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1976 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Nyx Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2425 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554307 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8368 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [23913] skin_licenseTypeID: 53430 Applies to: Nyx isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53431 - Erebus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554312typeID: 53431 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554311 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1979 (Gallente) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Erebus Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2425 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554310 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8369 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [671] skin_licenseTypeID: 53431 Applies to: Erebus isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53432 - Muninn Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554315typeID: 53432 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 554314 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2072 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Muninn Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2426 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554313 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8370 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [12015] skin_licenseTypeID: 53432 Applies to: Muninn isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53433 - Hurricane Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554318typeID: 53433 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 554317 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1959 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Hurricane Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2426 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554316 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8371 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24702] skin_licenseTypeID: 53433 Applies to: Hurricane isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53434 - Panther Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554321typeID: 53434 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 554320 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2113 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Panther Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2426 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554319 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8372 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [22440] skin_licenseTypeID: 53434 Applies to: Panther isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53435 - Nidhoggur Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554324typeID: 53435 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 2 typeNameID: 554323 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1977 (Minmatar) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Nidhoggur Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2426 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554322 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8373 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [24483] skin_licenseTypeID: 53435 Applies to: Nidhoggur isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53436 - Astero Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554327typeID: 53436 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554326 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2031 (Pirate Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Astero Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2427 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554325 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8374 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [33468] skin_licenseTypeID: 53436 Applies to: Astero isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53437 - Stratios Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554330typeID: 53437 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554329 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 2030 (Pirate Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Stratios Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2427 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554328 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8375 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [33470] skin_licenseTypeID: 53437 Applies to: Stratios isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53438 - Nestor Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Permanent SKIN | Click to toggle showing the 25 attributes.descriptionID: 554333typeID: 53438 Capacity: 0.0 raceID: 8 typeNameID: 554332 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 17 marketGroupID: 1963 (Pirate Faction) Volume: 0.01 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1950 portionSize: 1 skin_internalName: Nestor Yoiul Star skin_skinMaterialID: 2427 skin_isSingleUse: False skin_skinDescription: 554331 skin_visibleSerenity: False skin_skinID: 8376 skin_allowCCPDevs: True skin_visibleTranquility: True skin_duration: -1 skin_types: [33472] skin_licenseTypeID: 53438 Applies to: Nestor isSingleUse: False visibleTranquility: True visibleSerenity: False duration: -1 |
53451 - Yoiul Trace | This infinitesimal but highly energetic tear in space-time is the trace left by a recently used Filament. | Abyssal Trace | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.descriptionID: 554457typeID: 53451 graphicID: 24520 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554456 basePrice: 0.0 Volume: 1.0 radius: 500.0 published: False Mass: 1.0 Tech Level: 1 groupID: 1991 portionSize: 1 |
53461 - Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework | This Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework is a special display pyrotechnic designed for use in Festival Launchers. The firework is a popular means of marking and celebrating the universal end of year holidays during the Yoiul Festival. | Festival Charges | Click to toggle showing the 28 attributes.descriptionID: 554496typeID: 53461 graphicID: 24519 Capacity: 0.0 typeNameID: 554495 iconID: 20973 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 1663 (Special Edition Festival Assets) Volume: 0.1 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 100.0 Tech Level: 1.0 groupID: 500 portionSize: 100 Maximum Velocity: 1000.0 Inertia Modifier: 3000.0 Structure Hitpoints: 10.0 Detonation proximity: 35.0 structureUniformity: 1.0 Base Shield Damage: 0.0 aimedLaunch: 1.0 missileNeverDoesDamage: 1.0 rate of fire bonus: 1.0 Used with (Launcher Group): 56.0 Maximum Flight Time: 100000.0 armorPiercingChance: 1.0 Base Armor Damage: 0.0 |
53476 - Subcranial Nanocontrollers | The Subcranial Nanocontroller is an advanced component from Lai Dai intended for use in biomechanical and neurocybernetic implants in a similar fashion to the older Transcranial Controller technology owned and licensed by Ishukone. Implants using Subcranial Nanocontrollers are being marketed as cheaper, more flexible and less intrusive. Lai Dai is believed to have made some key breakthroughs in its development of this technology after acquiring medical research and technology in the course of asset recovery operations carried out by Lai Dai Protection Services.
It is believed that the Khanid Kingdom and Tash-Murkon Family are eager to incorporate the new technology in more advanced, efficient and pervasive slave control devices with the aim being the elimination of the Vitoc method of enforcing slavery obedience. Many believe the Vitoc method is fatally vulnerable to chemical and biological subversion vectors, and several attacks using Insorum and Deathglow to provoke slave uprisings have reinforced this view in the Amarr Empire. The future of the Subcranial Nanocontroller technology, and Lai Dai's profit margins looks bright as a consequence. |
Miscellaneous | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.descriptionID: 554501typeID: 53476 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554500 iconID: 1164 basePrice: 0.0 marketGroupID: 20 (Industrial Goods) Volume: 1.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 1.0 groupID: 314 portionSize: 1 |
53486 - Festival Frigate SKINs and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554682typeID: 53486 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554525 iconID: 24268 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53488 - Festival Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554683typeID: 53488 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554526 iconID: 24270 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53489 - Festival DSHR-01 Filament and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554684typeID: 53489 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554527 iconID: 24271 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53490 - Festival Tier 1 Filament Crate | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554685typeID: 53490 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554528 iconID: 24272 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53491 - Festival Destroyer SKINs and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554686typeID: 53491 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554529 iconID: 24273 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53492 - Festival DNCR-02 Filament and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554687typeID: 53492 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554530 iconID: 24274 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53493 - Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554688typeID: 53493 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554531 iconID: 24275 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53494 - Festival Fireworks Crate | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554689typeID: 53494 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554532 iconID: 24276 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53495 - Festival PRNCR-03 Filament and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554690typeID: 53495 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554533 iconID: 24277 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53496 - Festival Exploration Suit and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554691typeID: 53496 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554534 iconID: 24278 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53497 - Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554692typeID: 53497 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554535 iconID: 24279 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53498 - Festival Cap and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554693typeID: 53498 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554536 iconID: 24280 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53499 - Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554694typeID: 53499 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554537 iconID: 24281 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53505 - Festival Cruiser SKINs, VXN-04 Filament and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554695typeID: 53505 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554595 iconID: 24283 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53506 - Festival CMT-05 Filament, T-Shirt and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554696typeID: 53506 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554596 iconID: 24284 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53507 - Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554697typeID: 53507 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554597 iconID: 24285 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53508 - Festival HyperCore, Body Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554698typeID: 53508 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554598 iconID: 24286 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53509 - Festival Battlecruiser SKINs and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554699typeID: 53509 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554599 iconID: 24287 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53510 - Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554700typeID: 53510 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554600 iconID: 24288 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53511 - Festival Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554701typeID: 53511 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554601 iconID: 24289 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53512 - Festival HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554702typeID: 53512 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554602 iconID: 24290 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53513 - Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554703typeID: 53513 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554603 iconID: 24291 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53514 - Festival Battleship SKINs, HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554704typeID: 53514 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554604 iconID: 24292 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53515 - Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554705typeID: 53515 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554605 iconID: 24293 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53516 - Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554706typeID: 53516 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554606 iconID: 24294 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
53517 - Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Special Edition Commodities | Click to toggle showing the 15 attributes.descriptionID: 554707typeID: 53517 Capacity: 0.0 isDynamicType: False typeNameID: 554607 iconID: 24295 basePrice: 0.0 metaGroupID: 19 marketGroupID: 1661 (Special Edition Commodities) Volume: 4.0 radius: 1.0 published: True Mass: 0.0 groupID: 1194 portionSize: 1 |
Please note that a "removed" item often means the item was just not yet added to the "newer" build.
TypeID & Name | Description | Group |
Blueprint Name | Old BP Data | New BP Data | Raw Diff |
3533 - Echelon Blueprint | BP Price: 300,000 ISK Build Time: 0 Copy:4800 ME:2100 TE:2100 Limit:30x |
No blueprint entry found. | Build Time: 0 Copy:4800 ME:2100 TE:2100 Limit:30x |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Old Reprocessing Data | New Reprocessing Data | Raw Diff |
TypeID, Group, & Name | Tranquility_Previous | Tranquility_Next | Diff |
Attribute Name | Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Diff |
2204 - Acolyte I Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1084 |
2788 - Cynosural Generator Array Blueprint (Starbase Blueprint) | radius: 0.0 => 1.0 marketGroupID: 1342 (Cynosural Generator Arrays) => None |
2789 - Cynosural System Jammer Blueprint (Starbase Blueprint) | radius: 0.0 => 1.0 marketGroupID: 1343 (Cynosural System Jammers) => None |
2800 - Jump Bridge Blueprint (Starbase Blueprint) | radius: 0.0 => 1.0 marketGroupID: 1346 (Jump Bridge) => None |
3533 - Echelon Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | radius: 0.0 => 1.0 published: True => False graphicID: 54 => 10782 |
12297 - Mobile Small Warp Disruptor I Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
12300 - Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor I Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
12301 - Mobile Large Warp Disruptor I Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
12836 - Transcranial Microcontrollers (Specialized Commodities - Tier 3) | radius: 0.0 => 1.0 |
21096 - Cynosural Field Generator I (Cynosural Field Generator) | Can be fitted to: None => 11019.0 |
21943 - Amarr Factory Outpost Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
21944 - Caldari Research Outpost Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
21945 - Gallente Administrative Outpost Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
21946 - Minmatar Service Outpost Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
22573 - Praetor EV-900 Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1119 |
22766 - Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1079 |
23474 - Wasp EC-900 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1079 |
23507 - Ogre SD-900 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 20250 |
23511 - Praetor TD-900 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1119 |
23513 - Berserker TP-900 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2949 |
23524 - Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1119 |
23537 - Berserker SW-900 Blueprint (Stasis Webifying Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2949 |
23660 - Acolyte EV-300 Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1084 |
23703 - Infiltrator EV-600 Blueprint (Energy Neutralizer Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2778 |
23706 - Vespa EC-600 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2776 |
23708 - Hornet EC-300 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1104 |
23710 - Medium Armor Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2778 |
23712 - Light Armor Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1084 |
23714 - Hammerhead SD-600 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2774 |
23716 - Hobgoblin SD-300 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1099 |
23718 - Medium Shield Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2776 |
23720 - Light Shield Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1104 |
23722 - Valkyrie TP-600 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2780 |
23724 - Warrior TP-300 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1124 |
23726 - Infiltrator TD-600 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2778 |
23728 - Acolyte TD-300 Blueprint (Electronic Warfare Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1084 |
23730 - Valkyrie SW-600 Blueprint (Stasis Webifying Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2780 |
23732 - Warrior SW-300 Blueprint (Stasis Webifying Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1124 |
26850 - Tournament Bubble TEST Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
26889 - Mobile Large Warp Disruptor II Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
26891 - Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor II Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
26893 - Mobile Small Warp Disruptor II Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
27657 - Foundation Upgrade Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27659 - Pedestal Upgrade Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27661 - Monument Upgrade Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27663 - Amarr Basic Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27665 - Amarr Advanced Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27667 - Amarr Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27677 - Angel Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3290 |
27680 - Angel Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3290 |
27681 - Angel Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3290 |
27682 - Blood Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3292 |
27684 - Blood Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3292 |
27685 - Blood Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3292 |
27688 - Dark Blood Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3292 |
27689 - Dark Blood Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3292 |
27690 - Dark Blood Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3292 |
27694 - Domination Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3290 |
27695 - Domination Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3290 |
27696 - Domination Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3290 |
27697 - Guristas Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3294 |
27698 - Guristas Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3294 |
27699 - Guristas Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3294 |
27703 - Dread Guristas Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3294 |
27704 - Dread Guristas Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3294 |
27705 - Dread Guristas Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3294 |
27706 - Serpentis Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3298 |
27707 - Serpentis Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3298 |
27708 - Serpentis Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3298 |
27712 - Shadow Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3298 |
27713 - Shadow Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3298 |
27714 - Shadow Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3298 |
27781 - Sansha Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3295 |
27783 - Sansha Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3295 |
27785 - Sansha Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3295 |
27787 - True Sansha Control Tower Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3295 |
27789 - True Sansha Control Tower Medium Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3295 |
27791 - True Sansha Control Tower Small Blueprint (Starbase - Control Tower Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 3295 |
27807 - Sansha Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27808 - Sansha Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27809 - Sansha Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27810 - Sansha Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27811 - Sansha Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27812 - Sansha Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27813 - True Sansha Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27814 - True Sansha Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27815 - True Sansha Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27816 - True Sansha Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27817 - True Sansha Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27818 - True Sansha Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27819 - Blood Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27820 - Blood Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27821 - Blood Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27822 - Blood Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27823 - Blood Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27824 - Blood Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27825 - Dark Blood Large Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27826 - Dark Blood Large Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27827 - Dark Blood Medium Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27828 - Dark Blood Medium Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27829 - Dark Blood Small Beam Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27830 - Dark Blood Small Pulse Laser Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Laser Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1006 |
27831 - Angel Large Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27832 - Angel Large Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27833 - Angel Medium Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22216 |
27834 - Angel Small Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22216 |
27835 - Angel Medium Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22216 |
27836 - Angel Small Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22216 |
27837 - Domination Small Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1216 |
27838 - Domination Medium Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1216 |
27839 - Domination Large Artillery Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27840 - Domination Large Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27841 - Domination Medium Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1216 |
27842 - Domination Small Autocannon Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Projectile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1216 |
27843 - Serpentis Large Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27844 - Serpentis Medium Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22215 |
27845 - Serpentis Small Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22215 |
27846 - Serpentis Small Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22215 |
27847 - Serpentis Medium Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 22215 |
27848 - Serpentis Large Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27849 - Shadow Large Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27850 - Shadow Large Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2751 |
27851 - Shadow Medium Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1213 |
27852 - Shadow Medium Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1213 |
27853 - Shadow Small Blaster Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1213 |
27854 - Shadow Small Railgun Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Hybrid Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 1213 |
27859 - Guristas Ion Field Projection Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27860 - Guristas White Noise Generation Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27861 - Guristas Spatial Destabilization Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27862 - Guristas Phase Inversion Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27863 - Dread Guristas Phase Inversion Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27864 - Dread Guristas Ion Field Projection Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27865 - Dread Guristas Spatial Destabilization Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27866 - Dread Guristas White Noise Generation Battery Blueprint (Starbase - ECM Jamming Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27867 - Serpentis Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2615 |
27868 - Serpentis Warp Disruption Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2615 |
27869 - Shadow Warp Disruption Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2615 |
27870 - Shadow Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Warp Scrambling Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2615 |
27871 - Angel Stasis Webification Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Stasis Webification Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27872 - Domination Stasis Webification Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Stasis Webification Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27873 - Serpentis Sensor Dampening Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Sensor Dampening Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27874 - Shadow Sensor Dampening Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Sensor Dampening Array Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27875 - Blood Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27876 - Dark Blood Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27877 - Sansha Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27878 - True Sansha Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Energy Neutralizing Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2613 |
27938 - Caldari Basic Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
27940 - Gallente Basic Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
27942 - Minmatar Basic Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
27944 - Guristas XL Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2603 |
27945 - Guristas Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2603 |
27946 - Guristas Cruise Missile Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2603 |
27947 - Dread Guristas Cruise Missile Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2603 |
27948 - Dread Guristas Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2603 |
27949 - Dread Guristas XL Torpedo Battery Blueprint (Starbase - Missile Battery Blueprints) | graphicID: None => 2603 |
27958 - Caldari Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
27960 - Caldari Advanced Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
27962 - Amarr Basic Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27964 - Amarr Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27966 - Amarr Advanced Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27968 - Gallente Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
27970 - Gallente Advanced Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
27972 - Minmatar Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
27974 - Minmatar Advanced Outpost Factory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
27976 - Gallente Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
27978 - Gallente Advanced Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
27980 - Minmatar Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
27982 - Minmatar Advanced Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
27984 - Gallente Basic Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
27986 - Minmatar Basic Outpost Plant Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
27988 - Amarr Basic Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27990 - Amarr Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27992 - Amarr Advanced Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
27994 - Caldari Basic Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
27996 - Caldari Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
27998 - Caldari Advanced Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28000 - Caldari Basic Outpost Research Facility Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28002 - Caldari Outpost Research Facility Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28004 - Caldari Advanced Outpost Research Facility Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28006 - Gallente Basic Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28008 - Gallente Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28010 - Gallente Advanced Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28012 - Minmatar Basic Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28014 - Minmatar Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28016 - Minmatar Advanced Outpost Laboratory Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28018 - Amarr Basic Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
28020 - Amarr Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
28022 - Amarr Advanced Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
28024 - Caldari Basic Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28026 - Caldari Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28028 - Caldari Advanced Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28030 - Gallente Basic Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28032 - Gallente Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28034 - Gallente Advanced Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28036 - Minmatar Basic Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28038 - Minmatar Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28040 - Minmatar Advanced Outpost Refinery Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28042 - Amarr Basic Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
28044 - Amarr Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
28046 - Amarr Advanced Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3304 |
28048 - Caldari Basic Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28050 - Caldari Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28052 - Caldari Advanced Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3303 |
28054 - Gallente Basic Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28056 - Gallente Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28058 - Gallente Advanced Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3306 |
28060 - Minmatar Basic Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28062 - Minmatar Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28064 - Minmatar Advanced Outpost Office Platform Blueprint (Construction Platform Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3305 |
28198 - Heavy Armor Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1120 |
28200 - Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1080 |
28202 - Light Armor Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2764 |
28204 - Light Shield Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 20261 |
28206 - Medium Armor Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1109 |
28208 - Medium Shield Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2775 |
28263 - 'Integrated' Acolyte Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1084 |
28771 - Syndicate Mobile Large Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
28773 - Syndicate Mobile Medium Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
28775 - Syndicate Mobile Small Warp Disruptor Blueprint (Mobile Warp Disruptor Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2309 |
29249 - Magnate Blueprint (Frigate Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 3367 |
30221 - Melted Snowball CXIV (Festival Charges Expired) | descriptionID: None => 553770 groupID: 500 => 976 |
31865 - Imperial Navy Acolyte Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2947 |
33569 - Melted Snowball (Festival Charges Expired) | descriptionID: None => 553769 groupID: 500 => 976 |
33672 - Heavy Hull Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 20250 |
33705 - Medium Hull Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 2774 |
33707 - Light Hull Maintenance Bot I Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1099 |
33709 - Heavy Hull Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1115 |
33711 - Medium Hull Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1095 |
33713 - Light Hull Maintenance Bot II Blueprint (Logistic Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: None => 1100 |
47489 - Seeker Eluder (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 => 1.0 |
47490 - Seeker Flare (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 |
47491 - Seeker Trauma (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 |
47492 - Seeker Pacekeeper (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.9 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.75 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.4 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.6 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.8 => 1.0 |
47542 - Seeker Aurora (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 |
47543 - Seeker Nova (Seeker Scouts) | Armor EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield EM Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: 7.0 => 1.0 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: 0.3 => 1.0 |
48745 - 'Subverted' JVN-UC49 Blueprint (Combat Drone Blueprint) | graphicID: 1099 => 2774 |
52678 - Jita Trade Hub (Station) | graphicID: 1019 => 24488 |
53041 - Men's 'RubySet TorsoRig' Body Augmentation (Augmentations) | published: False => True descriptionID: None => 554338 marketGroupID: None => 1836 (Augmentations) |
53080 - Survey Array (Spawn Container) | Click to toggle showing the 13 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: None => 10000000.0Primary Skill required: None => 21718.0 requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 2700.0 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 500.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: None => 1.0 tierDifficulty: None => 3.0 hackable: None => 1.0 groupID: 319 => 306 |
53081 - Survey Ship (Spawn Container) | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: None => 10000000.0Primary Skill required: None => 21718.0 requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 0.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 2700.0 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 500.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: None => 1.0 tierDifficulty: None => 3.0 hackable: None => 1.0 descriptionID: None => 552907 groupID: 226 => 306 |
53082 - Astronavigational Tracking Program (Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 552908 iconID: 2885 => 2038 marketGroupID: 1840 (Covert Research Tools) => None |
53083 - Survey Data (Commodities) | descriptionID: None => 552909 iconID: 2338 => 2038 marketGroupID: 1840 (Covert Research Tools) => None |
53084 - Drone Hive (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Click to toggle showing the 55 attributes.Activation Cost: None => 0.0Structure Hitpoints: None => 42500.0 Rate of fire: None => 2500.0 Optimal Range: None => 250000.0 Capacitor Recharge time: None => 500000.0 Damage Modifier: None => 1.25 EM damage: None => 1.0 Explosive damage: None => 1.0 Kinetic damage: None => 4.0 Thermal damage: None => 4.0 Activation proximity: None => 75000.0 Accuracy falloff : None => 10000.0 Turret Tracking: None => 0.025 Maximum Locked Targets: None => 8.0 maxAttackTargets: None => 1.0 RADAR Sensor Strength: None => 100.0 Ladar Sensor Strength: None => 100.0 Magnetometric Sensor Strength: None => 100.0 Gravimetric Sensor Strength: None => 100.0 gfxTurretID: None => 368.0 entityAttackRange: None => 250000.0 Security Status Kill Amount: None => 0.0 Shield Capacity: None => 12450.0 Armor Hitpoints: None => 10975.0 Armor EM Damage Resistance: None => 0.4 Armor Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.9 Armor Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.75 Armor Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.65 Shield Explosive Damage Resistance: None => 0.4 Shield Kinetic Damage Resistance: None => 0.6 Shield Thermal Damage Resistance: None => 0.8 entityFlyRange: None => 0.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 6.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 10.0 entityEquipmentGroupMax: None => 1000.0 Shield recharge time: None => 500000.0 Bounty: None => 100000.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 250.0 Shield Uniformity: None => 0.75 entityDefenderChance: None => 0.05 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 50.0 Signature Resolution: None => 30.0 entityArmorRepairDuration: None => 10000.0 Missile Velocity Bonus: None => 1.5 Missile Flight Time Bonus: None => 1.5 entityChaseMaxDistance: None => 0.0 entityBracketColour: None => 1.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 Threat Target Switch: None => 1.0 Use Signature Radius: None => 1.0 Chance to not change targets: None => 0.0 use effect monitoring: None => 1.0 Drone Tanking Modifier: None => 0.5 entityArmorRepairAmountPerSecond: None => 5000.0 |
53085 - Supply Cache (Scatter Container) | Click to toggle showing the 14 attributes.Structure Hitpoints: None => 1000000.0Primary Skill required: None => 21718.0 requiredSkill1Level: None => 1.0 entityEquipmentMin: None => 0.0 entityEquipmentMax: None => 2.0 lootRespawnTime: None => 300000.0 Capacitor Capacity: None => 2700.0 structureUniformity: None => 1.0 Signature Radius: None => 500.0 Disallows Assistance: None => 1.0 spawnWithoutGuardsToo: None => 1.0 isHacking: None => 1.0 tierDifficulty: None => 4.0 hackable: None => 1.0 |
53086 - Drone Lookout (Large Collidable Object) | Structure Hitpoints: None => 100000000.0 |
53087 - Wrecked Prospector Ship (Large Collidable Object) | Structure Hitpoints: None => 100000000.0 |
53088 - Wrecked Battleship (Large Collidable Object) | Structure Hitpoints: None => 100000000.0 |
53089 - Wrecked Dreadnought (Large Collidable Object) | Structure Hitpoints: None => 100000000.0 |
53229 - Women's 'RubySet TorsoRig' Body Augmentation (Augmentations) | published: False => True descriptionID: None => 554339 marketGroupID: None => 1836 (Augmentations) |
Mutator | Combines With | Produces | Mutations |
Effect Name | Diff |
TypeID, Name, and Group | Effects Changes |
53084 - Drone Hive (Deadspace Overseer's Sentry) | Added Effects: targetAttack armorRepairForEntities |
53321 - Swarm C (Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
53322 - Swarm G (Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm) | Added Effects: targetAttack |
53323 - Frigate (Deadspace Rogue Drone Frigate) | Added Effects: targetAttack entityShieldBoostingSmall |
53324 - Cruiser (Deadspace Rogue Drone Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack entityShieldBoostingMedium |
53325 - Cruiser Elite (Deadspace Rogue Drone Cruiser) | Added Effects: targetAttack entityShieldBoostingMedium |
53343 - Yoiul Festival Snowball (Festival Charges) | Added Effects: ammoSpeedMultiplier snowBallLaunching |
53345 - QA Starter Accelerator (Booster) | Added Effects: empathyCharismaBonusModAddCharismaLocationChar instantRecallMemoryBonusModAddMemoryLocationChar analyticalMindIntelligenceBonusModAddIntelligenceLocationChar ironWillWillpowerBonusModAddWillpowerLocationChar spatialAwarenessPerceptionBonusModAddPerceptionLocationChar |
53461 - Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework (Festival Charges) | Added Effects: ammoSpeedMultiplier snowBallLaunching |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID & Skill Name | Old Level | New Level |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
TypeID, Item Name, & Group |
Key | Tranquility_Previous | Tranquility_Next | Diff | Usage |
24 | Quit Game | Log Off | UI/Login/QuitGame | |
60916 | Change Division | Change Active Division | Change Active Division | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ChangeDivision |
61555 | Shares | My Shares | My Shares | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TabShares |
61556 | Wallet Divisions | Divisions | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TabWalletDivisions | |
72092 | Snowball CXIV | Melted Snowball CXIV | Melted Snowball CXIV | Item name for typeID 30221 (Festival Charges Expired) |
78162 | No records found | No transactions found | No |
UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/HintNoTransactionsFound |
78559 | Price | Unit Price | Unit Price | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ColHeaderPrice |
78566 | Credit | Total | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ColHeaderCredit | |
85495 | Dewak is a fiercely disciplined tactician. A veteran of Imperial navy battles, he acuired a taste for Sadistic oppression during cleanup operations of the 2nd Illinfrik insurgence, and went into business in the private sector. The Pith Guristas use Dewak's prison facilities manily to eliminate competition and also to extract knowledge from difficult "business" associates. | Dewak is a fiercely disciplined tactician. A veteran of Imperial navy battles, he acquired a taste for sadistic oppression during cleanup operations of the 2nd Illinfrik insurgence, and went into business in the private sector. The Pith Guristas use Dewak's prison facilities mainly to eliminate competition and also to extract knowledge from difficult "business" associates. | Dewak is a fiercely disciplined tactician. A veteran of Imperial navy battles, he acquired a taste for |
Item description for "'Screaming' Dewak Humfry" (typeID 19592) |
93583 | The Transcranial Microcontroller was originally developed by the School of Applied Knowledge with funds from several humanitarian organizations to help catatonics regain consciousness and resume their lives, though in a limited capacity. The microcontroller, which can be used both in humans and machines, proved to be a great success and the Ishukone corporation stepped in and bought the rights to the chip several months ago. Since then, further studies by Ishukone technicians have revealed several additional ways the microcontroller can be used, such as control mechanisms in robots for industrial usage. Experts claim that the microchip does not offer higher efficiency in the robots compared to already established methods due to its reliance of a biomechanical host system. | The Transcranial Microcontroller was originally developed by the School of Applied Knowledge with funds from several humanitarian organizations to help catatonics regain consciousness and resume their lives, though in a limited capacity. The microcontroller, which can be used both in humans and machines, proved to be a great success and the Ishukone corporation stepped in and bought the rights to the chip. Since then, further studies by Ishukone technicians have revealed several additional ways the microcontroller can be used, such as control mechanisms in robots for industrial usage. Experts claim that the microchip does not offer higher efficiency in the robots compared to already established methods due to its reliance of a biomechanical host system. | The Transcranial Microcontroller was originally developed by the School of Applied Knowledge with funds from several humanitarian organizations to help catatonics regain consciousness and resume their lives, though in a limited capacity. The microcontroller, which can be used both in humans and machines, proved to be a great success and the Ishukone corporation stepped in and bought the rights to the chip |
Item description for "Transcranial Microcontrollers" (typeID 12836) |
237226 | Quit Game | Log Off | UI/Commands/CmdQuitGame | |
237445 | Quit Game | Log Off | /Carbon/UI/Commands/CmdQuitGame | |
239723 | Pilot is in your corporation | Pilot is in your Capsuleer corporation | Pilot is in your Capsuleer corporation | UI/Services/State/Standing/SameCorporation |
239724 | True if the pilot is in the same corporation as you are | True if the pilot is in the same Capsuleer corporation as you are | True if the pilot is in the same Capsuleer corporation as you are | UI/Services/State/Standing/SameCorporationHint |
239824 | {name} Regional Market | {name} Region | {name} Region |
UI/Market/RegionalMarket |
292877 | Snowball | Melted Snowball | Melted Snowball | Item name for typeID 33569 (Festival Charges Expired) |
318137 | Encrypt/Decrypt | A wealth creation, resource exchange and data routing service from PKN Interstellar, the HyperNet Relay prices and synchronizes FTL communications across New Eden.
HyperNet Relay is operated by PKN Cryptographic, a PKN Interstellar corporation. Creating Value / Connecting Worlds |
<b>HyperNet Relay</b> is operated by <b>PKN Cryptographic</b>, a PKN Interstellar corporation. <i>Creating Value / Connecting Worlds</i> |
Description for Corporation "PKN Cryptographic" (1000299) |
318163 | Waste Not | Waste Not | ||
318165 | PKN Interstellar | PKN Interstellar | Name for NPC Corporation 1000300 | |
318166 | Caldari State registered holding corporation for PKN Interstellar, an enterprise of the Pikotsaunen Kaatso Nuijaa.
A consortium of Caldari State megacorporations and corporate partners from across New Eden. Core focus of PKN Interstellar is space industrial facility and FTL communications infrastructure construction, maintenance and operations. Pikotsaunen Kaatso Nuijaa (Dark Forest Business Club) is a gathering of respected wealth creation societies led by the CBD, Lai Dai and Nugoeihuvi corporations. |
Caldari State registered holding corporation for <b>PKN Interstellar</b>, an enterprise of the <i>Pikotsaunen Kaatso Nuijaa</i>. A consortium of Caldari State megacorporations and corporate partners from across New Eden. Core focus of PKN Interstellar is space industrial facility and FTL communications infrastructure construction, maintenance and operations. <i>Pikotsaunen Kaatso Nuijaa</i> (Dark Forest Business Club) is a gathering of respected wealth creation societies led by the CBD, Lai Dai and Nugoeihuvi corporations. |
Description for Corporation "PKN Interstellar" (1000300) | |
318170 | We have located a couple of wrecks. It doesn't matter to us what happened but we got the salvage rights. Well, it seems someone else has been stealthily salvaging them. That won't do.
Bring back the scrap metal and black boxes, you can keep the rest. |
We have located a couple of wrecks. It doesn't matter to us what happened but we got the salvage rights. Well, it seems someone else has been stealthily salvaging them. That won't do. Bring back the scrap metal and black boxes, you can keep the rest. |
318171 | Vimoksha Chorus | Vimoksha Chorus | Name for NPC Corporation 1000301 | |
318172 | For too long have you been allowed to live in fear. For too long have you thought, "If the Nation comes, we will run, and we will hide, and we will be safe." Let it be known that there is no such thing as "safe." There is only deliverance, or annihilation. – recording recovered from station wreckage. Speaker identified as former True Citizen, Cornelius Sedek, now leader of the Vimoksha Chorus. | <i>For too long have you been allowed to live in fear. For too long have you thought, "If the Nation comes, we will run, and we will hide, and we will be safe." Let it be known that there is no such thing as "safe." There is only deliverance, or annihilation.</i> – recording recovered from station wreckage. Speaker identified as former True Citizen, Cornelius Sedek, now leader of the <b>Vimoksha Chorus</b>. | Description for Corporation "Vimoksha Chorus" (1000301) | |
318173 | Citizen Cornelius Sedek | Citizen Cornelius Sedek | Name for NPC 3019612 | |
504507 | Store is currently unavailable - Please start the game through the launcher and try again | |||
504508 | Store is currently unavailable - Timeout, please try again later. | |||
504509 | Store is currently unavailable - SSL verification failed | |||
531015 | Reinforcement Hr (+/- 2hrs) | Reinforcement hour (+/- 3 hours) | Reinforcement |
UI/Structures/Deployment/SetPrimeHour |
531019 | First reinforcement will finish at a random point within a four hour window centered at this time 22 to 50 hours after the shields fail if the structure has an online service module. | First reinforcement will finish at a random point within a six hour window centered at this time 21 to 51 hours after the shields fail if the structure has an online service module. | First reinforcement will finish at a random point within a |
UI/Structures/Deployment/SetPrimeHourSubtext |
531020 | The structure's final reinforcement period will finish on this day at a random point within a four hour window centered on the Reinforcement Hour. | The structure's final reinforcement period will finish on this day at a random point within a six hour window centered on the Reinforcement Hour. | The structure's final reinforcement period will finish on this day at a random point within a |
UI/Structures/Deployment/SetPrimeDaySubtext |
532663 | The following structures have had their reinforcement times changed: {listOfStructureLinks} The new reinforcements times will be {weekday} at {reinforcementHour} (+/- 2 hours). The structure will change to the new reinforcement time at {[datetime]timestamp, date=short, time=short}, or at the next possible time after that when the structure is undamaged. |
The following structures have had their reinforcement times changed: {listOfStructureLinks} The new reinforcements times will be {weekday} at {reinforcementHour} (up to +/- 3 hours). The structure will change to the new reinforcement time at {[datetime]timestamp, date=short, time=short}, or at the next possible time after that when the structure is undamaged. |
The following structures have had their reinforcement times changed: {listOfStructureLinks} The new reinforcements times will be <b>{weekday} at {reinforcementHour} (up to +/- The structure will change to the new reinforcement time at {[datetime]timestamp, date=short, time=short}, or at the next possible time after that when the structure is undamaged. |
Notifications/Structures/bodyStructuresReinforcementChanged |
532709 | Changes will take effect after 7 days, at the first time when the structure is fully repaired | Changes will take effect after 30 days, at the first time when the structure is fully repaired | Changes will take effect after |
UI/StructureBrowser/ReinforcementTimeChangeDelay |
534348 | Great work! Time to go home, Captain. I need you to dock at your home station where I can get the data into the right hands. | Well done! Time to go home, Captain. We need you to dock at your home station where I can get the data into the right hands. | Part of conversation "AS0201" | |
534349 | Dock at Your Home Station | Traveling to the Home Station | ||
536177 | Destroy the seeker | Destroy the Seeker | Destroy the |
538196 | Spatial rift detected, Captain! It's being created by a powerful gate of some kind.
Eliminate the hostiles to secure the site. Activate your 'Afterburner' to move into engagement range. |
Eliminate the hostile to secure the site. | Part of conversation "Combat Aura 4.3" | |
538197 | Using your Afterburner | Eliminate the Seeker | ||
538198 | Use your afterburner to move faster | Eliminate the seeker to secure the site | ||
538237 | Active Module | Afterburner | A |
538238 | Click on the module to activate it | Click on the Afterburner to increase velocity. | Click on the |
538358 | Orbit and Kill the seeker | Orbit and Kill the Seeker | Orbit and Kill the |
540849 | The market ticker can be customized by creating a folder in the Quickbar and marking it as the Ticker folder. | The Market Ticker can be customized by creating a folder in the Quickbar and marking it as the Ticker folder | The |
UI/Market/TickerHint |
541327 | Approach Wreck | Approaching Wreck | Approaching Wreck | |
541472 | Captain, get as close to the wreck as possible. Once we are in range I will initialize data transfer. | Captain, try to get as close to the wreck as possible. | Captain, try to get as close to the wreck as possible. |
Part of conversation "AS01B03" |
541477 | Now it's time to engage the enemy, Captain. Fire when ready! | Great work, leave your weapons engaged until the target is destroyed. | Part of conversation "AS01B07" | |
541828 | Dock at a Career Agent Station | Find Career Agent Station | ||
541949 | Search for wreck | Search for Wreck | Search for |
542088 | The Overview | The Overview Window | The Overview Window | |
542089 | Look for the Stargate with a yellow icon | Look for the Stargate with a yellow icon, right-click it and select 'Jump' | Look for the Stargate with a yellow icon, right-click it and select <b>'Jump'</b> | |
542091 | Click here to dock at the agent's station when you're in the same system | Look for your career agent's station in the 'Overview', right-click it and select 'Dock' | ||
542098 | Find the Seeker in your 'Overview' window, right-click it and select Approach. | Find the Seeker in your 'Overview' window, right-click it and select 'Approach'. | Find the Seeker in your <b>'Overview'</b> window, right-click it and select <b>'Approach'</b>. | |
542629 | Dock | The Overview Window | ||
543027 | Automatic Pay Settings | Automatic Pay | Automatic Pay |
UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/PersonalAutoPayment |
543570 | The following structures have had their reinforcement times changed: {listOfStructureLinks} The new reinforcements times will be at {reinforcementHour} (+/- 30 minutes). The structure will change to the new reinforcement time at {[datetime]timestamp, date=short, time=short}, or at the next possible time after that when the structure is undamaged. |
The following structures have had their reinforcement times changed: {listOfStructureLinks} The new reinforcements times will be at {reinforcementHour} (up to +/- 3 hours). The structure will change to the new reinforcement time at {[datetime]timestamp, date=short, time=short}, or at the next possible time after that when the structure is undamaged. |
The following structures have had their reinforcement times changed: {listOfStructureLinks} The new reinforcements times will be at {reinforcementHour} ( The structure will change to the new reinforcement time at {[datetime]timestamp, date=short, time=short}, or at the next possible time after that when the structure is undamaged. |
Notifications/Structures/bodyStructuresReinforcementChangedNoWeekday |
544782 | These more advanced turrets will need to be loaded with ammunition before they can fire.
You may need reserves during combat so be sure to store excess ammunition in your ship's 'Cargo Hold'. |
These more advanced turrets will need to be loaded with ammunition before they can fire. | These more advanced turrets will need to be loaded with ammunition before they can fire. You may need reserves during combat so be sure to store excess ammunition in your ship's <b>'Cargo Hold'</b>. |
Part of conversation "Fitting 6: Load ammo" |
549099 | Captain, there are seekers out here. Our mission is to eliminate them.
Approach the nearest Seeker. |
Captain, there are Seekers out here. Our mission is to eliminate them.
Approach the nearest Seeker. |
Captain, there are Approach the nearest Seeker. |
Part of conversation "Combat Aura 1.2b" |
549110 | Lock the seeker | Lock the Seeker | Lock the |
550879 | HyperCore | HyperCore | Item name for typeID 52568 (Commodities) | |
550903 | EVE/Evetypes/Types/Names/03:550903 | EVE/Evetypes/Types/Names/03:550903 | ||
550984 | You can find the station in the 'Overview' or you can open 'The Agency', find your career agent and press the 'Dock' button. | Find your career agent's station in the 'Overview', right-click it and select 'Dock'. | ||
551005 | Mission complete, Captain! The seeker threat in this system has been eliminated. | Mission complete, Captain! The Seeker threat in this system has been eliminated. | Mission complete, Captain! The |
Part of conversation "Combat 6.2" |
551231 | Cut | Cut | /Carbon/UI/Controls/Common/Cut | |
551431 | Whoops, you seem to have found an unexpected error in the HyperNet Relay. | Whoops, you seem to have found an unexpected error in the HyperNet Relay. | ||
551432 | Whoops | Whoops | ||
551525 | Please review your trade agreement: You will receive {getsISK} ISK and {getsItems} You will give {givesISK} ISK and {givesItems} |
You will <b>receive</b> {getsISK} ISK and {getsItems} You will <b>give</b> {givesISK} ISK and {givesItems} |
551526 | Confirm Trade | |||
551918 | EVE/Evetypes/Types/Names/18:551918 | EVE/Evetypes/Types/Names/18:551918 | ||
551967 | Mouse over your primary weapon to see the Optimal and Fall Off ranges. | Mouse-over your primary weapon to see the Optimal and Fall Off ranges. | Mouse |
551971 | Under the 'Skills' tab click on a category and pick a skill you wish to train. I would recommend the category 'Gunnery' and the skill 'Surgical Strike'. Mouse over the skill for more information.
Drag the skill into the training queue to start training. |
Under the 'Skills' tab click on a category and pick a skill you wish to train. I would recommend the category 'Gunnery' and the skill 'Surgical Strike'. Mouse over the skill for more information.
Drag the skill into the training queue to start training. |
Under the <b>'Skills'</b> tab click on a category and pick a skill you wish to train. I would recommend the category <b>'Gunnery'</b> and the skill <b>'Surgical Strike'</b>. Mouse over the skill for more information. Drag the skill into the training queue to start training. |
551993 | Activate your 'Afterburner' by clicking on the module in your ship's HUD to increase your velocity.
Eliminate the seekers: Orbit (W + Left Click) Lock (Ctrl + Left Click) Fire (F1) |
Orbit (W + Left Click)
Lock (Ctrl + Left Click) Fire (F1) |
Eliminate the seekers: <b>Lock</b> (Ctrl + Left Click) <b>Fire</b> (F1) |
552000 | Select the highlighted ammo and drag it onto the 'Fitting Window'. This will automatically load your turrets with ammo.
Any excess ammo should be placed in the highlighted 'Cargo Hold'. |
Select the highlighted ammo and drag it onto the 'Fitting Window'. This will automatically load your turrets with ammo. | Select the highlighted ammo and drag it onto the <b>'Fitting Window'</b>. This will automatically load your turrets with ammo. Any excess ammo should be placed in the highlighted <b>'Cargo Hold'</b>. |
552149 | Look for scrap | Look for Scrap | Look for |
552151 | That is the last of the seekers. There might be something valuable in their wrecks, we should take a look. | That is the last of the Seekers. There might be something valuable in their wrecks, we should take a look. | That is the last of the |
Part of conversation "Combat path task 1.2f" |
552172 | Purchased a HyperNode | Purchased a HyperNode | UI/Generic/FormatReference/HyperNetEntryFee | |
552173 | HyperNet Relay Fee | HyperNet Relay Fee | UI/Generic/FormatReference/HyperNetRelayFee | |
552174 | HyperNode refund for expired HyperNet Offer | HyperNode refund for expired HyperNet Offer | UI/Generic/FormatReference/HyperNetExpired | |
552175 | Completed HyperNet Relay Payout | Completed HyperNet Relay Payout | UI/Generic/FormatReference/HyperNetPayout | |
552589 | You can use the wallet to check your ISK balance and transaction history.
Incoming Data transfer. Set aside the wallet for now, Captain. CONCORD have need of your talents again. |
You can use the wallet to check your ISK balance and transaction history. | You can use the wallet to check your ISK balance and transaction history. Incoming Data transfer. Set aside the wallet for now, Captain. CONCORD have need of your talents again. |
Part of conversation "ISK Tutorialization 1.1" |
552614 | PLEX | PLEX | UI/Common/PLEX | |
552629 | Survey Rendezvous | Survey Rendezvous | ||
552630 | Survey Array | Survey Array | ||
552631 | Unusual Asteroid | Unusual Asteroid | ||
552632 | Faint Distress Beacon | Faint Distress Beacon | ||
552634 | Dormant Observatory | Dormant Observatory | ||
552635 | Dormant Observatory | Dormant Observatory | ||
552636 | Observatory Beacon | Observatory Beacon | ||
552637 | Domant Observatory | Domant Observatory | ||
552638 | Observatory Beacon | Observatory Beacon | ||
552639 | Observatory Resupply Station | Observatory Resupply Station | ||
552640 | Drone Hive | Drone Hive | ||
552669 | 53041_Male_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_M01_Types_BodyAugmentationM01_Red.png | Men's 'RubySet TorsoRig' Body Augmentation | Item name for typeID 53041 (Augmentations) | |
552672 | Survey Supply Cache | Survey Supply Cache | ||
552674 | Rogue Refuge | Rogue Refuge | ||
552736 | Prospector Claim | Prospector Claim | ||
552752 | Low-power Signal | Low-power Signal | ||
552907 | This appears to be the remains of a survey ship. | This appears to be the remains of a survey ship. | Item description for "Survey Ship" (typeID 53081) | |
552908 | This program is used to track multiple astronomical bodies at the same time. It can be used to help predict approximate trajectories but is normally just used for recording vast amounts of data. Due to its prediction capabilities, it highlights anomalies for review by other programs or people.
The data contained herein shows an anomalous situation at the nearby asteroids. It additionally plots a long-distance vector, one that can be used with the Acceleration Gate found near where this was found. |
This program is used to track multiple astronomical bodies at the same time. It can be used to help predict approximate trajectories but is normally just used for recording vast amounts of data. Due to its prediction capabilities, it highlights anomalies for review by other programs or people. The data contained herein shows an anomalous situation at the nearby asteroids. It additionally plots a long-distance vector, one that can be used with the Acceleration Gate found near where this was found. |
Item description for "Astronavigational Tracking Program" (typeID 53082) | |
552909 | This is a black box, originally found in a Survey Ship. It is obvious that it has been accessed forcibly but the data and information are still intact. | This is a black box, originally found in a Survey Ship. It is obvious that it has been accessed forcibly but the data and information are still intact. | Item description for "Survey Data" (typeID 53083) | |
552951 | Last 30 days | Last 30 days | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/Last30Days | |
552952 | Specific Date (+30 days) | Specific Date (+30 days) | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/SpecificDate | |
552976 | Transfer To: | Transfer To: | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransferTo | |
552998 | Showing {numFirst}-{numLast} of {numTotal} | Showing {numFirst}-{numLast} of {numTotal} | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ShowingTransactions | |
553000 | Transfer Successful | Transfer Successful | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransferSuccessful | |
553056 | Interstellar Kredits (ISK) are the primary currency in New Eden. Anything in the market can be purchased with ISK. | Interstellar Kredits (ISK) are the primary currency in New Eden. Anything in the market can be purchased with ISK. | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ISKDescription | |
553057 | Pilot's License Extensions (PLEX) are a currency used for upgrading Alpha clones to Omega, and shopping in the New Eden Store (NES). Can be sold on the market for ISK. | Pilot's License Extensions (PLEX) are a currency used for upgrading Alpha clones to Omega, and shopping in the New Eden Store (NES). Can be sold on the market for ISK. | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/PLEXDescription | |
553058 | Loyalty Points (LP) are a secondary currency denoting the amount of favor you have curried with various NPC Factions/Corporations. Used to acquire rare items or ships in loyalty point stores located in stations owned by the respective Faction/Corporation. | Loyalty Points (LP) are a secondary currency denoting the amount of favor you have curried with various NPC Factions/Corporations. Used to acquire rare items or ships in loyalty point stores located in stations owned by the respective Faction/Corporation. | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/LPDescription | |
553060 | Are you sure you want to transfer {amount} ISK to {[character]}? | Are you sure you want to transfer {amount} ISK to {[character]}? | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionConfirmation | |
553256 | Division | Division | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/Division | |
553274 | 53229_Female_Makeup_BodyAugmentations_BodyAugmentation_F01_Types_BodyAugmentationF01_Red.png | Women's 'RubySet TorsoRig' Body Augmentation | Item name for typeID 53229 (Augmentations) | |
553288 | 30 Days Income | 30 Days Income | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/Last30DaysIncome | |
553289 | Items Sold: {groupName} | Items Sold: {groupName} | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ItemsSold | |
553290 | {numSources} Sources | {numSources} Sources | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/NumIncomeSources | |
553304 | Items Bought: {groupName} | Items Bought: {groupName} | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ItemsBought | |
553305 | 30 Days Expenses | 30 Days Expenses | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/Last30DaysExpenses | |
553335 | Closest Loyalty Point Store | Closest Loyalty Point Store | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/ClosestLPStore | |
553336 | All Factions | All Factions | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/AllFactions | |
553367 | Market Orders | Market Orders | Tooltips/StationServices/MarketOrders | |
553368 | Monitor and modify your active buy and sell orders | Monitor and modify your active buy and sell orders | Tooltips/StationServices/MarketOrders_description | |
553391 | HyperNet offer created. | HyperNet offer created. | Notifications/NotificationNames/HyperNetOfferCreated | |
553392 | Congratulations you have create a HyperNet offer for {type_link} with {node_count} HyperNodes at the cost of {node_price} per node. | Congratulations you have create a HyperNet offer for {type_link} with {node_count} HyperNodes at the cost of {node_price} per node. | Notifications/bodyHyperNetOfferCreated | |
553474 | HyperNet Relay | HyperNet Relay | UI/HyperNet/WindowTitle | |
553475 | HyperNet Relay is a decision market that matches selectors of optimal path FTL communication nodes to offered trade items. | HyperNet Relay is a decision market that matches selectors of optimal path FTL communication nodes to offered trade items. | UI/HyperNet/WindowDescription | |
553476 | Open HyperNet offer | Open HyperNet offer | UI/HyperNet/LinkHint | |
553523 | HyperNet offer completed | HyperNet offer completed | Notifications/NotificationNames/HyperNetOfferFinished | |
553524 | HyperNet offer expired! | HyperNet offer expired! | Notifications/NotificationNames/HyperNetOfferExpired | |
553525 | A HyperNet offer for {type_link} you are taking part in has finished | A HyperNet offer for {type_link} you are taking part in has finished | Notifications/HyperNetOfferFinished | |
553526 | A HyperNet offer for {type_link} you are interested in has expired. Tickets price have been refunded and the item returned to its owner | A HyperNet offer for {type_link} you are interested in has expired. Tickets price have been refunded and the item returned to its owner | Notifications/HyperNetOfferExpired | |
553527 | HyperNet | HyperNet | Notifications/NotificationNames/HyperNet | |
553528 | HyperNet | HyperNet | Notifications/groupHyperNet | |
553547 | Buy multiple items at once | Buy multiple items at once | UI/Market/Multibuy_description | |
553565 | I will notify you when your skill training is complete. Let us continue with the investigation. | I will notify you when your skill training is complete. Let us continue with the investigation. | Part of conversation "Combat Aura 2.6f" | |
553566 | Close Character Sheet | Close Character Sheet | ||
553567 | Close the character sheet before continuing | Close the character sheet before continuing | ||
553568 | Close the 'Character Sheet' to continue. | Close the <b>'Character Sheet'</b> to continue. | ||
553570 | Deposit ISK | Deposit ISK | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/DepositISK | |
553572 | Withdraw ISK | Withdraw ISK | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/WithdrawISK | |
553573 | Corporation ISK is stored in different divisions - a way to divide the Corporations ISK into different accounts. The active division is where transfers usually occur. | Corporation ISK is stored in different divisions - a way to divide the Corporations ISK into different accounts. The active division is where transfers usually occur. | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/CorpISKDescription | |
553606 | This feature is not available. | This feature is not available. | ||
553607 | Feature unavailable | Feature unavailable | ||
553608 | Please wait until the session change has completed for {[character]} | Please wait until the session change has completed for {[character]} | UI/RandomJump/Error/SessionChangeInProgress | |
553609 | Interference from local natural phenomena are preventing {[character]} from activating the filament. {[character]} must leave this deadspace | Interference from local natural phenomena are preventing {[character]} from activating the filament. {[character]} must leave this deadspace | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipInDungeon | |
553610 | {[character]} is inside a force field. {[character]} must leave the force field | {[character]} is inside a force field. {[character]} must leave the force field | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipInForceField | |
553611 | {[character]} warp drive is active. Please wait until the ship has finished warping. | {[character]} warp drive is active. Please wait until the ship has finished warping. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipInWarp | |
553612 | {[character]} ship is cloaked. {[character]} must disengage cloak in order to activate the filament. | {[character]} ship is cloaked. {[character]} must disengage cloak in order to activate the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsCloaked | |
553613 | {[character]} must be in space when activating the filament. | {[character]} must be in space when activating the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsDocked | |
553614 | {[character]} ship is temporarily invulnerable. Wait for this effect to end in order to activate the filament. | {[character]} ship is temporarily invulnerable. Wait for this effect to end in order to activate the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsInvulnerable | |
553615 | {[character]} ship is self-destructing. {[character]} must cancel the self-destruct sequence before activating the filament. | {[character]} ship is self-destructing. {[character]} must cancel the self-destruct sequence before activating the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsSelfDestructing | |
553616 | {[character]} ship is tethered. {[character]} must disengage the tether in order to activate the filament. | {[character]} ship is tethered. {[character]} must disengage the tether in order to activate the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsTethered | |
553617 | {[character]} ship is warp scrambled. | {[character]} ship is warp scrambled. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipIsWarpScrambled | |
553618 | We seem to have lost track of your ship. | We seem to have lost track of your ship. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ShipNotFound | |
553619 | Not quite sure how to explain this one, but something went wrong. | Not quite sure how to explain this one, but something went wrong. | UI/RandomJump/Error/UnknownError | |
553620 | {[character]} is in Abyssal Deadspace. You must leave before activating the filament. | {[character]} is in Abyssal Deadspace. You must leave before activating the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/InAbyssSystem | |
553621 | The item you are trying to use is not a filament. | The item you are trying to use is not a filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/InvalidKeyType | |
553622 | You do not own that filament. | You do not own that filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/InvalidOwner | |
553623 | The filament is not compatible with {[character]} current ship. | The filament is not compatible with {[character]} current ship. | UI/RandomJump/Error/InvalidShipType | |
553624 | The {[item]} is not reachable from where you are right now. | The {[item]} is not reachable from where you are right now. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ItemNotReachable | |
553625 | The filament has moved or already been consumed. | The filament has moved or already been consumed. | UI/RandomJump/Error/KeyNotFound | |
553626 | You must be in a fleet to activate a filament. | You must be in a fleet to activate a filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/PlayerNotInFleet | |
553627 | {[character]} must be further than {[numeric]distance.distance} away from {[item]}. | {[character]} must be further than {[numeric]distance.distance} away from {[item]}. | UI/RandomJump/Error/ProximityRestriction | |
553628 | {[character]} recently engaged in combat with another capsuleer . Wait for the capsuleer Log-Off Timer to expire before activating the filament. | {[character]} recently engaged in combat with another capsuleer . Wait for the capsuleer Log-Off Timer to expire before activating the filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/PvpTimerActive | |
553629 | {[character]} safety is enabled. {[character]} must set his safety setting to partial or disabled in order to activate this filament. | {[character]} safety is enabled. {[character]} must set his safety setting to partial or disabled in order to activate this filament. | UI/RandomJump/Error/SafetyEngaged | |
553630 | This filament can only take up to {[numeric]amount} capsuleers | This filament can only take up to {[numeric]amount} capsuleers | UI/RandomJump/Error/FleetToBig | |
553631 | Can't activate an empty stack of filaments | Can't activate an empty stack of filaments | UI/RandomJump/Error/AdditionalFilamentsNeeded | |
553632 | HyperNet Relay has been disabled for this account. | HyperNet Relay has been disabled for this account. | ||
553633 | HyperNet Disabled | HyperNet Disabled | ||
553636 | We are not there yet. Only a few more jumps. | We are not there yet. Only a few more <b>jumps</b>. | Part of conversation "Handoff 5b: Continue Jumping" | |
553637 | Find the next stargate in 'The Overview', right-click it and select 'Jump'. | Find the next stargate in <b>'The Overview'</b>, right-click it and select <b>'Jump'</b>. | ||
553638 | Find the next stargate in 'The Overview', right-click it and select 'Jump'. | Find the next stargate in <b>'The Overview'</b>, right-click it and select <b>'Jump'</b>. | ||
553639 | Continue Jumping | Continue Jumping | ||
553640 | Continue traveling towards the career agents | Continue traveling towards the career agents | ||
553641 | {[character]} must be within {[numeric]distance.distance} for filament activation | {[character]} must be within {[numeric]distance.distance} for filament activation | UI/RandomJump/Error/FleetMemberNotInRange | |
553642 | Corp and Alliance | Corp and Alliance | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/CorpAlliance | |
553643 | Swarm C | Swarm C | Item name for typeID 53321 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm) | |
553644 | Swarm G | Swarm G | Item name for typeID 53322 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Swarm) | |
553645 | Agents and Missions | Agents and Missions | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/AgentsAndMissions | |
553646 | Trade | Trade | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/Trade | |
553647 | Bounty | Bounty | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/Bounty | |
553648 | Industry | Industry | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/Industry | |
553649 | Transfers | Transfers | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/Transfers | |
553650 | Frigate | Frigate | Item name for typeID 53323 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Frigate) | |
553651 | Cruiser | Cruiser | Item name for typeID 53324 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Cruiser) | |
553652 | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/Miscellaneous | |
553653 | Market Transactions | Market Transactions | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/TransactionGroups/MarketTransactions | |
553655 | Cruiser Elite | Cruiser Elite | Item name for typeID 53325 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Cruiser) | |
553656 | Battleship Elite | Battleship Elite | Item name for typeID 53326 (Deadspace Rogue Drone Battleship) | |
553660 | New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries from before the renaissance of space travel, industry and warfare that has brought into being the big four empires. The EVE Gate itself is believed by many to be a crossing point to the very origins of the human species. Others consider it a trapdoor to great dangers or, at the very least, a warning of the terrible risks of meddling with whatever sleeping secrets and hidden horrors lie beyond the thresholds of space and time.
The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the long-gone, perhaps dead Jove are testament to the dangers of delving into the mysteries of deep time. Even though the civilizations of New Eden commonly see crossroads as an ancient mythological symbol of opportunity twinned with danger, as befits a place between the worlds, the promise of vast rewards for taking a leap beyond the liminal crossings of New Eden are ever alluring to capsuleers. |
New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries dating from an age long before the renaissance of space travel, industry and warfare that has brought into being the four empires of the core systems. Many believe the EVE Gate itself to be the ruined remains of an old, forgotten crossing point to a place where the human species originated. Others consider it a trapdoor to unimaginable dangers or, at the very least, a warning of the terrible risks of meddling with sleeping secrets and hidden horrors that lie beyond the thresholds of space and time.
The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the departed, perhaps dead, Jove are testament to the dangers of delving into the mysteries of deep time. Even though the civilizations of New Eden commonly see crossroads as an ancient mythological symbol of opportunity twinned with danger, as befits a place between the worlds, the promise of vast rewards for taking a leap beyond the liminal crossings of New Eden are ever alluring to capsuleers. |
New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the |
Item description for "Draugur Liminal Crossings SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53316) |
553663 | New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries from before the renaissance of space travel, industry and warfare that has brought into being the big four empires. The EVE Gate itself is believed by many to be a crossing point to the very origins of the human species. Others consider it a trapdoor to great dangers or, at the very least, a warning of the terrible risks of meddling with whatever sleeping secrets and hidden horrors lie beyond the thresholds of space and time.
The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the long-gone, perhaps dead Jove are testament to the dangers of delving into the mysteries of deep time. Even though the civilizations of New Eden commonly see crossroads as an ancient mythological symbol of opportunity twinned with danger, as befits a place between the worlds, the promise of vast rewards for taking a leap beyond the liminal crossings of New Eden are ever alluring to capsuleers. |
New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries dating from an age long before the renaissance of space travel, industry and warfare that has brought into being the four empires of the core systems. Many believe the EVE Gate itself to be the ruined remains of an old, forgotten crossing point to a place where the human species originated. Others consider it a trapdoor to unimaginable dangers or, at the very least, a warning of the terrible risks of meddling with sleeping secrets and hidden horrors that lie beyond the thresholds of space and time.
The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the departed, perhaps dead, Jove are testament to the dangers of delving into the mysteries of deep time. Even though the civilizations of New Eden commonly see crossroads as an ancient mythological symbol of opportunity twinned with danger, as befits a place between the worlds, the promise of vast rewards for taking a leap beyond the liminal crossings of New Eden are ever alluring to capsuleers. |
New Eden is littered with ancient mysteries The Sleepers, Drifters, Triglavians, and even the |
Item description for "Nergal Liminal Crossings SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53315) |
553683 | Approach the Seeker | Approach the Seeker | ||
553684 | Approach the enemy seeker before engaging | Approach the enemy seeker before engaging | ||
553685 | Spatial rift detected, Captain! It's being created by a powerful gate of some kind.
We should engage the enemy Seeker, Captain. |
Spatial rift detected, Captain! It's being created by a powerful gate of some kind. We should engage the enemy Seeker, Captain. |
Part of conversation "Combat 4.2b" | |
553686 | Use the 'Overview' to right-click the Seeker Pacekeeper then select the 'Approach' command to get into engagement range.
Shortcut: (Q + Left-click) |
Use the <b>'Overview'</b> to right-click the <b>Seeker Pacekeeper</b> then select the <b>'Approach'</b> command to get into engagement range. Shortcut: (Q + Left-click) |
553689 | Use The Afterburner | Use The Afterburner | ||
553690 | Use the Afterburner to get into engagement range | Use the Afterburner to get into engagement range | ||
553691 | The enemy is traveling at a high velocity, Captain.
We should activate our afterburner to catch up. |
The enemy is traveling at a high velocity, Captain. We should activate our <b>afterburner</b> to catch up. |
Part of conversation "Combat 4.2c" | |
553695 | Jump Filaments | Jump Filaments | Group description for group ID 4041 | |
553696 | DSHR-01 Filament | DSHR-01 Filament | Item name for typeID 53330 (Jump Filaments) | |
553697 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "DSHR-01 Filament" (typeID 53330) | |
553698 | DNCR-02 Filament | DNCR-02 Filament | Item name for typeID 53331 (Jump Filaments) | |
553699 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "DNCR-02 Filament" (typeID 53331) | |
553700 | PRNCR-03 Filament | PRNCR-03 Filament | Item name for typeID 53332 (Jump Filaments) | |
553701 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "PRNCR-03 Filament" (typeID 53332) | |
553702 | VXN-04 Filament | VXN-04 Filament | Item name for typeID 53333 (Jump Filaments) | |
553703 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "VXN-04 Filament" (typeID 53333) | |
553704 | Click on the 'Afterburner' button in your ships HUD to increase your velocity.
Shortcut: (ALT + F1) |
Click on the <b>'Afterburner'</b> button in your ships HUD to increase your velocity. Shortcut: (ALT + F1) |
553715 | CMT-05 Filament | CMT-05 Filament | Item name for typeID 53334 (Jump Filaments) | |
553716 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "CMT-05 Filament" (typeID 53334) | |
553717 | CPD-06 Filament | CPD-06 Filament | Item name for typeID 53335 (Jump Filaments) | |
553718 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "CPD-06 Filament" (typeID 53335) | |
553719 | DNNR-07 Filament | DNNR-07 Filament | Item name for typeID 53336 (Jump Filaments) | |
553720 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "DNNR-07 Filament" (typeID 53336) | |
553724 | BLTZN-08 Filament | BLTZN-08 Filament | Item name for typeID 53337 (Jump Filaments) | |
553725 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "BLTZN-08 Filament" (typeID 53337) | |
553726 | RDLF-09 Filament | RDLF-09 Filament | Item name for typeID 53338 (Jump Filaments) | |
553727 | Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study.
In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Frostline Laboratories, a subsidiary division of Outer Ring Excavations, has begun to develop new technologies to expedite resource extraction in Nullsec. Filaments acquired from skirmishes with Triglavian Collective vessels have provided a wealth of information to study. In the spirit of Yoiul—and to expand their data pool—Frostline has chosen to share the products of their research with capsuleers across New Eden. For a limited time, pilots will be able to utilize these experimental filaments to more quickly and efficiently travel to Nullsec territories. |
Item description for "RDLF-09 Filament" (typeID 53338) | |
553750 | Use {[item]}... | Use {[item]}... | UI/Commands/ActivateRandomJumpKey | |
553762 | {[character]} has {[item]} active and must disable it before filament can be activated | {[character]} has {[item]} active and must disable it before filament can be activated | UI/RandomJump/Error/DisableModuleBeforeJump | |
553765 | Approach Wreck | Approach Wreck | ||
553766 | Start approaching the wreck | Start approaching the wreck | ||
553767 | ENV_SunSurface_01a | ENV_SunSurface_01a | Item name for typeID 53342 (Non-Interactable Object) | |
553768 | Well done, Captain. As soon as we are close enough to the wreck, I will initialize data transfer. | Well done, Captain. As soon as we are close enough to the wreck, I will initialize data transfer. | Part of conversation "Approaching Wreck" | |
553769 | This snowball used to be bigger than your head. Now it is just a puddle of water.
Water is valuable in the space economy so there may be someone willing to trade for this item. |
This snowball used to be bigger than your head. Now it is just a puddle of water. Water is valuable in the space economy so there may be someone willing to trade for this item. |
Item description for "Melted Snowball" (typeID 33569) | |
553770 | This snowball used to be bigger than your head. Now it is just a puddle of water. Onoes. | This snowball used to be bigger than your head. Now it is just a puddle of water. Onoes. | Item description for "Melted Snowball CXIV" (typeID 30221) | |
553771 | Ship Restrictions | Ship Restrictions | UI/RandomJump/ShipRestriction | |
553772 | This type of filament can only be used by subcapital ships | This type of filament can only be used by subcapital ships | UI/RandomJump/RestrictionSubCaps | |
553773 | {[character]} has overloaded cargo hold | {[character]} has overloaded cargo hold | UI/RandomJump/Error/overLoadedCargo | |
553774 | Dock at your Home Station | Dock at your Home Station | ||
553776 | Attack the Seeker | Attack the Seeker | ||
553780 | Expenses | Expenses | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/Expenses | |
553781 | Income | Income | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/Income | |
553783 | Now it's time to engage the enemy, Captain. Fire when ready! | Now it's time to engage the enemy, Captain. Fire when ready! | Part of conversation "AS01B06b (fire weapon)" | |
553784 | Click on the 'Primary Weapon' button in your ships HUD to start firing at the enemy.
Shortcut: (F1) |
Click on the <b>'Primary Weapon'</b> button in your ships HUD to start firing at the enemy. Shortcut: (F1) |
553789 | Yoiul Festival Snowball | Yoiul Festival Snowball | Item name for typeID 53343 (Festival Charges) | |
553816 | Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange | Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange | Dungeons/8630/DungeonName | |
553829 | Meltwater-Snowball Exchanger | Meltwater-Snowball Exchanger | Item name for typeID 53344 (Large Collidable Object) | |
553836 | Locked Target Status | Locked Target Status | ||
553837 | Here you can see the locked target's Shield, Armor, and Structure. | Here you can see the locked target's <b>Shield</b>, <b>Armor</b>, and <b>Structure</b>. | ||
553838 | Your ship will continue firing at the target as long as your weapon is active. | Your ship will continue firing at the target as long as your weapon is active. | ||
553846 | Chilling Spree | Chilling Spree | ||
553847 | Skill Points for Throwing Snowballs | Skill Points for Throwing Snowballs | ||
553849 | QA Starter Accelerator | QA Starter Accelerator | Item name for typeID 53345 (Booster) | |
553850 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with an NPC to receive 10,000 SP | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with an NPC to receive 10,000 SP | ||
553851 | NPCs hit | NPCs hit | ||
553852 | Hit 1 NPC with a Yoiul Festival Snowball to receive 10,000 Skill Points | Hit 1 NPC with a Yoiul Festival Snowball to receive 10,000 Skill Points | ||
553853 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with a Capsuleer to receive 10,000 SP | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with a Capsuleer to receive 10,000 SP | ||
553854 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
553855 | Hit 1 Capsuleer with a Yoiul Festival Snowball to receive 10,000 Skill Points | Hit 1 Capsuleer with a Yoiul Festival Snowball to receive 10,000 Skill Points | ||
553868 | The Overview Window | The Overview Window | ||
553869 | Find the Seeker in your 'Overview' window, right-click it and select 'Orbit at 500m'. | Find the Seeker in your <b>'Overview'</b> window, right-click it and select <b>'Orbit at 500m'</b>. | ||
553870 | The Overview Window | The Overview Window | ||
553871 | Find the Seeker in your overview, right-click it and select 'Lock Target'. | Find the Seeker in your overview, right-click it and select <b>'Lock Target'</b>. | ||
553872 | I offer: {formattedAmount} | I offer: {formattedAmount} | UI/PVPTrade/MyCharacterOffers | |
553873 | They offer: {formattedAmount} | They offer: {formattedAmount} | UI/PVPTrade/OtherCharacterOffers | |
553877 | <fontsize=17>{[numeric]amount}</fontsize> <fontsize=12>{[numeric]amount -> "Corporation", "Corporations"}</fontsize> | <fontsize=17>{[numeric]amount}</fontsize> <fontsize=12>{[numeric]amount -> "Corporation", "Corporations"}</fontsize> | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/LPTabCaption | |
553894 | You cannot online the {[item]} as there is another structure within {[numeric]allowedDistance.distance} of this one. | You cannot online the {[item]} as there is another structure within {[numeric]allowedDistance.distance} of this one. | ||
553924 | Type Name: {typeName} | Type Name: {typeName} | UI/PVPTrade/TypeNameWithName | |
553925 | Item Name: {itemName} | Item Name: {itemName} | UI/PVPTrade/ItemNameWithName | |
553926 | Quantity: {[numeric]qty, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} | Quantity: {[numeric]qty, useGrouping, decimalPlaces=0} | UI/PVPTrade/QuantityWithQty | |
553927 | {typeName} ({itemName}) | {typeName} ({itemName}) | UI/PVPTrade/TypeNameAndItemName | |
553928 | Automatically Accept Trade | Automatically Accept Trade | UI/PVPTrade/AutoAcceptTrade | |
553933 | Women's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit | Women's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit | Item name for typeID 53357 (Outer) | |
553934 | Aurora Universalis | Aurora Universalis | ||
553935 | Aurora Universalis | Aurora Universalis | ||
553936 | Aurora Universalis | Aurora Universalis | ||
553937 | Aurora Universalis | Aurora Universalis | ||
553938 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553939 | Tempest Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Tempest Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53360 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553940 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Tempest Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53360) | |
553941 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553942 | Hurricane Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Hurricane Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53361 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553943 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Hurricane Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53361) | |
553944 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553945 | Thrasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Thrasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53362 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553946 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Thrasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53362) | |
553947 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553948 | Rupture Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Rupture Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53363 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553949 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Rupture Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53363) | |
553950 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553951 | Slasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Slasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53364 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553952 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Slasher Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53364) | |
553953 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553954 | Apocalypse Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Apocalypse Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53365 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553955 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Apocalypse Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53365) | |
553956 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553957 | Harbinger Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Harbinger Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53366 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553958 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Harbinger Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53366) | |
553959 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553960 | Coercer Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Coercer Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53367 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553961 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Coercer Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53367) | |
553962 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553963 | Maller Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Maller Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53368 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553964 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Maller Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53368) | |
553965 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553966 | Executioner Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Executioner Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53369 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553967 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Executioner Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53369) | |
553968 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553969 | Condor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Condor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53370 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553970 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Condor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53370) | |
553971 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553972 | Moa Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Moa Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53371 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553973 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Moa Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53371) | |
553974 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553975 | Cormorant Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Cormorant Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53372 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553976 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Cormorant Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53372) | |
553977 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553978 | Drake Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Drake Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53373 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553979 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Drake Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53373) | |
553980 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553981 | Raven Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Raven Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53374 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553982 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Raven Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53374) | |
553983 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553984 | Atron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Atron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53375 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553985 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Atron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53375) | |
553986 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553987 | Vexor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Vexor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53376 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553988 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Vexor Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53376) | |
553989 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553990 | Catalyst Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Catalyst Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53377 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553991 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Catalyst Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53377) | |
553992 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553993 | Myrmidon Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Myrmidon Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53378 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553994 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Myrmidon Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53378) | |
553995 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. Most think this notion mixes up the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times and the traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
553996 | Megathron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Megathron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53379 (Permanent SKIN) | |
553997 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden. The heavily-populated terrestrial home planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. To the Amarr, the aurora are linked to ancient religious stories and are sometimes known as "Sefrim Banners", alluding to the angelic figures considered messengers from God. A tradition of the appearance of these lights heralding divine approval for the armies of Amarr during the Reclaiming of Athra is well attested. For the Caldari, the polar lights are the enigmatic "Flame Wind", a mysterious force in the animistic mythology of Caldari Prime's pre-industrial era. On the cold Caldari home world, the appearance of the aurora was associated with unusual weather and sudden migrations of animals. The various nations of Gallente Prime had their ancient legends about polar lights but knew the aurora to be an interaction of atmosphere, magnetic fields and stellar winds from the time of the "Airship Wars". Viewing aurora on airship trips to the polar regions of Gallente Prime is a popular tourist activity on the planet. The Minmatar have a somewhat mixed viewpoint on aurora, with some believing that such lights were seen during the storms that wracked Matar during the "Day of Darkness" that heralded the Amarr invasion. However, most think this notion misreads the fragmentary tales of what happened in those times. The traditional view of the polar lights, at least for tribes such as the Brutor and Sebiestor, is that they represent a "standing place gathering" or moot of tribal spirits. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. |
Item description for "Megathron Aurora Universalis SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53379) | |
553998 | Women's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt | Women's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt | Item name for typeID 53380 (Tops) | |
553999 | Women's Aurora Universalis Cap | Women's Aurora Universalis Cap | Item name for typeID 53381 (Headwear) | |
554022 | Primary Weapon | Primary Weapon | ||
554023 | Mouse-over to get information about Optimal and Fall Off ranges | Mouse-over to get information about <b>Optimal</b> and <b>Fall Off</b> ranges | ||
554029 | Men's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit | Men's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit | Item name for typeID 53382 (Outer) | |
554030 | Men's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt | Men's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt | Item name for typeID 53383 (Tops) | |
554031 | Men's Aurora Universalis Cap | Men's Aurora Universalis Cap | Item name for typeID 53384 (Headwear) | |
554047 | Women's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation | Women's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation | Item name for typeID 53385 (Augmentations) | |
554048 | Women's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation | Women's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation | Item name for typeID 53386 (Augmentations) | |
554058 | Men's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation | Men's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation | Item name for typeID 53393 (Augmentations) | |
554059 | Men's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation | Men's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation | Item name for typeID 53394 (Augmentations) | |
554061 | Return to Game | Return to Game | UI/SystemMenu/ReturnToGame | |
554065 | HyperNet Relay | HyperNet Relay | ||
554066 | HyperNet Relay | HyperNet Relay | ||
554067 | Items used in the HyperNet Relay | Items used in the HyperNet Relay | ||
554068 | Items used in the HyperNet Relay | Items used in the HyperNet Relay | ||
554069 | k | k | UI/Util/UnitPrefixThousandShort | |
554070 | M | M | UI/Util/UnitPrefixMillionShort | |
554071 | B | B | UI/Util/UnitPrefixBillionShort | |
554072 | T | T | UI/Util/UnitPrefixTrillionShort | |
554073 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 NPCs to receive 20,000 SP | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 NPCs to receive 20,000 SP | ||
554074 | NPCs hit | NPCs hit | ||
554075 | Hit 3 NPCs with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive 20,000 Skill Points | Hit 3 NPCs with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive 20,000 Skill Points | ||
554076 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 NPCs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 NPCs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | ||
554077 | NPCs hit | NPCs hit | ||
554078 | Hit 3 NPCs with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | Hit 3 NPCs with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | ||
554079 | thousand | thousand | UI/Util/UnitPrefixThousand | |
554080 | million | million | UI/Util/UnitPrefixMillion | |
554081 | billion | billion | UI/Util/UnitPrefixBillion | |
554082 | trillion | trillion | UI/Util/UnitPrefixTrillion | |
554083 | The use of this filament has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later. | The use of this filament has been temporarily disabled. Please try again later. | ||
554084 | Filament Use Disabled | Filament Use Disabled | ||
554085 | You do not have the required fleet role of commander to activate this filament | You do not have the required fleet role of commander to activate this filament | UI/RandomJump/Error/FleetRolesNeeded | |
554092 | Traveling to Stargate | Traveling to Stargate | ||
554093 | Traveling towards the next stargate in our route in preparation for jumping | Traveling towards the next stargate in our route in preparation for jumping | ||
554094 | Warping to stargate. We will jump through upon arrival. | Warping to <b>stargate</b>. We will <b>jump</b> through upon arrival. | Part of conversation "Handoff 5a: traveling" | |
554101 | Next Item in Autopilot Route | Next Item in Autopilot Route | ||
554102 | Travel here to proceed towards your current destination | Travel here to proceed towards your current destination | ||
554103 | A bounty cannot be placed on {[character]} as they are less than {[timeinterval]minAge.writtenForm, from=day, to=day} old. | A bounty cannot be placed on {[character]} as they are less than {[timeinterval]minAge.writtenForm, from=day, to=day} old. | ||
554104 | Pilot is in your Non Capsuleer corporation | Pilot is in your Non Capsuleer corporation | UI/Services/State/Standing/SameNpcCorporation | |
554105 | True if the pilot is in the same Non Capsuleer corporation as you are | True if the pilot is in the same Non Capsuleer corporation as you are | UI/Services/State/Standing/SameNpcCorporationHint | |
554106 | Traveling to Stargate | Traveling to Stargate | ||
554107 | Continue traveling towards the career agents | Continue traveling towards the career agents | ||
554108 | Docking at Career Agent Station | Docking at Career Agent Station | ||
554110 | Warping towards the career agent station, Captain. Prepare to dock. | Warping towards the <b>career agent</b> station, Captain. Prepare to <b>dock</b>. | Part of conversation "Handoff 7a: docking" | |
554113 | Warping to Mission Site | Warping to Mission Site | ||
554115 | Warping commenced. Weapons hot, Captain. | Warping commenced. Weapons hot, Captain. | Part of conversation "Combat Aura 4.2a" | |
554116 | Docking in Station | Docking in Station | ||
554118 | Warping commenced. We will dock upon arrival. | Warping commenced. We will <b>dock</b> upon arrival. | Part of conversation "General: Docking" | |
554121 | Warping to Mission Site | Warping to Mission Site | ||
554129 | Warping to site | Warping to site | ||
554131 | Warping to site | Warping to site | ||
554133 | Docking at Station | Docking at Station | ||
554137 | This snowball is large enough to fit snugly into a Festival Launcher and firing it at another ship would probably be a lot of fun!
The annual Yoiul Festival has come to have some traditions in common with winter celebrations on several of the home worlds of New Eden, including snowball fights. |
This snowball is large enough to fit snugly into a Festival Launcher and firing it at another ship would probably be a lot of fun! The annual Yoiul Festival has come to have some traditions in common with winter celebrations on several of the home worlds of New Eden, including snowball fights. |
Item description for "Yoiul Festival Snowball" (typeID 53343) | |
554138 | Yoiul Star | Yoiul Star | ||
554139 | Yoiul Star | Yoiul Star | ||
554140 | Yoiul Star | Yoiul Star | ||
554141 | Yoiul Star | Yoiul Star | ||
554142 | Yoiul Star | Yoiul Star | ||
554145 | Creating... | Creating... | UI/HyperNet/Creating | |
554146 | The requested HyperNode count is invalid | The requested HyperNode count is invalid | UI/HyperNet/TicketCountError | |
554147 | {[numeric]ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} | {[numeric]ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} | UI/HyperNet/TicketCount | |
554148 | All | All | UI/HyperNet/FilterAll | |
554149 | A wealth creation, resource exchange and data routing service from PKN Interstellar. HyperNet Relay prices and synchronizes FTL communications across New Eden. | A wealth creation, resource exchange and data routing service from PKN Interstellar. HyperNet Relay prices and synchronizes FTL communications across New Eden. | UI/HyperNet/BrowseBannerDescription | |
554150 | Hide unavailable | Hide unavailable | UI/HyperNet/ShowOnlyAvailable | |
554151 | Est. {value} | Est. {value} | UI/HyperNet/MarketEstimate | |
554152 | Browse for this type | Browse for this type | UI/HyperNet/BrowseTypeContextMenu | |
554153 | Browse HyperNet offers | Browse HyperNet offers | UI/HyperNet/PageTitleBrowse | |
554154 | Maximum price | Maximum price | UI/HyperNet/MaximumPrice | |
554155 | Created | Created | UI/HyperNet/FilterCreated | |
554156 | An unknown error occurred | An unknown error occurred | UI/HyperNet/UnknownError | |
554157 | Browse offers | Browse offers | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/BrowseTitle | |
554158 | {[numeric]owned_ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]owned_ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} owned | {[numeric]owned_ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]owned_ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} owned | UI/HyperNet/OwnedTickets | |
554159 | Each offer consists of a set of HyperNodes that you can purchase. Each node that you purchase will increase your chance to acquire the offered item. | Each offer consists of a set of HyperNodes that you can purchase. Each node that you purchase will increase your chance to acquire the offered item. | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/BuyText | |
554160 | An error occurred while attempting to transfer the HyperCores | An error occurred while attempting to transfer the HyperCores | UI/HyperNet/TokenPaymentError | |
554161 | You can only use HyperCores that you own | You can only use HyperCores that you own | UI/HyperNet/TokenOwnerError | |
554162 | Create another | Create another | UI/HyperNet/CreateAnother | |
554163 | Drag to share this HyperNet offer | Drag to share this HyperNet offer | UI/HyperNet/LinkButtonHint | |
554164 | Filter by solar system | Filter by solar system | UI/HyperNet/FilterLocationPlaceholder | |
554165 | Private HyperNet offer | Private HyperNet offer | UI/HyperNet/PrivateRaffle | |
554166 | You owned {[numeric]owned_ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]owned_ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} | You owned {[numeric]owned_ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]owned_ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} | UI/HyperNet/PlayerOwnedTickets | |
554167 | Once all the HyperNodes in an offer have been sold, one of them is selected at random whose owner then receives the item. | Once all the HyperNodes in an offer have been sold, one of them is selected at random whose owner then receives the item. | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/WinText | |
554168 | Joined | Joined | UI/HyperNet/FilterJoined | |
554169 | Payout | Payout | UI/HyperNet/Earnings | |
554170 | There were not enough HyperCores available in the given stack | There were not enough HyperCores available in the given stack | UI/HyperNet/TokenAmountError | |
554171 | View HyperNet offer | View HyperNet offer | UI/HyperNet/ViewRaffle | |
554172 | Minimum price | Minimum price | UI/HyperNet/MinimumPrice | |
554173 | Filter by this type | Filter by this type | UI/HyperNet/FilterTypeContextMenu | |
554174 | You do not have enough ISK | You do not have enough ISK | UI/HyperNet/NotEnoughISKError | |
554175 | Filter by this solar system | Filter by this solar system | UI/HyperNet/FilterSolarSystemContextMenu | |
554176 | HyperNode count | HyperNode count | UI/HyperNet/TicketCountLabel | |
554177 | Buy a HyperNode for {[numeric]price.isk, decimalPlaces=0} | Buy a HyperNode for {[numeric]price.isk, decimalPlaces=0} | UI/HyperNet/QuickBuyButtonHint | |
554178 | Create | Create | UI/HyperNet/CreateButton | |
554179 | Synchronize | Synchronize | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/WinTitle | |
554180 | HyperNet offer: {item_name} | HyperNet offer: {item_name} | UI/HyperNet/Link | |
554181 | Reset | Reset | UI/HyperNet/Reset | |
554182 | Filter by item type/group | Filter by item type/group | UI/HyperNet/FilterItemPlaceholder | |
554183 | Created by | Created by | UI/HyperNet/CreatedBy | |
554184 | You need to click the button again to confirm and proceed with the action. | You need to click the button again to confirm and proceed with the action. | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/ConfirmHintText | |
554185 | This HyperNet offer was created by you | This HyperNet offer was created by you | UI/HyperNet/CreatedByPlayerHint | |
554186 | {[numeric]remaining_ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]remaining_ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} remaining | {[numeric]remaining_ticket_count, decimalPlaces=0} {[numeric]remaining_ticket_count -> "HyperNode", "HyperNodes"} remaining | UI/HyperNet/AvailableTickets | |
554187 | HyperNet Relay fee ({percentage}) | HyperNet Relay fee ({percentage}) | UI/HyperNet/SalesTax | |
554188 | Wallet balance | Wallet balance | UI/HyperNet/WalletBalance | |
554189 | Skip | Skip | UI/HyperNet/Skip | |
554190 | This HyperNet offer has HyperNodes set at a low price compared to the market value of the item. | This HyperNet offer has HyperNodes set at a low price compared to the market value of the item. | UI/HyperNet/GoodValueHint | |
554191 | Similar HyperNet offers | Similar HyperNet offers | UI/HyperNet/SimilarRaffles | |
554192 | You can search for offers under the Browse tab. Press the Refresh button to view more and use the filters if you're searching for something specific. | You can search for offers under the Browse tab. Press the Refresh button to view more and use the filters if you're searching for something specific. | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/BrowseText | |
554193 | HyperNet offer details | HyperNet offer details | UI/HyperNet/PageTitleDetails | |
554194 | My HyperNodes | My HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/MyTickets | |
554195 | Create | Create | UI/HyperNet/TabNameCreate | |
554196 | Number of HyperNodes | Number of HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/NumberOfTickets | |
554197 | The item must be in a station hangar | The item must be in a station hangar | UI/HyperNet/ItemLocationError | |
554198 | The item must be repackaged before using it to create a HyperNet offer | The item must be repackaged before using it to create a HyperNet offer | UI/HyperNet/ItemSingletonError | |
554199 | {amount} Won | {amount} Won | UI/HyperNet/Won | |
554200 | Don't forget to confirm | Don't forget to confirm | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/ConfirmHintTitle | |
554201 | {amount} Active | {amount} Active | UI/HyperNet/Active | |
554202 | Your HyperNet Relay participation history | Your HyperNet Relay participation history | UI/HyperNet/PageTitleHistory | |
554203 | You own this HyperNode | You own this HyperNode | UI/HyperNet/TicketOwnedByMeHint | |
554204 | Expiration date | Expiration date | UI/HyperNet/ExpirationDate | |
554205 | HyperNet offer expired | HyperNet offer expired | UI/HyperNet/CardExpired | |
554206 | Open Market | Open Market | UI/HyperNet/OpenMarket | |
554207 | Buy | Buy | UI/HyperNet/BuyButtonLabel | |
554208 | Total price must be at least {min_price} and at most {max_price}. | Total price must be at least {min_price} and at most {max_price}. | UI/HyperNet/TicketPriceError | |
554209 | Let's go | Let's go | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/LetsGo | |
554210 | By making this HyperNet offer private it will not be displayed on the HyperNet Relay browse page and can only be accessed with a direct link. | By making this HyperNet offer private it will not be displayed on the HyperNet Relay browse page and can only be accessed with a direct link. | UI/HyperNet/PrivateRaffleTooltip | |
554211 | History | History | UI/HyperNet/TabNameMyRaffles | |
554212 | Clear | Clear | UI/HyperNet/ClearButton | |
554213 | HyperNet offer not found | HyperNet offer not found | UI/HyperNet/NotFoundError | |
554214 | Claimed by | Claimed by | UI/HyperNet/CardWinner | |
554215 | Welcome | Welcome | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/WelcomeTitle | |
554216 | Item | Item | UI/HyperNet/FilterItemLabel | |
554217 | Drop a HyperCore here | Drop a HyperCore here | UI/HyperNet/TokenMissing | |
554218 | Browse | Browse | UI/HyperNet/TabNameBrowse | |
554219 | {amount} Completed | {amount} Completed | UI/HyperNet/Completed | |
554220 | OK | OK | UI/HyperNet/ConfirmCreationFailed | |
554221 | Open HyperNet offers | Open HyperNet offers | UI/HyperNet/ActiveStatistics | |
554222 | An unexpected error occurred while attempting to escrow your item | An unexpected error occurred while attempting to escrow your item | UI/HyperNet/ItemEscrowError | |
554223 | View more | View more | UI/HyperNet/ViewMore | |
554224 | HyperNode price | HyperNode price | UI/HyperNet/TicketPrice | |
554225 | No HyperNet offers found | No HyperNet offers found | UI/HyperNet/NoRafflesFoundError | |
554226 | Average price | Average price | UI/HyperNet/AveragePrice | |
554227 | The item that you provided is not a HyperCore | The item that you provided is not a HyperCore | UI/HyperNet/TokenTypeError | |
554228 | Completion Date | Completion Date | UI/HyperNet/CompletionDate | |
554229 | The HyperCores must be in a station hangar | The HyperCores must be in a station hangar | UI/HyperNet/TokenLocationError | |
554230 | HyperNet Offer History | HyperNet Offer History | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/HistoryTabHintTitle | |
554231 | Expiration
If your offer reaches expiration without all HyperNodes being sold your item will be returned and all HyperNodes will be reimbursed. However, note that any HyperCores used will not be returned. The HyperNet Relay fee is only applied if the offer does not reach expiration. Payout Once all the HyperNodes have been sold a winner is chosen to receive the item and you will be transferred the stated payout amount. |
<b>Expiration</b> If your offer reaches expiration without all HyperNodes being sold your item will be returned and all HyperNodes will be reimbursed. However, note that <b>any HyperCores used will not be returned</b>. The HyperNet Relay fee is only applied if the offer does not reach expiration. <b>Payout</b> Once all the HyperNodes have been sold a winner is chosen to receive the item and you will be transferred the stated payout amount. |
UI/HyperNet/CreateInformationTooltip | |
554232 | Got it | Got it | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/GotIt | |
554233 | Solar system | Solar system | UI/HyperNet/FilterLocationLabel | |
554234 | Buy this HyperNode for {[numeric]price.isk, decimalPlaces=0} | Buy this HyperNode for {[numeric]price.isk, decimalPlaces=0} | UI/HyperNet/PurchaseTicketHint | |
554235 | {remaining_ticket_count}/{ticket_count} HyperNodes | {remaining_ticket_count}/{ticket_count} HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/RemainingTickets | |
554236 | You can only setup HyperNet offers with items that you own | You can only setup HyperNet offers with items that you own | UI/HyperNet/ItemOwnerError | |
554237 | Location | Location | UI/HyperNet/TokenLocation | |
554238 | Failed | Failed | UI/HyperNet/CreateFailedTitle | |
554239 | You owned no HyperNodes | You owned no HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/PlayerOwnedNoTickets | |
554240 | Buy multiple ... | Buy multiple ... | UI/HyperNet/MultiBuy | |
554241 | {item_name} has been moved to your item hangar | {item_name} has been moved to your item hangar | UI/HyperNet/RewardClaimed | |
554242 | Success! | Success! | UI/HyperNet/CreateSuccessTitle | |
554243 | Claim your item | Claim your item | UI/HyperNet/ClaimReward | |
554244 | The offer that you just purchased HyperNodes in can be found here under the History tab. | The offer that you just purchased HyperNodes in can be found here under the History tab. | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/HistoryTabHintText | |
554245 | Confirm | Confirm | UI/HyperNet/ConfirmPurchaseButtonLabel | |
554246 | Drop an item here to start | Drop an item here to start | UI/HyperNet/MissingItem | |
554247 | Private HyperNet offers are only accessible with a direct link | Private HyperNet offers are only accessible with a direct link | UI/HyperNet/PrivateRaffleHint | |
554248 | Claim your item | Claim your item | UI/HyperNet/CardClaimPrize | |
554249 | HyperNet offer completed | HyperNet offer completed | UI/HyperNet/CardCompleted | |
554250 | Your HyperNet offer was created successfully | Your HyperNet offer was created successfully | UI/HyperNet/CreateSuccessMessage | |
554251 | Expires in | Expires in | UI/HyperNet/ExpiresIn | |
554252 | Location | Location | UI/HyperNet/Location | |
554253 | Show finished | Show finished | UI/HyperNet/ShowFinished | |
554254 | HyperNodes | HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/Tickets | |
554255 | Welcome to the HyperNet Relay | Welcome to the HyperNet Relay | UI/HyperNet/BrowseBannerTitle | |
554256 | {[numeric]amount, decimalPlaces=0, useGrouping} {[numeric]amount -> "HyperCore", "HyperCores"} required | {[numeric]amount, decimalPlaces=0, useGrouping} {[numeric]amount -> "HyperCore", "HyperCores"} required | UI/HyperNet/TokensRequired | |
554257 | Create a new HyperNet offer | Create a new HyperNet offer | UI/HyperNet/PageTitleCreate | |
554258 | HyperNode owned by {[character]} | HyperNode owned by {[character]} | UI/HyperNet/TicketOwnerHint | |
554259 | This type of item is not allowed on the HyperNet Relay | This type of item is not allowed on the HyperNet Relay | UI/HyperNet/ItemTypeError | |
554260 | {amount} Joined | {amount} Joined | UI/HyperNet/Joined | |
554261 | HyperCores are required for the creation of HyperNet Relay offers. The amount of HyperCores required to create your offer is based on the total price of the offer. | HyperCores are required for the creation of HyperNet Relay offers. The amount of HyperCores required to create your offer is based on the total price of the offer. | UI/HyperNet/TokensTooltip | |
554262 | The HyperNode is not available for purchase | The HyperNode is not available for purchase | UI/HyperNet/TicketUnavailableError | |
554263 | Next | Next | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/Next | |
554264 | There was a mismatch between the expected item type and the actual type of item submitted | There was a mismatch between the expected item type and the actual type of item submitted | UI/HyperNet/TypeMismatchError | |
554265 | Start synchronization | Start synchronization | UI/HyperNet/CardShowWinner | |
554266 | Buy HyperNodes | Buy HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/BuyTitle | |
554267 | Duration | Duration | UI/HyperNet/Duration | |
554268 | The HyperNet Relay is a new trade network with a distinct blend of entertainment, fortune and social interaction. Let's see how it works. | The HyperNet Relay is a new trade network with a distinct blend of entertainment, fortune and social interaction. Let's see how it works. | UI/HyperNet/Tutorial/WelcomeText | |
554269 | Completed HyperNet offers | Completed HyperNet offers | UI/HyperNet/HistoricalStatistics | |
554270 | Filter by item/location | Filter by item/location | UI/HyperNet/FilterHistoryPlaceholder | |
554271 | Refresh | Refresh | UI/HyperNet/Refresh | |
554272 | Open NES | Open NES | UI/HyperNet/OpenNES | |
554273 | {amount} Created | {amount} Created | UI/HyperNet/Created | |
554274 | Total price | Total price | UI/HyperNet/TotalPrice | |
554275 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554276 | Oracle Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Oracle Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53420 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554277 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Oracle Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53420) | |
554278 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554279 | Revelation Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Revelation Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53421 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554280 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Revelation Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53421) | |
554281 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554282 | Avatar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Avatar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53422 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554283 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Avatar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53422) | |
554284 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554285 | Ark Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Ark Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53423 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554286 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Ark Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53423) | |
554287 | Warping commenced. | Warping commenced. | Part of conversation "General: Warping to site" | |
554288 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554289 | Jackdaw Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Jackdaw Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53424 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554290 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Jackdaw Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53424) | |
554291 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554292 | Cerberus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Cerberus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53425 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554293 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Cerberus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53425) | |
554294 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554295 | Chimera Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Chimera Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53426 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554296 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Chimera Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53426) | |
554297 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554298 | Leviathan Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Leviathan Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53427 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554299 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Leviathan Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53427) | |
554300 | Warping to stargate. | Warping to <b>stargate</b>. | Part of conversation "General: Warping to gate" | |
554301 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554302 | Ishtar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Ishtar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53428 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554303 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Ishtar Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53428) | |
554304 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554305 | Dominix Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Dominix Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53429 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554306 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Dominix Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53429) | |
554307 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554308 | Nyx Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Nyx Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53430 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554309 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Nyx Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53430) | |
554310 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554311 | Erebus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Erebus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53431 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554312 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Erebus Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53431) | |
554313 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554314 | Muninn Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Muninn Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53432 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554315 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Muninn Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53432) | |
554316 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554317 | Hurricane Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Hurricane Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53433 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554318 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Hurricane Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53433) | |
554319 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554320 | Panther Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Panther Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53434 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554321 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Panther Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53434) | |
554322 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554323 | Nidhoggur Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Nidhoggur Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53435 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554324 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Nidhoggur Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53435) | |
554325 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554326 | Astero Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Astero Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53436 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554327 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Astero Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53436) | |
554328 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554329 | Stratios Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Stratios Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53437 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554330 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Stratios Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53437) | |
554331 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
554332 | Nestor Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Nestor Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent) | Item name for typeID 53438 (Permanent SKIN) | |
554333 | During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden.
Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
During the Yoiul Festival, many across New Eden celebrate the ending of one year and look forward to the new. The festival has become a major holiday in the interstellar community with space travellers and workers everywhere enjoying a celebration of peace and friendship across New Eden. Anticipation of the Yoiul Festival has become as enjoyable to some as the many days of festivities, and it has become popular to set up holo displays counting down the time to the height of the celebrations. During the end of year week itself, these shine a beacon representing the star around which the Yoiul Conference took place. |
Item description for "Nestor Yoiul Star SKIN (Permanent)" (typeID 53438) | |
554334 | This Eico-type facial augmentation is inlaid with the propriety "Auroralite" material and has been released to mark the universal end of year celebration of the Yoiul Festival.
Environmental information capture overlays go several steps beyond somatosensory meshes and considerably enhance the sensory capabilities of those "wearing" such extensive facial augmentations. While this level of cybernetics can hardly be masked by mere nanocoatings there is still considerable scope for working in decorative elements. Eico augmentations include systems that improve the connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, these more extensive and elaborate information capture and processing systems hugely increase the types and range of environmental information that can be absorbed by an individual. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
This Eico-type facial augmentation is inlaid with the propriety "Auroralite" material and has been released to mark the universal end of year celebration of the Yoiul Festival. Environmental information capture overlays go several steps beyond somatosensory meshes and considerably enhance the sensory capabilities of those "wearing" such extensive facial augmentations. While this level of cybernetics can hardly be masked by mere nanocoatings there is still considerable scope for working in decorative elements. Eico augmentations include systems that improve the connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, these more extensive and elaborate information capture and processing systems hugely increase the types and range of environmental information that can be absorbed by an individual. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Item description for "Men's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation" (typeID 53393) | |
554335 | This Eico-type facial augmentation is inlaid with the propriety "Auroralite" material and has been released to mark the universal end of year celebration of the Yoiul Festival.
Environmental information capture overlays go several steps beyond somatosensory meshes and considerably enhance the sensory capabilities of those "wearing" such extensive facial augmentations. While this level of cybernetics can hardly be masked by mere nanocoatings there is still considerable scope for working in decorative elements. Eico augmentations include systems that improve the connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, these more extensive and elaborate information capture and processing systems hugely increase the types and range of environmental information that can be absorbed by an individual. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
This Eico-type facial augmentation is inlaid with the propriety "Auroralite" material and has been released to mark the universal end of year celebration of the Yoiul Festival. Environmental information capture overlays go several steps beyond somatosensory meshes and considerably enhance the sensory capabilities of those "wearing" such extensive facial augmentations. While this level of cybernetics can hardly be masked by mere nanocoatings there is still considerable scope for working in decorative elements. Eico augmentations include systems that improve the connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, these more extensive and elaborate information capture and processing systems hugely increase the types and range of environmental information that can be absorbed by an individual. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Item description for "Women's 'Eico Auroralite' Facial Augmentation" (typeID 53386) | |
554336 | This mesh-tech facial augmentation is designed to supplement the range of information that can be gathered in the visual cone of the wearer, providing supplemental electromagnetic, thermal and kinetic pickups for translation into optical data.
Using state-of-the-art nanocoating technology at a very personal level, facial augmentations can be crafted with striking designs that mask the mesh technology that will boost the wearer's somatosensory systems. Hyper-intensive simulations indicate a more focused and aware connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, the benefits of this augmentation are not solely limited to improving cognitive interaction with emotional inputs and outputs. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
This mesh-tech facial augmentation is designed to supplement the range of information that can be gathered in the visual cone of the wearer, providing supplemental electromagnetic, thermal and kinetic pickups for translation into optical data. Using state-of-the-art nanocoating technology at a very personal level, facial augmentations can be crafted with striking designs that mask the mesh technology that will boost the wearer's somatosensory systems. Hyper-intensive simulations indicate a more focused and aware connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, the benefits of this augmentation are not solely limited to improving cognitive interaction with emotional inputs and outputs. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Item description for "Men's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation" (typeID 53394) | |
554337 | This mesh-tech facial augmentation is designed to supplement the range of information that can be gathered in the visual cone of the wearer, providing supplemental electromagnetic, thermal and kinetic pickups for translation into optical data.
Using state-of-the-art nanocoating technology at a very personal level, facial augmentations can be crafted with striking designs that mask the mesh technology that will boost the wearer's somatosensory systems. Hyper-intensive simulations indicate a more focused and aware connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, the benefits of this augmentation are not solely limited to improving cognitive interaction with emotional inputs and outputs. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
This mesh-tech facial augmentation is designed to supplement the range of information that can be gathered in the visual cone of the wearer, providing supplemental electromagnetic, thermal and kinetic pickups for translation into optical data. Using state-of-the-art nanocoating technology at a very personal level, facial augmentations can be crafted with striking designs that mask the mesh technology that will boost the wearer's somatosensory systems. Hyper-intensive simulations indicate a more focused and aware connection between an augmented individual's consciousness and their nervous-emotional responses. However, the benefits of this augmentation are not solely limited to improving cognitive interaction with emotional inputs and outputs. Whether sipping cocktails in the zero-g bars of Caille, or ripping apart the sputtering remains of a pirate vessel with your guns in nullsec, one thing will be certain: those who see your face will have it etched into their memory forever. |
Item description for "Women's 'Oculina Carmina' Facial Augmentation" (typeID 53385) | |
554338 | Released to support the efforts of CONCORD and core empire efforts to maintain planetary security in the face of Triglavian Invasions, the RubySet TorsoRig is a powerful enhancement of upper body strength, speed and precision.
A new offering from Wiyrkomi Industrial Biomechanics, the RubySet TorsoRig is a general purpose body augmentation believed to derive from combat rigs worn by troops of the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. The science and technology of enhancing biomechanics using cybernetic rigs and meshes is advancing all the time with much effort focused on lowering the barrier of entry in terms of manufacturing and resources that make up the cost of such powerful augmentations. |
Released to support the efforts of CONCORD and core empire efforts to maintain planetary security in the face of Triglavian Invasions, the RubySet TorsoRig is a powerful enhancement of upper body strength, speed and precision. A new offering from Wiyrkomi Industrial Biomechanics, the RubySet TorsoRig is a general purpose body augmentation believed to derive from combat rigs worn by troops of the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. The science and technology of enhancing biomechanics using cybernetic rigs and meshes is advancing all the time with much effort focused on lowering the barrier of entry in terms of manufacturing and resources that make up the cost of such powerful augmentations. |
Item description for "Men's 'RubySet TorsoRig' Body Augmentation" (typeID 53041) | |
554339 | Released to support the efforts of CONCORD and core empire efforts to maintain planetary security in the face of Triglavian Invasions, the RubySet TorsoRig is a powerful enhancement of upper body strength, speed and precision.
A new offering from Wiyrkomi Industrial Biomechanics, the RubySet TorsoRig is a general purpose body augmentation believed to derive from combat rigs worn by troops of the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. The science and technology of enhancing biomechanics using cybernetic rigs and meshes is advancing all the time with much effort focused on lowering the barrier of entry in terms of manufacturing and resources that make up the cost of such powerful augmentations. |
Released to support the efforts of CONCORD and core empire efforts to maintain planetary security in the face of Triglavian Invasions, the RubySet TorsoRig is a powerful enhancement of upper body strength, speed and precision. A new offering from Wiyrkomi Industrial Biomechanics, the RubySet TorsoRig is a general purpose body augmentation believed to derive from combat rigs worn by troops of the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. The science and technology of enhancing biomechanics using cybernetic rigs and meshes is advancing all the time with much effort focused on lowering the barrier of entry in terms of manufacturing and resources that make up the cost of such powerful augmentations. |
Item description for "Women's 'RubySet TorsoRig' Body Augmentation" (typeID 53229) | |
554340 | Adapted for polar exploration and particularly popular for tourist expeditions on many planets, this exploration suit is practical for many types of polar or tundra environments where the natural beauty of icefields, snowy peaks and the spectacle of aurora lights may be viewed.
Seeing an opportunity in the market for variable atmosphere and gravity exploration gear, the Impro corporation developed its 'Impro-XS' integrated clothing and equipment line. The gear's superior environmental adaptation technology resulted in a rapid take up from various corporations across New Eden. |
Adapted for polar exploration and particularly popular for tourist expeditions on many planets, this exploration suit is practical for many types of polar or tundra environments where the natural beauty of icefields, snowy peaks and the spectacle of aurora lights may be viewed. Seeing an opportunity in the market for variable atmosphere and gravity exploration gear, the Impro corporation developed its 'Impro-XS' integrated clothing and equipment line. The gear's superior environmental adaptation technology resulted in a rapid take up from various corporations across New Eden. |
Item description for "Men's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit" (typeID 53382) | |
554341 | Adapted for polar exploration and particularly popular for tourist expeditions on many planets, this exploration suit is practical for many types of polar or tundra environments where the natural beauty of icefields, snowy peaks and the spectacle of aurora lights may be viewed.
Seeing an opportunity in the market for variable atmosphere and gravity exploration gear, the Impro corporation developed its 'Impro-XS' integrated clothing and equipment line. The gear's superior environmental adaptation technology resulted in a rapid take up from various corporations across New Eden. |
Adapted for polar exploration and particularly popular for tourist expeditions on many planets, this exploration suit is practical for many types of polar or tundra environments where the natural beauty of icefields, snowy peaks and the spectacle of aurora lights may be viewed. Seeing an opportunity in the market for variable atmosphere and gravity exploration gear, the Impro corporation developed its 'Impro-XS' integrated clothing and equipment line. The gear's superior environmental adaptation technology resulted in a rapid take up from various corporations across New Eden. |
Item description for "Women's Polar Aurora Exploration Suit" (typeID 53357) | |
554342 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This T-shirt design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This T-shirt design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Item description for "Men's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt" (typeID 53383) | |
554343 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This T-shirt design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This T-shirt design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Item description for "Women's Aurora Universalis T-Shirt" (typeID 53380) | |
554344 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This cap design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This cap design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Item description for "Men's Aurora Universalis Cap" (typeID 53384) | |
554345 | Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky.
At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This cap design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Auroras, or polar lights, are a universal concept and shared experience among the peoples of New Eden living across the many worlds of their respective empires. The heavily-populated terrestrial planets are particularly noted for stories and myths involving these striking, dancing lights in the sky. At the time of the Yoiul Festival, the aurora lights of the worlds of New Eden are one reminder of the shared history of the people of the cluster and have becomes a symbol to some of their universal connections with one another. This cap design has been released for the Yoiul Festival as a celebration of the symbolism of the aurora lights of New Eden. |
Item description for "Women's Aurora Universalis Cap" (typeID 53381) | |
554346 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 NPCs to receive DNCR-02 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 NPCs to receive DNCR-02 Filament | ||
554347 | NPCs hit | NPCs hit | ||
554348 | Hit 3 NPCs with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DNCR-02 Filament | Hit 3 NPCs with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DNCR-02 Filament | ||
554349 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive 20,000 SP | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive 20,000 SP | ||
554350 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554351 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive 20,000 Skill Points | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive 20,000 Skill Points | ||
554352 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive DSHR-01 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive DSHR-01 Filament | ||
554353 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554354 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | ||
554355 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive DNCR-02 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive DNCR-02 Filament | ||
554356 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554357 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DNCR-02 Filament | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DNCR-02 Filament | ||
554358 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive DSHR-01 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive DSHR-01 Filament | ||
554359 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554360 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DSHR-01 Filament | ||
554361 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive VXN-04 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive VXN-04 Filament | ||
554362 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554363 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive VXN-04 Filament | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive VXN-04 Filament | ||
554364 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive CMT-05 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 3 Capsuleers to receive CMT-05 Filament | ||
554365 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554366 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive CMT-05 Filament | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive CMT-05 Filament | ||
554367 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive 50,000SP | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive 50,000SP | ||
554368 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554369 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive 50,000 Skill Points | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive 50,000 Skill Points | ||
554370 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive CPD-06 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive CPD-06 Filament | ||
554371 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554372 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive CPD-06 Filament | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive CPD-06 Filament | ||
554373 | Winter Festival Snowball Fight Capsuleer - Item Test | Winter Festival Snowball Fight Capsuleer - Item Test | ||
554374 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Winter Festival Snowballs | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Winter Festival Snowballs | ||
554375 | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Winter Festival Snowballs | Hit 3 Capsuleers with Winter Festival Snowballs | ||
554376 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | ||
554377 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554378 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | ||
554379 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | ||
554380 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554381 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive BLTZN-08 Filament | ||
554382 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive RDLF-09 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive RDLF-09 Filament | ||
554383 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554384 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive RDLF-09 Filament | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive RDLF-09 Filament | ||
554385 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive RDLF-09 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive RDLF-09 Filament | ||
554386 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554387 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive RDLF-09 Filament | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive RDLF-09 Filament | ||
554388 | HyperCores are used to sell your items on the HyperNet Relay trade network. HyperCores act as a broker’s fee and the amount required is based on the total value of what you will offer on the HyperNet Relay.
This HyperCore represents a defined quantity of Quantum Entangled 4-Helium that will be used to establish, encrypt and synchronize pairs of HyperNodes on the HyperNet Relay. A wealth creation, resource exchange and data routing service from PKN Interstellar, the HyperNet Relay prices and synchronizes FTL communications across New Eden. HyperNet Relay is operated by PKN Cryptographic, a PKN Interstellar corporation. Creating Value / Connecting Worlds |
<b>HyperCores are used to sell your items on the HyperNet Relay trade network. HyperCores act as a broker’s fee and the amount required is based on the total value of what you will offer on the HyperNet Relay.</b> This HyperCore represents a defined quantity of Quantum Entangled 4-Helium that will be used to establish, encrypt and synchronize pairs of HyperNodes on the HyperNet Relay. A wealth creation, resource exchange and data routing service from PKN Interstellar, the HyperNet Relay prices and synchronizes FTL communications across New Eden. HyperNet Relay is operated by PKN Cryptographic, a PKN Interstellar corporation. <i>Creating Value / Connecting Worlds</i> |
Item description for "HyperCore" (typeID 52568) | |
554404 | Price | Price | UI/HyperNet/ChipPrice | |
554405 | HyperNodes | HyperNodes | UI/HyperNet/ChipTicketCount | |
554407 | The Overview Window | The Overview Window | ||
554408 | Find the closest Sentry Tower and destroy it. | Find the closest <b>Sentry Tower</b> and destroy it. | ||
554409 | The Overview Window | The Overview Window | ||
554410 | Find the far Sentry Tower and destroy it. | Find the far <b>Sentry Tower</b> and destroy it. | ||
554412 | Incoming Data transfer. Set aside the wallet for now, Captain. CONCORD have need of your talents again. | Incoming Data transfer. Set aside the wallet for now, Captain. CONCORD have need of your talents again. | Part of conversation "ISK Tutorialization 1.1" | |
554413 | Close the 'Wallet' to continue. | Close the <b>'Wallet'</b> to continue. | ||
554443 | Approaching Scrap | Approaching Scrap | ||
554445 | Approaching the wreck. Once we are in range, you can access the cargo. | Approaching the wreck. Once we are in range, you can access the cargo. | Part of conversation "Combat Aura 1.2f2" | |
554446 | Unable to deploy {[item]} here. The Activity Defense Modifier in this solar system is above {[numeric]maxADMForHostileDeployment} which means that only members of {sovAllianceName} can deploy this type of structure here. | Unable to deploy {[item]} here. The Activity Defense Modifier in this solar system is above {[numeric]maxADMForHostileDeployment} which means that only members of {sovAllianceName} can deploy this type of structure here. | ||
554450 | Extra Ammo | Extra Ammo | ||
554452 | Now, deposit the remaining ammunition in your ship's cargo. You'll need it later, assuming you live long enough to reload. | Now, deposit the remaining ammunition in your ship's cargo. You'll need it later, assuming you live long enough to reload. | Part of conversation "Fitting 6a: Ammo in cargo" | |
554453 | Drag the remaining ammo from your Item Hangar to you ship's Cargo Hold. This will allow you to reload your weapons while in space. | Drag the remaining ammo from your <b>Item Hangar</b> to you ship's <b>Cargo Hold</b>. This will allow you to reload your weapons while in space. | ||
554454 | Cargo Hold | Cargo Hold | ||
554455 | Drag the extra ammo into your ship's Cargo Hold. | Drag the extra ammo into your ship's <b>Cargo Hold</b>. | ||
554456 | Yoiul Trace | Yoiul Trace | Item name for typeID 53451 (Abyssal Trace) | |
554457 | This infinitesimal but highly energetic tear in space-time is the trace left by a recently used Filament. | This infinitesimal but highly energetic tear in space-time is the trace left by a recently used Filament. | Item description for "Yoiul Trace" (typeID 53451) | |
554481 | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive DNNR-07 Filament | Chilling Spree Snowball Fight with 5 Capsuleers to receive DNNR-07 Filament | ||
554482 | Capsuleers hit | Capsuleers hit | ||
554483 | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DNNR-07 Filament | Hit 5 Capsuleers with Yoiul Festival Snowballs to receive DNNR-07 Filament | ||
554492 | 13 Days of EVE | 13 Days of EVE | ||
554495 | Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework | Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework | Item name for typeID 53461 (Festival Charges) | |
554496 | This Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework is a special display pyrotechnic designed for use in Festival Launchers. The firework is a popular means of marking and celebrating the universal end of year holidays during the Yoiul Festival. | This Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework is a special display pyrotechnic designed for use in Festival Launchers. The firework is a popular means of marking and celebrating the universal end of year holidays during the Yoiul Festival. | Item description for "Yoiul Festival Starburst Firework" (typeID 53461) | |
554499 | Next challenge | Next challenge | UI/Seasons/NextChallengeLabelShort | |
554500 | Subcranial Nanocontrollers | Subcranial Nanocontrollers | Item name for typeID 53476 (Miscellaneous) | |
554501 | The Subcranial Nanocontroller is an advanced component from Lai Dai intended for use in biomechanical and neurocybernetic implants in a similar fashion to the older Transcranial Controller technology owned and licensed by Ishukone. Implants using Subcranial Nanocontrollers are being marketed as cheaper, more flexible and less intrusive. Lai Dai is believed to have made some key breakthroughs in its development of this technology after acquiring medical research and technology in the course of asset recovery operations carried out by Lai Dai Protection Services.
It is believed that the Khanid Kingdom and Tash-Murkon Family are eager to incorporate the new technology in more advanced, efficient and pervasive slave control devices with the aim being the elimination of the Vitoc method of enforcing slavery obedience. Many believe the Vitoc method is fatally vulnerable to chemical and biological subversion vectors, and several attacks using Insorum and Deathglow to provoke slave uprisings have reinforced this view in the Amarr Empire. The future of the Subcranial Nanocontroller technology, and Lai Dai's profit margins looks bright as a consequence. |
The Subcranial Nanocontroller is an advanced component from Lai Dai intended for use in biomechanical and neurocybernetic implants in a similar fashion to the older Transcranial Controller technology owned and licensed by Ishukone. Implants using Subcranial Nanocontrollers are being marketed as cheaper, more flexible and less intrusive. Lai Dai is believed to have made some key breakthroughs in its development of this technology after acquiring medical research and technology in the course of asset recovery operations carried out by Lai Dai Protection Services. It is believed that the Khanid Kingdom and Tash-Murkon Family are eager to incorporate the new technology in more advanced, efficient and pervasive slave control devices with the aim being the elimination of the Vitoc method of enforcing slavery obedience. Many believe the Vitoc method is fatally vulnerable to chemical and biological subversion vectors, and several attacks using Insorum and Deathglow to provoke slave uprisings have reinforced this view in the Amarr Empire. The future of the Subcranial Nanocontroller technology, and Lai Dai's profit margins looks bright as a consequence. |
Item description for "Subcranial Nanocontrollers" (typeID 53476) | |
554509 | Add | Add | UI/Station/BountyOffice/AddBounty | |
554512 | Filament DSHR-01 ignites a small-scale radioactive event that propels its corresponding vessel forward with alarming speed. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
Filament DSHR-01 ignites a small-scale radioactive event that propels its corresponding vessel forward with alarming speed. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
UI/RandomJump/DasherFilamentDescription | |
554513 | Filament DNCR-02’s navigational capabilities have been described as “whimsical” by Frostline researchers. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
Filament DNCR-02’s navigational capabilities have been described as “whimsical” by Frostline researchers. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
UI/RandomJump/DancerFilamentDescription | |
554514 | Filament PRNCR-03 releases rhythmic bursts of plasma radiation upon activation. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
Filament PRNCR-03 releases rhythmic bursts of plasma radiation upon activation. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
UI/RandomJump/PrancerFilamentDescription | |
554515 | Filament VXN-04 emits a corona of photon particles that bears a striking resemblance to a canid silhouette. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
Filament VXN-04 emits a corona of photon particles that bears a striking resemblance to a canid silhouette. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a completely random solar system in Null-Security space. It might be naughty. It might be nice. Only one way to find out. |
UI/RandomJump/VixenFilamentDescription | |
554516 | Filament CMT-05 triggers a sudden release of electromagnetic energy, leaving a trail of shining particles in the vessel’s wake. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
Filament CMT-05 triggers a sudden release of electromagnetic energy, leaving a trail of shining particles in the vessel’s wake. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
UI/RandomJump/CometFilamentDescription | |
554517 | Filament CPD-06 is imbued with particulate matter mined from Nullsec systems, resulting in a powerful burst of kinetic attraction. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
Filament CPD-06 is imbued with particulate matter mined from Nullsec systems, resulting in a powerful burst of kinetic attraction. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
UI/RandomJump/CupidFilamentDescription | |
554518 | Filament DNNR-07 creates a rapid expansion of matter, causing an intense vibrational shockwave. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
Filament DNNR-07 creates a rapid expansion of matter, causing an intense vibrational shockwave. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
UI/RandomJump/DonnerFilamentDescription | |
554519 | Filament BLTZN-08 crackles with excess energy in the form of irregular electrical discharges. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
Filament BLTZN-08 crackles with excess energy in the form of irregular electrical discharges. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
UI/RandomJump/BlitzenFilamentDescription | |
554520 | RDLF-09 is the rarest of Frostline’s experimental filaments. It is distinguishable by the unique red glow it emanates. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
RDLF-09 is the rarest of Frostline’s experimental filaments. It is distinguishable by the unique red glow it emanates. Allows for {[numeric]amount} pilots to be transported to a random but potentially active solar system in Null-Security space. Stay frosty, Capsuleers. |
UI/RandomJump/RudolphFilamentDescription | |
554525 | Festival Frigate SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Festival Frigate SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53486 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554526 | Festival Snowballs Crate | Festival Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53488 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554527 | Festival DSHR-01 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DSHR-01 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53489 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554528 | Festival Tier 1 Filament Crate | Festival Tier 1 Filament Crate | Item name for typeID 53490 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554529 | Festival Destroyer SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Festival Destroyer SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53491 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554530 | Festival DNCR-02 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DNCR-02 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53492 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554531 | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53493 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554532 | Festival Fireworks Crate | Festival Fireworks Crate | Item name for typeID 53494 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554533 | Festival PRNCR-03 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival PRNCR-03 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53495 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554534 | Festival Exploration Suit and Snowballs Crate | Festival Exploration Suit and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53496 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554535 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53497 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554536 | Festival Cap and Snowballs Crate | Festival Cap and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53498 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554537 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53499 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554541 | Search by exact terms | Search by exact terms | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/SearchByExactTerms | |
554542 | Open Local Locations | Open Local Locations | UI/AclBookmarks/OpenBookmarkStandaloneWindow | |
554543 | Saved locations in {solarsystemName} | Saved locations in {solarsystemName} | UI/AclBookmarks/LocationsInSolarsystem | |
554544 | Folder | Folder | UI/AclBookmarks/FolderHeader | |
554545 | No local locations found | No local locations found | UI/AclBookmarks/NoLocalSavedLocation | |
554546 | Owner is your corporation | Owner is your corporation | UI/Services/State/Standing/SameNpcCorporationOwner | |
554549 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554550 | Festival Frigate SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Festival Frigate SKINs and Snowballs Crate | ||
554551 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554552 | You can sell to this order from your current location | You can sell to this order from your current location | UI/Market/Marketbase/CanSellToOrderHint | |
554553 | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554554 | Festival Snowballs Crate | Festival Snowballs Crate | ||
554555 | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554556 | This is your order | This is your order | UI/Market/Marketbase/YourOrderHint | |
554557 | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554558 | Festival DSHR-01 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DSHR-01 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554559 | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554560 | This order is based in a solar system in your current route | This order is based in a solar system in your current route | UI/Market/Marketbase/InRouteHint | |
554561 | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | ||
554562 | Festival Calm Abyssal Filament Crate | Festival Calm Abyssal Filament Crate | ||
554563 | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | ||
554564 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554565 | Festival Destroyer SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Festival Destroyer SKINs and Snowballs Crate | ||
554566 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554567 | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554568 | Festival DNCR-02 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DNCR-02 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554569 | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554570 | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554571 | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | ||
554572 | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554573 | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | ||
554574 | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554575 | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554576 | Festival Fireworks Crate | Festival Fireworks Crate | ||
554577 | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554578 | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554579 | Festival PRNCR-03 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival PRNCR-03 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554580 | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554581 | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554582 | Festival Exploration Suit and Snowballs Crate | Festival Exploration Suit and Snowballs Crate | ||
554583 | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554584 | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554585 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | ||
554586 | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554587 | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554588 | Festival Cap and Snowballs Crate | Festival Cap and Snowballs Crate | ||
554589 | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554590 | No transactions found for {[item]} | No transactions found for {[item]} | UI/Wallet/WalletWindow/NoTransactionsFoundForType | |
554591 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554592 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | ||
554593 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554595 | Festival Cruiser SKINs, VXN-04 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival Cruiser SKINs, VXN-04 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53505 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554596 | Festival CMT-05 Filament, T-Shirt and Snowballs Crate | Festival CMT-05 Filament, T-Shirt and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53506 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554597 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53507 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554598 | Festival HyperCore, Body Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival HyperCore, Body Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53508 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554599 | Festival Battlecruiser SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Festival Battlecruiser SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53509 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554600 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53510 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554601 | Festival Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53511 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554602 | Festival HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | Festival HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53512 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554603 | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53513 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554604 | Festival Battleship SKINs, HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | Festival Battleship SKINs, HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53514 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554605 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53515 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554606 | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53516 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554607 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Item name for typeID 53517 (Special Edition Commodities) | |
554613 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554614 | Festival Cruiser SKINs, VXN-04 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival Cruiser SKINs, VXN-04 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554615 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | ||
554616 | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554617 | Festival CMT-05 Filament, T-Shirt and Snowballs Crate | Festival CMT-05 Filament, T-Shirt and Snowballs Crate | ||
554618 | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554619 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554620 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | ||
554621 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554622 | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554623 | Festival HyperCore, Body Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival HyperCore, Body Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | ||
554624 | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554625 | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554626 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | ||
554627 | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554628 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554629 | Festival Battlecruiser SKINs and Snowballs Crate | Festival Battlecruiser SKINs and Snowballs Crate | ||
554630 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554631 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554632 | Festival Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554633 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554634 | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554635 | Festival HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | Festival HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | ||
554636 | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554637 | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554638 | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate | ||
554639 | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554640 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554641 | Festival Battleship SKINs, HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | Festival Battleship SKINs, HyperCore and Snowballs Crate | ||
554642 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554643 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554644 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | ||
554645 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554646 | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554647 | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554648 | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554649 | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554650 | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554651 | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate | ||
554652 | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554653 | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554654 | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate | ||
554655 | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | ||
554657 | Creating Value / Connecting Worlds | <i>Creating Value / Connecting Worlds</i> | UI/HyperNet/BrowseBannerTagline | |
554658 | Only one item from the stack of {stack_size} will be used | Only one item from the stack of {stack_size} will be used | UI/HyperNet/CreateQuantityStackHint | |
554665 | Trade failed because one or more items changed after the offer had been accepted. Please try again. | Trade failed because one or more items changed after the offer had been accepted. Please try again. | UI/Messages/DirectTradeManifestMismatch | |
554669 | This facility is operating a part of a Yoiul Festival campaign that is part aimed at gathering valuable stocks of pure snow meltwater and part aimed at promoting the holiday festival by providing Festival Launcher compatible snowballs.
For a given quantity of melted snowballs, the facility will crystallize a portion and supply a Yoiul Festival Snowball while retaining a large cut of the valuable pure water. |
This facility is operating a part of a Yoiul Festival campaign that is part aimed at gathering valuable stocks of pure snow meltwater and part aimed at promoting the holiday festival by providing Festival Launcher compatible snowballs. For a given quantity of melted snowballs, the facility will crystallize a portion and supply a Yoiul Festival Snowball while retaining a large cut of the valuable pure water. |
Item description for "Meltwater-Snowball Exchanger" (typeID 53344) | |
554671 | Skill Points and Filaments for daily snowball challenges from 12 Dec to 7 Jan. | Skill Points and Filaments for daily snowball challenges from 12 Dec to 7 Jan. | ||
554672 | Get snowballs from the 13 Days of EVE daily login or trade in melted snowballs at the Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange site | Get snowballs from the 13 Days of EVE daily login or trade in melted snowballs at the Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange site | ||
554673 | Reindeer Filaments and up to 50,000 Skill Points per daily challenge | Reindeer Filaments and up to 50,000 Skill Points per daily challenge | ||
554675 | Skill Points and Filaments for daily snowball challenges from 12 Dec to 7 Jan. | Skill Points and Filaments for daily snowball challenges from 12 Dec to 7 Jan. | ||
554676 | Get snowballs from the 13 Days of EVE daily login or trade in melted snowballs at the Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange site | Get snowballs from the 13 Days of EVE daily login or trade in melted snowballs at the Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange site | ||
554677 | Reindeer Filaments and up to 50,000 Skill Points per daily challenge | Reindeer Filaments and up to 50,000 Skill Points per daily challenge | ||
554682 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Executioner, Condor, Atron and Slasher along with 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | Item description for "Festival Frigate SKINs and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53486) | |
554683 | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 4 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53488) | |
554684 | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DSHR-01 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival DSHR-01 Filament and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53489) | |
554685 | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | This crate contains 3 Calm Abyssal Filament Crates | Item description for "Festival Tier 1 Filament Crate" (typeID 53490) | |
554686 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Coercer, Cormorant, Catalyst and Thrasher along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | Item description for "Festival Destroyer SKINs and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53491) | |
554687 | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNCR-02 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival DNCR-02 Filament and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53492) | |
554688 | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Oculina Carmina Facial Augmentations and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53493) | |
554689 | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains 100 Yoiul Festival Starburst Fireworks and a Festival Launcher. | Item description for "Festival Fireworks Crate" (typeID 53494) | |
554690 | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a PRNCR-03 Filament and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival PRNCR-03 Filament and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53495) | |
554691 | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a Male and Female Polar Aurora Exploration Suit and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Exploration Suit and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53496) | |
554692 | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53497) | |
554693 | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains an Aurora Universalis Cap and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Cap and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53498) | |
554694 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 6 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53499) | |
554695 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Maller, Moa, Vexor and Rupture along with a VNX-04 Filament, 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs and a Festival Launcher. | Item description for "Festival Cruiser SKINs, VXN-04 Filament and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53505) | |
554696 | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a CMT-05 Filament, Male and Female Aurora Universalis T-Shirt and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival CMT-05 Filament, T-Shirt and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53506) | |
554697 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53507) | |
554698 | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10 HyperCore, Male and Female RubySet TorsoRig Body Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival HyperCore, Body Augmentation and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53508) | |
554699 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane along with 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Battlecruiser SKINs and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53509) | |
554700 | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53510) | |
554701 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points, CPD-06 Filament and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53511) | |
554702 | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival HyperCore and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53512) | |
554703 | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Male and Female Eico Auroralite Facial Augmentation and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Facial Augmentation and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53513) | |
554704 | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains Aurora Universalis SKIN Licenses for the Apocalypse, Raven, Megathron and Tempest along with 10 HyperCore and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Battleship SKINs, HyperCore and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53514) | |
554705 | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 50,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53515) | |
554706 | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains a DNNR-07 Filament and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival DNNR-07 Filament and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53516) | |
554707 | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | This crate contains 500,000 Skill Points and 2 Yoiul Festival Snowballs. | Item description for "Festival Skill Points and Snowballs Crate" (typeID 53517) | |
554720 | Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange | Yoiul Festival Snowball Exchange |
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